#and dazai also is in the same boat of 'covers his hands but not fully'
ccarrot · 1 year
ready for a nonsensical brain dump?
another fun Chuuya-Atsushi parallel, THEY BOTH WEAR GLOVES!
For the two of them, hands are an outlet of their power! Atsushi's hands are the major transformation when he goes into Tiger mode -> they turn into giant tiger paws. and Chuuya exposes his hands to activate corruption/get a power boost. If we liken this specific design choice to their characterizations:
Chuuya's gloves already have well established lore, he covers his hands to help himself feel grounded. it gives him CONTROL. not only over his own power but also the gloves could be a physical representation of his own control over his own decisions? He personally takes them off when he personally makes the choice of activating Corruption. He can't control Corruption but he CAN control his choices! you know what's a big part of Chuuya's character arc? SELF AUTONOMY (and the lack thereof). GLOVES.
Atsushi wears fingerless gloves, maybe the exposed skin is an indicator of how he DOESN'T have full control over his ability, but also it shows that he doesn't NEED complete control bc he's got the support of Fukuzawa's "ability" and he's connected with the Tiger inside his mind. He never carefully removes his gloves turning his hands into tiger claws, they just burst off with the force of his power. AND. Atsushi's a far more open and emotional character and that's shown in the fingerless GLOVES that leave his fingers (a very sensitive part of the body) more vulnerable..
Oh oh and! they both got their gloves AFTER joining their respective organizations! Except in the ADA Atsushi is given some kind of freedom and a family, and in the Mafia Chuuya was. hmm well Chuuya certainly joined the mafia "on his own accord" and he did gain a family of sorts from it. hmmmmmmm im thinking hard abt this.
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