#and also with some people at my intern workplace that I’m very fortunate to rarely meet in person
[CN] S2 Victor- Right Now Is The Time (Eng Translation)
⌚ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a company project that is yet to be released in the global server! ⌚
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NOTE: This post features S2 Victor and MC, and takes place some time in between post-Chapter 4 and pre-Chapter 10. And it’s the 4th company project. However, it doesn’t contain any spoilers regarding the S2 storyline. I’ve listed the notable storyline mentions at the end of the post, so no worries about storyline spoilers! (◍•ᴗ•◍)
The day before the show is officially about to be filmed, I’m setting up the apparatuses in the lobby of LFG.
The company’s new variety event “Right Now is The Time” is a workplace observation related reality show, filming the internship of five talented students working at LFG.
According to the script settings, they have to pass a number of tests with the aim of obtaining a formal offer.
In this process, we hope to be able to display young peoples’ ardent love towards life and strive towards improving themselves simultaneously.
The format of this show has been introduced via overseas. I have spent a long time in obtaining the copyright, and also spent quite a long time in convincing Victor to set the filming location at LFG.
Now that the progress is continuing without a flinch, and the filming is officially about to be started, I also can’t refrain from heaving a sigh of relief.
MC: Master, remember to take away all the wires from here when you leave later. Otherwise, the property owner will definitely say something when he sees them on his way to the office at 6 AM.
As I walk around in the construction site, I lower my head to reply to the messages in the group from time to time. Suddenly, as I turn my head, I almost bump into the person standing behind me head-on.
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MC: Victor.... what are you doing here?
Victor pulls away from me slightly, sweeping his gaze at the several cameras hanging high up on the wall.
Victor: This is LFG. What do you mean what I’m doing here?
MC: ....No, that’s not what I meant. I mean, why are you still at the office now. It’s already one o’clock.
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Victor: Just got finished. What have you got up here?
MC: It’s nothing. The master will be done in a moment. It certainly won’t affect your company’s regular work tomorrow.
Victor seems to be about to say something when an abrupt call pops up on my phone. I embarrassedly duck my head at him, and tap on the call button.
Anna: MC, are you still at LFG? We have just gone through the script, and kept feeling that we won’t be able to shoot so much in one day. We have to pick out some contents to delete.
Anna: How about you do a round trip to the office, and we go over it one last time?
MC: Okay. I’m also done here anyway. I’ll go back right now. Are you guys hungry? I could buy some late-night snacks and bring them up.
Anna: No need for late-night snacks. We will try to get it done within the shortest possible time.
MC: Alright. I’ll be at the office within half an hour.
I hang up the phone, and turn my head to look at Victor. Even before I can say anything, he opens his mouth immediately.
Victor: I’ll drive you to the office.
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MC: It’s okay. I can go back on my own. It’s too late already. You’d better go back and rest.
Victor: You also know it yourself that it’s too late.
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He stares at me for a couple of moments, and seems to sigh. Then he takes out the car key from his pocket, motioning me to walk towards the elevator.
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Victor: I happen to be going to the airport. I’ll drop you off on the way.
Victor: I’ll be away on a business trip these two days. If you need anything, look for Goldman directly. He will help you in arranging it.
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MC: OK. But....
Did he set off for going to the airport in the middle of the night, and is going to attend a meeting on the next day straight away? Although I’ve always known that his work intensity is like this....
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Victor: But what?
I fish out a picture from my phone and send it to him, smiling at him jestingly.
MC: I’ve sent you a phone wallpaper.
There are only six words written on the black background with white characters: “Working-class people, working-class souls.”
[ Note: It’s actually sort of a running joke in Chinese “打工人, 打工魂” (dǎ gōng rén, dǎ gōng hún) about the distress of the working class people :(. It has a rhymed version of it in English, but I’m not going to mention it here cause I’m not sure if I should be typing the word haha~ ]
MC: Although I know you are a capitalist, but you are able to understand the spirit.
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MC: CEO Victor~ mutual encouragement!
Before Victor returns from the business trip, I specifically give him a call, wanting to arrange for one of the outstanding performing interns in the show to pick him up at the airport.
I really can’t bear to miss on a good filming material like this.
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Victor is speechless on the phone for about 10 seconds before he finally sighs.
Victor: The audiences with little common sense would know that, it’s not within the turns of an intern to pick-up at the airport.
MC: Yes, yes, yes, it’s certainly not within the turns of an intern to pick-up the CEO at the airport. But CEO....
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MC: You have great compassion towards considering the ratings of my shows. And you also know how important your appearance for this show is....
MC: You promised me, that you could make an appearance in the trailer for at least 3-5 seconds.
Victor: But according to my understanding of you, when you have a great amount of source materials, it’s impossible to have only 3-5 seconds.
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MC: This is no surprise.
MC: You already knew this, and you still promised me. It’s clear that this 3-5 seconds is not the important point. The important point is making the appearance in the appropriate way.
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MC: I think going with this pick-up method is very appropriate!
MC: Just be yourself. Whether you want to speak or not, what to say or how to say it, it’s all up to your pleasure, CEO Victor. Is this OK?
An almost inaudible sigh can be heard from Victor over the phone.
Victor: OK. I’ll arrive at 4 PM on the day after tomorrow. If you want to film the pick-up, make the arrangements in advance.
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MC: The arrangements will certainly be made adequately for you! I’ll ask Goldman for the flight number.
Victor: Your tone sounds like you’re going to make arrangements with great fanfare.
MC: It’s just.... such as, since it’s a cameo, what kind of clothing and make-up....
Victor: No need.
MC: ....
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MC: Yep, yep, yep. No need. CEO Victor will win the show as soon as he steps in front of the lens of the camera. We focus on the authenticity.
Victor: I still have matters to attend to. Let’s leave it here.
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MC: You go ahead. I’ll get in touch with you the moment there is some progress!
Since I’ve received the special authority to shoot, I naturally arrange everything up frantically.
On the day of picking up at the airport, I sit in front of the monitor from beginning to the end, and stare at it from the first second Victor gets into the car to the final second. The result is beyond expectation—
Unexpectedly, he and the intern in charge of picking up hasn’t spoken a word.
The big brother in charge of filming laughs out loud as he looks at it: Playing this segment of 3-5 seconds would do it. Perhaps the audiences are going to feel like they are stuck in the frame.
MC: [ Talking to herself ] ....Victor wouldn’t be so stingy to really just give me a few seconds of materials, would he?
I wait until the filming clearance carrying great doubts, and is just intending to look for the intern in charge of picking up and ask a few questions, but that person disappears in the blink of an eye.
After a while, he comes over and finds me, additionally carrying a paper medicine bag in his hand.
Intern: Sister MC, CEO Victor spoke a few words with me after getting off the car. I felt his voice sounded a little hoarse. Would you like to send this to him?
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MC: A little hoarse?
Intern: Mm, it felt like a cold. Luckily, we have also been on a project with CEO Victor in the past 2 days. Director Zhang said he even received an email from CEO Victor at 3 o’clock last night. The temperature difference in these two days was so huge and CEO Victor hasn’t rested well. So he might have caught a cold.
A wave of worry floats to my heart as I carry the medicine bag in my hand.
This person.... still doesn’t understand when he starts to feel unwell, nor does he know to make a sound about it.
I knock on the door to Victor’s office, and there is no response for a long time.
This kind of situation is very rare. I feel a little worried, and twist the doorknob to push open a little crack.
Victor leans back in his chair, dozing off. I haven’t pushed the door too loudly, but it still wakes him up.
He straightens up his back, and reaches out his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows as he looks at me.
I feel somewhat very bad, and simply walk straight over.
MC: ....Did I wake you up? The intern said your voice sounded a little hoarse. So he bought some medicines for you, and asked me to bring them to you.
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MC: Are you OK?
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I can’t help stepping forward, and reaching out my hand to place it on his forehead. He has just woken up, his reaction clearly hasn’t come over, and he doesn’t even frown almost subconsciously like ordinary times.
MC: Fortunately, it’s not a fever.
Victor adjusts his suit, picks up the cup, and takes only one sip before putting it down again.
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Victor: It’s no big deal.
....His voice indeed is very hoarse, and one can tell it’s a cold just by hearing it.
I rummage through the bag of medicines, and inside are throat-smoothening lozenges, indigowoad roots, fever patches– everything needed is available. It can be clearly seen that the person who bought the medicines was considerate and very attentive.
— Someone might be able to take over the job from Goldman in the future.
I eye up his cup once again. Thinking that the water inside surely have gotten cold a long time ago, I smoothly tear open a bag of indigowoad roots right away, and give it to Victor to brew up.
He actually doesn’t refuse, lifts up the cup with his both hands, letting the warm steam rising from the cup to blow on his face.
It’s rare for me to see him with the appearance of being unable to lift up his spirits like this, and I truly can’t help but frown.
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MC: Why is it that the first thing you do after getting off the plane is coming back to the office, and not give yourself even a day of sick leave?
Before Victor can say anything, his phone sitting on the table starts vibrating.
I look at the lock screen illuminated by the light. Surprisingly, it really is that picture of “Working-class people, working-class soul” I have given him earlier.
Victor ignores the phone, and lowers his head to drink two sips of the indigowoad roots.
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Victor: There are two more meetings in the evening, and the time was fixed already a long time ago.
The implication is that, it’s not happening.
My very soul is shaken: When the capitalists work with all their might like this, what qualifications do I have to not make great efforts.
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MC: ....If this segment of yours is included in the show, LFG’s stock price will have to rise by at least three limit ranges.
Victor casts his everyday speechless expression at me. Judging from this reaction, it must have gotten a little bit slower due to the dizzy state he has been in just a moment ago.
I set my heart down, and shove my both hands inside the pockets of my coat.
MC: If you’re all right, I’ll go on and continue to keep an eye on the progress. There are throat-smoothening lozenges in that medicine bag. Remember to take them if your throat feels uncomfortable.
Victor nods, and as soon as I turn my head, he picks up the phone.
MC: Remember—
I suddenly recall when I have walked to the door, and smile at him as I lean against the crack of the door.
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MC: To drink plenty of hot water!
Today’s filming goes on till 10 o’clock, and wraps up without a hitch.
I heard Goldman say that Victor’s meeting has also adjourned about at this same time. I buy some food for him and bring them over. As expected, he really hasn’t eaten again.
He is probably tired, and doesn’t hold it against my meddling in other people’s business, nor does he mock my poor order.
Just as I have set the four dishes on the coffee table, he then picks up the chopsticks on his own.
MC: Chicken, fish, less salt, less oil, and high protein.
MC: How’s this? This sick meal is still not bad, right? [1]
Without making any assessment, Victor picks up the rice, and tastes two bites in order to show his affirmation.
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Victor: How’s the filming of the show coming along?
MC: Surprisingly good.
When the topic of the interns who participated in the filming of the show is raised, I don’t know how am I supposed to praise them.
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MC: Kids nowadays can be extremely quick-witted. They learn things both fast and well, and are also very savvy about interpersonal relationships....
MC: Each one of them are standard template for the business elite.
MC: There is this one intern who came to LFG on the first day, and the department manager called him to write a summary on the conference....
MC: He said straightforwardly that he didn’t know how to do it, and requested for someone to teach him.
MC: And at that time, we were even talking about it encircling behind the monitor.
MC: If it were up to the conventional thinking, the audience surely would have thought that he’d be stifling, be scarlet red in the face and enter the conference room trembling in fear.
MC: In the end, not only did he not have any of those, but was even very frank with his approach. This kind of self-confidence is too rare.
Victor suddenly laughs while eating.
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Victor: Do you think they are all just like you?
MC: ....What’s wrong with me!
Victor: Always preferring to buff your way out.
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MC: Am not!
Even if I really have, it was also a long time ago. Things are very different now.
MC: Anyway, not....
Victor is still smiling. His smile makes me feel that these few clearly light and bland dishes must be very tasty indeed.
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Victor: Considering your opinion, they all possibly will get the offer smoothly?
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MC: Of course.
MC: Trust me. They are all excellent. You were able to attract such a group of youngsters towards LFG, and have made the profit!
MC: And also after the show is broadcast, it will be a good thing for LFG’s publicity aspect too.
MC: Didn’t you say earlier that LFG’s Strategic Development Department wants to set up an image of high professionalism in the public’s eyes?
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Victor: Since you are this set on heart about LFG’s future, you should be brought along to future meetings of the Strategic Development Department.
Victor: And give you the title of external consultant.
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MC: I’ll come if I’m given the wages.
Hearing him speak in a voice a little more hoarse than in the afternoon, I think and know as well that he has spoken a lot during the meetings again. I get up to pour him a cup of hot water.
Victor doesn’t say anything, and carefully eats the food. Not a moment later, my phone rings out abruptly.
Kiki: Boss— I’ve something to ask you. How many minutes in total is the pilot episode going to run?
MC: Half an hour or so, I think. Take a look at the source material in use.
MC: ....Are you still at the office? It’s already half past ten. Didn’t I say you can take an early break today to rest.
Kiki: Alright, I’ll go back immediately. Boss, you should call it an early night too.
Victor puts down the bowl and chopsticks, and leisurely wipes his lips while shooting me an alarming glance.
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Victor: It’s so late already. You’re not off work either.
Victor: And you still call someone else a workaholic?
[ Note: The phrase used here is “人家” (rén jia) which can be translated to other people/someone else. But it’s also used to referring “oneself” as “people/someone.” So basically here, Victor is saying how MC calls him a workaholic LOL. Similar to how the “a certain someone” phrase is often used in their conversation. ]
I stare at Victor, and sigh in a manner as though I want to say something but am hesitating.
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MC: But I came here to bring you dinner in the spirit of dedication based on “It is everyone’s duty to take care of the Boss.”
MC: Did you just classify this as autonomous overtime activity?
I hold out my hand towards him.
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MC: How about you pay for the overtime?
Victor shoots me a glance, and simply purses his lips with a faint smile.
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Victor: I don’t know if I can afford to pay the charges of the gold medal producer.
I laugh along with him, and raise my eyebrows imitating the way he usually does.
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MC: If you can’t afford to pay, I can give you a discount.
As we are talking, Kiki sends me a rough cut of the video that’s going to be used in the pilot. I place my phone on the coffee table, and turn it in an angle that both Victor and I can see.
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MC: Just in time. Let’s have a little look at the clip of the show with dinner.
This segment happens to be the scene when the interns were being interviewed.
At first glance, they all appear to be business elites clad in suits and with boundless prospects. But the tension in between waiting during the intervals is entirely visible to the unaided eye.
....Also there was a young girl, as a result of being too keyed-up, she even decided to memorize a piece of English text to loosen up for a while.
I watch with keen interest, and Victor looks at my gaze with keen interest.
Their expression and state of affairs– immediately makes me evoke all of that scene in one go, that time back then, when I stood in front of Victor.
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Victor: What’s on your mind that you’re so engrossed in watching?
MC: Don’t you have a sense of resonance? Weren’t you like this when you were young?
Just as expected, Victor gives an expression of “Of course not.”
....Is the world so enormously uneven?
Victor bores through two more segments anyway, and the video happens to be onto the time when the interns were receiving their written notice of the internship prepared by the program team.
MC: Yesterday Anna discussed with me that this pilot segment is intended for setting up the keynotes for the show, and in what pattern the character are written here is very important.
MC: What we are thinking about at the moment is— Beginning from here on out, may we all have a luminous and sparkling future ahead of us with boundless prospects.
MC: What do you think?
Victor has been titling his head to the side throughout as he listens to my words, showing no expression of evaluation.
Victor: About what exactly to do on your shows, don’t you usually ask for less of my specific opinions?
I tap pause on the video, and the frame rests on the glass window outside the LFG building, reflecting off the blue sky and white clouds.
MC: This time it’s different. This group of youngsters are from LFG.
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MC: You’ve worked so hard in creating LFG to have a platform so bright and beautiful....
MC: Isn’t it just in the hope that even more people will find broader future here.
Victor’s gaze remains calm and collected, and a smile has been gracing the corners of his lips all along.
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It’s already very late at night. Seeing that Victor has also had his fill, I tidy up the coffee table at once, get up and gesture at him.
MC: Let’s go CEO. Time to get off work.
MC: I’ll drive you home.
Victor is clearly taken aback for a moment.
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Victor: You’ll drive me?
I nod boldly and self-righteously.
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MC: Goldman got off work already at an earlier time, and also greeted me just before leaving. You’ve taken the cold medicine tonight. I’m driving, okay.
Victor: ....
My car is parked directly opposite the elevator. As soon as Victor steps out of the elevator, he walks straight over to the backseat, pulls open the car door, and hops in without saying a word.
I fasten my seatbelt in the driver’s seat, and can’t help from glancing over at the back seat.
MC: CEO Victor, generally speaking.... at times like this, you should be taking the passenger seat.
Victor looks down at his phone without even lifting his head for a bit.
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Victor: I’m not used to with sitting in the passenger seat. [2]
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MC: ....Fine.
After all, he is the CEO. It makes sense that he has never sat in the passenger seat before.
I suddenly recall the app-based taxi guidance, and repeat them without missing a word.
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MC: Our trip is about to begin. Please fasten your seatbelt. Is the temperature inside the car fairly appropriate?
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This time, Victor lifts up his head to look at me, his eyes laced with very obvious confusion.
Evidently, the CEO has almost never taken a taxi either.
Overjoyed, I drive the car out of the parking lot, then immediately lower half the car window, letting the unrestrained sweet night breeze of spring to blow in.
Victor hasn’t said anything all the way, typing down messages on his phone from time to time.
Halfway through the journey, Victor puts the phone back in his pocket, leans back in the seat and looks outside window, laughing in a lazy manner as though soliloquizing.
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Victor: You are the person I know, who very rarely let me set down my work to rest.
I think back carefully— in fact, that was not the case. It’s just not in his memory.  *[ clutches chest ]*
But now, it really isn’t my habit to speak up too much to persuade him into something. He has his own principles and reasons for everything he does....
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MC: You won’t listen even if I said so anyway.
MC: Also.... work is a very important thing to you. I can understand that.
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Half the side of Victor’s face is reflected on the dark tinted car window, and his eyes are casted towards me in alarm, within which are reflected the gorgeous neon lights of the city.
Victor: Does work have to be a very important thing?
The lights of the street lamps fall on the asphalt road. This road, carpeted with light, seems so far away that it doesn’t have an end.
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MC: Mm.... work is a very important thing.
MC: Work is akin to flights of steps. By stepping up and standing in an even higher place, you can then do the things you want to do more.
MC: Perhaps back then, the CEO of LFG has also been just like these group of youngsters. Clad in a suit, standing at the starting point, and then he walked on his way to this day.
In the rearview mirror, Victor locks eyes with me meaningfully. This is an expression I’m familiar with, an expression that represents his tacit  understanding.
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Victor: Earlier, did you want to have me attend the show’s press conference?
I pick up on the keynote, and hurriedly get my spirits up.
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MC: You agreed!
Hearing my absolutely certain tone, Victor smiles faintly.
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Victor: I haven’t said anything yet.
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MC: I still have some of that sharp workplace acumen, and don’t need to be told everything by the CEO to get it right. I can understand the spirit on my own.
Victor doesn’t say anything anymore, and he lowers the car window too. Seeing the night breeze messing up the fringes in front of his forehead, I’ve originally wanted to speak up, and remind him that he’s unwell and should refrain from blowing the wind....
On a second thought I feel, the breeze is very comfortable and is worth blowing.
Especially after constantly running around for several days, and after finally ending a busy and tiring day.
It’s worth blowing a little breeze, and having a look at this resplendent city.
The press conference has been arranged at a hotel under the banner of LFG. Victor has been invited to attend, and he sits in the VIP area off the stage.
I’ve arranged the sequence of process in advance. The only thing he needs to consider is that going up on the stage– next, saying a few words to make an official speech, and that will suffice.
But today’s situation is comparatively lively, and the reporters are clearly very interested in LFG itself as well.
As soon as Victor comes up on the stage, there is constant applause, and the “click-click-click” sound of taking photos nearly overpowers the clamors of the tide of people.
The host has tried several times to ask Victor, who has already finished his speech and is getting off the stage, but couldn’t find the appropriate opportunity to do so. Thereupon, I cast an inquiring glance.
I’ve just got up, wanting to stop the reporters, but Victor lifts up his hand— which means is that, it’s fine.
Victor invites the reporters to ask questions one by one— in a manner that, he is in a very good mood today, and nobody will be refused.
Reporter: CEO Victor, is there any serious consideration behind LFG choosing to collaborate with this kind workplace related variety show?
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Victor: There aren’t any serious considerations. We simply feel that, every one of the employees working at LFG are excellent, and they are worthy of being seen by everyone.
Reporter: Excuse me, CEO Victor, do you have anything to say to these young people who have become a member of LFG?
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After glancing at me faintly, Victor once again looks towards the press box, and opens his mouth unhurriedly, uttering the words that I have said in front of him before.
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Victor: I hope that they will set sail on their journey from LFG, and have a luminous and sparkling future with boundless prospects.
When the applause rings out, I suddenly realize that– I, too, have apparently set sail on my journey clumsily under Victor’s wings, and then slowly walked on my way to this day.
Regardless of the time, the LFG he has created, the doors of this tremendous business empire is wide open to all dreams, waiting for young people, waiting for everyone.
The letters “LFG” have long since not only been the bearer of Victor’s expectations and prospects alone.
After walking through the entire sequence of events, the press conference is officially concluded.
As soon as the hotel brings up the wine and food for the buffet, I immediately offer my eager attention to Victor, busying myself with choosing the champagne to bring over to him.
MC: Is CEO Victor fairly satisfied with this press conference?
Victor takes the wine glass in my hand, and gently raises his hand to gesture at me.
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Victor: This is your show, as long as the producer is satisfied with it– that will do.
From my peripheral vision, I catch a glimpse of the interns in the show being huddled together, taking selfies against the signature board at the doorway, and am instantly struck by an idea.
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MC: Victor, why don’t you wish me a future with boundless prospects too, and give me a blessing for good luck.
With one hand in his pocket, Victor turns his head to look at me.
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Victor: You’re already very luminous and sparkling. Do you still need to ask for this kind of blessing for good luck?
MC: The more the better.
A smear of smile hangs across the side of Victor’s lips, and he even mulls it over for a while.
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Victor: In that case, I wish that you.... can always sparkle luminously, at all times.
I’m able to intuitively grasp a little bit of the implied meaning within his words. Accordingly, I draw closer to Victor.
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MC: Just like you?
Victor slightly lowers his eyes to regard me, his gaze- carrying within them a smile lands on my face.
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Victor: If you want to, you can.
[1] - MC is referring to the time Victor was in hospital in CH 4.
[2] - Victor mentions this event during the car tampering incident of CH 10, when MC told him that he’d get penalty for running the red light, and he replies with- that it’s fine cause he has a driver LOL.
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voyd-is-in-a-portal · 4 years
How to End Up Being an Inventor (In 5 Actions).
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We consulted with numerous expert inventors to boil down the tricks of the craft. Some have made jobs out of an invention, others have found markets. If you're sitting on an idea that might be the next terrific American invention, below's your playbook.
1. Cultivate an Idea.
The record of the invention is studded with one-hit marvels, inventors whose solitary blockbuster suggestion made them a fortune. However one of the most prolific inventors can not switch off the idea maker. They are also troubled as well as creative. Inventors just see life's many obstacles in a different way than the average person, according to medical-devices inventor Robert Fischell. "The key to inventing is the awareness that a problem is a trigger from which an invention can be created," says Fischell, who holds more than 200 patents for advancements such as an implantable heart defibrillator and also enhanced stents. "When I'm in the operating room as well as a doctor tosses a device against the wall in irritation, I claim, 'Great, here's an opportunity.'".
Fischell, who at the elevation of his profession filed a new patent application every six weeks, wastes no time in determining whether his most recent concept satisfies the patent test of being brand-new, beneficial, and also nonobvious. He goes right to the U.S. Patent as well as Hallmark Workplace's database of released patents (patft.uspto.gov) and performs a search. "If you review a patent, as well as someone, has currently resolved the issue, after that you're still an inventor. You just arrived late," he says.
If, after an initial search, your idea verifies unique, after that continue developing it. Be reasonable concerning what you're obtaining right into. "The moment you commit will be dual what you believe it will be, as well as the buck amounts you devote will be 4 times what you assumed," Leatherman states.
Make drafts, execute examinations, expand principles, and keep comprehensive notes. Patent lawyers suggest their customers preserve a visit a completely bound notebook that obtains stamped by a notary public frequently. A logbook becomes essential in cases before the U.S. Patent and also Trademark Workplace including similar technologies, as the burden of proof is up to patent applicants to demonstrate that they were the initial to conceive of an invention.
At this onset in the video game, your investment of personal time and money will have been minor compared with what is around the bend. Before the case, you'll need to ask some hard questions about both your concept as well as on your own: Is my idea significantly different than any that precede it? Exists a large market for the product? Can it be developed and made at a reasonable expense? That is the client, and why should they get my product as well as not a competitor's? Am I prepared to devote myself fully to making this concept do well?
Inventors who have been via the process care not to undervalue the psychological and mental determination called for. "If you can't afford mentally and intellectually to fail if your vanity would certainly be wiped out after that don't do it.". see also InventHelp TV Commercial
2. Develop a Model.
With the schedule of powerful computing and computer-assisted layout software application like Autodesk Inventor as well as SolidWorks 3D CAD, inventors today live in what Kamen describes as "the utmost sweet-shop." The earliest versions of Kamen's first invention, a wearable mixture pump that provides specific dosages of medicines such as insulin, sprang to life out a computer system display yet in a workshop set up in the basement of his parents' home on Long Island, N.Y. Kamen was a teenager at the time.
Also when made in a highly exact digital CAD atmosphere, an item ultimately has to leap to the genuine globe in the kind of a model. Depending on the materials entailed and the complexity of an invention, the expense of making a high-quality prototype can empty a financial institution account as well as compel an inventor to look for financing at an extremely early stage.
Tim Leatherman supports taking a DIY technique. During an experimental phase lasting three years, he constructed prototypes of his groundbreaking multitool from cardboard, wood, as well as steel till he picked advanced layout. "By collaborating with my hands," he says, "I found out about barriers to performance as well as manufacturability.".
When you have your prototype, it's time to repair your invention. Obtain outside your head and go-to experts in the field, Fischell suggests. "Ask, 'Do you believe my suggestion has business benefit? Would certainly you utilize it?' Make them authorize a privacy arrangement," he says. For inventors, the possibility of copyright burglary is very actual, but way too much caution can become immobilizing. Privacy, or nondisclosure, the contract permits you to field-test in confidence.
Responses from Mario Salazar's target audience-- woodworkers-- compelled the Colorado Springs inventor to adjust his digital miter gauge. The mechanical prototype he constructed in the cellar with a blowpipe, an oscilloscope, and also a milling maker noticed eBay worked efficiently as well as felt ideal to Salazar, yet the tradespersons wanted it bigger as well as much more inexpensive. "You can't fall for your invention," he states. "Obtain responses and also make alterations accordingly.".
In the agitated company world, a patent protects the inventor by providing the unique right to leave out others from making, making use of, or offering his invention for 20 years. "When other people see you making cash, your patent will be the only methods you have for keeping control of the market," claims Lonnie Johnson, founder of Johnson ElectroMechanical types of equipment as well as the inventor of the Super Soaker water weapon. Follow inventhelp for more advice:
3. Submit a Patent.
Patent law is made complex things, so get an experienced patent lawyer to write and also file your patent application. Anticipate to pay in between $3000 as well as $10,000. "Work with a patent lawyer who additionally has a level in the field you're making an application for a patent in and who understands your market," Salazar encourages.
A knowledgeable lawyer can prepare a wide patent that safeguards an invention against violation from any angle. In the case of Richard Phillips, proprietor of International Survival, his well-crafted patent application made it impossible for anybody to replicate the slim, shock-absorbing material he developed for his protective paintball vest. "My legal representative spread out the patent out thus far over and below my laminated foam product's residential properties that a competitor's vest would certainly have to be so hefty the wearer couldn't walk approximately light that the vest falls apart when struck," Phillips states.
On standard, patent authorization takes 3 years and may call for going back as well as forth several times with patent examiners. From the moment a patent application arrives at the USPTO up until it is either provided or abandoned, an invention is covered by patent-pending standing. In the situation of John Marsden, that created Pour 'N Shop, a bartending system of plastic containers, and also put spouts for beverage mixers, a pending patent amounted to a suit of paper armor.
According to Salazar, any kind of inventor has to be all set to do battle. "I'll have my attorney send out a cease-and-desist letter if somebody infringes on my patent. As well as in the end, a patent is just as great as the thickness of your pocketbook.".
4. Examine the Market.
When the patent application is in total, the inventor needs to change from developing a suggestion of developing a service. Rare is the innovative brilliant behind an invention that likewise has business chops-- or the interest-- to look after the manufacture, advertising, and also selling of his production. Even the brightest innovative minds can drop victim to the countless rip-offs and also doubtful invention-promotion companies whose advertisements clutter the Internet. Many expert inventors urge care with any kind of attire that requests for cash upfront to shop your suggestions about.
Tim Leatherman built up important know-how in business and also production by joining with Steve Berliner. John Marsden, the Pour 'N Store designer, partnered early on with service school grad Ed Harrigan. "If I had not had Ed, I probably would not have made it," he says.
Marketing research studies-- perform your own or appoint a market research company-- will certainly provide you data concerning market patterns and customer demographics. There is no substitute, nevertheless, for putting your invention in front of potential consumers as well as manufacturers, providers, and distributors to get a sense of its market value. For the inventor, this is an anxious time.
Salazar is a big believer in showing your items at trade shows. "You'll figure out who is doing what, whether you'll be able to contend and if somebody wants to get what you have," he claims. "However you're additionally dropping your cabinets and every person will see what you've obtained. Your item had better be 95 percent complete. Be ready to answer concerns: Just how huge is the market? That's mosting likely to buy it?".
5. Sell It or Make It.
Inventors make cash in two means: collecting aristocracies by certifying the right to produce their invention or production, distributing, and marketing the invention themselves. Louis J. Foreman, owner, and also the primary executive of Enventys, an item style as well as a design firm in Charlotte, N.C., and writer of The Independent Inventor's Handbook, has personally encountered that problem several times as the holder of 10 licenses as well as has encouraged many inventors as a lead court on the PBS program Everyday Edisons.
Then it's time to ask yourself one more round of questions: First, exists enough upside potential to merit the threat of bringing the item to market on your own? "Consider opportunity costs also," Foreman says. "If you have to quit a job that pays $100,000, can you make enough to counter that?" Second, do you have the financial resources to pull it off? If you don't, then where is the money most likely to originate from? And lastly, do you have the competence to run an organization? "It's one point to come up with a remarkable item, however, are you comfy marketing it, can you distribute it, restore it as well as satisfy orders if Walmart offers you a 5-million-piece purchase order?" Supervisor claims.
No question licensing is the less complicated path to getting an invention to market. It requires less dedication of time as well as up-front resources and frees inventors to do what they do best: invent. However, expedience comes with an expense. Royalty prices on patents-- created on the list price, production run, as well as various other variables-- average less than 2 to 7 percent of retail sales. Still, for a first-time inventor brief on funds and also know-how, a licensing contract can be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
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pr-ay-the-gay-away · 6 years
Someone, a long time ago, an "insider" told someone else in my group about 5H girls being total slaves to their contracts and that even sexual favors are needed to be done. They used the example from LM having to flirt with business executives and that's also a reason why Sinu never leaves Camila beside, even in PR or any kind of meeting. They said Lauren had already did it, (IDK) and I wonder what you think about this? It was a long time ago too.
Trigger warning: This post is gonna be on the topic of sexual violence. Skip this post if that’s triggering for you.
“an “insider” told someone else in my group”What is this “group” you’re referring to? How come you have someone claiming to be an industry insider coming up to this group? Can you please provide more context and background to this setting? Thanks :)
“about 5H girls being total slaves to their contracts”
I mean, it’s not really an exaggerated sentiment. Much has already been said and written about music industry contracts subjecting artists to slavery-like conditions
Prince Compares Record Contracts To Slavery In Rare Meeting With Media
“Record contracts are just like — I’m gonna say the word – slavery”
Singer-Songwriter The-Dream: ‘Artists Are Treated Like Slaves’
“Plenty of passionate owners have built record labels that ripped off their artists.That’s because artists are treated like slaves. We have terrible contracts, we have streaming services that pay one-tenth of a cent per play, we have no laws to protect us.”
“and that even sexual favors are needed to be done” 
I mean, I highly doubt that the contracts would stipulate that sexual favors are included. That would be highly dubious and probably illegal. But I have no doubt that a patriarchal industry rife with overt sexism and misogyny, with huge power disparities at play, would be a veritable breeding ground for abuses of power, harassment, and sexual violence.
Remember Harvey Weinstein and the #MeToo movement? This man was lauded, praised and publicly adored for over 30 years. That is a fucking long time, and he was a fucking huge industry player. He was a fucking head honcho figure. Over three decades worth of professional working women were subjected to harassment and sexual violence at his hands. Some of them, many amongst them, are high profile female performers whom you’ve probably watched on screen. He blatantly abused his position of power to intimidate women into silence, and to punish and freeze women out of the industry for their rejection or for standing up to him. This wasn’t him with a knife in a back alley preying on women one-on-one. This was him holding a position of power and influence, along with his colleagues, his employees, industry partners, industry players, any stakeholder in the system who is subject to being influenced by the power and money of a huge industry player like Harvey Weinstein - they all contributed to and protected this system of abuse. This is a systemic issue. This is not a Harvey Weinstein issue. This is an issue with the status quo. The women who came forward about him - we wouldn’t even know whether they’re only a small fraction of the number of women he has abused. How do you keep that many survivors silent over a period of several decades? Shame and fear. Fear of retribution. Fear of succumbing to the trauma, the shame that comes with experiencing being a victim of sexual violence and acknowledging that pain and owning it publicly. The #MeToo movement presented a vocal platform and somewhat of a safe space for survivors to share their experiences with the public, but also with each other, to recognize that they are not alone in this and they had support.
Now consider this: the music industry hasn’t yet had anything close to a #MeToo movement. How fucking dark is that?
You mentioned Little Mix’s comments
“‘Someone from our US record label said, “Go and flirt with all those important men.” I was like, “Why have I got to go in and flirt to get my song on the radio?”’ They consider themselves fortunate they had each other as back-up. Things might have been different if they were solo and left to fend for themselves.”
Just look at Kesha and how our favorite evil corporation, Sony Music, has thrown its enormous weight and money into protecting their very own rapists
“Sony Music Entertainment is looking to get out of a court ruling that ordered the record label to tell Kesha and her legal team who it interviewed during an internal investigation into Lukas “Dr. Luke” Gottwald.”
Oh, about those “internal investigations” like the one Sony conducted? Just an example of how the industry doesn’t have safe standards for reporting sexual harassment so that it can be investigated properly by legal authorities. This is something Dina LaPolt, Fifth Harmony’s legal representative, is very conscious of given she was part of a group who drafted recommendations to address this. 
“[…] we recommend music industry companies and law firms adopt the following internal practices […] Make instances of harassment an express exception to NDAs and arbitration provisions.”
Take Taylor Swift’s case against David Mueller 
“It highlighted the underreporting of sexual assault”
Taylor Swift Speaks Out About Believing Sexual Assault Victims on Anniversary of Her Trial Verdict
“I guess I just think about all the people that weren’t believed and the people who haven’t been believed, and the people who are afraid to speak up because they think they won’t be believed”
“I figured that if he would be brazen enough to assault me under these risky circumstances and high stakes, imagine what he might do to a vulnerable, young artist if given the chance. It was important to report the incident to his radio station because I felt like they needed to know”
Wanna know how prevalent sexual harassment is? Very. 
A New Survey Finds 81 Percent Of Women Have Experienced Sexual Harassment
Almost every adult woman I know has been subjected to some form of sexual harassment in their life time, whether they themselves have recognized it or not. If you have yet to experience any form of sexual harassment, count yourself lucky up to this point, but you have to understand that it’s a game of probability and statistics as you go forward. If we’re playing “six degrees of Kevin Bacon” then I already know several first and second degree connections who have been victims of contact sexual violence. I am certain I know plenty more people who have been victims of contact sexual violence, I just don’t KNOW of their experiences. Because we are silent.
I am so fucking grateful that Sinu goes with Camila everywhere. I am so fucking grateful that the girls’ parents travelled with them for at least some part of their tours/work commitments. I feel that, similar to Little Mix, I am so grateful that Fifth Harmony were in a group together. I hope they were protected. I hope they protected each other. We know they’ve all been subjected to some form of  sexual harassment - most notably online, whether it’s Camila having someone say “suck my dick” during one of her live Q&As, or perverts creating photoshopped porn images of them (btw the Mattmila and Tyren accounts that do this? That’s sexual violence FYI), but also the people who make inappropriate comments or actions in person. Remember that Camila stopped doing koala hugs because people at meet and greets took advantage. That is a polite way of describing that those people sexually harassed her. I have no doubt that behind the scenes, they’ve been subjected to some form of sexual harassment in their workplace by industry staffers - I have no doubt that this could only have intensified as they got older, and probably more so once they all went solo.
“They said Lauren had already did it, (IDK) and I wonder what you think about this”
What was “it” that Lauren had supposedly already done, and who was this “insider” and what was this “group” you claim they were talking to? :\
This is what I think about sexual harassment/violence, as it pertains to the girls:
Statistically speaking, one or more of the girls is likely to have been/or to be subjected to contact sexual violence during their lifetime (Camila being groped during koala hugs actually already counts)
Just taking into account the articles shared above even, I don’t doubt that sexual violence is prevalent and underreported to the point of being almost invisible within the music industry. Keep this in mind when reading the next paragraph.
Lauren has not publicly spoken about any personal experiences of contact sexual violence within the industry. There have neither been public comments made by her or her representatives to suggest that she has definitely experienced contact sexual violence within the industry, nor have there been public comments made by her or her representatives to suggest that she has never experienced contact sexual violence within the industry (at the time of this posting)
I fucking pray (disclaimer: this is hyperbole, I’m not religious) that the girls were protected and safe from that, and that they continue to be safe and protected from that. But I genuinely believe that they have the strength and resilience to overcome and survive whatever trauma they may have been subjected to without our knowledge, or will be subjected to without our knowledge, going forward. Now let’s all go watch Captain Marvel and continue to be inspired to take down the patriarchy.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a sensitive topic. I will ask this of all of you armchair WebMDs hanging out here looking to catastrophize these girls’ lives in order to come up with some tragedy porn for your idle minds: this post is not an invitation for you to theorize and hypothesize whether or not some celebrity has been a victim of sexual harassment or sexual violence based on your armchair pseudo-analysis of their body language and facial expressions in their social media posts. Please respect that this is a sensitive topic and refrain from making baseless statements about what may or may not have happened purely from your own projections.
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friend-clarity · 5 years
President Trump at the United Nations Event on Religious Freedom
The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government; they come from God. This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution’s Bill of Rights.  Our Founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions.
Regrettably, the religious freedom enjoyed by American citizens is rare in the world.  Approximately 80 percent of the world’s population live in countries where religious liberty is threatened, restricted, or even banned.  And when I heard that number, I said, “Please go back and check it because it can’t possibly be correct.”  And, sadly, it was.  Eighty percent.
Remarks by President Trump at the United Nations Event on Religious Freedom | New York, NY, September 23, 2019, United Nations Headquarters, New York, New York
PRESIDENT TRUMP:  That’s very nice.  Thank you very much.  That’s very nice.  And I want to thank Mike.  Today, it’s a true honor to be the first President of the United States to host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom.  And an honor it is.  It’s long overdue.  And I was shocked when I was given that statistic that I would be the first.  That’s very sad, in many ways.  And it’s great to be with you.
I want to thank Vice President Pence for the outstanding job he’s doing.  He’s been a fantastic and valuable representative of our country.
Likewise, Secretary Mike Pompeo, Ambassador Kelly Craft, Secretary Ross, Secretary Mnuchin, Ambassador Sam Brownback all for joining us today.  And we have other representatives of our Cabinet and the administration in the room.  We’ve done a lot.
The Johnson Amendment doesn’t get spoken about enough, but I’m very proud to say that we’ve obliterated the Johnson Amendment within our country so that now we can listen to the people that we want to listen to — religious leaders — without recrimination against them.  It’s a very important thing, and I said that at the beginning and I say it now: It’s something I’m very proud of.
We’re also grateful that U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres could be here, along with so many of his friends and my friends — world leaders.  I’ve gotten to know a lot of them, and I would imagine you know all of them.  I would imagine.  If you don’t, you’re not doing your job.  (Laughter.)
And also, I want to thank my daughter Ivanka for being here.  She works so hard on all of the things that are very important to the people in this room.  So, thank you, Ivanka, for being here.  (Applause.)
The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government; they come from God.  This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution’s Bill of Rights.  Our Founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one’s religious convictions.
Regrettably, the religious freedom enjoyed by American citizens is rare in the world.  Approximately 80 percent of the world’s population live in countries where religious liberty is threatened, restricted, or even banned.  And when I heard that number, I said, “Please go back and check it because it can’t possibly be correct.”  And, sadly, it was.  Eighty percent.
As we speak, Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Yazidis, and many other people of faith are being jailed, sanctioned, tortured, and even murdered, often at the hands of their own government, simply for expressing their deeply held religious beliefs.  So hard to believe.
Today, with one clear voice, the United States of America calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution.  (Applause.)
To stop the crimes against people of faith, release prisoners of conscience, repeal laws restricting freedom of religion and belief, protect the vulnerable, the defenseless, and the oppressed, America stands with believers in every country who ask only for the freedom to live according to the faith that is within their own hearts.
As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities and always has been.  Last year, our Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, hosted the first-ever Ministerial to Advance International Religious Freedom.
In this year’s ministerial, Secretary Pompeo announced plans to create the International Religious Freedom Alliance — an alliance of likeminded nations devoted to confronting religious persecution all around the world.
I’ve appointed a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism.  We’re standing up for almost 250 million Christians around the world who are persecuted for their faith.  It is estimated that 11 Christians are killed every day for the following — I mean, just think of this: Eleven Christians a day, for following the teachings of Christ.  Who would even think that’s possible in this day and age?  Who would think it’s possible?
With us today is Pastor Andrew Brunson, who was imprisoned in Turkey for a long period of time.  Last year, my administration was thrilled to bring him back home after a very short and respectful negotiation with a very strong man — and a man who has become a friend of mine, fortunately — President Erdoğan of Turkey.
I called the President, and I said, “He’s an innocent man.”  They’ve been trying to get Andrew out for a long time — previous administration.  I don’t think they tried too hard, unfortunately.
But I want to thank President Erdoğan, and I want to thank you, Pastor, for being here with us today.  Where is Andrew?  Is he around someplace?  Thank you, Andrew.  (Applause.)
We did a good job with that negotiation, Andrew.  You got back.  It wasn’t easy.  It wasn’t pretty.  But you got back.  And we’re proud of you.  You have a great family.  And the love — when Andrew came back, the love from so many people, it was — actually, I hadn’t seen anything quite like it.
So, congratulations.  And I understand you’re doing fantastic work with your family.  Thank you very much.  Thank you, Andrew.  (Applause.)
And I also want to thank Franklin Graham because he’s been so instrumental in everything we’re doing.  He’s done such an incredible job in so many different ways, including floods and hurricanes.  And every time I go, I see Franklin there.  He’s always there before me.  I don’t know how he gets there before me.  I’m going to beat him one day.  But he’s always at these places of — really, disaster areas.  He’s right there with an incredible, large staff of volunteers that are just amazing.  Thank you very much.  And, CeCe, thank you very much.  (Applause.)  Thank you very much.  And, Paula White, thank you very much.
In July, I met with survivors of religious persecution at the White House.  And we’re honored that many of them could be here today as well.  Some of these individuals suffered as a result of state-sponsored persecution; others, at the hands of terrorists and criminals.  No matter the case, America will always be a voice for victims of religious persecution everywhere.  No matter where you go, you have a place in the United States of America.  Could I ask those folks to stand up, please?  Please, stand up.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you very much.
In recent times, the world has also witnessed devastating acts of violence in sacred places of worship.  In 2016, an 85-year-old Catholic priest was viciously killed while celebrating mass in Normandy, France.  In the past year, the United States endured horrifying anti-Semitic attacks against Jewish Americans at synagogues in Pennsylvania and California.  In March, Muslims praying with their families were sadistically murdered in New Zealand.  On Easter Sunday this year, terrorists bombed Christian churches in Sri Lanka, killing hundreds of faithful worshippers.  Who would believe this is even possible?
These evil attacks are a wound on all humanity.  We must all work together to protect communities of every faith.  We’re also urging every nation to increase the prosecution and punishment of crimes against religious communities.  There can be no greater crime than that.  This includes measures to prevent the intentional destruction of religious sites and relics.  Today, the Trump administration will dedicate an additional $25 million to protect religious freedom and religious sites and relics.
We’re also pleased to be joined today by many of the partners from the business community, as we announce a very critical initiative.
The United States is forming a coalition of U.S. businesses for the protection of religious freedom.  This is the first time this has been done.  This initiative will encourage the private sector to protect people of all faiths in the workplace.  And the private sector has brilliant leadership.  And that’s why some of the people in this room are among the most successful men and women on Earth.  They know how things get done and they know how to take care of things.  And they’re with us now for the first time, to this extent.  First time, ever.  And we’re really honored to have you in the room.  Great business leaders, great people of strength.
Too often, people in positions of power preach diversity while silencing, shunning, or censoring the faithful.  True tolerance means respecting the right of all people to express their deeply held religious beliefs.
Before I conclude, I want to once again thank all of the survivors in the room for their courage and resilience.  You’re an inspiration to the world.  You remind us that no force on Earth is stronger than the faith of religious believers.  The United States of America will forever remain at your side and the side of all who seek religious freedom.
Today, I ask all nations to join us in this urgent moral duty.  We ask the governments of the world to honor the eternal right of every person to follow their conscience, live by their faith, and give glory to God.  The United States has a vital role in this critical mission.
Secretary-General Guterres will now share a few words on the U.N’s efforts to promote religious liberty for all.  And he has been a champion of exactly what we’re in this room for.
So I want to thank everybody for being here.  God bless you.  God bless the faithful.  And God bless America.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)  Thank you.
0 notes
Corporal Jessica Bonner: Army Reserve gives you skills to bring with you anywhere
By Second Lieutenant Maxime Cliche, 38 Canadian Brigade Group Public Affairs
The theme for International Women’s Day (IWD) 2019 is “Balance for Better” and Corporal Jessica Bonner demonstrates this in her dual career as an Army Reservist and as a civilian registered nursing student. IWD has been celebrated each year since 1909 with the goal to achieve equal rights for women around the world.
Regina, Saskatchewan — When you ask members of the Canadian Army why they joined, one of the most common answers is, “to see the world.” This was the reason that pushed Corporal Jessica Bonner to become a Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op).
Trucker in the Army Reserve, nurse in civilian life
MSE Ops are the backbone of logistics in the Canadian Army. They operate and maintain a variety of vehicles needed to move troops, equipment and supplies.
Cpl Bonner has been a proud Army Reservist for four and a half years, serving as an MSE Op with 38 Canadian Brigade Group Service Battalion in Regina.
On the civilian side, she has just completed her registered nursing program at the University of Regina and is in the process of getting her nursing license.
''I do not intend to transfer as a nursing officer. If I ever go officer, which I might consider after accomplishing a few things I’d like to do in this role first, I would still likely want to stay in logistics. My plan, as of right now, is to be a nurse only in my civilian career.''
Calgary born and raised
Cpl Bonner grew up in Calgary, Alberta. When she was a teenager, she looked for a job where she could push herself and challenge her limits. Seeing the world was one of her priorities, but not many jobs offer that kind of opportunity. Knowing the military was one of the few that did, she went ahead and sought out a recruiter for more information about the military world.
“I wanted to push myself and liked the idea of the training and discipline the military offered. I thought it was a noble thing to do and would offer me lots of chances for personal growth. The training was designed with students in mind, and that was perfect for me at that time.”
After submitting three different applications, Cpl Bonner finally received the answer she was hoping for. “I was bound and determined to get in and try this since I had wanted to for so long,” said Bonner, who officially joined in 2014 at the age of 22.
She first enrolled in the Service Battalion with the idea of becoming a clerk because posting opportunities were available throughout the country. It was during her Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) course that she discovered that she wanted something different.
A clerk, then a ‘trucker’ for 41 Service Battalion
“I was already working as a clerk for the Immigration and Refugee Board, before and during my BMQ. I was very intrigued by the idea of doing something completely different than my civilian studies and work because I was aware there were many possibilities. It is rare to be able to get trained and employed in very different roles.”
“I asked the platoon warrant officer of my unit about other 41 Services Battalion trades, and he made sure that I got to speak to different people within the battalion who described their jobs and training.”
In the end, she chose to be an MSE Op because like most service battalion trades, it offered the ability to be posted with different units and it was in high demand. The qualification level training also worked perfectly with her schedule for that year, so she requested a trade transfer to MSE Op.
Deployed on many exercises and operations north, south and west
“I’m very happy to have become an MSE Op. I have gotten to go on exercises and operations with different units and see a lot of different trades at work. I’ve been able to not only use my trade but also participate in some training of the groups I’m transporting or working with. I’ve also had a lot of support within my unit, as I find my chain of command will fight for opportunities for us if we put in the time and effort to make use of our training.”
“I have been able to go on Operation NANOOK in Nunavut, Operation GOLDEN COYOTE in South Dakota/Wyoming, and most recently Exercise PALADIN RESPONSE in Chilliwack, British Columbia. I have been able to travel to these different places, work with various units such as infantry and engineers, and sometimes I have been able to participate in their training or events while also completing my role as an MSE Op.”
More challenges as a woman in other workplaces than in Army Reserve
MSE Ops are often referred to as “truckers,” which is, as on the civilian side, a job mostly represented by men. For Cpl Bonner, this wasn’t an issue at all.
“I’m not sure there has been much difference for myself being a woman in the military. Most women in my unit have been clerks, but I can’t think of a time that it’s ever caused problems or challenges. I think I’ve run into more challenges in other workplaces than I have in the military. I think the culture in the Armed Forces has come a long way and I’ve been fortunate to work with very good people,” said Cpl Bonner.
As she reflects on her time in the Army and the reason that pushed her to join, she underlines what she wishes she would have known when she was a teenager.
Highly recommends joining for the skills and experience gained
“I highly recommend joining the CAF [Canadian Armed Forces], whether you are uncertain about your future or a student/worker pursuing something else entirely. The training is unique, and there are so many things you can learn and experience. The military will push you to do to a lot of things, some of them are challenging or difficult, but the teamwork makes it easier and you will learn so much about yourself and what you can do. Most members I have worked with are doing something different out of uniform, and come together to make the most interesting teams.
“The training and experience will follow you no matter what else you do in life; it can be the chance to learn something completely different, enhance what you already do, and no matter what, it will give you personal and professional skills to bring with you anywhere.”
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realtalk-princeton · 6 years
@Sushi how do you find time/energy to do side projects while also doing an internship? It seems like after I come back from work I only have a couple hours at most that I can devote to projects given that I also want to work out/sleep 8.5 hours/have some personal time/cook.
Response from Sushi:
I haven’t started my internship this summer, so you should probably check in in like 4 weeks if you want another perspective. This is for last summer, where I successfully completed two major side projects (that were each probably equivalent in effort to a JP) while doing my internship, as well as interview prep (all of CTCI).
First, I want to say that I was extremely blessed with a flexible internship last summer that had a gym and kitchen in the office, as well as housing in a good location in the downtown area of a major city. I also only ate 2 meals a day (breakfast and dinner), so I know that what I did last summer may not apply to everyone. There was a Chipotle next to my office, a Chipotle one metro stop away from where I was living, and a huge grocery store a $8 Uber away from where I was living. My commute to work was 30 minutes on the metro. Basically, I was super lucky and could save a lot of time/money that other people couldn’t because I rarely ate out, everything was very conveniently located, and I had a fridge/microwave. I can’t really express how thankful I am to have had such fortunate living conditions and workplace.
My motto is that if you want to do something enough, you will make time for it (whether it’s working out, cooking, personal time). However, I don’t think I was as invested in my personal life as you are. Looking back, I think that I was probably a bit too extreme, but you can totally make it work with even an hour of extra work a day.
I slept more like 7 hours a night last summer (rather than 8.5) and caught up on the weekends. I didn’t really keep up with any personal hobbies, but hung out on the weekends with other interns and friends who came to visit me. I worked out for only 1 hour a day at the office, directly after work ended. I’m pretty small, and I lived off of office food (they had salty/savory snacks, fruit, sandwich meat, cheese, bread, eggs, condiments, and, after every catering event, white rice), groceries (I would buy spinach/broccoli/asparagus/avocado every Sunday) and Chipotle ($6.95; one bowl would last me an entire day). 
Here is what my schedule would look like on weekdays: 8:15 am - wake up, get ready, commute to work; 9:00 am - eat breakfast at work (microwaved eggs with ham and veggies to make an omelette) while checking emails; 4:30 pm - wrap up work and workout (skipped lunch so I could get off slightly earlier–an alternative that many other people in my office did was workout during the lunch break); 5:30 pm - dinner at work (make another omelette, or (preferred) fried rice in the microwave); 6:15 pm - back home, shower, etc.; 7 pm - start working on side projects, wrap up around 11 pm if I’m tired, or 1 am if I’m feeling productive.
And on weekends: 10 am - wake up, groceries/Chipotle run (Saturday only), chill with friends. 1-2 pm - start working on side projects, wrap up around 7 or 8 pm. Then hang out with friends until ~1 am.
A couple hours every night adds up! If you work 4 hours a night for 5 nights, that’s 20 hours a week, which is already amazing (I think 10 hours a week is good enough for side projects or interview prep). Add on a couple extra hours during the weekend, and you realize that you have a ton of time. I think the most important thing is to create a schedule, and hold yourself accountable.
In terms of energy, I did burn out, but I really wanted to get these side projects done. I was so invested in them, so I would pour in so much effort because they were meaningful to me. I didn’t enjoy interview prep as much as my side projects, but I had to for next year’s recruiting :(.
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Extreme difficulty of the OAB exam stands out as the primary criticism of bachelors
Learners and law graduates are dissatisfied along with the Assessment of Order, evidence within the Brazilian Bar Affiliation (OAB), which grants to all those accredited the obligatory registration with the apply of legislation. The controversial points surrounding the choice follow.   To shut the sequence, stick to testimonies that type a mosaic on the completely different profiles of scholars and bachelors in Regulation of Brazil. Generally speaking, they are simply imperative for the exam. Ambiguous matters, insufficient transparency from the process, subjective conditions while in the correction, small time for resolution and expensive registration rate are some with the details raised.   Whereas acknowledging the importance of some kind of prior range for foreseeable future attorneys, the exaggerated diploma of problems of your evidence may be a recurring notion, even amid individuals who have by now been authorized and defended. This great level of desire adds to your anguish to enter the labor industry and relatives force on the things that make the path with the profession a whole lot more complex.
To find out more go to curso preparatorio oab   See studies and what students and law learners imagine:   Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27, celebrates graduation along with her husband, but cannot get an OAB   I have a regulation diploma from PUC-RS, but I do the job as a expert at Natura I did the OAB examination four moments, but I did not endure towards second period extremely practically. Missed two or 3 hits. It really is hard to get a job only which includes a diploma, due to the fact they want the lawyer's or trainee's license. Even a regulation graduate from PUC-RS, I give good results as the marketing consultant for Natura, earning R$ five hundred. The industry is quite saturated in Porto Alegre and has workplaces that pay back below a bare minimum salary. With each and every disapproval we wear out and lower our self-esteem. I locate myself a dumb man or woman, but I am not, as a result of I did five years of good college, graduation perform and protection with banking. Being a stockbroker, he had to perform properly. I concluded the PUC-RS spending R$ one,250 per month (not having a scholarship may be R$ 2,500). I have skill, I realize the articles, though the problem for the exam can be quite great. They make an evaluation to move as handful of men and women as feasible. Its within the degree of a community contest, when it should really only attest you have the opportunity to advocate. Will never hand over. I would like a public defender, public prosecutor, I want being a decide. This is certainly my desire and i can get there. But for this I would like to advocate for at least two a long time. I got expecting inside previous yr of school and at this time I've a small daughter to lift. I want to aim on my research to go this blessed exam, but it happens to be very hard to concentrate on missing diapers for the daughter. " Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27 a long time previous, retains a bachelor's diploma in Regulation, graduated in 2009 from PUC-RS   The OAB portfolio isn't any assurance that you could make money   "I am retired, former metalworker and currently I do the job as real estate broker. I made a decision to attempt Legislation for the reason that I wanted to possess a bigger stage. The program can help me in my latest occupation, on the documentation part, to make clear the civil community for your clientele. I must do the subsequent OAB examination, which can be open, but I will not concur aided by the test. They would like to examine my 5 years of school in two tests. I've better financial problems than countless classmates, but I find the amount abusive. For me the examination is nickel-hunter and will not aid us in any way. The very low level of acceptance of Uniban does not concern me. Within this previous matter, I figured out that four on the 100 students in my course have handed. I do think lots of people tend not to wish to certainly be a attorney. Everyone knows that the OAB portfolio is not any make sure that it will become profitable. "   Following three failed tries to acquire the Order's document, Rafael Alencastro Moll, 25, is accomplishing class.   “I've been on the business office for 4 decades and experienced a specific thing around the exam I've rarely spotted. I've labored in a legislation company given that I begun college or university. I read almost everyone say it absolutely was hard, but it really was only once i began to go ahead and take checks that i recognized how troublesome they extremely had been. I have tried out three moments. In all, I appear close, but I don't reach the grade to move towards second phase. There is certainly quite a bit to the examination that we do not see in university suitable, they're getting a great deal of information that we don't basically use in apply. I've been during the office 4 several years ago and there was one thing there which i certainly not observed. I'd not completed faculty, but now I am executing it. It is really supporting loads. I feel the Test of Order is crucial to present a selected an individual, you will discover most people unprepared for there. One can find a number of schools that are not substantial. The examination have to assess the prospect, but I believe they can be working on a lot more than that, just about a contest. "
To grasp much more details see simulado oab     I studied at Unip and handed 1st   "I graduated very last 12 months and handed the very first make an effort on the OAB test. I had been fortunate and that i could also count on the friends and family. My father and mom are legal professionals, I interned of their offices, and i experienced the assist to become equipped to dedicate myself entirely to my scientific tests. I think other occupations relevant on the community interest, for instance Engineering and Medicine, must have an OAB examination. The test expenses loads of decoreba for the legislation and could require a very little more legal investigation. My higher education does not have a superb passing pace, however it has fantastic lecturers, superior physical construction, an geared up library, and i experienced access to the many publications I necessary to write my monograph. "   In my working day, it had been not essential to have a crack. Right now, the check is much more troublesome.   "I took the OAB test the moment I completed college, and i handed 1st. I took the primary test of Cespe (Middle for Range and Promotion of Gatherings, chargeable for the analysis before 2009), which was geared up by Vunesp, owing to the annulment of test 134. The check consists precisely in anything you really don't realize in university, a lot less in São Francisco (Law-USP), whose concentration is considered the humanistic development from the jurist. The information with the dogmatic issues, for uses of general public examinations and use inside the skilled profession, is fruit with the application belonging to the student, and consistently could be. USP kinds jurists with zero cost, independent thinking. On the other hand, the disadvantage of San Francisco certainly is the not enough didactics of some academics, who can not transmit basic understanding belonging to the topics, despite staying great professionals. In my working day, it had been not necessary to take a break. Today, I think the test is more hard, necessitating a lot more unique expertise. The examination needs to be taken care of as a result of, from your legal viewpoint, there may be no offense in opposition to the Structure. From a sensible standpoint, the examination stops semi-literates from getting into a occupation by which creating knowledge and standard information of law are necessary. And through evaluation these demands are usually verified. It's not like in drugs, where the professional has passed a evidence of home. A bachelors degree in legislation truly should be analyzed right before having the ability to observe law. " Riccardo Napoli, 26, a lawyer graduated in the University of São Paulo (USP) in 2007. João Paulo Gonçalvez did a two-year system and passed the next try relating to the OAB   The evidence should exist, but it surely ought to be good.   "I even now really don't know if I'm going to be an attorney, given that I usually wanted to get a delegate." Upon I graduated, I got interested in regulation practice, and that i made a decision to give the Exam for the reason that I think it will get a lot more and more troublesome. even so it should be reasonable.I think that the correction for the second phase exams, which can be subjective, is ambiguous.The exams are complicated, they're no more intermediary.There are actually a number of unfavorable faculties as well as the condition needs to require responsibility, to judge a lot more and also to enhance their amount to prevent folks from paying 5 years learning and afterwards not being able to enter the profession.However the proof in the Buy have got to exist of course, I do think even all professions ought to have an analogous assessment.I went over the next try.I double-takeed and i think which was vital to immediate my experiments into the examination, but it's to paint very important subjects even as the lessons are superficial. For me, the person's state of mind around the working day with the test also counts m The second time I took the take a look at, I was really relaxed, I had been able to imagine considerably better and did just about everything. "   I do the full method, I just really don't indication   "I finished the Law program in 2008 and also have currently supplied the Order Examination a few situations, but I used to be not authorized. I belonged towards group defending the exam, but after i experienced access on the outstanding viewpoint from the Deputy Legal professional Typical Rodrigo Janot Monteiro de Barros, who questioned for his unconstitutionality, I confess that i altered my head (the view was sent on the Federal Supreme Court docket, which assessment this yr). In my previous test, the OAB demanded within the 2nd period something that even the judiciary would not call for through the lawyers, the lawful foundation citation (the posting of regulation) to instruct the answers to your qualified observe exam. I lost 2.8 details on account of that in a race value 10 points. I am fully confident that i am healthy and able to protect somebody. I do the whole technique, I just usually do not indication. An additional colleague indications. The OAB has amplified the diploma of trouble quite in comparison to the time for resolution. I expended 4 hours accomplishing only the piece and nonetheless experienced the essay concerns with letters a, b, c. In apply, the law firm has a minimum of 5 days to produce a piece. I know that the even more you research, the greater you problem your self and marvel. And it's a good deal of 'banana peel' they put you to slip. Much too considerably ambiguity, two-way issues. One can find distinctive points of look at in law and you simply will not know which inspecting financial institution to go along with. I am speaking to our colleagues: we are not studying to work at NASA. "
For additional knowledge check out http://www.legrandmarchebce.com/blog/extreme-difficulty-of-the-oab-examination-is-considered-the-important-criticism-of-bachelors/
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See Testimonies Of People that Did Or Will Do The Examination Of Purchase And Understand what The Aspiring Legal professionals Think Within the Country
Students and regulation graduates are dissatisfied considering the Assessment of Purchase, proof of your Brazilian Bar Affiliation (OAB), which grants to all those authorised the necessary registration with the apply of regulation. The controversial points bordering the choice use.   To shut the collection, observe testimonies that sort a mosaic for the diverse profiles of scholars and bachelors in Law of Brazil. On the whole, they can be important towards exam. Ambiguous complications, insufficient transparency within the practice, subjective criteria from the correction, very little time for resolution and expensive registration fee are some with the details elevated.   Even though acknowledging the value of some type of prior collection for foreseeable future attorneys, the exaggerated diploma of issue with the proof is a recurring perception, even between folks that have now been approved and defended. This higher degree of demand from customers adds on the anguish to enter the labor sector and friends and family stress towards the elements which make the trail with the profession much more difficult.
To discover alot more drop by curso preparatorio oab   See studies and what college students and legislation college students suppose:   Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27, celebrates graduation with her husband, but can't get an OAB   I've a law diploma from PUC-RS, but I work being a marketing consultant at Natura I did the OAB examination 4 moments, but I did not go through to the next stage pretty approximately. Skipped two or 3 hits. Its challenging to get a position only using a diploma, as a result of they need the lawyer's or trainee's license. Even a law graduate from PUC-RS, I give good results as a marketing consultant for Natura, earning R$ five hundred. The industry is extremely saturated in Porto Alegre and has offices that spend lower than a minimum income. With each and every disapproval we don out and cheaper our self-esteem. I find myself a dumb man or woman, but I'm not, because I did 5 years of good faculty, graduation deliver the results and protection with banking. As being a stockbroker, he needed to conduct perfectly. I concluded the PUC-RS shelling out R$ 1,250 month-to-month (while not a scholarship could well be R$ 2,five hundred). I have proficiency, I realize the content, but the issues in the take a look at is extremely excellent. They make an evaluation to go as several people as you can. You'll find it in the level of a community contest, when it have to only attest that you've the opportunity to advocate. Will likely not throw in the towel. I need a community defender, general public prosecutor, I would like to become a choose. That is my desire and i will get there. But for this I would like to advocate for a minimum of two many years. I got expecting while in the very last 12 months of college and at present I have a small daughter to boost. I would like to concentrate on my scientific tests to go this blessed exam, but it can be tricky to aim on missing diapers for the daughter. " Norma Desireé Barbosa Fortini, 27 ages aged, holds a bachelor's diploma in Legislation, graduated in 2009 from PUC-RS   The OAB portfolio is no make sure you could make capital   "I am retired, former metalworker and right now I give good results as genuine estate broker. I decided to undertake Regulation for the reason that I needed to have a bigger level. The course aids me in my active occupation, inside documentation component, to clarify the civil area for your individuals. I have to do the next OAB test, and that is open, but I tend not to agree with all the examination. They wish to assess my five years of faculty in two examinations. I have better personal conditions than many classmates, but I discover the rate abusive. For me the test is nickel-hunter and fails to aid us in any respect. The lower volume of approval of Uniban is not going to worry me. In such a past dilemma, I figured out that 4 for the 100 learners in my course have passed. I do think many people tend not to prefer to be a law firm. Everyone knows the OAB portfolio is no assurance that it'll earn cash. "   Just after three failed attempts to get the Order's file, Rafael Alencastro Moll, 25, is engaging in course.   “I've been while in the workplace for 4 yrs and had an item relating to the test I have do not ever experienced. I have worked at a legislation company since I started out university. I read anyone say it absolutely was difficult, nevertheless it was only after i commenced to go ahead and take exams that i recognized how tricky they genuinely were being. I've attempted a few instances. In all, I appear near, but I never access the grade to move to the second phase. There is certainly a lot within the exam that we don't see in college or university ideal, they're finding an awful lot of details that we do not in fact use in exercise. I've been on the office four years back and there was one thing there which i rarely observed. I'd not accomplished school, but now I'm doing it. It is really supporting quite a bit. I believe that the Examination of Order is crucial to provide a specific just one, there are actually many of us unprepared for there. There are numerous colleges that are not critical. The test ought to appraise the candidate, but I believe they really are doing more than that, almost a contest. "
To grasp even more data see curso preparatorio oab     I researched at Unip and handed first   "I graduated very last calendar year and passed the main attempt with the OAB test. I had been fortunate and that i could also count on the family members. My father and mom are lawyers, I interned in their offices, and that i experienced the assistance being equipped to dedicate myself wholly to my research. I believe other occupations applicable towards community interest, that include Engineering and Medicine, must have an OAB assessment. The exam costs a good deal of decoreba in the law and could need a minimal even more legal evaluation. My faculty doesn't have a superb passing charge, nonetheless it has decent instructors, decent bodily construction, an geared up library, and i had access to the many books I required to craft my monograph. "   In my day, it was not required to take a crack. Currently, the examination is a lot more very difficult.   "I took the OAB test once I finished higher education, and that i passed primary. I took the first test of Cespe (Centre for Assortment and Promotion of Gatherings, accountable for the evaluation until eventually 2009), which was geared up by Vunesp, on account of the annulment of exam 134. The check consists exactly in whatever you don't understand in higher education, less in São Francisco (Law-USP), whose target will be the humanistic development on the jurist. The practical knowledge on the dogmatic matters, for uses of public exams and use inside qualified occupation, is fruit of your software from the student, and always will be. USP varieties jurists with absolutely free, independent pondering. About the other hand, the downside of San Francisco is considered the deficiency of didactics of some instructors, who can not transmit primary awareness in the topics, regardless of currently being excellent professionals. In my working day, it had been not important to have a split. Currently, I feel the exam is a lot more hard, demanding additional distinct expertise. The examination needs to be taken care of as a result of, from your legal viewpoint, you will find no offense in opposition to the Structure. From the sensible standpoint, the assessment helps prevent semi-literates from getting into a job where producing capabilities and basic expertise of regulation are critical. And thru assessment these demands is often verified. It is not like in medicine, where by the skilled has handed a proof of residence. A bachelors degree in law really needs to be analyzed just before being able to practice law. " Riccardo Napoli, 26, an attorney graduated in the College of São Paulo (USP) in 2007. João Paulo Gonçalvez did a two-year program and passed the next try about the OAB   The evidence needs to exist, but it surely must be reasonable.   "I still never know if I'm likely to be an attorney, due to the fact I constantly preferred for being a delegate." Following I graduated, I got interested in law exercise, and i chose to provide the Test due to the fact I do think it can get alot more and much more problematic. but it really have to be fair.I feel which the correction from the 2nd period assessments, which can be subjective, is ambiguous.The exams are tough, they're now not intermediary.There are actually quite a few awful faculties and the point out needs to just take accountability, to judge alot more also to increase their amount to circumvent most people from paying out 5 years researching after which not having the ability to enter the profession.Even so the proof in the Purchase must exist sure, I believe even all professions must have an analogous examination.I went for the 2nd try.I double-takeed and that i consider which was critical to direct my studies for the exam, however it is to paint significant topics even as the courses are superficial. For me, the person's way of thinking in the day belonging to the examination also counts m The next time I took the check, I used to be really relaxed, I used to be capable to assume more effective and did everything. "   I do the full procedure, I just will not sign   "I completed the Legislation program in 2008 and have previously specified the Buy Test three moments, but I had been not approved. I belonged into the group defending the test, but after i had entry to your wonderful opinion with the Deputy Legal professional Typical Rodrigo Janot Monteiro de Barros, who requested for his unconstitutionality, I confess which i modified my head (the thoughts and opinions was sent to the Federal Supreme Court, which evaluation this calendar year). In my final test, the OAB demanded within the 2nd period a thing that even the judiciary isn't going to want with the lawyers, the legal foundation citation (the article of legislation) to instruct the answers into the experienced practice check. I dropped two.eight details on account of that in a very race worth ten points. I am absolutely persuaded that i am healthy and in a position to protect somebody. I do the complete system, I just you should not indicator. Another colleague signals. The OAB has improved the degree of difficulties somewhat in comparison to the time for resolution. I expended 4 several hours carrying out only the piece and nevertheless had the essay thoughts with letters a, b, c. In exercise, the attorney has at least 5 times in order to make a piece. I recognise which the additional you research, the more you dilemma oneself and ponder. And it is a good deal of 'banana peel' they set you to definitely slip. Also a lot ambiguity, two-way matters. You can get completely different factors of see in law therefore you really do not know which inspecting lender to observe. I'm talking to our colleagues: we're not finding out to operate at NASA. "
For additional info check out http://superandobarreiraspeloem.blo.gg/2018/february/see-recommendations-of-individuals-who-did-or-will-do-the-evaluation-of-purchase-and-determine-what-the-aspiring-attorneys-suppose-inside-the-place.html
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