#and becos i love levi
the-traveling-poet · 9 months
Hello 🥺🩷 I love your Levi x lieutenant y/n so much and I've been having an idea regarding Levi and lieutenant y/n but I couldn't find any Tumblr who'd make that request come to life unti I saw your head cold fanfic I was just in love . This is the idea I have in mind .... Levi and lieutenant y/n have grown up together from the time kuchel was alive they had a spark between them but after they joined the corps they became more focused on the duties they had and y/n chose to be his lieutenant to silently stay by his side . The scene where Levi was listening to Mikasa , Eren and armin sitting and talking about the outside world and sea after kenny dies , the trip leaves and Levi is sitting there tipsy when y/n comes and tries to tell him to go to sleep but then later she just sits down with him and they have a heartfelt talk with each other and how they have been one of the biggest supports in each other's life throughout their journey , they both indirectly confess how they feel and the other one gets it but they just sit there .
I know my request is very long but I have had this idea in my mind for such a long time I would really really be so greateful if you could make this idea come to life 🥹🙏💓🤍
Silent Confessions
For as long as you could remember, Levi was at your side. From the moment your mothers met in the Underground and introduced their children to one another, up until you had both escaped that hell hole to become Captain and Lieutenant within the Survey Corps.
Over time, your bond had grown stronger with the more dangers you had thus far faced together.
Now, with a short break to prepare for the upcoming expedition to reclaim Wall Maria, you were able to spend some one on one time with your favorite shorty.
Pairing: Levi x Lieutenant!Reader
Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, mentions of mental struggles
SFW, friends-to-lovers, fluff, S3
A/N: Okay YES, I LOVE this idea. So cute I cannot T-T I hope I brought your vision justice!! Sorry it took me longer than usual to post this, my job got in the way BIG time.
As always if somethings doesn’t meet your expectations, I’ll happily re-write!
Enjoy~ 🤎
The cheers of many drunken men and women echoed off the halls as they celebrated the Scout’s most recent victory.
Yes, many had fallen and suffered injuries worse than death itself, but this was the farthest humanity had come to a victory in…well…ever. So of course, a celebration was in order.
The cadets from the 104th trainee corps all stood around their table, cheering and drinking and congratulating one another on their various deeds, finally at ease enough to relax and be themselves.
You smiled to yourself as you lifted your own mug to your lips, swallowing the burning bitter taste of whisky as it flowed down your throat. You felt good, for once. It had been longer than you’d liked to have admit since you allowed yourself an evening to let loose and enjoy your time in the present.
Downing your second drink, you quickly went to refill your mug before wandering around the mess hall; merely observing your comrades enjoy their rewarded night off.
Along the way, you caught many familiar voices in the crowd, which made you smile to yourself in relief.
Good, they made it back alive.
Seeing all these happy faces around you reminded you of a time that seemed oh so long ago. Back in the days you still had a bright glow of hope shining in your eyes. While you had more hope now than you’d had in years, you still couldn’t help but worry.
For the citizens of Paradis. For your companions. For your friends, and yourself. Would you live to see this war ended? Or would you join your late friends and meet their same fate?
Shaking your head, you sighed.
Tonight is about celebration. Letting go, and relaxing…that’s what I should be doing, too.
The longer you stood there lost in your own thoughts, the rowdier and louder it had become in the hall. Looking around, you found the main source of the sudden bombardment of cheers and shouts.
Between two tables stood Eren and Jean, fists gripping each other’s shirts as they sluggishly threw punches. You were tempted to intervene, but when you saw the calm look on Mikasa’s face near to where Eren stood, you let your posture relax again. The girl was usually so uptight about his safety, so seeing her relaxed reassured the two would be fine.
A presence to your left caught your eye, and you turned towards the man who now stood beside you.
“Evening, Levi,” you greeted softly.
He replied with a click of his tongue, his narrowed gaze never leaving the cadets to meet yours.
“I suppose they should be broken up. Again,” he scoffed, folding his arms.
“Perhaps…Just don’t go too hard on them.” You chuckled behind your drink. Finally Levi shot you a look from the corner of his eye, observing the way you brought the mug to your lips.
“I don’t suppose they had any of that?” He raised a brow, gesturing to your alcohol.
“Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. It would explain the sudden and poorly executed fighting, but I wasn’t babysitting them, so I cant say.” You shrugged nonchalantly, taking another sip as you watched the two boys go at it.
Shaking his head, Levi left your side and strode towards them, but his scowl wasn’t as deep-set now.
“Oi,” Levi called out, now standing behind the brawling teens. Two swift kicks sent them rolling, clutching their sides and stomachs.
“Go to bed.”
The boys started to frantically scatter at his threatening tone, but poor Jean crumpled on the ground. The sound of him losing his dinner and drinks all over the floor made you turn your head away with a grimace, quickly making your way to the door leading out of the hall.
“And someone clean that up,” you heard Levi grumble before the large wooden door closed behind you.
The cool night air caressed your face in a gentle breeze, barely ruffling through your hair. Breathing in deeply, you closed your eyes for a moment; enjoying the quiet stillness that was now your surroundings.
Of course, the banter and chatter of the soldiers in the hall behind you resonated off the cobblestone street at your feet, but as muffled as it was you could pretend you were far away in your own world for a moment.
You started to walk aimlessly, just to enjoy the solitude and the peace that came with it. But after some time, a trio of voices caught your attention.
Stopping in an ally way, you peaked around the corner to see Eren sitting on a flight of stone steps with Mikasa and Armin; all lost in their own private conversation.
For a moment, you contemplated joining them to check up on them, but a sudden shift in shadows to your left had you muffling a gaps of surprise.
Weary grey eyes met your own, looking up at you from the ground where he sat. After regulating your breathing, you offered him a small smile; of which he merely nodded to.
Levi lifted a bottle to his lips and took a couple gulps from the container before setting it back down between his legs and looking over his shoulder towards the street outside the alleyway.
It seemed you weren’t the only one eves-dropping.
You slowly and quietly took a seat beside your Captain, still clutching your own mug in your hand as you leaned against the wall beside him. You both waited until the young trio had left the street to retire the night, leaving you and Levi alone in the near darkness the ally provided.
“Didn’t think you drank,” you commended dryly.
“Just cause I don’t drink at every given opportunity doesn’t mean I don’t drink at all,” he responded quietly, taking another small sip of his beverage.
“Fair enough,” you shrugged, mimicking him and taking a strong swing from your mug.
A silence fell between you for a moment while you gazed up at what little of the night sky you could see from the ally way, before your attention was snatched away by Levi’s sudden comment.
“I can’t understand how they do it. Maybe it’s because they’re so young…But they retain their hopes and dreams, even after all they’ve seen and done.”
You thought over his words for a moment before you replied.
“That they do. They sound so passionate when they talk about their ambitions. I think, with their determination, they’ll get there some day. The ‘sea’ I think Armin called it.”
Levi scoffed quietly, but not quite in disapproval. The expression on his face wasn’t one you could fully decipher.
“I tried that, once; having dreams and ambitions. All it got me was a pile of corpses.”
Pouting slightly, you lowered your head to stare down at your feet, bringing your knees closer to your chest.
“Life is hard. It’s a constant struggle. But if there’s something you truly want…Something or someone you truly love…You find a way to keep moving forward. To keep fighting for that cause. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin obviously have something they truly want, so they keep fighting and maintain their hope.”
Here you paused, thinking over how to word your next question.
“So how about you? You’re still here. You’re still fighting. So that means you have something you want to obtain. Or see. Or someone worth struggling for. What is it you dream about?”
Levi caught your adamant stare, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. He held your gaze as he thought, giving you the opportunity to really study and memorize his features.
Handsome features, you thought.
Finally, after releasing a sigh he seemed to have been holding in, he lowered his gaze down to the stone below him and fiddled with his bottle.
“I’m alive because I need to be. The people need something or someone they can look to for protection. That’s my job.”
“And?” You pressed.
“And? And what? That’s it.” Levi scoffed, shooting you a confused glare.
“No…I don’t think it is. Something’s keeping you fighting. I know you. Since we were children.” You chuckled around the rim of your mug.
Levi grumbled under his breath, making you stifle a laugh and cut him off.
“I’m not sure how much you’ve had to drink tonight, Captain, but I can promise you whatever you say will be kept between the two of us. Just like old times.”
Shooting you one last look from over his bottle, he rolled his eyes.
“Fine. I said, I suppose I’m still going on because I want to see those I…tolerate…live a life of peace some day.” He paused over his words for a moment, but finally met your eye and continued.
“There aren’t many, but for those few I’d do anything for.”
“Awe Levi, am I by chance one of these few?” you decided to lightly tease, leaning in closer to him.
Surprisingly, he didn’t try to pull away. Instead he stayed still, his shoulder brushing up against yours. You could smell the booze on his breath, but you hardly minded.
“Seeing as you’re the only one left alive that I’ve known nearly since birth, I suppose I tolerate you.” He huffed. “You’ve…been there for me, time and time again…I’m not sure what I’d do if you had died with them all those years ago.”
Grief clenched your heart, thinking back to your late comrades. They’d met their gruesome fate on your first exposition beyond the walls.
Lowering your gaze, you gently placed your head onto his shoulder. He flinched slightly in surprise, but again didn’t pull away.
“I miss them, yknow? I know you do, too. But we keep the memory of Isabel and Farlan alive by fighting on. We keep the memories of our late mothers alive by continuing to fight. And though we only recently learned of this, the same applies to your uncle, Kenny. We fight. Cause we have a reason to.” You sighed after you finished, as he remained silent.
For quite awhile, he kept his gaze trained on the ground between his feet, not speaking a word as he downed the rest of his bottle.
“You,” he whispered, suddenly, after awhile of tense silence.
“You asked what else. What else I fight for, Keep going on for….I want to see you live the life you’ve always wanted.”
His whispered reply brought heat to your cheeks, and you tried your best to hide that with your coat collar.
“You don’t have to worry about me. You’re stuck with me wether you like it or not.” You chuckled, playfully bumping his shoulder to diffuse the sudden awkward tension that surrounded the two of you after his comment.
“Yeah, you made that pretty damn clear when you fought to be my lieutenant.” Levi hummed, his eyes on the now empty drink in his hand. His eyes shifted slightly, and his weight leaned against your shoulder gently. He might not have been sober at this moment, but you didn’t worry. He could handle his liquor well, you knew. But even still, his tipsy words ignited a spark within your heart.
Blushing slightly once more, you averted your gaze from his face down to your hands.
“Yeah, well…You didn’t refuse my request, when I went to Erwin about it.”
“A decision I contemplate every day.”
“Would you have said no, if you knew what you do now, back then? All the dangers we’d face, and the things we had to do?” You asked almost hesitantly.
He paused, seemingly in thought. “No. No, I never would have said no to you. And…I never will.” He finally murmured, nearly in a whisper with slightly rosy cheeks. From the alcohol, or from emotions, you’d never truly know.
But you could read between the lines of his words, and had to bite back a grin. You knew he wouldn’t like to have his words repeated back to him, albeit re-worded, so you kept quiet with the knowledge that maybe….just maybe….You weren’t the only one who had caught feelings after all these years working side by side with your best friend.
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anya-grace · 3 years
A canon rivapet fic idea wherein petra invited levi to celebrate christmas in their house and when said day comes all of petra's relatives kept asking her if levi is her boyfriend 😂
oOOooOooOooO i love this so much anonnn 🥺
so i'm assuming that Petra's relatives are unaware of who Levi is lmao. that makes it better. just imagine how funny (and awkward) it is for our little ginger to explain to her nosy aunts that the two of them are not a thing. "Oh my god, Auntie! For the last time, he's not my boyfriend. And we're not dating either! He's my superior in the Corps. I'm never going to repeat myself again."
and after that she'd be a blushing mess and would apologize to Levi but then on the seventh time someone asks them the same question Levi butts in and just, "Yes. Yes, we're a couple," because he's just too tired. cue all "I knew it!" and "Glad they admitted it" from Petra's relatives.
it's kind of a big deal for them to know that Petra has a boyfriend now because she's the kindest and softest marshmallow in the family and they just want the best for her ok
and when everyone's drunk and wasted, one of Petra's uncle approaches Levi to give him tips about sex and marriage because that's what old drunk uncles do 😭😭😭
before the celebration ended, Petra's relatives are calling Levi as their own family alreadyyyy
bonus if Levi attends the family gathering again with Petra next year, but this time they're a real couple
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snzunii · 3 years
hey love! may i request for world-famous singer reader and hot backup dancer levi? (i was just watching ariana's documentary and this concept suddenly came into my head)
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for him, listening to you was a taste of heaven.
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+ pairings. levi ackerman x f!reader.
+ tags. romance, fluff, explicit smut, modern au, unprotected sex, hot af dancer!levi, singer!reader
+ word count. 3.6k
+ note. hiiii love! here's ur request! i got to tell u that i enjoyed writing this becos dancer!levi is so- i can't explain 😩 anyways, sorry again if this took to long! hope u guys enjoy <3
and the dance part i imagined the video of boa and sehun dancing to only one. hehehe start at 1:25 of the vid :>
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That particular word is what comes to your mind if ever somebody asks you how you were doing.
But, that's part of it right? Even though it is exhausting, you were happy. You get to do what you have been dreaming since you were a little girl. You were able to show your talent to the whole damn world.
But really, exhaustion tramps happiness right now.
You closed your eyes, feeling the cold floor on your back. Beads of sweat rolling in every part of your body. A nice cold shower must be nice right now, you thought.
You were practicing after hours because you wanted to perfect your performance for tomorrow. Singing is your forte, however, even though you knew how to dance— you aren't that confident in your skills in that area.
Your song performance includes a little dance routine and you just want everything to go smooth tomorrow.
Even though this isn't new to you since you have been performing for quite time now, you still get nervous. Performing in front of thousands of people, in a damn big arena isn't a joke.
It gets you anxious most of the time but you can manage.
"Get up. It's bad to lay down on the floor." you snorted, even though you don't open your eyes you know full well who that voice belongs to.
"I can't stand up anymore, I think." you answered as you place your arm above your forehead, you opened your other eye and peek at him.
"You overdid yourself." Levi answered as he sat beside you. "I told you the performance was great already."
You sighed, you sat and looked at him. "I think I'm doing something wrong. Can you dance it alone then I'll know what I did wrong? Please."
It would be helpful to you and it would give you some relief if you saw somebody else dance it. You learn some dance routines by carefully watching other people do it. You have been practicing with Levi for a few hours now and you are still doubting yourself.
Even though Levi has told you many times that you are doing great.
There is a part on your song that has a solo dance routine with one of your backup dancers and well, Levi was chosen for that. That's why you are practicing with him this late.
He sighed while you gave him a pleading look, "Fine."
You cheered subtly as you back up and lean on the mirror, you reached for your phone while Levi gets ready to dance your routine for tomorrow.
You press the play button on your phone and not long your song played on the loud speakers and that's when he started moving his body. You looked intently at him, carefully watching every step he did.
You curl up your legs, knees to your stomach, your lips subconsciously forming an upward curve as you watch his body get in sync with the music that was playing on the loud speaker, you notice every groove that he was making.
Every expressions that his attractive face were letting out.
Every time his soft raven hair sways along to the move that his body was making. Your eyes wandered to his well built arm— noticing how the light glistens on his hot sweaty body-
Your eyes widen for a bit. What the hell were you thinking? You were supposed to focus on the dance routine, not on every little details Levi has.
But can you blame yourself? Levi is hot as fuck. You are lying to yourself if you say that you haven't notice how damn good he is.
Your other backup dancers are completely great at doing what they do but with Levi its just different. Every move that his body makes is so mesmerizing that you just want to watch him all day.
He owns the dance floor.
You snapped out of your thoughts when he stopped dancing along with your song. "You got it?"
"Huh?" you answered, a bit out of yourself but the realization hits you and you composed yourself. "Yeah."
"You want to dance it with me for the last time?" he asked you, you just simply nodded. Somehow, you are having a hard time finding the right words to say given how immaculate the scene was before you.
Really, you would be left with no words to utter.
He walked towards you and laid his hands for you, the simple contact your hand were making gave you some unfamiliar feeling. You have been dancing with Levi for hours— this isn't the only time that your skins have touched but suddenly you get this feeling.
You shrugged it off of your mind. Focus.
You reached for your phone and skipped the music a few seconds away from the part of your dance routine and you got yourself ready.
As much as you want for yourself to calm, the black-haired man in front of you isn't helping.
There it is, the part started already.
The first touch, it felt like a small electricity was coming out of his fingertips.
You sang along to the music to distract yourself. Well, you also need to sing while you dance but now— you only sang along just to draw away from the fact that he is dancing close to you.
Second touch, you feel like you had your first shot of liquor. Your stomach felt the impact of his fingers touching your delicate skin.
Third touch, little by little you are getting intoxicated by the way how your bodies move so well together. The sensation was moving all throughout your body that you feel like your legs are getting weak.
Bit by bit you are getting so immersed in how well he guides you around. It was like you were the brush that he moves around the canvas and he was the painter and together— you make this breathtaking masterpiece.
Fourth touch, you let yourself drown to his every move.
You were so lost in the movement that you lost track of how many times your skins have touched.
And before you know it, you were pulled up again after getting overpowered by Levi's inebriating effects on you. "That was great. I told you, you got it."
You catch your breath for a bit and smiled at him, "You really think so?"
"Yeah. You're amazing." he encouraged you, "You should get some rest. You still have time to practice in the morning."
Him encouraging you and being this caring isn't helping in whatever was happening inside your mind. Levi has been your backup dancer— no, friend. You consider him one of your friends since he has been performing with you for a few years now.
You admit it, it's not just now that you notice him and you haven't done a single thing about it because you are being professional even though you are friends but maybe being alone with him might be igniting something that you shouldn't cross.
"You're staring." he said, opening his water bottle and drank on it. Fuck, even the way he drink his water is hot and attractive.
"You have something in your hair." you said as an excuse, you walked towards him and removed that 'something' in his hair even though there isn't anything on his perfectly black hair. Yeah, okay. Is every single thing about you perfect?
"See? Here it is." you said even though there isn't anything on your finger and he doesn't have any chance to see it because you flicked your finger in the air.
He looked at your face and you did the same, smiling at him and keeping your calm state but deep inside you are going crazy.
Why in the hell are you feeling this way?
"Do you want?" he offered you his water, you frowned. You've known him for years and that means you know some things about him.
"I thought you are saliva conscious or whatever that is." you said, "I remember you not giving some of your water to Erwin because you said he'll-"
"Do you want to or not?"
You just snickered and with a bit of hesitation, you reached for his water bottle. You wouldn't accept it if you have yours with you but you don't.
"You're the one staring now." you said when you notice that he's eyes are still glued to your face.
Is there 'something' in your face too? Or your hair?
What, Levi?
If you think you are the only one who is having those thoughts, well, that's where you are wrong.
Levi thinks that you have an impeccable talent at singing, you are gorgeous but hot at the same time and even though you always say that you aren't good at dancing, he thinks that you are. You are incredibly talented and tenderhearted.
You are altruistic and even though you have all this fame— you never forget where you came from. You have a good relationship with your fans and he admires all that.
He admires every single detail of your entire being but you work together.
"You have something on your lips."
But fuck it, right?
"On my what? What is it?" you looked at him with confusion and started wiping your lips.
He walked towards you and grabbed your nape, his other arm snaking around your waist as he press your lips together.
Levi just kissed you. Your eyes widen but then you recovered and closed them, responding to the surprising but so fucking torrid kiss that he is giving you.
You don't know what to do, where do I put my freaking hands?
This is what exactly? How would you describe this moment in one word?
And it was, scorching. It was intense to the point that you feel like the mirrors in this dance studio steams up.
You don't know what's happening, all you know is that this burning sensation was just your body's reaction to all the dancing you did and the freaking hot lip touching and biting.
You both pulled away and Levi looked at your eyes. "It was my lips. My lips was on yours."
You don't know if you'd thank Levi.
Thank him because he took your mind off the fact that you are performing in front of thousands of people and exchanged it with the fact that he kissed you last night.
It was hard to take it off your mind. It wasn't a simple peck on the lips kiss. It was sucking and biting, then there's the grabbing and holding your waist close to him.
What the fuck was that, right?
"Did you get any sleep last night?" you heard Pieck ask you as she prep your face for makeup. The dark circles under your eyes didn't escape her. You opened your eyes, "Slight."
"You poor thing, you were up all night practicing again aren't you?" Sasha asked while she style your hair.
You chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah."
It was practice alright.
"I told you that you shouldn't worry too much because you are so great," Pieck added, "Your fans are so lucky to have you, you know? You always work hard to give them such nice performance."
"Well, I'm lucky to have them too. If it wasn't for them then I wouldn't be where I am right now." you answered as you close your eyes but the scene last night crept up to your mind forcing you to open your eyes.
"Honey, close your eyes." Pieck said, chuckling. "How am I supposed to put this eyeshadows on you?"
You wanted to bang your head on the vanity table. You need to pull yourself together because you'd be performing in hours. Levi is occupying your mind right now, even so, you try so hard not to stress yourself over the fact that you to shared a steamy kiss and the fact that it might end in either you get all awkward and lose your friendship or you get in a relationship.
The former has the highest possibility and the latter? You don't know.
The night is going well so far.
The loud cheering of your fans took that matter off of your mind and put it in the back burner for a while.
This the last concert of your tour and you wanted to go out with a bang. These hours are about you and your fans.
Nothing else.
Not even Levi, who was staring at you as you sing on the stage. Your voice was soothing him, roping him into your whole being.
You wouldn't know this but he listens to your tracks for hours on end. Your voice was like a piece of treasure to him that he'd like to keep on a treasure chest that he wanted to keep close in his heart.
It's not just your voice that amazes him, it was also the earnest meaning behind the lyrical masterpiece that you wrote.
Listening to you is and always will be a taste of heaven.
The song that you are currently singing was about to end and that means, he needs to get ready because your dance routine with him is next.
And you're also aware of that that's why you got a bit panicky but then you remained your composure. No need to be nervous, it's just Levi.
But no, it's not just Levi.
Maybe before when he hadn't kiss you then he would just be Levi? Or not, you don't know. There's a rumbling inside your head, maybe if I cut my head off then I'd stop these thoughts? Kidding.
Every step that Levi was making towards you was getting your heart wild. You both looked into each other's eyes and began dancing.
All of the nervousness inside you washed away, just like that. The loud cheering of the crowd was silenced in your ear.
It feels like you were the only ones on the whole place.
You both crossed the line and looking at each other— you both knew what that meant already, there's no turning back.
You can't see the line now because you're too far from it. The line was the smallest particle of the matter to you now.
"Cheers to a successful tour!"
There was a small gathering on your hotel room but the real after party would start tomorrow because all of you were too tired to have an after party right after the concert.
It's just you, some of the dancers and staff. He was nowhere to be found.
You both know that you need to talk about what was going on.
Hange approached you with a drink on her hand, "Hey, you look bothered. You should be having fun!"
"Yeah." you smiled at her, contemplating whether to ask her where her best friend is. "Hange."
Hange hummed as she turn to you. "Yeah?"
"Do you know where Levi is?"
"I think he's in his room. Why?"
You just shrugged as you gave Hange a smile and excused yourself to go to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror.
Why again, why are you looking for Levi? Oh, right. Because he kissed you and threw you those meaningful looks that keeps on messing on your mind unless you talk to him about it.
So, are you? Are you going to talk to him about it?
Of course you would, that's why you are gulping all the champagne down your throat before subtly going out of your hotel room, leaving your friends there to party.
They wouldn't notice you gone right?
You muster all the strength to knock on Levi's hotel room. You feel like backing out, you don't know what would you say to him. What if he doesn't want to talk about it?
You knocked again when he doesn't answer and then you heard him, "Coming."
The door opened and it revealed a topless Levi with only towel covering the lower part of his body as he dry his hair with a mini towel.
"Hot." you blurted out, you clenched your fist for a bit and then chuckled awkwardly, "I mean, hi! Hi. I said hi."
Levi raised his eyebrow a bit, he knows what exactly you said but then he didn't say anything just to save you from the embarrassment.
"Hi. You want to come in?" he asked you and you just nodded, you sat on the small couch, "Wait here."
He didn't need to ask why the hell are you in his room, he knows that you wanted to talk about that and he wants to as well. You are both aware that there's something.
He entered the bathroom to get dressed and stopping himself to smile because of your flustered face earlier. After he got dressed, he saw you on the same spot that he left you.
"Hey." you said with a small smile in your face, he just sat on the bed adjacent to the couch that you were sitting in. "We need to talk."
"We do." he simply answered, you were about to speak but then he did it first, "I like you. That's why I did that."
There's no point in beating around the bush because that's the truth, you'll get nowhere if you just go round and round without even saying anything.
You snickered, "Okay. That was straightforward."
You were playing with your fingers and Levi noticed that, you were nervous. He speculated.
You looked at him when he stood up and laid his hand for you, "Dance with me."
Your brows furrowed. That was so random, you thought. "There's no music."
"Then you sing."
You looked at him for a bit then sighed, you reached out for his hand. You placed your hand above his and he pulled you up, he held your arms and placed it above his shoulders while he circle his arms around your waist.
The sudden very close contact made your heart beat unusually fast than it was accustomed to. You could also feel how loud his heart is, you smiled as you clear your throat then you began to sing while you look at his beautiful gray irises.
You sang his favorite song on your album. He pulled you close to him, your head leaning on his shoulder as you both sway your bodies to the song that you were singing.
Levi was right earlier, that you were nervous. But now you weren't anymore.
It was heavenly, slow dancing in the middle of his hotel room while you sang his favorite song. He felt like the luckiest because you were singing to him— because he's holding you close to him.
You sang and you dance to your heart's content until you weren't anymore.
He intertwined your fingers together as he pin your hands on the bed, the first touch  was your lips pressing together. Kissing each other passionately— savoring every contact that your lips were making.
The second was him kissing the bareness of your jaw down to the soft swell of your breast, enveloping it in his mouth, licking your nipples rigorously. All the while, your hand have found its way to his raven hair, a fistful of his dark strands in between your fingers as he bring you to ecstacy using only his mouth.
The third was you caressing his back, tracing every outline that you feel in his body with the tip of your slender fingers until you reach the hem of his shirt, clearing him out of his clothes.
You lost count of how many touches were there, all you know is how paradisical the feeling was underneath him as you willingly let him claim what's his.
As he pump his length in and out, feeling how your walls tighten around his shaft every time he thrust deep into you— perfectly hitting all the spots inside you. Shaping the velvet walls of your cunt into the shape of his cock.
And every single time, you moan his name with your perfectly raspy voice while your body uncontrollably squirm.
Everything is perfect, he knows your body well. As if you were a dance routine that he know by heart, he owned the whole room just like how he own the dance floor.
He sent you the edge until you were drowned with the waves of pleasure that hit your body, bringing you into a full state of euphoria. Not long, you felt him pull out and a thick spurt of his cum was dripping on your thighs.
Levi reached out for his shirt on the floor and wiped it off you. He laid down beside you and pulled you close to him while he get the blanket to cover your bare bodies. You let out a lazy smile when you felt him kiss your hair.
"Levi." you whispered, you heard him hum. "Do you want me to sing you to sleep?"
He nodded, you changed your positions. He was leaning to your chest as you caress his soft raven hair while you soothe him to sleep with your voice.
"You're amazing." he whispered as snuggle close to you, you just let out a smile as you continue to sing.
Perhaps he was in heaven already, he thought— because all he can hear was your angelic voice bringing him to his little taste of heaven.
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