#and deposits maul's head at the temple
tennessoui · 1 year
Cannot wait to see Quinlan and Ahsoka's reaction to this, and for all the angst of the consequences of Ovi-Wan's lying.
i am considering doing a tasteful sort of timeskip by a few months--bail insists on obi-wan being Knighted for his bravery, the Council knights him, ahoska is stiff in her congratulations but ultimately they're talking again; she doesn't know what obi-wan told her master, but she regrets her outburst because she can see that two people she cares about are miserable. she probably eventually corners new knight obi-wan to tell him she was wrong and they should get together. obi-wan has to confess the truth again, but the actual truth this time.
ahsoka is upset but she isn't as angry; she understands obi-wan was trying to do the right thing. she, quinlan, qui-gon, and the jedi council put their heads together and assign knight kenobi and master skywalker on a mission together where the truth, the actual truth and nothing but the truth---the whole truth from the bet to why obi-wan wasn't anakin's padawan---comes out. then they fuck in the space ship
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fairy-txles · 3 years
PRODIGY || Child of the dark
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Hilary swallowed thickly as he read aloud the letter to himself, unconsciously nibbling his fleshy inner cheek. For the second time this month, the teenager felt his heart skipping erratic beats.
“Dear Mr Raine, as you already know; you’re a valued prodigy in manipulation. However, you have begun to lose yourself, and due to the recent events that took place; we have reconsidered your place at Durmstrang. You are permanently expelled from this school...”
He gripped the frail letter tightly, his amaranth lips dipping into a slight frown.
“Shit. I saw this coming, but those airheads are acting as if I’m going to detonate.”
He drew in a deep breath, and expelled a shaky one, squeezing his eyes shut to anchor himself and prevent any reckless actions.
Maybe this is best. He reflected, reopening his eyes, and gazing at the crackling fireplace that spat at the crimson armchair he was leaning against.
Maybe I can start over.
But I haven’t even finished with my work. A nagging voice in his mind complained.
It almost seemed unacceptable to kick him out. Hilary was a seemingly well-behaved student, a potent prodigy that was brimming to the top with potential; he most certainly wasn’t shy either and was rather cunning for his age.
However, his ability to manipulate seemed to be like heavy chains, weighing him down and acting more like a curse than a blessing.
Durmstrang had expelled Hilary just as he was learning to fully harness and control his unique ability again.
He improved much through hours of training and practice that left him exhausted, yet he still managed to commit a grave mistake that affected both his academic and private life.
When he thought things couldn’t possibly get worse, they did; Hilary realised he was practically following the footsteps of his god damned father he despised so much.
Hilary continued reading almost hesitantly.
“We have contacted an affiliate of ours, and they have decided to take you in as a student. During your time at Hogwarts, you are to train yourself and learn to manage your power.
There will be an inspection at the end of your fifth year. You will be contained further until you are in control if you have failed to do as required.”
Hogwarts. Simply thinking of attending a different school made the hairs on his neck bristle. He recognised the name, his mother, Glinda, attended when she was a young witch.
Hilary had heeded many stories of Hogwarts from his mother. It didn’t seem too bad, and it had a good reputation for academic and quidditch reasons. He was told of the students that had gone in clueless and come out experienced, and of those that represented the school well.
He was also informed of the other, unpleasant stories.
Like the story of this young boy, Micah, who had wandered into the forbidden forest and returned traumatised. Or that previous transfiguration professor, Malissa Carbine, who was mauled to near-death by a lion that was once a spoon.
It made his skin prickle, just thinking about those tales, thinking about how it could happen to him.
The quiet click of the mahogany door instantly drew Hilary out of his displeasing thoughts, a familiar figure shaking off snow from her ebony hair as she stepped into the warmth of the living room.
“Hey, mum.” The teen greeted his mother with a faint wistful smile.
“Hey bub, just came back from Diagon Alley.” Glinda held up a straw basket filled with a pair of oil black robes and bulky school books Hilary didn’t already have in his large bookshelf.
“Got your stuff for Hogwarts.”
The smile quickly died.
“So, you know I got expelled?” His mother nodded, shrugging off her thick woollen coat and sighing as she felt her numb fingers thawing in the heat of the fire.
“Aren’t you angry, disappointed?”
Glinda shook her head and deposited the items on the little wooden table, which groaned under the sudden weight.
“I would never be disappointed in you, Hilary. What happened was out of your control; you were provoked.”
“But it wasn’t out of my control, if I tried harder it may have never happened. My little brother, your son isn’t here anymore because of me; I should be rotting in Azkaban.” Hilary quickly clenched his fists and glued his eyes to his knees, his fingernails biting into his pale palms.
Glinda put a gentle hand on her shoulder, sympathetically looking into his glossy orbs. Her son was having trouble seeing past the destructive nature of his ability.
“But you were given a second chance, so use it well. People are capable of change and so are you. Now, let's go pack your things. We both know that the train is leaving early tomorrow.”
Hilary nodded slowly.
“I’ve contacted the school about dorms, but this year they’re going to be packed; so don’t be too surprised if you’re placed in the girl’s dorms. I’ll be down here, making dinner. If you need any help, just shout, okay?”
He replied with a quiet ‘okay’ and retreated to his room upstairs.
Once he closed the toffee coloured door, Hilary stood almost mindlessly for a moment before he leaned up against it and slid down miserably.
“What shitty mess have I plunged into?”
Ten years ago
“Mum! Mum! I want to show you something!” Five-year-old Hilary beckoned his mother jovially, practically bounding like an overexcited puppy.
The pair were enjoying a picnic outside in the brisk Autumn breeze, vibrant shades of warm colours enclosing them; a wide blanket of swirling whites and cerulean pulled over the sky.
Young Hilary had leapt over to his mother with a snapped twig in hand, presenting it as if it were a trophy.
“Look what I did!”
Glinda grinned, positively amused by her son’s usual excitement; fastening her attention on the toddler.
“Did you snap that?” He nodded frantically, pushing the wood into his mother’s half-open hands.
“With my mind!” The woman accepted the twig with a chuckle.
“I’m sure you did bub, now come and eat your sandwich before the owls do.”
“No, I really did! See?” Hilary picked up a nearby stick that was relatively thicker than the twig, clumsily placing it on the chequered black and blue mat.
He crouched down and stared at it intently, like it had eaten his slice of cake (no one touches his slice of cake), with nothing noteworthy or out of the ordinary occurring.
“Sometimes, Hilary; our minds can be both a brilliant and deceiving thing. You have a great sense of imaginatio-“
Glinda looked down to see the stick in splinters, shocked, she shifted her gaze up to see her son grinning widely like the Cheshire cat.
“I told you, mum! I told you I could break it with my mind!”
But how? It most certainly wasn’t magic, he doesn’t even have a wand yet!
“Bub, look me in the eye - no higher - and tell me how you did that.”
Hilary pouted cutely as he thought, tapping his chin like those adults in the movie did when they were thinking.
He suddenly crossed his eyes, beaming as he wobbled sideways and prodded his temples, giggling like the child Hilary was.
“With my mind.”
Glinda gently heaved the giggling Hilary into her lap, tenderly stroking his short silky hair as she whispered into his ear.
“You're going to grow up to be a formidable wizard.”
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
Family Reunion (Darth Maul x reader) Pt. 4: Madness of Maul
Story summary: the reader reunites with Maul for the first time in twelve years and...the ex-sith lord gets a strange surprise
Warnings: none, canon-madness
Notes: female pronouns, an OC child
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, current read, Part 5, Part 6
You could feel yourself colliding with rogue bits of metal as he went, even though you could see where you were going, your own human legs could not keep up with Maul and his reckless running. The entire time, he continued to wail and mumble to himself with one hand covering his ear and the other steadily cutting into your arm. You could definitely feel blood beginning to flow out of the large punctures. But, that wasn’t what pained you the most. No, it was Maul and the state you had found him in. What had happened to your lover? What had done this to him? If you had known he was alive and you had been able to find him could you have prevented it? “NO, no, no…” Maul mumbled to himself. His voice was a growl and the noise of his metallic legs clicking against the metal walls mockingly echoed in your head, saying ‘you could have done something’. 
Maul was dragging you further down into the tunnels and you could safely say that you were thoroughly lost. And, worryingly, the two of you were approaching a warm light. “Lost, she was, lost. Here she is....with me.” Maul muttered before falling into a cacophonous bout of unhinged laughter. You knew he was referring to you-had you been lost? Had he also fallen for the ruse that was your death? Guilt crashed down on you. What if that had pushed him even farther over the edge? 
“Maul...Maul, I’m sorry.” You whimpered despite the niggling feeling that told you he wouldn’t understand what you were saying. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” Maul hissed something garbled and incomprehensible. Soon, the source of light the two of you had been approaching was identified. In the center of a wide cavern was a pyre of burning garbage. Maul charged right towards it with another cry. Without warning, the demented zabrak scooped you up and deposited you in the corner of the clearing. “Maul?” you questioned quietly, staring up into the unfocused eyes of the man that was once your everything. The zabrak spat out a string of complete gibberish as he looked at you with his head tilted. “I-I don’t understand you!” You sobbed dryly and Maul’s face fell. He lowered himself to be closer, hands reaching out for you and, instinctively, you flinched away. But that only seemed to make his panic worse. Maul wailed at your fear and burst into his own sobs that mixed unsettlingly with high-pitched laughter. What had happened to him? 
“No, no, no…” Maul heaved as he moved around his apparent new-home, swatting at invisible enemies. Your eyes stung at the sight. Slowly, you tried to get to your feet now that Maul wasn’t hovering over you. The zabrak watched your every move with a pain in his eyes that, for a second, might have convinced you that he was of sound mind. With palms raised in surrender, you dared to step closer to the man you had once described as the most cunning being in the universe. You opened your mouth to speak but, by now, Savage had caught up to the two of you. 
“You are the brother I’ve been searching for.” The golden zabrak’s booming voice carried across the open area to steal Maul’s attention from you. 
Immediately, Maul began to recoil. “No, no!” He shouted towards Savage as he backed away from you as you watched on completely at a loss. 
“Yes, we are, we are brothers!” Savage continued despite his brother’s objections. “And look, Maul, your wife is here too. We’re here to help you, brother.” 
“No!” Maul screamed again before falling into another round of demented chuckling. “You don’t know...you don’t know anything!” Maul seethed, swiftly throwing his arms out in punctuation as he clambered up what looked like a busted engine. “Never, never!” 
Amidst his laughter, you looked at Savage through the flames of the pyre. Savage met your eyes and softly shook his head-he wasn’t sure how to help his brother either. Speaking of which, Maul was already on the move again. He had climbed back down the fallen engine and was now scurrying across a small ramp behind you. Maul’s brother was tracking his movement just as you were. In an effort not to anger the unstable zabrak, you stayed rooted to the spot he had left you in as Savage slowly worked his way towards you, talking all the while. “I know I am your blood.” 
“Never!” Maul growled at Savage and came swooping down to place himself between you and his brother. “Never.” He groaned, head tilted back with his eyes pressed to his face. You carefully tried to move away from the zabrak in case he decided to do something rash. Your movements were forced to halt though when Maul brought his hands down and laughed once more. Again, you made eye contact with Savage. All three of you were at a crossroads, no one sure which direction to take. 
But, suddenly, a familiar voice humming a foreign tune decided to interrupt the tension of the strange lair. “I’m ready for my leftovers!” Morley was back. His head popped up over the edge of the clearing with a smile on his face that soon fell into a look of pure shock upon spotting you and Savage. “Oh, you’re still alive?” He asked nervously. Savage took a step towards him and Morley fell back, trying to slither away as fast as he could but your zabrak companion was far quicker. In just a few strides, he had caught up with Morley and picked him up by the neck attached to the base of his head. 
“Who did this to my brother?” Savage demanded as he marched back. You attempted to step around Maul to also interrogate Morley but his attention snapped to you in an instant and he was quick to block your way by caging you in his arms. “Are you part of this?” 
Maul’s skin was searing against your own but it felt wrong. Your reunion was supposed to be warm and beautiful and sane. You struggled to get out of the zabrak’s grip, blindly kicking backward with the intent of finding purchase, but Maul held tight. One of his hands rested atop your head, nails slightly digging into your scalp as he muttered to himself and you were left suspended by his grip. “No, no,” Morley’s struggled confession took you away from the fact you were dangling like a ragdoll for a moment. “I-I found him this way.” 
You were moving. Maul had lowered himself suddenly and thus, you went with him, face dangerously close to touching the rock below. You could feel Maul’s every shuddering inhale and his fingers mindlessly drummed atop your skull. Formless utterings fell from your once proud lover. 
“I found him this way, I swear!” Morley still struggled to defend himself while you tried to wriggle free. But, your movement only made Maul’s grip tighten around your waist, ensuring your hands were completely useless from their position trapped against your hips. From your rather compromising position, you focused on the two other sane people in the room.  
“You are a slithering liar, Morley!” You spat and the golden zabrak turned his hand so the snake was forced to look at you. “You can’t be trusted!” 
“You should have been helping him!” Savage piled on, voice thundering. 
“I-I didn’t know! I didn’t know!” Morley wheezed but his pleas fell on deaf ears as Savage crushed the uppermost part of his neck with a single squeeze. As the sounds of the snake’s bones cracking faded away and his body found a home on the pyre, Savage started to approach you and Maul, the latter pulling away with a hissed laugh and taking you along with him. 
Not quite reading the room, Savage continued to step closer and closer. “This is where you live?” He addressed Maul who twisted his torso away from his brother. “How long have you been here?” 
“Years and years and years.” Maul answered swiftly, finally letting go of you in the very corner of his home. You fell on your backside with a small huff as Maul remained hovering over you, hands making odd grabbing gestures in front of his face. “Through victory, my chains are broken. The chains, the chains are the easy part.” He took a deep breath in, “It’s what goes on in here that’s hard.” And let it out in a heart-wrenching wail as he tapped his temples. 
“You have been lost, my brother.” Savage calmly explained over Maul’s sobs and you made eye contact with the golden zabrak under one of Maul’s legs. The crimson zabrak lowered himself further till his head was pressing into your shoulder and, unsteadily, you reached up to massage the back of his neck. In response to the ministration, Maul’s sobbing died down. It was strange. Your lover was not himself, not in any way, shape, or form but he responded to your touch the same way he always had. In fact, if his hovering was any indication, he still craved it. “Do you remember who you are, where you came from?” 
Maul sat up, eyes glimmering as he looked past you. “Always remember I am fear.” 
“Y/n, my love, my bright shining sun, how can you stand to be held by me?” Maul asked out of the blue, disrupting the still air of his ship. Confused, you pulled your face away from the juncture of his neck and shoulder where you had steadily been pressing whispering kisses against his skin. 
“What do you mean?” You asked softly as one of your hands gently traced the tattoos on his chest. He didn’t answer until you looked up at him, glittering gold eyes meeting your shining (e/c). 
“Always remember I am hunter.” Maul seethed, hands grasping at nothing. 
“Look at me. I am Sith-a dark lord. I’m a trained killer.” Maul’s grip tightened around your waist, one hand ghosting over the steadily forming bruise on one of your hips. “I’m not meant to love or be loved-I am meant to destroy.” 
“Always remember...I am filth.” Maul’s voice cracked. 
“And you’re a...my light, you’re this beacon of good.” He sighed into your ear, breath ghosting over the side of your face. “You’re someone that knows how to heal and how to create. You deserve the universe, (Y/n).” 
“Always remember, I am nothing.” Maul broke into sobs once more, his face falling to your shoulder as his hands wrapped around your arms.Helplessly, you looked at Savage who seemed to be contemplating his next move. 
“Your legs…” he began with a vague gesture to Maul’s lower half.  
“That scum!” Maul screamed into your shoulder, pulling away as he swatted at the air. “He took them from me! He took them!” His voice echoed around the chamber as you got to your feet to avoid being trampled by Maul’s spider legs. 
“Who? Who took them?” Savage pressed. 
“Jedi. Jedi!” Maul whispered, crouched so his torso was parallel with the floor. 
“You remember?” You asked disbelievingly. If he did remember who had hurt him, then it was possible that his other memories were in there too. And maybe that meant that you could make him remember. You moved to be in Maul’s peripheral vision and Savage took a step forward to crouch in front of his brother.
“I must ask for mercy, Master. Mercy is a lie, a delusion of the weak to make themselves strong. I ask not for mercy…” Your love rambled on, moving back inch by inch as he struggled through the annals of his mind. 
“What? What is it? Brother, what are you saying?” Savage yelled as he hoisted both himself and you to your feet. 
“And through the filth,” Without warning, Maul charged at Savage. He picked the larger zabrak up and threw him against a wall, leaving you separated from your companion. “through the grief, Jedi!” You and Savage were struck silent as Maul’s voice bounced from wall to wall and seemed to resonate within your very bones. “Revenge. I must have my revenge.” He whispered, suddenly calm. 
Quietly, you crept forward and gently placed a hand on Maul’s bicep, trying to coax him to let his brother go. “And you will have it, Maul, but first we must get out of here. Will you let Savage go and then come with us?” You squeezed his arm gently, boldly looking into Maul’s eyes which, for the first time since you’d found him, seemed focused. “My love, please.” Maul’s gold eyes flicked between you and Savage before he suddenly smiled and dropped his brother. 
With an almost dopey smile, Maul clasped both of his hands around your arm and moved your hand to be cupping his cheek. “Anything...anything for my light.” 
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hellowkatey · 3 years
tribulations: book II
As it turns out, it is impossible to deliberately forget something. The very act of trying not to think about a certain moment seems to do the opposite. Obi-Wan truly thought he could push it into the depths of his mind, but the Force was not going to grant him this one reprieve. Though he so desperately wanted the details of his fall to be nothing more than a dream that fades with time, that proved to not be the case. With every day he walked along Maul's side, he remembered the distinctive feeling of falling even more clearly.
Or, "falling".
It doesn't actually feel like falling. Not in the literal sense. A part of Obi-Wan expected that physical sensation of plummeting through the open air. How he felt when he jumped down the cooling shaft on Naboo. Another part of him assumed the term "falling" was just some dramatic metaphor the masters dreamed up to scare the younglings.
In a way, both are correct. What he found, is the Force is not a tall cliffside overlooking a dark ravine. Nor is it the stark distinction between sunlit heavens and a fiery hell. No, it's more like a placid pool. Refreshing clear waters on a warm summer's day.
As a Jedi, he floated on his back, arms outstretched and open as the suns shone down upon him. Warm and relaxing, though, it took practice to float for long periods of time. But the light is not just atop the surface. It shines down through the clear water, a cool basin to dive into. Obi-Wan loved the feeling of being surrounded by the Force. The world around him dampened by the viscosity and blurred into an ever-changing kaleidoscope of color and light.
The warmth did not reach him as easily when he dove, but the light guided his way. There was never a question of which way was up or down. And there were always watchful eyes treading along with him, ready to guide him up if he strayed.
But when Obi-Wan collapsed on the floor of his Temple quarters, there was nobody to take his hand and show him the way to the surface. Because nobody realized how far he'd dived. He was swimming alone. When he looked up, the light was a pinprick above him. Obi-Wan had never been this deep before. He didn't realize how quickly the boundaries between his familiar waters and the murky space below faded into one another.
It should not have been that easy to go so deep.
Though he knows he is strong enough to return to the surface, his strength is not the problem.
The light betrayed him. He did not turn his back against the light, the light turned on him. It had ceased to become a warm companion and instead was a blistering tyrant. Every time he tried to paddle back up he could feel the rays burning his skin. Blinding his eyes. He frantically searched for cooler waters, but the only way to escape was to go down. Further. Down where the light didn't reach and the waters weren't threatening to boil. Down into the darkness, terrain uncharted.
He just wanted relief. He wanted it to be quiet and cool and he wanted to rest. But the difference between the darkness and the light is that when you fall so deep, there is relief, but no rest. The basin just grows darker and deeper. No surface to float upon or fresh air to inhale. Only the heavy pressure on his skin. Obi-Wan cannot tell what direction he's going. He doesn't know what lies in the pitch-black blur around him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi did not fall to the dark side. He waded into it slowly. He did not realize that he had gone too far, but the Force did. The riptide of the dark swept him up in its current suddenly, and without the chance of being saved. When it finally deposited him into the inky depths of the Force, Obi-Wan gazed in the direction he believed to be up. He wondered if the light would ever cool and the surface would allow him to float upon it once again. He longed for it, deep in his soul. But every time his mind desired to search for the light again, the Force disoriented him.
The Unifying Force was always stronger for him, which meant visions were rare, but not impossible. Obi-Wan had experienced a few in his life. Mostly as a child and during sleep. But down here, the Force assaulted him with a different type of vision than he had ever experienced. These were not just brief sensory experiences but full-body immersions. Some memories and some realities he has not experienced yet.
Every time he tried to search for the light he found himself staring with teary eyes at Qui-Gon's ship as it descended into the sky. Alone. Abandoned. Wondering if he'll ever return. Wondering if he'll survive long enough to see him return.
Every time he tried to reach out for help through the Force his screams were stifled by the deafening sound of agony in rapid succession. Death, war, despair, he choked on the overwhelming sensation of what had to be decades of darkness in a matter of seconds. His entire body ached, tearing itself apart from the inside.
He's three, staring over the shoulder of a Jedi master he cannot remember the name of. A young couple stares back, the human woman with curly auburn hair and freckles covering her face and arms. The man with sharper features and a burly beard is holding her close, bright blue eyes filled with tears he does not intend to spill. They turn as Obi-Wan starts to scream and reach out to them. They do not look back.
He's in his thirties, the bottom half of his face itchy and raw from the sweat that has dripped and dried over and over again. His back feels like it's on fire, warm and wet with a thick substance he knows cannot be perspiration or water. A whip snaps and he curls in on himself.
He's twelve, hiding his hands in his robes so Master Jinn does not see that they're shaking. He offers to sabotage the slave collar around his neck to save the Jedi Master. Qui-Gon's look of horror is more preformative than it is genuine. The Master makes the unspoken decree for both of them to never bring this up again. Obi-Wan never forgets the feeling of his fingers shaking as he gripped the wires that would set off the explosive.
He's old. Maybe seventy or maybe fifty. It feels like he's lived for centuries. He's worn through the soles of his boots again, and the walk across the brutal desert causes blisters to sprout on his feet. He ignores the pain of his bubbling skin. It's nothing compared to what caused the scars that cover his body. And feeling pain means he's feeling something, and something is better than the numbness he's grown used to.
He's fourteen. He stares down at the lifeless body of a boy that used to sleep in the bunk above him. The boy's eyes are open but the life that used to fill them is leaking out onto the stones of the Room of a Thousand Fountains. It used to be his favorite room. After the accident, he couldn't enter that room without seeing those eyes.
He's twenty-five. Qui-Gon places his hands atop the shoulders of a boy he won in a bet. The council has to remind him he already has a padawan. He can feel his master's surprise and annoyance that Obi-Wan is his biggest obstacle in getting what he wants. When he supports his master's plan anyway, the words feel sour on his tongue.
He's still twenty-five. The crimson lightsaber protrudes from the center of Qui-Gon's back. Obi-Wan feels every moment of his Master's death because his shields have been shattered and he is not strong enough to sever their bond before it bleeds out on its own.
He's still twenty-five. It all happened so quickly, didn't it? He's staring at his braid as it burns into ash atop Master Jinn's funeral pyre. The boy Qui-Gon won is staring at him. The light is burning his skin so he dives beneath the surface to escape it.
He stops fighting. He stops searching for the light and the Force rewards him with relief. Not rest, just relief. No more horrors playing through his head. No more reminders of the worst moments of his life and a preview of the pain that's to come. Obi-Wan looks in the direction he believes to be up, but he does not think about trying to find the light. The pain is too much. It will undoubtedly kill him before he reaches the surface.
He submits, and the darkness draws him into a bone-crushing embrace.
Sometimes with memories, tiny details rear their subtle heads much later down the line. Obi-Wan was wrong when he said nobody was there to save him. Anakin Skywalker reached his hand into the water, but Obi-Wan pretended not to see it. He dove deeper.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
chapter II.I will be posted by this Friday
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avintagekiss24 · 5 years
Piper’s Creek [9/10]
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Word Count: 2852
Warnings: smut, oral sex, anal sex
Rating: Explicit
Link: AO3
Summary: Sam Wilson is a simple man. He likes to do simple things, like going fishing on a warm summer day. Little does Sam know, this fishing trip will not only lead him to his soulmate, but into a world of ancient folklore.
Square Filled: C1 - Kneel for @buckybarnesbingo
G5 - Kink: From Behind for @stuckybingo2019
A/N: One last part after this one, guys. I’m sad to see it coming to an end, but hopefully all of the smut in the part will make up for it.
Art by @waltermittie!
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Sam crashes his lips to Bucky’s, pulling his head toward him as he digs his hands into his long hair. Bucky moans into him and reaches into Steve’s lap as he drives to squeeze him through his pants. Steve hisses, biting his bottom lip as he swerves through the streets, stealing quick glances over at Sam and Bucky as they maul each other. 
Sam pulls Bucky into his lap and rolls his hips into his ass before attaching his lips to his exposed neck . Bucky throws his head back, moaning as he squeezes Sam’s shoulders in his hands. He reaches toward Steve and rubs his chest, dipping his fingers underneath his jacket before grabbing his tie. Bucky grunts as Sam bites down on his neck and grinds his hips into Sam’s crotch. 
Bucky leans over and kisses Steve’s temple before trailing his lips down to the corner of his mouth. He grabs Steve’s lips quickly with his, pulling his attention from the road as he kisses him deeply. Steve swerves into the lane next to them and curses under his breath when a loud horn sounds behind them. Bucky laughs as he kisses Steve quickly again before he grabs Sam’s chin and forces his head upward.
Steve pulls into the closest hotel parking lot, throwing the old truck into park as soon as it comes to a stop. He pulls Bucky’s face away from Sam’s and slams his mouth to his as his fingers crawl over his thigh. Sam licks at Bucky’s neck and sinks his teeth into his flesh, smiling as Bucky yelps into Steve’s mouth. Sam rolls his hips into Bucky’s crotch before throwing open the door. 
They slip through the night, almost running into the lobby of the quiet hotel, “We’ll take whatever you got,” Sam breathes heavily, throwing his credit card toward the young receptionist. 
Bucky slinks his arms around Sam’s middle as he presses his body into Sam’s back. Sam smiles when he feels Bucky’s dick pressing into his ass and scribbles his name onto the receipt. He swipes the door keys from the counter and they move toward the elevator, barely able to keep their hands off of each other. As soon as the doors close, Steve presses his body against Sam’s, backing them up to the opposite wall. 
They stare at each other, Sam’s eyes dipping from Steve’s and down to his lips. Bucky wraps his arm around Steve’s middle and rests his chin on his shoulder, his eyes hungry and twinkling. Sam bites his bottom lip, dropping his eyes to Steve’s pink lips once more. It’s weird how lust works. How you can go from hating someone to wanting them within the blink of an eye. 
Steve waits patiently for Sam’s silent answer. He takes a breath, tilting his head slightly as Bucky pecks at his neck. Sam nods quickly and Steve wastes no time in kissing him deeply. Steve slips his hand between Sam’s legs and squeezes him, fondling his balls between his fingers. Sam breaks their kiss to hiss at the pleasure rippling through him, his chest swelling with lust and anticipation. The elevator dings, the doors slide open, and the three are on the move again, Bucky pulling off his jacket before digging his fingers underneath Sam’s. 
Steve pushes through the door with Sam and Bucky close behind. Bucky fumbles with Sam’s fly, popping the button before unzipping him quickly. He shoves his hands into his underwear as he lays a sloppy, wet kiss on Sam’s mouth, smacking loudly and groaning as he massages his dick in his hands.
“God, I’ve missed you Sammy,” Bucky moans as he pushes Sam’s pants and boxers to the floor. 
Bucky kneels in front of him, stroking Sam slowly before taking him in his mouth. He flicks his eyes up toward Sam’s, keeping a firm gaze on him as he pulls back, letting his cock pop free of his mouth. Sam runs his fingers through Bucky’s hair as he pushes his hips forward to rub the tip of his cock along Bucky’s pretty lips. 
Bucky takes him again in his mouth, sliding his tongue slowly along Sam’s length before swirling it around his tip. Sam groans lowly and relaxes into Steve’s chest as he presses up against him from behind. Steve gently pushes Sam’s face toward his with his fingers and kisses him again, this time slower and more passionately. Their lips smack as Steve massages them with his own, his tongue flicking out quickly to lick at Sam’s lips before he delves back in. 
Sam hisses again as Bucky continues to suck him off. He grips his hair between his fingers, pulling softly as he deposits quick bursts of cum into Bucky’s wet mouth. Bucky hums out of pure delight as he bobs his head back and forth and reaches into his pants to attend to his own rigid erection. 
He blinks his eyes back up toward Steve and Sam, a shiver rippling down his spine as Sam sinks his teeth into his bottom lip as Steve nibbles on his earlobe. Bucky groans at the sight and pulls back from Sam again, swallowing his warm spunk as he wraps his hand around Sam’s shaft and strokes him quickly. 
Steve unbuttons Sam jacket and tosses it to the small chair in the corner of the room. He makes quick work of his expensive shirt and helps him out of the undershirt before flattening his hands on Sam’s shoulders. He marvels at his smooth skin, dropping quick kisses along his neck and shoulder as his hands roam around to his chest and stomach. Sam rests his head on Steve’s shoulder, smiling lazily as he slinks a hand into Steve’s hair. 
Bucky, still kneeling in front of him, plants a warm, gentle kiss to Sam’s toned stomach. He rests his hands on Sam’s hips as he drags his nose and lips along his abs and lower stomach. He outlines his belly button with his tongue and chuckles into Sam’s flesh when he feels him jump from the sensation. Bucky pushes his fingers into Sam’s skin, leaving quick indentions before he reaches back to Steve thigh and giving him a quick squeeze to let him know he’s there. 
Sam pushes back into Steve’s erection and runs his tongue over his teeth. Hate sex is some of the best sex. He moves out from the middle of them and crawls onto the bed, pushing his way up to the headboard. He props himself up and lets his head roll slightly to the side as another slow smile spreads across his lips. He watches as Bucky drags his hands up Steve’s sides as he stands and undoes his pants. Steve pushes Bucky’s blue jacket from his shoulders and starts to work on his shirt, taking his time as moves from button to button. 
Bucky pulls the solid Steve to him, crushing their hips together as he kisses him firmly. He wraps his fingers around the back of Steve’s neck as he bends down to drag his tongue along Bucky’s jawline. Sam strokes his cock slowly, pushing his hips upward and into his hand as cum drips from his slit. Steve pushes his hands into the Bucky’s pants and pulls him free, stroking him slowly in his underwear. 
He removes his hand from him, quickly helping Bucky discard the rest of his clothing before he bends him over the mattress. Bucky crawls half way up Sam’s body, his hands on either sides of his hips, Sam’s dick mere inches from his chin. Bucky smiles sweetly at him before planting a soft kiss on the tip and swishing his tongue back and forth against it. 
Sam eyes skip from Bucky’s to Steve as he finally drops his pants, letting his pretty, thick cock free for the first time. Sam takes a deep breath as he squeezes his balls while Bucky’s tongue teases him. He just found the most redeeming quality about Steven Grant Rogers. He gestures quicken as he watches Steve positions himself behind Bucky’s ass. 
Steve slides his fingers between Bucky’s ass, smiling to himself when Bucky lets out a soft moan. Steve massages Bucky’s hole slowly as his free hand ventures to his balls, rolling them in his fingers. He palms them softly, squeezing gently before he takes Bucky’s cock into his hand. He strokes him from behind, inhaling sharply as Bucky groans loudly from the contact. 
Sam bites his lip as Bucky’s eyes flutter shut and his mouth drops open. He puckers his lips, letting out a deliberate breath as Steve strokes his shaft while continuing to massage his hole. He lowers his mouth over Sam’s cock once more, sliding down on him until his nose is buried in Sam’s kinky pubic hair. Sam slams his head back on the headboard as he pushes his hips upward, pushing deeper into Bucky’s throat. Bucky gags on his dick and Sam’s toes curl as desire ripples through him. 
Steve flicks his eyes to Sam as he pushes his hips into Bucky. His eyes are closed, his bottom lip in between his teeth, hands clenching the sheets as Bucky takes his entire length in his mouth. Cum drips from Steve’s now throbbing cock and splashes against the sheets below, leaving a dark spot as it absorbs his secretion. He drags his hand along Bucky’s shaft again and sweeps his fingers over the tip of his cock, collecting his silky cum on his digits. 
He grabs Bucky’s hip and inches closer to him, pushing his dick right up to his entrance. Bucky shivers, his fingers clawing into the mattress as Steve starts to fill him. He backs off of Sam as air rushes from his lungs, his mouth falling open as Steve pushes deeper and deeper. Steve lets out a breath between his teeth as he digs his fingernails into Bucky’s flesh, not stopping until his cock is completely buried in Bucky’s ass. 
Sam tangles his fingers in Bucky’s hair as he starts to rock forward with each of Steve’s thrusts. He continues bobbing his head up and down on Sam’s cock, strings of cum and saliva hanging from his lips and chin. Bucky falters, groaning loudly as Steve’s strokes get harder and faster. He slams his eyes shut, his face contorting with pleasure as Steve grabs a handful of his hair. 
Steve cranes his neck back as he pulls on Bucky’s tresses, still ramming him from behind. Bucky’s mouth falls open as he lurches forward, his hand wrapped around the base of Sam’s cock. Sam pulses his hips into Bucky’s warm hand as his eyes close to slits again. The mere sight of Bucky being fucked, mixed with his groans and grunts, and the smile that spreads across his face all becoming too much. 
Sam pushes his hips into Bucky’s hand roughly and loses himself completely, groaning loudly as his orgasm rushes through his body. Bucky drops his head to watch as Sam cums, inhaling sharply and then letting out a breath as he moans and pumps Sam’s cock quickly. He leans forward, kissing Sam’s tip and slit as cum spurts from him before taking him in his mouth again. Sam grips the sheets in his hands, his chest tight, his muscles flexing as he drains his body of his warm spunk. His hips jerk as Bucky sucks him clean and dry, grunts still scratching at his throat as the final waves of his orgasm washes over him.
Sam’s body goes limp when his release starts to recede. Bucky’s mouth and hand slows down as he swallows his warm seed. He gazes at Sam, a dreamy smile on his face as he rubs his hand up his hard stomach. Steve pulls out of him, giving his behind a smack before he climbs onto the mattress. Bucky crawls up Sam’s body and settles in his lap, pushing his hips into Sam’s as he lays on top of him. He kisses him slowly, humming happily as he smiles against Sam’s lips. 
Light chuckles bubble up in Sam’s chest as he kisses Bucky back before Steve pushes his face toward his. He grabs Sam’s lips, sucking his top lip into his mouth quickly before pulling away, “You ready for me?”
Sam’s eyes twinkle as the husk in Steve’s voice sends a chill down his spine. Steve pats his lap as a soft smile plays on his lips. Sam accepts the invitation, looping his arm around Bucky’s middle as he sits up and lifts his hips from the mattress. Steve slides underneath him, keeping one hand on the base of his cock as he places the other on Sam’s hip, helping to guide him down. 
Sam sinks his teeth into his bottom lip as his body spreads to accommodate Steve’s size. He grinds his hips into Steve’s as he flattens his back to Steve’s chest. Steve kisses his neck softly as he grabs the back of Sam’s thigh and tugs his leg toward them. He holds his leg as he starts to move, pushing his hips into Sam’s, fucking him slowly as he drops more sweet kisses to the side of his face and neck.
Bucky grinds his body against Sam’s as he flattens his chest to his once again. He grabs his lips with his as he wraps his arms around Sam and Steve’s shoulders. He keeps his mouth on Sam’s as he moves, breathing in his sweet breath and eating up his soft moans. The dullness of his next orgasm starts to build in the pit of Sam’s stomach. His balls tighten as Steve’s strokes his prostate with each deep thrust. He kisses Bucky hard as their cock’s rub against each other. Steve nibbles on his earlobe and whispers sweet nothings into his ear, just wanting to make Sam cum again. 
Steve rubs Sam’s thighs with his hands, gently scratching at his skin with his fingernails as he starts to feel his muscles tighten. Bucky’s breaths are short and choppy as his hips quicken against Sam’s, his own release building faster and faster. He kisses Sam again as his moans change octaves, his voice nearly squeaking as his body quivers. 
Sam throws his arms around Bucky’s back and squeezes him tightly as Bucky lowers his forehead to his. Bucky thrusts his hips forward again and digs his fingers into Steve’s shoulders as he finally cums, his spunk spilling out onto Sam’s abs. Steve pushes into Sam quickly, hissing as Sam tenses and cums again. Steve slams his head against the headboard as he slams into Sam one last time, grunting as long, hot ribbons of his seed spills into Sam. 
The three of them ride their orgasms out with each other, their moans mingling together in the air. Bucky collapses onto Sam’s chest, nuzzling against his warm skin as he starts to draw soft, slow circles on his forearm with his fingers. Sam lets his head roll to the side, a soft hum rumbling through his chest as Steve presses light kisses against his forehead. Steve wraps his arms around the two of them as his body calms and his mind stills. An overwhelming sense of peace fills his body as he and his two boys fall asleep on top of him, both happy, both safe. He kisses Sam again and runs his fingers through Bucky’s hair as he takes a deep, content breath. 
This is all he's ever wanted. It just took him awhile to see it.
Sam shifts slowly, turning his head away from the window as the sun creeps into the room through the curtains. He’s cocooned between two warm bodies, arms and legs strewn about, weaving in and out of each other as they lay in a heap. He pushes Bucky’s wild hair out of his face as he wiggles further down into the sheets. He takes a breath before opening his eyes fully and blinking away the blurriness. 
He lifts his arm above his head, squinting as he tries to read the time. He drops it lazily back to the mattress and curls into Bucky’s body while pulling Steve’s arm over his side. Steve shifts in his sleep state and squeezes Sam gently as he rolls over, flattening his chest to Sam’s back. Sam lays his head on Bucky’s chest and reaches across his chest, feeling around the nightstand until he locates his phone. 
He feels Bucky shift underneath him, tossing his eyes up toward him before he returns his attention to his phone. Bucky stretches his limbs before dragging his fingers along Sam’s spine lazily.
 “Mornin’ baby,” he mumbles as he slides his hand up between Sam’s shoulder blades. 
Sam smiles as he scrolls through his search results. He sprawls his fingers out on Bucky’s chest and places his chin on the back of his hand, “You like mid-century modern or bungalows?”
Bucky furrows his brow, racking his still foggy brain, “I’m not sure I know what that means?”
Sam smirks again, copying and sending the link to the family sized home to his realtor, “You will soon.”
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dahabiyacruise · 5 years
Let’s Not Lose Our Heads About This! - Oct 10/19
My first stop of the day was the Aswan High Dam. While it is just another piece of big infrastructure to the west, to Egyptians it represents independence, industrialization and the emergence of their country as a modern nation. Funding was initially denied by the World Bank (Egyptians blame this on the US acting on behalf of their regional proxy Israel), so Egypt seized the Suez Canal in 1956 in the name of Arab Nationalism and planned to use shipping tolls to help pay for the dam. This led to a French, British and Israeli invasion that looked more like a Monty Python skit, which caused them to be badly mauled by Nasser’s troop and inspired Lester B. Pearson 🇨🇦 to invent UN Peacekeeping. Egypt then turned to the Soviet Union for help. The Soviets, being in the midst of the Cold War, were more than happy to oblige by providing money and expertise in return for mining concessions in the Sinai. Despite all its benefits, the Dam still has problems today, including:
- it is a symbol of injustice to the thousands of Nubians who were displaced without fair compensation;
- the absence of spring floods means that farmers downstream no longer receive free annual deposits of rich topsoil but must buy expensive fertilizer instead; and
- salt and the rich topsoil that use to flow downstream are filling the lake and will likely necessitate very expensive flushing or dredging.
While they were considering adding more turbines to the dam (our friend Julie, the power engineer👷🏻‍♀️, would salivate), this project and all of Egyptian agriculture is threatened by the construction of a huge dam project on the Blu Nile in Ethiopia. When it is completed, large volumes of water may be lost to evaporation and upstream irrigation and Egypt (where it sometimes does not rain for years) could lose much of its only source of fresh water. The whole country could potentially and quite literally, wither on the vine. Achmed seriously discussed his belief/concern that Egypt may go to war, as this is seen as a matter of national survival.
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From there, we drove back into Ancient Egypt and to another temple that was moved when the lake was flooded, this time from one island to another. Built in the Greco Roman era, like Edfu and Kom Ombo (note the differing column capitals), Philae is dedicated to Isis, who was wife to Osiris and mother of Horus. When Set killed Osiris and cut him into 14 pieces (or 24, or 40, or 42), Isis resurrected him but she carelessly lost/forgot his head or phallus (something most wife’s would understand and applaud). It was apparently buried on an island in the middle of the Nile, so Ptolemy IV built her temple on an adjoining island. It is unclear whether this was so she could be close to her husband or so she could be constantly reminded of her incompetence. It is a small but well preserved structure except for the many chiseled out figures of the Gods and dozens of Coptic Crosses that are courtesy of the Roman Emperor Constantine and his Christian followers in the 4th Century (zoom in on some of the pictures). While it can only be reached by small boats carrying 2-30 tourists each, it is easily the most crowded site that I have visited so far. There is a constant stream of tour buses arriving at the riverside and masses of tourists being herded about the island like hundreds of Hathors (god with horns and cow ears) on a roundup.
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The temple has two sets of the obligatory pylons (gates), a pillared courtyard and a hypostyle hall. This design is repeated so often and so precisely that it now reminds me of all those cookie cutter bungalows in 1950s suburbs. Nevertheless, the agency e, the scale and the beauty of these temples never fails to take my breath away. There are three sanctuaries side by side at the far end, one for each member of the Sacred Family, with Isis in the centre (after all, it’s her temple). Each one would have held a golden statue of the respective god, in a wooden shrine, on-board a model barque so that the God could be carried about for festivals.
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Outside the main temple is a huge Chapel dedicated to the Emperor Hadrian where my guide says that he submitted his battle plans to Isis for approval. There is also a partially completed Triumphal Arch dedicated to Emperor Trajan that acted as the entry gate for the main boat landing.
At this point, it was time to say goodbye to Achmed, who had been with me for 6 days almost 24-7. I will miss his good natured demeanour and endless patience but not his regular tests to ensure that I remembered what he had taught me on previous days😊. Then it was back to the boat to begin our journey downstream, back to the north.
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wilwywaylan · 7 years
Like cat and dog
Fandom : Star Wars VII : The Force Awakens / VIII : The Last Jedi
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux, modern!AU, 2834 words
Thanks to @yahtomingan for getting me hooked on that pairing, !
Also on AO3 !
Hux was having a bad day. A very bad day. First, someone had taken the last of his pricey coffee without even asking. Not that he would have granting them permission to touch it anyway. Second, someone has drained all the hot water, forcing him to do his morning ablutions with cold water. While the first culprit was evident, it was harder to pinpoint the second. Kylo perfectly knew that this special coffee costed an arm and a leg, and that Hux drank it sparingly, only allowing himself a cup each morning ; and still he had helped himself to it without a second thought for his flatmate's mood and the dramatic levels it could reach without his morning coffee. But Kylo and Phasma both spent a long time in the shower, the former because of his so-called hair care, and the second, just because she could.
Those two events would have been enough to put him in a horrid mood for the rest of the day, and a good part of next day too. But of course, he had to decide to get out with Millicent for a moment. He didn't have to be at work for two hours, and walking usually helped him unwind a little. He put the cat in her harness. At least, she didn't struggle anymore, now that she was used to it, and obediently stepped out with him, waiting at his feet while he locked the door, and falling in step with him. He decided to go down the street, to the park. She could play there for a few minutes, and then he would have to go back to get ready for work.
The first ten minutes of the walk went well. Of course, people stared, because they always did. Once would think that they had never seen someone walk their cat on a leash, and they watched him pass like he was a weirdo torturing a poor animal. Idiots, all of them. He walked her at least once a day, sometimes even twice. It was good for both of their moods. Millicent may rant and groan less than him when in a foul mood, but she more than made it up for it by destroying all furniture in sight. So what if people judged him ? If it could spare their armchairs and Kylo's beloved leather coat, he didn't care about the stares. Then again, Hux usually didn't care about what people thought about him.
Until the dog came. Millicent's fur immediatly stood on end. She lurched backwards, so hard that the leash was ripped off from Hux's hand. She immediatly ran to the nearest tree, climbed it, settled on a branch, and started spitting and growling at the dog. Which hadn't moved, just watching her, head tilted to the side. Hux didn't pay it any attention. He walked to the tree and called Millicent, trying to coax her down. Obviously, it didn't work. She recognized his voice, he was sure of that, but she didn't pay him any attention, still glaring at the dog. And he was starting to run late. He tried catching the leash ; of course, he wouldn't pull her down, he wouldn't dream of hurting her, not to mention that she would turn him into minced meat. But maybe he could use it to signal that he wanted her to come down. But he should have expected that the leash would stop a few inches above his fingers. He tried standing on tiptoes, leaning on the trunk for support. Still out of reach. He tried jumping, not caring about how it would affect his hair or shirt. Still without any result, except that the dog was now yapping at his side. Hux massaged his temples, trying to disperse the headache that was trying to settle in. Maybe if he kicked the dog, it would leave him alone. Or at least, he could scare him enough. Phasma always told him that his scowl could make milk turn sour, after all.
Before he could try, though, a voice rang behind him :
- Hey there, can I help you with something ?
It took a great deal of control not to jump two feet in the air, and even more not to turn and jump at the person who just startled him and scream at them all he thought of their manners. He did spin around, his coat billowing with him... and stopped. No one. It took him one second to register that a man was standing directly behind him. He was smaller than him, and a bit too close for comfort too. Hux would have used his most cutting tone to ask them to step back, had he not been too busy observing him.
Hux prided himself in being a man of refined tastes. And as such, few people did find favor with him. Usually, he wouldn't have spared someone like this a second glance. He didn't care in the least for rugged looks, and that man looked very rugged, with his unkempt hair, unshaved face, and, horror among horrors, clothes that looked that they hadn't been washed and pressed for days. But the jaw was well-defined, almost chiseled, the eyes, black as night, looked honest, and there were small lins at the corners, that made him look like he was always smiling. He was smiling, right now, a gentle, open-mouthed smile that showed a hint of teeth. And despite looking kinda something that a cat less dignified that Millicent dragged in, his posture looked earnest. Like he really wanted to help, and didn't ask just to be polite or hint that he had to leave.
Hux finally realized that the man had asked him something, and certainly was waiting for an answer. If he wasn't making fun of him of course, because how could anyone not see his problem ? Still, he straigtened his back, and answered in a dignified tone :
- A damn dog chased my cat up that tree. I can't get her down.
The man looked down, where the small dog was pressed against his leg, looking at him with adoration. Ah. So the dog was his. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to call it a damn dog. Then again, it was. Without it, Hux would be back at the appartement, not standing in the dirt and staring at a stranger. Not a bad looking stranger, but a stranger none-the-less, who might take offense at his comment. He didn't. Instead, he bit his lip, and offered :
- I apologize for his behavior. He's not well-trained yet, and he can be... feisty, sometimes. I'm sure he didn't mean harm.
Why would Hux care about what the dog meant or not ? That didn't change the fact that Millicent was still stuck up here, and she didn't want to go down ! He was ready to tell the man so, but before he could, said man stepped forwards, the dog following suit. Hux jumped on the side as not to let the mutt walk too close. The man didn't look at him, instead trying to call the cat. He tapped his fingers to the trunk, trying to catch her attention. Millicent's only reaction was a haughty look. She then started sharpening her claws on the branch, clearly showing her disinterest. So much for charm. - What is her name ?
Hux was faced again with those deep eyes, and it took him a second to manage an answer.
- Millicent, he blurted.
The man smiled, and Hux expected him to make fun of said name, but he just turned towards the tree and cooed :
- Here, Millicent, Millie Millie, come down...
Millicent glared at him, then yawned, and made a show of licking her paw. The man didn't seem too bummed by it. Instead of grabbing his dog's leash, wishing Hux good luck and going his merry way, he.... took off his jacket ? And threw it with a "here, hold this, please". He then grabbed the tree and, under Hux's bewildered gaze, started climbing. Hux could only hold the jacket, vaguely noticing how warm in was under his fingers, and stare. That man... had arms. He shook his head. Of course he did. But they were... fine. Very fine. Not as large as Kylo's, but Kylo worked out too much anyway. No, they were... nice. Just strong enough, the muscles rippling just enough under the skin while he climbed up the tree as easily as a flight of stairs.
He reached the branch where Millicent was sitting, without breaking a sweat, and cautiously approached the cat, who was watching him warily, ears tilted back. To Hux's suprise, instead of just lifting her and getting mauled in the process, he held his hand out and let her sniff it. They stayed like that for a few minutes, totally unmoving. Finally, Milicent's ears went back to their normal position, and she started licking her paw again. The man gently wrapped a hand around her middle, lifted her, and carefully climbed down, holding her against his chest.
Hux didn't run to the man. He didn't almost grab his from his hold. Not at all. The man must have sensed his distress, because Millicent was immediatly, and very carefully deposited into his arms. Immediatly, she nuzzled against his chest and started purring. Hux almost did the same, burying his face in the orange fur, but he had a spectator. Two, even. The man was looking at him. And the dog was, too, hand tilted on the side. Hux frowned, and straightened his back. The man was still smiling, but not in a "I'm so proud of myself for getting your dumb cat down that tree". No. He looked... Hux didn't know exactly. He didn't have the words to put on this. It looked... soft ? Appreciative ? He didn't know. But he was probably the first person ever to look at him like that. It felt weird, it made his cheeks heat up, and Hux didn't like this at all.
- Well, he said stiffly. Thank you for your help, sir.
He didn't leave his voice hanging, but the man still took it as an invitation to introduce himself.
- Poe Dameron. And you are ?
He extended a hand. Hux could only glance at it silently, his arms full of purring feline. Nothing seemed to be able to faze that man ; instead, he scratched Millicent under her chin. And he asked her : - So, Millicent, what's your master's name, hm ?
- Cats don't talk, you know ? Hux remarked drily.
- I know. But since you don't want to tell me your name, maybe she will meow it ?
Hux sighed. He would certainly not back down. And he vaguely felt that he owed him from getting Millicent down. Even if that was his stupid dog's fault to start with.
- Hux. Armitage Hux, he added after a second.
The man didn't make any supposedly witty comment at his given name, didn't even bat an eye.
- Well, he said with a smile, pleased to meet you, mister Hux and Millicent. And this one here (he gestured towards his dog) is BB-8.
That was a stupid name for a dog if Hux ever heard one. He lifted an eyebrow, trying to convey exactly what he thought of this choice. The man - Dameron - didn't pay him any attention, instead patting the dog's head. Feeling the conversation was over, and they didn't have anything to tell each other anyway, Hux turned to leave, but to his greatest annoyance, Dameron touched his arm, effectively stopping him dead in his tracks. Impervious to his murderous glare, the man asked :
- Say, how do you feel about some coffee ? My treat.
Hux had a second of hesitation. He didn't want to spend more time that needed with that person he didn't know, and who seemed nice right now, but would soon reveal himself to be utterly boring, a perfect idiot, or both. He had better things to do with his time than to waste it with someone who certainly wasn't worth it.
On the other hand, he was severly caffeine-less, and it was getting worse by the minute. Would it be so bad to spend a few minutes with that man, if it meant getting some coffee ? Or at least something that would pass for coffee, he didn't trust those neighbouring coffee shops too much. Seen that way, it was rather interesting. That, and the fact that going for coffee now would mean five less minutes to spend trying not to bite Kylo's head at work after the Coffee Incident.
He nodded slightly, and the man smiled again. Hux had to admit, that smile wasn't so bad. It looked almost... friendly. He bent down to put Millicent on the ground, hiding that annoying face from his view. When he straightened up, Dameron smiled and started walking down the road. Hux followed. He vaguely thought that they certainly made for a strange picture, two men walking down the road, one wearing a suit and the other in a leather jacket, walking a small dog and a fluffy cat on leashes.
Dameron didn't settle for the nearest coffee outlet. No, he lead Hux to a cozy little shop, with comfortable chairs and little doilies on the tables. He seemed as he belonged there, between the shelves covered in tins and old plates and the flower vases, as much as Phasma at an official reception or Kylo... anywhere, really. And still, the older lady behind the counter welcomed him like a good friend, and didn't say anything about the dog or Millicent being on their rug.
Dameron walked back with two mugs, and gently directed Hux towards a table in the back. Hux followed, more because the dog was trying to push against his leg and dirty his pants, than because he really wanted to sit on a liberty-covered chair. Or rather, in, as he discovered when the floral monstruosity almost swallowed him. But the mug Dameron handed him smelled heavenly. He tasted it, and had to hold back a very embarrassing noise. That coffee was delicious, maybe even more than his precious one. Millicent jumped on his lap and settled there. Dameron was talking about his job (he was a pilot, apparently) and how he came to know about that shop, but Hux only half-listened, absent-minded. What mattered the most was that delicious coffee, his cat sleeping on his knees, and his level of agitation finally decreasing for the first time since he got up this morning. He even found himself answering a few questions about his job and the coffee he liked the most. His answers were short and to the point, but it was still the longest, non-professionnal conversation he had hold with someone in months.
But soon, their cups were empty, and they had to part. Dameron offered him his hand at the door again, and Hux shook it this time. He and Millicent were a few doors down, when the man called after him :
- Say, he yelled, making Hux cringe ; how about we start this again sometimes ?
Hux wasn't about to scream in the street like a no-manered scoundrel. He walked back to where Dameron was still standing to answer :
- As I told you, I'm a very busy man.
Dameron's face fell a bit, and Hux felt a very unusual pinch of something. Was it guilt ? OR something else ? He quickly added :
- But if your dog chases my cat up a tree again, I'll accept another cup as an apology.
- Don't say that, Dameron retorted, he'd never let her go down.
And with a smile and a nod, he was gone. Hux took the road back, Millicent trotting before him. His step may have been a bit bouncier, but who could blame him ? He opened the door, took Millicent's harness and watched her scamper off. Phasma was sitting in the living-room when he came in to collect his stuff, and she watched him with some kind of interest above her newspaper.
- You seem in an awfully good mood today, she remarked.
He didn't answer, but she was already back to her reading. But she wasn't really wrong. He was feeling way less upset, almost... relaxed (if he could ever feel totally relaxed). Probably the coffee. He should go back to that place one day, taste it again. Maybe while walking Millicent. Maybe at the same hour, too. She'd surely love that.
(There was an expensive pack of coffee on the kitchen table, with a post-it stuck on it. On it was Kylo's unmistakable writing, saying "here is your coffee, you prick. Choke on it". Oh. Well, he didn't really need it anymore, now, did he ?)
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talkstarwars · 8 years
A New Star Wars Theory
I have a new theory about the new Star Wars canon that might tie together a few new elements and answer a few of those niggling Star Wars shaped questions we have had since The Force Awakens. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting Jyn is Rey's mum, but I am going to speculate about Snoke again...
We all have some questions we want answered that relate to the new Star Wars canon. We want to now who Snoke is, who Rey's parents are and where the hell were Kanan and Ezra during the events of the original trilogy. They appear to be separate questions. But what if they have one answer? Let's break it down.
Where were the crew of The Ghost during the events of the original trilogy?
We recently got a voicemail from James over at our sister show, TumblingSaber. James wanted to know if we could come up with an explanation for the apparent absence of the Jedi we know from Star Wars Rebels, during the high stakes events of the original trilogy. We guessed that maybe they had been killed, or become like the Bendu and gone all Grey on us and so abstained from any conflict. Well my tiny Star Wars filled mind just wouldn't stop turning this over and I think I've settled on the following.
We know that at least some of the Star Wars Rebels crew are present at the Battle of Scarif on Rogue One. We see The Ghost, Chopper and we hear General Syndulla over the public address system in Yavin IV's Rebel base. So it's safe to assume that at least Hera and Chopper make it this far. All bets are off when it comes to Sabine, Seb, Ezra and Kanan though. I mean, there's a good chance  that at least two of these characters are in the thick of the action in Rogue One. But I'm speculating that this does no include Ezra and Kanan, for the following reasons.
As our heroes there is no way Kanan and Ezra would sit out the fight with the Sith (aka the Empire) whilst innocents die around them. One explanation would be that they are dead. Here's my theory. We know that Maul (formerly Darth) has been working on Ezra for sometime now. Referring to him as Apprentice and teasing him toward the Darkside. One can only guess at Maul's motives, but I would suggest that he wants to remove Vader and get to Sidious. Either to ingratiate himself with his former master, or remove and replace him as the head of the Empire. I suspect Maul, in typical Sith fashion, is willing to use Ezra to this end. Set his "apprentice" up to face Vader and stand back to watch things play out. 
But what if Maul underestimates Ezra, and Ezra, convinced he can use the Darkside for good, falls into the dark and kills Maul. Maybe Ezra then gets lost in the Darkside, fuelled by hate and rage and faces Kanan, maybe even Ahsoka (if in fact she is to return from that temple), and kills both former Jedi. It's here we have some exciting options. If Ezra succeeds against his former friends and goes on to face Vader, we could have Vader all but kill Ezra in a duel. Or maybe Ezra doesn't get that far and Ahsoka and Kanan do serious damage to him before they, themselves dye. Maybe Ezra, mortally wounded, needs to retreat and convalesce, so the he might challenge the Sith at some point in the future. 
Could Ezra become Snoke?
Who is Snoke?
So I'm not the first person to suggest that Ezra might actually be Snoke. The numbers seem right. If Snoke is about Lukes age, Ezra is about Luke's age. Snoke would have watched the Empire emerge, as did Ezra. Both are presumably, Force users. But imagine the scenario I point out above actually played out and Ezra, now going by the name Snoke (maybe Maul gives Ezra that name?) sits by and watches Vader's compassion for his son bring down the Sith. This would position him to make a move on the spoils. There are characters that Ezra/Snoke could align himself with (Rax, Thrawn) who could help the injured former Jedi Padawan plant the seeds of the First Order. 
I can imagine Snoke at this stage moving into Vader's Castle on Mustafa and learning from the Dark Lord of the Sith's records there. We have seen Ezra use Sith Holocron's to explore the Darkside previously. Could Snoke learn about Vader's Purge of the Jedi, that many lost their lives there? Has Snoke unlocked the hidden secrets of the ancient castle, hinted at in recent Lucasfilm publications? Did Snoke learn of the Emperor's orphanage on Mustafar? His plans to develop a legion of Force sensitive spies. Did Snoke take his lead from this and collect Force sensitive children to recruit as an army powerful enough to protect him from Luke Skywalker? 
Did Snoke once face Luke Skywalker and his young apprentice Ben? The thought of Ezra and Luke facing off against each other as mature Force users is very exciting. Perhaps Luke went to Mustafar to confront Snoke and in doing so learned of Snoke's plans fro the Children of the Force he had been collecting. Maybe Luke and Ben defeat Snoke, who retreats leaving Luke and Ben with a collection of Force sensitive children. Perhaps they are the seeds of Luke's new Jedi academy. Maybe one small girl stands out to Luke.
I imagine its about this time that Snoke begins to work on Ben, in the way Palpatine tricked Anakin in to seeing him as weak as he faced Mace Windu. Is this where Snoke first decides to prise Ben away from Luke with glorious tales of Darth Vader and the Sith? 
Who are Rey's parents?
If Rey isn't the child of Luke or Han and Leia, and she isn't a vergence in the Force. Maybe, just maybe, she was a Force sensitive child collected by Snoke's sinister agents to become a part of his new Darkside army. maybe these children would become Inquisitors or maybe Dark Jedi. Maybe Knights of Ren. Whatever his designs may have been for these children, Rey may have been one Luke sensed had the most potential. And not in a good way. 
You know how Snoke values Kylo Ren because Ben had both Dark and Light side tendencies? Maybe Luke sees a potential for Dark in the young Rey when he rescues her from Snoke's Orphanage on Mustafar. Perhaps this motivates Luke to enlist the help of Lor San Tekka and the Church of the Force. Could Luke have been behind the decision to deposit young Rey on Jakku, under the watchful eye of those astute enough to know when this girl would be strong enough to be of use? Was her presence on Jakku hidden from Snoke/Ezra by whatever dark energy attracted Palpatine to build an Imperial facility there? 
Rey's having been a part of Snoke and Kylo Ren's past in this way would explain their apparent familiarity with her in The Force Awakens. It may be why Maz Kanata sees so much potential in the girl, because she has connections, not only to the Force, but to it's Church and to Luke Skywalker. 
If we see Rey given this kind of past it could position her to become a character more powerful and with more potential than Anakin, without having to resort to the chosen one prophesy. Rey was simply taken as a child and kept on Mustafar until rescued by the Jedi. Then hidden by Luke when he realises her potential for both Dark and Light. This will be a mirror of what we already know about Kylo Ren and Snoke. 
This theory would explain where Kanan and Ezra were during the events of the original trilogy, and give Ezra a really impactful story that has massive ramifications across the entire saga. All from his humble start on Lothal, in a TV series. 
As always I'll be happy to be wrong here, I'd rather be surprised, but this theory feels good. It uses a lot of the elements we know to be solid canon, and elements (Vader's Castle) that are rumoured to form a part of the next film. 
I'd be interested to know what you guys think about this, and indeed if you can offer your own theory about who Snoke might be, what happens to Ezra and Kanan, and might Rey's origin be? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
Thank you for reading,
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