#and don't you dare use an argument “but artists technically steal too by looking up references”
silverstrike · 1 year
You know... As someone who's spent almost 20 years of my life drawing, learning to improve, constantly trying out new techniques, learning new media, figuring out how lighting, coloring and anatomy works, yearning to become more skilled...
... it feels super disheartening that something a lazy tech bro farted out via MidJourney is gonna be deemed more impressive and more attention-grabbing, than someone who has put honest effort and hard work into making it.
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joandfriedrich · 7 years
I'd love to see a little Amy/Laurie or Meg/John if you're up for it. Don't feel bad about posting so many headcanons. Writing them is so much fun. I speak from experience here. I write countless headcanons for four ships.
This should be interesting, thanks for sending this!
Ok, Amy/Laurie 
big spoon/little spoon: Amy is the big spoon, Laurie is the little spoon. He reallyenjoys her little wrapped around his body.
favorite non-sexual activity: Binge watching 
who uses all the hot water: Both do, and when they were first married, it caused a lotof arguments until they worked out a shower schedule. 
most trivial thing they fight over: Captain America Civil War
who does most of the cleaning: Amy does her cleaning but Laurie keeps trying to tell herthat there are maids for that. She gets him to help with the cleaning once in awhile. 
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: Laurie and Amy have equal control over it. 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Laurie, because do they not know how they are? 
who steals the blankets: Laurie. He is used to heat, which helps Amy out during the warmer seasons, though tough during winter. 
who leaves their stuff around: Laurie. At least Amy has the decency to keep her paint supplies in one box. 
who remembers to buy the milk: Amy. Laurie had been so used to other people doing things for him, and Amy is getting tired of it. 
who remembers anniversaries: They both do. Laurie was at first bad at it, but then, with a bit of training from Amy, he gets better at keeping track. 
Who cooks normally? Amy usually is the one, but Laurie keeps telling her “We havea cook!”
How often do they fight? At first it would be the kind of fighting where Laurie would yell and Amy would just sit there, giving him a look of “are you kidding me?” His temper was better with Amy around and he learned to control it, like Jo. 
What do they do when they’re away from each other? Amy paints and Laurie plays the piano. 
Nicknames for each other? Laurie calls Amy “Honey” and Amy calls him “Dear” and even sometimes “Teddy Dear”. 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? Laurie, because boy has got the money.
Who steals the covers at night? Laurie.
What would they get each other for gifts? Amy likes to make paintings and crafts for him, while hewill spend a whole bunch of money on jewelry and dresses.
Who kissed who first? Laurie. 
Who made the first move? Laurie, by letting her know that he had more than brotherly love to her. 
Who remembers things? Amy
Who started the relationship? Amy. Although Laurie had admitted he had feelings for her, he allowed her to take charge and decided if she wanted him. 
Who cusses more? Laurie. 
What would they do if the other was hurt? Laurie would fight anyone who dared to touch her. Though, he can get queasy at the sight of blood. Amy has a sharp tongue and would give whoever hurt Laurie a great verbal abuse that could make a grown man cry. If Amy wasn’t an artist, she could have been a nurse.  
big spoon/little spoon: Meg is totally the little spoon and John is the big spoon
favorite non-sexual activity: Playing cards
who uses all the hot water: Neither. They both had learned to be frugal
most trivial thing they fight over: Meg’s love of expensive dresses.
who does most of the cleaning: Meg, being a housewife, it is one of the things she does. 
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue: At first they wouldn’t have one, but once they had saved enough money, they both try to learn it, though Meg does better with it. 
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: John. Meg has a tendency to give people too many second chances. 
who steals the blankets: Neither. 
who leaves their stuff around: Neither. John has been used to being tidy in the army, and with three other sisters, Meg has been used to keeping her things in one place. 
who remembers to buy the milk: John. With so much to do, of course Meg would forget something as simple as milk. 
who remembers anniversaries: They both use the calendar to remember things, as they both are so busy, but they remember by memory the other’s birthday and their anniversary. 
Who cooks normally? Meg, she is a fantastic cook, learning from Hannah.
How often do they fight? Not really. There was that one time when Meg bought something really expensive when they really couldn’t afford it, but after that, they hardly fight. 
What do they do when they’re away from each other? John is sometimes called away for weekends or months away for the army, but when he is home, he is teaching and helping kids in after school programs. Meg is often home, taking care of the house and the kids. 
Nicknames for each other? John calls her “Meg love,” and Meg calls him, “John darling”. 
Who is more likely to pay for dinner? John. 
Who steals the covers at night? Neither, but they rather cuddle up together. 
What would they get each other for gifts? John knows Meg loves flowers, and if he had saved enough money, he gets her that nice dress she had always wanted. Meg knows John loves baseball, so she often gets him things from his favorite team. 
Who kissed who first? They both leaned in and kissed each other. 
Who made the first move? John. He was leaving and he had to know if he had hope for her love. 
Who remembers things? They both do, despite their busy lives. 
Who started the relationship? Technically Meg? She was the one who said that she would wait for him, moving the relationship from two shy lovers to engaged
Who cusses more? They don’t really cuss, but every once in a while, they both will let one out. 
What would they do if the other was hurt? John would calmly use his skills to make the man wish they never hurt his beloved wife. He has a tender side that Meg sees and loves, and when she is low, he is a wonderful comforter. Meg is a sweet girl, and she rarely loses her temper, but there was that one time, and John really got to see the tougher side of his wife. Meg is a great nurse; with the money, she would be studying nursing. 
I am so sorry this is late, my computer was going slow, and it was tough, trying to think of these two couples. I hope you liked this. 
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