#and because i was taken off my parent's health insurance this year i haven't been able to get a refill on my prescriptions
taylorsabrina · 1 year
it's taylor and sabrina's first night performing together and i'm so sad and depressed, i hate this. 😞
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In Canada you can register to vote beforehand to make it faster at the polling station, but you don't have to. Once you've registered once you only need to again if you move. It's easier to bring your reg card and ID, but if you haven't registered you can show ID and register on site, or if you don't have ID you just need someone with you who has ID to vouch for you. I don't think it's barrier free enough, but better than requiring everyone to have ID.
Canadian anon follow-up - homeless people can arrive at the polling station and put the address for a shelter that they stay at or a community health centre or organization that they utilize the services of. If they don't have ID they need someone with ID to vouch, but many organizations will have an employee accompany voters to do so. Again, still not barrier free enough for everyone.
*********I had a bunch of anons about voting procedures - that I thought were really interesting.  So I’m posting them all here
Anon 2: Always interesting to hear how voting works in other places here in Argentina is technically mandatory (except for 16-18 yos and after a certain age) but nothing happens if you dont vote. We vote in schools and you have to check online if you are in the lists to vote (80% people on it voted this year) and what school you have to vote at (usually closest to your house) and you do need your I'd to vote (and have a legal job or a bank account or just basically be a legally recognized human sadly)
Anon 3: I find the ID-discussion interesting. I'm from a country where voting without ID is unheard of (every person living here is OBLIGATED to possess a government-issued idendity card) and I'm probably just ignorant because I only know our system, but how would voting without voter identification work? Like how would you make sure ppl don't vote in place of someone else or multiple times?
Anon 4: I don’t know about Norway, but in Austria you can register your place of residence as “homeless” (you have to choose one district of Austria as your main residence district which is then also your voting district; as a postal adress you can provide the adress of any social welfare institution in your chosen district, where you can collect your mail). But yes, you’re right, if, for whatever reason you don’t register at all, you are automatically excluded from voting in this system however, I would argue that if you don’t register as resident in Austria at all you have way bigger problems than voting, because essentially you are excluded from participating in society as an “official” person. registering with the state is mandatory by law and you need the registration confirmation for virtually everything (when starting a job, getting a passport, I even needed it to get my damn library card lol) ... now that I think about it it all seems a bit “big brotherish” 
Anon 5: the way elections work in poland is like this each baby born in poland has to be registered and is given a personal number that is then used for evrything: doctors insurance schools,etc. when you're registered your parents have to give you an address(it can be changed later if you move but no one checks it- my dad moved in with my mum after the wedding but still is officially registered at my grandma's house) and you're automatically on the voting list for that place once you turn 18. when it's time to vote you: vote at the place you've been registered, temporary register somewhere else, or obtain a"voting" slip that allows you to vote anywhere. you show up with your ID and they check you off the list. IDs in Poland are mandatory but you don't have to pay for them - you only pay for the picture that you can have taken at any photo studio. each small village has a voting station and elections are always on sunday. ithe system's not ideal but it generally works quite well.
Non anon 6 @mandyslytherpuff - In Aus when you turn 18 you have to register with the Australian Electoral Commission. If you are voting before election day you can go to an early voting centre or submit your ballot papers by mail. On election day you go to your local voting centre (usually set up in local public schools) where they have a register of everyone who lives in the area and they mark you off when they give you the ballot papers. You get your democracy sausage (the schools or local community groups usually put on a fundraising sausage sizzle outside the polling place, it is a time honored tradition) and go home. If you don't vote you get a $55 fine. It's seems so strange to me that the Australian system is so different when it was born out of the UK's.
Thanks to all anons - I really like that this shows the breadth of different voting practices and how voting practices can be affected by other societal norms (like ID cards and registration).  
In both NZ and the UK, you don’t need ID to vote and there is no evidence of voter ID fraud being a problem in either country (and the Tories are thinking of introducing ID requirements as a voter supression tactic).  I think it’s worth letting countries that require ID that not requiring ID doesn’t lead to huge levels of voter fraud. 
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hayleybaaaby-blog · 7 years
because I really haven't taken a survey in years - I miss MySpace bulletin board or whatever, lmao.
1. What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person?
• I'm not sure, honestly. I was in a severely abusive relationship for well over 4 years, ending in January when he was incarcerated for brutally beating me, raping me, & attacking me, all with our two children present. Our 5 year anniversary would be in a few days, the 28th. 😐 Truthfully, I don't know if I'm stronger, but I definitely know that I'll never tolerate anything like that again. Never. 2. What’s one thing that’s happened to you in your life that made you feel weak?
• being abused over & over again, physically, emotionally, sexually. All in front of my children. I feel pathetic, weak, & disgusted with myself to have kept taking him back.. 3. Where is one place you feel most like yourself?
• uh, well. I don't know. I feel trapped in the house I live in with my parents & 2 kids, but that's because of what Luis did to me in my very bedroom - on my bed - and in my kitchen + living room. I feel HAPPIEST at the park or library with the kiddos. Or outside in general. 4. Where is your favorite place to escape to?
• outside with my kids, walking up the dirt driveway. 🌞 5. Who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today?
• my kids' father. He's made me the MESS I am today.. 6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
• I can't just name one thing. I hate my mental health issues (severe anxiety, depression, & ADHD), dealing with constant migraines, the fact that I don't have a car, & the way I'm constantly beating myself up about everything. 7. If you had one day left to live, what would you do first?
• hmm. Take my kiddos to an amusement park or somewhere fun for kiddos. 🌸 8. What decade do you feel you most belong in?
• none. 😂 they're all awful tbh. The only one I kinda like is the 1980's. 9. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
• my children, of course 👩‍👧‍👦 I birthed them, ya know 🤰🏼 But aside from my kiddos, I guess my mother. We butt heads a lot, but she's a very strong & motivated person. My sis & I used to be close.... it hurts. 10. Who is the one person in this world that knows you best?
• no one, shit I hardly know myself. 🙅🏼 11. What is your favorite quality about your best friend?
• how they grew inside of me, came from my body, love me unconditionally, & NEVER want to leave my side. 💘 if y'all can't tell who I'm talking about, that'd be my 2 darling babies. 💜💙💗 12. When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?
• as a youngin', I wanted to be a teacher. Then as I got a lil older, I desired to be a Psychologist. But then I fell pregnant with Miranda & only took one semester in college.. 13. If you could identify with one fictional character (from a book, show, or movie) who would it be?
• honestly not sure. 14. Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments?
• oh, who doesn't love compliments. They're brighten your spirit. Especially seeing as I suffered years of being told that I'm bad looking 🙄 but I'm also extremely self-conscious & awkward when I receive a compliment, so 🙈 tis the anxiety. 15. Is your favorite attribute about yourself physical or non-physical?
• I guess non-physical? I like how understanding and caring I am. I tend to care too much, tho. 16. What is your favorite attribute about yourself?
• I'm caring. 17. What is your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself?
• I've literally just said that 😂😂 18. Do you believe in love at first sight?
• I used to believe that anything was possible, until I met a monster who destroyed all my positivity. 19. Do you believe in soul mates?
• don't think so. 20. How seriously do you take horoscopes?
• I don't really check them lol. 21. Have you ever been in love? How many times?
• true, blindly, awful love: once. Puppy love: twice. 22. What makes you fall in love with someone?
• everything.... 💔 23. What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable?
• vulnerability just perfectly describe me currently. I'm fairly low in my emotions, so yeah. My kids' dad is who always made me feel that way. Also heartbreak, being betrayed, & embarrassment make me feel like that. 24. What’s one thing you’re scared to ask a man, but really want to?
• ain't nothing to scary to ask a man 🤔😬 25. If you were a man for a day, what would be the first thing you do?
• nothing lol I have no desire to be a man. 😳 26. What do you find most attractive about each sex? * men would be probably their eyes, smile, hands, arms, build. women would be their hair, eyes, smile, passion, body. 27. What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about?
• psychology. 28. What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do?
• take my kids to the beach. 🌊☀️🏊🏼‍♀️🚣🏽‍♀️ I've been before, a handful of times in my childhood & teenager years, but not since I was 17 with my mother, my ex (their dad), & a few other people. I would be so incredibly happy to take my babies to the beach, lie out in the sand & tan while we build sand castles & then take off running to the water to swim 💙🙌🖤 Another thing I'd love to do is go on a cruise. I want to travel the world someday, also. I want to rock climb. Attempt to surf or ski. 🏄🏼‍♀️⛸⛷ Even like to try to ride a horse. 🏇🏼 I want to take self-defense classes 🥋🥊🤼‍♀️ that'll protect me & my kids once my ex does get released. I ALWAYS wanted to learn how to play the piano or keyboard 🎹 I wanted to learn to ACTUALLY dance, take dance lessons & also I'm OBSESSED with gymnastics. But since I'm in my twenties, I'll settle for asking my babygirl to join gymnastics 🤸🏽‍♀️ & just maybe, she'll become an Olympian 🥇🎖🏅 hehe. I played softball for 7 years. I hope so much that my kiddos are athletic 😄😅 29. Why haven’t you done it yet?
• because that's A LOT of stuff, & I don't have the 💵💰💸 for all that. Kids are expensive lil creatures, ya know. 🤑 but so worth it. 🙌💕 30. If money didn’t matter, what would your dream job be?
• I definitely would love to go into Photography. 🖤📸🎥📱 honestly, I want to be a Psychologist & earn my PhD, but that's so many years in school. With two kids, that's going to be fairly difficult when my main focus & top priority is them. I dunno. I have even considered nursing because it's only 2 years in school, fair pair, good insurance, & different hours. 31. If you had off from work today, what would you do?
• I don't have a job currently. Just a stay-at-home mama. It's 7:35am. I've done nothing but stay up all night, lying on the couch, playing on my phone or tablet. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ I'll regret it later 🤦🏼‍♀️😅 32. What was the last thing that made you cry?
• some dude. Talking about how I need to get over what Luis did to me because it's "in the past" && how I'm not a perfect mother basically. Here's this: Eff You 🤔🖕 33. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
• my son. 💙 his smile & laughter are contagious 👶🏽 34. What is your favorite memory?
• the first time I held each of my child, most definitely. 💓 also, the first time I ever breastfed them, kissed them, & pretty much all of the good memories with them. 😍😭 35. What’s the last thing that REALLY embarrassed you?
• I'm VERY easily embarrassed, like it's terrible. So, there's no telling. Everything literally bothers or embarrasses me. #anxietyproblems 36. What is your biggest fear?
• losing my children. death. my ex. 37. Do you have any regrets? What’s your biggest one?
• yes, I have 2 very big ones. The first regret I have is taking Luis back AFTER I left him for around 2.5 months. I was newly pregnant with Leonardo, like maybe 3 months pregnant but had only just found out a few weeks before. He attacked me, and I called my dad. Left him & only took Miranda to see him during daytime in broad daylight, never was alone with him for too long, & did not spend the night. The second regret I have is letting him come in my window the morning he intended on killing me.. 38. Have you ever broken a law? If you haven’t what is one law you’d love to break?
• of course I have. I've been arrested before 🤦🏼‍♀️🙅🏼 All to protect my piece of shit ex because HE ditched my car while drunk. It taught me a valuable lesson, though. I didn't drink after that & still don't. He, on the other hand, didn't learn anything. I ended up with obstruction of justice charges & underaged possession 🙎🏼 I had 100 hours of fucking community service!!! Had to even take an AA class & driving class EVEN after they found out I wasn't driving. Oh, & the magistrate wanted to lock me up for 10 days to "teach" me a lesson about lying to authority 😭 39. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? * stay with my ex. 40. Would you have a conversation with a stranger?
• sure would. would give me anxiety, but some people need their day brightened. 41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or their dress tucked into their underwear? (Or anything else that is embarrassing to be seen in public)? * yup sure would. 42. What’s your favorite joke? * I'm not sure . 43. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
• can I be both & neither 😂 I love animals, but all of my babies have passed away. I used to have a ferret, who passed in December. She was my girl 🌝🌚 miss my Loca Luna. 🐾 44. If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
• a cat 🐱 45. What’s one show, movie, or book, you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy?
• Jerry Springer & Maury 🙈🙊 46. How do you think your parents would describe you as a child?
• like Angelica from the Rugrats 👧🏼 47. If you could go back to any age or time of your life, what age or time would it be?
• when I was like 18 & pregnant. Everything was so new & exciting. I loved my ex with all of my heart, too. So blind. 48. What’s something you believe in that not everyone else does?
• that women have the right to their own bodies. & that borders are imaginary lines that were only created after this country was stolen from the indigenous people.. 49. What’s one thing you would say that makes you unique from other people?
• I'm a single mommy who's been through hell & back but am surviving && thriving 💋 50. What is one thing you feel your life is missing?
• a vehicle ..
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