#and dazai is like 'fuck they're multiplying' as he tries to quicken his step even more
ophelianated · 2 years
So, Dazai canonically likes to follow Arthur around for...whatever reason (probably for his depression vibes tbh). He also has a strong dislike for dogs, to put it mildly (irl Dazai did anyway, so I'm gonna say he does too).
Ever since Arthur figured this out (because of course he did), whenever he is on the last of his nerves when it comes to dealing with Dazai, he will take Vic out for a walk because that way Dazai stops following him, if only for the time being.
For a while he thinks he has galaxy brained it at last and a good part of his clown problems are solved. Except after a time Vic starts to associate Dazai with walks, and because walks = good, he becomes super hyper and excited whenever he catches sight of Dazai and launches 7 pounds of puppy love at him at the speed of light, much to the chagrin of both writers.
Vic 110% chases Dazai around the mansion, and the only reason Arthur is able to suppress his jealousy ("why would you choose that slippery twat over me? a queen really ought to have better taste than that") and not intervene is that watching Dazai finally let his mask slip while he runs for his life is too good an opportunity to examine what's underneath to just pass up over something as petty as jealousy.
(he will absolutely hold extra long cuddle marathons after Vic has tired himself out though)
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