#and by 6:30am I mean I haven't slept yet.
raiidens · 5 years
Hey guys, thought I’d put out an update because of my absence and all that, ye know. All in “easy to read” Q&A form.
So uh, where have you been?
Just other places on the internet I suppose. I ended up getting let go from my web dev job really not great like, and then ended up doing a little video editing for a while which ended very poorly (people don’t like their contractor workers apparently???). Then I moved out of the house (adulting wow) and do some animation where I can here and there, while spending basically a whole ton of my time into my Twitch channel. So, things have been busy.
Okay cool, but why not be here on Tumblr once in a while?
I’ve also been losing interest in Tumblr for a long while. My personal blog basically went back and forth between a one reblog a month and basically being a vent blog, oops. And my interest in web dev kinda diminished a little too, so I’ve just really not had any reason to be here? I suppose?
So what’s gonna happen to the themes?
I don’t really plan on leaving completely or anything, but I know I won’t be as active as I was before. I’ll still keep on eye out for messages (they go to my email so we good) to fix things if needed but I wouldn’t expect many updates or new themes tbh. I think I had one theme in the works that I never released, so I might finish that. We’ll see. As for commissions, I’ll keep doing those but will most likely have to raise the price on them. For most of the commissions I did, I’d say I was working under minimum wage. And yes! I know! That’s bad, for me and the other freelancers! But I justified it to myself as 1) they’re “just Tumblr themes” not full blown out websites or anything and 2) I like you peeps. That doesn’t quite cut it anymore since I gotta adult and pay my bills and dang living is expensive. (”:
How can we support you / find you now? (a.k.a. I’m a beautiful person that likes to support creators)
My big goal right now is to get a decent living streaming on Twitch. I play mostly single player games ranging from AAA to indie to retro, and I’m the more casual non-screamy type. If that’s your thing, consider dropping in! I’m having a real great time doing it and have made some great friends on the platform. We also have a Discord channel where a bot of my cat meows in voice channel??? I also upload the streams to YouTube if that’s more your thing, though I’m really behind, but trying to catch up as fast as I can! I do artsy things too, though I’m struggling with quite the intense art block. But if you’re interested in those, I’ll be putting them up on my Instagram. And if you want everything in one place, including many memes, my Twitter is the way to go. But if you do have a Twitch account, consider dropping by and/or following, it helps a ton! Thank you!
TL;DR please?
This is a lot to summarize but basically: Adulting is really hard and expensive, web dev is difficult. Follow me on Twitch pls.
And always, thanks for your support, guys. I appreciate all the kind words I’ve gotten over the years!
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drxamchasxrs · 5 years
>> Dating service.
Date with Kai.
Date Fee: $432.47
Customer Comments: “I’m never dating again. (Male in 20s)”
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❝... Is that good or bad? That’s a good review, right? I mean, I always try to treat my dates well and I hope they enjoy their time, but...”
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The Weekend That Was (Jan 10-12)
Jan 10, Friday
This Friday was our flight back to Singapore. The flight was at 9:30am, which means I was up by 6. My mom took me to the airport. During the entire flight, I finished watching Weightlifting Fairy, Kim Bok Joo. While I was watching it I already felt some sadness that I'm never gonna have the pleasure of watching it for the first time ever again, and that that experience is ending soon.
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Anyway, that sadness seems so trivial now in light of the things that were about to happen. When the plane landed and I removed my phone's airplane mode, I received a text from one of my colleagues. It said that he and a few others from my team are being laid off. Panic and anxiety ensued. I was sure that I'm being laid off too and that the reason why they haven't told me yet is because I was on a holiday. You can read more about it on my previous post if you want.
We took a grabshare on our way home, and we shared it with this couple from LA who are staying in Singapore for 24 hours. They were chatty, which made it difficult to focus on my worries lol. When we got home, K cooked some instant noodles. I ate then slept my worries away.
Jan 11, Saturday
K and I woke up pretty early today. I coded a little then we stepped out to buy eggs. It was a nice walk going to hao mart. I felt a little calmer than I was the day before. Then we went up to this park that we are always passing by. It was such a pretty looking park.
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Then we walked back home and K cooked some corned beef. After brunch and showering, I headed out. Today is my first day back in the bootcamp. It was a pretty productive session, I think. It took my mind off things.
After getting back home and dwelling on my worries a little, K and I went to the gym. I've really gotten weaker over the holidays. Oh well. After exercising we cooked some bangus and more eggs for late dinner.
Jan 12, Sunday
Woke up today to update my CV lol. Like it was the first thing that was bothering me when I woke up so I just went right to it.
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