#and don't take this as a joykill beautiful people you rock on with whatever take you have
Roman and Gerri are a dynamic that is hard to handle and I'm not saying there is a definitive answer but I am saying that one can't just conveniantly leave out important dots that were made to be connected. Not denying that there is fondness between them, their humor and general assholery seems to be on the same wave length, which is why they enjoy the company they keep, but this is a deeply exploitative dynamic on both ends for different reasons. I wrote way too much about this, but here it goes-
Gerri's perspective:
Before their brief phone conference era, Gerri fixes the rocket launch disaster for him and notices that he takes to her because of it; think of him calling her about Vaulter. After the Hunting insanity he asks her advice which is when she realy knows there is something to be had here and then the phone call happens, which... look. Is there ever an indication Gerri enjoys this on the sexual gratification (not attraction, but I'll get there) level that Roman does? Not really, she can't quite believe it, finds it funny/ interesting but it is simply also such a perfect bonus to know this Roy sibling is with her while Kendall is out and god knows what Shiv might be up to. On the yacht he is also the one to defend her right away about cruises which on one hand, sure, is because they are fond of each other but you can't deny how conveniant that is as well. Throwing her weight behind Roman also seems to be paying off during season 3, he literally causes her to be interim CEO by nuking his own chances. It all blows up though with the dick pic, something that is implied Gerri isn't comfortable with (rightfully so, obviously) but seems to have maybe accepted for a time because of their "alliance". But when it all blows up, especially towards the end, she turns her back because it isn't worth it. "How does it serve my interests" is a fun callback but it is also quite literally the entire summary of Gerri's approach to the relationship. She might feel sorry in a way, but season 4 clearly shows how she does not talk to Roman after this, does not interact if she doesn't have to. Like, why would she comfort Roman on the boat, he just tried to fucking fire her and then he actually fires her because he is spiraling. The last real interaction between them has to be at the election party, because at that point it isn't just 90% business for Gerri, it's 101%. She will get something out of this and, honestly, good for her that she gets re-hired in the end; if anything she was made for this type of environment. It actually speaks to her character that she isn't into the funeral recording, a very human moment but it's important that that is the only thing we get from her on screen. What about the script? Sorry, didn't really happen, did it and it is for the best. (I would have found it insane if Gerri was the one to get through to Roman when Shiv can't, like, no)
Roman's perspective:
Not exactly news that he can't seperate business and family; getting the top spot is literally earning daddy's love and the only motivation for Roman in the first place. So, in comes Gerri, a person he has known for a long time (I want to let the implication "since childhood" slide, because that sounds unnecessarily creepy, but just know I have considered it), and she fixes his mess and holds out a helping hand. She provides guidance that he wants from his father but can't have, because it makes him weak and therefore less in Logan's eyes. He keeps reaching for Gerri in the way that, in an ideal world, he would for his father. But, and this is the most important thing, Roman goes to Gerri whenever he fails to perform masculinity (= heteronormativity=business). Dad calls him a moron? Gerri. Failed phone sex with Tabitha? Gerri. Failed sex with Tabitha? Gerri. Tabitha didn't want his proposal (it's not how you get someone to stay), maybe Gerri does. This is so interesting, because that is the text pretty directly pointing out that whatever Roman and Gerri have is neither romantic nor sexual attraction; because this is in many ways what he had with Grace and Tabitha- only this time it is someone who can actually fill out the paternal role (not mommy, never mommy) because of the business side of things that parallel Logan. Gerri playing into the humiliation kink on the phone is paralleled by Roman listening to dead Logan's fake voice message. And when he sent that dick pic to Gerri but it ended up with Logan... do you really need me to go on?
On a side note; isn't it interesting that any form of "sexual" interaction between Roman and Gerri needs this layer of seperation- phone call, screen, or bathroom door, a home video on the TV (okay that one isn't sexual anyways but still), you get to pick. And then in season 4 he can't even look at her... well. Season 4 also generally cashes in on the Logan and Gerri parallel; when she tells him "i could have gotten you there" and walks out on him a few days after his father, who had just made a business related promise, died..huh. And when she walks into Waystar at the very end, unaware of him, it might as well be Logan's ghost which is why Roman reacts the way he does after.
tl;dr: This ain't romantic or sexual, and it is a shame to not afford it the complexities of being fucked up; it's also not some doomed romance like... no. Gerri kinda got what she wanted in the end, Roman didn't. Shouldn't. At least he's out.
Picture of me after typing all that:
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