#and dreamstat who ranged from louis's searing guilt to louis's wistful yearning for an emotional support automaton
indelicateink · 4 months
tagged by @hereticaas -- thank you!
make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favourite.
okay so I have zero chill on EpisodeSevenWeekendEve and i'm going to kind of bend the rules here. they're five different characters, but they're all the same character--kind of. is he my fav characters of all time? HE IS/ARE TONIGHT, FRIENDS.
which lestat is your favorite lestat: lestat as recounted by louis, lestat as written about in claudia's diaries, lestat as relayed by armand, louis's 1940s dreamstat hallucinations, or the real lestat, whom we have yet to meet televised as of 21 june 2024?
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(no sixth opt-out/nuanced/all-of-the-above/none-of-the-above option, you are brutally forced to choose)
if you are reading this, I am tagging *you* to do a five favs poll, too
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