#and alarmingly it's hard to make posts about podcasts on this site without a podcast creator finding it
clonerightsagenda · 4 months
One of the things that bothered me in K.ingmaker Histories is that threatening, robbing, and killing people and participating in organized crime was treated as fine and even humorous with no meaningful emotional consequences when the protagonists do it, but a lot of the episodic conflicts were those things suddenly becoming bad when they happen to them. Two of the characters are career criminals so their 'I've got mine' attitude makes sense, but the third worked in a tailor's shop until she accidentally killed her boss and ended up in a life of crime, and she never seems to stop to reckon with that at all?
Anyway I was really bothered by this but then she finally brought it up in a bonus crossover episode admitting that she's not comfortable with what they're doing but feels swept along with it, except it turns out she was confessing to the priest to distract him while her buddies rob the church, so I'm not really sure what to make of that.
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