muntadhir · 5 months
crying about vile geppetto at 3am
this is from an RP because I am incapable of sharing fic wips for some reason
It would be a simple thing to mumble more of his apologies, but somehow they feel distant, raw. As if he is at the opera house — crumbling now, thanks to him — and he is watching a play about himself. The structure of the play is terrible, the dialogue, the acting, but most of all the character of Giuseppe Geppetto is vile, contemptible. Who in the audience might relate to such a man? No one, he thinks. No one. "You needn't accept my apology. I would never expect such." And still he can't help but feel he is living on borrowed time. Even if his puppet — his son — keeps his secrets, it's only a matter of time before someone pries too deeply into the origins of the Frenzy, and what then? How tall might his tower of lies grow before it collapses beneath his feet? Giuseppe touches his son's shoulder: greedily, he thinks, but he lets himself imagine they both need this. "If anything, I hope that you don't accept my pathetic excuse for an apology. At least not publicly. Then" — when the truth comes to light for the survivors of Krat, he doesn't say, with all the implications such entails — "you can claim ignorance, and you will not share in my stain."
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mulletmitsuya · 8 months
Toman groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of poop, mentions of homophobia (joke), mentions of men getting pregnant
Desc: here the boys discuss whether men can get pregnant or not and other shenanigans. this also very fucking stupid
Mikey: i just took the biggest shit
Mikey: you guys will not believe the sheer size of this thing like it's as big as my forearm
Mikey: makes me wonder how women give birth
Kazutora: ?
Draken: keep this shit to yourself what the hell is wrong with you
Mikey: how can i keep this shit to myself when i've already flushed it down the toilet🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mitsuya: what does you shitting have to do with women giving birth?
Mitsuya: never mind shouldn't have asked
Mikey: well the poop tore my butt up so imagine what babies do to vaginas
Baji: this is why i'm never giving birth. looks too hard
Draken: ...you're not a candidate to do so? you're male?
Baji: what does my gender have to do with giving birth
Draken: it has everything to do with it??? what are you talking about
Baji: wow didn't know you guys were so sexist
Chifuyu: Baji-san, gender and sex are two different things...
Baji: ?
Chifuyu: sex is your chromosomes and basically what you were born with and gender is what you identify as. so since you're male, you don't have the reproductive organs to get pregnant and have a child. only female bodied people can.
Smiley: bro you're 17 how the fuck do you not know this
Baji: never been good at biology
Smiley: you don't have to be good at it to know you can't get pregnant💀
Baji: so men can't get pregnant?
Chifuyu: well if someone born as a female transitions into a man, then gets pregnant, we can pretty much say that men can get pregnant
Baji: so men can get pregnant but not males?
Chifuyu: yeah i guess
Baji: interesting
Baji: i don't think anyone's tried hard enough
Baji: i'll get a male pregnant one day, watch
Mitsuya: wtf
Draken: is the biology lesson over?
Mikey: my ass still hurts i think i'll need ointment
Kazutora: why r u reporting this to us
Mikey: you guys are my friends
Mitsuya: no ones wants to know about your bowel movements
Baji: why do you always wanna sound smart Mitsuya. just say shit or shitting
Smiley: watch, next time he'll say defecation
Chifuyu: excretion
Mikey: excrement
Kazutora: fecal matter
Draken: guys what the fuck can we not talk about this? it's fucking gross
Baji: oho here comes the fucking poop police
Kazutora: instead of his siren going "wee woo wee woo" it probably goes "pee poo pee poo" lmao
Mikey: LMAO😭
Draken: what are you a bunch of 5 year olds??
Baji: we're 17
Draken: 😐
Mitsuya: can we change the subject? christ
Smiley: i did crack for the first time yesterday. shit was crazy
Baji: yo Nahoya what the fuck
Draken: we're not supposed to do drugs
Smiley: who's we?? i'm doing them not you🤨??
Draken: and what's Angry gonna think?
Smiley: he doesn't need to know. and i did it to impress a girl so chill it's not a regular thing
Mikey: why would you try and impress a girl with doing crack?
Smiley: she's a drug addict
Smiley: but the sex was fire tho even though she tried to kill me halfway through
Kazutora: that's not fair☹️
Kazutora: where are you meeting women?
Smiley: outside
Kazutora: oh
Draken: why did she try to kill you?
Smiley: halfway through she started choking the shit outta me while she was on top and i almost died but also it was the best nut i've ever experienced so it's a win win
Mikey: that doesn't sound appealing at all😭
Draken: that sounds like assault actually
Smiley: idgaf a beautiful woman can do whatever she wants with me and if she wants to kill me then so be it (i'm a feminist)
Mitsuya: yeah but like, she should have asked
Smiley: we were both high off our rockers
Draken: yeah i feel like she should have asked you so you could have developed a healthy sex dynamic where you both share each other kinks before hand
Baji: oho here comes the fucking sex police
Kazutora: this time the siren would be men whimpering
Chifuyu: why men?
Kazutora: i don't think Draken would use women moaning cause of how the brothel might have traumatized him i think and he respects women too much
Kazutora: also he's gay
Draken: fuck off i'm not
Draken: and Baji say something else i dare you
Baji: what are you gonna do? have sex with me?
Smiley: you're all taking this way too seriously😁
Baji: with what Kazutora said, i'ma start blasting whimpering audios when i get a car
Mitsuya: i'm pretty sure that's illegal or something
Smiley: dawg no one wants to hear that
Baji: who wouldn't want to hear men whimpering?
Baji: especially the high pitched ones
Baji: cause you can associate them with twinks
Baji: with dual coloured hair, jingly earnings and large unsettling eyes
Baji: and maybe even a blonde with an undercut and big blue cow eyes
Kazutora: Baji what are you on about
Chifuyu: wait are you being serious or is this a joke Baji-san 😂😂😂😂
Draken: uhh
Smiley: i keep hoping you being gay is a joke but then you say shit like this
Baji: why
Smiley: i'm not fond of gay people
Baji: homophobia's got you missing out on some good head
Draken: we support and respect all identies, Smiley. don't make this a problem
Smiley: i'll ask again, WHO'S WE?
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final-girl96 · 11 months
Broken World: Chapter Two
"Ya fuckin' kidding me?" I let out a long sigh as I looked at Daryl. I had graduated college with a bachelor's in criminal justice and then went straight to the police academy and now I'm a cop. My hope was to become a detective and I've been trying to prove myself to the chief. That meant I needed to bring Merle Dixon in for questioning.
"I have to bring him in for questioning, Daryl. He's a suspect in a murder case! I can't just let him go because he's my best friend's brother!" I stood in front of him, hands on my hips. "I ain't tellin' ya where he is," he said, going to slam the door. I stopped it with my boot and pushed it open. "I'm going to need to look around," I said. "Ya got a warrant?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Then get the fuck outta here!"
"Daryl, come on. I need to do my job. I don't want to have to go back to the chief and tell him we need to get a warrant. Please, just let me look around. This makes you look like you have something to hide, Daryl. I convinced my Chief to let me come here alone. Please just let me in so he doesn't send someone else out." He looked down at where my hand rested over my gun. It was simply a habit now, that's all it was.
"You gonna shoot me if I don't?" He asked. I looked at him in disbelief. How could he ask me something like that? I dropped my arms to my sides and looked him in the eye. "No, Daryl, I'm not going to shoot you. And the fact that you even asked me that fucking hurts. You've been a real fucking asshole to me for the past three years." He didn't answer me. Hell, he couldn't even look at me. "Fine. Guess I'll just tell the Chief he'll need to send someone else out with a warrant. Great fucking talking."
I turned around and walked to my squad car. I flinched a little when I heard him slam the door behind me. He's acted like an asshole towards me since I told him I was going to the police academy right after I graduated college. I know the Dixons hate cops. Of course they do, both Will and Merle were constantly in and out of jail. Will usually got a night, sometimes two after being picked up from the bar.
Merle was always more than that, like drugs. He also liked to get into a lot of fights. When I found out he was a suspect in a murder related to drugs, no surprise there, but I was shocked. Merle is an asshole. He's racist, thinks women are an object, he always makes disgusting comments towards women, fuck he's done it to me. But if someone asked if I think he could be capable of killing someone, the answer would be no.
I walked back into the station and straight to the Chief's office and knocked on the open door. He looked up at the paperwork in front of him. "Come in." I walked in and stood in front of his desk. "Did you search the place?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, sir. Daryl wouldn't let me in. Said we would need to come back with a warrant." He let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry, sir." He shook his head, "no need to be sorry. You tried. That's all that matters."
After work, I went straight home. I lived in a small one bedroom apartment in town, above the bar of all places. Charlotte, the bartender and owner of the bar, insisted that I rent the apartment after I moved out of my dad's. There were only a few regulars downstairs sitting at the bar, so it wasn't loud, but it would be in a few hours. I set my belt down on my dresser, and just as I was pulling my shirt out of my pants and unbuttoning it, there was a knock on my door.
I walked towards the door while still unbuttoning my shirt. Another knock came this time louder and harder. "Alright! I'm coming, holy fuck!" I looked through the peephole to see Daryl standing outside. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and opened the door. "The fuck is wrong with you!" I was taken back at him yelling at me as soon as I opened the door. "Excuse me?"
"Merle was arrested!" He yelled, pointing a finger in my face. I swatted his hand away and glared at him. "First off, lower your goddamn voice. Secondly, I have nothing to do with that. As you can see…" I gestured down to myself. "I just got home. He ran and hid. That made him look suspicious, Daryl. He knew the guy who was murdered. He was only wanted for questioning at first until he ran, then it turned into him being a suspect. Don't blame me for your brother's stupidity."
"He didn't do anything! Merle wouldn't kill anyone, and you know it!" Still with the yelling. "If you're going to yell, at least come inside. Either that or get the fuck off my doorstep," I said. "Fuck you! Fucking pig!" He turned, walked down the hall to the stairs, and disappeared. That's just great. I took a shaky breath and closed my door. Losing my best friend over and over again was starting to really fucking sucks.
I pulled my shirt off, walked back to my room, and threw it on the dresser. I was not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I needed to get the fuck out of this small ass town. Maybe move to the city. Not like anyone would notice that I was gone. I need to put an application into Atlanta PD. New job. New apartment. New life. New start.
I took my hair out and stripped the rest of my clothes off, then got in the shower. The hot water was a welcoming feeling. It felt amazing on my sore and aching muscles. My mind just kept going back to Daryl, and how pissed he is at me. How much he hates me now. I finished up, got up, and dressed, then decided to head downstairs to the bar and have a drink or five. I guess we'll see.
I sat at the bar nursing a beer trying to ignore Clyde and his horrible flirting. The man was old enough to be my father and was one of the town drunks besides Will. Clyde was the nice drunk who flirted with any woman he could. "Clyde, leave the poor girl alone before she arrests you and throws you in jail." Charlotte placed another beer in front of him, and he took it, got up, and walked away. "How ya doin, sugar?"
"Well, my father doesn't talk to me because his wife has always hated me. My best friend called me a pig and hates me now, too. So I'm doing fucking great!" I said. She put a shot glass in front of me and filled it with whiskey. As soon as she was done I picked it up and knocked it back. "I think I'm gonna move to Atlanta."
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Chapter 22 had me on the EDGE of my freaking seat. The only one I was right about was Neil, I was 100% positive it was him. I was positive it would only be one or 2 killers, but I did contemplate 3 of them existing. I just thought it was more likely that there was one or two lollll Roman and Angelina being involved surprised me, Roman and Randy were my only other serious suspects, but I was pretty positive Randy wasn't involved and I'm so glad I was right 😭😭 I only suspected Angelina for 5 seconds and then forgot about her.
OFC Billy chokes me out and nearly breaks my wrist for DARING to question his authority 🙄 I HATE THEM BRO. These two tried to get us to help kill Randy and then have the audacity to act like the victim.... GOOD GRIEF. Billy def gave us James PTSD flashbacks. I was gasping for air, my feet barely on the floor, and Stu's just like 🧍‍♂️ I fed you, let you sleep in my house, didn't shoot you, and THIS is the thanks I get? I hope Mark shoots ya'll-speaking of Mark, he really does care. I hope Billy and Stu saw Mark sacrifice himself for us bc THATS THE KIND OF MAN WE DESERVE 🙃 when Mark leaned down last chapter I was like 'Mark, baby, lean down a little more so we can get this party started' 😏
Ngl I'm still paranoid Randy is Neil's partner. I feel like maybe we're not outta the woods yet...I have multiple predictions for next chapter. 1. Randy 100% is dying. Manz is past his expiration date. Remember how in Sequels Suck Ray told Y/n that he would "make the nerd the hero for once?" If Randy really loves us as his bestie, then he 100% would be willing to die to protect us. Randy doesn't wanna be the nerd, he wants to be the main man for once 🥺🥺 he regrets not being able to protect us already. 2. Mark 100% dies. He just knows too much, and he has a HUGE target on his back. I really can't see him getting out of this. Still wanna go on a date tho 🥺 3. Dewey LIVES. If Ray dies, Y/n still needs someone normal in her life. 4. Gale I'm kind of conflicted on. She has Stu's file, so she has a target on her back, but she's also like a roach in a suit 🤣 I feel like it's too early to kill her off. It would make sense for her to never give up trying to find out if Billy and Stu are alive...so I'm gonna go with she lives. If Randy and Mark actually die, then I'm 100% positive she'll survive.
THANK YOU!! Yep, Neil was ALWAYS going to be a Ghostface the second I decided in Set Up to have an open ending with the Sherrif telling us "Two dead teenage girls and three bodies unfound." Congrats on guessing Neil!! I had so many guesses in my ask even Cherri was lookin sus at one point ☠️
Roman was decided halfway through and Angelina was last minute...Like...That chapter lmfao bc the more I rewatched 3 the more she was so obviously meant to be a killer! Even her death scene was vague! But I left it open to interpretation if her and Roman were just partners or lovers
And ikr? I mean, I guess these are the same guys that killed their smokin hot girlfriends and Billy's reason was bc of what Sidney's MOM DID and Stu helped off Tatum cause...He was Bored??? Like, they are as apathetic and ungrateful as it gets. Fuck everything we've sacrificed for them bc their thoughts and feelings come first 🙄😒 All they know is they're sleep deprived (Like we aren't, fuckfaces?!) and they're stressed out they'll go to jail (Again...Us too) and they have obvious mental issues out the gate and that we betrayed them again. We triggered them something awful when we 'turned against them' when they were starting to trust us and we fought back. LIKE WE HAD A CHOICE. But, in their fucked up minds, they come before anyone else + the more ppl they eliminate from Woodsboro that could be the killers; the better their chances of escape are w/o being caught by police. And then when we went to police (AGAIN...WHAT FUCKING CHOICE DO WE HAVE HERE?) that was like the ULTIMATE betrayal. They are so hard to write sometimes bc I would love for them to be normal guys in love instead of whatever the fuck we got but they are not~
I ship us with Mark and just like Ray last story it low key hurts that polyghostface is end game. Mark would treat us so right he actually feels like a perfect choice unlike Derek or hell maybe even Ray...Like, it pains me so. 🥲
I can't say anything more but Gale being as invincible as a 🪳 in a suit made me giggle 🤭🤣
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5.17 station 19 *spoilers* reactions/opinions:
road trippin'! crazy how far these two have come since season 1 (also I love Jack's truck)
does Andy not know that Jack's gonna be Marina's sperm donor lol? I'm sure wombing reading is great just before bed
Vic calling Ben dad made me laugh + Theo's concerned face
PRU PAPERS! let's go! 👏
Natasha is being a bit of a meanie to Sullivan
"cause you might go to jail?" oh jack it is too soon for that my dude
screaming it out on station reminds me of dancing it out on grey's
I miss Emmett but the dude riding is gonna be fine (I hope)
oh god there is a Karen (idc her name is Jane) in this episode who won't recognize her child's gender. get outta here ma'am
Carina's toothbrush is pink and Maya's is turquoise. very predictable but we love them
"pretty much everything else about me is healthy so I wanted to make sure my little guys were too" ☠️ KILLED ME
this news is killing Andy's brain 😂
Andy looks at Jack: "I don't always pick bad guys" Y'ALL-
someone call a Toe Truck!
*mumbles about what they are* ...settles on ✨coworkers✨
of course karen called her bald husband 🙄 not even surprised
Vivie, Brooke and Abby?! there are more of them?
oh my baby jack, I love you and I'm so sorry your birth givers
"I would hate to lose my toes and my house" this guy is making jokes despite the pain and i love it
Karen shut the fuck up also they thought it would be a good idea to try to kidnap Matt while police officers were right there?
Jack you are so brave and strong. there are people who want you. there will always be people who want you.
get the other women! you guys got this! jandy dream team
"jack I am so lucky you're my brother" NO NO NO WAIT I CAN'T SHIP THEM ANYMORE CAUSE SHE JUST FRIENDZONED HIM- (I'm ignoring the comment, I'm ignoring the comment x100 repeat)
shirtless Sullivan and Natasha sitting on his bed? please 🥵
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rimaiahwrites · 3 years
Red handed—
Tumblr media
Chapter seven
After Erik drove away Israel came in to the house grinning even though he low key pissed her off.
She was still happy that she got to spend time with him, Erik was actually bringing happiness and excitement to her dull life and she couldn't be happier about it.
Israel walked right passed her brothers and into the kitchen, not even noticing all her brothers and their friends sitting in the living room looking at her like she lost her mind.
She grabbed a water bottle and began to chug it. Until she heard someone clear their throat. She turned around and started choking on the cold water. Noah got up from the floor and made his way over to pat her on the back.
When she got her choking under Control, she waved at them giving her best smile trying not to look suspicious.
"Who the fuck was that nigga you was wit'?" Her smile dropped.
"What are you talking about I-" Jay cut his eyes at her, daring her to lie to his face. Israel rolled her eyes trying to play it off. "He's Just one of my friends jay, relax."
"Since when do you have guy friends?" He asked walking into the kitchen. Everyone now quiet like he was some sort of king.
"Since when did I have to answer to you?" Israel spit back, looking him up and down. Jay was a bit taken back from her tone because it wasn't like her to get go smart mouth with him.
"Since you were born fuck you mean when? You forgetting that you the youngest?" He said cocking his head back like she just said the most stupidest shit ever. "no but You keep forgetting I'm grown. I can do as I please." She hissed slamming the freighter door shut. "I'm not no damn baby anymore, stop trying to tell me what I can and can't do I'm grown rather you like it or not, the fuck" she said stepping up to him as if he wasn't 6'0 and bulky grown man. not even realizing that she had raised her tone with him...or that she was cussing.
"Girl-" she quickly held her hand up to hush him. "No! I'm so done with this shit! Y'all three get to do whatever y'all want and y'all still live in mom and dads house and don't nobody say shit to y'all but when I hang out with someone of the opposite gender it's a problem? as if you did just sneak that girl In your room not to long ago, as if y'all wasn't fucking in there while mom was downstairs right under your room." She spit out dropping her head down a bit to give him a death stare. She was so irritated and had so much adrenaline running through her, she was shaking.
"You really can't say shit to me jay!" She said slapping her hand on the counter, and her other hand in her hip. Looking like a middle aged black mama yelling at her disobedient child while jay just stood there staring wildly at her but there wasn't much he could say. It was all true. She cut him up and now he was stuck not knowing what to say.
It was quiet in the living room and kitchen.
Jays friends didn't say a thing but they were fully entertained with the argument going on between the two Sibling.
"So what you just fucking random niggas now? Huh? That's where you was last night? At that niggas house being a hoe?" He shouted, veins popping out the side of his head. Israel face dropped at his words and they stung more then she thought they would.
You could hear a pin drop nobody made a move or spoke a word. Just a silent staring contest between the two. Jays fists balled, shoulders squared looking like he was ready to fight while Israel on the other hand was her eyes were getting glossy and her breathing heavy. She could feel the lump in her throat getting harder to swallow.
She cleared her throat and turn to walk back to get her bag by the front door. And heading up stairs, there was nothing else to be said. Israel now knew that her big brother saw her as nothing more then just a hoe, he has made it very clear today.
Israel waited until she was 18 just to talk to men and now he was calling her a hoe not even knowing that she only stayed for the night, And that was all. But there was no point in arguing with jay, he was stubborn and a asshole. if that's what he thought that's what he thought.
She shut her bedroom door and headed straight to her bed, stuffing her face in her pillow tears coming down like a waterfall.
She was Tempted to call Erik just so he could come get her of the hell hole she called home.
Maybe that was over dramatic but she hated it here, she loved her family but being with them 24/7 wasn't something she planned on doing once she turned eighteen. She honestly thought she would have been treated like her brothers were but then again she was never given a fraction of the freedom her brothers has. She was never treated like her feelings mattered, everything has always been about the boys.
You would think that since she's the only daughter her father has she would be treated like a princess and get away with everything but that definitely wasn't the case with her father. She was always the one to get yelled at first, she was always the first one to get blamed for something she didn't do and was always the first to get it the worst of her siblings.
Her father was a strict, mean military man that had no Sympathy for anyone and he clearly passed that down to his oldest son.
She was so sick of crying over them, she was so sick of being mistreated.
With tears still running down her face she sat up and took a deep breath feeling like she was dropping down into that deep hole she liked to hide herself in when she was feeling down.
His words replaying in her head like a broken record. She wasn't a hoe and she knew that and she knew that she didn't sleep with Erik but some how his words sank into her skin so deep that she felt dirty. Like she had committed some sort of sin.
She was only having fun, and finally getting the teenage experience she never got to have when she was younger.
Israel was tired of crying over things her family has said to her it was time for her to stop letting their words hurt her and effort her mental health.
She stood up from her bed and decided that she wanted to take a flower bath and just pray her troubles away.
Erik parked his black Mercedes-Benz G-Class outside of the were house he owned. This was the place he kept all of his weapons, books, important papers and information he had collected over the years of him being in college and the navy.
He and ten of his close friends that he met in the navy had formed a elite group of former navy seals. Their jobs were to Take down small governments and expose them. They also would kill small amounts of police officers and clans men which 9 times outta 10 were the same group of men.
About six months age they made a little mistake that almost got them caught which would've cost them their lives which is why they took a break to regroup to better themselves. Erik and three of his boys ace, zeik and Rae all trained the hardest they ever have far as fighting techniques, Brent, rocky and von all worked with weapons and the rest of the boys were hackers.
Today was their first meeting in six months. Erik has changed Plans and moved things from the original date so this meeting is important.
Erik walked to the side door of the warehouse and slide up the side  paneling to reveal the handprint scanner, that was the only way to get into it up less you climb to the very top and through the window but the chances of that happening was slim. Once he was into he went to the corner of the large warehouse and behind the staircase that lead you to go upstairs which was empty.
He walked into the staircase little door where there was a another door that used Voice activation to open. "State your name please." a robotic voice said as it Scanned his face. "Erik Stevens."
"Face scan complete, welcome back erik." The voice said as the heavy Metal door opened to Reveal his underground lab.  "Feels good to be back." Erik Chuckled as he walked down the steps. All of his boys turned their heads from the game of pool to Erik. "Ayo Erik where you been at motherfucka you was supposed to be here a hour and a half ago." Erik grin as he dubed ace up ignoring zeik interrogation. "Right and you be the main one mad if Someone else late to the meetings." Rae butted in.
Erik rolled his eyes.
"If y'all don't shut the fuck up, I gotta life to I just got caught up." He shrugged them off as he walked over to his desk. Rae eyebrows raised as he looked at the rest of them and they all were just as confused as him. Erik and "personal" just didn't go together in the same sentence, if he wasn't working out he was working. Erik was always work, work, work.
Brent smirked as he grabbed his water  bottle and took a sip "him must got a new bitch or sum'" ace snorted "nigga yeah right that nigga ain't been in a relationship in years, Erik fucks and dips." It was true. That just wasn't like Erik.
"All I hear is you motherfuckas being worried about me let's get to work!" Erik clap his hands exactly as he went into the meeting room with the rest of the men following.
After a four hour meeting they had finally figured everything out. It was now 10:46 and Erik was tired, Israel sleeping over had him exhausted since it fucked up his sleep schedule. On a normal day Erik was in bed 11 o'clock and up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Sleep was very important to a healthy life style. It was Proven that people that get at least 7 hours of sleep they live longer.
Soon as Erik got home he took a shower and got straight in bed. he didn't even bother putting on clothes.
It's almost been a week since Erik has last spoken to Israel since he had been so busy. It's been strictly wake up, eat, work, train and work some more he didn't really have time to hang or call.
He felt a little bad for it but he knew that she knew he wasn't ignoring her intentionally...at least he hoped she knew that.
Today Erik was going to the gun range with ace just to do some training and catch up with him since they really hasn't had the chance to do that.
Since ace's car was in the shop right now so erik decided to pick him up instead of him catching a Uber. Soon as erik pulled up to aces Apartment he saw he step out of his door and jogged over to the passenger side.
"Wassup E," he said as he sat his bag down in the back seat. "Wassup bro you ready to show these niggas how to aim?" Erik said jokily as he drove off.
Erik cooked his AMT and aimed it at the head of the paper man all the way in the range and let multiple bullets fly from it giving him a slight rush. He adjusted his safety glasses and gripped the handle of the gun again before pulling the trigger but aiming at a different figure. Him and ace were both in their own little worlds before the ringtone from Erik's phone pulled him back down to earth, it caught aces attention too.
It was Israel.
Erik beamed down at the screen but Debated if he should answer it or not, he wanted to he really did but decided it would be best if he called her later since he could barely hear from all the gun shots being fired.
"Who was that? Got you smiling and shit..." ace asked with his eyebrows raised. Placing his gun down to face Erik. "Nigga why you so damn nosy?" Erik cut his eyes at him while blindly putting his phone back into his pocket.
"What you mean nigga? I'm just trying to see who making my dawg so happy is that a crime?" He said jokingly jerking his head back. Erik rolled his eyes.
"It's was one of my friends." Erik stated before grabbing his gun again trying to get off the topic. Ace put his hand out and pushed the gun down before he could pull the trigger.
"What friend? cause the last time i checked we had the same circle of friends?" Erik sigh getting annoyed with aces interrogation. Did he want to tell his best friend about Israel? Hell nah. Because he know his best friend and he knows he's going to go over bored and start doing the most with questions.
"You don't know her. Drop it nigga."
"Her? So you got a bitch or sumn'" Erik shock his head not even meaning to slip up and say anything. It was to late to take back now. "Nah she not my girl, we just been chilling." Erik shrugged, as he corrected him.
"Lemme see what she look like nigga how you know I don't know her?"
"Hell nah nigga stop being nosy-"
"Ok but if I had a bitch I would show you-"
"She not a bitch tho." Erik said sternly in their back and forth bickering. As annoyed as Erik was ace had a point and they both knew it. Ace talked to him about everything and if he was interested in a girl Erik would be the first to know about it. Erik put his gun on safety and sat it down before digging In his back pocket to grab his phone.
He scrolled through his camera until he found his favorite picture of Israel. It was one she sent to him not to long ago, her hair was wild with tiny ringlet coils. Her lips and mouth were stained red from the dumdum that hung from it. She had her white silk night gown on and a dainty rose flower necklace that hung between her collarbone.
Erik handed him the phone and watched as he brought his fist up to his mouth. "Nigga she fine as fuck damn where you find her at?"
"A party I went to not to long ago, she was shy as fuck she would barely talk to me." Erik chuckled taking his phone back to put it back in his pocket. "We been hanging out the last few weeks, she cool." Erik said nonchalantly to make it seem like he wasn't feeling shordy as much as he was. To someone like didn't know Erik as well as ace did he would've them really thinking he didn't like her and it wasn't a big deal but ace knew.
"You feeling her?" Ace asked facing Erik now, Erik shrugged.
"Like I said she cool."
"Mm." Was all ace said. Erik didn't need to answer, ace already knew the answer.
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 09.04.21 lb
vansh's dumb ass rushing off to that random address he saw. like......... are you even checking on google maps ki kya area hai, is it conducive to having a secret person stashed there as a hostage? pata chala udhar tak pohunch gaye aur ek big bazaar hai.
ishani tripping riddhima as she runs into the house. such middle school bitchidity.
and now some interrogation of really wtf are you and vansh bhai upto all the time, coz no normal ppl can understand wtf your relationship dynamic is anymore.
blah blah some dhamki on dadi ko pata challllllllllll gaya toh??????
idc about this scene except for ishani looking hot af. i love her shirt dress and red lipstick. style icon.
anyway riddhima promises answers in 24 hours and fucks off.
lol vansh reached destination and from the looks of it, it's an empty lot. lmaooooooooooooo, fucking idiot. pehle hi bola tha maine, check kar udhar hai kya.
riddhima meanwhile steals the black box, which changes how it looks every single day.
calls vyom and is like i did my part of the deal, now your turn. they arrange the drop.
lmao vansh comes home to empty safe. follows her as she goes and dumps it in the recycling bins and tells vyom to pick it up.
hoodie waale kisine aake pick up kar diya. which i'm sure is not vyom, but angre/someone else instead.
ew vansh rootin around in the garbage bin for the box. sees it's gone and is all smirkily "INTERESTINGGGGGGG VERYYYYYYYY INTERESTINGGGG" about it. ok either box iske aadmi ne uthaaya hai ya woh asli waala black box nahi tha. warna yeh itna khush nahi hota.
ugh siya is video calling vyom and all WHYYYY CAN'T I COME SEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUU?!?!!? i promiseeeee i won't disturb you while you work, i'll just keep looking at you and listening to you. what the ever loving fuck? behen, the relationship you're describing is the one ppl have with animals in zoos. yuck i actually cannot watch this shit man, i'm fwding.
anyway riddhima walks in hearing his voice from siya's room. ek toh yeh kaun bewakoof hai jo apne secret bf se BINA HEADPHONES ke baat karta hai? ffs, 6th graders doing aashiqui better than these fucks.
riddhima yelling at siya about getting involved with shunya circle zero man, while siya yelling back about how did YOUUUUUU see my earring with him, why are YOUUUU meeting him huh?!!?? and vyom is just there on the call like
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riddhima trying to warn siya ki he's not a good man............. sis kabhi apne relationships ko dekha hai???? you're running on full 100% in the dept. of having romantic relationships with psychopathic men who try to injure/kill you on a weekly basis.
asdkjsakjdhksajdhksajhdkj i honestly am vyom in this sitch, who's enjoying this convo to the maxxxxxxxx. zoom call par baithe kisi aur ke ghar ka kalesh dekhne ka mazzzaaaa hi kuch aur hai.
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angre losing his mind about riddhima stealing the box and vansh is all cool which meansssss........ nakli tha. for sure. shoulda known when we saw it looked diff itself.
lmaooooooooooooooo black box ko orange paint kar ke rakha hua hai iss chutiye ne. and he's bragging about how no one can open it without the key.
meanwhile peeth pe key waali didi andar jhaank ke spying kar rahi hai, as per usual.
kabir over here like main riddhima riddhima chillaaunga, banyaan phaad ke........... guard has had enough of his shit and tells him to stfu.
someone from outside hears this chillam-chilli and calls the police. wow, a responsible citizen, in this show?????????? unbohlievable.
cut to riddhima walking into bedroom (in whole new outfit; huh??? is it a whole other day suddenly?????) which is decorated like a mixture of a grade school on valentine's day + the set of a suhaag raat porno, lmao. husband is also in here, in his red velvet suit, giving her bhaaaaari sex eyes.
riddhima's thinking lagta hai issko pata nahi chala ke maine naak ke neeche se box udaa liya, warne yeh saare phool meri arthiiii pe chadhte.
this b has some nerve talking to siya about her "dangerous relationship" with that shirtless bhopuuuu player when her own husband/said chick's elder brother is a quasi-murderer they live with.
LMAO THEIR WHOLEASS BED IS GONE. ABHI SESK KAHAAN KAROGE? IS CHHOTE SE DINING TABLE PAR? ouff, they must still be in their 20s if they don't require proper lumbar support.
she's all ohohohoho dard bhi tum, dawa bhi tum huh? and he's like yeah babyyyyyyyyyy, coz tum poori ki poori meriiiiiii ho.
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ok the sexy is getting scary now. as is on par with this fucker. never a moment where heart rate can be at resting rate with him. and not in a good way.
she's telling him she wants to tell him something, give him some surprise....... and he's like.... ok? and they slow dance while making shakki faces at each other's back.
kabirrrrrrr stillllllllll screaming for riddhima. guard finally calls her and makes him speak to her. she's like bitch tf you want i was about to get laidddddd.........
kabir suddenly in i love you i love you mode. shady. kal tak toh yeh gaana nahi chal raha tha??? *acp pradyuman hand motion* kuch toh gadbad hai.
whoopsssssssssss, police is here. guard is like fuck someone musta called hearing this dude's ruckus.
kabir is like mwahahahahahaha, your game is over now. police will find meeeeee and freeeeee meeeee.
lmaoooooooooo she talks to the police and says ki woh jo chila raha hai, mera mentally unstable bhai hai, toh bas...... inspector is like SAY NO MORE MA'AM, WE DON'T WANNA CHECK ON THE MENTALLY ILL, THAT'S A YOU PROBLEM, NOT AN US PROBLEM AS A SOCIETY, SO GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR CRAZY BRO, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
anyway she's like listen up kabir, my deal is over, i'll tell vansh the truth and then you'll be free. so part of the deal with vyom is to keep kabir locked up???????? hein? what even.........
kabir freaking out about riddhima telling vansh the truth, and keeps on saying he'll murder her........ DUDE WHAT THIS SORDID TRUTH ANYWAY IM SO DONE JUST OUT WITH IT ALREADY
vansh comes outta the bathroom shirtless and............... lollipop ladki is here sexily breaking wine glasses in his bedroom. zero boundaries up in this house. NONE WHATSOEVER.
ok sorry i'm not paying attn to anything being said rn coz
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lollipop ladki is like why not we drink from one glass and he's like 🤨🤨🤨
wifey's here to spoil the party.
or to make it better????????? coz lol she's like make it three glasses of wine! won't you invite me to whatever's going on???? she looks waaaay more into lollipop ladki than vansh is, which would be the best possible development to riddhima's character.
vansh like hein aise kaise you stealing girl away from meeeeee, and telling lollipop girl ki why don't you and i just chug from the bottle?
cursory invitation to riddhima too.......... man, why is this giving heavy threesome vibes???
riddhima like "no thanks, mujhe do se zyaada hont ek bottle par achche nahi lagte." alksjdlaskjdlsakjdlsajkdlaksjdlka
vansh: achche toh mujhe bhi nahi lagte.
riddhima: par lagta hai tumhe toh kisi ke bhi chalenge.
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lmaoooooooo now these two are just having their own petty pati-patni fight filled with vague statements about trust and misunderstandings, and lollipop girl is just here like
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precap: riddhima about to tell vansh the whole truth or whatever, when vyom calls and is like wtf you gave me a fake black box. riddhima and vansh are once again fighting about truth and dhoka and like.......... bro. idc anymore. someone take your shirt off to make this worth my while.
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Diamante d’Italia: Chapter 1
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After his Father "generously gave" the teenager a whopping amount of money Josuke finds himself vacationing in beautiful southern Italy.
However, being the trouble magnet he is, he ends up getting caught in Famiglia affairs.
Being so far from his home and his friends, Josuke needs to make some powerful allies to help him out of this mess...
(Chapter 1: Culture shock)
"--and remember to-"
"Yes Mom. I know." Josuke sighed into the phone, rolling his eyes. "I've got everything on me. You know I can protect myself."
They'd had this exact same phone conversation at every other airport he had called from so far. By now the teenager had memorized it all and knew exactly what his Mother was going to say.
Standing in the airport of Naples Italy wouldn't make a difference.
"Ok. But just be careful Josuke. Italy is so far from here." She said over the background clatter. "And you don't even know any Italian."
There was a crackle over the phone as she sighed, he could hear the sounds of dishes clinking in the background followed by running water.
He almost had to plug his other ear to drown out the loud voice on the intercom so he could hear her talking.
"...I know Tonio."
"That joke was horrible, Josuke."
If there wasn't the sound of dishes still being done, he would've been sure his Mother had hung up on him.
There were no words exchanged for at least a full 10 seconds and with each passing second the teenager tried harder and harder to contain every giggle that tried to escape his lips, waiting with baited breath on her reaction.
The teenager couldn't hold in his laughter anymore, wheezing a little as he leaned on the glass wall of the phonebooth.
"I know." He cackled. "But it's kinda true. Tonio told me so much about Italy! It can't be that bad here..."
A change of scenery would do him good. Especially after all he had been through in the past little while with all that serial killer mess.
He had been daydreaming about this trip, this place, but most importantly; the cuisine, for almost a month now.
After his Father so generously "gave" him his wallet upon departure of Morioh, Josuke Higashikata decided it was time for him to see some of the world.
It was definitely time for a vacation and what better place to visit than the country with food that made Okuyasu and him squabble over every single morsel cooked and served to them by Tonio.
He earned a punch to the shoulder however from Okuyasu after telling him the news. His friend wasn't spiteful however and laughed, telling him that he could finally have Tonio and his fine chef skills all to himself while he was away.
Neither of them had really looked at "normal" food that same way after tasting fine Italian food so he couldn't think of a better place to go for some rest and relaxation.
He had also heard that Italy held some beautiful sights.
Josuke promised to bring him home a shitload of souvenirs anyways. He was also considering getting something for Koichi and his Mom back home.
There was another crackle over the phone along with the running water in the background suddenly being turned off, making it a little easier to hear the woman as she spoke.
"If you say so..."
It also made it easier to hear the undeniable concern lacing her tone however.
"Say, what time is it over there anyways Mom?" He questioned, mostly out of curiosity, but also for the sake of taking his Mothers mind off of any worries she held for him.
"Just after 5." She answered with a hum, the sound of a plug being pulled and a draining sink accompanying it.
"Oh wow!" He blinked, peering out off the glass booth to squint at the overly large clock of the airport terminal. "It's only 10AM over here."
"If you're going to call home, please do it around this time Josuke." She told him, a laugh lacing her voice as she spoke. "I wouldn't appreciate being woken up by the phone at 3AM."
The Highschooler laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He should probably write that down just in case he forgot, the last thing he wanted was to be screamed at by his Mother over the phone for waking her up in the middle of the night.
"Right..." he murmured. "Anyways. I should probably go now Mom. I'll call you from a Hotel or something tomorrow."
"Ok Josuke."
He could hear her hesitation to let him go in her voice alone.
"I'll be fine. I love you Mom. Talk soon!"
"I love you too."
He hung up the phone at last, a small smile gracing his lips.
Gripping the handle of his luggage tightly, he stepped out of the booth with his head held high.
He was worried about his Mother too of course. She was going through a lot too, especially when she was still grieving for his Grandfather.
However, once he was in possession of his newly aquired money (not stolen! Where would you get that idea?) He had given her a good portion of it and told her to spend the time he was away getting her nails done or treating herself in anyway she saw fit. She needed this little break as much as he did.
"Time to find a cab."
Easier said than done.
Here he was on a sidewalk, finally into the City after nearly 2 hours of waiting for an open taxi to take him from the airport to the city, his pompador all in a stressful ruffle over the whole ordeal.
His eyes darted back and forth between the outstretched hand of the driver and the meter on the dashboard.
"120 000 Lira?!" He squawked at the cab driver, his aquamarine eyes going wide in their sockets as the man held out his hand before him.
Josuke wasn't exactly a mathematician, but he knew enough to know that amount was absurd! "Th-there's gotta be some mistake, sir! You only drove me to the edge of the city."
This was highway robbery (no pun intended), there was no way it could've been that much!
The taxi driver had rolled his eyes at him and told him otherwise, demanding he pay up or he'd drag him straight to the Police Officers who were standing idle near the Cab on the streetcorner.
Josuke peered into his wallet with a sigh from where he sat on the curb. Damnit. He'd have to think twice about taking another cab. He only had so much money to blow, necessary expenses like food and hotelrooms were his main priority, and he still needed a ticket home to Japan when all of this was over.
He'd just have to settle for walking the entire time he was here.
He tucked his wallet away safely, flicking out a comb and began to straighten out the poof of hair he so adored. He'd have to put some more hairspray in it later if things kept going like this, good thing he packed 8 whole cans.
His Lunchhour.
He stood up, grabbing his suitcase once more and keeping it close to his side.
"Well... I guess it's time to find a hotel." He mused. His thoughts were interrupted however by a punctuating growl of his stomach. He hadn't eaten much on the plane at all and from the position of the overhead sun, he could tell it was noontime.
"Ooh." He breathed, a hand moving to his stomach in surprise. "I'm running on empty..."
However, maybe it was better to ask for directions.
He supposed a Hotel would have to wait. What he really needed right now was a restaurant.
From all the stories Tonio told him about Italian cuisine and the entire culture behind it, he was sure it wouldn't be too hard to find one of those around here.
"Um- excuse me--" he tried to grab the attention of a passing man. The guy kept on walking without even giving him a side glance.
Another man approached him from behind and Josuke turned, stepping in front of him somewhat to gain his attention.
"Er... oh! Sir! A moment please, I'm--"
There went another one, very much like the first.
"Excuse me sir, could you tell me--" he started again. The man stopped in his tracks, nearly bumping right into Josuke.
"Ey! What gives?!"
"Outta my way, bastardo!"
The Highschool student barely had a chance to blink before the guy was right in his face, a fierce scowl pulling on his face.
If looks could kill, Josuke would be getting murdered in that moment.
The man grunted and shoved him further out of his way, balling his fists and grumbling to himself, too low for Josuke to hear, but the teen knew it was all in fluent Italian.
He held up his free hand in surrender, backing up and out of the way of the angry stranger.
"S-Sorry sir!" He practically squeaked. "I... I didn't mean to bother you!"
He rubbed his arm, a frown found its way to his face as he watched the furious mans back.
Sheesh. And here he thought he had been in a rough town back in Japan.
Maybe he should just start walking...
He was starting to wish he took some language courses with Koichi in this years last term.
Or maybe he could've learned some basic words and stuff from Tonio, the man always seemed eager to share in the wonders of his culture after all.
Or maybe he could've not been an absolute dumbass and bought an Italian to English dictionary to use.
Or worse.
Josuke had been walking up and down the streets for nearly an hour, passing by buildings and signs galore, none of which he could read.
He was tempted to stop another stranger to ask what any of them meant, or even just plain ask where the nearest restaurant was, but he didn't want to get screamed at again.
Staring at the signs like a toddler who didn't know how to read but was trying made it all the worse.
"This is hopeless..." he grumbled, kicking at the sidewalk, sending a small stone bouncing down the white concrete.
He was actually contemplating calling his Mother again to ask her what he should do.
Maybe he could even call Tonio. Or Koichi. Or Okuyasu. Or his Nephew. Or fuck, ANYONE at this point.
Maybe he shouldn't have traveled alone and brought one of them along...
He had a feeling this was going to be a long day and he dug in his coat, whipping out his comb again. His pompadour was getting all ruffled again.
"Ei, tu."
He paused. Did someone... speak to him?
"Um... Hello?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Did you say something?"
Frowning, he turned to locate the voice, finding himself facing an alleyway that lead off the street.
A figure stood there, leaned against the brick wall of a building, their eyes gleaming at him. There were others too, just two others, all of them looking at him.
The one closest to the alley entrance, a tall thinner male, looked him up and down, "Sei il ragazzo?" A question of some sort.
The one who spoke sported disheveled brown hair and clothes that were even more so, with strange sunken in eyes that seemed to hold a never ending stare. His two friends were not much different, they all had that same stare and it was locked firmly onto him.
Josuke frowned a little deeper, he didn't really understand what the man wad saying. Did he want something? Or maybe... was he trying to help him?
The Highschool student looked around before stepping into the alley, closing the distance between him and the group.
"Um... I'm sorry I don't understand." He flashed an awkward smile, looking between the three men hoping that someone could understand him or at least translate. "Can any of you help...?"
It sort of reminded Josuke of when he ate his Lunch at the neighborhood park back in Morioh.
The dogs that hung out around there would all approach him, then sit and watch, with their ears up and their backs straight, unblinking and expecting him to give them a piece of his sandwich.
He always thought it was a little creepy, but it was even creepier somehow to see it in a person.
The brown haired one pointed to the suitcase he held, "É questo?" That sounded like another question to him.
This was getting nowhere. He heaved out a sigh, throwing his hands up as he began to back away. "Sorry. I have no idea what you're saying... I-I really got to go."
The more he backed up, the more the blankness of stares seemed to disolve into... anger?
Yeah, suddenly these guys were looking pissed. All three of them were staring even more intensely into him, most especially the brown haired one.
"Prendetelo!" One of the others barked.
"Dacci le maledette droghe, cazzone!" The brunet man screeched and Josuke realized there was a fist coming for him. He stepped back quickly, the closed hand swooping loudly through the air, barely gracing his chest.
What was happening? Why were these men suddenly after him? Josuke barely had the time to consider the options of running away or trying to talk his way out of all of this mess before he was suddenly on the ground.
"Darlo a noi!"
They tried to pull the leather bag from his grasp and he pulled back harder, now full on clutching it to his chest as the fists now rained down on him.
Josuke couldn't even cry out. Everything was happening all at once. His thoughts were loud and his heartbeat was louder. The noise around him had gone to nothing but whitenoise. His only thought was to not let them take his suitcase.
And then... it all stopped. Just as quickly as it happened.
The teenager opened his eyes to find that all the kicking and punching had ceased on him. One of the men was on the ground and there was another person standing over them, yelling into his face.
But here he was. Defending a fucking stranger from a group of junkies.
Leone Abbacchio hated getting involved with common street fights. He hated it especially more when he was supposed to NOT be fighting someone today.
It was his day off after all. Bucciarati told him he could spend his time how he wanted it and he wanted some alone time.
All the Mafioso wanted to do was listen to his damn music and get some lunch when he noticed this damn idiot (obviously a tourist) trying to converse with the men.
'Just keep walking.' He tried to tell himself over and over, trying to pacify the unease building in him.
It wasn't his affair.
This was their problem.
He was a bystander.
He wasn't even in the alley.
He was on his way somewhere.
He shouldn't even give it a passing glance....
And then he watched the punk get knocked to the ground.
Now here he was, kicking the shit out of a damn dirty junkie.
Josuke winced at he the sound of a fist hitting hard against a nose, the crackle of bone filling his ears.
One of the men who had been attacking him came up behind the silver haired figure and threw his arms around him in an attempt to pull him down.
Abbacchio didn't even flinch and hauled the man forward, bending so he came right over his head and smacked into the brunet who was holding the nose that was gushing with red blood.
He definitely owned up to his name then and there because to Josuke his gruff and booming voice was like the roar of a powerful Lion.
That was all it took. All three of them were clamoring to their feet and booking it down towards the other end of the alley.
It sort of reminded Josuke of that time he broke that seniors nose.
Thank God his hair was still ok though, after checking quickly he sighed in pure relief. That was truly what mattered to him, along with his luggage.
His eyes turned to his savior and he slowly got up from the hard ground, wincing as he did.
He was definitely going to hurt in the morning. He could already feel a bruise spotting on the center of his back.
"Th... Thank you." He spoke at last watching as the new stranger turned to face him at last. "I just wanted to ask for directions but I didn't know what they wanted..."
The duel coloured eyes of the man burned into him as he looked over him, making the high schooler start to sweat under the penetrating gaze.
"You... seem familiar." Abbacchio said at length. He had seen someone before with the same kinda face, he was sure of it. He squinted at the Highschool student as he wracked his brain for answers.
The teenager was sure of that. He was sure he would've remembered this man purely by the way he looked, let alone the strong and intimidating presence that radiated off him, if he had even glanced in his direction before.
Josuke blinked, his expression not unlike a deer staring into the headlights of an oncoming car.
"Um... we've never met before."
Abbacchio rolled his eyes. "Tch. No shit." He spat. "I've never seen you before either stronzo. You just seem kinda familiar."
Josuke winced slightly, averting his eyes to the ground lamely.
He really hoped this guy could take a joke. He just got off the ground and didn't want to be thrown back down onto it.
He really was. For what exactly, he wasn't sure, but apologies always spilled from your lips in these kind of situations, regardless of whether you did something or not.
He broke off into an awkward laugh, shrugging as he struggled to meet the mans gaze. "I'm the only one I know who has such stylish hair like this so I don't know what would seem familiar to you."
"Whatever." The Goth finally said, shaking his head. "Judging by what just happened I can tell you're not from around here. You a tourist or something kid?"
Abbacchio folded his arms, looking him up and down again, making him painfully aware of more sweat beading on his neck.
This man was so hard to read to Josuke, kind of like his nephew in that way, he had no idea what the hell he was thinking.
"Oh sure am!" Josuke smiled brightly, a little more at ease. This guy was making some small talk with him, which was usually a step in a good direction.
A direction where he hoped he wouldn't get beat up and almost mugged again...
"I'm kinda on a vacation. I got some money and decided I wanted to see the world..." He rocked on his heels a little, studying the man before him just as much as he was him. "You live around here?"
"You could say that..." Abbacchio hummed, glancing back towards the street. "I don't exactly have a home but I live here."
"Oh!" Josuke had to refrain himself from covering his mouth after letting out that noise in surprise. He averted his gaze, absentmindedly scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh." He said, much softer this time, feeling very awkward. If only he had the ability to make the ground swallow him up. "I'm sorry...."
Leone offered no response.
"Do you like... have a place to sleep at least? Like at nights?"
"Yeah. I tend to move around a lot though." He answered vaguely. Best to keep all that extra information to himself. This brat didn't need to know the ins and outs of his life.
He nodded this time, because he did. He mostly slept at Bucciarati's house, whether upstairs in one of the guestrooms or on the mans couch downstairs.
Sometimes when out on missions, whether alone or with the others, he checked into a hotel (sometimes a Motel) and stayed there.
Other times he slept in the back of a van while on the road to or from said missions.
At least he wasn't drinking himself to death somewhere in the gutter anymore...
He turned his gaze back to Josuke who seemed a little more at ease hearing his words. He narrowed his eyes, "You're not.... in the Famiglia? Are you?"
Josuke blinked a few times. The.... what?
That alone answered his question.
Who the hell other than a Mafioso sported a fucking pompadour?!
Raising one pointed eyebrow, he looked the kid over again. He never would've guessed he wasn't associated because he certainly dressed like a Mafioso.
What with that black coat adorned with those shiny golden hearts, not to mention the peace sign and the anchor as well, and that hair...
This twerp apparently...
Abbacchio huffed, waving a hand dismissively. "Nevermind. Just... watch yourself Kid. More importantly, watch your wallet."
Oh Christ! His wallet! He might've dropped it in that scuffle! Those bastards might've took it!
Josuke panicked, hands instinctively slapping his pockets in a frantic search. Ah! It was there! As soon as his hand found the bulge in his pocket, he let out a breath as relief washed over him like a warm tidalwave on the beach.
"Oh- yeah, yeah... of course." He breathed. "Th-Thanks for reminding me-" here he paused, his pale blue eyes blinking. "I never... got your name."
To his own surprise, Abbacchio complied.
"Abbacchio." He said. "Leone Abbacchio."
"Abbacchio..." Josuke tested the name out, bobbing his head as he idly scratched his chin. "Ha! Cool name. I'm Josuke Higashikata, I actually come from Japan."
The dawny eyed mans frown deepened as he contemplated telling him that his last name literally just meant "lambchop", a far cry from "cool" if you asked him, but he thought better of it.
Yeah. There was no way in Hell Abbacchio was going to try and take a crack at repeating that last name. He'd be there all day.
Just "Josuke" would have to do.
"Japan, huh?" He said aloud, more to himself than Josuke, stroking his chin in thought. "I hear the streets are much nicer there..."
The events of the past couple of months suddenly came flooding back all at once to Josuke. How he and his friends had been attacked left and right, going against all odds, all on a search to hunt down their towns serial killer.
The blaring siren of that Ambulance still haunted him in his sleep and he woke up in a cold sweat each time there came the sound of a head being popped each time it replayed in his head.
He laughed a little, forcing a smile on his face as a hand swept through his hair. "Yeah... you could say that."
Now desperate to change the subject, he decided to steer the conversation to something much lighter. Something that didn't make him remember a massacre.
Or a hand-fetishing serial killer getting his head squashed like a grape.
"You've... got quite the fashion sense." He commented, pointing to the mans open coat lined with laces and purple lipstick maybe a little rudely. "I like your eyeliner."
Leone hardly batted an eye (a well lined eye at that) at his words. If anything, he was surprised the kid didn't outright say anything like "ARE YOU A GOTH?!"
He was quite used to that one, even if the answer was yes it was still irritating.
Besides... that one little girl on the bus that time told him he looked pretty. And that was enough for him.
Or there was always the "Why are you wearing makeup? You're a MAN!"
Now that one always made him fucking furious. Just because he was "a man" didn't make any damn difference. Makeup was to make you look good so it was for everyone.
"Thanks." He huffed. Though his voice hadn't lost any of that gruffness, he truly was thankful for a genuine compliment. "I like your coat."
He wasn't quite like Koichi however. The silver haired teenager thst only came up to his hip wore his heart on his sleeve everywhere he went.
Josuke, very unlike Abbacchio who seemed indifferent to it all, blushed at the praise. His friends always told him he was very expressive and that was true.
When he was happy he walked with bounce in his step, when he was sad it all came out in tears and when he was angry... oh... he was told the sight wasn't very pretty.
"Ah, thanks. It's my school uniform, I really like it."
Here Abbacchios eyebrows shot right up, a frown twinging at the corners of his mouth. A school uniform? This kid must have been living some kind of high life, or maybe at least went to a pretty decent school, if this was just a plain old uniform.
He pursed his lips, the punk kind of reminded him of a stand-user. He had a hunch.
"I see..." he hummed, folding his arms across his chest. "You really are still just a kid then."
Bucciarati often said that stand-users (natural or otherwise) tended to gravitate towards one another. Like "strings of fate" or some cliché sounding shit.
But maybe it was possible. This kid wasn't a Mafioso... but he could very well have powers.
Like lightning striking, Josukes expression changed again. His eyebrows went together and his lips into a sort of a pout.
"I'm 16." He told the man, trying to sound as rough and tough at least as half as this stranger was (Abbacchio quirked an eyebrow, looking completely unfazed at his attempt however, probably because he just watched him get beat up). "Besides. I think I'm pretty mature..."
"I won't call you a kid if you don't call me an old man. Deal?"
This kid was starting to kinda sound like Mista. However if the punk started spewing shit about how the number 4 was unlucky, he would get as far away as possible.
He half chuckled (it was more of an exhale), coloured lips quirking somewhat into a smirk.
Josuke shrugged, uncrossing his arms as his lips pulled into a smirk of their own, cocking an eyebrow at the other.
"Hmm, depends. How old are you?" He questioned, almost playfully. The man must have been at least approaching his 30's but he wasn't sure.
"Well into my 20's." Abbacchio grunted, keeping his exact age number vague to the young teen. "But I've seen more shit than other people do in a lifetime."
For all he know he really could be an old man. He had white hair after all and certainly had the gruffness of an older man.
Maybe he was hiding some wrinkles under that makeup or something?
Only in his 20's? Jeeze... he believed that last part. Most especially when the dawny eyes suddenly locked onto his, staring at him with all seriousness.
"Listen to me, I don't really care what the Hell you do, but when you get out of school... stay away from the bad stuff. You hear me?"
Josuke swallowed, his mouth now felt way too dry, and he nodded to the man almost knowingly. He had been through some bads too... however, he couldn't help but wonder how much similarities there were between him and Abbacchio.
Leone huffed quietly, giving the kid one more solemn nod, before turning on his heel and quietly going on his way down the alley, out towards the street.
The teenager watched him go, feeling painfully out of place all of a sudden, like a puzzle piece that had been jammed into the wrong spot.
"Uh- hey!"
He didn't even realize that he had called out until Abbacchio halted in his tracks, turning to look at him with a deep frown.
Josuke fidgeted on the spot, stuffing his hands in his pockets to avoid fumbling with them out in the open and look somewhat composed under the older mans stare.
Once again, Leone Abbacchio found himself feeling surprised.
"Uhh..." he cleared his throat, trying to focus his thoughts clear enough to speak without stuttering.
"This might sound kinda weird but -uh... you wanna... like grab a coffee or something?" He smiled sheepishly at the man whose expression didn't change. "I mean, you just kinda saved my skin back there and you seem pretty cool. I don't have anybody traveling with me and... we could like... talk more? Ah- only if you don't mind!"
Ah, fuck it. He had already gone out of his way.
Normally when he was out and about and people were forced to interact with him in any way, shape or form, they tended to want to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible.
Hell, he had people practically jump out of his way sometimes when he was just walking down the street.
Plus, he was getting hungry.
He nodded to Josuke.
Josuke was now jogging up to him, the man swore he saw stars in the teens eyes to match his bright smile.
Tonio definitely didn't tell him that part about Italy...
He wasn't even sure if he had even been that long here in Italy.
Josuke did his best to keep up, Abbacchios steps were long and deliberate making him quite fast for a man who was just taking a stroll, keeping just a little behind him to avoid bumping shoulders with the people on the streets.
Abbacchio started down the alley again, waving him to follow.
"Comrades, huh?" He laughed a little. "What? You in a gang or something?"
It was meant to be a joke. Something to get his newest companion to roll his eyes and give a half-hearted chuckle. Josuke felt his stomach become as heavy as a brick when Abbacchio swiveled his head to look at him, his white hair flinging slightly over his shoulder as he stared him in the face.
The teen wondered briefly if his new ally would suddenly beat him up like those dealers tried to do and he gulped, preparing to turn tail and run as fast as he could down the street.
The former policeman frowned deeply. Did this stronzo know nothing about the mean Italian streets? The Mafia? Of fucking course he was in a Gang, did he think he was just a streetwalking freak that kicked the shit out of druggies and junkies alike for fun?
Abbacchio leaned closer, his expression radiating all seriousness.
"S-Sorry..." he muttered somewhat lamely, his voice so quiet Abbacchio probably wouldn't have heard him if he weren't so close.
Any idiot would know the true meaning to that answer and Josuke didn't consider himself an idiot.
The man grunted in response and simply kept walking, no more was said as Josuke continued to followed him down the street to this supposed spot.
On the bright side of things... he now reminded him even more of his nephew Jotaro.
Even if it wasn't in a good way...
More importantly, he was finally going to get something to eat.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 27)
"What Did I Do....."
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Luna still can't sleep. She gets up, deciding to work on the song that's been rolling around in her head.
🎶Feared life//Feared love//Thought I was fresh//Outta fucks forever//But//I'm trying to start over//With you🎶
Luna finishes the song before grabbing one of her grandmother's larger acoustic guitars and sliding on a pair of sunglasses to cover her ugly cry face. She then records, posts and sends the link to Colson. She misses him and hates that he's not picking up. Her heart hurts as she finally falls asleep.
Colson's still partying back in LA. Even though Luna keeps calling, he continues to dick her calls. He's so fucked up, he doesn't even know why anymore.
Luna wakes up still feeling exhausted. She tries to call Colson again. It actually rings all the way through this time before hitting voicemail.
She gets up and showered. Throwing on a leopard print cardigan to hide her gunshot wound from her grandmother.
In the kitchen, Opie and Jackson are sitting with her Mom-mom, laughing, joking, catching up. Luna joins them. Her grandmother can tell something's off. Luna tells her she's just tired. Pat knows she's lying but doesn't push her.
"Are you all flying back today?" Pat asks them as Happy joins them.
"Mom-mom, they can't fly, they're felons." Luna tells her.
"Well technically, we can fly. Our PO's just can't know about it." Happy corrects her. Luna rolls her eyes laughing with everyone else.
"Want me to see if Joni will let you borrow the jet?" Luna's Mom-Mom asks her. Luna sighs. She doesn't want to but agrees because it's the safest way to get the guys home. Considering what they did for her, it's the least she can do.
Colson wakes up, head pounding not knowing where he is.
"Pants are still on. That's a good thing." He thinks.
"Where the fuck am I?" He sits up holding his head.
"My place, Dick." Ashleigh says kicking him hard on the foot. "And you better not wake the fucking baby up." She threatens.
"What am I doing here?" He asks.
"I don't know what you did last night. I got a call from Benji over at Sound around 4A, saying if I didn't come get you, they were calling the police. By time I got there you were beyond wasted, Kells. Some girl all over you." She's not amused.
"Did you see me hook up with her?" He asks, filled with fear.
"No, but you were trying to drag her into my car, like she was coming with." Ashleigh says sternly. "I don't know what's going on with you and Luna, Kells. You wouldn't say, But she's gonna snap when she finds out about last night. And, she called this morning."
"She did!?" Colson grabs his phone. He has 5 missed calls from Luna and 2 texts. He walks outside to sit on the deck and smoke a joint. He opens the texts before calling her. He's slightly terrified. There's one asking him to please call, then another with a link to her YouTube channel. He suddenly remembers she doesn't have an IG and is extremely thankful. He checks his, trying to recollect last night. There's nothing. He thinks about calling Mod but wants to see what she posted first. He opens the link and clicks on the video. It's titled Brooklyn Bitch and it's her playing an acoustic guitar big enough to hide her body. She's naked except for a pair of sunglasses, he's pretty sure. And something on her left shoulder, that he can't make out. She starts off strumming the G chord.
🎶Feared life🎶Feared love🎶Thought I was fresh outta fucks forever🎶Trying to🎶Start over with you🎶
Looking into the camera, she continues singing.
🎶A Machine🎶His Scene Queen🎶Tattoo skins covered in leather🎶When I dream🎶It's of us two🎶
Flipping between G and F now, she continues her voice dripping. He's hitting the joint.
🎶Oh, Bunny, I miss you on my lips🎶It's me, Your little Brooklyn Bitch🎶Hanging out with the neighborhood kids... Shouting out Bang! Bang! Kiss! Kiss!🎶
Strumming into C7 and F, she floats over the melody. Still smoking, he's mesmerized by Luna.
🎶We're in the yard🎶The joints on fire🎶And as the day begins to slip away🎶All that glitters somehow stays🎶I'll write, you'll tour, we'll make it work🎶You're beautiful and I'm insane🎶We're American made🎶
She's back to G, starting the same chord structure over again.
🎶Don't need🎶A Hallmark🎶Just want You as My Lover🎶Twist Norman Rockwell 🎶To fit our punk view🎶You&Me🎶Obscene🎶No one and nothing matters🎶Except all the Bad Things, we do🎶Oh, Bunny, I need you on my lips🎶It's me, Your little Brooklyn Bitch🎶Hanging out with the neighborhood kids... Calling out Bang! Bang! Kiss! Kiss🎶We're in the yard🎶The joints on fire🎶And as the day begins to slip away🎶All that glitters somehow stays🎶I'll write, you'll tour, we'll make it work🎶You're beautiful and I'm insane🎶We're American made🎶
She hums changing the chords to Em F Am
🎶If you weren't mine🎶I'd be jealous of your love🎶If you weren't mine🎶I'd be jealous of your love🎶If you weren't mine🎶I'd be jealous of your love🎶 She smoothly fades out. Looking over her sunglasses and smiling at him before shutting off the camera.
"FUUUUCCK...." What did I do? Colson worries. His heart dropping. He calls Mod immediately.
Luna's flying back to LA. She doesn't know fucking why. She hasn't talked to Colson since she walked out on him yesterday morning. Her shoulders killing her. She looks around, it seems everyone's knocked. She pops a 30 and sparks a joint. The smell draws Jackson out. He uses it as an excuse to sit beside her as she side eyes him.
"I'm sorry." He says when she finally passes him the joint. "I just thought, when you were ready, you would want me."
She sighs, watching him hit it. "It's the same thing you did to me with Tara..." She starts to explain.
"Is that what THIS is about?" He interrupts her.
"Jesus Fuck, Jax. NO. Can you listen?" She takes the joint from him as punishment, hitting it hard. He's silent. "Like I was trying to say, there's no doubt in my mind that you loved me Jax, or even still do love me. There's also no doubt in my mind that you didn't plan to meet and fall in love with Tara, while I was gone either." She shrugs, wincing, hitting the joint again before handing it back. "It's the same thing with Colson. I didn't plan to meet and fall in love with him either." She looks into his sad eyes. "I'm sorry. Bad timing."
"Yeah." He says, giving her the joint and going back to his seat.
She hits the joint again, feeling the perc kick in. "I fucking hate dudes." She thinks to herself, sliding her sunglasses on.
Colson talks to Mod. "Nah, Dawg!! You were funny as hell last night... Share all the drugs, the drinks, dance with all the bitches but anytime one of 'em tried to push up on you, your big ass hand said 'No, Bitch!' You were palm smashing bitches like the incredible Hulk." Mod laughs loudly.
"So, I didn't hook up with anyone?" Colson asks, confused. "Why wouldn't I speak to Loons?"
"Because you was pissed she was wit her ex, Kid." Mod tells him matter of fact.
"Ah. Good shit..." Colson sighs, relieved but still upset with himself.
They talk a bit more about the wild night before, bits and pieces coming back to Colson.
After he hangs up. He tells Ashleigh he's in the clear. She lectures him about about being close to the limit. He agrees with her for one of the first times ever. Catching an uber home he Snaps Luna. He doesn't even know where she is.
To be continued.....
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"40 acres and a mule"
Baby what the Hell you want a mule for?
Alright baby. Let me tell you.
You will never ever ever get reparations.
Y'all this lady instigated him and pissed him off. Called him a dam liar and a begger and all kinds of bad.
I quit watching it. I seen enough. "Hustler"
Bitch I'll hustle my fist in your teeth and get you a new set, don't talk hustle when you don't know a dam thing about it.
Let me tell you about me.
I'm registered 1/16 Muscogee (Musckogee and/or Muskogee as well) Creek Nation out of Oklahoma. Our tribe headquarters is in Oklahoma in a mound of dirt -- under a pile of earth is our headquarters.
We have the original council house of brick in town it's a measeuem were all very proud of. Its on 6th street. On a big ole square.
So. Let me tell you. We used to be in Georgia. That's why i picked Atlanta for a big ole fuck you fire. I picked others but I said "this is a government thing?"
"Not really Sabrina it's more police"
"I'm hearing government in that word. Can I fuck up Atlanta? I'll take some country Georgia but you know my tribe is from Atlanta specifically. I don't want no one to get hurt though"
Tree said "i got something perfect, a Wendy's because you use to live in Ireland, too Miss Red Leg hairs in the sun"
"Alright then. Ill take you on Then. Its a done deal".
This was 2008 and to be clear, we didn't start human trafficking in that parking lot -- they already was. 12 years and they ain't stopped. We did intervene but, they dumb and stubborn and they stayed away from the Wendy's unlike the other night. For the last 12 years. This way they would be more inclined to use it. Like we bust them and they keep on. They don't care. Its greed. An addiction. They can't see. So.
I get punched in the face and I get back up and fight again. Same thing - different American Dreams.
So Spain came now Spain is over by Europe. Look at a map. And we left. From fear, we went to Florida.
We didn't have no label. We were humans. We were love. So we moved down to Tampa area.
Then we got named by the whites. The whites then fought us unlike the Spaniards who just wanted to share and we didn't want to. So we just left.
So some of us was all fuck you. We ain't moving just because Spain said we did for them don't mean we will for you. So. We fought.
Some of us were captured. So then the white people said you will show us America, The New World. Like bitch you think we know it all been all over and shit like we got cars. Fuck.
So the whites raped and tried to kill all that refused to move. So they left them. We left them. They were named Seminoles.
Because semen they were raped and we also left the old that were unable to travel. And the small kids. Two words. Semen in. Olds. Raped. Wounded. Old and children.
The rest of us took the whites and Spaniards (some did and some didn't war) across the new world.
And we followed Creeks. The Spaniards knew the rivers went North and South. They wanted to go West.
So we walked. All the way to the Middle of the United States of America. And stopped.
We said we want our land. We want our trust. We want our lives back. You go do you and leave us here and alone without you.
The Spaniards agreed. And the whites of course so fucking greedy and non cognitive. Fought.
Eventually we got our land. My family. We had a big ole 2 floor 10 room mansion. It felt like.
32 years later the government decided they wanted to build a dam. And once again. Our land was gone.
And our land was stolen.
Now that glorious home we had that my family earned to show the way West is gone. Flooded under a lake built by a dam in Oklahoma.
They moved us to Okmulgee about 45 minutes South of Tulsa.
Its not a reservation. Anyone can live there. In fact our HQ is in the city limits.
And we don't have land. We don't have anything we were promised.
Since i don't live there and i live in New Mexico, I don't get any of the benefits. And because New Mexico Native Americans warred with each other due to the Hispanics from Central America. Other Nations don't like to help me.
Here. Native American tribes in New Mexico. They're prejudice against each other. And whites.
And it's really fucking bad. I used to work at the BIA. Beaururu of Indian Affairs. "What tribe are you?" And if you were Aztec you were cool. If you were Peublo you were fighting with Navajo. And vice versa.
And we were making sure people of ALL Tribes got money for their needs. Like for medicine or transportation. And our office was fighting each other.
Like what the Hell? We all have the same purpose here. We all come from the same place, we all have the same heart and same pain. And we're all are hurt and so why are you all hurting each other?
I got a tattoo of an Indian Head on my left lower arm so no matter what unless it was long sleeves, everyone could see.
And i would hear them physically hitting each other. And they all remembered I got the tattoo and i showed them when i came back from lunch and I wss all bleeding and it was brand new.
Then i went around and showed them all as it healed. Showed them progress and lack off.
So they would fight. The Aztecs didn't put up with shit like me. And so people would try to dominate them
So i could always hear them fight. And it was a big office. An entire floor of the big Compass Bank building in Albuquerque. But I could always hear them except on the complete opposite because door ways. But three certain ladies would go to the hall and call for me to go stop it.
You know. It was the year 2000. I was only born in 1985 although I have always used a different birthday since i was adopted of 1980.
So literally I was 15 years old. "Legally" i was only 19 and not even old enough to buy alcohol and there I was pulling grammas off each other And people old enough to be my mom.
They called me a stupid white. Because I am light skinned. A stupid white nigger. I know what that is. An abusive slave owner
Me!! Me of all people!!!
I already had PTSD coming out the ass and i could barely drag my ass out of bed in the morning because i wss so suicidal depressed. And i get called a slave owner. A lazy and abusive one at that!?!
"Well i don't see you working!! You wanna call people nigger you brown ass bitch?!?! Your ass is always fighting!! Why don't you go earn a paycheck!!" She regretted running her mouth at me more than 2x. I had shoved her and when she got closer, she claimed because she couldn't hear although people from the complete opposite walls came running, i punched her in the face. Cold coked her dead to the floor. She had that evil gleam. The dead Zulululu look. That evil dumb bitch look. And no fucking way was she touching me. So then her back up who was like 7 foot tall grabbed up my hair and vagina and threw me 8 feet across the room.
I just got up and sat at my desk and pretended like nothing happened. Just like the Zulululu do. I had road rash like a mother fucker tho.
I got him later in the parking lot. Shoved him in front of a moving car at 40 mph. This girl that worked with us. A 68 mustang all real metal total steel.
He never came back to work to mess with us. And,the girl got transferred to another floor. And I got called down for her 5th fight and I interviewed the people around the fight area and they said they all worked in peace until she had come. They had whites tho.
And most New Mexico Native Americans HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE whites.
So she got fired, I recommended it. She couldn't get along with anyone. I recommended she get a job on her reservation in Montana for her tribe and so the BIA paid for her to move. Citing emotional difficulties, PTSD due to government intervention in Native American lives.
So this man he's asking for reparation in this video.
And i just want to answer him..
You never will. They were gonna fire her. Leave her dead. I asked special they send her away to a place she could likely find peace.
Nd she did. But if it wasn't for me, she would had nothing.
And she had called me a white nigger and I got thrown 8 feet across the room because of her.
I'm adding her now and him to the list. Idc if they been interviewed, its eye for an eye. They are both Zulululu and still causing fights over nothing.
I had slammed her against the wall by her throat and i wanted to kill her and i should had. But i told her "im going to do something for yoh because i hate myself more than i hate you and you will accept it. And if hou keep acting like this you will receive death more than me slamming your head on this printer until you can't breathe" then i put all the pressure I could without killing her on her throat. Then killed her anyway. Died myself went through the black hole and dragged her ass back in her body pushed the EMT OFF ME, got up and jumped on her stomach and chest full body and killed her again then this bitch tried to go to the sun, so i got her ass back. Threw her ass back in. Woke up in the fucking elevator, trying to get outta the stretcher "oh im fine where is this dam bitch"
"Oh my God! You gotta lay down!"
"Fine i bet she's not back in" got out of my body and found her hiding in the dirt.
This bitch wanted to fight?! She was gonna find me fighting her. Behind death for the rest of her life.
She was old, too. Like 46... I was only 15/19. More than twice my age. 3x my real.
I woke up in the stretcher downstairs laughing and farting. She was crying how scared she was. I thought it was funny. I was so mad I didn't care how she felt. Scared was not what i expected. It surprised me and made me laugh. I didn't know how she would feel. She never stopped fighting. Scared of me? Nah. Im just an innocent sweet babe.
So other than her, i would show people my tattoo when the fought. "You and I. You and her. We all come from the same place. We are all Indians! Look at me! My tattoo! It hurt! For no reason and I didn't want it to! Lets just get over it and heal ourselves in our souls the Indian way!"
They had saw. Some had taken photos. They knew it hurt. It swelled up. It was red. Imflammed but not infected. Like anger of the hearts.
I shouldn't had to prove we suffered
So I ask those asking or demanding reparations, please don't.
We don't all have benefits. And we have pain and suffering. And a lot is jealousy because some tribes have more than others.
If you get reparations, i fear the ramifications.
"Oh them ni**ers got shit and we didn't"
Babes. Sometimes it just time to let go.
Just let it go, baby.
I can't think of my family's land and mansion under water. Flooded. I get punched in the fucking heart. And it hurts. It hurts so bad
I ain't a piece of trash. Following a dam creek so fucking far just to climb what looked like another mountain. Fuck that.
Then they flood it. Fuck you back.
Lost city of Atlantis. People look for it by Greece and shit. Its just in Oklahoma.
We came from Atlanta. "Fine this can be your new Atlas location" said the Spaniards..
But they were too nice. Christopher Columbus was too nice. Spaniards brought food and shelters. But we we're afraid of them. Their odd food, and so on. We did not know what they were. We didn't recognize any one. When we went to Florida they did go with. It was exploration to them. Running away to us. They followed, just curious.
Then we understood. They were like children playing. Innocent. They followed. They kept us safe.
They knew we were afraid once there was a ravine. Their scouts spotted it. They knew we ran our horses too fast and we would all died. They raced ahead in the night while we camped and they all stood to block us off. 100 feet from the edge they formed a line of their own bodies to stop us.
That is when we knew we could trust the Spaniards. So we went scout back to Atlanta to see what happened there. And to tell what had occurred. That our lives had been saved.
Then we took court. We camped near side them for 10 days to decide how much of our lives we should give. Reports came back that 100% trust would be accurate. And so slowly we allowed the "wapuauhaluani" to lean into the Spaniards to truly see what they were all about.
We became friends.
But the whites took over the country. And we all lost.
So I understand what my brothers and sisters and my ma's and pas and little babies in the African American community is going through.
From the eyes of my current life as a registered 1/16 Native American, 23andme says only 3%
As a person to get a tattoo to stop war after I did so many years of community work in the Black Panthers where obviously I am not black any more and I was accepted.
I know what it feels like to be white and hated.
I know what it feels like to be hated for the color of my skin.
As a white person.
But fully accepted into the black community..
So excuse me when I go to a state that has an actual African American population and I just sit and stare looking like a true jack ass.
I just feel like myself. I feel complete. And I feel accepted.
And so not all of you know me. I do work in South America and all over the globe and i treat them all the same.
Reparations, i am afraid. I know and I believe will have repercussions this day and age.
So now Altlanta. Where i am from. My tribe was all brown there. Is now black.
I don't be ignorant and hate them because they took over my town.
That's not why i say. I say because it happens to everyone else.
And so I plan to treat people all the same. We do the DNA4U paid education and quizzes. And i know its not what you ask but it is done by the Tree of Infinite Knowledge.
And right now I'm just a POW and i can't do more than what I can.
But all you beautiful people that is gonna survive. I promise you.
Every single person on this Earth has suffered.
Every single person will get rewards for living. Every thing will be okay..
I know it's not today. Today is the fight for our beautiful children in this world and ourselves.
Its not almost over yet its not just beginning.
This is the orgasm state. Orgasm. So intense and wild and pleasurable and exhausting.
What comes after? Bliss and peace.
Tree keeps telling me two to four years more
My babies, it sounds so long. But every time he says 2 years I say "Well at least it's only 2"
I ask him 3 times a week. "How long is it now?"
We are gonna be okay.
You know those books that you pick the ending? What you do effects it?
Sometimes you can do 5 different things and the ending is the same?
People. I saw call it the "plandemic"
Trust me, it's planned so hard core the black hole feels it. We will win.
I gave up my only child. She was 4 years old. In 2008. I have a clone. And her spirit comes sometimes in it. And sometimes it's other ghosts.
People were wondering why I was crying the other day when I was driving. And I didn't want to say.
My daughter is in prison now. To keep her safe. You cannot imagine the intense fear I have every single day. And I don't even understand myself as for why.
I can see my daughter and she's safe and she's happy and laughing. But... She's a divine clone. My parents made her and the evil aliens took my real daughter.
They call her Sophia. She volunteered. Well. Voluntold. She said "someone needs to fix this! I was born on Martin Luther King's (Jr) birthday of his I have a dream speech and I have a dream too! For someone to fix this!!"
And my mom said from the dead, "I have a proposal"
Like I'm screaming and already bawling but u stop myself because she goes straight out of body and stands in front of my mom.
Its so beautiful. Then it is like a horrible Disney Fairytale curse.
"So i just want you to say yes and don't think about anything and don't think about your mom. She's hurt. Remember her back is broke? Now back to Martin Luther King. Yoh can make all dreams come true. You can be the Hero for the whole entire world because your dad is a mess and you can change this from oh 47 years to about 12 what do you think about that?"
"Yes!! I do! I want that! What do you think mom?"
And i could only stare at how beautiful mu child is. And I felt the horrific horror of how the Queen or fairy God mother puts the whole town to sleep for the curse and you know i began to bawl.
In our past lives. She wasnt the brave one. She was the first born. And she was always with me. Over protective like crazy. Someone was always watching just to make sure she breathed right and had all she needed immediately. Never went out. Always had 7 layers of guards between her and the outside world.
And my mom of all people was telling her to go free and go Just walk in the front door of evil to live.
I was proud. And joyful and in complete agony.
I had to do what was right.
God didn't send his only begotten son to die on the cross. That never haoend.
But a Goddess gave birth to a girl after having sex. And the aliens that attempted to kill her on a cross, named her Jesus and wrote a shameful book about her called the Bible. With nothing but lies. And that Jesus. The real Jesus. The Only Jesus. Sent her only daughter into the pits of Earths most Evil to destroy it with dreams.
So we will all suffer for two to four more years..
For that child to allow us to finish our work.
And no one will say the word reparations again. They will simply say "thank you, I am happy with the changes"
My mom promised me and my daughter.
Due to the True Annabelle parading around as Sophia (now in my prison and went swimming with a historical sibling that was born in a lifetime different than this in their shared hall cell) we are down to two to four years as opposed to 35.
So please quit fucking with Christopher Columbus.
The statues that are being taken down by states will be placed when it's safe to do so in places Christopher Columbus loved, if that is okay with every one else.
Robert E Lee as well. Tree has already publicly listed our blessed that we were so lucky to have that ARE heros for Earth.
Obviously not all white people are bad. But they used to be. Back then. Obviously I am 95% White according to 23 and me.
We had an emergency situation. So we changed the skin of all people not on the Africa continent to white. That os on the non American side. Later after invasions we changed all our good to brown.
This way. Because the invading aliens were so power full. So #1 is protect.
So Northern Europe was changed to white from Negro in order to blend in with the invaders. This way invaders in that,area,didn't know who to kill.
So,obviously invading in Ireland was red heads and white skin.
Sweden, yellow hair and white skin.
So we instantly did that.
Then because of information they would continue to invade that area, we kept them the aliens color.
So all of us except the negros are the color of aliens.
But the Zulululu kills and invades the body with their souls. So now African color folks have alien as well as every other color..
And that is why I'm fed the fuck up.
Im killing every fucking alien i don't agree with.. We did 12 years of intensive studies. In 1994 we jailed ass holes like Trump and more. And this is the end result.
Y'all Jesus been here 35 years.. And i want to kill myself. This Earth. I just wanna blow it up and start all over. But I'm stubborn.
And I'm PISSED the fuck off.
And i have a child willing to risk her life until age 16.
Like the damdesr Princess in the world.
So every one will get the land they are owed.
African Americans. Remember VIKINGS.. Our babies, our brothers and sisters our elderly had their land stolen.
People in Africa. The Middle East.
I had to tear down a dam wall in the middle of Germany.
I'm here and i hate it.
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tellywoodtrash · 3 years
immj2 19.04.21 lb
here's what you "missed" (lbr tho, not watching tellywood is not called MISSING, it's called "FREEDOM") last week on this shitshow:
kabir pehla mauka dekh ke vatttt liya. #livefree my love.
kiara died the most inglorious death - forcefed a peanut butter milkshake.
riddhima as per usual, the moment someone drops dead in their vicinity, turned to vansh and was like:
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ghar mein saaaaare 90s bachche start playing CID-CID. kaabil detectives watching this bs like......
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besttttt part is that none of these dumbasses are ANYYYYYYYYYY closer to opening the damn black box than they were 2 weeks ago.
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meanwhile someone keeps threatening riddhima ki they're gonna tell vansh the whole 6 hours secret. ho hum. sansaaaar ko khatam ho jaana hai lekin yeh manhoos raaz nahi khulna.
aslkdjaslkdjlsakjdlaskjd anu mom and her new-found spirituality and daily meditation is actually sending me.
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mummyji being super helpful and telling riddhima ki dadi has the torch now. love how the whollllllle family is just playing passing the parcel with this thing, getting their grubby fingerprints all over it, as if it's NOT A VALUABLE PIECE OF EVIDENCE IN A MURDER.
dadi meanwhile is burning a hole in her phone screen staring at kiara's tattoo. bachchon se leke buddhon tak sabne isko ghoora hai, lekin majaal hai, inmein se ek ko bhi kuch samajh aaya ho. why can't y'all just accept that maybe it means nothing, it's just one of those dumb foreign language tattoos, that probably say "ek plate gobi manchurian" or some shit.
riddhima's here asking for the torch and dadi is just like BHAKKKKK NIKAL YAHAAN SE while having flashbacks to brandishing the mashaal like some crazyass charlotesville nazi.
another flower delivery for riddhima that vansh is receiving at the door, and sis loses it. runs like PT USHA and grabs the flowers and note outta his hand thinking it's another threat and tears it up.
vansh here like:
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but also she cut her hand so ofc he's using mauka to suck on her finger. MAN IN THESE CORONA TIMES, Y'ALL REALLY KILLING ME WITH THIS GANDAAAAAA NON HYGENIC BEHAVIOURRRR.
lmao the bouquet was from vansh, as an apology (for what? no like, we've lost count of all the shit you do on an hourly basis, so which exact thing are you saying sorry for right now????)
also what adbhut new way of being pregnant is this that the immj2 ladies have cracked, ki inka itnaaaaaa se bhi pait nahi nikalta????
anyway, some blah blah cutesy romance bakchodi that no one has time for. i liked it better when y'all were constantly horny.
angre as usual here with some manhoos khabar that has vansh frowning and storming away.
police aayi hai. excuse you, we don't recognize any cops here but our one and only KABIR. HAIN KAHAN HUMAARA LADKA??? MISSING HO RAHI HAI YAAR?!?!!!? KYUN LAGA RAKHA HAI FALTU KA YEH SHOW WITHOUT THE BEST CHARACTER THAT EXISTS IN IT?
anyway police is like we heard there was a murder here, and vansh is like huh whaaa here no??? no dead ppl here, no sir. you may leave. police waale bhaiyya is like bhak chutiye, aise thodi hota hai, warrant laaye hain, hatt saamne se.
angre taking out a rolled up carpet, a trick outta the vihaan book. but it's too small to have anything rolled up in it, so.......
doesn't stop the police from making a big deal of searching it though, while vansh side mein se taane maarta hai. waise bhai kaaafi good mood mein hai aaj kal. looks like someone's been taking their meds these days.
riddhima just randomly falling down behind them. like..... ???????
husband wife and anu mom giggling over how riansh ke do takke ka pyaar is enough to chutiya banaofy everyone. kya hi bakwaaas.
the slightest of movement and vansh is dizzy. lol is he severely anemic like me???? join the club, bitch. we have iron supplements.
oh boy, cut to a while later and bro don't look too good. he's still smiling at riddhima's banter and all, but.......... idk man, he looks like he's having a daura of some sort.
riddhima's amazing medical knowledge (or just plain common sense???) finally kicks in and she's like, u ok dude? imma call a doc. and he's like nooooooo i'm fiiiiiiiiiiiine. ok whatever. maro apne iss stupid secret container room office mein. bewakoof.
asldkjaslkdjlaskdjlaskdj angre ne laash ko vyom ke ghar rakh diya. as if there aren't enough creepy things lying around in there in the first place.
ok vansh seems to be getting real breathless and sickly.
meanwhile idhar angre is doing some kinda depraved play with kiara's laash and........... man everyone in this show is a fucking psychopath.
also it's now been like 3, 4 days since the chick died and ..................... body's not smelling ripe yet?
vansh coughing his way through opening that stupid orange coloured black box and.......... abbe chutiye, zinda rahoge toh khol paoge?????????
anyway the tattoo code whatever only has 5 digits and he needs 6 and meanwhile anu mom has come yelling about how siya's gone missing. great. ek pallllllll ka chain nahi is pagal-khaane mein.
find some letter in her room. vansh's coughing is getting worse and worse. bro, time to get a covid test.
at least siya was helpful enough to tell everyone she's going to saste!bhaiyya.
asli bhaiyya is understandably very very upset. and thus coughing and huffing puffing even more. SOMEONE TAKE THIS DUDE TO A DOCTOR THIS IS GETTING DISTRESSING TO WATCH OML.
anu mom toh is full-on ignoring vansh actively dying in front of her rn and is like OH GOD SIYA KAHIN KOI "NAADAAANI" MEIN ZINDAGI KHARAAB NAA KAR BAITHE (meaning: OMG VIRGINITY KHATRE MEIN HAIIIIII!!!!!!!!)
riddhima is like dude you're not fucking ok and he's still like I'M FINE I'M JUST WORRIED FOR SIYA. idk man i'd be more worried about your obviously failing phepdein and dil than your sister's hymen, but that's just me i guess.
riddhima is calling vyom and threatening him, and nothing gets vyom hornier than being threatened, so ofc, bhai mood mein hai.
vyom, unlike all other tellywood baddies (and even goodies), is a big believer in consent. good on him. 10 points to him over every other chutiya man in this show.
he's informing her about how vansh thikaane lagaofied the laash at his place. oufffffff, y'all need to respect poor dead kiara instead of just shuffling her body back and forth like this. uski aatma tum logon ke upar mandaraaayegi, dekhna.
riddhima's like idc about all this i just want siya to be safe and he's like too late babe. sardi, khaasi, na malaria hua; humko love love love loveriaaaaa huaaaa.
vyom's like siya aayi apni marzi se hai, par jaayegi meri marzi se. guess he don't believe in consent so much anymore. (revokes the 10 points i gave hm earlier. also taking away 50 points for this uglyass suit. bhai tu shirt utar, wohi behtar hai.)
vansh has now progressed to coughing like the people from the pre-movie anti-tobacco ads now.
hides the orange black box in yet another secret room hidden behind some panel, where all the raisinghania wealth is hoarded like pirate's booty in all these crates. y'all crazy, its 2021, put that shit in offshore bank accounts you dumbasses.
anyway he tells angre all this shit kaafi detail mein, and lord idk how angre ke neeyat doesn't phisalofy to just off this fucker and take over the whole thing himself. zero ambition this boy has. ishani hoti isske jagah, toh pakka karti. precap: riddhima trying to console vansh about siya; vyom being a creepy ass monologuing loser as per usual; vansh pays a visit to vyom exuding hella lotta sexy energy.
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