#and also hates she can't have something like mindy has chad
lionydoorin · 1 year
what if, in "our apartment," the line "cause you won't fucking tell me when you're coming home" is tara to her mom...
OUCH. that would hurt SO bad.
tara being so used to her mom always being out she doesn't really stay home much, as well.
the house is too big and too empty. it scares her.
her home situation was common knowledge amongst people of woodsboro, to a point where, even if she didn't need to say anything, there were always places for her to stay.
amber always had spare pillows for her, ever since they were little and tara needed a place to hide from everything. mindy and chad always offered sleepovers, as well, ones they could stay up all night and watch all of the elevated horror she'd like. judy and wes would offer her rides home, company for lunches and dinners so she wouldn't eat microwaveable food all week.
but there were other times, where none of these options came, and she had to face the darkness surrounding the carpenter household. had to cook her instant ramen and sit down, by herself, in the giant living room. pick a movie to watch in silence, missing the constant bickering between mindy and chad when she sits between them, or amber mocking horror characters when they do stupid stuff on screen. she misses being eight and cuddling up next to sam on the couch, her older sister's arm wrapped around her while they watch disney movies and laugh at the tv.
she misses sam.
one time, though, her mother did come home. she arrived at an ungodly hour, smelling like a mixture of different types of alcohol, with disheveled clothes and making a mess as she passes by. tara pretends she's asleep on the couch while she hears her mother moving around, opening the fridge and then closing it, mumbling nonsense as she walks around the house.
she hears footsteps approaching the living room and suddenly the walking comes to a stop, that smell of alcohol getting stronger as she's filled by her mother's presence. tara won't dare to open her eyes, waiting for christina's next movement.
she hears her mumble a shit, the kid's home before she turns and walks back. tara hears her grabbing something, probably her purse; hears how the bottles tingle as she takes them with her.
that's how she discovers christina is actually coming home, sometimes, when she thinks tara isn't there.
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loveshydorky · 24 days
ethan landry like boyfriend
ethan landry x fem!reader
sfw and nsfw
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I think ethan just loves to gossip with you. he is the guy who knows everything that happens at the university or in your dorm with him. ethan loves to gossip with you, in the evenings lying on his bed. especially, you both love to make fun of chad and tara. laughing at the fact that chad can't kiss this bithc, or at the fact that tarantula got into trouble again.
- «tarantula got into some trouble again, she had a fight with some idiot from the fraternity» - you rolled your eyes. and ethan chuckled softly. you both even came up with nicknames for this two bitches.
this guy is very clingy. this guy always manages to hold your hand, keep his hand on your waist or on your thigh. as soon as he sees you, he already out of habit puts keeps his hand on your body.
ethan will save money for a long time for your date with him or for some gift for you. he will save money diligently and try not to spend much. on dates he is definitely a gentleman.
when you find out he's ghostface, you still love him and he's grateful to you for it. he told you a funny story about a richie's girlfriend. ethan immediately started to hate amber.. he's just irritated by her stupid pig-like face. she even tried to flirt with him, so he taught her a lesson. a bucket of bugs fell on amber, and eth also ruined her clothes. after that, he never saw that pig.
he also absolutely despises people who try to make fun of you or flirt with you. he just hates the blonde emily at your university with all his heart because she always manages to make fun of you. ethan somehow ended up changing the water in the water machine to dirty and also broke the machine itself, and all the water poured out on this slut and she was famous throughout the university. you still remember how the blonde ran feverishly, and even fell in the hallway. a week later, ethan killed her.
- «baby.. is this your doing?» - ethan pretended to be the stupidest person in the world and looked at you with his big puppy eyes.
ethan just loves any clothes you wear. but he prefers it when you wear dresses. he loves your elegance. but he just hates it when you wear something revealing in public. he prefers it when you wear it in front of him, because it will definitely lead to sex later.
he loves sharing his cheetos with you, and he also loves cooking with you. he's.. actually, he knows a little about cooking. at least he's good at peeling potatoes.. but he'll definitely cut himself with a knife and you, being a caring girlfriend, will put a bandage on his cut and kiss him to soothe him. he literally melts deep down.
you're that quiet, nerdy couple, but behind closed doors you have a very... special and passionate relationship.
he is just obsessed with your hair. literally. when you are together in the dorm and relaxing, he will gently comb your hair and massage your head. this guy has hands from God.. (i kissed those hands)
if he suddenly does something wrong, he will literally beg you for forgiveness on his knees. for him it is like a catastrophe, and he is already going crazy and thinks that you will leave him. and if you do... then, endure a rough night of love with him.
his heart melts when you protect him from mindy, or anika's insults, or chad's rage. he literally looks at you and thinks.. "how did i get a girlfriend like that"
you are pinned to the very first place in his phone, and notifications are turned on only for you. except for his father, sister and chad, there is no one else in his contacts. he does not care at all about tara, sam, anika or mindy.
during rough sex he often starts complaining about your friends. his mouth is so dirty.. and you are just shocked by his words. he literally curses chad and tara and you can hear him growling.
he doesn't actually use condoms, he likes to take risks.. (what a bad boy) and he also often lies to you that he ran out of condoms, although he just hid them
he probably asked his sister quinn for dating advice and he regretted it.. she was always teasing him and making fun of her poor brother.
ethan is actually good at drawing, he secretly draws in class and rarely in econ when he gets too bored. he can only draw girls and their faces, and you know what kind of girl he always draws.
so in murders he shows his creative personality as an artist and creates his own work of art. remember anika.
you talk about anything. he prefers to listen more, he is ready to listen to any nonsense that you say and just admire your voice. he looks only at you and literally remembers everything that you tell him.
in the second act, your boyfriend literally saved you from falling out of the window. it happened that sam accidentally pushed you and you almost fell, he literally almost went crazy and pushed you away from the window. during the second act, he paid attention to you and only left you alone. when you were climbing the ladder, he deliberately began to slow down to knock down the door so that you could climb over.
his father will definitely faint when he finds out about his future wedding plans.. ethan is actually planning on marrying you when he graduates from university or a little earlier.
ethan is literally a cat. he has excellent vision and can even see well at night, he can also climb on roofs as a ghostface. and he can also.. purr. after his kills, he snuggles up to you and purrs quietly because you're next to him. but he doesn't like fish and can't stand the smell of fish. he can only tolerate salmon.
- «baby, thank you, it's so delicious.. I'll wash the dishes now» - ethan is literally ready to thank you on his knees for your care and food.
this boy barely eats normal food before you came into his life. you started cooking him light and healthy food. he just loves your fruit salad.
basically, ethan landry is a great boyfriend. he's caring, shy, and a very loyal guy. plus, he's your number 1 serial killer. girl, you've fallen in love with a criminal.
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the-oblivious-writer · 10 months
Carpenter Sisters Headcanons
Sam Carpenter & Tara Carpenter
Notes: Just some headcanons of my favorite sisters (aka my beloveds). Wanted to give you something since I've been pretty inactive this month partly due to the Christmas special I'm planning (which is coming soon) I also just love Sam & Tara sm, they will forever live on no matter what
Sam Carpenter
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We should all already know this but, Sam is all the above when it comes to Tara. Big sister? Check. Dad? Check. Mom? Check, check, check
Makes Tara carry around a bunch of self-defense weapons like a taser, pepper spray etc
Texts like an old man. She doesn't know a whole bunch of "text lingo" so Tara uses that to her advantage. She'd text you "Kys" thinking it meant "keep yourself safe" because that's what Tara told her. She definitely uses these emojis: 😂 🙂
Is completely lost when it comes to "slang terms" and abbreviations. Tara: "You ate that Sam." Sam: "Ate what? I'm not even eating." Tara's laughed/made fun of her for it while Sam remains confused
Hates being called Samantha. It reminds her of how her mother would scold and ridicule her. When Tara started calling her Sammy, she couldn't be any happier with the given nickname
Never got Tara's love for Horror growing up, but tried to understand for her. In her opinion, it's illogical how most of the characters act, but Tara likes it so she doesn't mind giving it another try
Definitely introverted. She's more outgoing with people she's comfortable with; Tara, Mindy, Chad. Growing up, she never socialized a lot
Will always set everybody else's plate before her own
The Core Four have game nights and it can get... intense. Let's just say on multiple occasions (whether that was Tara buying her out during monopoly or Chad and Mindy giving her yet another +4 in Uno) she has been extremely close to flipping the table
Could laugh to the point where she's gasping for air, I can imagine her and the Core Four just wheezing over the dumbest things
Definitely had "the world doesn't understand me so I cope by blasting music very loudly in my room, not gaf who I piss off" phase. One of the songs she would blast was Creep by Radiohead (canon event. I can't interfere.)
Tara Carpenter
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Could sleep anywhere, and always sleeping any chance she gets. I'd say she's a night person, and hates being woken up so early in the morning. And I can imagine she's a sleep talker too
Growing up she had a favorite stuffed animal she carried around everywhere with her and refused to sleep without it
She was a thumbsucker growing up, which she was teased for
Never learned how to ride a bike
She's always hated needles. Whenever she was forced to get a shot when she was younger, she refused to take it without Sam being in the room with her. Sam would let Tara squeeze her hand as tightly as she needed to
Cannot drive for shit. I just know this woman is a bad driver, Sam and the others just hold on to dear life and cross their fingers when Tara gets into the driver's seat
Her car is a complete mess, like you'll just find the randomist stuff in there. There's probably no limit to what you could find if you just try hard enough
She wakes up in the weirdest positions and thinks, "How tf did this even happen-"
Bullies kids on roblox (I don't make the rules)
If someone messes with Sam, they better count their days
She can get soo competitive. If she's winning, you'll know. Can get cocky when celebrating, chanting and everything
Her, Chad, and Mindy would put together one of those "performances" when they were little in order to convince Sam to let them stay up late or have a sleep over. Sam said yes every time
Tara's a shark defender. She believes they're extremely misunderstood creatures
A/N: I need a Sam & Tara for Christmas
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n0vabug · 1 year
I never meant for this to happen
So basically this story is about the reader and Sam fighting because Sam wants to leave NY, and then she says something that makes the reader really upset and the reader tells Sam to leave, then Sam feels bad and tries to call the reader but the reader doesn't answer and Sam goes back, turns out the reader was attacked by ghostface and then there is more that I don't want to spoil 👍👍
This Contains: Fights scenes, blood, gore, angst, fluff, mentions of depression and mental illnesses, and more, if any of these make you uncomfortable, I recommend that you do NOT read this!! Also if I write in bold in the story, that means ghostface is talking. Words: 1573
Y/N'S POV "PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE SAM, WE JUST MOVED HERE AND BECAME FRIENDS WITH ANIKA AND ETHAN AND QUINN, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ME SAM, BY LEAVING NEW YORK, YOURE LEAVING ME, TARA, CHAD, MINDY, AND EVERYONE ELSE." Tears were forming in my eyes as I spoke, I was upset, I knew that I shouldn't have yelled but I did anyways. She was trying to leave again, but this time, I didn't want to leave, I wasn't going to leave and I told her that, she promised no matter what happened, we wouldn't leave again, I can't believe her.
"I HAVE TO YOU DONT GET IT, I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS ALL OVER AGAIN, I JUST CANT Y/N, YOU COULD COME WITH ME." Sam said, I honestly felt bad for her but why couldn't she just ignore it, I honestly was mad, but sad?? Idk I just wasn't happy about this, I also hate yelling and fighting, which made me feel even worse.
"HOW DO WE EVEN KNOW THIS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH US, WE HAVE NO IDEA, ITS HALLOWEEN, PEOPLE ARE GONNA DRESS UP AS GHOSTFACE, ESPECIALLY SERIAL KILLERS, PLEASE DONT LEAVE SAM, I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU." Warm tears were streaming down my face as I spoke, my voice broke mid sentence and I was trying so hard not to just completely break down.
"Y/N, YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND THAT WE COULD DIE BECAUSE OF THIS, YOURE TOO BUSY BEING DEPRESSED ZONING OUT ALL THE TIME TO EVEN NOT....ice, shit i'm so sorry I swear I didn't mean it." She paused when saying notice, she realized she messed up by saying that. But did she just bring up my fucking mental illnesses, wtf. The warm tears stopped as I looked at her with betrayal and sadness in my eyes, why would she fucking bring that up. I think she quickly noticed what she said too because she looked at me with pure regret and sadness.
"Get out sam." I didn't even hesitate to say that, I truly loved her and didn't want her to leave NY, but I needed her to leave my apartment, I couldn't be around her at the moment. "No, wait, I'm sor-" "GET THE FUCK OUT SAM." I know it was wrong of me to yell, again, but it worked because she walked out as quickly as she could. The second she slammed the door, warms tears were pouring out of my eyes again and I couldn't breath, I love my girlfriend so much, but why would she say that, I know she didn't mean it, but still. I walked out of the living room, and walked into my room, trying to calm myself down.
After 5 minutes, I get a call from an unknown number, I quickly try to calm myself so I sound like I wasn't just crying, so I pick up. "Hello?" I said "Hello Y/n" The voice is a bit familiar, too familiar, and not the good type. "Who is this?" I quickly asked. "Are you a little upset Y/n, poor sam, she was only trying to protect herself from getting killed, she didn't want to deal with this a second time, but you took it the wrong way. Shut her out. Didn't even give her a chance to apologize, now poor sam, she's out on her own, what if she gets butchered all because of you, y/n." Shit. Shit. Shit.
Next thing I know I'm running out of my room, towards the door. I can't let Sam die, she's one of the few people who stayed after finding out about my past and my problems. I had to get to her.
Next thing I know, a cold metal blade was pressed into my thigh, with a guy in a black costume and white mask. I screamed as blood dripped down my thigh and bled through my jeans. I then felt the metal enter my stomach 3 times, then get twisted, I screamed as loud as I could, hoping someone would hear me. "Any last words, Y/n" "Is sam ok?" I struggled to speak but managed to get those words out, I truly needed to know if Sam was okay. I needed her to be okay. The guy in the mask then stabbed me in the shoulder one last time. My eyes felt heavy and fluttered close until all I saw was darkness...
SAM'S POV I left the apartment, tears streaming down my face. I didn't mean it. I love her more than anything, and I did not mean what I said. She is the greatest person I know, even if she did have some problems, but so did I, and we were overcoming our problems together, she didn't leave me even after she found out about Billy, I didn't even think about leaving her after finding out about her mental illnesses, so after we moved to NY, I could tell she was happier and getting better, and I know me leaving, broke her heart, I could see the sadness in her eyes and the tears streaming down her face during the argument. I had to go back.
I started walking back towards her apartment and as I did, I picked up my phone trying to call her, even after arguments that we had, she always answered my calls, she was really quick at answering because she always had her phone on her at all times, but this time, she didn't pick up. So I called again. no answer. I was starting to worry, maybe she was just really mad and still wanted to answer, but I was still worried. I started walking quicker until it turned into me running. I had the key to my girlfriend's apartment since she had a spare, and since I practically lived there. I unlocked the door. "Y/n?" I look around until I see something that I wish was a dream. Her lifeless body. In a pool of red liquid. "Y/n?" Tears formed in my eyes. "Y/N PLEASE WAKE UP!" I called 911, as I talked on the phone, I broke down, tears streaming down my face. This is all my fault.
I tried putting pressure on her wounds, but the bleeding didn't stop and the paramedics were taking to long. I picked her up, her cold lifeless body in my arms, her apartment was on the fifth floor, I had to run down the stairs with her, as I ran down the stairs I yelled for help. "HELP" "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" I kept saying, until I reached the ground floor, where I met with the paramedics.
They put her onto a stretcher, bandaged her wounds as much as possible, and then put her into the ambulance. I got in the ambulance with her, and held her cold but soft hand the whole way there. I felt terrible, I never meant for any of this to happen.
We arrived at the hospital and they took her in to get stitches since her wounds were deep, so I had to sit in the waiting room until they called my name. After about 45 minutes I got called to the back, "Samantha Carpenter, Y/n L/n is out of surgery, she isn't awake but if you want, you can go wait in her room until she is." "Thank you, I'll go wait with her, what's her room number." I'm glad she was alive, I still feel terrible, all I felt was guilt, if I didn't argue with her and if I just chose to stay in NY, maybe none of this would have happened. "314." Said the lady at the front desk, I walked to room 314, my footsteps grew quicker within each step I took.
I finally reached her room, I opened the door, and pulled a chair next to her bed. She was still asleep, I hated seeing her like this, I just can't help but think this is all my fault. I sat beside her bed, with my head down and one hand on the bed. After a few minutes, I felt a warm and soft touch on top of my hand, I look up, her beautiful y/e/c (your eye color), eyes were looking directly at me, while she was smiling.
"Omg, Y/n, thank god you're okay, I was so worried, I thought you weren't gonna make it, listen I'm so sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen, this is all my fault, I never wanted to leave NY, and especially leave you, I don't think I will leave NY now because I need to keep you safe, but I shouldn't have argued or even yelled, and I feel especially terrible for bringing up the mental health thing, I didn't mean it I swear, I promise you that I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry, ple-" I was ranting until I felt her soft lips press against mine, we kissed until we both ran out of breath. "I forgive you sam, I know you didn't mean it, I love you so much" She pulled me into a kiss again, this time a quicker one. "I love you more, I'm never leaving you again." I said, before I hugged her, I hugged her tighter than I ever have before, but also tried avoiding her injuries while hugging her, I love her to the stars and beyond.
A/N I wrote this whole thing while being half a sleep, and really distracted because my bsf was over while I wrote this and I kept pausing in the middle so we could talk to each other. I can't really tell if I like this or not, I don't 100% love the little fight scene at the beginning but idk, there are things that I could fix with both of them. Idk but let me know if you want anymore, also thank you to whoever reads these because I think these are shitty a lot of time and seeing that people actually read this makes me happy so thank you so much!! <3
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ursulaap · 6 months
Yes or No?
Summary: Chad has protected you from everything, he's protected you from Ghostface, and he wants to do it forever. But he doesn't realize your age
After the events in Woodsboro, Chad fought for his life during the operations. He almost died. Mindy had major surgery, but it wasn't as bad as Chad's. You were cool. Nothing happened to you. It couldn't be because Chad kept his head up and wouldn't let you go to the party. He was determined to protect his little sister. Chad and Mindy are twins, but Mindy has never needed care. And Chad wanted to protect someone. When you were born, Chad protected you from the first moment. When he was little, he gave you all the Pokemon toys. While you slept, he stood by your bed with a child's bow and arrows. It should have been safe, but it wasn't. That's why your cat only had one eye. He protected you from everything.
Chad and Mindy are worried about you. Chad has known Ethan for a year, but after all the murders, he can't trust anyone. Mindy has a problem with that too. He doesn't trust anyone, but he lets himself be guided by the love he feels for Anika. Everything changed when you entered university. Chad is overprotective. Mindy too. You try to fight and you want your space. There is a lot to do after a month at university. "Can't you fucking leave me alone for a minute?" I yell at Chad "When you're not here, Mindy's here! I need my privacy!"
He slammed the bedroom door and leaned against it. You know you're irrational, but you hate the feeling of suffocating in Chad and Mindy's over-protective bubble. You can't deny that you're glad they're taking care of you, but you just wish they'd stop sometime. Chad sat down and turned on the TV. It waits for you to cool down. He knows how hot you can be. He didn't want to argue with you. You suddenly get a crazy idea. Climb the stairs out the window and go to Chad's room when Chad is in your room. You hope Ethan will let you in. You knock on the door and Ethan opens it. "Hi" you say. "Hi," Ethan replies cautiously. He is surprised to see you at the door of his room and is a little embarrassed. He likes you, but he knows you're Chad's sister, and that's forbidden. And she's still a little afraid of Chad.
“Uh… sure, come on in,” he replies, stepping back to let you in. He knows it's not really appropriate to let you into his room while your brother is gone, but he also wants to support you and understand what's going on. Ethan closes the door and sits next to you on the couch. He doesn't say anything right away and waits for you to start talking. He's not sure what to make of your sudden arrival in his room, and he's afraid he'll say something bad that could only make things worse. "I'm really sick of Mindy and Chad worrying about me. They watch me every step of the way. I have no privacy," you say not so much angrily but sadly.
Ethan had heard very little about Chad and Mindy being attacked. But he also heard Chad say that nothing happened to you. The two of them survived and have scars, you're fine without a scratch because you were safe the whole time, that's what mattered most to them. And Ethan knows it, so he keeps quiet. Ethan sighed. He listened to you but didn't say anything. He was looking at you and you knew he understood you even without words.
“I, um… I just wanted to talk and I didn't know who to go to. you speak quietly
“I feel like there are always a million people around me asking questions and making sure I'm okay. And I feel kind of, you know, stuffy." you speak with tears in your eyes
Ethan held you tightly as you leaned against his chest. "They're just worried about you. But I know you're already uncomfortable."
You finally felt safe in his arms.
Ethan's hug was sweet and you didn't want to let go. At this moment, you felt calm and all worries and stress seemed to melt away.
You felt protected and taken care of. However, you felt your privacy and ultimately made your own decisions about your life. "I think something else is bothering me. you say sadly, admitting it to yourself for the first time. Ethan looked at you and knew something was really bothering you.
Ethan asked you. "What else is bothering you? Do you want to talk about it?" "They're still worried about me. But when Ghostface stabbed them, I wasn't there. I was safe because they wanted me to be. I should have been there to help them. But they're worried about me." Why? They were stabbed! But still all that matters is me, as if nothing happened!" i say cry Ethan nodded.
He understood your confusion and how frustrating it is not to understand why they care so much about each other.
He looked at you for a moment and sighed.
"They care about you a lot. They want to keep you safe because they love you." “But I love them too and I don't want them to sacrifice themselves again,” you whisper without a voice, only your sobs coming out.
“I know you love them and you would do the same for them. They love you as much as you love them." Ethan slowly comforted you.
He knows you're still shaken by the events of that night, but you feel so much better in this hug.
You felt safe, held and listened.
What could be better? You feel safe and happy. You suddenly feel butterflies all over your body. You pull away from Ethan and look into his eyes. Your gaze doesn't last too long before your eyes land on his lips. Ethan notices you staring at his lips longer than you'd like. He decides whether to make the first move. He has thoughts and worries in his head that if Chad finds out that Ethan kissed you… Chad is really scared. But now here with you, Ethan feels something he's never felt with anyone before. He wants you.
Part 2?
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