#and also its such a small company that should there be any disputes or problems.... there isn't really anyone to go to
TFW you're finally asked for a job interview, but the more you look into the company the more you question whether you'd be ok with working for them
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mariacallous · 10 months
A small group of protesters stand on the side of a roundabout opposite Brussels’ oak-framed Europa building, which is glowing in the dark. Despite the heavy rain, the group is here to direct their anger at the politicians, who are inside, deciding the future of Europe’s gig economy. In case their chants can’t be heard over the noise of passing traffic, the demonstrators have also printed their message onto a banner. It reads: “Don’t Let Uber Make the Law.”
Among the crowd are Camille Peeters, Marcus Haunold, and Felipe Corredor. The three men work for different companies and live in different countries—in Belgium, Austria, and Spain, respectively. But their experiences working as couriers for some of Europe’s most popular food delivery platforms have led them to the same conclusion. Platforms are taking advantage of their workers, they claim, and now those same companies are attempting to sabotage new rules that were supposed to fix the gig economy’s problems.
“Something has to change, because the current situation is really bad for most platform workers,” says Haunold, who has spent the past five years working for Foodora in Vienna, a food delivery app owned by Berlin-based Delivery Hero. As a “free employee,” a special category of worker in Austria, he is entitled to paid sick leave only after three days of being ill, and he does not receive holiday allowance. He says he’s finding it increasingly difficult to make a living in the gig economy, and in the past year he has started working for a second platform, a delivery service called Wolt, to make ends meet. (Alexander Gaied, chief operating officer at Foodora Austria, disputes the claim that conditions on the platform are getting worse and says riders’ pay per hour has increased 10 percent since January.)
When EU officials first suggested new rules to regulate the gig economy two years ago, Haunold was hopeful that his job was about to change for the better. Negotiations between EU officials over what exactly those rules, known as the Platform Work Directive, should include have been beset by infighting. Trade unionists and labor activists say that’s because the debate has been heavily influenced by Uber.
“I'm very worried,” says Leïla Chaibi, a French member of the European Parliament representing the Left group, who attended the protest. “Uber is using all the tools they can use in order to destroy the directive.”
Uber spokesperson Casper Nixon did not directly address allegations the company is trying to sabotage the rules, which are still being finalized. “The Platform Work Directive as drafted might cost genuine independent [workers] their protections, jobs and flexibility,” he says. “Like any company, we regularly engage with European policymakers to share our experiences and position on regulation that impacts our business, drivers, couriers, and consumers.”
By 2025, the EU predicts more than 40 million of its residents will work for digital platforms, carrying out tasks such as food delivery, taxi driving, babysitting, caring for the elderly, or data entry. That will make the number of people in the platform labor force larger than the population of Poland, the EU’s fifth-largest country. The new EU platform work rules were intended to better balance the interests of platforms and workers by setting clear guidelines on the use of algorithmic managers, as well as the gig economy’s most contentious issue: workers’ employment status. Right now, millions of platform workers exist in a legal gray area, where it is unclear if they are employees, who are entitled to sick pay and pensions, or if they’re self-employed free agents, who are not.
But recently, any optimism that the new rules could offer more certainty has soured. Unions and activist groups representing platform workers are wary of Uber’s influence because the company’s lobbying has been successful before. In California, voters endorsed a 2020 ballot measure that maintained ride-hailing drivers’ status as independent contractors, after a coalition of companies, including Uber, ran a $200 million campaign in support of the measure. Last year, The Guardian and Le Monde reported that Uber forged close ties with French president Emmanuel Macron while he was economy minister, in order to navigate the strong resistance by local taxi drivers and break into the French market. Nixon, Uber’s spokesperson, claims the company’s “engagement” with Macron was not followed by more favorable regulations.
Now platform workers are concerned that Uber is about to repeat past lobbying success in the EU by shaping the new platform work rules. “The lobby has been mega-intense, especially Uber,” says Kim Van Sparrentak, a Dutch Green member of the European Parliament (MEP), who is responsible for monitoring the new platform work rules for her party. “They have lobbied as much as they could to try to avoid this legislation being useful,” says Van Sparrentak, who has been in the room during the negotiations. “Sometimes it feels like you’re negotiating with tech companies rather than member states.”
Both Van Sparrentak and Chaibi say that arguments put forward by Uber—particularly that a directive that automatically classifies platform workers as employees would threaten jobs—have been repeated by other MEPs and representatives of the European Council.
Under EU transparency rules, companies need to declare their lobbying budget. In 2022, Uber’s budget was between €700,000 and €799,999 ($760,300 to $869,300). Since 2019, the company has declared 10 meetings with the EU Commission about the directive and another 10 with MEPs, according to data shared with WIRED by Transparency International EU (TIEU).
WIRED and TIEU analysis found another 30 meetings focused on platform work since 2019, which had taken place between MEPs or Commission officials and organizations that are allowed to lobby on Uber’s behalf. Like many companies, Uber is a member of several lobbying groups, including BusinessEurope and MoveEU. Information in the French lobby register also showed that Uber has been discussing the directive with the highest level of the French government. Representatives of France in the EU did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment.
“Uber is the 404th-biggest spender in Brussels, and it pales in comparison to other organizations involved in the [Platform Work Directive] debate,” Nixon says.
It’s true that the Transparency Register does not make it seem like Uber is doing huge amounts of lobbying, says Chaibi, the French MEP. “They're doing a lot of lobbying but using other tools.”
This includes funding research and advertising. Chaibi points to a 2021 study on platform work by the consulting firm Accenture, which states it was commissioned by Uber. Another study by consultancy Copenhagen Economics was commissioned the same year by Delivery Platforms Europe, a lobbying group that counts UberEats among its members. Uber was also among a group of five companies that signed a letter published by the Financial Times in June that argued the EU’s platform regulation was taking the wrong approach.
Uber has also been funneling money into online ads. In September, the platform started running a series of Instagram adverts in Belgium, promoting the company’s positive impact on Europe’s economy, according to Meta’s ad library. “Uber provides benefits—parental leave, sick pay, injury cover and more—to all eligible European drivers and couriers,” one ad read, glossing over the debate about who exactly is eligible. “Myths fuel misunderstandings about Uber’s mission and business practices, so it’s time we shared the facts,” read another.
“Our advertising campaign simply puts certified facts about the company in the public domain,” says Uber spokesperson Nixon. “Uber supports a strong and enforceable directive that ensures platform workers maintain the independence they want and receive the protections they deserve, such as minimum wage, holiday and sick pay.”
What’s at stake for Uber with the new rules is the employment classification of its Uber drivers and UberEats couriers. “Classification is the entry point into the whole range of protections, everything from protection against unfair dismissal, through to sick leave, through to parental or maternity leave, through to discrimination protection,” says Jeremias Adams-Prassl, a law professor at the University of Oxford. “That's why you can also see the attraction of misclassifying workers. If you misclassify individuals, you can try to avoid all of those obligations.”
Officials are divided about how platform workers should be classified. Many MEPs favor rules that would presume all platform workers are employees—unless the platforms can prove otherwise. But some representatives of EU member states, sitting in the European Council, prefer a system where workers first have to prove they meet a number of criteria before they can challenge their employment status. That’s because member states worry that if the rules are too strict, platforms would respond by shrinking their platform workforce, says Ludovic Voet, confederal secretary at the European Trade Union Confederation. “Some of these countries don't want to confront a business model that might push people out of employment statistics.” Four months after Spain introduced its rider’s law, which mandated that delivery couriers should be considered staff, Deliveroo closed its operations in the country entirely.
Platform workers worry that member states would struggle to enforce whatever new rules the EU passes. Standing in the rain in Brussels, Peeters explains he has worked for UberEats in the city for the past six years. In January, new rules took effect in Belgium that were meant to make it easier for platform workers to be classified as employees. “You know what’s changed? Nothing,” says Peeters. “The price I pay for rent is going up. The price I pay for food is going up. But my [employment] status has stayed the same.” Nixon says Uber complies with all applicable laws wherever it operates. “In Belgium we provide all independent drivers and couriers with free injury, sickness and paternity cover.”
In Spain, the “riders law” has been criticized in some quarters for being ineffective. “The biggest company there, Glovo, is not fulfilling this law for years and years with total impunity,” claims Corredor, who worked as a Deliveroo courier in Spain between 2016 and 2017 and is now an activist for the platform workers group Riders x Derechos. The point of Spain’s riders law was also to force platforms to classify more of their workers as employees. Instead of doing that, Glovo tweaked many of their couriers’ work terms so they could still be classified as independent, according to Corredor. “We are confident that our operating model in Spain, launched in August 2021, meets all regulatory requirements,” says Felix Eggert, spokesperson for Glovo.
For Corredor, this is all part of a bigger battle, where platform workers are battling to fight for the basic rights—minimum wage and maximum working hours—that exist in the rest of the economy. “This is [the platforms’] strategy, using the discourse of innovation and technology to take out these rights,” he claims. “I think this is very problematic.”
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
20 with whoever you'd like :)
"Y'know, there are a lot of situations that that phrase can be applied to, dear brother," Ian grumbled, "but one of the very few exceptions is the fact that you only managed to half-cut the rope that's still wrapped around the bloated corpse's neck."
"Okay, that's fair." Rex murmured in response. The corpse in question still dangled limply from its spot on the bare poplar tree, the thick yellow cord that served as a noose digging into swollen and purple flesh. A gentle wind set it in sway, the shiny white footwear attached to its feet occasionally clicking against each other. "Maybe we could find someone to help, or...?" The hero starts, his voice trailing into silence as something dawns upon him. His eyes, from behind the thick goggles, sweep the small backyard they find themselves in. "...where are we? Why are we doing this? This isn't a superhero thing, it's not even a 'Rex and Ian do crimes for fun' thing! Wha- why are we tryna cut down a body?! What the hell is going on?!"
Ian looks his brother over, recognising the expression that was currently stuck to his features. "Honestly, I'd ask the writer. Some of these prompts have been low-effort before, but this?" he declares, throwing his hands up in a display of useless frustration. "Thi-this is just a scene from Disco Elysium! Like a straight rip-off!"
"Disco... Elysium?" Rex questions. The specific combination of words rings empty in his mind, the two nouns sounding almost absurd next to one another. The gears within turn: could he be referring to some obscure police procedural from decades past, or a novel in his house's vast library? Perhaps something more current, like a film that just released in theatres, or even, God forbid, a trending topic on social media? Despite the absurdity, there is a pang of familiarity at the name, scratching at the edges of that pink wet sponge between his ears. He focuses, and focuses, until...
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Challenging: Success] - Disco Elysium is a video game, written and designed by the Estonian novelist Robert Kurvitz and a collective of fellow artists, musicians and creators, and is currently published by the games publishing company ZA/UM. It styles itself as a 'detective RPG', and features a distinctive painterly art direction, the brainchild of oil painter Aleksander Rostov. From what you've been able to recollect, there is also an apparent ongoing legal dispute between Kurvitz and shareholders of ZA/UM, and you have been advised several times to not the game legitimately, lest you contribute further to the practices of ZA/UM. The advice seems sound, and you already have the perfect method of pirating it on your games console. You will do it, once your curiosity tips you into morally justified piracy.
"Woah woah woah, stop that!"
I'm sorry?
"You! Yes, you! Listen here, Harry, putting us in a different setting is one thing, but subjecting my little brother to the game mechanics? Oh, you should be thanking your ancestors that I'm a fictional character, or I'd have ripped your fucking balls off by now!"
Okay, first of all, it's the new year, and I'm trying to spice up my writing a little. I'm sorry that being out of your comfort zone scares you, Ian, but you need to understand-
"I don't need to understand shit! Listen, Cape-Watch, the old man, everything up until now, completely fine! It's in-universe, so I don't have a problem with any of it! But this?! What's even the point? A funny reference? A fourth-wall break? Like, at least plan these out first!"
How am I supposed to plan these out? They're meant to be short little snippets where people can point and yell 'there's my little guy!' Nothing more than a little serotonin boost before the weekend. Were you expecting Shakespeare?
"Don't give me that! I've seen you write better than this, Harry! Don't you want to be... I don't know, a great writer? One of the greats of AO3, or whatever?"
Not really. Sometimes I write prose, and sometimes I write pigshit. At the end of the day, as long as I can still write, I'm happy. It's all words to me, Ian.
Ian sighs. He rubs exhaustedly at his brow, already tired of debating his creators' reasons for writing. "Fine, whatever makes you happy. Just take us home so I can wipe my own memory."
Rex was very confused by what he had just heard. "What the fuck."
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Small Business HR Tips: How to Effectively Manage Your Workforce.
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Running a small business involves wearing many hats, and one of the most important (and challenging) is managing your employees. From hiring and onboarding to compliance and retention, HR management plays a crucial role in the success of your business. While large companies have the resources to dedicate entire teams to HR, small business owners must be resourceful in managing these responsibilities.
Here are some essential HR tips for small business owners that will help you create a productive and compliant work environment.
1. Hire the Right People
The foundation of a successful business is its people. Hiring the right employees is crucial for building a team that will help your business grow. However, the process can be complex and time-consuming.
Here are a few tips to streamline your hiring process:
Clearly Define Job Roles: Before posting a job, clearly outline the responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required. This will help you attract candidates who are a good fit and avoid wasting time on unqualified applicants.
Use Structured Interviews: Conduct structured interviews where all candidates are asked the same questions. This ensures a fair process and allows for easier comparison among candidates.
Check References and Backgrounds: Always verify the information provided by candidates. Reference checks and background screenings can help avoid costly hiring mistakes.
Pro Tip: Consider using applicant tracking software (ATS) to keep your hiring process organized and streamline candidate evaluations.
2. Create an Employee Handbook
An employee handbook serves as a guide for both employees and employers, outlining the expectations, policies, and procedures of your business. It is also a useful tool for ensuring legal compliance and setting the tone for company culture.
Key Sections to Include:
Workplace Policies: Define rules around attendance, dress code, and professional behavior.
Code of Conduct: Clarify the standards of behavior expected from employees, including anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies.
Benefits and Compensation: Clearly explain your compensation structure, benefits, and any incentive programs.
Disciplinary Procedures: Outline the steps for handling performance issues or violations of company policy, ensuring transparency.
An up-to-date employee handbook helps to set clear expectations and can serve as a reference in case of disputes, protecting both your business and your employees.
3. Ensure Legal Compliance
HR compliance is essential to avoid costly legal problems, but it’s also an area where many small businesses struggle. Employment laws vary by state, and federal laws such as the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) also apply. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in fines, lawsuits, and damage to your business reputation.
Steps to Stay Compliant:
Classify Employees Correctly: Misclassifying employees as independent contractors or exempt vs. non-exempt can lead to legal issues. Make sure you know the difference and classify employees accordingly.
Keep Accurate Records: Maintain accurate records of work hours, wages, and employee data to ensure compliance with labor laws.
Stay Updated on Employment Laws: Regularly check for changes in federal, state, and local labor laws that may impact your business.
If HR compliance feels overwhelming, consulting with an HR expert or legal advisor can help ensure that your business is operating within the law.
4. Foster Employee Engagement and Retention
Once you’ve hired the right people, retaining them should be a top priority. Employee engagement and satisfaction are directly linked to productivity, so it’s essential to create an environment where employees feel valued.
Strategies for Increasing Employee Engagement:
Offer Competitive Benefits: Small businesses may not be able to offer the same benefits as large corporations, but you can still provide perks such as flexible schedules, remote work options, and professional development opportunities.
Recognize and Reward Achievements: Publicly acknowledging your employees’ hard work and offering rewards such as bonuses, extra time off, or employee-of-the-month programs can boost morale and motivation.
Create Open Communication Channels: Encourage feedback and make it easy for employees to voice concerns or suggestions. Regular check-ins and performance reviews can help address issues before they escalate.
Engaged employees are more likely to stay with your company long-term, reducing turnover and fostering a positive workplace culture.
5. Focus on Employee Development
Investing in your employees’ growth not only helps them succeed in their roles but also benefits your business. Employees who receive training and development are more skilled, more productive, and more likely to stay with your company.
Development Opportunities to Consider:
On-the-Job Training: Implement training programs that allow employees to learn new skills relevant to their roles.
Mentorship Programs: Pair newer employees with experienced mentors who can guide them through the nuances of the job and help them develop professionally.
Workshops and Courses: Offer opportunities for employees to attend industry-related workshops, webinars, or certification courses.
By focusing on employee development, you not only improve their performance but also enhance your business’s overall success.
6. Implement an Effective Onboarding Process
A strong onboarding process helps new employees feel welcome and equips them with the knowledge they need to succeed in their roles. A disorganized or incomplete onboarding experience can leave new hires feeling lost and unproductive.
Effective Onboarding Practices:
Provide Training: Ensure that new hires have the training they need to perform their duties. This can include everything from job-specific skills to safety protocols.
Set Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate job responsibilities, goals, and how success will be measured.
Assign a Mentor: Pairing new hires with a seasoned employee can help them acclimate to the company culture and answer questions they may have.
A well-executed onboarding process sets the tone for an employee’s experience with your company and can lead to better retention and job satisfaction.
7. Use Technology to Streamline HR Tasks
Small businesses often operate with limited resources, making it challenging to stay on top of HR tasks like payroll, benefits administration, and performance management. Using technology can simplify these processes and ensure that everything runs smoothly.
HR Software Tools to Consider:
Payroll Management Systems: Automate payroll to ensure accurate and timely payment to employees.
Time and Attendance Tracking: Use software to monitor employee hours, especially for businesses with hourly workers or remote teams.
Employee Performance Software: Track and manage employee performance, set goals, and schedule reviews all within one platform.
By adopting HR technology, you’ll save time and reduce the risk of human error, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
8. Consult with HR Experts When Needed
While you may handle many HR tasks on your own, there will be times when professional help is needed. Complex legal issues, compliance audits, and employee disputes can require expert advice to avoid costly mistakes.
This is where HR outsourcing services, like Bambee, can be a game-changer for small businesses.
Why Bambee?
HR Expertise: Bambee offers access to a dedicated HR manager who can help you navigate compliance, set up policies, and handle employee issues.
Affordable for Small Businesses: Unlike traditional HR consultants, Bambee provides services at a fraction of the cost, making it accessible even for small businesses with tight budgets.
Compliance Assurance: Bambee helps ensure your business is compliant with federal and state employment laws, reducing the risk of penalties and lawsuits.
By partnering with Bambee, you can focus on growing your business while knowing that your HR needs are taken care of by professionals.
Managing HR for a small business is no easy task, but with the right strategies and tools, it’s possible to build a strong, engaged, and compliant workforce. By focusing on hiring the right people, fostering a positive work environment, staying compliant with labor laws, and using technology to your advantage, you’ll create a thriving workplace.
If HR compliance and management feel overwhelming, consider partnering with a service like Bambee to provide expert HR support at an affordable price. With their help, you can streamline your HR processes and protect your business from legal risks while building a strong, productive team.
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menonassociates · 4 months
Small Business Advisory Services
Business advisors help small businesses develop and execute plans for working toward substantial, long-term growth. They also keep up with changes in the market and competition. This is an important part of their work as it can help you avoid making costly mistakes.
It is often difficult to see the issues dragging your business down because you are too close to it. This is why it’s so important to get a fresh perspective from an outsider.
Leadership succession planning
A well-thought-out leadership succession plan is crucial for a business’s success. It ensures a smooth transition when the owner retires or is forced to leave due to illness, death, or other circumstances. It also helps protect clients and employees from any potential problems that may arise during the transition period.
Developing a leadership small business advisory services plan involves identifying potential successors, mentoring them, and providing them with opportunities to grow their skills. This could include active learning, stretch assignments (challenging tasks that allow them to develop experience outside their regular job duties), 360-degree feedback, and executive coaching.
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Small business advisory services can assist with the leadership succession planning process by identifying key roles, analyzing their current level of performance, and developing plans to improve them. This will help the company achieve its goals and sustain a strong culture. In addition, they can help with financial aspects of the process, including business valuation, retirement planning, and preparing for tax implications.
Buy/sell agreements
A buy/sell agreement is a legal document that re-allocates ownership in a company. It’s like a business prenup or a will, and it stipulates how the owners of a company will dispose of their interest should a triggering event occur. This could include death, disability, divorce or retirement. It also defines how the purchase price will be fixed and how it will be funded. It can be in the form of a cross-purchase agreement, an entity-purchase agreement or a right of first refusal.
Having a well-drafted buy/sell agreement in place can prevent disputes and conflict. It also allows for a smooth transition of ownership. Moreover, it provides peace of mind for the other owners and their families that they’ll be compensated fairly for their interest in the company. It’s also important to remember that a buy/sell agreement may need to be reviewed and revised periodically, such as yearly. This will ensure that it still meets the objectives of the business and the valuation provisions are up to date.
Selling ownership to a co-owner
Small business advisory services help businesses grow and increase their bottom line. These experts specialize in a variety of industries and can provide expertise, connections, and other resources that are essential to success. They can also improve the efficiency of a company and reduce costs. They can also assist with a wide range of other business needs, including planning and financial projections, employee management, and customer acquisition.
One of the most important aspects of a small business advisory service is their outside perspective. They can see issues that your in-house team may not be able to, because they are too close to the situation. They can also point out inefficiencies and redundancies, helping you streamline your operations.
A good small business advisory service will understand the business in which you operate and speak your language. They will also know the competitive umbrella under which you operate and how to position your business for long-term growth.
Selling to an outside party
The goal of a small business advisor services is to provide strategic financial analysis, support, and insight to help businesses achieve their objectives. Advisors can give industry insights, draw on their own experience operating (or coaching) other businesses and offer financial solutions that unlock growth.
Advisors can help businesses streamline operations, identifying redundancies and inefficiencies. They can also provide expert advice on financial strategies and taxation. This can free up time for the owner to focus on business development and expansion.
The key to finding the right adviser is to find one who will challenge you and be willing to speak honestly about his or her observations. In addition to being experienced in your industry, it is important to choose someone who is not a family member or friend. This will ensure that you get honest feedback and a broader perspective on the business. This will help you make better decisions for the long term.
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smallnetbusiness · 1 year
The Complete Manual for Sears Credit Card Login
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A well-known company like Sears has always catered to the various demands of its customers. This dedication is strengthened by the Sears credit card, which enables quick financial decisions and fast purchasing. Let's study the many features of this financial instrument and dig into sears credit card login depths. The History of Sears Credit Cards In the late 1800s, a little mail-order catalog company called Sears opened its doors. It became a national retail juggernaut with several outlets throughout time. Sears launched its credit card after seeing the need to provide more for its clients. This served as a link between Sears' dedication to quality and its devoted client base rather than merely being a financial instrument. Advantages of the Sears Credit Card The Sears credit card is different from other store cards. It is filled with characteristics that satisfy every consumer's need. Special Discounts An exclusive membership is what owning a Sears credit card is like. Cardholders often receive the first crack at exclusive specials and discounts. With the Sears credit card, you're always in front of the line, whether it's Black Friday or simply a mid-week deal. Points & Rewards for Loyalty You earn loyalty points for each dollar you spend. Build up enough of these, and before you know it, you'll have enough money to buy that thing you've had your eye on. Additionally, sporadic extra point occasions boost your skill in collecting points! Money Flexibility The Sears credit card offers alternatives for monthly payments, sometimes with promotions that cut interest or even give interest-free periods, whether it's a single large purchase or a series of smaller ones. Why Should You Choose a Sears Credit Card? The Sears credit card stands out in a market crowded with choices for credit cards, but why? Widely Recognised The Sears credit card has widespread acceptance, unlike certain store-specific cards. Many of Sears' connected retailers also honor this, thus it is not only restricted to them. Simple Application Procedure Obtaining this card is simple thanks to an easy online application procedure and quick customer support. Security Steps The security of your financial information is crucial in the current digital era. Modern security features on the Sears credit card ensure that your purchases are not only secure but also easy. Knowing the terms and conditions The Sears credit card has its own set of terms and restrictions, just like any other financial instrument. Although they may seem to be small print, recognizing them may save problems in the future. Reviewing them often may also keep you informed of any changes. Using Your Sears Credit Card to Its Full Potential Some expert advice might be useful in maximizing the potential of your card. Recurrent Updates For cardholders alone, Sears often launches special promotions. Keeping current might result in more savings. Utilizing the App The Sears credit card mobile app offers more than simply statement reading. Your gateway to exclusive app-only discounts and a convenient method to handle account management while on the move. Online shopping using a Sears credit card The Internet revolution has changed how people purchase. Here is how this change corresponds with the Sears credit card. Trustworthy Online Transactions Every online transaction you make is protected from possible risks by cutting-edge encryption. Exclusive Online Deals You have the key to a gold mine of discounts on the internet thanks to your Sears credit card. How to Deal with Potential Problems? Not everything in life is rosy. Here's a helpful guide in case your card is having problems. Card Lost or Stolen Reporting immediately is essential. Your card will be instantly disabled by Sears' dedicated hotline, preventing abuse. Unresolved Charges Don't worry if you find an error in your statement. Your worries are allayed by Sears' effective dispute resolution procedure. Your credit score and the Sears credit card Conscientious cardholder may increase their credit score in addition to enjoying the advantages of the Sears credit card. An effective financial profile may be achieved by timely payments and prudent spending practices. The Sears Credit Card's Future The Sears credit card is ready for new updates due to changing customer requirements and technology improvements. The future is bright, whether it's connecting with digital wallets or providing more personalized incentives. Experiences with the Sears Credit Card personally The Sears credit card has been nothing short of a blessing for someone who often shops at Sears. It has improved my purchasing experience, from the exclusive offers to the security of the transactions. Conclusion The Sears credit card login is a shopping assistant as well as a financial tool. It's no surprise that it's a favourite among many given its wide range of features and advantages. The Sears credit card is certainly something to think about if you like shopping or are searching for financial freedom. FAQs What is the Sears credit card's interest rate? Promotional offers and the applicant's creditworthiness might affect the interest rate. For the most recent information, it is recommended to visit the official Sears website or speak with their customer support. How do I make a Sears credit card application? Applying is simple. You may submit an application on the Sears website or in person at a Sears location. The Sears credit card has an annual charge, is that right? Normally, there isn't an annual cost, but it's always a good idea to review the terms and conditions or check with Sears customer care in case there have been any modifications. What is the minimum age to apply for the card? The minimum age for candidates is 18 (or 19, in certain areas). Additionally, you must have a valid SSN and satisfy other creditworthiness requirements. Read the full article
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Major Car Repairs in Glenorchy are experts in all areas of Car, Mechanical & Engine Repairs and can help you find the right solutions for your needs. Call us today to discuss your requirements.
Before the shop works on your car, get an initial authorization to inspect and a written work order with specifics about what the mechanic will do and the charges. This will prevent the shop from hiding additional repairs or overcharging you.
Engine Repairs
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If you are having major engine repairs done, it is a good idea to get a written inspection authorization before any work starts. This document should clearly describe the repairs to be performed, charges, terms of payment and more. It is important to read these documents carefully before signing them, as deceptive shops sometimes use them to add on extra costs later.
Howard Road Automotive is a general auto repair shop servicing Glenorchy & surrounding areas for many years. They offer full machine shop services, mechanical & auto electrical repairs at very competitive prices.
Transmission Repairs
Leaking transmission fluid, overheating and slipping gears are all signs that your transmission needs attention. Replacing the old transmission fluid with new helps boost the clutch holding power and reduces heat by improving lubrication. It also removes small bits of clutch material and metal shavings, which can damage the transmission by clogging passages and wedge themselves between moving parts.
Getting repairs done at a reputable auto repair shop is crucial to your safety and the lifespan of your car. You should only trust a licensed, insured mechanic to do the work and never be pressured into unnecessary repairs. If you have any issues with a repair shop, you should always first try to resolve the problem directly with the shop’s manager or owner.
If that doesn’t work, contact your state consumer protection agency or attorney general. They will have information on alternative dispute resolution programs and other resources. They can also investigate complaints against specific shops.
Brake Repairs
When it comes to major repairs, nothing compares to a broken brake line. The best way to avoid this costly repair is to stay on top of your maintenance schedule. The easiest and cheapest way to do this is to regularly change your brake pads. In some cases, drivers ignore this simple step and end up with brake failure or loud metal-onmetal grinding noises.
The most expensive, and possibly scariest, type of engine damage involves blown cylinders. In the worst-case scenario, a mechanic will have to remove your engine and replace its cylinders, which is no small task.
You can check for deceptive charges by comparing the shop’s invoice to the original estimate or repair order. If you paid by credit card, your card company will investigate the charges. The card company will typically send you a dispute letter to request additional information from the mechanic. If the issue isn’t resolved, you can file a complaint with your state consumer protection agency.
Electrical Repairs
The car needs fuel, but it also needs electricity to power important components like headlights, brake lights and the computer that runs the engine. Electrical issues crop up in the most unexpected ways, and they are usually very annoying to deal with. You know you need Car technician in Glenorchy when the horn stops working, your windows don’t go up or you get a scary warning light on the dashboard.
These kinds of electrical issues often happen when someone gets too ambitious and installs an aftermarket alarm, which takes power from other circuits, causing them to stop working properly. These are the types of problems that auto mechanics are trained to fix. This is why an automotive program is a great career path for you to take.
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sandyc100 · 2 years
Small company owners are increasingly using accounting tools, but companies still need to routinely compare bank statements to individual records. This process, called bank reconciliation, ensures that the company's records are accurate and helps the organization identify any anomalies, errors, or fraudulent activities. In this article, we'll describe bank reconciliation, go over how to do it, talk about some common problems that come up during record reconciliation, and show an illustration of bank reconciliation in action.
How does bank reconciliation work? Comparing a company's records to its bank accounts to make sure all activities are recorded is known as bank reconciliation. The method can be used to maintain accurate records, stop bogus payments, and handle any other disputes or complaints. The majority of businesses perform bank reconciliation, or bank rec, at the conclusion of each month, though the frequency is primarily determined by the organization's size and number of transactions. For instance, some larger companies require daily data balancing.
Bank reconciliation should be done on a frequent basis regardless of regularity. Although some businesses still maintain their records by writing, accounting software is available to make the bank balance process simpler and more effective. The majority of these systems combine the business's financial accounts, providing access to all information and documents in one location.
How Should a Financial Balance Be Done?
Following are the steps involved in finishing bank reconciliation:
1] Get financial documents. 2] Compile the documents of your business. 3] Choose a place of departure. 4] Review the deposits and withdrawals from your accounts. 5] Check your books for income and expenses. 6] Alter the bank records. 7] Make adjustments to the financial position. 8] Compare the total amounts.
1] Gather financial documents You will require access to a summary of your activities in order to reconcile your data. Online banking, bank records, or enabling your bank to share data with your bookkeeping software are all ways to obtain this information.
2] Compile all of your business documents. You'll also need access to the records or inventory of your company. This data is frequently kept in a bookkeeping application, a journal, or a spreadsheet.
3] Decide where to start. If you've just recently adjusted your accounts, you'll know where to start. If you're unsure, attempt to remember the last time the amounts in your books and bank accounts tallied. Then, proceed from there.
4] Go over each transfer and transaction from your bank. Make sure that your bank account reconciliation services accurately depicts all of your payments and withdrawals. You must fill in the gaps if anything is lacking.
5] Review the revenue and outgoings in your accounts. Verify that every transaction is accurately recorded by comparing your records to your bank accounts. Identify the cause of any mismatched items. It's possible that a payment hasn't been completed yet or that you neglected to pay anything in cash.
6] Correct the financial accounts. A company's action may not always be correctly reflected in a bank statement. The main causes include overdue payments, financial issues, and deposits in route. Change the bank account as necessary for any purpose.
7] Balance the bank account. Additionally, you'll need to update your documents to properly reflect all business activities. This will be achieved by making sure that all expenses and payments are accurately recorded in the firm's cash account.
8] Compare the total amounts. The reconciliation procedure should be finished once you've compared the records, made any necessary adjustments, and double-checked that the end amounts are identical. You will need to redo the procedure to identify the issue if they are still uneven.
There are several causes to conduct a bank reconciliation:- Frequent bank balancing has a number of advantages. Here are a few of these instances:
1] Identifying fraud and suspect activities. 2] Recording bank transfers, fines, and costs in the bookkeeping software for the business. 3] Maintaining thorough documents of the company's payables and debts. 4] The ability to spot issues like double-ups or lost funds
Typical problems encountered during bank accounting Finding possible problems is among the most important reasons to conduct bank reconciliation. The following are some of the most frequent issues you'll encounter when conducting a bank reconciliation:
Afterwards-deposited checks that are returned: A check may not be deposited by the bank in a number of situations. Typically, this occurs as a result of the check being made on an overseas bank account. To reverse the item that represents the unsuccessful payment, you must credit the cash account, decrease the amount, and increase the debt in the accounts payable account.
Bank-issued checks that have been voided and cleared: If a check has been voided and cleared by the bank for a significant amount of time, it should be replaced. In exceptional circumstances, the payee might try to redeem the initial check. They should decline to pay the check if the bank has cancelled it. You will need to adjust both the cash and checking accounts to justify the payment if the bank was not informed of the cancelled check.
Without informing the bank of a rejected check, you run the chance of receiving two payments.
Double payment: You run the chance of receiving two payments if you don't let the bank know about a rejected check. In the event that the recipient cashes another check, you must demand compensation from them.
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ensolegal · 2 years
Choose Essential Legal Services for Your Business
Business owners are continuously entering into transactions, conversations and agreements with other firms. In order to safeguard their interests, these businesses need legal counsel from competent lawyers & attorneys who are conversant with business legislation in their country or state. Whether one is a beginner business owner, or an experienced businessman, a small and medium-sized company head or the investor of a global firm, everyone needs some type of legal guidance.
A good lawyer from Legal Offices In Gold Coast will spend their time to learn about the particular needs of the organisation that they are serving. The lawyer will heed to the business owner's concerns and work hard to assure their client's satisfaction. They will then create a one-of-a-kind legal solution that will assist the company reach its objectives quickly and affordably.
Before selecting a company lawyer, make certain that they specialise in Legal Help. Attorneys must be willing to think beyond the box in order to resolve any legal issues that the company or business may encounter. By resolving all of a company's legal difficulties, attorneys can provide their clients with some peace of mind, allowing them to focus on other vital aspects of their organisation.
Workplace litigation, legal challenges, medical malpractice claims, property disputes, mergers and acquisitions are some of the legal difficulties that business clients encounter. One might acquire a solicitor who may well aid them to solve any contractual difficulties that they could have. Breach of agreement and fraud claims are examples of such situations.
The attorney can assist their customer on how to handle any legal issue that arises in the course of their business. They could also assist in resolving commercial conflicts, such as those involving shareholders, assets, or family business difficulties. They would also advise the customer on any restrictions that apply to their business to ensure that the business person does not get up in trouble with the law.
Solicitors also provide Legal Services In Gold Coastsuch as defending a business or firm against consumer claims for warranty breach and professional negligence. They could also defend their corporate client from fraud accusations from other firms or the authorities.
Every one of these services are highly vital for any company, and thus, entrepreneurs must consider employing expert Litigation Attorney to handle all of the legal matters pertaining to their business.
There are various domains where you will require assistance from an expert services provider who has already handled patent issues, such as problems with copyright drafting or concerns with company law. Apart from the Lawyer Legal Servicespicked by you should also help in other Legal Advice In Gold Coastlike registration of a trademark, patent filing, design registration, business incorporation and several more legal services to name a few. Also, the providers should have the necessary staff, which should consist of alawyer, attorneys, and agents for extra features.
Aside from details, it is advisable that you question the service providers a variety of questions about their firm in order to select the best ones.
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ghostfromforest · 2 years
Human Capital Management: Why It Is Key For Success
As the world becomes more competitive, it is increasingly important for businesses to have a well-managed human capital strategy. Human capital management (HCM) is a field of study that deals with all aspects of managing people, from recruitment and retention to performance management and compensation. HCM is not just important for large companies; it’s essential for small businesses, too. In this blog post, we will discuss the key factors that make HCM a critical part of any business’s success. 
The Importance of Human Capital Management
Human capital management is a process of planning, organizing, and directing the resources of an organization to achieve its goals. It is essential for success in any business or organization because it determines how effectively and efficiently employees can contribute to the organization's objectives.
The first step in human capital management is understanding what the organization needs from its employees. Once that has been determined, the next step is developing a plan to provide those needs. Employees need training and development if they are to be able to perform at their best, so planning for that also needs to be part of the equation. The goal is not only to provide employees with the skills they need but also to give them opportunities to learn new things.
Once all of that has been decided, it's important to keep an eye on how employees are performing and make adjustments as needed. If everything is going according to plan, then Human Capital Management should be considered a success. However, if there are any issues present, then corrective action must be taken immediately so that things don't get out of hand.
The Types of Human Capital Management
Human capital management (HCM) is the process of managing workers and their skills to create a successful organization. HCM is key to ensuring that an organization can succeed in its mission, meet global competitiveness goals, and retain talented employees.
There are three main types of HCM: human resources (HR), training & development, and employee assessment & feedback.
HR manages the people who work for an organization. This includes recruiting new employees, developing and managing their careers, providing benefits and other services, and resolving disputes. HR also administers personnel files and conducts performance reviews.
Training & development helps employees learn new skills and improve their productivity. It includes on-the-job training, classroom training, or online courses. Training can be provided in-house or outside of the company.
Employee assessment & feedback helps managers assess an employee's strengths and weaknesses so they can provide the best possible training or developmental opportunities. Employee assessment can include surveys, interviews, focus groups, or performance appraisals.
The Purpose of Human Capital Management
There is no question that human capital management is critical to success in any organization. Human capital comprises of the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. It is the single most important asset an organization can possess.
Human capital management (HCM) helps organizations identify and develop the talents of their employees so they can optimize their performance and productivity. By building a strong foundation of human resources, businesses can achieve a number of goals, including increased efficiency, innovation, growth, and profitability.
Here are four reasons why HCM is so important:
1) Employee engagement: Enhancing employee engagement enables organizations to reap the benefits of a highly committed workforce. A engaged workforce is more likely to be proactive and take initiative; it’s also more likely to feel appreciated and motivated. Higher levels of engagement lead to improved customer service, reduced absenteeism, better problem solving, and overall enhanced performance in the workplace.
2) Increased efficiency: When an organization’s employees are well-educated and skilled in the areas they work in, they are able to produce more with less effort. This leads to increased efficiency in terms of production time lines as well as lower costs associated with labor shortages or overstaffing. In some cases, even reducing overhead can result in a net increase in revenue!
3) Innovation: A well-trained workforce allows companies access to new ideas and technologies early on in the development process – this leads to innovation across all aspects of business operations.
4) Growth: A well-managed human capital system permits an organization to expand its horizons by attracting and retaining the best talent. This can lead to increased market share, new products and services, and overall growth.
The Components of Human Capital Management
Human capital management is the process of planning, organizing, and directing the use of people resources to achieve organizational objectives. It is essential for organizations that want to succeed in today’s global economy.
Managing human capital entails understanding an individual’s abilities and developing an action plan that will allow them to reach their full potential. It also involves creating an environment where employees feel valued and can be productive.
There are four key components to human capital management: talent management, compensation & benefits, development & training, and workplace culture & design. Talent management focuses on identifying and recruiting the best possible employees while compensation & benefits provides a fair wage and benefits package that encourages employee engagement and satisfaction. Development & training provides opportunities for employees to learn new skills and develop their career prospects, while workplace culture & design creates an environment where employees feel supported and can be themselves.
The Benefits of Human Capital Management
Human capital management (HCM) is the process and management of human resources, which includes an assessment of workforce capabilities, an identification and analysis of needs, and the formulation and implementation of strategies to optimize employee productivity. HCM interventions can improve organizational performance by ensuring that employees are aligned with organizational goals and objectives, increasing their effectiveness in meeting those goals, and reducing costs associated with ineffective or inefficient operations.
There are many benefits to implementing effective HCM practices:
Improved Organizational Performance: Implementing effective HCM practices canresult in improvedorganizational performance by ensuring that employees arealigned with organizational goals and objectives,increasing their effectiveness in meeting those goals,and reducing costs associated with ineffective or inefficient operations. For example,effective HCM interventions can help organizations achieve greater efficienciesby better aligning employees’ work tasks with company strategyand objectives; by promoting employee development opportunities thatsupport the attainment of organizational goals; and by reducing employee turnover rates.
Human capital management is key to any organization's success. By managing and developing the talent within an organization, you can maximize its potential and ensure that it remains competitive in the marketplace. Not only does human capital management help your company succeed on the business side, but it also contributes to employee morale and satisfaction, which is essential for future organizational growth.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Patricia!! First of all congrats on a new follower milestone! Those are always so exciting and asking and you deserve every one of them! Could I possibly request 39: “I wish we could stay like this forever” and 80: “let’s run away together” from promo list 2 with Oberyn? I love how you write him and would die to see what you do with this 🥺 ily Patricia! And congrats again! ❤️
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Anything for you, my love! Enjoy 🥺
(also not necessary but I am a fool - this could totally be read as a slice of life in INO)
Oberyn Martell x Fem!Reader ; warnings: references to sex
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The warmth, golden light filtered in through the sheer curtains, and the fresh, salty smell of the ocean and sound of chirping birds hit you all at once. It was a late, but beautiful and blissful morning and you were loath to get up. All you wanted was to stay here forever, wrapped up in the arms of your beautiful lover. Almost as if he sensed that you were up, you felt him grinning against your skin as he pressed a flurry of gentle, saccharine kisses to your chest and collarbones. You mumbled something into the soft pillow, something about wanting just five more minutes of sleep, but he just chuckled. 
“Sleep is for the dead, sunshine,” he murmured as he worked his way up your neck and stopped at your lips.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," a small huff of air escaped your nose as you pouted at him, slowly opening your bleary eyes. You found his soft brown ones, crinkled sweetly in the corners as he grinned at you, studying your face intently, “good morning.”
“Speak for yourself,” you teased him, “it cannot be a good morning if I am being woken up at such an ungodly hour!”
“Ungodly hour,” Oberyn laughed - a twinkling, beautiful sound - before laying back down and pulling you on top of him. You made a small sound of surprise at the sudden motion, but quickly quieted down when you felt his warm, bare body against yours. His golden skin on yours was delicious and warm, soft and strong at the same time, a perfect juxtaposition - just like him. You laid your head onto his chest, “it is almost the afternoon, sweet girl, it’s hardly ungodly.”
“Why can I not enjoy the day in bed with my prince?” you sighed softly, running a hand through his dark curls, “why should I allow the world to part me from my lover in such a manner?”
“Unfortunately the world requires us to be present,” he chuckled as kissed the top of your head. You huffed lightly although you understood what he meant. You'd always known - from the moment you had met the handsome prince.
“And what’s more important? The world or me?” you joked as he grazed his fingers up and down your spine, leaving a wake of gooseflesh under his fingertips. You sighed into his touch before pressing a few kisses to his bare chest.
“You, of course,” he promised, “and you have me always, first and foremost. But sometimes the world needs their prince.”
"And what about me?" you said softly as his large hands landed thoroughly on your backside, giving the firm flesh of your ass a squeeze. You giggled wildly before turning to look up at him and grabbing his jaw, "play fair!"
"I am," he insisted as you kissed him, "you will always manage without me. For the world needs their prince, but what is a mere prince to the queen?"
"Shut up," you groaned at him before moving to sit up so you were straddling his lap, his body humming with gentle love under yours, "you are not even a prince - only a mere fool!"
"A fool for you," he insisted softly as his hands found purchase on your hips. You beamed at him, golden as the sunlight and causing his heart to melt, "let me show you how a queen - my queen - is treated."
"Oberyn," you gasped slightly as his hands wandered up your body and to your breasts, "I thought we had to get up and rejoin society?"
"I've changed my mind," he grinned, "the prince needs you instead."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Its beautiful here," you were sprawled out on the lush, soft blanket, soaking up as much sun as possible. You were near the edge of the stunning lake, secluded and alone, as you listened to the soft lapping of the waves onto the shore. It was so serene and blissful, for a few moments you almost forgot that a world outside of this place existed. 
Oberyn hummed in content as he popped a few fresh, plump berries into his mouth. He grabbed a particularly plump looking strawberry and held it out to you, dangling it just in front of your lips. You made a show of taking a large bite from the berry, letting the juice dribble from your lips and down your chin.  He tuttled lightly before using his thumb to collect the juices and holding it out to you. 
Grabbing his wrist, you pulled his thumb into your mouth before sucking it clean before slowly releasing it with a loud pop. He grinned at you, before pulling you in for a kiss. 
"You are a very tantalizing little thing," he licked across your bottom lip, savoring the sweetness that lingered. You grinned against him before pulling away and lying back down on the blanket. Oberyn watched you for a few moments before lying next to you, his large hand grabbed yours and he defty laced your fingers together, "you're thinking much too loudly."
"I am doing nothing of the sort," you shrugged innocently, keeping your eyes closed in order to shield them from the sun - and Oberyn. He had a knack for being able to read every thought and feeling almost as if he was able to see into your soul. Naturally, there were a million things running through your mind at once, but you weren't going to tell Oberyn any of that - not yet anyway, "perhaps you're being too analytical."
"It wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of such a thing," he snorted in laughter, "but I, my sunshine, am also able to read to you - easily. Tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours."
"And if I refuse to speak my peace?"
"Then I shall be forced to pull it out of you," he insisted softly as he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a delicate kiss to your knuckles. Sighing contentedly, you rolled onto your side so you could properly face him.
And he was beautiful - so stunning in his golden glory. He was older now, than when you'd first met him, calmer after everything he'd survived in King's Landing, even more wise and world weary than the best men. Which you supposed he was; a man with words as sweet as roses or sharp as hawthorne - it was easy to see why everyone fell at his feet, but he still reminded them of why he was the Red Viper.
The soft brown of his eyes, flecked with gold in the light, always seemed to betray him.  At least to you anyways. His hair was longer these days, softer much like him, lightened by the sun and flowing into luscious curls. His facial hair has greyed slightly (from keeping up with all of the kids he always claimed), and he was more...him. 
You'd always loved him, from the day he seemed to save you from a life of uncertainty and domineering men. But it has been a privilege to watch him grow, to see him become the best version of him - it was always thanks to you, he claimed, a guise you greatly disputed. But you loved him - your husband - more than the moon and all the glittering stars in the night sky. 
Playing with you a lock of his soft hair, you continued to brush off the insinuation that anything was wrong, "nothing is the matter, Oberyn. I am merely enjoying the private company of my husband."
“And yet there is so much going on in that mind,” he mused, as you shrugged innocently, “so much buzzing, I’d think we were in Honeyholt and tending to the bees. My dear sunshine, you should know better by now - when have I ever let such a thing go?”
“You are incessant,” you groaned lightly, but appreciating the care and concern nonetheless, “it is silly - a mere folly that should not even worry me and alas, here I am.”
“If it matters to you, then it is not a mere folly,” he promised, “you can tell me anything.”
“I know,” you agreed with a small. You sat up slowly pulling your knees to your chest as you looked out into the sparkling water. Oberyn followed suit before moving to sit in front of you, putting his hand under your chin and turning your face up to his. He almost left you breathless with his easy beauty and warmth, “it’s just...I like this. Just you and me, no one else around, no worries, no duties. I...I hate to think once we return home it will all cease to exist - you will be forced to your duties, as I understand you must, and I? Well, I suppose I will be your dutiful wife, hoping and wishing for a chance to see her husband.”
“Then I suppose we should run away, shouldn’t we?”
“I’m serious,” he insisted softly as you just laughed at his idealistic ways, “let’s run away together, even if just for a while. No one has to know...and when we are ready we shall return.”
“That is a temporary solution for a permanent problem, my love,” you gave him a weak smile before pulling out of his touch, “what about when we return to Dorne?”
“Always so serious, my sunshine,” he chuckled softly as you huffed at him, “you must ruin every little surprise, mustn’t you?”
“I have done nothing,” you insisted, sticking out your tongue at him, “all I do is care about my husband and I am teased and punished for being woeful and caring!”
“You have not been teased -”
“I have too, Oberyn Martell!”
“I will make it up to you, sweet girl,” he praised with a glint in his eye, “however, whenever, and wherever you should fancy. Now - will you let me finish?”
“I have not been-”
“Your prince demands it.”
“Well your queen insists that she hasn’t been doing anything of the short,” gave him a little smirk, “but go on and tell me about this so called surprise.”
“When we return home to Dorne, things will be different,” he promised as you raised your eyebrows in question, “I have been thinking, and don’t even say a word, and I think it’s time for me to...take a step back and let Doran and Arianne, as his heir, handle things from now. I am getting tired...weary, of all these tasks that should be left to the next ruler. Besides, Arianne is more than ready to take over. I think I should quite enjoy a quiet, leisurely life.”
“Oberyn,” your mouth dropped and formed a small o as you studied him to try and see if he was being honest. A smile tugged on the corners of his mouth before he broke out in a wonderful grin. You leaned over and kissed him, unable to stop yourself, “do you mean it? Please tell me this isn’t some sort of cruel joke.”
“I would never do such a thing,” he whispered as he pulled you into his lap and you wrapped your arms around his neck, “I just think...it’s time. Besides, there is nothing more I want than to spend my day with you, and the girls - think of all the things we can do. There are still ways to help our people, but we will do it together.”
“You continually amaze me,” a single tear, this one of nothing but happiness and love had rolled down your cheek as you pressed your forehead against his, “and I will never know what I did to deserve you, and I will be forever grateful to the universe for bringing you to me.”
“Now you’re just flattering me,” he reached up and gently wiped away the tear, “for it should be the other way around. I take it as though you are not opposed to the notion?”
“Not at all,” you smiled softly, “I could have asked for nothing better.”
“Then what do you say?” his hand found the back of your neck as he gave you a gentle squeeze, “shall we run away? To Essos - the Summer Isles - far away from everything? Only to return when we decide we are ready to?
“Yes,” you eagerly agreed, delighted by the prospect of spending the days and nights at your husband’s side, without a care in the world, “I want nothing more.”
“Then it is settled,” he promised, “now, will you let me show you every way in which I love you?”
“Oberyn!” your face flushed with warmth as you looked around to make sure no was within ear shot, “we are out in the open! Anyway could...see.”
“And that is not our problem,” he shrugged simply, “we have told them not to disturb us, hopefully they heed our advice. But now, sweet girl, you are all mine.”
“Always,” you promised softly, “I am forever yours.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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cameforagoodtime · 4 years
One Direction and Management
Okay, to start off, I am a quarantine fan. I didn’t know anything about One Direction until a couple of months ago. I am sure that there are things that I don’t know anything about, and I can guide you to accounts of people who have been fans since the beginning (or at least pre-hiatus) because they are much more knowledgable about everything and also have seen progressions that I will never be able to understand. That being said, in my couple of months being a fan I have seen many misconceptions about the music industry that seem to be prevalent in this fandom. I also need to disclose that I do not have a perfect understanding of the music industry. I have a much better understanding than the general public, but everyone in this fandom has a better understanding of the industry than the GP so that’s not much of a distinction. What sets me apart is that I have access to someone who was formerly a part of the music industry. My dad was in a band for 11 years (from 1989-2000) and during that time he developed an understanding of how the industry works. I know that I am not completely knowledgable about the ins and outs of how the music industry works, but I talk with my dad about music all the time so I have an understanding different than the casual fan. 
Also, most of the time when I am writing about the fandom as a whole I am writing about post-hiatus fans. Most of the long-term fans that I have come across are so battle worn that they intrinsically have a great understanding of the industry. The problem comes from the people that haven’t seen the ebbs and flows of the industry over the last 10 years and tend to make incorrect assumptions.
One thing that I see all the time with the boys (especially Harry) is this inherent distrust of managers and management. I see where it comes from, Modest was absolutely terrible and did terrible things to the boys (though you have to admit even though they’re terrible they operated with incredible amounts of success). The major difference between Modest and all of the boy’s current managements is that they didn’t choose Modest. It’s widely known that the first deal that you get in the industry will take advantage of you. I have heard stories of small bands that are signed to a label that end up having to pay off their debts for decades after. The boys were pigeonholed into a deal with Syco from being on the X-factor, the contracts they had to sign to even be able to compete on the show ensured that. Because of that, Syco was able to take advantage of their naivety and get a better deal (for Syco not for the boys).
In general, management is a separate deal from the label. A label generally does not assign a management team, usually an artist already has a management (or at least a manager) before they negotiate their first deal. Because of the contracts the boys signed to get them on x-factor, they were pigeonholed into Syco and Modest, and then all the problems that we know and love started happening (though I do think that its very interesting to think about the first year and a half where Modest really didn’t exert a lot of control, but that’s a thought for a different post). I think people in this fandom tend to think of every management company as Modest and don’t understand that the first offer (which is what the boys accepted after the X-Factor) is always going to screw you over.
I think the best way to describe the normal relationship between artist, management, and label is that the management works for the artist, the artist works for the label. The reason that the management is necessary is because the label can (and does) try its best to screw people over. Artists hire a management to make sure that their interests are protected in the face of the label. I think most of what I am talking about is with Harry, so mostly I’m going to talk about the Azoffs. 
Irving Azoff is one of the best managers in the industry. He won an honorary grammy, and he is widely regarded as the most powerful person in the music industry. The way he has gained this power is by being cut throat. I am in no way defending Irving (or Jeff) Azoff, I think it is very likely that they are terrible people, but they are undoubtedly very good at their jobs. Your manager should not be your best friend, and I think all of the boys know that. Your manager should, however, be someone that you believe will fight tooth and nail for your best interests, and the Azoffs have proven time and time again that they are willing to do that. Irving Azoff is widely credited for the weakening of power that the labels have had over the last couple of decades because of his willingness to cut other people down for his clients. 
Here is where we get into my experiences. My dad’s manager was a guy named Alan (Al). Al is a super awesome guy, was a great manager for my dad, but at the end of the day he is pushy, micromanages everything, and I’m not going to lie I’ve heard stories of my dad being super annoyed with him. The reason my dad kept him around, however, was because he was really good at his job. Al would negotiate with the venue to get he highest pay, he would negotiate with the label to get more money out of a record, and sometimes he did the hard thing and told the band the things they didn’t want to hear. This was all his job. My dad still plays a show every two years or so with the band, and Al still tries to negotiate the highest amount of money he can out of a concert (even though my dad and all of his bandmates have other careers now and don’t really need the money). Al is now one of the managers for Duran Duran, is on the board for like 7 companies, and is altogether really successful, but it’s not because he was the nicest person to be around, in fact it’s mostly because of the opposite. 
I absolutely love Al, but he is such an asshole sometimes, and it’s because of that trait that he was a good manager. The same goes with the Azoffs. Yes, they probably aren’t great people, most people in positions of power like that aren’t. They are good managers because of their asshole tendencies, not in spite of. 
One of the things that makes me the most frustrated in this fandom is this inherent distrust of the Azoffs off of the belief that they manipulated Harry into signing an un-beneficial contract. This idea seems to stem from the belief that Harry isn’t smart enough to realize he’s being manipulated. I can assure everyone that after 10 years of being high level in the music industry, Harry is well aware when he’s being manipulated. I’m sure that he’s aware of his position and how people will try to take advantage of him, and I’m certain that he’s hyperaware of the fact that people are going to try to manipulate him. The major difference lies in the fact that 26 year old Harry is armed with a plethora of knowledge about the inner workings of the industry and a really good legal team that looks over and negotiates every contract he signs, 16 year old harry was not. 
In conclusion, managers suck, but that’s the whole point of their job. No one is best friends with their management. So no, Jeff Azoff is not the devil and forcing Harry to stay off of social media because of image control. It’s realistic that after 10 years in the public eye he wants the keep his life private (I absolutely do not blame him). I think that it’s likely that his label is controlling him and his image a bit (again, a post for another time) but I don’t really think Jeff is forcing Harry to do anything he doesn’t want to do. Harry isn’t a naive 16 year old anymore. He has an understanding of the industry much deeper than anyone in the fandom because his is all first person.
I also think its important to note that the image we were getting of the boys while in the band was also not authentic. I think that this is something that is too often forgotten, but even at the beginning when they seemed to be given a free for all there were clear messages that each of them were tasked with delivering. I think that the perception is often that management was less controlling of their social media during one direction, and while to some extent this is true, it’s important to note that their public persona has never been a true representation of them. We do not, nor have we ever, truly known who these boys are. We only know what they are willing to publicize.
I might make more posts about things people don’t understand if there are any requests (or if I just get bored). If anyone actually is reading this I’m sorry that you had to read through all of that, but if you have any questions (which I’m sure you do, I’m really bad at explaining things) just message me and I will be happy to explain it.
EDIT: I feel like this may come across as me saying that management disputes don’t happen in the industry. They absolutely do, it’s just that it doesn't seem likely that Harry in particular is having management disputes. All of the boys (except maybe Liam, but I don’t know enough about that particular situation) seem to be okay with their management teams. Harry seems to be totally fine with Jeff, so people really need to stop saying that he is unhappy. Jeff isn’t controlling all of his actions like people seem to think
I also think it’s important to remember that Niall is still signed to Modest, and it doesn’t seem to be forced. Modest may have been terrible management for Louis and Harry (and even though i don’t know enough about their specific situations I’ll group Liam and Zayn into this category as well) but clearly they were good managers for Niall. Every single situation is different but people need to realize that management doesn’t do all of the image control, they execute a lot from the label as well (and Syco seems pretty homophobic so...)
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menonassociates · 5 months
Small Business Advisory Services
Business advisors help small businesses develop and execute plans for working toward substantial, long-term growth. They also keep up with changes in the market and competition. This is an important part of their work as it can help you avoid making costly mistakes.
It is often difficult to see the issues dragging your business down because you are too close to it. This is why it’s so important to get a fresh perspective from an outsider.
Leadership succession planning
A well-thought-out small business advisory services succession plan is crucial for a business’s success. It ensures a smooth transition when the owner retires or is forced to leave due to illness, death, or other circumstances. It also helps protect clients and employees from any potential problems that may arise during the transition period.
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Developing a leadership succession plan involves identifying potential successors, mentoring them, and providing them with opportunities to grow their skills. This could include active learning, stretch assignments (challenging tasks that allow them to develop experience outside their regular job duties), 360-degree feedback, and executive coaching.
Small business advisory services can assist with the leadership succession planning process by identifying key roles, analyzing their current level of performance, and developing plans to improve them. This will help the company achieve its goals and sustain a strong culture. In addition, they can help with financial aspects of the process, including business valuation, retirement planning, and preparing for tax implications.
Buy/sell agreements
A buy/sell agreement is a legal document that re-allocates ownership in a company. It’s like a business prenup or a will, and it stipulates how the owners of a company will dispose of their interest should a triggering event occur. This could include death, disability, divorce or retirement. It also defines how the purchase price will be fixed and how it will be funded. It can be in the form of a cross-purchase agreement, an entity-purchase agreement or a right of first refusal.
Having a well-drafted buy/sell agreement in place can prevent disputes and conflict. It also allows for a smooth transition of ownership. Moreover, it provides peace of mind for the other owners and their families that they’ll be compensated fairly for their interest in the company. It’s also important to remember that a buy/sell agreement may need to be reviewed and revised periodically, such as yearly. This will ensure that it still meets the objectives of the business and the valuation provisions are up to date.
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Small business advisory services help businesses grow and increase their bottom line. These experts specialize in a variety of industries and can provide expertise, connections, and other resources that are essential to success. They can also improve the efficiency of a company and reduce costs. They can also assist with a wide range of other business needs, including planning and financial projections, employee management, and customer acquisition.
One of the most important aspects of a small business advisory service is their outside perspective. They can see issues that your in-house team may not be able to, because they are too close to the situation. They can also point out inefficiencies and redundancies, helping you streamline your operations.
A good small business advisory service will understand the business in which you operate and speak your language. They will also know the competitive umbrella under which you operate and how to position your business for long-term growth.
Selling to an outside party
The goal of a Northside Accountants advisory services is to provide strategic financial analysis, support, and insight to help businesses achieve their objectives. Advisors can give industry insights, draw on their own experience operating (or coaching) other businesses and offer financial solutions that unlock growth.
Advisors can help businesses streamline operations, identifying redundancies and inefficiencies. They can also provide expert advice on financial strategies and taxation. This can free up time for the owner to focus on business development and expansion.
The key to finding the right adviser is to find one who will challenge you and be willing to speak honestly about his or her observations. In addition to being experienced in your industry, it is important to choose someone who is not a family member or friend. This will ensure that you get honest feedback and a broader perspective on the business. This will help you make better decisions for the long term.
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deliciousscaloppine · 4 years
Hot Takes Galore: A brief overview of fandom backlashes that influenced fanfiction writing traditions as I have personally experienced them:
In today’s segment I am going to talk about copyright infringement.
First let me preface this by saying I have only ever been in 3 fandoms, starting from 2008 and I have never been terribly active - like this blog has been the most active I’ve ever been in any fandom ever. I am not going to talk about particular fandom dramas because I am pretty clueless about that. What I am going to talk about is that friction between “reality” and online spaces that brought about changes that are still in effect today in the way fanfiction is written and perceived.
In 2008 as I was entering, nearly every piece of fanfiction had a disclaimer about the author not owning the characters, which were the property of Corporate Entity X, or Author Y, and also not profiting from the work in any shape or form. At the time getting money from writing fanfiction was a gigantic taboo, and almost no one did it, or advertised that they did. 
But as I understand through convention culture printed writing did circulate in exchange for money (zines), and at least in Japan one could sell doujinshis (self-published stories and comics, often within the framework of another work) in certain events. Although this was largely considered “illegal” under copyright laws, and artists could be persecuted or blacklisted from entering the industry if discovered. That’s also why fanartists often to this day may screen where and when their work is viewed, and move to take down reposts, or call others to protest if artworks are circulated without permission outside of the artist’s page.
Older fandom people also hated authors that moved against fanfiction, a big case being Anne Rice, the vampire lady everyone - including me - copies when writing about vampires. And now I am going to talk a little about that.
Usually, writers, just sit somewhere cosy and write, and often they have no idea, absolutely no idea, on how to manage their writing properties - usually a lawyer does that, and lawyers want A Lot Of Money (A brief brush with justice and lawyers over a civil dispute I won, cost me 1000 euros out of nowhere, in a single day, and no I couldn’t avoid it because I was the accused one, so I had to appear with some representation). 
So sometimes, quite often, it’s a lawyer that activates a writer or other artist to move against “smaller” copyright infringements, in order to make bank. And if one suffers such a case, they should make it as apparent as possible to the other party that they have no money, and the pressure will go away immediately. But even MORE OFTEN a small copyright infringement, may lead to a sequence of bigger ones, and ultimately the de facto loss of rights from one’s writing properties, and of course revenue. 
And for a lot of published authors, they just don’t know for how long they can publish things - publishing houses that have them signed can close, book sales can drop, tastes change, personal problems, and anything else may mean that they could find themselves without a source of income at any point in the future, while they are aging and becoming more and more irrelevant. 
A very famous case currently, is that of Alan Dean Foster, the writer who has done some novelizations for movies like Star Wars and Alien, and is no longer receiving revenue from that - while his wife is hospitalized and their family needs the income - because Disney absorbed the company that had signed the contract with him, and chose to not honor the previous contract. To make them pay he will have to go into a huge legal battle with a corporate giant, which he cannot afford. But they still absorb income from these novelizations.
But how does fanfiction tie into that, and Anne Rice’s case (which if memory serves right, also went through a series of personal problems, including her husband’s death during that time). 
So for a lot of writers, fanfiction may be that tiny breach that may threaten their rights in the future from tresspases of distribution networks. Meaning, people write vampire fanfiction based on Anne Rice’s work? What if another publishing house used the template of her works (historical settings, bleeding orifices, religious themes, homosexuality and sexual trauma etc) and produced a royalty free series of such works with a team of professional writers that do not own the work - who often have less rights, like not owning the characters, or the storylines, participating in a very small scale, so their payment goes down etc)
And in this way EVERYONE SUFFERS. Big Name Published Author fades into obscurity and goes into poverty and payroll writers are horrifically abused.  
A lot of hobbyists, and hobbyist writers whose sole dream is to be published in some shape or form, do not really care, and do not concern themselves with the legal aspect of creation, or the technical skill that it takes to produce writing on a consistent basis, which can only happen if you’ve got your basic needs covered. So they might see this type of backlash as inherently privileged. 
But it’s not really a privilege, there has been a global recession in basic working rights for everyone, and lovers of fiction don’t have to condone, of course, attacks against them, but they need to put that kind of backlash in perspective. Someone did write the content you enjoy, THEY ARE NOT DEAD YET, and may have opinions on how it should be managed, especially when it pertains to their livelihood. 
It’s a delicate balance that we all must keep in order to keep corporate regulations out of it.
For instance with the recent danmei explosion The Untamed brought forth, Ao3 was banned in China. Now a lot of you might know that this was caused by some real person fic involving the actor Xiao Zhan, which led to a whole other level of drama. But make no mistake this was a political act to protect the interests of the domestic publishing industry as it prepares to do an international opening that will bring in several billions from foreign markets.
Because Ao3 has been expanding as a platform globally it brings about changes, and in many cases steals readers away from traditional publishing, so it becomes unacceptable economically for a bunch of hobbyists to influence tastes, market mores, and create sensationalism around certain properties out of literally the blue. This is not a good thing for a lot of corporate thinking, they set the product and we are supposed to buy it. We are not supposed to go, it would look greater with a bunch of anal, and then put forth a million words altering the character of the intellectual property.
Why you ask? Again, because another publishing industry might choose to imitate the style of danmei fanfics and produce works that hijack readership, or lead to breach of contracts, making an unsafe environment for workers in this industry (Xiao Zhan’s case.)
Nowadays I see more and more fanfic authors coming out of their shell to ask money for writing in the form of donations, patronage and commissions, as fandom involvement is also becoming vastly monetized. The market of conventions coming into social media platforms. A strange more exists still in which while “legally wrong”, as long as money is not asked on the publishing platform (Ao3), it may not count as copyright infringement. But fanfic authors, may still be treated with hostility for this, for not “deserving” to profit from someone else’s properties, or even worse for “stealing” readership. 
For instance a recent argument I have seen from lgbtq authors, is that they remain unsupported by fandom spaces, who often proclaim themselves as lgbtq or lgbtq friendly (something that is not true), but at the same time they are not looking for published lgbtq stories, or authors, or even treat these with open hostility, or a lot of bias.
Fandom is not comprised from “readers” in the traditional sense, definitely not friends of literature, and it’s free, no one really has to pay anything to read a published fanfic.  So it’s a pretty loose demographic with no set characteristics, and no interest in investing time and money in something for long. It’s an online social activity and not a readers’ movement, highly influenced by peer pressure and branding. It’s basically a gigantic group of people who don’t really do anything for no one, and may develop a parasitic connection to intellectual properties (I am sorry peers, it’s the truth). 
And it’s perhaps the biggest counterculture scene at the moment in the developed world. To this day it treats even its own authors with tremendous suspicion, disregard and dismissal, meaning that even if someone can get some money and recognition locally through writing fanfic they are on thin fucking ice at all times for all the reasons but mostly attracting unnecessary attention to themselves and subsequently the scene.  A pattern that we will see is endemic to all forms of fandom backlashes.
So to this day in contrast with fanart, fan writers may not be compensated for their troubles, but may also be ousted from their domestic professional spaces for writing fanfic that may infringe on their intellectual property. 
The thing is, for me, that fandom culture can become incredibly supportive of corporate practices that harm actual people (writers, they are people too) but when they realize that the same corporate practices may be used against them, it’s too late to realize that it’s not a lottery of who wins by crying more, and by the time that happens, a corporation or industry who has used them to do its dark bidding, can stop catering to them  because ultimately they have become again irrelevant once a well defined demographic of  readers and viewers has been secured.
So if you are going to do counterculture, at least do it right. Be respectful of the writers/authors of the content you consume and mindful of their troubles, do not generate public strife that brings in political regulation in favor of corporate interests. Become interested in writing culture, support your fanfic authors with lasting engagement in their work, even if it escapes the narrow confines of a certain fandom. It’s simple. Eat, live, pray, fuck, or something.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, April 5, 2021
Coming out of the cave: As life creeps back, some feel dread (AP) Dinner reservations are gleefully being made again. Long-canceled vacations are being booked. People are coming together again, in some of the ways they used to. But not everyone is racing back. For some, even small tasks outside the home—a trip to the grocery store, or returning to the office—can feel overwhelming. Psychologists call it re-entry fear, and they’re finding it more common as headlines herald the imminent return to post-pandemic life. “I have embraced and gotten used to this new lifestyle of avoidance that I can’t fathom going back to how it was. I have every intention of continuing to isolate myself,” says Thomas Pietrasz, who lives alone and works from his home in the Chicago suburbs as a content creator. Pietrasz says his anxiety has grown markedly worse as talk of post-vaccine life grows. He says he got used to “hiding at home and taking advantage of curbside and delivery in order to avoid every situation with people.”
Vaccine passports are latest flash point in COVID politics (AP) Vaccine passports being developed to verify COVID-19 immunization status and allow inoculated people to more freely travel, shop and dine have become the latest flash point in America’s perpetual political wars, with Republicans portraying them as a heavy-handed intrusion into personal freedom and private health choices. They currently exist in only one state—a limited government partnership in New York with a private company—but that hasn’t stopped GOP lawmakers in a handful of states from rushing out legislative proposals to ban their use. Vaccine passports are typically an app with a code that verifies whether someone has been vaccinated or recently tested negative for COVID-19. They are in use in Israel and under development in parts of Europe. But lawmakers around the country are already taking a stand against the idea. “We have constitutional rights and health privacy laws for a reason,” said Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, a Republican. “They should not cease to exist in a time of crisis. These passports may start with COVID-19, but where will they end?” Benninghoff said this week his concern was “using taxpayer money to generate a system that will now be, possibly, in the hands of mega-tech organizations who’ve already had problems with getting hacked and security issues.”
Facebook data on more than 500M accounts found online (AP) Details from more than 500 million Facebook users have been found available on a website for hackers. The information appears to be several years old, but it is another example of the vast amount of information collected by Facebook and other social media sites, and the limits to how secure that information is. The availability of the data set was first reported by Business Insider. According to that publication, it has information from 106 countries including phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, locations, birthdates, and email addresses. Facebook has been grappling with data security issues for years.
In Myanmar, Easter eggs a symbol of defiance for anti-coup protesters (Reuters) Opponents of military rule in Myanmar inscribed messages of protest on Easter eggs on Sunday while others were back on the streets, facing off with the security forces after a night of candle-lit vigils for hundreds killed since a Feb. 1 coup. In the latest in a series of impromptu shows of defiance, messages including “We must win” and “Get out MAH”—referring to junta leader Min Aung Hlaing—were seen on eggs in photographs on social media. Young people in the main city of Yangon handed out eggs bearing the messages of protest, pictures in posts showed.
With Swarms of Ships, Beijing Tightens Its Grip on South China Sea (NYT) The Chinese ships settled in like unwanted guests who wouldn’t leave. As the days passed, more appeared. They were simply fishing boats, China said, though they did not appear to be fishing. Dozens even lashed themselves together in neat rows, seeking shelter, it was claimed, from storms that never came. Not long ago, China asserted its claims on the South China Sea by building and fortifying artificial islands in waters also claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia. Its strategy now is to reinforce those outposts by swarming the disputed waters with vessels, effectively defying the other countries to expel them. The goal is to accomplish by overwhelming presence what it has been unable to do through diplomacy or international law. And to an extent, it appears to be working. “Beijing pretty clearly thinks that if it uses enough coercion and pressure over a long enough period of time, it will squeeze the Southeast Asians out,” said Greg Poling, the director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, which tracks developments in the South China Sea. “It’s insidious.”
Nearly 20 arrested in alleged plot against Jordan’s King Abdullah II (Washington Post) Jordanian authorities on Saturday arrested as many as 20 people and sought to restrain the movement of a former crown prince amid what officials called a threat to the “security and stability” of a country long regarded as a vital U.S. ally in the Middle East. Prince Hamzeh bin Hussein, the eldest son of the late King Hussein and his American-born fourth wife, Queen Noor, was told to remain at his Amman palace amid an investigation into an alleged plot to unseat his older half brother, King Abdullah II, according to a senior Middle Eastern intelligence official briefed on the events. The move followed the discovery of what officials described as a complex and far-reaching plot that included at least one other Jordanian royal as well as tribal leaders and members of the country’s political and security establishment. One official cited unspecified evidence of “foreign” backing for the plan. Biden administration officials were briefed on the arrests, which come at a time of heightened economic and political tension in a country long regarded as a bulwark of stability and an essential partner in U.S.-led counterterrorism operations.
Cairo’s mummies get a new home. And a grand procession on the way. (Washington Post) It was a parade unlike any other this city has seen. A procession of 22 ancient Egyptian royal mummies streamed Saturday from downtown Cairo, where revolutionaries rose up to topple autocrat Hosni Mubarak a decade ago, to a new museum three miles away that represents Egypt’s future as much as its past. At 8 p.m., the mummies—18 kings and four queens—left the famed ochre-hued Egyptian Museum near Tahrir Square, where they had rested for decades. They were each atop specially decorated gold-and-blue-hued vehicles resembling boats. Or perhaps the symbol of a winged sun, an ornament worn by Egypt’s ancient rulers and seen as providing protection. Each of the 22 vehicles was emblazoned with the name of the royal mummy it carried. The multimillion-dollar affair—called the Pharaohs’ Golden Parade—had been promoted for months. Egyptian authorities are seeking to attract tourists, a key source of foreign currency, and alter the course of an economy battered by the coronavirus pandemic, Islamist attacks and political chaos in past years. The highly choreographed ceremony was also a nationalist vehicle to highlight Egypt’s place in history. The nation’s authoritarian president, Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, who himself is often referred to as “a new pharaoh” for his ambitious projects and iron-fisted rule, presided over the ceremony.
Confronting late-stage pandemic burnout (NYT) Like many of us, the writer Susan Orlean is having a hard time concentrating these days. “Good morning to everyone,” she tweeted recently, “but especially to the sentence I just rewrote for the tenth time.” “I feel like I’m in quicksand,” she explained by phone from California, where she has been under quasi-house arrest for the last year. “I’m just so exhausted all the time. I’m doing so much less than I normally do—I’m not traveling, I’m not entertaining, I’m just sitting in front of my computer—but I am accomplishing way less. It’s like a whole new math. I have more time and fewer obligations, yet I’m getting so much less done.” Call it a late-pandemic crisis of productivity, of will, of enthusiasm, of purpose. Whatever you call it, it has left many of us feeling like burned-out husks, dimwitted approximations of our once-productive selves. “Malaise, burnout, depression and stress—all of those are up considerably,” said Todd Katz, executive vice president and head of group benefits at MetLife. The company’s most recent Employee Benefit Trends Study, conducted in December and January, found that workers across the board felt markedly worse than they did last April. The study was based in part on interviews with 2,651 employees. In total, 34 percent of respondents reported feeling burned out, up from 27 percent last April. Twenty-two percent said they were depressed, up from 17 percent last April, and 37 percent said they felt stressed, up from 34 percent.
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stemrate7 · 4 years
Divorce Arbitration Resolution.
Collective Separation Arbitration.
Are Future Revenues Taken Into Account In A Divorce Settlement?
Kid Inclusive Mediation
Just How Is Mediation Different From Going To Court?
If Your Youngster Does Not Obtain A Requirements Assessment Or Ehc Strategy.
Mediation, Private Hearings and Very Early Neutral Assessments Family members conflicts are painful enough without having to conduct them in public. When arrangements have damaged down or reached an arrest, there are private options that you can consider as an alternative to court procedures. Each private mediation session often tends to take 1.5 to 2 hours, however we will be assisted by you. In general, much will certainly rely on the complexity of the problems involved and just how easily an agreement is reached. Some clients solve issues in a single session whereas the majority of can take a variety of sessions to take care of the matters at hand. Simply put, any type of concern can be moderated where there is a wish to get to arrangement and also stay clear of lawsuits. Mediation can relate to funds (e.g. on divorce or splitting up or following cohabitation) as well as can additionally be utilized for problems relating to plans for youngsters.
At the initial conference, a conciliator will talk to you regarding what happens in mediation so you can decide if it's for you. If you choose you do not wish to mediate, they'll inform your company mediation is not possible. This videoproduced by the University of Exeter assists describe more concerning the mediation process and also gives suggestions about what can assist the mediation procedure do well. family mediation services grange-over-sands will certainly help you discover a service which benefits you both and also describe exactly how you can make an agreement legally binding. If the value of your case is under ₤ 10,000, you will be able to access the private telephone mediation service used by the Court Service if you issue your case at court, and this is defended.
Are Future Profits Taken Into Consideration In A Divorce Negotiation?
Nonetheless, it is constantly open to the celebrations to increase any issues they want to re-address and to re-convene in plenary conference for that or any kind of other function. There are no hard and fast policies as to whether lawyers must go to or as to whether, if they do, both guidance and also solicitors should go to.
What is the success rate of mediation?
62.5% of those responding had used mediation as a means to resolve workplace disputes. This is consistent with national surveys, for example a recent CIPD survey indicated something in the region of 65%. Of those who had used mediation, 100% were successful.
The cancellation fee is established as a percent of the moderator's day-to-day fee, the percent boosting as the date techniques. It is important of Arbitration that it is a versatile and also versatile procedure. The events can design what they require in the particular circumstances of their disagreement. As with the settlements it provides, the LCIA intends to make its arbitrations affordable. To this end, mediation prices are additionally based upon the per hour rates of the moderators and also of the LCIA's administrative staff, without reference to the sums in concern. Emphasis Mediation pushing priests to enact laws to compel litigants right into mediation as soon as lawful charges get to 20 per cent of the value of a conflict. Expert arbitration services for divorcing pairs and also firms wishing to avoid hold-up as well as costly legal bills.
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As an example, if you're mediating in between divorcing moms and dads, sessions are a crucial duty in the legal process to agree kid safekeeping arrangements and also will be considered by a court. Some circumstances need a neutral viewpoint, to pay attention as well as understand all sides of an argument. As a moderator you'll be he or she, supplying level playing field for individuals involved in a conflict to speak without being evaluated or disrupted.
MV Mediation program takes on evictions - Martha's Vineyard Times
MV Mediation program takes on evictions.
Posted: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
CEDR concentrates on the resolution of business disagreements and deadlocked arrangements. We have experience throughout all markets and also with all types of conflicts, from small insurance claims to disagreements valued in the billions of extra pounds. The Centre for Effective Conflict Resolution specialises in arbitration and different dispute resolution. We are an independent non-profit organisation as well as a registered charity. You'll require to maintain your abilities as well as practice up to day throughout your job. Recognized mediation training carriers normally supply a series of continuing expert development possibilities, including professional training programs, occasions, workshops, meetings, participant resources and online news.
Just How Is Arbitration Different From Litigating?
Expert areas, for which you need additional training, include special academic demands and impairment. The majority of accredited arbitration training suppliers hold an expert directory of mediators where you can find overcome advertising your abilities, experience and track record. In lawful functions, for example, you'll get useful experience in working to accomplish acceptable outcomes and resolution for clients, which will assist when you go on to do arbitration training.
The lawful representation needs to be proportionate to the scale and also intricacy of the case, remembering constantly that the objective of the arbitration day is to resolve the case not to attempt it. Most importantly, the client requires to feel great in the team's ability to respond to any new disagreements that are elevated and to advise him or her on any type of propositions for negotiation that might be made. These placement documents need to be exchanged in between the celebrations as well as duplicated to the Arbitrator ideally around seven days before the mediation - longer in really intricate issues. The papers might be accompanied by different private submissions that an event wants the mediator alone to see. The Parties must prepare short mediation position papers or summaries. These should remain in skeletal system form as well as laid out what each celebration considers as the essential issues of truth and regulation. One essential effect of dealing with a mediation day is that the events will thereafter be responsible for a cancellation fee if the day is not used.
If Your Youngster Does Not Obtain A Needs Evaluation Or Ehc Strategy.
Things is that we have a hard time to negotiate our way via dispute since we're so angry, worried, or harm that we find it difficult not to let feeling get in the way of factor. Communication breaks down, as well as we get so completed that we can scarcely bear in mind exactly how the debate also started. By understanding these dispute processes far much better, we can start to fix all sorts of conflicts a lot more successfully. Dr. Mike Talbot, is a renowned mediator, fitness instructor, as well as therapist.
The Case for Pre-Suit and Early Mediation - JD Supra
The Case for Pre-Suit and Early Mediation.
Posted: Fri, 11 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
You can also pick where the hearing occurs and which issues you focus on. When you reach an arrangement with joint law, your solicitors will typically prepare a 'permission order' - this is a legally binding arrangement concerning your financial resources. In the introductory meeting, you and also your ex-partner will generally meet separately with a qualified conciliator. Hereafter, you'll have arbitration sessions where you, your ex-partner as well as the mediator will rest with each other to review your differences. It's much better to try as well as get to a contract via arbitration if you can. You might save cash in legal costs and it can be simpler to solve any differences. You do not have to go to mediation, but if you wind up needing to go to court to iron out your distinctions, you normally require to verify you have actually been to an arbitration information and also assessment conference.
In addition to an excellent team at UK Arbitration, Mike has actually developed a market-leading series of training programs as well as conflict resolution solutions. Ian Lovatt PPC, FMCA, CIM Ian is a Pay Per Click, a certified family members conciliator and also is qualified in the direct consultation of kids. We know family members mediation operates in many situations since we have efficiently aided over 3000 clients to day. Separation or separation is hard, but reaching an agreement shouldn't be. We work right across England and Wales and also our family arbitration service has more than three decades' experience supplying expert, expert family members mediation solutions. Mediation can continue while it satisfies the needs of the individual celebrations included.
a pair to solve a financial settlement and plans for the children. She functioned carefully with the pair as well as at the moderator's tip, likewise with their solicitors, that participated in the final mediation sessions. In this area, you'll discover Resolution's suite of resources for moderators. This consists of information on the extent of arbitration, just how you end up being an arbitrator, courses for expert advancement and far more. Mark recommends on the resolution of intricate building as well as engineering disagreements throughout the contractual supply chain. Peter McHugh is a building regulation specialist, acting upon behalf of service providers, below service providers and also companies in conflicts of all sizes and types.
a company that helps will typically last between 1 to 2 hours, depending upon the intricacy of the situation. If you're not comfy with remaining in the very same room as your ex-partner, the moderator can prepare 'shuttle' mediation. This is where the conciliator talks to you alone and after that speaks to your ex-partner with your propositions individually. An Arbitration Details Evaluation Fulfilling is the very first meeting which will aid develop whether arbitration will certainly be suitable in your conditions, and whether it will aid you to reach a contract. Arbitration is utilized to settle disagreements regarding work environment relationships instead of various other conflicts, such as pay or problems associated with dismissal or conduct. The arbitrator will certainly concur with both sides which details can be shared outside the mediation and also exactly how. If you do not get to an agreement, anything that's been said throughout the arbitration should be kept private and can not be made use of in future procedures.
[Podcast] Trouble in paradise: Protecting privilege after Glencore - Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration - Australia - Mondaq News Alerts
[Podcast] Trouble in paradise: Protecting privilege after Glencore - Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration - Australia.
Posted: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 00:04:34 GMT [source]
Although there is no legal regulation of moderators, you must take a training programme certified by a relevant professional body or council. Training demands will certainly rely on the sort of mediation you want to go into. You'll generally be office-based, for instance at a family arbitration service place.
The arbitrator can choose mediation is wrong for you (for instance, if there's been residential abuse and also you need to visit court rather). Adjudication can be less costly than going to court, yet it can still be expensive. The specific quantity you'll pay depends on where you live as well as for how long it takes you and your ex-partner to get to a contract. It's a bit like litigating, but in family members mediation a mediator makes a decision based upon your circumstances - not a judge.
Yard Court Arbitration remains to provide a fixed fee scheme for mediations listed below ₤ 50,000. This applies similarly to remote or online arbitration through Zoom or Skype. Sport Resolutions provides a shortlist of experienced sport professional arbitrators for the celebrations to pick from. If the events can not concur or would certainly like Sport Resolutions to appoint the mediator, after that we have the ability to do so. The following phase is generally separate private conferences with each of the events or groups of events. This can as well as usually does lead to the Moderator shuttling between the parties for a long time prior to there is any further plenary conference.
A court charge is billed when you release any kind of case, but no different fee is created the mediation. Although there is no legal policy of conciliators, the CMC runs a system of voluntary policy for civil/commercial as well as workplace conciliators and providers. If agreement is reached in arbitration, placed in writing and authorized, it is binding like any type of other agreement. If court procedures have already started, an order of the court which shows what was agreed in mediation can be made by contract of those included (called a 'permission order' or a 'Tomlin order').
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Peter concentrates on obtaining the most effective outcome for his clients by taking a business technique to the resolution of their disagreements. Rewarding-- A mediator's function is to aid communication in between the events, not to make or enforce any kind of decisions; The entailed events control the result and collaborate ahead to a win/win contract. Less formal than litigating-- Less people are involved in arbitration than when you litigate. Budget-friendly-- Managing a disagreement through arbitration is a lot less expensive than going to court. The CEDR Structure supports projects allowing the next generation of specialist moderators and those with arbitration skills.
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