#and don't worry pals I've seen all the others I shall get to them tomorrow!
m4rloe5 · 2 years
multiples of 8 for archie!!
AAAAAA I get to talk about my Mage the Awakening OC Archimedes now! :3 I still haven't played him (as most of you already know) but he's just shaped and I'm rotating him around in my brain like a showstopper cake on the Great British Bake Off
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
What is he, some kind of American?? Of course not! The closest thing he’s ever been to firing a gun is when he once purchased that antique matchlock pistol to spite one of his competitors. Guns are too modern for his taste.
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Hmm that’s a tough one… I think happiness. Archimedes comes from old money, so he’s always lived comfortably regardless of his successes, so I think success is hardly the end goal. But I think happiness is hard to define for him. He was happy in his marriage, yet he was neglectful to his wife in favour of his obsession. I am not even entirely sure he knows what it’s like to feel happiness anymore these days.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
Not quick. The only person he truly trusts is himself, but he also trusts his judgement. If he has deemed he needs help he will ask for it, and he will carefully select who to ask and trust his judgement that they won’t betray him.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
I have trouble coming up with a specific scenario, but he would definitely feel uncomfortable without access to his cane. Just being without his mobility aid makes him unsteady (pun not intended), and the thought of being without a weapon for a prolonged period of time… Yeah, that would make him uncomfortable indeed.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
He doesn’t look down on them per se, nor does he mistreat them by making outrageous demands, but he takes them for granted. Almost as if those people were part of the furniture to him.
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