#and arthur holding the binoculars as if he's never seen them before in his life
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"We either rescue him now or.. cut him loose.."
"We're not cutting anyone loose."
#charles is stressed: the mission#they're so sweet I love how charles silently pays attention and absorbs the conversation#and arthur holding the binoculars as if he's never seen them before in his life#he's so funny#but the softness in their eyes.. oh <3#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#mick gifs#arthur morgan#charles smith#red dead redemption community#red dead redemption gifs#charthur
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Colter: Old Friends
Full Transcript below ([...] placed where a gap of silence is for the same person speaking.)
[Arthur enters the small cabin where Bill, Lenny, Micah, and Javier (Who is outside) are staying.]
Micah Bell: …up with you boys, because I thought you liked action. Couple of days on the lam… and you lot have all turned yella. (to Lenny) Apart from you, of course.
Lenny: Shut up, Micah.
Micah: I ain’t never seen so many long faces.
Bill: I guess… I guess folks miss them… that fell.
Micah: Well, when I fall, I don’t want no fuss.
Lenny: When you fall… there’ll be a party.
[Everyone laughs]
Bill: A party… probably.
[Micah stands and takes a step towards Bill]
Micah: That funny, huh?
Bill: Sure.
[Micah hits him in the face and walks towards the exit. The others grab Bill to keep him from fighting back.]
Micah: Maybe I don’t feel like being laughed at by the likes of you two.
[Dutch enters.]
Dutch: Stop it! Now! You fools punching each other… when Colm O’Driscoll’s needing punching, hard. You wanna sit around waiting for him to come find us? All of you, we got work to do. Come on.
Arthur: (with cigarette in his mouth) Are you sure about this, Dutch?
Dutch: Yes.
Arthur: Folks been through a lot recently… we hardly back on our feet yet.
Dutch: And the last thing we need is to get bushwhacked by Colm O’Driscoll. Let’s go.
Arthur: I know you hate him, Dutch.
Dutch: He’s here for us.
Arthur: I doubt that.
Dutch: No, you’re just doubting me.
Arthur Morgan: I would never doubt you, Dutch, you… you always said revenge is a luxury we can’t afford.
Dutch: This is the right call, Arthur. Take this.
[He gives Arthur a rifle.]
Dutch: And this is about more than revenge for business long ago. They were talking about trains and detonators. Here. Colm always had good information. Come on.
Arthur: And you think now is the right time to hit a train?
Dutch: Now you might fancy living on deer piss and rabbit shit… I’m getting too old for that life. Mr. Matthews, Mr. Smith, Mr. Pearson… would you please look after the place… there are O’Driscolls about. H’yah!
[Dutch, Arthur, Micah, Bill, Lenny, and Javier leave the camp on horseback.]
Dutch: Southwest, right, Arthur?
Arthur: Yeah, he said follow the main trail southwest. They’re camped near some lake.
Dutch: Okay, let’s go find these bastards before they find us, and rob this score they’re planning.
Dutch: What’s that? Tracks… horses, quite a few of ‘em. Far as I can tell, the only fools out here are us and them… they must be this way.
Arthur: You good, Dutch?
Dutch: Of course. Listen, I know you don’t think much of my ideas recently, but this is the right move.
Arthur: Okay… you know I got your back.
Dutch: I learned a long time ago that you hit Colm O’Driscoll, wait for him and people you love will die.
Arthur: *sighs* This feud between you and him… needs to be put to rest, one way or another.
Bill: It will be.
Dutch : Some things I can forgive, others I can forget. What he did to Annabelle, I can’t do neither.
Arthur: You killed his brother, Dutch.
Dutch: (harshly) Yes, I did. And I hope the bastards’ll be reunited soon enough. That’s how this’ll end.
Micah: Damn right, boss.
Dutch: See that smoke? Let’s cut up here and take a look. They said it was near the lake, so we must be close.Hold up here. Alright, gentlemen, this is it. Are we goddamn ready?
Javier: Ready, Dutch.
Lenny: Ready.
Dutch: Good. Now, Mr. Morgan and I, we’re going to head up here a little, see if we can’t get a sense of the layout of the camp. Mr. Williamson, Mr. Bell, you two take up a hidden position just outside the camp. Mr. Summers, Mr. Escuella, you two hold position here. Let’s go.
[Arthur follows Dutch on foot. Having climbed higher, they look at the camp through binoculars.]
Dutch: There they are… That’s definitely them.
Arthur: Colm?
Dutch: I think…
Arthur: Yeah… that’s him.
[They watch as Colm waves Kieran over before mounting his horse. Kieran speaks to him, using arm gestures.]
Dutch: Who’s he talking to? He don’t seem very happy.
Arthur: No…
[They watch as Colm slaps Kieran before Kieran goes to his own horse, mounts, and leaves]
Dutch: Are they leaving?
Arthur: Seem to be. Should we go get ‘em?
Dutch: No. Colm can wait. Best to get some of them outta there. And much less fun to rob him and his score if he never finds out about it.
[They two stand and head back to where Lenny and Javier wait with the horses.]
Dutch: Alright, let’s go pay our old friends a visit. Don’t forget to grab that rifle from your horse. You boys be ready to pick them off from up there.
Lenny: Sure thing.
Dutch: Good. Come on, let’s go. Seems easiest to take the same path down as Bill and Micah. Like you said, revenge is a luxury we can’t afford.
Arthur: Yeah, I just wasn’t sure you agreed with me.
Dutch: Arthur, Arthur, have you completely lost faith in me? Our needs right now are supplies, equipment and a way out of here. Everything else, including Colm, can wait.
Arthur: Okay.
Dutch: There’s enough of those bastards down there to deal with as it is. Now come on. It’s steep here, careful.
Arthur: Maybe I should take the lead on this. They’re going to be gunning for you.
Dutch: They ain’t got me yet.
Arthur: No, but the way our luck’s been running…
Dutch: Hush, let’s just get down there first. Down through these trees, quick. Stay low. Come on, follow me. Get in cover, Arthur.
[They sneak into O’Driscolls’ camp.]
Arthur Morgan: (whispering) So what are we doing, Dutch? I can take this if you want.
Dutch: Just make the call. You wanna take the lead? Go.
=Take the Lead=
Arthur: Okay, I’ll go first. (shouting) O’Driscolls! You’re dead, you sons of bitches! I’m moving up, put some fire behind me!
Dutch: With Arthur, let’s go! There’s one up on the water tower!
=Send the gang=
Arthur: Okay, fine, you make the move.
Dutch: Alright, on me. Good luck.
[Dutch fires first]
Dutch: Kill every last one of these bastards! [...] Keep pushing forward
Dutch: Look out! We got more in those cabins to the right. [...] Oh, dammit! They’re still hiding in those cabins.
Bill: I think that’s all of them!
Dutch: Search the bodies, strip everything we can from them!
Bill: You recognize any of them, Dutch?
Dutch: Of course not. Colm doesn’t give a damn about his men. All he cares about is numbers. If you can shoot a gun, and ride a horse, and kill without thought, you’re in. Think how long some of you have been with me? I imagine Colm doesn’t even know half the names of these fools.
=Take too long to loot bodies=
Dutch: Keep looking! We need everything we can get off of these bastards! [...] Keep searching the bodies, Arthur!
[After looting two bodies gunshots are heard]
Dutch: Heads up, boys! We got more of the bastards coming in from the forest! [...] Shit, there’s a lot of ‘em. What do you think, Arthur? Should we hold ground here, or go at them?
Arthur: I say we go at the bastards!
Dutch: Come on then. Everyone with me! [...] There must be more of them in the forest. Let’s go.
[After the fight]
Dutch: The cowards are running away. Good work, boys.
Arthur: Reckon we’re better holding here.
Dutch: Alright, pick ‘em off as they come outta the trees!
Bill: Don’t lose them in the trees!
[After the fight]
Dutch:The cowards are running away. Good work, boys.
Dutch: Back to the camp. We’ll get what we need and clear out.
=Get there before Javier and Lenny=
(Take a bit too long and Dutch says: We don’t have time to mess around.)
Dutch: Okay, let’s wait for Javier and Lenny… they’re coming down with the horses.
[The two lead the others horses down to the group.]
Bill: Keep an eye out for any more of the bastards.
[Dutch whistles for his horse]
=Take too long=
Dutch: Arthur, get over here. [...] We don’t have time to mess around. [...] We’re waiting on you, Arthur.
[Once Arthur finally joins the others, Dutch whistles for his horse.]
Dutch: Good work, boys. Now, let’s tear this place apart. [He mounts his horse] Bill, you go search that wagon there. Arthur, you take that building to the left. Alright men, quick! Find those detonators, explosives, anything you can. Let’s go.
[Micah finds a rolled up map and opens it on the table inside the cabin he was searching.]
Micah: What have we got here? [He unrolls the map.] Perfect… their plans…
[Bill says no dialogue and finds nothing in the cabin he’s searching.]
[Arthur opens up a crate labeled “Samson Bros - Saint Denis - Dynamite”]
Arthur: Here… this looks good… [He turns to Bill who enters] what you think Bill?
Bill: Looks fine… smells good.
[Arthur hands a crate to Bill who puts the dynamite he was holding on top.]
Arthur: Come on.
[The two leave the building to rejoin the others.
Dutch: Did we get everything?
Micah: Think so, Boss. Found this on one of them.
[Micah hands the map up to Dutch who unrolls it.]
Dutch: Thank you.
Bill: (about the dynamite) This is perfect.
Dutch: Oh yeah, interesting… this is something about the train they was gonna rob. A Mr. Leviticus Cornwall. Mount back up, let’s keep moving.
[They mount up and headout.]
Dutch: Alright, let’s get outta here. Proud of you boys! All of you. Not a man down.
Bill: Good work, fellers.
Dutch: Not bad for some starving down-and-outs. They can pummel us as hard as they like, but we will always get back up and fight. That’s who we are. Outlaws for life, fellers. Wait until we have John, Mac, Charles and Sean back riding with us, and I believe I know… they will all be back.
Arthur: You didn’t get Colm, but this hit will hurt him a lot more than any bullet in the head.
Dutch: Especially when we rob this train, too.
Arthur: *laughs* Yeah, I guess we’ll see about that.
Dutch: Oh, indeed we will.
Arthur: You know… he’ll come after us.
Dutch: Oh, of course he will, just like all the rest. But we’re going stay a step ahead of them, make sure we always know where they are before they know where we are. We allowed ourselves to get a step behind in Blackwater. That won’t happen again. Alright, dig in, fellers. Let’s make some ground.
[They ride for a bit until they see a man and a horse in the distance.
Dutch: Hey, you see that feller? Wasn’t he at the camp with Colm?
[In the distance you can hear the man making panicked noises as he quickly mounts his horse upon spotting the group.]
Arthur: Leave him to me.
Dutch: Alright, we’re heading back. Just bring him back alive. He could be useful.
Arthur: Okay, you got it.
[Arthur chases after the man.]
[Arthur catches up with Colm’s hired gun galloping on a horse. He prepares his lasso.]
O’Driscoll: You got the wrong feller!
[Arthur lassos the man.]
Arthur: (unsubtitled - upon lassoing) Not so fast there.
O’Driscoll: Shit, no!
[Arthur hogties him]
Arthur: You’re coming with me.
O’Driscoll: Please, please, you don’t need to do this.
Arthur: (unsubtitled - looting) Just isn’t your day is it?
O’Driscoll: You got me mixed up with someone else.
Arthur picks him up and stows him on his horse.
O’Driscoll: Come on. I-I’m nobody, mister.
[Arthur mounts up and heads back to camp.]
Arthur: What’s your name, boy?
O’Driscoll: I don’t know!
Arthur: You don’t know your name?
O’Driscoll: It’s Kieran.
Arthur: Kieran what?
O’Driscoll: Duffy. Kieran Duffy.
Arthur: Well, I ain’t gonna lie to you… this is a real bad day for you, Kieran Duffy.
Kieran: Where are you taking me?
Arthur: Somewhere you ain’t gonna like.
Kieran: Why? What are you gonna do to me?
Arthur: Something you ain’t gonna like. So I’d advise you to save your breath for screaming.
Kieran: No, please!
(dialogue is random but I got two versions in the video)
=Version 1=
Kieran: Ah, you’re hurting me!
Kieran: Please, mister!
Arthur: You better shut your mouth, you little shit, or I will shut it for you.
Kieran: Just let me go, please? They don’t tell me nothing, I swear. I don’t wanna die, mister.
Arthur: Are you trying to test me, is that it?
=Version 2=
Kieran: Come on, mister, p-please!
Kieran: I hardly know’em.
Arthur: You better shut your mouth, you little shit, or I will shut it for you.
Kieran: *groans* I think I’m gonna puke. Just let me go, please? I don’t know nothing real about them, honest!
Arthur: Are you trying to test me, is that it?
Arthur: Because I will break every bone in your body.
Kieran: I’m sorry, I’m sorry… okay?
Arthur: Not one more goddamn word, am I clear?
Kieran: Okay, okay!
Arthur: That’s two bones, right there.
[Arthur returns to camp and hitches his horse]
Arthur: Here we are, you sack of shit. Let’s introduce you to the boys.
[Arthur removes Kieran from the horse, carrying him over his shoulder.]
Kieran: Don’t hurt me, please.
Arthur: Oh, don’t worry, they’re real nice.
[Arthur brings him closer to the main cabin and Dutch comes outside.]
Dutch: You found the little shit, did you?
Arthur: Yep. I got him.
[Arthur tosses Kieran into the snow before cutting his feet free and pulling him to stand.
Dutch: Very good. Welcome to your new home… hope you’re real happy here.
Arthur: You want me to make him talk?
Dutch: Oh no, now all we’ll get is lies. Uncle. Mr. Williamson. [He waves them over and they take over holding Kieran still.] Tie this maggot up someplace safe. We get him hungry first. I got a saying, my friend… we shoot fellers as need shooting… save fellers as need saving… and feed ‘em as need feeding. We’re gonna find out what you need. I can’t believe it… an O’Driscoll in my camp.
Kieran: No, I ain’t an O’Driscoll, mister. I hate that feller.
[Bill and Uncle walk him towards the stables]
Dutch: (to Kieran) Oh, whatever you say, son. (to Arthur) Well done, Arthur.
Arthur: I’m just sorry we missed out on Colm.
Dutch: Oh, there’s time enough for that. Now, I gotta figure out if we can hit that train.
Arthur: Okay.
[The screen fades to black as Arthur walks to the smaller cabin.]
#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#Arthur Morgan#dutch van der linde#Micah Bell#bill williamson#Kieran Duffy#Javier escualla#lenny summers
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Growing Pains...
Just to warn everyone, after this chapter it’ll get a bit darker for a while. I will make sure to post warnings!
Summary: Emmy has been with the gang since she was a little girl. Her mother moved on, leaving her to be raised by Dutch, Hosea and Susan. Arthur and John are her brothers (argue and she will fight you). Becoming a woman is hard when everyone still sees you as a child. Since the Blackwater mess she’s trying to find her feet while dealing with her new feelings for the gangs resident douchebag.
Pairing: Slow burn Micah x female OC.
Warnings: Swearing, a mention of vomit
Chapter 8
I spend another moment just looking at Arthur’s tent, willing myself to move. What happened to make Dutch so mad? Why was Hosea so upset?
I look around and spot Hosea sat at the camp tables with Susan. She’s helping him mash some herbs together, for his cough no doubt. As I move towards the table, I catch eyes with Sean who must have woken up in the commotion. He lifts up his hands in a way to question me but all I can do is shrug.
“What was that about?” I ask Hosea as I sit across from him. He doesn’t look up, just continues to mash.
“Bad business ‘all. Nothing to worry about.” He replies. I reach across the table and hold his hand. Why can’t he look at me? “Hosea” I say gently.
He finally looks up and holds my hand in his.
“You know, Bessie and me, we tried. For a long time, we tried to….ya know…..” he stammers. I know what he’s saying. Bessie told me a long time ago when I asked why they didn’t have any children. One or both of them couldn’t. And despite how much it hurt, they stayed strong. Together.
“I know” I nod and offer a reassuring smile. One he tries to return but fails.
“You. You’re. We care for you.” He says quietly and I look to Susan who appears just as confused.
“Well, of course we do. What’s gotten into you all?” Susan asks sternly. She’s never been one to beat around the bush. I look back again at Hosea and I swear his eyes are glassy.
“Hosea” I whisper. But before I can say anything else, Dutch storms from his tent and walks over to us. He completely ignores Molly’s cries and she storms off herself.
“My friend. Ride with me.” he asks Hosea but it really is more of an order.
“Dutch, he’s” Susan starts but Dutch cuts her off with a hand in the face. I’ve seen Dutch argue with Susan many, many times. But I’ve never seen him act so rudely. She mutters something like “well I never” under her breath and pushes herself away from the table towards the girls. They’ll probably bare the brunt of Dutch’s insult.
“Dutch, what the hell is going on?” I say firmly, retracting my hand when Hosea stands. Neither man looks at me. “I’ll ask you to mind yourself little girl” he says sternly. Little girl!?
I’m speechless.
Hosea watches Dutch move towards the horses and takes my hand again, kissing it. He offers me a small smile and follows. As they’re mounting, Sean crouches down next to me and whispers.
“So, young Lenny said they stopped for a drink in Valentine b’fore heading back. Dutch caught sight of a man and all hell broke loose. Arthur ordered him to wait by the horses while he pulled the other two from this chap. Lenny said Hosea ‘nd Dutch were arguing all the way back but he couldn’t make out what it was about” Sean tells me before adding “Wanna find out?”.
Still watching them silently prepare to leave camp again, I nod. Sean pats me on the back and tells me to meet him round the back of camp in 30 seconds. I was going to follow them alone but it’s nice to have Sean watching my back. I know he’s only doing it for fun but still.
I count down the seconds and watch Hosea and Dutch trot slowly out of camp, talking side by side. With how Hosea is doing, they won’t be full on galloping anywhere so I don’t have to make a show of myself and run after Sean. Better to take my time and not draw attention.
As I’m walking to meet Sean, I glance over to see Micah with the other men all quietly talking. Probably about what’s happening. He sees me watching and I avert my eyes. I carry onto my destination but it’s no good, he’s intrigued.
I make it to Sean who has the horses ready to go but I hear Micah behind me.
“Hey. Whatta you think you’re doin’?” he asks while approaching.
As I mount Jett, me and Sean look at each other. Sean’s taking way too much pleasure in the drama but stops smirking when he sees my face. I answer Micah once I’m settled in the saddle.
“Dutch is in a foul mood, Hosea is talking to me like one of us is dying, Arthur won’t tell me what’s happened and Lenny can’t. So, I’ll find out myself.” I say simply, so sure he’ll understand.
“Alright” he scoffs “and you think you’ll be able to work out whatever’s going on with Dutch. You and the Irish idiot.” he smirks and it’s like a punch to the gut. This is my family too. Why couldn’t I help? I used to! “Why don’t you come down from there and leave it to us” he finishes while holding out his hand to me. How can one man go from being so empowering to so belittling in under 15 minutes.
“Fuck you Micah” is all I can muster and he looks completely taken aback. Without spending another second on how stupid I feel, I kick Jett into action with Sean following closely behind. I can hear Micah shouting from behind me but I don’t care to know what he’s saying.
We ride silently for around 5 minutes with Dutch and Hosea in our sights way ahead. After a while Sean starts to ride next to me, obviously feeling that he’d given me enough space.
“So, you’re havin’ one hellavah day.” he laughs and I smile. I find it hard to not smile with Sean, he’s so genuine in his care for others, “Care to catch me up on your little escapades?”.
“Maybe later” I reply, thinking back to the kiss. It was lovely. So gentle. But then he was so condescending! Maybe he does only see me as a child. Someone to play with but disregard once the going gets tough. “I’d rather focus on what’s upset Hosea so much”.
Sean nods and leads us around a small path, keeping us out of sight.
“Dutch was pretty angry too” he states.
“That’s not what worries me to be honest” I reply, “Dutch is Dutch. Anything sets him off at the moment…..but Arthur and Hosea. That bothers me. Arthur’s never kept anything from me. And Hosea? Man looks fit to collapse. Something’s upset him.”
I look around and realise that I have no idea where we are, “Sean this isn’t the way to Valentine.”
“No, it ain’t. I noticed that too.” Sean says, eyeing me cautiously.
We ride for a further 15/20 minutes before seeing the two men slow. We circle around to higher ground and watch as they pull up outside an old, dilapidated cottage. From where we are, we can see perfectly with a pair of binoculars and luckily, I always carry some in my saddle bag. We dismount our horses and army crawl to the end of the small hill we’ve occupied. The suns on its way down for the night but there is enough light left thankfully.
“Alright, hand’m over. Twas my idea, I get first look” Sean says wagging his hand at me and I roll my eyes. Such a child. I slap the binoculars into his hand and wait as he gathers his bearings. “Okaaay. Well. They’re waitin’. Hosea looks mad. Dutch looks……Dutchy”.
“Any idea what they’re waiting for?” I ask.
“Nope just waiting. Still waiting……oh! No, just waiting” he laughs.
“For fuck sake Sean” I groan, but he cuts off my whining.
“Okay, we have life. Someone’s approaching. An old gent, about Dutch’s age. Maybe younger.” Sean hands me the binoculars and I take them quickly.
I look through the view finder and seem my two surrogate dads with their arms crossed, waiting for this man to dismount his horse.
“Anything?” Sean asks and I shake my head but before he can say anything back, I hold up my hand to silence him.
As all 3 men head into the shack, the mystery man turns around to check the outside before going in properly. With his face turned to me I can see him as clear as day. He’s middle aged with brown hair. A patchy, unkempt beard and a rosy patch birthmark on his face.
As he heads inside and closes the door, I drop the binoculars. I can hear Sean asking me questions but none of it registers. All I hear is static. White noise.
A blinding pain enters my head and I swear for a moment I lose sight in both my eyes. All I can see is that horribly patchy, dirty face. I scrabble to get up and lunge myself towards Jett to stabilize myself but don’t quite make it.
I fall face first into the grass and before I can make any attempt at moving, I vomit.
As I’m vomiting up the painful, burning liquid from my stomach I can only just register Sean rubbing my back. He’s shushing me and at the same time asking me what’s wrong.
What’s happened? Do I know him? Am I ill? What should he do?
After heaving into the grass for what feels like forever, I sit back up. My eyes are streaming and my nose is running. I have vomit on my clothes and actually feel like I might faint.
I force myself to look at Sean and instantly throw my arms around his neck and hold on tight. He responds straight away, resuming rubbing my back. “Emmy…..tell me what’s happening love” he whispers.
My throat burns but I swallow and let out three quiet, shaky words:
“That’s my pa”.
#rdr2#rdr2 tag#rdr2 fandom#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2 fanfiction#red dead redemption 2#red dead redemption two#red dead redemption 2 micah#micah bell#rdr2 micah#arthur morgan#john marston#dutch van der linde#van der linde gang#micah bell x reader#micah bell x oc#red dead redemption imagine#red dead redemption online#red dead redemption x reader#red dead online#rdr2 pc#red dead redemption fanfiction#red dead redemption fanfic#rdr2 edit
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Arthur Morgan X F Reader | Outlaws, all of them | Part 3
Part 1, Part 2 Head’s up @yeehaw-jooce , @gloriousgam3r, @r0xy-w0lf , hope you enjoy this part too :) The list of gang members in the later stages of this one is deliberately vague, so you can *insert your other favourite cowboys/girls here*. Also, you might be interested to know the horse is based on one my mother used to have, he used to do all sorts of weird stuff. Guidance: This one’s a layer cake of violence, light torture and angst, with fluff icing and sprinkles of smut. Summary: This whole ‘saving your life’ thing is becoming a habit you’d like to break. Words: 3.9k (this shit’s getting longer...) --------
Arthur hadn’t slept well. He never did when he was angry. When he woke, he still wasn’t sure who he was more pissed at; himself, for not being brave enough to tell you how he felt, or you, for snapping at him. He sighed. I must have done somethin', he thought. He resolved to apologise, though he wasn’t too sure what for, maybe try and cheer you up with a cup of coffee. Groaning as he sat up, he thought about how he was a dumb old man, out of practice with women.
Looking across his tent at yours, he noticed your bedroll was gone. Shit, had you been so mad with him you’d moved to sleep with the girls? Shaking his head, which he immediately regretted due to the drinking, Arthur stood up and walked over to the main campfire.
You’d ridden as hard as you could, and your entire body ached, especially your leg. Once you were past Valentine, your anger had started to fade, and sadness had started to take its place. You were so close to leaving your old life behind; not having to be alone anymore, friends to help you survive. Maybe something more than friendship? You chastised yourself for that last thought. This was how it would always have to be. You couldn’t trust anyone else, and certainly weren’t going to be so kind to strangers again.
It was late morning as you approached the area of forest where you had hidden your stash. You slowed down, moving into the trees. Listening, you could hear faint voices alongside the birdsong. Getting out your binoculars, you looked towards the hidden cave you wear heading for. Shit. The O’Driscolls had done the opposite of moving along it would appear – their camp, only a few tents and a wagon when you last saw it, had grown substantially. They were still a little way from the cave, and you were sure they wouldn’t hear you as you collected your things, but you were going to have to be careful. If you waited until the evening, it would be dark enough for you to slip by, but not so quiet as to make you easy to hear. You turned and trotted off to find a quiet spot to wait out the day.
“Tilly, you seen (Y/N)?” Arthur asked as he grabbed some morning coffee. She said she hadn’t, and Arthur asked the next person he saw. Then the next, then the next. He was growing increasingly more concerned, as more gang members woke and appeared from their tents; no-one had seen you since the previous night. John was one of the last to wake, as usual; he strolled towards the campfire, still waking up, when he suddenly remembered what had happened as he returned from his nighttime piss. He didn’t have a chance to escape before Arthur was repeating his question again, this time to him.
“John, you seen (Y/N) anywhere? Ain’t no-one seen her since last night.”
“Errrrr (Y/N)…which one’s that again” John blustered, panicking.
“John, you dumbass, stop messin’ around.” Arthur growled.
John was not looking forward to this. He knew everyone thought he was stupid, but even he had noticed Arthur’s behaviour around you.
“She…. She’s gone Arthur. Left in the night, I saw her.”
Arthur’s heart sank, and his worry was immediately replaced by fury. “Marston, what the hell did you do! What did you say to her!” Arthur had closed the gap between them fast, and grabbed John by the front of his shirt, practically lifting him off the ground. “What did you say to make her leave?!” Arthur practically yelled the last sentence in John’s face. Everyone was staring, John was getting more embarrassed, and, if he was honest, scared. It was way to early for this shit.
“It weren’t me Arthur! It was you! She said so, I tried to stop her.” Arthur’s grip relaxed slightly as his anger at John started to fade.
“What do you mean, it was me?” Arthur frowned.
“She said… she said it had been made clear that she had overstayed her welcome. She wanted to leave before she was pushed. Now let me go dammit Arthur.”
Arthur finally released John, stepping back. “I… I didn’t say that?” he muttered, confused.
“Arthur, dear, what did you say?” Mary-Beth asked.
“I…. I told her that Dutch needed to speak to us about movin’ to a new camp, and if she’d like to stay with me… I mean us.” Mary-Beth stared at him, as realisation slowly dawned on Arthur. “Only… I don’t think that’s how it came out. Oh, I’m a damn fool!” Arthur exclaimed as he slammed his fists on one of the tables.
He was about to walk back to his tent when John spoke again. John had properly woken up now, and was pissed that Arthur had tried to blame him.
“That wasn’t all she said, golden boy. She said you didn’t want her ‘cause of her messed up leg. She took that bullet for you, Arthur.” John couldn’t resist the last bit, for once it wasn’t him being the dumb one.
Arthur felt his blood run cold. You hadn’t. Oh please, god, say you hadn’t overheard him and Hosea. Why hadn’t he chosen his words more carefully? He knew there was no such thing as privacy in the camp.
“I’ve got to go find her, she can’t have gone far. She’s still struggling to ride properly.” Arthur turned to run towards his tent.
“MR MORGAN you’ll do no such thing.” Dutch had appeared behind him. “You’re forgetting what today is. We have it on good authority” Dutch nodded towards Kieran “ that Colm O’Driscoll will have moved to that camp in the Grizzlies. We are hitting them today, and we need all guns to hand”.
Arthur opened his mouth to try and object. “Don’t make me start questioning your loyalty, Arthur.”
Arthur’s nostrils flared as he gritted his teeth. The gang came first, he had no choice.
“You know me Dutch, always ready to shoot some bastard O’Driscolls.”
“Excellent. Eat well, and don’t go wandering off…. We’ll leave soon. I want to hit those idiots at night, but it’s a long ride.”
The day had gone past slowly. You were in a lot of pain; you were paying the price for staying on the horse all night. You didn’t dare sleep, even though you were exhausted; O’Driscolls weren’t the only things in this wood to worry about. No matter how hard you tried, your mind kept on going back to Arthur. Why the hell did you miss him? He didn’t care for you. But every time your mind wandered, it went back to those evenings by the fire. Your head on his shoulder, the heat from his body keeping the evening chill at bay. His smell, musky with hints of horsehair and gun oil; his eyes….
Finally, it was time to move. The O’Driscolls were celebrating something, either that or they’d found your inordinately large stash of booze in the cave. You sure hoped it wasn’t the latter, though that was the least valuable thing in there. Either way, they all seemed pretty drunk, and you were glad of anything that would make them less likely to see you. You left your horse a little distance away, made sure your knife sheath was full and checked your pistol.
You managed to make it to the next tree before falling over. God damn leg! You crawled back over to your horse and hoisted yourself up, pulling the cane from your saddle. Well, at least you could always use it to hit them. You smiled slightly for the first time since the previous day, and slowly started to make your way around the camp towards the cave, keeping as close to the rockface as you could.
Arthur was bringing up the rear of the group as they thundered into the Grizzlies. He normally rode up front with Dutch, but Micah was up there and wouldn’t stop talking shit about (Y/N). Arthur was too down to give more than half-hearted curses to Micah; it was easier to move to the back, where he could be alone with his thoughts.
In the little time he had before he left camp, he tried to search for a trace of you, some clue as to where you had gone. He’d found nothing. The further away from camp he got, the more he missed the comfort of having you by his side. He was a fool, an old, stupid fool.
You were so close. You’d had to move much slower than you liked; partly because of the pain in your hip, partly because of the cane. You had set your recovery back weeks with that riding, you knew it. You should have rested it, not go so fast that you had to grip the saddles with your thighs hard enough to leave bruises. You should give up, you knew it; but it was too late, you needed that money. You needed supplies, to eat; no way you could steal anything or hunt in your state.
Crouching, assessing the distance to the next tree, you’d been too distracted by the pain to notice the movement behind you. You felt the excruciating blow to the back of your head, heard the shouts, as once again you slipped into darkness.
“Hold up boys. Let’s leave the horses here.” Dutch said as he brought the convoy to a stop. The men hitched their horses in the trees, gathering their weapons and crouched around Dutch. Arthur wasn’t surprised Dutch had brought so many of the others; he knew how much Dutch wanted to see Colm dead, and he was glad of the extra firepower. Arthur focused on Dutch as he outlined the plan and initially barely noticed Charles’s elbow in his side.
“Arthur!” Charles whispered forcefully. “Isn’t that (Y/N)’s horse?”
Arthur’s head snapped round in the direction Charles was pointing. “It can’t be, surely not out here.”
“Arthur, how many other horses do you know sleep leaning against a tree?!”
Charles was right. God knows where you’d got that horse from, Arthur thought, it was all kinds of special. Arthur and Charles broke away from the group, ignoring Dutch’s angry mutterings.
“She’s not here Arthur.” Arthur’s heart was pounding – what the hell were you doing? He and Charles had just started moving back to the others when a scream pierced the evening silence.
You screamed as the blade of the hot knife seared against the skin on your arm. Your cry was cut short as your cane was slammed into your stomach, winding you. You were fucked, and you knew it. Even tied up, you could maybe have escaped if there was only 2 or 3 of them; but there were at least 20, and your leg felt like it was on fire. You were on your knees, back to a post with your hands tied to the pole above your head. You didn’t know what these bastards had planned for you, but you suspected. And you knew they were going to take their time.
You hadn’t been awake long, but had already taken a decent beating. But now the O’Driscoll’s had gotten bored. They wanted to hear you scream, and they sure as hell knew some good methods for achieving their goal. The one with the knife was leering at you as he heated it again in the fire.
One of the other O’Driscolls grabbed you by the hair, pulling your head back. “Now remember lads, leave that pretty face alone. Colm likes ‘em pretty when he starts. They ain’t that way when he’s done though.” That last line was sneered right in your face.
“How much longer he going to be? I wanna have some fun” whined another greasy bastard.
The one with the knife stood up, starting to walk back towards you. “He’ll be back soon. He saw a nice farmhouse a little way off, gone to get some….supplies.” Your head was held up, forcing you to look at your torturer, as he brought the knife closer to your skin.
You were about to shut your eyes, try to distance yourself from the pain, when his face exploded.
“I don’t give a goddamn shit about your plan Dutch, we have to go NOW!” Arthur didn’t even wait for a response as he surged forwards. The others paused for a brief moment until Dutch nodded and they followed, fanning out through the trees.
Arthur slammed into cover behind a tree. They must have heard him, he thought, but he didn’t care. He could still hear your scream, long since faded, in his head. He was seeing red, filled with rage. These bastards were going to pay with their lives, every.single.one.of.them.
He leaned out of cover and brought his rifle to his shoulder. Breathing slowly, deliberately, he took aim and fired.
The O’Driscolls had been so pre-occupied with you they hadn’t noticed the group running through the trees. The ones that did didn’t last long enough to warn the rest. The assault was over quickly; the Van der Linde gang were only outnumbered 4 to 1, it was more of a slaughter than a fight.
You had yelled out to Arthur as soon as you saw him, and couldn’t help but emit a sob as he cut you free. You fell forwards onto your side and groaned, as he hoisted you up in his arms.
“Where’s Colm dammit!” Dutch was furious, yelling.
Between deep breaths, you told Arthur what you heard, barely able to do more than whisper.
“He ain’t hear Dutch” Arthur called out. “And if he was nearby, he certainly ain’t comin’ back now.”
Dutch swore, kicking a nearby corpse.
“I’m sorry Arthur, I’m sorry. I must have ruined Dutch’s plans.” You started to sob, as another wave of pain overtook you.
“It’s okay (Y/N), it’s okay” Arthur said as he gently put you down, leaning you against a few crates. “You’re alright now, it’s over. Sorry I wasn’t here sooner.”
He gently stroked your face, soothing you. You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him close, as the shock of what just happened started to fade. When you finally released him and started to move away, he pulled you back in, kissing you passionately. You kissed him back, breathing in his scent, feeling his stubble against your face.
“I ain’t never letting you out of my sight again darlin’” he said as he broke away, smiling. “I’m sorry for what I said….what you heard. I’m goin’ to keep you safe, I promise.”
“Arthur….. I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have left like that, without talking to you. It’s just.. I haven’t had a family in so long, I broke at the first sign of a problem.”
“I got news for you darlin’, this family’s got all kind of problems. But you ain’t one of them.” He leaned forward, gently kissing you on the forehead.
“Arthur, get Dutch. I’ve got something that might take the sting out of not getting Colm.”
Dutch was bouncing like a little kid when he came back from examining your stash. Even with your detailed instructions, you were pretty sure they only found it because of Charles’ skills as a tracker. You let the gang split it as they normally would; half for the gang, the rest between the group, yourself included. While a part of you ached to see it go, Arthur’s hand in yours reassured you that you were doing the right thing. You owed them your life twice over now…. you hoped this would be the last time.
The gang moved quickly, and soon the cave was empty and the horses loaded. Your horse was more than happy to be loaded up with the crates of whiskey and rum; there was no room left for you, but there was no way you were riding on your own in your state anyway. Aside from the burn on your arm, you were mostly just bruised, but your leg hurt like hell. With some help, Arthur carefully lifted you onto his horse, into the saddle in front of him.
“Mr Morgan, we’re making a habit of this.”
Arthur laughed softly, as he urged his horse into a gentle trot. The others went off ahead, while Charles stayed behind with you, Arthur, and your bottle laden horse. They could move much quicker than you, and the quicker they got back to camp the better.
It was a long ride back but you and Arthur filled it with chatter. You were both so much more relaxed now, able to open up to the other. Every so often, you squirmed in the saddle as a particularly brutal burst of pain hit your leg; when this happened, Arthur would gently squeeze your waist and kiss your neck, reassuring you.
“Easy girl, nearly home.” His voice was low, rumbling, and comforting. But as you passed Valentine, you stopped talking as the pain became more constant.
“You alright, darlin’?” Arthur whispered in your ear, concerned.
“Yeh…. Just hurtin’. Wish I could forget about the pain, just for a moment.”
Arthur’s hand rubbed your thigh reassuringly, as he kissed your neck again. This time, the kiss hit that point where the base of your neck meets your shoulder, sending a shiver down your spine. You sighed, and suddenly you knew exactly what would take your mind off the pain. You placed your hand on Arthur’s, gently sliding it up towards your crotch. Arthur resisted slightly until you whispered to him.
“I think that a little…distraction may do me good, Mr Morgan.” Your voice was low and soft, and it made Arthur unintentionally push his hips forwards against yours.
“Mhhmm.. anything you want darlin’.”
You undid the button on your trousers as Arthur carefully slipped his hand down. He was gentle as his rough hands rubbed you slowly. You breathed out quietly, letting your body relax, as he continued to run his fingers in gentle circles over you. Charles was only a little way ahead, so you tried to stay as quiet as possible, but every so often a little moan escaped your lips. Every time you did, Arthur ground his hips into you, letting out a little growl. You could feel him getting pressed against you, getting harder and harder, and the thought made you smile.
You continued on like this all the way back to the edge of the camp. Neither of you wanted the moment to end; this was pure relaxation, carefully washing away the tensions of the last few days. As you drew near to camp, Arthur withdrew his hand and attempted to adjust himself the best he could; large gun belt buckles certainly came in handy for moments like this.
That evening’s party was already in full swing by the time your little group arrived. Everyone was pleased to see you back, and Miss Grimshaw was careful to thank you for your generous contribution. You stayed with them for as long as you could, drinking and laughing, but it wasn’t long before you asked Arthur to help you to bed. He carefully walked you to his tent, placing you on the chair.
“You can take my cot (Y/N), it’ll be easier to get in and out of. I’ll just grab my bedroll, I’ll sleep on the floor in yours.” You grabbed Arthur’s shirt before he managed to step away, pulling him towards you, making him frown.
“Mr Morgan, you’ll do no such thing. I need some more……distracting.” You bit your lip, staring up into his gorgeous eyes.
Realisation dawned on Arthur’s face and he grinned. He quickly pulled the flaps down around his tent, giving you a modicum of privacy, before he carefully picked you up and placed you on your back on the cot. He swiftly joined you, kneeling between your legs and leaning forward to kiss you.
“Just let me know if having your legs like this hurts your hip darlin’.”
You laughed. “Arthur Morgan, you might be wide, but you ain’t as wide as a horse. I’ll be fine. Now shut up and get that shirt off.”
Arthur didn’t need to be asked twice. He sat up, pushing the suspenders off his shoulder and pulling his shirt off over his head. You placed your hand on his chest, preventing him from leaning forwards again, allowing you to admire him for a moment. The sight of his hands resting on your spread knees, and those wide shoulders, made you shudder with excitement.
“Now that’s a view I could get used to” you sighed.
Arthur bit his lip, smiling, as he leaned forward and kissed you, harder this time. You yelped as he ground his hips into yours. He immediately stopped, and pulled away, looking at you with concern.
“Arthur Morgan, I swear to god, if you stop I ain’t going to be the only one in pain.”
Arthur grinned as he leaned forward once again. Your hands ran over his back as he kissed your neck, his hands fondling your breasts through your shirt. He gently rubbed himself against you as you both got lost in the moment.
“Arthur, Dutch needs ya’” Sean’s voice from outside the tent made an unwelcome entrance into your little world.
“I’m busy Sean, tell him I’ll speak to him tomorrow” Arthur growled, barely moving his lips from your skin.
“Arthur, he’s very insistent. He’s yellin’ for ya”. As you listened, you could indeed hear Dutch calling Arthur in the distance.
Arthur sighed, resting his forehead on your chest.
“Won’t be long darlin’. If I don’t go he’ll only come over” Arthur said as he stood up.
“I’ll keep myself warm for you sweetheart” you said, as you slowly slipped your fingers under your waistband.
Arthur paused, biting his lip, gaze transfixed on your hand, before striding out of the tent, almost bowling Sean over.
“Dutch, what do you want, I’m a little busy right now” Arthur huffed.
“Arthur, there you are! You have to see this book (Y/N) had in her collection, it’s a beauty” Dutch replied excitedly, without looking up. Hosea was sat in Dutch’s tent with him and was staring at Arthur in the entrance.
“Really Dutch?! A damn book!” Arthur exclaimed.
“Don’t be like that Arthur, you know that….” Dutch, still looking at the pages in front of him, didn’t finish his sentence before Hosea’s elbow connected with his arm.
“Dutch, goddammit, look at me! Do I look like reading a book is what I want to be doin’ right now!”
Dutch finally looked up at Arthur. He was naked from the waist up, hair in a mess, sweating ever so slightly. He looked exactly like an illustration out of one of Mary-Beth’s books, albeit with a few more scars.
“Son, I’m terribly sorry�� Dutch laughed. “Please, go resume your evening’s activity.” Arthur rolled his eyes and jogged back to his tent. Normally, he’d be embarrassed, he was a private man. But right now only one thing was in his head; you. There wasn’t enough blood left in it for any other thoughts.
Arthur opened the flap to his tent and smiled at the sight that greeted him; he was exhausted, but the happiest he’d been in a long time. And he was about to get a whole lot happier.
#arthur morgan x reader#arthur morgan x f reader#arthur morgan#arthur morgan smut#arthur morgan fluff#my work#fanfic#red dead fanfic#rdr2 fanfic#rdr2
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When the Devil Cries pt. 21
Fanfic summary: (NO SPOILERS IN THIS STORY) After arriving in Saint Denis, Arthur ends up falling in love with a seemingly innocent pianist, only to find himself in a battle with one of the most notorious outlaws to ever emerge from America. Now, between working for Dutch and robbing money for the gang, Arthur has to also protect the man he loves as the two of them try to find their freedom.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan/Male OC
Previous chapter
This story is also on AO3
From Eddie’s POV
Struggling in my restraints, I made a futile attempt to shake out of the shackles holding me as the harsh metal scraped against my wrists, causing me to hiss in pain as the cuffs gently clinked throughout the lonely cellar.
It didn’t look like anyone above had noticed what I was doing -- or at least trying to do -- but it didn’t matter much anyways. Without someone to help me, or some sort of tool to break free, I wasn’t going anywhere for a long time. There were far too many guards surrounding me -- as well as some loyal hounds they had trained -- and considering my history with Atticus, I doubted the man was just gonna “forget” about me anytime soon.
If there was any hope of me escaping this place, I’d need help to do it.
I let out a disappointed sigh and allowed my arms to slouch in the shackles, thinking to myself as the night carried on.
What the hell was happening...? How did I end up here? It was only this morning that I was robbing a bank with Dutch, and now, not only was Hosea dead, I had also fallen right back into Atticus Rose’s grasp...after so many years of trying to avoid him.
Part of me almost felt that it’d be best if I just took off on my own, and left the gang behind. I didn’t want to leave Arthur alone, and I loved that man more than anything, but I was putting his life in danger simply just by being around him.
Everything we had gone through, all the people we’d killed -- it was because Arthur was trying to protect me. I was the one thing bringing Atticus’ attention to him and his gang, and I was also the reason that Hosea was now gone.
Perhaps they’d be better off without my company. They had enough to worry about aside from Atticus, and it wasn’t as if I had never been on my own before. Maybe leaving Dutch was the best option. Maybe I could just...disappear somewhere in the country, and never come back. But...I also couldn’t just forget about Arthur either. I couldn’t abandon him.
That man had done so much for me, and shown me a sort of love I’d never experienced before. I had no idea how I didn’t realize it sooner, but Arthur was my freedom. He was the only thing separating Theodore from Eddie, and without him, my life would’ve honestly felt pointless.
I mean, my whole family was already gone. My father, my mother, my sister -- none of them were coming back. And my home was nothing but a distant dream now. Arthur was all I had left, and I’d be damned if I ran away from him too.
Breaking my train of thought, the sound of someone opening the cellar’s door suddenly reached my ears as they pushed it open with a firm thud, strolling inside as if they didn’t have a single care in the world. It was Rodrick.
The deranged man brought a cigar up to his mouth and took a drag, making the smoke dancing around his face in an enigmatic manner as he approached me step by step. He let out a cold chuckle.
“There he is...” Rodrick thought aloud. “...The very last Bishop.”
I was silent in response and simply threw a glare at him, causing the man to walk even closer to me as I turned away.
He crouched down.
“Y’know,” Rodrick began, “when I first told Atticus that you was runnin’ around with Dutch goddamn van der Linde, and falling in love with his right-hand man...heh, he didn’t believe me. Looked me square in the eye and said he thought it was bullshit. Told me he wouldn’t believe it until he saw it with his own, two eyes.”
Rodrick paused for a moment and brought the cigar up to his lips again, afterwards letting out a nonchalant sigh before continuing to speak.
“That’s important, you know?” He pointed out. “If you wanna survive in this beautiful country, you can’t just go around believing every damn thing that everyone tells you. Words ain’t nothin’ but a mask, and it’s a hell of a lot easier to dodge a bullet when you can see it coming.”
I disregarded what he was saying and went straight to the point, eager to get out of here.
“Look, what do you want?” I snapped. “Why hasn’t Atticus killed me yet? I thought that was the whole point of bringing me here.”
Rodrick looked disappointed in my lack of interest in his games and shook his head, but answered me nonetheless.
“Because you clearly ain’t the same little boy we last saw in England,” he replied. “You’ve obviously learned a thing or two since our last encounter. And the truth is: Atticus doesn’t need you dead. He just needs you to be under his control. Besides...with your newfound skills, I’m sure Atticus could find a use for you.”
I instantly rejected the idea. “That bastard’s out of his goddamn mind if he thinks I’m doing anything for him--!”
Rodrick suddenly threw a strong fist at my gut, causing me to cough aggressively as a grin stretched on his pale face.
“Haven’t you noticed, pretty boy?” He taunted with a laugh, leaning dangerously close to me. “We’re all out of our minds. But I wouldn’t worry too much. You’ll come around eventually. It’s just gonna take some...persuasion.”
I scoffed, still slightly dazed from the punch. “...And you’re going to be the one doing the persuading, are you?”
Rodrick rose to his feet and spread his arms out in a proud manner, giving me one last smirk before taking his leave.
“Well...somebody’s gotta do it. And who better than the man with so much...charm?” He fell silent for a second. “I won’t lie to you, Theo. It’s gonna be a long road from here on out. So take care of yourself, you hear? Because Atticus certainly won’t.”
From Arthur’s POV
Observing the gang’s hideout from a distant gathering of trees, Dutch, John, Charles, and I all hid among the bushes as we scouted the place out, searchin’ for any signs of a covert entrance or clues that coulda told us where Eddie was.
We had managed to follow Atticus’ tracks back to an abandoned fort not too long after he took the boy, but now that I actually knew what we was dealin’ with exactly, I could already tell that getting Eddie outta there was gonna be a completely different story.
So far, all we could see was a shit ton of Atticus’ men along with a decently-sized group of some O’Driscolls, and from our angle, it looked like they had a number of supply wagons goin’ in and out at all times. Probably sending their people out to raid and bring whatever they stole back to the camp. It was an effective process, if a bit blatant, but now I could certainly see why Atticus’ gang was so strong.
I lowered my binoculars, turnin’ to speak to Dutch.
“It’s a goddamn fortress...!” I whispered. “These fools actually got walls to hide behind, and even more men to guard ‘em. Ain’t no way we can just attack a place like this. We’re gonna have to find another way in.”
Dutch continued searching through his own binoculars, his gaze stuck on the main entrance.
“I’m all up for ideas. Any of you boys see a weak point in their walls? Could be a sloppily patched hole somewhere, or a blind spot we can scale.”
Charles shook his head. “No. If anything, it looks like they’ve reinforced the fort’s protections. If we’re gonna scale the walls, we’ll need to draw their attention elsewhere.”
John offered a suggestion. “Wait, what about the supply wagons?”
Dutch quirked a brow. “What about them?”
Marson thought a for a minute. “Well...maybe a few of us could sneak into them. Enter the fort all nice and quiet-like. Maybe sabotage some o’ their supplies while we’re at it. That’ll draw their attention away from the walls. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang could climb up. Take out the guards up top while they ain’t looking. That way, we’ll have men on the inside and outside.”
The older man almost sounded impressed. “...You know what? That idea ain’t half-bad.”
I chuckled softly, returning to my binoculars as I continued to examine the fort. “I’m tellin’ you, Dutch...we oughta let them wolves have a go at this boy more often.”
John’s expression flattened with annoyance. “Shut up, Arthur.”
“I’m just saying, you’ve been suspiciously clever ever since they ate half your brain.”
He sighed in irritation. “I’m startin’ to wish you woulda let them eat all of it at this point--”
“--Hush, you two,” Dutch jumped in, grabbin’ our attention. “Look who’s entering the fort right now.”
Focusing our sights on the main gate, the four of us watched with a newfound curiosity as we fell completely silent, lookin’ to see who Atticus’ guest was. They appeared to have arrived with an especially large supply wagon as well as a handful of men to guard it while they trotted up to the entrance, all full of themselves.
There was crates of dynamite, food, moonshine, and weapons sittin’ in the back, and the more I examined their mounts, the more I realized they probably stole them from our camp. The bastards. Was there anything Atticus didn’t take?
Bringing my binoculars back to the guest, I zoomed in a few times before studyin’ their appearance, only to realize it was none other than Colm O’Driscoll himself. Of course.
“The hell is Colm doing here?” Charles questioned. I let out a worried breath.
“He and Atticus have some sort of...partnership going on,” I explained. “They’re teamin’ up against us. Though, I hadn’t seen Colm ever since Eddie broke me outta his camp. And I certainly didn’t expect to see him again after that shitstorm. Makes you wonder why he’s suddenly decidin’ to show up now.”
Dutch recommended an idea. “Well, maybe this is our chance to find out. John and Charles, you two stay here a while longer and keep scoutin’ this place out. Tell me everything you find when you get back. And be discreet. Arthur, you and I’ll go back to camp and think of a plan to assault this fort. Maybe we can build off of John’s suggestion. Either way, we need to move quick. Atticus has proven himself to be a man who doesn’t waste time, and we can’t let him get away with Mister Ryan. Lord knows what they’re doin’ to him now.”
I sighed in nervousness. “...If it’s anything like what they did to me, it ain’t good.”
Dutch switched to a more reassuring tone. “Have faith, Arthur. We will get Eddie out of there before it’s too late. Tell him, John.”
Marston gave me a sincere look. “Eddie gave himself up to save Jack. Me and Abigail will do whatever we can to help. That boy’ll be fine.”
I tried to hide how much this situation was truly scarin’ me and kept a straight face, simply staring blankly at the grass below.
“I sure hope so.”
Dutch packed his binoculars and began walking towards his horse, signaling me to follow.
“Anyway, we should get moving. Not only do we have a man to rescue, we also gotta figure out where to move our camp next. Shady Belle ain’t safe for us no more, and I don’t want a repeat of what happened this morning. We’ve got to leave.”
I climbed on top of my own mount which I had switched out with Bullet and gave the big boy a pat on the neck, lightly kicking my spurs into his sides as I rode alongside Dutch.
“And what about...Hosea?” I asked, my voice a bit softer than I intended. “What’re we gonna do about him?”
Dutch’s face sank with sorrow at the thought. “I...I sent Bill and Lenny out to bury him somewhere proper. Somewhere peaceful, and away from this horrible swamp. I’m thinkin’ of paying him a visit later, once we get things settled.”
I nodded in agreement. “I might come with you.”
The older man’s melancholy was suddenly replaced with a sense of anger, and he gazed at me through the night’s darkness, giving me a determined glare.
“He’s the last one, Arthur. No more. We ain’t losing anyone else. Especially not to Mister Rose, or to those goddamned Pinkertons! We are survivors, for God’s sake. We fight to live free, and I will not allow these...sheep to think they can simply kick us around! Hosea said it himself: people like Eddie are the reason we do what we do. People like him are the reason we’re more than just common outlaws and criminals. Because unlike Atticus, and unlike Colm, we have got something to live for. And I’ll be damned if I let them take that from us.”
I picked up my pace and broke into a gallop as Dutch and I entered the more open fields, the two of us ridin’ underneath the moonlight while we headed back home.
“Well, whatever we do next, Dutch...” I said, “I’m with you.”
He glanced over at me, his brown eyes filled with a sense of protection.
“I know, son,” he replied gently. “I know.”
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Colter - Old Friends (3)
Whole story masterlist here!
It was no surprise to Arthur that the knawing cold didn't seem to let up by morning. With a gruff sigh, he arose from his cot and fastened his gun belt around his waist, resisting the urge for a cigarette that he felt he desperately needed. He scratched his head before covering his unkempt hair with his weathered hat before opening a tin of biscuits and a can of peaches, quenching his hunger for at least a couple of hours.
He stretched before the old wooden floorboards creaked under his weight as he walked, seeing Dutch and Hosea gathered around the hearth as they discussed their plan.
"So what now, Dutch?" He heard Hosea question.
"We get strong. We get warm. And we wait. When the storm breaks, we need to move, but we're safe here." Dutch explained.
Arthur couldn't help but eavesdrop as he walked by on his way out of the cabin. He felt as if he needed the reassurance since he couldn't provide any type of explanation for himself. He shuttered his shoulders as he closed the cabin door behind him, welcoming himself to the morning wind as it felt to him as it was going to cut him in half.
"Javier," Arthur greeted as Javier was holding his post, a Carbine Repeater in hand.
"Arthur, how you doing?" Javier said through chattering teeth.
"Not freezing is good news," Arthur grunted as his palm rested on the doorknob. "What's he in there fussin' about?" He asked, referring to Micah.
Javier shrugged his shoulders, "Not sure, but he's probably upset because he has to share a room." He replied, sharing a chuckle with Arthur.
"Sure, the poor boy needs his privacy," Arthur snickered as he entered the cabin, greeted by the smell of bourbon and tobacco.
"-up with you boys, because I thought you liked action," Micah continued. "Couple of days on the lam and you lot have all turned yella!" He sneered as he handed the bottle of bourbon to Arthur as he found a seat for himself. "Apart from you, of course." He teased as he looked at his colored fellow gang member, Lenny Summers.
"Shut up, Micah!" Lenny hissed as he took a drag off of his well-needed cigarette. 'I didn't even smoke this much until I got stuck sharin' a cabin with this clown!' He thought.
"I ain't never seen so many long faces," Micah continued, not noticing Arthur glaring at him for his ignorance as he placed a log in the small hearth, presenting his gloved palms to the warmth, a slight jolt running through him as Javier slammed through the door, shaking the fresh snow from his coat.
"I guess... I guess folks miss them...that fell," Bill added, taking a needy drag from his cigarette.
"Well, when I fall, I don't want no fuss." Micah sneered.
Lenny snickered, "When you fall, there'll be a party!"
Bill laughed as Lenny playfully pat his shoulder as he looked over briefly at Arthur, who was bringing his freshly lit cigarette to his lips, letting the temptation take over as he couldn't go any longer without having one.
"A party...probably!" Bill repeated, snickering along with Lenny, not noting how Micah had stood to his feet to walk towards him.
"That funny, huh?" Micah said. "Sure," Bill replied before Micah delivered a blow to Bill's face before he could react, only to be stopped by Arthur and Lenny, who were both clenching their lips around their lit cigarettes as they forced Bill to sit back down.
"Maybe I don't feel like being laughed at by the likes of you two!" Micah sneered before shuttering as Dutch had now made his presence known.
"Stop it!" Dutch hissed. "Now! You fools punching each other when Colm O'Driscoll's need punching, hard. You wanna sit around waiting for him to come find us? All of you, we got work to do!" Dutch preached as Arthur made his way around him to go to his horse.
"Are you sure about this, Dutch?" Arthur asked as he rubbed his gloved hands together.
"Yes," Dutch replied sternly.
"Folks been through a lot recently...we hardly back on our feet yet," Arthur explained, exhaling a small cloud of smoke as he spoke.
"And the last thing we need is to be bushwacked by Colm O'Driscoll. Let's go." Dutch replied, guiding Arthur along with him to their horses.
"I know you hate him, Dutch,"
"He's here for us," He protested.
"I doubt that," Arthur shrugged.
"No, you're just doubting me,"
'Actin' just like a woman!' Arthur hissed to himself. "I would never doubt you, Dutch, you-you always said revenge is a luxury we can't afford."
"This is the right call, Arthur," Dutch insisted. "Take this," He demanded after he watched Arthur inspect the new repeater he had given him. "And this is about more than revenge for business long ago," He explained as he pulled a coil of rope from his horse before handing it to Arthur. "They were talkin' about trains and detonators. Colm always had good information."
"And you think now is the right time to hit a train?"
"Now you might fancy living on deer piss and rabbit shit...I'm getting too old for that life," Dutch teased as Arthur angrily flicked his cigarette into the snow. "Mr. Matthews, Mr. Smith, Mr. Pearson, would you please look after the place? There are O'Driscoll's about!" Dutch warned before leading his clan into the mountains.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Alright, gentlemen, this is it!" Dutch said as he and the gang rode silently on the outskirts of their target's camp. "Are we goddamn ready?"
"Ready, Dutch!" Lenny, Bill, and Javier said almost in sync.
"Good. Now, Mister Morgan and I, we're going to head up here a little, see if we can't get a sense of the layout of the camp. Mister Williamson, Mister Bell, you two take up a hidden position just outside the camp. Mister Summers, Mister Escuella, you two hold position here. Let's go!" Dutch commanded before he and Arthur dismounted their horses and making their way up the hill to be perched on a ridge, getting a clear layout of Colm's camp.
"Perfect," Arthur mumbled as he pulled out his binoculars, scanning around the camp.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Who's he talking to? He don't seem very happy." Dutch whispered as he and Arthur were analyzing the commotion below.
"No..." Arthur replied, keeping his binoculars set on Colm and the soul he had just slapped.
"Are they leaving?" Dutch asked as the unidentified man had climbed on his horse.
"Seem to be. Should we go get 'em?" Arthur asked.
"No. Colm can wait. Best to get some of them outta there," Dutch replied. "And much less fun to rob him and his score if he never finds out about it," Dutch and Arthur snickered. "Come on, let's get down there."
───※ ·❆· ※───
Kieran fumbled through his saddlebag on his horse, desperately trying to find the manuscript that was almost stolen from him by Minnie Barlow. Sweat beaded on his cold skin as he knew Colm was closeby, seeing that his solid black stallion was ground-tied a few yards away from him.
"Duffy!" Colm yelled. Kieran jolted as he immediately jogged to his leader.
"Why weren't you gonna tell me about runnin' into Miss Barlow?" Colm questioned with a sly grin on his lips.
"I-I was..." Kieran stuttered as he looked around. "I-I didn't let her get it, though. She almost shot me!" Kieran explained.
Colm chuckled, "You're damn lucky she didn't! And you'll be damn lucky if I don't shoot you right now for runnin' away when Dutch van der Linde is shootin' up my boys!" He hissed.
"I-I didn't run away!" Kieran protested.
"That's not what Phil's cousin said!" Colm argued as he slung his leg over his horse's back before lunging down and grabbing Kieran roughly by the collar, pulling him harshly into his horse's shoulder. "Said you were runnin' away. I'll tell you what: you get outta here and bring me Miss Barlow. I don't care how you do it, just do it," He hissed, his tobacco and whiskey tainted breath filling Kieran's nostrils.
"I'll die out there if I go now, please!" Kieran begged.
"I don't really care if you die or not, boy! Do it!" Colm demanded before slapping him and letting him go. "And don't you come back unless you got her!"
Kieran nodded as he ran to his horse, mounting quickly before digging his heels into the horse's sides, urging him to go as fast as he could. 'Just south-just find my way down south and I'll be fine!' Kieran assured himself as his adrenaline was causing his body to feel like it was taken over by static.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Maybe I should take the lead on this one Dutch, they're gonna be gunnin' for ya once it starts," Arthur warned as he and Dutch trekked through the snow, clutching a weapon as they snuck through the outskirts of the camp.
"They haven't got me yet, but if you want, I'll wait on your call!" Dutch replied as they soon caught up to the others, who were behind one of the thin wooden walls that made up the perimeter of the camp.
"Hey! Anybody seen that new kid?" Arthur heard a fellow member ask from a nearby cabin.
"The one with the funny lookin' horse?" Another asked.
"Colm told him to bring back that Minnie Barlow if he wanted to come back!" A man answered.
"Minnie Barlow?" Dutch questioned as he looked back at Arthur. "She's around here?"
"I wouldn't think so..." Arthur replied, trying desperately to hide the sting of hurt that pinged through him. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' He scolded himself as he tried to subside the feeling, focusing on the task at hand.
"Ah, yeah, can't wait to see that pretty blonde fightin' 'round here!" He heard a man say.
He let himself snap.
He took his place in cover as he fired shots from his new repeater. Seven bullets at a time before it took two seconds to reload. The environment around him became slow and at his pace as he, Bill, Micah, Lenny, Javier, and Dutch shot down each O'Driscoll gang member one by one.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Good work boys! Now, let's tear this place apart!" Dutch commanded as he mounted his horse. "Arthur, you take that building to the left!"
"Find those detonators, explosives, anything you can!"
Arthur nodded as he followed Dutch's directions, making his way to the desired building as told. He grinned as he approached the suspected explosives, recognizing the SAMSON BROS. SAINT DENIS DYNAMITE case, opening the weathered crate to see the prize possession.
"Here...this looks good...what do you think, Bill?" Arthur asked as he handed the former Army soldier the explosives.
"Looks fine...smells good." Bill snickered as he held the dynamite to his nose.
"Come on," Arthur said as Bill followed suit to join the rest on their horses.
"Did we get everything?" Dutch asked.
"Think so, Boss," Micah replied, handing him a manuscript. "Found this on one of them."
Dutch nodded as he opened the manuscript to see not only a map of a train's schedule but a small map of the whole region with small markers on certain areas such as the western region of the Grizzlies and an area close to Citadel Rock. Dutch furrowed his brows as he continued to study the map. "Did you find anything else?" He asked Micah.
"Found this," He replied, pulling out a small journal-like folder from his coat. Dutch retrieved it from him, seeing a 'wanted' poster enclosed. He chuckled as he knew he could poke fun at Arthur.
There she was.
Her 'wanted' poster opened to another gang leader.
"Looks like a train ain't the only thing they're after," Dutch said, getting the other member's attention.
"What is it, Boss?" Micah asked.
"They're after another outlaw aside from us," Dutch explained, holding the poster up for everyone else to see, noting Arthur's reaction once his eyes finally lay on the woman he had been so curious about. "Minnie Barlow. Sounds like she keeps herself busy by takin' robberies from Colm. Remind me to buy her a drink!" Dutch joked. He looked at Arthur, who didn't pay any attention to what was just said. His eyes were fixated on Minnie's picture: blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a slight scar on her cheekbone.
She was beautiful.
'She wouldn't have to hold a gun to me to steal my heart.' He sighed to himself, blinking his eyes quickly to rid the doubtful thought to keep the focus on what he was doing.
"Lemme see it!" Micah asked as he reached his hands up at Dutch to retrieve the poster. "I can see why Colm's after her. Fine lookin' woman!" Micah teased, hiding his past
Arthur shook his head, not wanting to hear anything else come from his mouth. "Give me that!" He hissed as he took the poster from Micah. "Remember the task at hand here, you fool!"
Micah put his hands in the air, "Oh, I'm sorry, you can have that so you can have somethin' to jack off to later!" He seethed.
"Enough!" Dutch intervened. "Arthur's right, we have far more things to worry about than drooling over a picture! I'm sure you boys can take out your frustrations when we get out of here and find a town, but for the time being, remember what we're doing!" Dutch preached. Micah and Bill groaned as they mounted their horses.
"Arthur, hold these for me," Dutch said as he handed him the manuscript and the 'wanted' poster. "Keep the poster. She has a high bounty on her head. Maybe we can rack in extra cash." He explained. Arthur looked at him almost appalled but soon realized that he only said it because he knew the other men were listening. Dutch knew Arthur too well to know that he was developing an early crush, which wasn't likely of him, but he didn't do a good job of hiding it. "This was something about the train they was gonna rob. A Mister Leviticus Cornwall," Dutch continued. "Mount back up. Let's keep moving!"
Arthur gripped the reins tightly as he was not mentally prepared to face the harsh winds of Mother Nature. Dutch's speech the entire ascent down the mountain went through one ear and out the other as if he had heard it before. As a matter of fact, he had heard it all before.
Multiple times.
"Hey, you see that feller? Wasn't he at the camp with Colm?" Dutch asked over the whistling wind, interrupting Arthur's thoughts.
"Leave him to me," Arthur grunted, nudging his horse into a canter before breaking to a trot to cross the river.
"Alright, we're heading back. Just bring him back alive. He could be useful!" Dutch said as he and the rest of the gang parted from Arthur.
"Okay, you got it!"
"You got the wrong feller!" He heard the young man yell from ahead.
"Not so fast there, partner!" Arthur mumbled as he dallied his rope around the saddle horn, pulling the young man from his horse and into the snow. "You're comin' with me!" He said as he effortlessly tossed the man to where he was laying on his torso.
"Please, please, you don't need to do this!" He begged.
"What's your name, boy?" Arthur interrogated as he tossed the man over his horse's hindquarters before tethering the man's horse to his own.
"I don't know!"
"You don't know your name?" Arthur questioned.
"It's Kieran! Kieran Duffy!"
"Well, I ain't gonna lie to you, this is a real bad day for you Kieran Duffy," Arthur chuckled.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere you ain't gonna like,"
"Why? What are you gonna do to me?"
"Something you ain't gonna like! So I'd advise you to save your breath for screaming," Arthur demanded.
"No, please!" Kieran begged. "A-Are you runnin' with Minnie Barlow? She threatened to shoot me a couple of days ago and-"
"She was a fool for not shootin' ya!" Arthur replied, not liking that the subject of Minnie Barlow had yet been brought up again to him.
"I-I'm no use to you!" Kieran pleaded.
"You better shut your mouth, you little shit, or I will shut it for you," Arthur threatened.
His horse whinnied at the other horses as they arrived back to camp, "Here we are, you sack of shit. Let's introduce you to the boys." Arthur chuckled as he slung Kieran over his shoulder.
"Don't hurt me, please!"
"Are you trying to test me, is that it? Because I will break every bone in your body!" Arthur threatened.
"N-no! I'm sorry!"
"That's two bones right there!"
"You found the little shit, did you," Dutch chuckled as he stepped outside the cabin as Arthur slung Kieran into the snow.
"Yep...I got him,"
"Very good. Welcome to your new home. Hope you're real happy here!" Dutch explained in sarcasm.
"You want me to make him talk?" Arthur asked as he stood the man up after cutting his ankles free of rope, gripping his shoulders roughly.
"Oh no, now all we'll get is lies! Uncle. Mr. Williamson, tie this maggot up someplace safe. We get him hungry first. I got a saying, my friend: we shoot feller who need shooting, save fellers as need saving, and feed 'em as need feedin'. We're gonna find out what you need," Dutch explained, holding the manuscript briefly up to let Kieran see that it now was in his possession. "I can't believe it! An O'Driscoll in my camp!"
"No, I ain't an O'Driscoll, Mister!" Kieran begged. "I hate that feller!"
"Oh, whatever you say, son! Well done, Arthur!"
"I'm just sorry we missed out on Colm,"
"Oh, there's time enough for that. Now, I gotta figure out if we can hit that train," Dutch replied before dismissing himself into the cabin to talk about matters with Hosea.
"Okay," Arthur replied, looking around before pulling out the 'wanted' poster of Minnie that he was given by Dutch back at Colm's camp. He only had a brief look at her then, but now that everything around him had slowed down, he could really take her in.
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Charles just looking at him like, "Did you really just say....? Great. Well. Looks like I'm coming up with the plan for us, then."
"We either rescue him now or.. cut him loose.."
"We're not cutting anyone loose."
#charles is stressed: the mission#they're so sweet I love how charles silently pays attention and absorbs the conversation#and arthur holding the binoculars as if he's never seen them before in his life#he's so funny#but the softness in their eyes.. oh <3#< prev tags#rdr2#red dead redemption 2#mick gifs#arthur morgan#charles smith#red dead redemption community#red dead redemption gifs#charthur
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