#and didnt apologize and just went to bed
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hballegro · 2 months
alright here's the essay under the cut.
entirely just my experience w/ MASH, almost no editing [just spelling mistakes and a few apostrophe misuses]. fair warning, my father was [is] an alcoholic and a horrible person, and i mention that a bit, so if thats something you're sensitive to, bewarned.
         My story with M*A*S*H begins a hundred years ago when I was somewhere between 5 and 8, old enough to watch television but not old enough to remember how old I was when I was doing it. The childhood I had was overall unremarkable, marred only by my pitiful excuse for a father that parented by either drinking or being hungover on the couch in between screaming at his children or beating his wife. Unfortunately, he is part of this story, but only accidentally. See, he used to do all that stuff in our unfinished basement, on an old ugly couch, hiding from his family all day. Then, eventually, he decided he liked the couch and television upstairs better, and plagued the family room for many years instead, putting whatever he wanted to watch on instead of letting his children watch cartoons. I ended up liking The Three Stooges quite a lot, less out of actually thinking it was fun and more out of it being the only thing he’d put on that I found remotely entertaining, so I was taking what I could get. We kept the old burned CDs he’d made of them after he moved out.
         Anyway. My mother had (and still has) a television in her room (it used to be their room, but she kicked him out) that she could avoid him with. Not wanting to be around the violent cesspool of a person on my couch, I’d sometimes crawl to her room, so as not to let him see me and have him make me come over and listen to some music or whatever he wanted. Old guitarist reliving his glory days or something, I couldn’t tell you. But anyway, I’d enter her room and sit down on her bed with her or on the floor, and we’d watch TV. More often than not, she’d put on MeTV, because she watched those old shows with her own father, and it was a bright spot in her memory that gave her some escapism too. There were a lot of shows on there, but I only really ever remembered things like Gilligan’s Island, ALF, Columbo, Bewitched, The Twilight Zone, and, of course, M*A*S*H.
         I liked the other shows, of course. I remember them fondly, especially Gilligan’s Island, maybe it was the catchy theme song with words I could learn. I didn’t like how brown and gross Columbo was, but my mom explained that that’s just how it looked back then. I thought the puppet on ALF was funny, and The Twilight Zone scared me, but I was still interested. I remember enough of Bewitched to remember the nose wiggle and constantly mix it up with I Dream of Jeannie for some reason. Really, anything was better than watching the same episode of Farscape again, which I’ve heard is actually a very good show, but my father kept forgetting that he’d already made me start watching it, and so every viewing session was just the pilot. That’s also the reason I never learned Spanish.
         But then I got to M*A*S*H. I won’t lie to you and say that, as a wizened 5-to-8-year-old, I could ‘tell something was special’ about this show. It was a show. It was a show that I remember looking at my mom during, and seeing her really happy. Later she told me, after watching it with me in present day, that she would watch it with her own father, before her parents got divorced. Her father more or less was not present in her life after the split, and that happened when she was 14-ish. The show started airing when she was the age I was when I watched it with her, and she and her father made a weekly thing of it. Neither of us at that age should have watched it, but for both of us, it was forming a little bright spot in our minds, a good dream with a parent when times were tough.
         I remember laughing, even if I didn’t get all the jokes. I remember thinking I liked the shade of red one of the characters wore, and also the shade of dark blue the same character wore sometimes. I remember one or both of my siblings being there sometimes, laughing along. One of my siblings told me recently that B.J. Hunnicutt and John ‘Trapper’ McIntyre, both filling roles as doubles partners for Benjamin Franklin ‘Hawkeye’ Pierce, had merged into the same person in their memory. I thought that was hilarious; how could they ever think those were the same person! B.J. Hunnicutt had a mustache! Imagine my surprise re-watching season 4’s opener, ‘Welcome to Korea’, featuring a clean-cut fresh-faced Mike Farrell, lacking the horse brush I had so clearly remembered him housing under his nose.
         But the rewatching, yes, the rewatching. It started innocently enough. Between breaks at college, far beyond my young-youth, the real youth people mean when they use that word, my mother opened it up on the tv and put it on. No matter what era you go to in our household, the TV was always going. Most of the time no one was watching it, sometimes blatantly, loudly, explosively chattering and guffawing and gasping with our own business and ignoring it entirely. It was background noise, we all needed it, so we always had it. But something a little strange happened; my mother was watching it, as she often did when she put something on in the evenings to massage her brain to bed after a long day at work. I was typing away at something on my laptop, like I am now, sitting on the couch with her, which I am also doing now (although she’s long gone to bed), and I looked up.
         I saw Hawkeye.
         It didn’t feel like a rush of emotion, it didn’t feel like something important was happening. That was just my old friend. Looking absolutely horrible with the haircut he was rocking in the pilot, but I remembered him. The pilot doesn’t open with the theme, as I recognized that as soon as it played, it opens with golf, a little vignette of the camp before the choppers come in with wounded. I saw Hawkeye, I saw his shirt, and it really was like when you see an old friend, one you can’t really remember what all you did with, or where you met, or even each other’s names anymore, but you know they mean something to you. You knew this person, and you liked them, you liked them enough that even though you forgot everything else, you remember the love that was there.
         And it was a very small thing that happened, and it didn’t happen with every episode, but I would pause my music. My own background noise to drown out everyone else’s background noise, blasting into my headphones. I’d pause my music, read the subtitles, hear them faintly through muffled ears, and laugh along. Smile when I’d see a smile, and a little more than half pay attention.
         I went back to college, life went on, we only got maybe to the beginning of season two, but my mom didn’t continue without me. She waited, and eventually, I came home for the summer, summer of 2024.
         She put it on again, and the same thing happened. But this time, I way more than half paid attention. I really paid attention. By the time we got to Abyssinia, Henry, I completely paused whatever I was doing when it was on and sat, laptop open, head at a 45 degree angle to watch the TV. I’d still futz around during commercial breaks, but I waited for the commercial breaks to do anything now. More and more it warmed my heart, to see all these old friends I’d forgot about, drag them all out of the closet, finally see B.J. Hunnicutt with that stupid mustache again for the first time in over 15 years at least—it was all so amazing. I was laughing at this show that came out over 20 years before I was even born. My parents hadn’t even met yet when this thing ended. Then, of course, because of the way my brain unfortunately works, it is now all I can think about it, to the point I’ve convinced several people to watch it just by virtue of never-shutting-the-hell-up.
         And then? I finally got to see all my friends go home.
         I remember the night I watched the finale with my mother. We’d gotten to the penultimate episode, and we’d paused. It was near 8ish, near my mother’s bedtime, and she and I both agreed we could not handle the finale that night, it was too much. And so we put on something, My Name is Earl, anything to make noise, something funny, something light. That’s how the next several days went; do we feel like we can handle the end? No. Tonight? Maybe tomorrow. Maybe after dinner? It was a long day.
         But then, after dishes had been cleared and we were both sitting quietly, the sun had already gone down, and she proposes we watch it.
         So we did.
         I don’t cry at things anymore. I used to cry all the time as a kid, scraped knee, called an idiot by a sibling, way too much crying even for a kid. I got it out of my system, apparently, because now I’m an adult and I have trouble with making tears, and when they do come, they sneak up on me. The last time I remember crying was at my grandmother’s funeral, months ago, and before that, I have no idea. I get misty-eyed, sure, but nothing makes me boohoo.
         The same held for the finale. Contrasted heavily by my mother, the woman that regularly cries at especially-touching commercials, shedding a few for every other scene (the bus revelation, the final meal, Charles’s music adventure finale, the wedding dress, every single goodbye, and of course the big one at the end), I was mostly quiet. I remember it ending, and thinking, well, that was about the best finale I’d ever seen. I also thought about how I’d seen strikingly few finales, and that I ought to see more series through til the end. I spoke with my mother a bit about it, we had some good moments from the program tossed back and forth, and she went to bed.
         Then I took a shower, and after I got out, the floodgates busted. I was boohooing alright, blubbering too, but I couldn’t point to why. Sure, there were moments in the episode worthy of tears, but this was full sobbing, aching and pitiful and messy. I just left it as something not to worry about, and went on. Since then, on my own, I’ve rewatched select episodes, watched the finale (again) with the sibling that confused Trapper and B.J., done three paintings of stills from the show, made a miniature version of the signpost for my mom, and started writing again for the express purpose of doing things with these characters, and I’ve only now put a fine point on it. It’s a threefold answer of why I fell apart leaving the shower after watching an episode of television that aired 40 years ago.
         The first is simple; I have got it in my head that I need to be alright for everyone. If I’m happy, then everything is okay. I think it’s a relic from what made me stop crying, this need to tell everyone, “Hey, I’m the crybaby, so if I’m okay, then really, everything is okay!” My tears are (were) meant to be shed in private. They were my own cross to bear, especially for places like the bathroom where I could get privacy, as I shared a room with a sibling growing up. This is something I’m getting better about.
         The second answer is very warm; I finished M*A*S*H with my mom. I remember my grandfather, though he wasn’t too present in my life, and I loved him. He passed when I was young, but I was old enough to remember him, and his death date is near my birthday. My birthday is actually near a lot of either death-dates or birthdays of people that are now dead that my mom loved very much, so I am constantly reminded that my birth is the only good thing that happens to her that month. Finishing the show with her was special. We did it. It’s a tradition now. I don’t plan to have kids, but the future may be strange. At the very least, I know at least one sibling does, so I’ll just have to make sure their kids watch it, too. I don’t have anything of my grandfather’s, his family wasn’t kind to mine  and took pretty much everything when he died, but now I have this show. And I have this with my mother. It keeps my heart warm.
         And lastly, the thing responsible for the most boohooing, is that, like I said; I got to see my friends go home.
         I didn’t really think about it hard, but these were my little friends. I couldn’t remember them, but I remembered that I loved them. That they were something that made me happy, and made my very sad mother happy when I was little. They were funny, they were going through a very bad time and they were still being nice to each other and doing their best. They laughed, cried, cried some more, laughed some more. They drank, but in a safer way than what I knew of it at home, so it felt okay. They hugged, they fought, they loved each other. Then they were locked away in a little memory in my heart, and they sat there for over a decade, nearly two. And then those lovely people that made my life a little bit better finally, finally,
         Got to go home.
         A catharsis.
         Everything isn’t perfect, but all of us are somewhere better now. We have new problems. We have old scars. But the big bad is over. A little part of me healed. It was okay, finally. They got home. It’s okay.
         And if I can pick up a show from the 70’s about the 50’s that’s also still about the 70’s and the Vietnam war about all war that’s also about love and family and surgery with a cast that’s almost all gone now that so painfully soldered its place in my heart that watching the end of it all put me in a puddle on the floor of my bathroom at 11 at night, if I can wait 15 years and still manage to rouse these old soldiers and send them home, a little cracked but finally safe,
         I think B.J. Hunnicutt can drive those 3,000 miles to a little place in Maine to see his best friend. 
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chrispleasure · 22 days
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summary!: chris cant sleep without apologising to his girlfriend, afraid it might be her last night.
not proof read!
the air became heated, you didnt want to shower with chris, which caused him to yell at you. “what! are you afraid of seeing a dick or something?!” he yells, stepping out of the bathroom.
he didnt want to argue, but he felt hurt that you wanted to be alone and not with him. “its not that— im not afraid. i just want some peace.” you stood by the doorway, watching as he undressed himself.
chris took a few blankets and one of his pillows and left the room, carrying the argument further. you decided now was the best time to have your shower, knowing he wont bother you.
as the water become heated, you undressed and stepped under the square shower head. soft hums escaped your lips, “hmm..” you mumbled, leaning back.
the bathroom lights werent on either, which spiked your mood to feel more flirty and sexy. your hand traveled near your wet pussy, hesitant to touch yourself.
you decided against and brought your hand back to your chest, crossing your arms and letting the water take over.
downstairs, chris lies down on the couch cuddled up in his blankets and pillow. silently hoping you would come down stairs and apologize.
it was stupid, you werent the one who needed to apologise. he did. but he was too immature to be the bigger person.
small tears escaped his eyes and went onto the white pillow, he sunk deep intonthe couch. chris wanted a hug, a gesture of love.
he didnt mean to act out like this, part of him was still angry for yelling at you like he did. little did he know he was the last thing on your mind.
you were near the end of your playlist on spotify, the song ending. which meant it was time to get out of the shower and apologise.
which you dreaded, not wanting to see his pretty face. the tears which were most likely streaming down his cheeks.
as you stumble out of the shower, you slip and hit your head on the counter. “fuck!” you wince, letting out a small sob as you sit up.
you instinctively cover the corner of your head with your hand, causing blood to drip down onto it. “mmph- shit, shit..” you sob, rocking back and forth.
you wanted chris’s comfort instantly, but he wouldnt give it too you, you did definitely say some hurtful things too and about him.
after a few minutes of crying, you pull yourself off the ground, getting used to the feeling of your head feeling as if it’s about to fall off.
you scurry and put on the pajamas you left on the counter, stumbling to the bedroom. you didnt even bother going downstairs to say goodnight.
immediately, without a thought, you get under the blankets. moving your body to adjust to the feeling of the sheets.
it feels like heaven, closing your eyes and relaxing. part of you wanted chris cuddling into you, speaking reasurring words into your ear, touching around your breasts to calm you down. but he was all the way downstairs, probably pissed off.
as your thoughts drifted to random things, you fell asleep quickly. your body relaxing in a comfortable position.
but chris on the other hand, couldnt shut an eye. he stayed on the same couch for hours, hungry for cuddles or even a kiss.
he tried, tried and tried, but nothing. just black, no dream, nothing. he couldnt sleep angry with you, or you angry at him.
he sat up, grabbing his pillow. he walked upstairs, tears wet on his face. he was shaking and sobbing quietly.
a few quiet knocks were heard. when he got no response, he decided to walk in. after all, it was also his room.
he walks in, walking to his side of his bed. “baby? you ‘wake?” he asks, his side of the bed sinking a little as he layed down.
you slept peacefully, not hearing anything he was saying or asking. he shook you, moving closer for comfort. “ma, wake up..” he sniffles, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.
without question, you woke up, thinking their was an earthquake. you looked to your left, seeing chris’s figure shaking you.
once he saw you were awake, he stopped. looking at you with a frown. “what do you want, chris?” you asked tiredly, resting your head on the pillow.
“im sorry for getting angry.. i just wanted a shower with you, i feel a need to always be close to you at all times.” he apologised, cuddling close to you.
a soft smile played on your lips, feeling happy he apologised. “i also jus’ couldnt sleep without saying sorry. you couldve died in your sleep.” he says in a worried tone.
you chuckled, turning to face him fully. “hey, hey.. im okay. im healthy enough that i wont die for a while.” you rub his cheek, met with the now dried tears that stayed there.
“you cried?” you asked, frowning a little. he nods, putting his hand on your wrist. “can we just cuddle and sleep? i need comfort.” he whines, moving closer.
your body pressed against his, pressing a kiss against his neck a few times before drifting off. “i love you.” you say.
the end!!
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bomber-grl · 11 months
Mike Schmidt relationship headcannons !
Pairing(s): Mike Schmidt x Gn!Reader
Note! Has some plot | This is my relationship headcannons for movie Mike, stating this because I just might make video game Michael Afton headcannons aswell in the near future
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Very closed off and not looking for a relationship
He had hired you to take care of Abby when he was away and that’s how you two began getting closer.
Not the best conversation starter, however when you gave him the opportunity to speak about the dream theory he starts going on about it.
Then he apologizes and begins feeling a bit unsure and awkward.
It never really advanced from there and he’d almost constantly apologize and reassure that he’d pay you soon, but you never really cared for it.
Really peaked his interest when he realized that Abby had really grown to like you and began inviting you to do things with the both of them.
You, of course accepted and eventually Mike had started developing feelings for you.
Just as you did for him.
He didnt act on them at first.
Primarily Because he doesn’t see himself in a relationship, especially not with someone like you with him.
You were amazing, and he was a sad grown man who had to care for his little sister, and not even in a way he saw proper.
So of course he shuts it down, telling himself it’d be better off that way.
However, some way, somehow you got involved with Freddy’s pizzeria and you not only managed to save him but also Abby.
Then from there it just went uphill.
He got a better job, better pay, and is able to connect with Abby easier.
Not only that but the custody battle has been leaning in his favor.
He had no one to thank but you.
You’d take Abby to school, occasionally cook for them, and you were always reliable.
One fateful evening you and Mike were just hanging out in the living room.
Talking and just watching whatever was on TV.
Then he brought up your relationship, and stated that he’d really like to start one with you, a romantic one, that is.
You of course, said yes, and he was relieved and happy at your reaction.
But then Abby came to mind, what would she think?
You asked him this almost immediately.
But he reassured and said that the final push was actually when Abby hinted/teased her older brother about your potential relationship, then ran off.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and an awkward atmosphere hung in the air but then Mike went to hold you hand and it made it semi better.
The next morning you almost immediately told Abby and she was so happy.
Which really relieved the both of you.
Things had changed, albeit subtly.
And although Mike wasn’t the most physically affectionate, probably due to him being pretty much touched starved and traumatized.
He tried his best to convey his affection towards you with teasing and joking around.
You’d often just enjoy the others company and bond mostly with Abby around.
If you were to ever do something even a little bit flirty around her she’d immediately be grossed out.
Which was funny, and was mentally noted to ever do again in her presence, even if it was just a kid friendly comment.
Your guy’s first kiss was pretty intimate
I mean Mike had never seemed much interested in kissing or doing anything further down the road.
However, after a particularly draining day, and horrible weather outside, Mike had offered you to stay for the night.
Abby was so excited and the three of you played with her just a little bit over her curfew then sent her off to bed.
When you were finally able to be alone, Mike, very awkwardly and a bit bashful, offered for you to sleep in his bed.
You, like the amazing person you were, rejected and said that it was fine and that he should just sleep there.
Not completely understanding that Mike didn’t mean separate, but together.
Once he bashfully explains that all you can do is mutter out an “oh” and go along with it.
Pretty awkward as you both just lay down as stiff as rods in silence.
Then you guys begin talking.
And it’s just you two talking about whatever at like 2 a.m, trying your best to keep it down.
If you decide to be bold and make a move by asking if you could cuddle with him, then he’d hesitantly agree.
Again, not because he hates you, but because he’s an awkward guy.
So once you’re settled in each others arms you start talking about each others traumas and mostly hidden things.
It’s the sleep deprivation getting to you guys.
Well once you’re both finished venting and just being vulnerable you decide to make a move and lean forward, giving him plenty of time to move if it’s not wanted.
But he didn’t, and the clash of your lips followed soon after and how drawed out it was won’t be mentioned by either of you either.
Things not only start changing and he’s side hugging you more (publicly)
Although not really into pda
And be more affectionate (as he can)
I’m sure at one point you get so comfortable with one another that although awkward moments occur, most of them spent together is just you saying cringe stuff and making him regret ever making it out alive of Freddy’s.
From then on, not only do you tease and get a worthwhile reaction but he’s always hugging and giving you cheek kisses in private.
He’s also grown fond of cuddling, just because of how close he gets to be to you.
If you were to ever tell him he’s hot.
He’d get really taken back but then laughs it off and says whatever.
(Saying this because I know those fans of him exist 😭)
Honestly it’s kind of hard for you to tell when he’s being sarcastic or not😔
He’s always making snarky and joking remarks and hard to tell when he’s just being his sassy self.
Honestly home dude is just trying his best and his relationship with you really lightened up his life even more.
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Note! Should I make a pt 2 with Mike as your husband?
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halarealmadridd · 2 months
your touch
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pairing. jude bellingham x reader genre. angst to fluff warnings. fighting, cursing request. Hii i love ur work, can you write something about jude and you getting into a really really big argument, it's about him letting other fans/or girls kiss his cheek or something for a photo and him doing nothing about it, And so you two dont talk for 2-3 days, and you guys live in the same house, he didnt even try to apologise and he thinks hes right, But after a week or smth he noticed he missed your touch and other things so he apologized by writing a big big letter for when you wake up, since he has practice early in the morning and you still sleep author’s note. this request is so good! thank you sm lovely i hope you enjoy 🩵
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you had no problem with jude giving out hugs, handshakes or something along the lines of those, but kissing is where you drew the line. you couldn’t stand someone else kissing your man, and him doing nothing about it. unfortunately, that was the reality you had to face today.
chilling in your bed, you scrolled through tiktok, until you found a video with a fan kissing jude’s cheek for a picture. the worst thing happened when you checked the comments. they were full of people saying that they shared the same experience, jude kissing their cheek. you were already fuming, but the attitude of those girls was your last straw.
storming out of the room, you were met with a confused boyfriend stating at you with adorable puppy eyes. they almost make you give in, but you refused.
“jude, what the fuck is this” you angrily exclaimed, while shoving the phone in his face to make sure he sees the video.
“that’s just what they asked for, no feelings involved” jude explained, gobbling down a tube of cookie dough ice cream.
“no feelings involved? do you think i give a fuck about that? you let astral stranger kiss you?” you roared, making him furrow his eyebrows.
“baby calm down, this is nothing serious”
“nothing serious? we have talked about this earlier, i said i don’t want anyone kissing you in any form” you shouted, tears brimming your eyes.
the audacity jude had to just laugh at you and continue eating the ice cream made you furious.
you rushed to the bedroom, covering yourself in blankets, curling into a ball, sobbing your heart out. you thought that when jude heard you cry, he would come looking for you, but no, he stayed there, sitting on the couch, eating the last piece of his ice cream.
you ended up crying yourself to sleep. the next morning you woke up to an empty cold bed. you figured jude was sleeping on the couch.
the next few days went over with neither of you speaking to each other, because apparently in jude’s mind, he was in the right. jude could be a silly person sometimes, but this was just a whole different level of silliness that he had never shown yet.
finally jude came back to his senses and decided to write a full A4 page letter, apologising for his actions. he also placed a bouquet of flowers and candies beside it, in hopes to cheer you up. eventually he left for training, leaving you in the house alone.
when you woke up, you made a bee-line towards the kitchen to make breakfast, but instead of thinking about breakfast, big letter caught your eye.
tears rolled down your face while reading the letter due to the sincerity of it. you wiped your tears and waited for jude to come home.
after a good wait, you heard the familiar sound of the door unlocking. you raced to the door, and jumped into jude’s arms. his face had a tint of confusion painted on it, but it later turned into a big grin.
“whoa, i missed you too” jude whispered into your hair, letting you down.
you placed a kiss onto jude’s lips, and guided him to the kitchen, where you had prepared some pancakes for him.
after gobbling down the pancakes, you and jude popped down onto the couch and started watching your favourite show. however, the show was long forgotten, as you guys ended up just cuddling each other to sleep.
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hannieehaee · 6 months
not sure if you’ve done this before, i’m sorry if you have but svt and their s/o fighting bc of a misunderstanding?
fighting because of a misunderstanding
content: established relationship, mentions of arguments, pettiness, angst but nothing too serious, etc.
wc: 790
a/n: since this was such a general idea i went in a different direction with all of them and how they'd react if you or he had a misunderstanding and then it led to a fight. hope u enjoy <3
seungcheol -
he seems super stubborn so i think that if he misunderstanding was on his side, he'd try to brush it off and pretend he didn't realize what the issue was. would try and drag it as long as possible due to embarrassment at his mistake, but it'd just create a bigger fight. eventually, though, he'd swallow his pride and admit fault.
jeonghan -
he'd gaslight you the entire argument and end up winning ... just kidding he'd actually be really open to admitting his faults and excusing you in your own T-T even if it had all been caused bc of a misunderstanding he'd still be willing to talk it through and resolve it. would NEVER go to bed if u guys hadnt resolved things.
joshua -
he's so annoyinjwhdjsks i think he'd be super annoying in fights so he'd take any bit of ammunition he could get. whether the misunderstanding was on his part or not, he'd still somehow argue it to his advantage. if things got out of hand, he'd wave the white flag and call a truce.
jun -
just confused the whole time. had he missed something or done something without realizing? his first instinct would be to be apologetic (even if he didnt fully understand how this argument had come to be). if he at some point realized either you or him had simply misunderstood the other, he'd just let it go, being content that you had already resolved it.
soonyoung -
lol i think he'd immediately act like wounded puppy the moment he realized that a fight had formed between the two of you. would do gymnastics in his head trying to figure out how you got here, only to realize that it had all been due to some misunderstanding between the two of you. he wouldnt care who was to blame, he'd just take responsibility if it meant the two of you could cuddle again.
wonwoo -
he's so in touch with his emotions and such an empathetic soul that i cant even imagine a fight breaking out with him, even if it was caused by a misunderstanding. like jeonghan, he'd be super open to talking it out and would never try to antagonize you during fights. had it all been caused by a misunderstanding, he'd still be very calm and understanding about it all, even taking blame if necessary.
jihoon -
gives me the vibe that he'd rather ice you out than actually get into a fight. this would, of course, only make things worse. he'd stand his ground, though, convincing himself that it'd be better to wait for you to go to him. after a few days of silence for both sides, he'd realize his mistake and have to crawl back to you with an apology.
seokmin -
would be so disheartened at the concept of fighting in the first place lol. he'd be willing to get on his knees to stop whatever argument was going on. he'd take on the blame of any misunderstanding if it made you happy.
mingyu -
another wounded puppy. would pout and whine and not really take the fight seriously, just wanting things to go back to normal so that he could hold you. would apologize for any fault of his and entice you into forgetting about whatever misunderstanding had come up.
minghao -
not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but i feel like he might be a lil bit stubborn when it comes to arguments. he might let his emotions get the best of him (he's a scorpio ..) and need some time to cool off before having a productive conversation. he'd have to hold himself back a bit in the case of a misunderstanding but would still never be mean nor disrespectful during fights.
seungkwan -
if for some reason you had picked a fight with him due to a misunderstanding on your part, he'd never let you live it down. would bring this up in future arguments (lightheartedly obviously!!) to give himself an advantage in any fight. would claim you had a previous record of being wrong.
vernon -
he's too chill to ever get into a serious fight. he'd be willing to admit fault pretty easily, but he'd also stand his ground when necessary. whenever a misunderstanding came up, he'd try to be the voice of reason and be open to criticism.
chan -
lol have you seen him when he banters with his members? he never backs down and he'd give you the same treatment. would argue til the end, even if things ended up getting a bit heated. in the end, though, he would calm down and understand that misunderstandings such as these needed to be taken care of with more tact and would apologize if he got too intense.
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Enough for you
Summary: You realized that maybe Miguel isn't who you thought he was.
Word count:1k+
warnings: Sad reader, Sad Miguel:(
Tag list: @ahopelessromanticwritersworld  @munixumai  @deputy-videogamer  @blueberry-thrawn  @neteyamsluvts  @um-well @stinygirl009​  @marcswife21 @maladaptivedaydreamingbum​  @juleshadalittlelamb​  @taygrls​  @tanchosanke​  @chuckle-nuts​
A/n: Hello everyone and welcome to part two of “you?” I will most positively be making a part three coming very soon! Thank you all for reading! (I listened to the sour album while writing this series rough drafts)
Parts: One  Two^ Three Four
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Credits to the creator^
That night you cried yourself to sleep.
Partially because Miguel completely shot you down and partially because you left your friends and suit forever.
You couldn't bear to bring back the suit or go back to HQ knowing what you knew.
You could never face Miguel or any spider again.
You wanted to so desperately let it all go and forget.
But above all else there was a city that needed you and you’d always be there for them no matter what heartbreak comes your way.
In this moment, you wished you were as heartless as miguel.
Back at HQ Miguel was looking through endless security footage on all possible earths miles could have been on.
Truth was he needed a second pair of eyes.
“Lyla.” he barked out.
“Yes, boss.” she responded, appearing on his shoulder.
“Call y/n.” he said, pausing the footage to rub his eyes.
He could take advantage of this time to apologize.
“No can do.” she replied being short with him. To be fully honest Lyla had also had enough of his shit.
“What? Lyla it wasn't a question go get me Y/n. Now.” he said, not having the energy to deal with her jokes.
“No. Miguel, you don’t-” she tried again but he cut her off.
“Fine.  I  ‘ll go get her my fucking self.” he said swinging towards the door.
“She's gone, Miguel. And it's all your fault.” Lyla said behind him.
He froze,“What?” finding your watch and your suit he stopped thinking.
“She quit. Not just the spider society, she quit being a spider entirely. Because of what you said.” Lyla finished.
“ I   didnt-  I   didnt mean it..” he said, clutching your suit in his hand.
“Well you said it anyway and it hurt her.” She responded, “And if  I   were her  I‘d probably never come back too, she deserved better Miguel. Why did you lie?” she asked confused as to why he denied himself the chance of love.
“ I   was angry  I   wasn’t thinking straight.  I  didn’t mean it.” he said barely above a whisper.
“Yeah well you sold it as far as keeping up an act goes.” she said, sighing.
Miguel could always fix his mistakes. This would be a first.
Sighing he stood straight and turned back to his desk.
Miguel had a decision to make, you or the fate of the multiverse.
It's like he said, there's no room for that kind of stuff for guys like him.
Once again he was right.
“Get Ben and Jess in here and have them start with earth 42.” he said, sounding more defeated than ever.
Still, he was clutching your suit as if you were still in it. Your scent lingering.
“Yes, boss.” was all Lyla could muster up at the moment.
Her artificial heart was breaking for the both of you. He was so close to telling you she could feel it.
It just wasn't his strongest moment.
Neither was this one as he took out his anger on the poor monitor that happened to be in his way.
Back at home you laid in bed trying to find the motivation to get back up but the truth was you didn't want to.
Everytime you tried to create a new suit you just heard Miguel's abusive words like it was the first time all over again.
And it just made you want to hide under the blankets forever.
Your spidey senses went off and then there came the portal.
You knew it wasn't Miguel, he could never.
“Hey webby? You alright in there?” you heard.
Taking the covers off you came face to face with an exhausted Peter and a sleeping May Day.
“Heard what happened at HQ  just wanted to check in if that's okay.” he added wondering if he could take a step closer.
“ I   really screwed it up this time pete.” you said wiping the tears away for the millionth time.
God you felt pathetic.
“No way kid, that was all him. You know that right.” he said sitting next to you.
“ I   should’ve been there. But even if  I   was, I don't know if  I‘d be on his side. Miles is just a kid, We’ve all been there right?” you asked. Thinking this way makes you feel guilty.
You should stand behind Miguel at all times.
But now what did it matter you’d never step foot in HQ ever again anyways.
“You're allowed to think whatever you want. He can't take that from you.” Peter reassured me.
He was right.
“You think you’ll ever come back?” he asked, he almost entirely knew the answer but he still held out hope for you.
“ I   don't think so Pete,  I‘m sorry.” you said looking down in shame.
The reality was you could never face him again.
“Don’t be  I   wouldn't stand for that either  I  ‘m pretty sure a lot of us are done for too anyways but listen, you’re never going to be alone.” he said putting a hand on your shoulder.
“If you ever decide to come back not just as spider woman, but to the society, just know you have people in your corner.” he said, giving you a warm smile.
“Thanks pete.” you said as he stood opening a portal.
“Hey pete?” you called out.
Turning back to you he waited for you to continue.
“Don’t ever stop sending me Pictures of May Day. I need my daily serotonin boost.” you said with a soft smile earning yourself a chuckle in return.
“Never kid.” he said as he walked his way into the portal.
A soon as he was gone you went back under the covers and took a deep breath.
Peeking your head out from under the cover you looked at the picture you had framed on your wall.
It was of you receiving the key to the city.
Your city, the one you saved day and night.
Whenever it called for you.
You earned that key the same way you earned the title of spider-woman.
And you weren’t gonna let some words take that from you.
Wiping the fresh tears away you got out of bed putting Miguel's words in the back of your head and got to designing.
You were bigger than his words and you’d prove it.
In that moment you promised you’d make him regret ever  making you feel like you’re not good enough.
One day he’s gonna feel sorry for himself.
And one day you’ll be everything to somebody else.
And he’ll be the one who's crying.
Yeah, one day.
*If you’d like to be added to the tagslist just let me know I am more than happy to :)
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bxeckersz · 3 days
Broken Promises | Caitlin clark x fem! reader
warnings: toxic rls, language, cheating, caitlin being a master manipulator
summary: cait and y/n being toxic idk
A/N: thought abt this during class and its ass cause i havent wrote in so long
“Caitlin i’m sick of this!” you yell, pacing around the living room as she just stood there looking stupid. You and caitlin have had the same repeating cycle for 3 years.
For three years you guys would argue, she’d walk out, you’d break up, she’d apologize, you’d have makeup sex, you’d get back together, and the cycle would repeat. It’s tiring.
you guys got in another argument after you went through caitlin’s phone and found out she’d been hooking up with some girl for a while.
“let me explain” She exhales out. “Explain for what Caitlin? What do you have to explain? I’ve seen it all! All those ‘late night practices’?” you shout at her. the neighbors could for sure hear us because of how loud you were yelling.
She’d been playing you like a fool. She would tell you she’d have “late night practices” or “media shit” and she’d really be fucking some slut.
“You’re out fucking some random girl while i’m at home going to bed alone, caitlin! Every night!” you yell at her, tears stifling down your face.
“Bro, let me talk” She sighs, covering her face with her large palms.
“No! You don’t get to talk anymore! Do you know what i’ve sacrificed for you? Hell- i’ve lost friends- family members have stopped talking to me because i moved to Indiana with you! it was all for you! everything. and this- this is what i get in return?”
“Okay, and what, I haven’t sacrificed shit for you?” She yells back at you.
you scoff, pushing past her and walking into the room. “Hey- don’t walk away. baby-“ She sighs.
“I’m done with you! for good! your not gonna keep playing with my heart- your not gonna keep treating me like this! You don’t even care- you’re never here anymore!” you sob, covering my face.
“Hey-hey- please don’t cry baby. please- let’s talk this out.. it’s not what it looks like i swear- she’s just a friend. you can even ask Aliyah,” She pleads, her voice cracking as she wraps her arms around your waist from behind.
“Yeah right. friend my ass.” you scoff, wiggling out her hold. “Baby- she’s really just a friend. nothing more, nothing less. i don’t want anyone but you, y/n. I can’t lose you. please- just let me explain.” She cracks.
You sigh, biting your bottom lip, tasting the saltiness from your tears. Your eyes were puffy and red from all the crying, your clothes soaked in tears.
You knew she was lying- you knew deep, deep down she was lying, but it sounded so genuine. And so- you found yourself naked- tangled in her embrace for the billionth time.
For weeks everything had been good. She was coming home on time, her phone was clean of anything suspicious-she dedicated all her time to you. Until- she didn’t.
she started coming home late again, she stopped giving you access to her phone- and worst of all- she came home with a small hickey on her right upper thigh.
she told you it was just lexie playing around with her makeup- but why was it so high up? and of course- you didnt press the issue because she did everything she could to make you stay.
It was 1:36 am and Caitlin still hadn’t returned home. you found yourself on the couch- the tv and the small overhead oven light being the inly source of light.
You made dinner after Caitlin told you she’d be home early. the food you made had been freezing cold the candles you lit being blew out ages ago.
You sighed, that familiar lump in your throat forming as you stormed into the room. You swiped your side of the room of everything, grabbing bags and suitcases. You began stuffing the various items into the bag, making sure you left nothing behind.
For 3 years, all you did was love and support that girl. and she couldn’t even give you a dinner in response.
You stormed to the closet, grabbing everything of yours. you had everything of yours packed. You slipped on your shoes, making sure you left your side nice and clean. You then made your way into the bathroom, collecting your belongings.
Once the whole house was cleared from your belongings, you grabbed your phone and blocked caitlin on everything. You grabbed your car keys off the hook, walking out the complex door.
you loaded everything in your car before calling your mom. You were done with caitlin- officially.
she played with you way too much.
“Im on my way to your house” You cried as your mom picked up the phone. “what happened? why’re you crying? calm down” she jumbled out. “I’ll explain later” You mumbled, words muffled by your cries.
“Just be careful on the road- love you” She says, her voice full of worry.
had you made the right choice??
Thanks for reading all the way through!
might do a pt 2 to this w caits pov
felt good to write again lowk also ts is not spell checked or nun so
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icallhimjoey · 18 days
hello love, i have a request for a smutty and fluffy joe fic ❤️ (it's a bit of a personal one) the reader experiences some pain and discomfort during PIV and their past partner(s) never took the time to make sure they are fully comfortable and heard... but joe does. 🥺 xx.
thanks for your request! i didnt deliver much on the smut (my apologies) but i tried to do it justice for ya ❤️ Wordcount: 2K
And I'll Listen
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“What’s wrong?” Joe asked, after climbing up onto your bed and sitting down right in front of you, mirroring you exactly. Legs criss crossed in front, elbows pressed into the inside of your knees. 
“What? Nothing’s wrong.” You smiled, but your words came out without any confidence. It sounded like a fat lie, even to your own ears, so you knew Joe wouldn’t be convinced. 
“Okay,” Joe said, narrowing his eyes a little, but letting his hands find yours in between your laps and leaning in for a kiss anyway. 
You’d had a whole day that built up to this.
Every little thing leading up to this moment.
Of having Joe in bed with you, the unsaid expectation of getting to connect past kisses and wandering hands.
Joe had been extra sweet, had really done his best to make you giggle and blush a little more than he had done on any previous dates. Not because he was hoping you’d repay his kindness with anything. That wasn’t the type of person he was. But because he wanted you to feel comfortable around him. He wanted you to enjoy this just as much as he was probably going to.
Which, you did. You did feel comfortable around him.
You liked Joe a lot.
You wanted him in bed with you. You wanted Joe to kiss you, and so when he leant in for one, it was easy to accept his lips as they brushed against yours.
It was just that... you were nervous.
Sort of scared.
There was a little seed of fear left over from unpleasant experiences with other men, and you hadn’t realised how all throughout the day you’d been silently watering it.
It was a whole big leafy plant now, and it made you turn Joe’s kiss into a quick peck. 
You wondered if Joe would accept it if you just wanted to cuddle all night. 
Joe smiled at you, and he noticed the blush high up on your cheeks. You looked real cute like this, in the low light of your bedroom that turned everything into soft oranges, and he let go of one of your hands to curl it around your neck. 
He pulled you in for another kiss, and you liked the strong fingers that held your head up, but you did the same thing again. Broke the kiss just as quick as it started and moved back a little, biting into your bottom lip and bringing a hand up to softly rub at the side of your nose. 
Your nose wasn’t itchy, but by covering your mouth you ensured Joe couldn’t quickly try for another kiss. 
This felt awkward. Which was weird, Joe thought.
You’d kissed lots already.
You’d surprised him with kisses a lot, actually. Like in public, right outside a pub, when he hadn’t expected it at all and he had nearly dropped his beer. Or earlier when he’d shown you the eyelash on the tip of his finger that he’d carefully taken from just underneath your eye and made you make a wish before you both blew it off.
It was strange that you were cutting off kisses and keeping him at a distance.
Joe moved back a little more, and you saw how he observed you for a moment before his brows pulled down into a confused frown.
“You seem nervous…” he said, smiling still.  
“Yea, it’s the nerves.” you joked dryly, using the moment to try and get rid of the uneasy feeling that you couldn’t seem to shake. You hoped a little humour would help, and it did help, because Joe burst into loud laughter.
But then the moment Joe’s laughter subsided and he went in to kiss you again, murmuring “I’m trying to set the mood, stop being so funny,” against your lips, the fear and anticipation returned full force. 
God, why were you panicking?
This was Joe.
He’d done nothing to make you believe he was like… like the others. Like any of them, actually.
Your clear mind was convinced you could just tell Joe about the issue and that he would react the way you’d want him to. The problem, however, was that your mind didn’t feel all so clear right now, unfortunately. And Joe could feel it in the way you froze on him a little. You were letting him kiss you, but you weren’t really kissing back all that much.
“What’s got you so nervous, hey?” 
Joe knew he wouldn’t be in bed with you if you didn’t want him there. There was no question about where the night was headed; you had both been very clear about it, so there was no doubt in Joe’s mind at all.
He guessed it was normal to feel a little nervous, but something about you felt a little off. Something different in your eyes. 
“I just said,” and you just couldn’t fucking help to use the same joke to deflect, “It’s the nerves.” 
This time you didn’t get a laugh, but just a small smile and eyes that slid down your body before they found yours again to lock onto.
“I know that...” Joe started, face serious enough for you to feel uneasy with his eye-contact. You looked away, and it made Joe pause.
You weren’t really letting him in.
“I know that being vulnerable can be scary, but…” Joe looked at your hands and cupped one into his palm so he could let his other hand tickle the inside of yours. He glanced up to see that you were staring at it too.
“I think that you think it takes a lot of effort to be a little more exposed... that it’s hard work to open those doors.” 
Oh, shit. 
You did think that.
You didn’t like how Joe seemingly saw right through you. 
“But if you ask me, you’ve got it wrong. It’s not hard work. But you know what is? Keeping the doors closed when someone else is trying to take a peek inside.” Joe stressed his words and made it obvious he was talking about himself. “We’re just gonna be pulling on either side… and, you’re strong. You’ll probably manage to keep it shut if you were really determined. And then what might happen is that I’ll grow tired eventually and stop trying...” 
You inhaled a shuddery breath. That wasn’t what you wanted. It was frustrating that Joe even framed it like he had to work hard for it, but you didn’t want Joe to stop trying.
“And I don’t even want to get inside. I just want to... I don’t know, I guess I just want to open the door and have a look. Wanna see you.” 
Somehow the concept of being seen felt just as bad as letting someone in.
“Joe…” you whispered, and watched as Joe grabbed hold of both of your hands, interlacing your fingers together in a bid to feel closer. Your touching knees weren’t really covering Joe’s want for closeness.
“Am I making sense? Do I–” he sounded impossibly sweet and gentle, it was almost too soft for you to bear.
“Yea, no, you are! You are, but…”  
“But what?” 
But your fingers had held onto those doorhandles for so long they’d sort of cramped into their set position and prying them loose was actually the painful bit. That first step of opening up was what had you worried, because what if Joe got a little glimpse inside and didn’t care for what he’d see. 
Because that had happened before. 
Or at least... that’s how you had always interpreted it.
Because you’d felt like you had let people look inside, but then they hadn’t really seen you. They’d just barged in and didn’t listen when you’d said, stop, that’s enough. 
Rational thought told you not to accuse Joe of things he hadn’t done, but you couldn’t help your body anticipating the worst all the same.
“Hey,” Joe whispered and pulled you from your thoughts, big eyes filled with worry that didn’t feel pitying to you. More warm and kind, like he was trying to show you that he would see. That he would listen.
“It’s just me.” 
“Well… you see, it’s not. It’s not just you. It’s you and,” you glanced down between the two of you and, for a split second, thought of mentioning Joe’s dick.
Classic joke.
It’s you and your huge shlong that counts as its own individual.
But Joe hadn’t just tried to convince you to be honest with him for you to throw a dick joke into his face, and so instead you let your eyes find Joe’s again and you finished, “me.” 
You said it like it should really worry Joe that it was you he was with.
Like he had made a great mistake by being here.
Like there was something terribly wrong with you.
Which, you kind of thought there was. A little.
But Joe didn’t think so, and his facial expression pulled into something past confusion. He seemed almost offended at the light that you’d just placed yourself into, so you scrambled to explain what you meant.
“It’s you and me, and I don’t… you know, there is... so, before it’s not always been- s-sometimes it’s not been– not that I don’t trust you, like, I know you wouldn’t want to hurt me, but, it’s not like, like, it’d b-be your fault, it’s just that it’s scary ‘cause then, what if it does, a-and–”
“Hey.” Joe stopped you. He’d heard enough.
You were getting ridiculously close to crying, Joe might as well just start getting dressed again, you thought. This was going nowhere, fucking pathetic. Joe hadn’t flirted with you all day for him to spend his evening comforting his crying date.
“Take a deep breath.” he instructed. Wasn’t a question.
You shuddered through an exhale first before you took a quick big gulp of air. 
“Slower. Do one more, slow. Close your eyes.” 
Joe sounded more stern than he had done before, and you reluctantly followed his instructions. Sort of. Joe had to give you a raise of his eyebrows and a little nod before you closed your eyes. When you exhaled your slow breath, you noticed how dropping your shoulders stopped your lips from wobbling. 
“Another one.” he said, sounding a little bit more gentle this time.
You felt Joe press a thumb in between your eyes, pulling upwards, easing your frown. He did that a couple of times until he couldn’t see it anymore. 
“Okay. Good. That’s better.” 
Then he used both his hands to trace lines from your forehead down either side of your face until his finger tips met over your lips.
You visibly relaxed a little more, eyes still closed as you let your head hang to the side a little.
After doing that for a while, after your lips had slightly parted on their own, Joe softly asked, “Does this feel nice?” 
“Mhm,” you tried nodding but weren’t sure you even moved all that much. 
“Good. S’all I want.” 
You snapped your eyes open, immediately tense again and ready to argue, because intentions didn’t matter. No one had even intended to hurt you before, but it had still happened. Hence this whole fear-plant that lived inside you now.
“But, what if–”
“You tell me.” Joe quickly interrupted you. 
“Okay, but–” 
“And then I’ll listen.” 
Hit the nail right on its head.
You inhaled a sharp breath and pulled your bottom lip into your mouth.
“You tell me, and I’ll listen, okay?” Joe sounded dead serious.
You thought for a moment, and then nodded.
“Yea, okay.” 
“Promise me one thing.” Joe pulled both your hands into his chest, curling them under his chin as he forced eye-contact with you.
“You have to tell me. Talk to me. I don’t want you– you’re not allowed to… I don’t know. To push through. I don’t want you to pretend everything is okay when it’s not, all right? Any discomfort and you just say stop, okay?” 
You felt your eyes well up and before Joe could witness tears spilling over, you were quick to lean in and kiss him, pulling your hands from his grasp and using both to pull him closer by the back of his neck.
“Mm– promise me, you gotta promise–” Joe was hardly stopping you from kissing him, but he needed you to say it.
“I promise, I promise,” you urgently said, not even sure if you even knew how to tell Joe to stop, but your gut-feeling overwhelmingly wanted you to kiss him, so you did.
And feverishly so.
You felt Joe smile against your mouth as he let both arms curl around your middle, pulling you into his lap, and it felt a little silly how suddenly, Joe’s earlier words settled within you.
“It’s just me.” 
He was right.
This was just Joe.
It was like you had only just understood what he had even meant when he’d said that.
“It’s just you.” you repeated in a whisper, reassuring yourself as Joe kissed down your neck.
But Joe actually thought that what you’d said made more sense. That you were actually right, and he needed you to know he understood.
“It’s me and you, all right?” Joe corrected, breaking from you just long enough for you to pull your top off, and then going back in for your mouth.
“It’s me and you.”
The Taglisted
@alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @demonsanddemogorgons
@djoseph-quinn, @dolcevitalifestyle, @eddies-puppet, @emma-munson, @emotionaldreamer
@everythinghasafacee, @ferfan14, @figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @gri959
@hanahkatexo, @hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven
@kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @munsonluvrr
@munson-mjstan, @munsonssweets, @nadixq, @niallersfreckles, @notverywise
@pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @prettiestboyreid, @readergf, @royale1803
@skulliecadaver-blog, @sherrylyn0628, @shizlac, @solzi1420, @songforeddiemunson
@sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow
@witchwolflea, @yunirgo
add yourself
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
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𝕋𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞 “ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣’𝕤 𝔻𝕒𝕪”
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ʙʟᴋ!ꜰᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Ft. Zoro, Sanji. Luffy, Law, Ace
Suggestive Language, All Jokes, Established Relationships , They’re called “Daddy” as a joke relax
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Didnt even know Father’s Day was a thing.
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy”🤭
“Happy Fa—“
“I heard you, what the hell is Fathers Day.”
You had to explain to him its a day to acknowledge fathers and he immediately is more confused
“I’m not a dad why’d you call me daddy.”
“Because you—
“Oh…this is a sex thing isn’t it.”
He picks you up over his shoulder with a smug smile and takes you to your room????
“See if you wanted to have a quickie you should have just said so.”
You still tried to explain it was a JOKE but his stupid ass can only think about the last time you called him daddy in bed.
And that’s what you did again today😁
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Dont do that.
If you don’t actually want to become parents today dont do that.
Throws him off at first though, so he pauses when you say it, leaving him to stare at you for a second
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy😘”
“…You’re pregnant!?”
He thinks this is your way of announcing you’re pregnant.
“What no! I’m just playing! Besides we haven’t had sex in a month. I just wanted to tell you it as a joke.”
He is a litttlleeee sad but tries not to show it, unfortunately for you you notice and kiss his disappointed face
“Well…can we one day make it a reality? Y’know..so next year you can tell me and it be true?”
Ugh, he wants to be a dad so bad and his glistening eyes always get you so you couldn’t help but to agree.
“Of course, Daddy…or should I say future daddy.”
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Didnt even hear you.
You said it during breakfast and all he did was pause for a second to acknowledge your cheek kiss and went right back to eating.
Everybody else heard you though.
“Happy Father’s Day, Lu…”
“YOU’RE PREGNANT?!” (said everybody)
Now Sanji is crying pounding the floor saying “God I HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU’VE DONE FOR OTHERS”
It was pretty bad timing considering 1. nobody on the crew knew you and Luffy had sex. 2. Now everybody knows you and Luffy has sex.
You have to explain you’re not actually pregnant like 4 times and Luffy just didn’t get what was happening
“Y/N and Luffy—-you both—oh my gosh i’m going to gag.”
“Alright calm down usopp it’s not a big deal😒”
The rest of the morning was just small jokes and side eyes by everybody and your wonderful boyfriend finally starts paying attention by asking you later that day:
“Y/n who’s pregnant?”
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Knows it’s a prank.
You tend to forget not only is he your boyfriend but your doctor too
“Happy Father’s Day!🤭”
“You’re not pregnant you’re on your period.”
“😒Mmmtch. That’s not the point.”
“Get out.”
“Why can’t you just for once engage in my shinanagains 😒”
“I am not a Father so why tell me that.”
“….Well I was calling you Daddy this morning while you was helping me with my cramps i—“
“…..Ion know just say it.🦦”
“Don’t call me that…..now.”
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From the way his breeding kink shows in the bedroom you’re shocked that he isn’t already one
You wanted to poke fun at it today too especially since last night you both had sex so you say it to him.
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy😘”
He Kinda just stares at you blankly
“I’m not a dad— Oh! But if it is Father’s Day we should get Pops something—“
You explain to him the joke that you only told him that because of his kink he begins to blush uncontrollably.
“You don’t have to apologize silly. It is only a matter of time that you do y’know…”
Seeing as he was already flustered especially now that your arms are around his neck, he just buries his face in your neck.
“You gatta stop embarrassing me like this, Y/n.”
You giggle, giving him a kiss on his temple at his light hearted tone. As an apology though you take him to your room and well…
He almost became a daddy alright.
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strwbrryeyes · 9 months
𖦹°。⋆ kenma as a best friend
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⟡ cw: fluff, friends to lovers, little video game rage, terrible suggestive pick up line, awkward everything tbh, lmk if i missed anything else.
⟡ a/n: i had to make this slightly awkward and cringe i couldn't help it. also my bf actually said that pickup line one time while playing bedwars. i threw a fireball at him after bc it was bad.
⟡ best friend series: lev, yaku, kuroo || masterlist
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best friend kenma who you met when he bumped into you while playing on his portable gaming device.
best friend kenma who felt bad but didn't know how to apologize properly because he was bad with people.
best friend kenma who you just giggled at because it was funny watching him try. you accepted his 'apology'.
best friend kenma who you got closer to when you ran into him again outside the volleyball gym, this time he was in his practice attire and you poked fun at him for actually being athletic.
best friend kenma who glared at you playfully as you teased him when kuroo came out from the gym to tell him to hurry up and get inside.
best friend kenma who hit kuroo when he saw you and immediately started hitting on you. "sorry, didn't know you called dibs" kuroo said and soon got hit again with kenma saying you weren't dating and you just responded with "yeah! we're only besties now!" which kenma cringed to.
best friend kenma who didn't really expect you to actually come up to him and talk but didn't complain because he actually liked having you around. you balanced him out with your outgoing personality.
best friend kenma who let you play on his gaming device whenever you would stop by to watch practice so you wouldn't get too bored while waiting for him.
best friend kenma who was in shock when practice was finished and saw that you had beaten the final boss of the game he's been trying kill for the past week and a half.
best friend kenma who called you a closeted nerd when he tried prying information out of you because there's no way it was just a 'fluke' like you said it was.
best friend kenma who went over to your house when you finally and gave in and admitted that you were a video game fanatic and told him that you had a pretty extensive collection of consoles and video games.
best friend kenma who would now come to your house every day he didn't have practice to play games with you.
best friend kenma who you always fought with over supersmash bros. and mario kart. you guys got really into it one time and didnt talk for a week before kuroo and yaku both lectured you about your rage issues.
best friend kenma who you went to the same college as and got a shared apartment because neither of you wanted to deal with roommates you didn't know.
best friend kenma who started streaming his gameplay since he had more time now since he didn't play volleyball anymore. he became popular relatively quick.
best friend kenma who invited you to play games with him on stream, mostly overwatch and minecraft. you became a fan favorite but you were made a meme when you tried valorant for the first time and failed.
best friend kenma who you made a vlog/irl youtube channel with where you guys would try different challenges.
best friend kenma who actually really disliked doing in person challenges but only did them because it made you happy.
best friend kenma who embarrassed himself during a cooking livestream when you were trying to teach him how to make apple pie from scratch.
best friend kenma who said he'd never do another cooking video with you again because he will never recover from it. he did another cooking livestream two weeks later and redeemed himself when he made a near perfect omurice.
best friend kenma who realized his feelings for you when you ate the omurice and saw your eyes light up and practically inhaled the rest of it. you looked like a goof but he found it adorable.
best friend kenma who while streaming minecraft bedwars came up with a bad pickup line when you said "i'll get bed defense" to which he responded with "you can come defend my bed" which caused you to freeze up, get distracted, and die when someone came up behind you, broke the bed, and killed you.
best friend kenma who actually didn't realize what he said until you died and turned to look at the livestream chat which was going lightning fast.
best friend kenma who ended the stream immediately after he realized what happened and ran to your room to apologize but only saw you curled up in a ball in your chair.
best friend kenma who apologized (terribly, like always) and accidentally blurted out that he loved you so that's why he subconsciously said what he said.
best friend kenma who curled up into a ball as well when he again realized what he said.
best friend kenma who was surprised when you finally broke the silence when you said you loved him back and asked if he wanted to be your boyfriend. he said yes obviously.
best friend kenma who is now boyfriend kenma who started the stream again an hour later like nothing happened but ended the stream by saying "okay gotta go cuddle with yn now".
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kalims · 1 year
ㅤoh, face in the daylight.
— azul isn't sure if you're dating him, or his bed. also he's totally gonna deduct jade's pay.
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your boyfriend's bed is comfy.
very, comfy. you're not sure if you're staying over for the nth' time for him or, the mere comfort his strange liquid-y bed brings you.
you asked once and honest grew more obsessed with it once he told you that it is actually made of water, of course sprinkled with a simple reinforcememt spell to make sure that it doesn't spill or split it half.
"it feels like where I used to sleep." he had answered shortly. "you just miss your pot, don't you?"
he explodes in an embarrassed hue of pink.
well to be fair he stopped sleeping around inside of it just because he wanted to sleep with you. (of course he didn't say it to your face but you're about 99% confident about it.)
azul sighs deeply. if he had ears and a tail to represent his feelings they'd have drooped to the ground. "my goodness... at this point I'll just have a room prepared here for you." but he smiles lightly at you, standing across the feet of the bed where you lay. you don't know if you're just being crazy but he puts of sleeping next to you whenever he can.
you swear! the last time you forcibly kidnapped him from his desk and dragged him in the bed he turned a vibrant hue of red, tense and unmoving.
you roll around his bed. "but I want to sleep with you."
azul makes this... kind of sound in his throat, a mix of a babble getting cut off and a gurgle of sorts. he immediately falls silent and looks down, he has to bite his wobbling lips lest he actually explodes. it might be easy for you to say so easily but just the notion that you feel the same sends a thousand of flutters in his stomach, everywhere to the point where he feels like he's floating.
the silence makes you concerned apparently because you raise your head from the myriad of fluffy covers and pillows to take a peek at him. "what?"
he coughs and assumes a smile too quick to be real. you've seen it a handful of times but you're not sure why his eyes and the edges of his mouth seem to be twitching. is he hot? because there's some kind of smoke coming out of his ears and fogging his glasses.
... for you it's quite freezing, maybe merman have different perception of temperature?
"by the way," you start. "do you have a spotify?"
you watch azul stumble in his steps as he makes his way to his desk, stopping to seemingly support himself before he falls down by gripping the table, and the top of his chair. he looks at you sort of... robotically. "why?" he queries quickly, looking away.
"I have one too, I wanna see what kind of music you're listening to." you say, fiddling with the sheet of a pillow and azul sighs. "no I do—"
you both turn to the door when it creaks open and jade steps in with a maniacally wide grin. which is almost never really that good, azul's face immediately grimaces at hardens at the admittedly unwelcome surprise visit.
or jade knows something—
"pardon my intrusion," he apologizes despite coming inside all the way. atleast he closed the door. he sees you on the bed and gives you a polite smile. "azul, your phone had shut off due to low battery so the music stopped." jade sighs. "could you open it so we can resume? the guests must be bored.."
you stare curiously. "oooo... where does azul listen?" jade slowly snaps his neck to look at you. (... he looks kind of pleased like everything he just said went to plan.) "where else? the ever popular spotify application."
azul directs a heap of fiery, sharp stare to jade that burns brighter everytime jade utters a word but the latter skillfully ignores it, he's probably received this kind of treatment already. jade knows the password to my phone even though he didnt ask, and my phone was charging while connected to the bluetooth. azul thinks.
this fool was definitely listening to your conversation.
"azul," you look at him. "give it to me."
he sighs deeply through his nose and gives jade a look that says 'get out'. jade grins at him, shrugging but ultimately going out when he's decided that he's caused enough chaos in azul's life for today. somehow he'll have to say no in the face of you despite the last time he did was... more than months ago...
to be fair you're hard to decline! he's totally not whipped or anything. whatever floyd described him, it's completely false.
he's gonna have to add more locks but knowing that tweel, if there's something to achieve inside he's getting in no matter what.
reluctantly he gives out his embarrassing user and you comment about his profile is you.
"did you make a playlist about me?" you quip curiously, idly scrolling around the list of songs in it and laughing to yourself. a contrast to your obvious amusement, azul looks mortified.
didn't he make those private?!
'if you see the unlocked icon it means it's only accessible for you.'
... that bastard jade ...
"awww.... you even put taylor swift in here! I knew I chose the right boyfriend!"
"what the—give me that!" he screeches, red.
what did you mean by that?! were there other options?! -> overthinking
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starboye · 2 months
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pairing: ethan landry x male reader
request: Definitely Ethan (Reader boyfriend) , could do when reader finds out he’s ghostface in the end of scream 6
warnings: angst, cursing, kinda yandere ethan
you had always thought that your boyfriend ethan was the shy closeted away kind of guy, he didnt talk much to others and was the hottest nerd youd ever met, and he was very romantic.
but as time went on you found him drifting farther and farther away from you physically and emotionally, you thought nothing of it at first but then you started to find it a little suspicious so you did some digging.
you formed an investigation of your own and connected the dots to realize that ethan was ghostface, at first you didnt wanna believe it so you headed to ethans house with one thought in mind "was ethan really the ghostface killer", you arrived at the house and headed in thanks to the extra key he gave you.
you waited out in his room waiting for him to come through the door, soon your head his bedroom window open and saw a figure crawl through, lightly illuminated by the moon light, as you got ready to defend yourself with whatever you could find.
as the hooded figure stood up and took off the mask you saw it was ethan under it "ethan" you say shocked to your core "y/n?" ethan says covering your mouth as to not wake anyone in the house "howd you get in here" ethan asks uncovering your mouth slowly hoping that you calmed down.
"no the real question is why the fuck are you ghostface" you question taking a few steps back from ethan "i swear i didnt mean for you to find out this way i promise i was gonna tell you" ethan says trying to calm you "tell me what that my boyfriend that i love so much is really a murderer and killed a bunch of people" you retort.
"well when you put it like that it doesnt sound that great" ethan chuckles "nothing's fucking funny ethan" you shout "okay okay just calm down and talk to me" ethan says with a lower voice "n-no im leaving" you say tuning to the door "wait y/n" ethan says pulling you back.
"fucking let go of me ethan" you say trying to break his grip "please y/n just listen to me i-" ethan tries to explain but you kick him of of you "i loved you ethan and this is what you do to me" you say tears brimming at your eyes "y/n im sorry let me make it up to you" ethan says.
"how ethan how could i possibly get back with a murderer ethan" you say now tears running down your cheeks "cant you just fucking forgive me im sorry" ethan says pulling you into a tight hug and not letting you break his grip "i love you y/n i really really love you" ethan brokenly says.
you nuzzle into his warm embrace, remembering a time were ethan was a genuine guy, nice, cute, and your fun little nerd, not a ravenous murderer "i love you too ethan but i cant do this" you lowly say crying into his chest "please just stay with me" ethan says rubbing your back to comfort you.
"no im not falling for this trap" you say pulling out of ethans warm embrace with ouffy eyes "goodbye ethan" you say before walking out of his room, ethan watching you with a broken heart, he looks down and stares at the ghostface mask for a minute before throwing it on his bed.
you both cried your eyes out that night and both for different reason, and after the whole incident youd come home regularly to find flowers with notes or others gifts presumably from ethan trying to apologize but youd just throw them away.
no matter how many times youd throw them away ethan would just replace it with another slew of gifts, wanting you too be his forever and ever, and nothing was gonna stop him from succeeding in having you.
taglsit: @mailmango
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starrybl1ss · 9 months
making sub!ellie fucking pass out from overstimulating ˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
this was a request by @akenosimp167
also, please read the fic where ellie almost passed out here!
and checkout my fav fic that i've done so far here!
warnings: all smut
sub!ellie would be all fucked up in head just grinding on your fingers, tounge, cunt and strap.
She'd be all cute n needy!!! She would give you dumb but cute puppy eyes for her to get what she wants from you.
She couldn't really handle much. But she usually never tells you to stop. She could just say "Fuuuuckkkk pleasee stop!" But instead she just goes "please, faster, faster mommy nghhh- ahh" even though she was so overstimulated.
She would lay down on the sofa with you fucking her for the looooongest time ever but she wouldn't say no words that has to do with "stop"
She would get all dizzy and high. Her vision blacks out as you fuck her with your strap. You didnt really stop since she never asked you to.
She would tell you to stop, but its all too late. "Babe please stooo.....-" suddenly she went all silent with her eyes shut. Of course shes still breathing.
"Shit, she fainted" you muble to your self. You pull out the strap from her and took it off as you picked up ellie's unconcious body and bring her to the bedroom, layying her down on the bed.
As you put on a blanket on her, her eyes opens as she rubs her eyes with her hand. "Fuck, did i faint?" She asks.
"Yes you did. How many times have i told you if you cant take it just tell me to stop?" You ask her annoyed."A lot of times..... look, i just didn't want you to stop. M'sorry..." she apologizes while looking down, upset.
"Fuck you ellie. Your so fucking cute" you lean closer to her and kissed her on the lips. 𔘓
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starrvsn · 7 months
🥥 ˎˊ˗ fruit for thought ⠆how can you be mad at lando?
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lando hates this.
he hates that you're in his bed, mad at him. your back facing him in complete silence. he can’t sleep which makes it worse– he doesn’t have someone to answer his redundant questions, to make jokes with or to share his mindless thoughts too because he knows you listen.
tonight, you drew the line on lando. he went to far on a joke during dinner and you had enough. it didn't help that you had a less than ideal day at work and all you wanted to do was unwind with your lover, that was to much to ask for you assume. you’ve been mad at him ever since, lando feels horrible for what he did and he apologized many times after it happened but was proven fruitless when you stayed quiet with him even after getting ready for bed.
he didn’t know if you were doing this to spite him or if you were genuinely upset because he could tell the difference– he thinks he can tell the difference. lando let’s out a hopeless sigh and shifts in bed for the tenth time that night– yes you’ve counted. as much as you couldn’t take the silence, you really wanted lando to understand what he had done wrong even if he looked like a dejected puppy while doing so. your lover repeats the same actions for another five times and doesn’t seem like he’s gonna put it to rest anytime soon.
“why do you keep sighing, what’s wrong?” your tone is low and curt. it startles the man in front of you, shifting his head to see that you're now facing him. eyes closed with your hands beneath your head. a rush of guilt pulses through him as he looks at you with a heavy gaze. you can’t see him but knows what his expression is like: pouted lips with furrowed brows afraid to say a word to you. you’ve never gotten like this towards him, he’s only seen it when you got upset at oscar for breaking your favorite vase. now that it’s towards him lando doesn’t know what to do with himself.
“i can't sleep.” he responds in a soft voice, slightly faltering.
“why’s that?” you inquire a sigh leaving your lips, awaiting his reason.
“i can’t sleep with you upset at me.” he mumbles, a pout lacing his words as if he was embarrassed to tell you. you would normally find his expression and efforts endearing but right now you’re supposed to be mad at him, your silent treatment a form of punishment. you flutter your eyes to see lando inches away from you with the exact expression you had visioned in your head.
“well should’ve thought about that before making that joke.” you mutter, locking your gaze to his before changing positions in bed akin to what he’s been doing for the past hour. a dejected expression graces his face as he watches you turn on your back, staring at the ceiling.
“i didn’t mean for it to go that far baby, i really didnt. i’m sorry y/n.” he huffs a bit before turning away from you, a familiar burn in his eyes which he tries to will away by stuffing his face into his pillow all while a thought floats into his head. at the thought he lets out a low whine– caring less if you think he’s acting a fool right now.
“what’s wrong, why are you doing that?” shifting your head to the side to look at him, dark shadows of him only visible against the moonlight, irritation threaded through your brows.
“i really can’t sleep now– you always do this thing where you run your hands through my hair as i lay on you, i’m sorry y/n you must be really upset with me.” his voice is muffled as he explains but you instantly know what he means. using all this energy being upset at lando makes you really realize how much you miss him. how much you miss his presence, his voice, his touch. maybe he’s forgiven, for now. wordlessly you reach for his arm, willing him to closer to you. though surprised, lando easily follows in a heartbeat, placing his head in the crook of your neck, his arms naturally moving around your waist and finally your fingers threading through his hair just like he explained earlier. your lover lets out a sigh of content and he snuggles closer to you.
“just so you know i’m still mad at you.”
“you can be mad at me later. let me enjoy this.”
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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fhatbhabiee · 4 months
Cuz I Loved You | Part 3
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DBF!Joel Miller x Reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: labor (nothing too descriptive), argument, mixed feelings, confessions, dad!joel, not beta'd, no physical description of reader
note: so idk if i wanna do a next part. i like the idea of an open ending- kinda leaving it up to y'all's imagination on how you want it to end, but if you guys would like a next part just let me know and i'll see what i can come up with- or if you just want drabbles based on this mini series shoot me some prompts in my inbox!
part 1 , part 2
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You were sitting in the living room, going into full nesting mode and folding the loads of baby laundry you've been washing all day, when the doorbell went off. It threw you off guard- you weren't expecting anyone so who could it be?
You walked over and opened the door, only to feel your heart sink to the floor.
His eyes went straight to your round belly, anger building up in his chest.
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“You didnt want to start over, remember?”
“That's my child! I'm it's father, I had a fucking right!” he yelled
“Yeah the child you never wanted! The child that you said was a dealbreaker before he was even real!”
“You still should have told me!!” You stepped back from him when he yelled again. His face was slowly turning red, veins and muscles becoming noticeable in his neck. You'd never seen him this mad before.
He let out a sigh, calming himself down before he said anything else. You both stood there for a moment, staring at each other and not knowing where to go from here. The silence was broken by the sound of Joel's phone ringing. He took his phone out and saw it was Tommy calling- most likely something happened at work.
“I gotta get goin..” you gave him a small nod. He looked at you again, like he wanted to say something but he just stayed quiet and made his way back to the truck.
Later that night you laid in bed, finger hovering over Joel's contact in your phone. You felt guilty. You truly thought not telling him about the baby was the way to go, but after seeing him get upset guilt filled your mind.
“Fuck it…” you muttered before tapping in his contact. It rang a few times until he answered.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah. Just wanted to tell you that my moms throwing a baby shower this weekend at the house.”
“Do you want me there?” he asked.
“You don't have to come if you don't want to Joel, I was just letting you know.”
He let out a dry chuckle. “That your way of apologizing?”
“I wanna talk to you. Face to face.”
He let out a small sigh before responding. “I'll see you this weekend.”
— • —
There was blue everywhere- blue balloons, blue party streamers and a table piled high in the corner with gifts wrapped in blue gift wrap. Everyone was outside, chatting and enjoying themselves while you walked inside the house with your mom.
“Mom I think you went a little overboard…”
“Nonsense its my first grandbaby I had to.” she smiled, making you laugh. The back door slid open and closed, pulling your attention to who just walked in. His curls were slicked back, white button up tucked into black slacks and unbuttoned low enough to see his bare chest. Your heart fluttered at the sight of Joel. You couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy hormones or if it was the fact that he actually showed up.
“Hey.” he muttered giving you a small smile.
“Hey.” you smiled back. You looked over at your mom and gave her a nod. She gently squeezed your hand before walking back outside.
“You look beautiful.” Joel said, eyeing you up and down, admiring the blue sundress you had on.
“Thank you. You look good too.” you smiled. His eyes traveled down to your belly again and you noticed.
“Wanna feel?” you asked
“Can I?” you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly. He smiled as soon as he felt the tiny foot press up against the palm of his hand.
“Wow he’s really in there huh?”
“Should see him at night.” you giggled. “It's like he doesn't sleep.” you leaned back against the counter and watched as Joel's hand traveled its way around your belly. You felt your heart swell. All you wanted was to kiss him and lay with him while he talks to your unborn baby.
“What do you want to do?” you asked, breaking the silence.
His hand dropped from your belly, leaning back against the counter next to you.
“When it comes to us… I don't know really, but I do know that I want to be a part of his life.”
You gave him a small nod. “Okay. You can take the gifts to your house, I have everything but a crib.”
“We can go look for one tomorrow if you want?”
“I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. We can go after.”
“Can I go? To the appointment?” he asked. You smiled and nodded.
“I'd love for you to go.”
— • —
“This damned thing.” he grumbled under his breath as he tried piecing the crib together.
“No, I think that part goes there.” Tommy muttered.
“It wouldn't make sense to go there.” Joel muttered back. You leaned against the door frame, crossing your arms over your chest.
“How many contractors does it take to put together a crib?” you asked, making the brothers face you and give you an offending look. “Don't look at me. There's a perfectly good manual sitting on the dresser.”
Joel scuffed. “Don't need no damn manual.”
“Well take a break. Dinners ready.”
“Sweet.” Tommy quickly got up and ran out the room leaving you and Joel alone.
“I could have called my dad to come put it together so you didn't have to spend your entire day off with me.”
“I don't mind darlin.. Plus I didn't really think you and your dad were on speaking terms.”
“Why wouldn't I be speaking to him?” you asked.
“Because he was the one that told me you were pregnant.” you scoffed, anger slowly building up in your chest. All this time you thought it was Tommy. After you saw him at the store you were sure he had told Joel but no. It was your dad.
“Was over at his house for the game and he told me. Kinda just blurted it out.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Asshole.”
“Don't get mad at him. He was just thinking it was for the best-”
“It wasn't his place to say anything Joel.” you snapped.
“Okay okay just... Calm down. Remember what the doctor said this morning.”
Your doctor had put you on bedrest for the rest of your pregnancy, worried that your blood pressure was too high and if it stayed high you'd go into premature labor. You wanted to tell her to kick rocks, knowing you still had so much to do and didn't have time to be on bedrest but you had to take it seriously.
You took a deep breath and nodded. “You're right…”
“I'm sorry.” Joel placed his hand behind his ear and leaned down closer to you. “What was that?”
You sighed and rolled your eyes. “I said you're right.”
“Mmm” he smirked. “How'd that taste coming out?”
“Like I'd rather cut my tongue out.”
— • —
It was time. You hated being a drama queen but your son was ready to come out and he was being very dramatic about his entrance into the world. To your luck, you were at your house with Joel when your water broke. You leaned over the back of the couch, slowly rocking back and forth as you watched Joel run around with his head cut off. Apparently after all those years he did forget what he was doing.
“Joel hurry up please.” you groaned as another contraction shot through your body. The pain was unbearable- like nothing you had ever felt before. All you wanted to do was curl up into the fetal position and cry.
“Alright I got everything.” he called out as he ran downstairs.
As soon as you got to the hospital they quickly put you into a room and started hooking you up to all these monitors. It was fairly quick because as soon as the doctor checked you she had you pushing. You leaned back into the hospital bed, panting and sweating
“I'm done.” you whined.
“Cmon darlin he's almost here.” Joel said in a soothing voice but you were at your wits end. The pain was too much and by the time you got to the hospital, it was too late for an epidural so you were feeling everything.
“It hurts Joel.” your voice cracked, nearly on the brink of tears. “It hurts too much.”
“I know it does sweetheart but think about our son. That sweet little boy you've been so excited to meet. All those nights you talked about having him in your arms- you finally get that. Just a few more minutes of pain, for a lifetime of happiness.”
Minutes later, the room filled with the cries of your newborn. Joel looked up, instantly falling in love with the crying baby. The nurses cleaned him up before placing him on your bare chest.
“Oh he’s perfect.” you smiled, gently kissing the top of his head.
“Beyond perfect.” Joel smiled. He gently nudged your shoulder, pulling your attention away from your son. “Proud of you mama.” he muttered.
“Couldnt have done it without you…” you admitted. His eyes glanced down at your lips. All he wanted was to press his lips against yours but it wasn't the time. Instead he kissed your forehead, making a small wave of disappointment wash over you. You really thought he was gonna kiss you, but maybe it was just your imagination.
“Do we have a name?” the nurse asked.
“I've always liked Blake.” Joel murmured.
“Blake Miller it is then.”
“Darlin do you want me to-” he got quiet as soon as he walked into your bedroom and saw you sound asleep with your newborn on your chest. He let out a quiet chuckle and gently picked up the baby from your chest, not wanting to wake either of you.
“Let's put you in your crib bud.” he whispered, gently rocking back and forth as he walked over to the crib you had tucked in the corner of your room. Before Joel set him down, he looked at the sleeping baby in his arms. He had the same grumpy look Sarah had when she was a baby, eyebrows scrunched together and lips puckered up. He has your nose and that was something Joel was very thankful for.
Your eyes fluttered open, not feeling the weight of your baby on you anymore. You turned your head and saw Joel staring down at him.
“Want you to know… Whatever happens between me and your mama I'll always love you with all my heart. I know I was scared before you came into the picture but… now that you're here, starting over doesn't seem so bad after all.” Blake let out a small coo, making Joel chuckle.
“Alright I'll shut up.” he kissed his forehead softly before setting him down in the crib and turning on the mobile. He turned around and saw you were still asleep. He pulled your blanket up to your chest and kissed your forehead before walking out of the bedroom. Your eyes shot back open as soon as you heard the click of your bedroom door close.
You clearly heard everything Joel just said. Now what?
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divider: @saradika-graphics
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