#and dan is cute. nobody asked but i'll say it anyway
tvguts · 1 year
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i can't really explain it but these are all the same flavor of show to me. protags are adult friends and terrible people. cartoonish hijinx. um, there's a short guy? that's all i got. i will not be taking questions
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Sandlot love
A/N: Y/B/F/N=Your Best Friends Name and Y/BF/B/N=Your Best Friends Brothers Name.
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It wasn't a lie that you were the shyest girl in the school. That's why Levi liked you so much. When Levi asked you out you asked him 'why?'. He said 'Because you're cute and you like to stay away from the crowd.' Obviously you said yes, at first you thought it was a joke but Levi turned out to be really sweet and not full of himself like most musicians.
After your third date with the gold ranger, he asked you to officially be his girlfriend, and to prove he was being serious he told you he was the gold ranger. To say you were shocked was and understatement but you said yes anyway. You knew what you were getting yourself when you did, but you loved Levi to the point you would to die for him.
Now, you don't like meeting new people and socialising and Levi new that but he wanted you to meet his friends and officially say "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." But you already figured out that he's friends were the other five rangers. Hayley was so exited that the four of you could go on double dates. The only thing that Levi had on his list was for you to meet his dad.
So here you are, at his house to meet his dad. You were really nerves. Levi knew what you thinking so he took your hand in his and said,
"My dad is a nice guy. He's so chill, like you. He'll love you. Stop worrying, princess."
"It's not that, it's just...remember when you meet my friends?" You replied.
"The Sandlot shenanigan? Yeah. What about it?"
"Well, what if I invited your dad to the Sandlot tomorrow?"
"Babe, are you saying you want my dad to A; Meet your friends, B: Be involved with the don't jump over the fence thing, and C: Watch us being all lovey dovey?"
"If you want to, then hell yeah. You ready to go inside now?"
Let's just say you and Dan had a lot in common. You told him about the Sandlot and invited him. He said,
"If work ends early, I'll be there."
The next day, after school you and the rangers went to the Sandlot. You started playing the game, picking up where you left off the day before. Dan arrived when you were up to bat. You looked at Your best friends brother and gave him the signal to do the joke.
"This is like déjà vu." You said.
"What's like déjà vu?" Y/B/F/N responed.
"This is like déjà vu."
"What's like déjà vu?" Y/B/F/N laughed.
"Got ya."
She got back into her position. Her brother looked at you and said,
"I'm just gonna go nice and easy on ya at first, okay?"
"You know what, Y/BF/B/N? That's always been your problem. You're too nice." You stated.
"Excuse me?" He relpied.
"You're excused." You smirked.
"Y/N, wait! Before you bat-"
Levi ran up to you and put his Cowboy hat on your head. You shook your head at his goofiness.
"That's cute."
He chuckled and gave you a good luck kiss. He whispered,
"Go get 'em, tigger."
He ran back to the dug out and stopped when he felt the Rangers and Dan stair at him.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing!" They yelled in unision.
"Yeah, okay. Nothing." He nodded and sat down. Brody got his phone out and everyone repeated the Red Ranger. They texted in the group chat that doesn't have Levi in it.
Brody: They are so cute together!
Hayley: Couple goals.
Calvin: What about us?! Nobody's cuter then us!
Sarah: They cuter then you and Hayley. Even she can agree.
Preston: Yeah, he literally called a time out, ran up to her, gave her his hat and gave her a good luck kiss.
Dan: Y/N's a good kid. She's nice and she makes Levi happy. That's all I want for him.
Brody: You're right dad, I haven't seen him this happy since...well, since he became the gold ranger.
Hayley: Guys! I know there cute and all but let's just watch the game.
All: Sorry!
Everyone has left the chat.
It was getting late so you decided to go home. You all said your goodbyes and left the Sandlot. Dan gave you a lift. You got out of the car and said 'thank you.' But before you could even go in your own house, Levi grabbed your hand which caused you to spin around. You smiled at him and he kissed you softly. You pulled away and said goodnight. Levi went back to the car and saw the look on his brothers face.
"Lover boy!" Brody grinned at Levi. As a response to his brothers remark, Levi playfully pushed Brody as he exclaimed,
"Shut up!"
You're friends where starting to get to him. As the gold ranger his duty is to protect the earth, but he's duty as himself is to protect you.
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