#and after he apologized. and got himself a girlfriend. my gf considers him normal 'ten times over' now (quoted)
purring-tiefling · 2 years
grrrrr hatehatehate
0 notes
3laxx · 7 years
Wintery Warm Drabbles - 19th “Pretend to be GF“
Hold your horses, guys, this is Part 1 ;) The next prompt will still be all about that!
Ao3 / FF.net
Adrien nervously shifted his weight from one foot to another while standing in front of the building with the ballroom that his father had rented for the big Christmas party the Agreste family always held.
It was disgustingly formal and stuck up and Adrien wanted to be everywhere else but there. Well, at least Chloé was out of town so he didn’t have to go with her.
What he hadn’t foreseen, though, was that his father had come to him with a question.
Who would be his partner for the ball?
First, he had thought of Nino but his father had politely declined, still leaving it open for Adrien to choose without considering a gender but forbidding him to bring this boy. Adrien knew Nino’s name was still on Gabriel Agreste’s blacklist so he wasn’t allowed to bring him.
Alya had almost been his next guess when he had remembered Marinette. She was an aspiring designer so she would surely be overjoyed to be around some of the most famous designers of Europe, right?
He had asked her right away and well, she had happily taken the offer.
The only thing he had failed to tell her in the heat of his joy was that-… Well… It was supposed to be a date. Or, well, a date to the outside.
Not, uh, not for them, right? She just had to pretend, right?
A little nagging feeling built up inside him but he ignored it as his phone chimed up. He pulled it out, recognizing the caller as Nino.
“Uhm, hi Nino?”
“ARE YOU COMPLETELY CRAZY, MAN?!”, the voice on the other end shouted and Adrien recoiled, holding the phone away. This voice unmistakably belonged to Alya.
“Uhm… No, thanks… What’s up?”
“Marinette just left!”, Alya now angered around in a slightly lower voice, still loud but at least so that Adrien could hold his phone like a normal person again.
“Uh-… That’s good, right?”
Alya downright exploded so as Adrien dared to take the phone to his ear again he heard Nino speaking.
“Dude, you still there?”
“Uhm, yes. What’s up?”
Nino sighed, his girlfriend audibly stomping around rambling angrily in the background.
“Alya, relax… So, uh, you invited Marinette to this big ass fancy party this evening?”
“Well…”, Nino began, “Problem is, you asked her just this morning, Adrien. She kinda freaked out over the whole day and Alya freaked out with her and she’s wearing an original design and stuff… Anyways. All I wanna say is that I’ll have to kill you with best regards from Alya if you don’t take care of her.”
“I will! I will take care of her!”, Adrien insisted but Nino sighed again.
“No, dude, like… She’ll be in a room with a lot of persons she looks up to and Marinette is kinda a person to have no chill when it comes to situation like these. Please take care that she won’t, uhm, y’know… Go crazy.”
Adrien chuckled, knowing Marinette’s antics.
“I’ll do my best.”
“Good…”, Alya had calmed down a bit, probably to listen, “And, uhm, dude? Have you told her about, uh, the thing?”
“What thing?”, Alya asked. Nino silently explained it to her, somehow successfully keeping her from freaking out again.
Adrien stiffened and looked down the street, gulping.
“Dude. Adrien. Tell me you-”
“… Didn’t?”
“THAT’S IT!!”, Alya yelled. She apparently took the phone again because suddenly, her voice was very close, “Agreste, if there’s one, and I repeat, ONE message from Mari that I might understand wrongly, you are dead. And if there is one Marinette crying in my arms this night, then you aren’t just dead but also castrated, neutered, skinned, burned, buried alive and tarred and feathered and most of all DEAD, do I make myself clear?”
Adrien gulped harder, actually leaning away from his phone.
“Uhm-… Y-Yeah, o-of course, Alya…”
“Am I scaring you?”, her voice was suddenly sweet and caring and he was even more afraid of that than before.
“GOOD!”, she hissed, the old bite apparent again, and he was sure he had never been so close to peeing himself in public. He swallowed, listening as Nino took over again.
“Yeah, I’ll try to calm her a bit, just-”
Adrien nodded.
“I’ll take care of her. There’s no calming and furious Alya Césaire when it’s about Marinette, got it.”
“One Alya Césaire, don’t forget that.”, Nino chuckled and it was the last thing he did.
The call was abruptly ended and Adrien was left alone with tingling ears, blinking once, twice, before straightening up again. He just hoped he would see Nino alive sometime again.
As he looked down the street and saw a car nearing he didn’t know yet how little Nino’s life would matter to him in just a few seconds. The car pulled over and he could make out Marinette’s father and her as the lights flashed on. They talked for a bit, then Marinette opened the door and stepped out. Adrien jumped to her side to help her out, startling her with that but after the first moment of shock she took his hand, standing up from her seat.
“H-Hi Marinette!”, he stuttered, his gaze involuntarily flickering up and down her body.
She was gorgeous.
When Alya had said that she would be wearing an original design he had been excited. But seeing her like this, her slender but somehow muscular body so wonderfully cupped by the amazing dress. Her hair done in a braid that led from her forehead to the back of her head, out of her signature pigtails. Her make up shining in the street lamp, applied to keep her natural beauty and just let her significant traits stand out a little more. Her bluebell eyes sparkled and her lips were so rosy he had to swallow.
Ever since he had joined her shopping as Chat Noir he had found his thoughts wandering off to her more and more often. Now seeing the wonderful dress on her that had the same color as her hair, maybe a bit more on the violet side, seeing her curves catching his attention because of the genius design of the dress, seeing how beautiful she let herself be, he found himself losing his mind.
Ladybug was long forgotten.
In a daze he barely remembered that they were still standing on the wintery sidewalk but the small snowflakes dancing over her eyelashes and midnight blue hair were hypnotizing. Her eyes were like lamps to a moth for him. He couldn’t turn away.
It wasn’t the dress that made her so truly beautiful. It wasn’t that she wore more radiant make up than usual and it certainly wasn’t that she had dressed up like that. The true beauty was her excitement, her genuine joy. The true shine that captured him was how beautiful she had allowed herself to be.
Marinette giggled, which ripped him out of his trance, and turned to her father. Tom leant over, winking at Adrien.
“You take care of my daughter, son!”
Adrien began grinning at the familiar nickname Tom had given him as his visits had become more frequent since Alya, Nino, Marinette and him had become better friends. He nodded, just barely able to look away from the beauty that was in front of him.
“Of course, Monsieur Dupain. Have a nice evening!”
“Same to you, kids!”, he replied before driving off, leaving the two teens standing on the sidewalk.
“You-… You look beautiful, Marinette…”, he finally choked out, feeling awkward and clumsy next to her. She giggled and blushed, making his heart skip a beat.
“Thank you, Adrien. You look quite handsome, too.”
He briefly wondered where this slight dimmed light in her eyes came from, of the lack of her stutters, but he figured she just felt confident in the dress.
“U-Uh, thanks!”
Only now he noticed how close they stood to each other, her feet already between his and her chin almost brushing over his chest when she spoke. He only noticed because he now felt her shivering.
“Uhm, let’s go inside! You must be cold. The, uh, the party will officially begin in ten minutes and, uh-…”
They entered the building, Marinette on his arm and her shivering stopping as they stepped into the warm foyer. He grew more and more nervous as they continued down the hall, towards the ballroom. He had to tell her.
So he stopped gently, turning towards her before his father could see them. “Uhm, Marinette, there’s actually something, uhm-…”
“Adrien, are you alright?”, she asked, sweet and caring as ever. He tried a smile.
“Yeah, of course! It’s just that, well, this here-… This isn’t just an invite to you, Marinette…”
Her eyes sparkled again and she downright looked ashamed as she spoke up, flustered and now finally stuttering.
“O-Oh, yeah that’s right! It’s such a b-big opportunity, Adrien, I didn’t even thank you! I just, ugh, I’m so sorry for my rudeness, I really-”
“No, no…”, he chuckled, “It’s an honor to me that you’re here today. It’s just that, well… My father kinda-… Made me invite someone. As, uh-… As my date.”
Her face was stable for a surprisingly long time. But she also didn’t react for a concerningly long time. Adrien already swallowed, ready to catch her or apologize for everything he had ever done. Or, well, to say goodbye to his life.
“… A date.”, she finally repeated, “Your date.”
He nodded awkwardly, his hand flying to the back of his head.
“Uhm, yeah, well, my father and-… Well, it’s just to pretend because, well, some designers are a little difficult and-… Uhm-… You just gotta pretend and we don’t have to kiss and nothing, we just have to hang out together and maybe dance and, uh, well, that’s all, promise!”
She slowly nodded, her head seemingly working at light speed. Little did he know how close she was to a full fledged nervous breakdown right now.
She had just adjusted to stepping her being in love down, she had just begun accepting he liked someone else. She had just psyched herself up together with Alya to be suave and cool and totally just a friend. To have a cool evening with a cool guy who was a friend, nothing more.
She still freaked out over all the renowned designers she would meet and yes, she was nervous. But this was no comparison, in no way, to the nervousness that built up within her now.
Pretending to be Adrien’s date.
There was something about that that she simply couldn’t grasp. And she felt herself slipping.
Pretending to be his date. Just pretending and, well, pretending to hang on his arm, pretend that kissing him occasionally was normal between them even if they wouldn’t do it today, pretending that they were in a relationship, were probably fooling around, hanging out in their free time, knowing personal things about each other. Pretending to be more than just a friend.
Yep, she was freaking out. On the inside. Just on the inside.
“Oh, uh-… Of course?”, she squeaked, watching as the tension left from Adrien’s shoulders.
Help, she thought.
“Oh man, I’m so glad Marinette! We don’t have to do more than just stay together, that’s all. And hey, this is gonna be fun, right? Just you, me, a few old and stuck up people that we say hello to and a few really cool younger people that we can talk to and the evening’s over faster than we can imagine.”
She managed a nod and even a slight smile.
“Oh, uhm, yes of course! Exciting, fun and, uhm-… Pretending to be a-… Uh, couple?”
He nodded, now an uncertain expression snuck over his face.
“A-Are you gonna be okay with that? We can also tell everyone you’re a friend and my real partner couldn’t make it or-… Well, some stuff like that?”
She quickly shook her head, now completely accepting that she had absolutely zero chance with him.
“Nah, it’s fine, really. Let’s, uhm, pretend we’re a couple and forget it tomorrow?”
She narrowly missed the sad shadow in his smile as he nodded.
“Yeah, of course. Friends, right?”
“Friends.”, she agreed, hooking her arm into his again.
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
do you believe exes think about you? doubt it.
are you currently frustrated with a boy / girl? Nope.
would you ever consider piercing your tongue? no
are you a forgiving person? depends.
do you straighten your hair often? no
what’s your favorite eye color? brown.
what’s your biggest physical turn off for a potential partner? i dunno? feet i guess.
have you ever taken a train? Yes.
describe your first job. it was a sub shop and i got fired through a friend because my boss was too much of a pussy to fire me himself.
are you afraid of the dark? why or why not? no; there’s nothing to be afraid of?
who did you idolize growing up? Emma Watson.
have you ever done something just to feel the danger, or to feel alive? no
have you ever carved your name or initials into a tree or stone? maybe?
where is a great place to get breakfast? i don’t really like breakfast so i dunno
have you ever sold anything online either on craigslist, ebay, amazon, etc.? if not, what is your website of choice like any of the above for buying things? nope; Amazon
if the opportunity arose, would you ever go to a nude beach? do you think you’d be comfortable enough, being naked among others like that?   no; nope.
do you think regifting is cheap, or is it okay? have you ever regifted before?   i mean if you’re not going to use it, why not?
have you ever had to “come out” to your parents about anything (sexual orientation, change in religion, etc.)? how did it go? not really
if you were given the chance to decorate an entire house the way you wanted, with no limit to cost, how would you decorate it? i don’t even know. not really my thing.
describe your favorite picture of yourself, or post it. no.
is there a genre of music that some people would be surprised that you enjoy?   jazz
assuming you have a facebook, if one of your friends posted things that annoyed you, would you be more likely to delete them as a friend, hide their statuses, or just put up with it? hide their stuff.
do you have any online friends? yeah
has your favorite color changed at all from when you were younger? if so, what was your favorite when you were little? yeah; i think it was yellow?
what is your favorite breakfast food? pancakes or french toast i guess
what band/celebrity/etc do you know the most information about? who would you like to learn more about? the harry potter cast probably; lana del rey
have you ever had to go to therapy? for what? yes; PTSD, ED, Anxiety, Depression.
if you got pregnant young, would you get married to the guy who got you pregnant? for guys, if you got a girl pregnant at a young age, would you marry her? i don’t know. i’m old now so
if you got pregnant young, would your parents kick you out of your house? for guys, if you got a girl pregnant young and your parents kicked you out, would you be angry at them? my mom probably wouldn’t have.
do you feel pregnant teens should have to go to an alternate high school? do you think this would benefit them at all, or that it’s just discrimination? maybe? if it has day care or something.
has your school ever done something terrible and wrong to you? what did they do and how did you deal with it? they wanted to send me to some “bad kid” school because my anxiety was so bad i couldn’t go
would your parents let your {possibly hypothetical} boyfriend stay at your house if he got kicked out of his house? that happened so yeah.
have you ever not been allowed to hang out with your neighbor before? was it your parents or their parents that wouldn’t allow you to? no?
who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? like everyone.
have you ever been used? probably.
do you take walks often? i walk all day at work.
have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? no
what does your phone do when you get a new message? vibrates.
if you could make your lips bigger, would you? no
does it matter to you if your bf/gf smokes cigs? no
who was last to smack your butt? matt probably.
what’s a book you’ve read that changed your life? Harry Potter
would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no
have you met the last person you kissed’s parents? already have.
do you like someone? I do.
did the last person who hurt you ever apologize? yeah
are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? yeah
are you anything like your siblings? nooo
have you ever lived with a significant other? i do
have you ever seen an emu in real life, whether in captivity or the wild?   i think i have at the zoo.
did you pierce your ears yourself or have it done by a professional? professional.
do you own a lot of cookbooks?   no
do you stay in touch with many people from high school or college? some people from high school
is there a university in your town or city? i think so.
have you ever passed gas in front of your significant other? lol all the time.
do you have any big regrets in your life? yes
do you live on a street, avenue, road etc.? court.
do you listen to guns n roses?   not really.
have you ever been a bridesmaid? yeah
are you friends with all of your exes? yeah
what would you do if the person you have feelings for showed up at your door?   i’d be happy but confused lol
when you are upset, what works best to calm you down?   pills.
have you ever gone camping? yeah
do you think the last person you kissed, has kissed anyone else since the last time they kissed you?   i hope not.
have you ever slept with a member of the opposite sex without having sex?   yeah.
how would you feel if your significant other had tattoos?   i want him to get better ones.
what would you say if someone asked you to get high right now?   "naw”
when’s the next time you will consume alcohol?   dunno.
do you believe that everything happens for a reason? not really.
did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? Nope.
could you do a long distance relationship? probably
do you like your body?   LOL no
do you pour the cereal before the milk or vice versa? Cereal first.
did anyone see your last kiss? dunno
do and your best friend(s) act the same, or are very different from each other?   different,
what’s the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?   5 years
did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss? i dunno.
have you ever been told you were hot by a complete stranger? yeah
who are 3 girls you trust most? my mom
are your parents good examples? my mom is i guess.
are you afraid of needles? naw.
would you enjoy a night of playing video games? probably not.
how much does physical attractiveness mean to you in a partner? i mean it’s important.
would you consider donating your body to science after you die? i mean why not? ill be dead so who cares.
do you like soccer?   no
is marriage a necessity for two people who love each other? no
do you have a problem with racist jokes? Yes.
have you ever called your friend a slut? probably have as a joke.
have you ever gone on a blind date? Nope.
have you ever lied about the number of sexual partners you’ve had? Nope.
on a first date do you pay or do they? they’ve paid.
do you only date people who have jobs or are full-time students? i’ve only ever really dated matt and he had a job
should evolution be taught in schools? yes?
is a girl who’s slept with 100 guys a bad person? no
should a child caught masturbating be punished? no? wtf?
when’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong?   dunno
did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize? nope
how many kids do you want to have? one.
do you eat breakfast daily? nope
what movie do you really want to see? la la land.
do you drink your cereal milk? no
cds, radio, or phone for music in the car? phone
window or aisle (plane seats)? window i guess.
prankster or not? Not.
tattoos or piercings?   Tattoos.
concert or theme park? Concert.
can you touch your tongue to your nose? no
do you believe in aliens? sure
place that makes me most happy? my bed.
favorite fictional character? Harry Potter
dream wedding? Old Hollywood.
would you rather be naked or wear clothes? Wear clothes.
are you a money saver or spender? save because like i have to
who’s your male x female otp? Leo and Kate
who’s your male x male otp? hmm... not sure
who’s your female x female otp? Margot Robbie and Cara Delevenge
what was the last flavor of ice-cream you had? dunno
do you think you could ever become a vegan? noo
are you one of those people who is constantly glued to their phones? naw
do you drink as much water as you should? yeah
have you ever gone to any ridiculous extremes to lose (or gain) weight? yeah...sure..
do you use hairspray on your hair once you’ve styled it?   yeah
does anyone in your immediate family have any habits that worry you at all? yeah
what do you do when you’re drained of energy but are unable to go to sleep at the time (because you have other things to do)? take pills
do you enjoy helping people move or do you not like it? i don’t like it
have you ever kissed someone that you thought you’d never kiss? yeah
do you enjoy when guys hit on/flirt with you or does it normally make you uncomfortable or annoyed? when was the last time more than one guy was flirting with you at a time? no; i dunno
do you hug people very often or are you not the hugging type? could you list the last ten people you hugged? i’m not really a hugger.
can you name five things you enjoy looking at pictures of? lana del rey, harry potter, bands, books, animals
what genre of music do you listen to the most? metal
do people come to you for advice? Sometimes.
when’s the last time you smiled?   today
what’s the background on your computer? Lana Del Rey
do you have days where you just want to listen to sad songs? i dunno.
where do you go when you need to get away? my room
do you think you will/did you cry at your graduation? i didn’t
would you ever get an eyebrow piercing? yeah
have you ever been to mexico? Nope.
has a book ever made you cry? yeah
is the person you have feelings for at least a bit cute? he’s hot as fuck
your ex says “i’m sorry”, what do you say?   thank you
are you a bitch?   yeag
do you wear a belt with every pair of jeans? no
have you ever deleted facebook friends for a significant other? no?
what accent do you think is the most attractive? English
do you have high standards? i dunno
have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? no
whose wall did you post on last? dunno
do you own a snuggie? no
would you consider getting a tattoo any time soon? i wish.
is there a place you’d rather live right now?   yeah
do you consider yourself a sensitive person? very
what do you think is the best smell in the world? food
do you know anyone personally who is colorblind?   not that i know of
have you ever considered writing a novel? lol no
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