#and before anyone's like 'op i bet you also wanted to dress up like cas'
essektheylyss · 2 years
it's raining today so I think I will expose my now-normie sister for her choices that led me to wearing a tan trench coat to work
and that choice is obviously begging for my parents to buy her a tan trench coat in high school to do a group supernatural cosplay with her friends
except my mother was very determined to only purchase decent clothing that has function, so it is a good coat and it's water-resistant
but my sister wore it like four times after and finally was giving it away and I was like yes. it's my time.
and that's why I am wearing this raincoat to the office.
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destielfanfic · 4 years
Group Ask #183
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Lost and Found fic post - when mods knew the answer!
Also, please check out our Tags Page and see if the fic in question could be found under some plot/ trope/ pairing related tags! And big thanks to all followers who do check out the tags before sending in the ask!!! <333
And even bigger thanks to all folks who help us to find lost fics! You guys are the real MVPs!!!
Ask #1 ( @canismajor3 ): there’s this fic…#1
hiya, hope ur doing okay in lockdown! ive looked everywhere and cannot find this fic, it’s an au and begins with dean fairly isolated (i think it’s a farm?) but he lives on his own and he finds cas out in a storm, he’s very sick and dean nurses him back to health, somewhere along this line cas begins to look after a lamb that deans gives him, it was really good and fairly long defo above 5000 words, thank you for ur help, i created this account just to ask :D
Ask #2  ( @casuallyfangirling31): there’s this fic…#2
Hey, I'm looking for a specific Destiel fic. It's set during season 6. It's about Dean praying to Cas, and just letting the emotions out after watching a documentary about the civil war, which in the fic is a secret interest of his. After that, Cas comes down and Dean helps to dress his wounds, and tells him a bit about the documentary he saw. The documentary mentioned something about soldiers writing letters that weren't exactly PG back home to their wives. Idk the name or the author. Help?
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #season 6
Ask #3 ( @givemethebooks): there’s this fic…#3
I'm trying to find a story that centers around either Sam and Gabriel's wedding, or Sam and Eileen's. I can't remember which pair is getting married. But since Dean and Cas, who are in a relationship, are always leaving gatherings early, all their friends say that they won't be able to make it through the entire wedding and reception. Various bets are placed as to when during the reception they'll leave, and they end up teaming with Jess to try and rig the betting.
Ask #4 ( @melon-balls17): there’s this fic…#4
Hi I'm looking for a fic, I've read it before but can't remember the name. It's where Dean is a prince/knight. He goes up the mountain to defeat the beast or something and the wind carries him up most of the way. Castiel lives at the top of the mountain in a bungalow like house and is a god or something, his mother is the goddess of beauty, at the end dean defeats her and becomes the god of beauty, and Castiel's mother is cursed to live as a hag on earth until she dies. Any help would be great!!
Found by @educatedinyellow and @fluffysnarkyalpaca!
Lovers in the Dark by jhoom [NC-17, 42,300 word count] Prince Dean is the most beautiful omega anyone’s laid eyes on. Flowers bloom for the chance to see him, animals climb into his room simply to be in his presence, and not a person in the kingdom can say enough for his beauty. He is universally praised for his lovely green eyes, his freckles, his plush lips and the subtly strong lines of his cheekbones. His family hopes to use that to find a good match and secure an alliance for their kingdom.The gods have other plans. Naomi, goddess of beauty, hears more and more tales of the young omega’s beauty and she hates him for it. The fact that mortals and nature alike would hold anyone’s beauty above her own is intolerable. So she sends her son Castiel, god of love, to infect Dean with an undying love for a monstrous person as punishment for his hubris. Fate has plans of its own…[A retelling of the Classical myth “Cupid and Psyche.” Castiel is cast as Cupid, Dean as Psyche, and Naomi as Venus.]
Ask #5 ( @mattiecat ): there’s this fic…#5
Before I joined AO3, I began this fic: it starts as a human AU, where Dean finds a nude raped Cas in his backyard. Cas has amnesia. However, it takes a twist when Crowley shows up. It was WIP then.
Ask #6 ( @browngirlwithdimples): there’s this fic…#6
Hi do you know a destiel fanfic where cas was a new kid at highschool and Dean was a popular rugby player? Cas is a footballer in the fic
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #High School, #athlete!cas, #athlete!dean
Ask #7 ( @atarnishedcompass ): there’s this fic…#7
Hi! I love your page, and I was hoping if you could help me find a fix that I’ve scored AO3 and Google for. It’s one where Castiel and Dean are college roommates, Castiel is asexual but while studying sees Dean putting a pen in his mouth and realizes he wants him. Then he has a crisis of identity with Charlie who tells him it’s okay that’s demisexual and that labels change. I think Kevin is also ace but I could be wrong. I think rimming is involved, with Cas trying it for the first time
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #College
Found by @theactualpiemaker!
For Science by shiphitsthefan [NC-17, 6,000 word count] “Think of it like an experiment," says Dean. "You’re testing a hypothesis as to whether or not a desirable response can be achieved through the stimulation of the anus via the application of a willing volunteer’s muscular hydrostat.”Cas raises an eyebrow. “Are you actually trying to use the scientific method to talk me into letting you lick my asshole?”
Ask #8 ( @justjennyj ): there’s this fic…#8
I'm looking for a story in which Jessica is Dean and Cas's surrogate, but a bad accident causes Cas, Jess, and the baby's death. Dean takes off, leaving Sam to deal alone. When he returns, he has a daughter with someone else and eventually has son that he names Castiel. I've spent a lot of time looking for this fic. Please help. Thanks.
Relevant tags from our Tags Page - #tragedy (fics with MCD)
Important Note - these are all lost fic asks we currently have in our Inbox. If you don’t see your ask here or on previous Group Asks, and if you haven’t received private answer from us, please resend the ask! Recently we discovered that if we include links in our answer, there’s a good chance that it will not reach the OP. A lot of our answers have gone missing and we were only able to find it out thanks to contacting our followers directly via DM.
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