#and chances are people who look up demyx or luxord's tags are doing it out of excitement
nyctoheart · 5 years
quick question: do you think there’s any real merit to the MoM!demyx theory? bc I cant help but feel there’s not really much actual support for it other than they’re both kinda goofy sometimes, and everyone is looking for secret identity plots bc of luxu and reaching for evidence? i feel like it would kinda rob that reveal of its impact too. i trust your kh opinions so if you think it holds water i could probably accept it haha
In all honesty I’ve tried not talking about it too much because people just get so excited and I dont want to rain on people’s parades, but no. I personally don’t think that Demyx nor Luxord are the Master of Masters. I hope it’s okay I talk about Demyx, Luxord, AND Xigbar (since people think he’s the one in the ReMind teaser) here since I’ve been debating to anyway, I may as well take the chance now. It’s long but half of it are images.
[ If you’re reading this and you LIKE the “demyx/luxord/xigbar is the MoM” theories a lot, don’t keep reading lmao. You’re just having fun with theories and thats valid. And I could STILL be wrong, Nomura plays 4D chess after all ]
Now before the ReMind teaser came out, I was absolutely sure that at least Demyx and the Master of Masters are indeed two different people. And this was because of Luxu’s Observation Excerpt 3, where it seems the MoM wouldn’t return unless Luxu pulled off a number of major tasks. But when the ReMind teaser came out, I had to question myself because it truely does seem like the MoM returned during YX and YE’s youth only to disappear again.
But now that I’ve had time to digest the remind trailer, I still am confident they are not one in the same. Here is my thinking: Besides the chains and coat pattern, Xigbar is the only character in a black coat who’s design changed– and this is definitely to make him resemble Luxu’s Back Cover design more. So we know that KH3 is very careful with how characters look in terms of their proportions– something previous KH games have a lot of goofs in (take YX in BbS where he’s taller and more built)
So far we’ve seen the Master of Masters twice in KH3– the secret ending and the ReMind teaser. 
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Demyx’s shoulder pads are much too big to match MoM seen in the Secret Ending. And the sleeves are much too skinny to be Luxord (not to mention the left picture shows no goatee on the chin)
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Now for ReMind’s teaser, all the above arguments still stand, the proportions don’t fit Demyx and Luxord– and they don’t fit Xigbar either because his torso is a bit wider in proportion to his arms. However the proportions fit the MoM from Back Cover perfectly. So chances are Luxu isn’t YX/YE’s master.
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NOW, I understand the argument “Well maybe it’s Luxord/Demyx/Xigbar in a different vessel, duh hello!!” But at the same time…. we could use that argument for anyone. That argument is redundant in my opinion because it doesn’t narrow down the possibilities, it expands it. Dilan and Aeleus, Vexen, Ansem the Wise, even people in UX like Elrena or Ephemer. They could ALL be the MoM in disguise under that argument.
Plus for Demyx specifically, KH3′s Keyblade War is definitely too important for the MoM to miss out on if he’s existing during the time. Maybe ReMind will add a cutscene of Demyx watching from afar, but because for now we haven’t seen him observing or interfering with KH3′s climax at all, this leads me to believe it wasn’t actually that important to him.
For Luxord, I really think that the MoM would know what’s in the box, something he denied to Sora. True, he could be ‘playing dumb’ like he mentioned to Xigbar in ReMind’s teaser, but even then why would Luxord give up so easily in wanting to know who Xigbar is. Especially if that scene really does take place after Xigbar says “May your heart be your guiding key.” chances are Luxord overheard that, and that’s what eggs Luxord on to asking who Xigbar is. If it was the MoM, then i’m sure they would be extra curious into figuring out who Xigbar is. But Luxord simply says “It doesn’t make a difference to me anyway.”. If Xigbar was MoM’s long lost apprentice, then it would be vital that the MoM double check to make sure Xigbar succeeds in resurrecting the Foretellers, especially since that scene comes AFTER the final passage of the Book of Prophecies, the last thing the MoM ever saw. So the MoM would need reassurance that Luxu would succeed– the MoM would pry more I would think.
For anyone, why wouldn’t the MoM be able to see past the final entry in the Book of Prophecies. That passage is coincidentally the final event before Sora changes time. Therefore we can believe that it was Sora changing time that fucked up the MoM’s vision, and that’s why he couldn’t see passed that event. But if Demyx or Xigbar (both who lived passed that event) are the MoM, then the MoM would have known that time would continue after the Book of Prophecies final passage. The only way I can accept this otherwise would be if a new vessel would take away his ability to see the future, since a vessel has new eyes. but even then, there’s still the fact that KH3′s Secret Ending seems to have Back Cover’s MoM’s body.
For anyone: Why would the MoM have a specific body style in Back Cover, then either disappear or fake his disappearance, and then a generations later still have the same body style in Xehanort’s youth, only to suddenly use a new vessel out of no where to be Demyx or Luxord, and then go BACK to that original body for KH3′s secret ending? It doesn’t ANY sense. If the Master did change to Demyx or Luxord, there would have to be a damn good reason he would revert back for KH3′s secret ending. But for now, I’m counting it out. It just makes WAY more sense if the MoM has the same body throughout this entire time instead of going back and forth.
As of writing this, I don’t know how the MoM is talking to Young Xehanort. I really don’t. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m inclined to believe he’s someone we already know. I think either the MoM returned to the modern age to talk to YX, where Xigbar’s going to be pissed in learning about and go rogue (possibly foreshadowed by the Luxu piece being the center highest on the 2nd game of chess, with the MoM piece being on a lower row off-center) OR that scene takes place during KHX before the Master disappeared. And since the recent KHUX teaser showed the MoM talking to Luxu and appears to be the EARLIEST scene of KH ever shown, it wouldn’t surprise me of MoM + YX’s talk happened around this time.
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“whaaaaa??”“When I was still just a boy…”  (provided by @_KH_ENGLISH on twitter)
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