#and don't try and say its because lois is a woman or poc. there are definitely people hating on her because of that
milowing · 1 year
Lois' reaction to the identity reveal was NOT it. I hate when civilian characters in superhero media act like they're entitled to someone else's private information. The only time they have a right to know another person's secrets is if it puts them in danger or affects them (like when Lois risked Jimmy and Clark's jobs), and Lois was not in danger or even affected, really! Sure she wants to write about Superman, but she doesn't have to! In fact, her boss literally told her not to!
Also, her and Clark barely know each other; the most time that could've passed is like a month, max. They're not even dating yet!
Like I get why she was upset, but she didn't even try to think of it from his point of view, which is that she's been obsessed with finding out and publishing all his secrets since they met and has been talking about how much of a liar she thinks he is! He has literally no reason to trust her! Telling her could seriously endanger not only Clark, but EVERYONE in his life-- Lois, Jimmy, his PARENTS?? If she'd just waited a bit and backed off on Superman in front of Clark a bit, he'd have probably ended up trusting her enough to tell her himself! Her reaction isn't a spur-of-the-moment thing either, she had time to think about it.
Also the whole "threating to harm myself in order to force someone to reveal their private information" is kinda weird and manipulative, right? Like she literally could've just said "I know you're Superman, don't try and deny it" or something and after enough pushing he probably would've caved and admitted it.
I still like this show's Lois, and I believe her and Clark can get past this, but I just hope that Lois is the one apologizing next episode. This is especially upsetting with how much I love Lois and Clark in the comics.
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