#and a president and congress who won't stop giving him money and bombs
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anonymusbosch · 9 months ago
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theawakenedadventurer · 5 years ago
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Be true to your Art. .
That's the whole point of Waking Up and Awareness to anything.
Listen. Read and Comprehend.
THEN think for yourself and NOT just accept things as true just because someone who says they are a scientist, doctor, guru, teacher, politician, priest, pope or supposed master says its true.
Listen before you utter thoughts that were implanted into you by another who is just a puppet.
In doing so, thinking your own thoughts, feeling your own feeling and doing your own things...
The truth is revealed.
That is true freedom.
No one or group can do that for you but they will say anything to get you to believe otherwise.
No one or group fights for your freedom.
Your heart, your energy and your creations are yours to hold, defend and keep or give as you see fit.
Dare to believe that for a moment.
Does it feel dangerous? Why?
Presidents, priests and teachers are nothing but Puppets that are employed and paid to take the microphone and podium to keep the people misinformed, dumb, numb, deaf and blind to the beauty of life!
Dangerous thinking to those who spread lies and fear.
They are afraid.
Of what?
Losing control over others because it has been well thought out and manipulated over the years and now they are laughing about because we the people govern themselves with fear.
They want you to believe there is no stopping it but there is.
A simple empowering thought can change the world and its people.
That's what they fear. But they didnt realize the system they have designed is super fragile.
History repeats if repeated uncontrolled. Controlled repition only prolongs revolution. It's not gonna stop it.
We are smarter than that but we just need to come together and stand up for each other.
We are letting them win by not saying anything at all and ignoring the hate and fear to the point where it becomes the norm.
Then...What happens?
Violence. War. Outburst and just like that, history repeats again with different rulers eventually falling into the same agenda of domination, ruling with fear and lies.
Its an effective strategy. Maybe more effective hundreds of years ago but come on.
We are better than that.
We all have freedom of speech. We should be proud that we live in such a great time of CHOICE.
You can still choose which of the the voices that are amplified in your world.
We still have a choice.
We still have a right to say and write what we want even if it is opposed to the ones who hold the weapons and the money.
We allow these things to go on because we have been taught to feel pain and fear when we hear it.
So what? It's only ok if politicians day things like that because that's what you associate then with?
Most of us our adults or at least people with brains that can think and speak for themselves.
The separation and division goes beyond political parties.
It starts in the mind. If you resist that. You resist the law of nature and only put yourself through pain.
And then we spread the garbage around, the fear and the shit that doesnt matter in the world.
Artists must speak up and fight back because who else will? Who else holds such a vast audience?
What and who do you think the president and everyone influencing him and is being influenced by him is afraid of?
Its not women or immigrants
The point is that Everyone is a potential artist and we have the power to unite.
We won't do it if we keep eating up all the nonsense and fear given to us like its priceless info.
And THEN we turn on our brothers and sisters, around the world as people of Earth, and proceed to act like we are informed from the people that are obviously lying about everything.
Everyone thinks they know how it all works and they are a scholar but you know nothing at all from listening to ANYONE who says their way is the ONLY WAY.
Religion and politics are where the best of the best Liars and Thieves go because you all fall for it and they know it to be profitable, working with fear and hate.
Fear and hate leave more of an acute impression than kindness and love which are chronic.
The screen rules us, and they know if they can just get into your screen and provide the suggestion...
BOOM! You are already regurgitating the nonsense fear intended to be spread.
Good job. That's not art. That's bullshit!
It's something that doesnt exist until you believe it.
KEEP THE FEAR TO YOURSELF, not your real words and true expression.
True expression from the artist is WITHOUT FEAR.
Hmmm, now we are getting somewhere...because WHO do you THINK wants to keep that information from you?
Who benefits from keeping you segregated?
Nice and neat in a box, classified, generalized, stereotyped and prejudged so they can find you because they feel they OWN you.
* Don't be just another NUMBer.
Think for yourself. Have an original thought and THEN speak.
If you learn anything from bitching online, repeating whatever garbage words you found on the internet or the news then learn that.
That alone will change the whole world.
If we don't stand up and speak what we want and don't want, then someone else is gonna do it for us.
That's what wrong with America and the world.
We have grown so accustomed to being BUSY that we let others make important decisions.
Boring .All day. Meetings that seemingly go no where while other more exciting negative attractions and distractions go on so no one even pays attention to all the shit that's being changed and the rights that are being taken.
All while you are being trolled by the latest outlandish antics and anecdotes the clowns have to vomit out to fool you, while you let yourself fall into Chaos of fear.
And then, cut to commercial.
Contrast with a cure.
With side effects, disease, violence and distorted sexuality to fool you even more into handing over your mind and heart to something that doesnt even exist, again.
Jokes on you and they are all sitting their laughing in their ties.
Really, they are more afraid then us.
But, no one else feels they have the power because we were all trained to be that way. To be a victim that seeks attention and approval all while not disregard the humanity of your own neighbors.
Perfect plan for world domination. Dont you think?
Turn the people against themselves.
That's the first and foremost tactic of any strategist in war.
Make the people destroy themselves and the rest of them can fear being destroyed.
Perfect plan but there's a huge hole in it.
Humanity can wake up.
People can realize and unite.
We can reverse the damage if we start the healing process.
It takes it time. Just like Nature. But we have to stop eating all this shit up about President Trump and all his cronies.
You only stand to give him more power by protesting it.
He's laughing because he is doing his job very well.
Operation: Distract the Public with anything possible. Check
Plan for Citizens: Keep numb, dumb, fearful and hateful of eachother. Check
Strategum: Misinformation disguised as truth to keep people's minds closed to the Power of Creation they are capable of: Check
A Revolution of the whole world in how it sees itself in the Universe: Pending
We have to reverse this shit. Let's go!
The time is well past and overdue.
The conversation should be opened up ALL the way if we are to heal as a planet.
Not just a little or an inch at a time because we are afraid of not getting approval.
That's a child mentality. Let us be Men. Women. Adults.
Organized, civilized society doesn't have to be ruled by what our fathers and grandfathers allowed and let slip through the cracks.
Like Congress for example. Terms for life? Wtf is that?
How about volunteers? 2 year term. No pay. This ain't no free ride vacation while you step on the people's voices and choices.
When you serve, you serve for free, with love or else you're out of fucking office.
You'll see how fast all those assholes leave, not getting paid anymore.
President? King? Queen? You should be made to earn that shit through many trials and tribulations that test your worthiness to lead.
Presidential term that is 4-8 years?
No. How about a year? IF YOU ARE GOOD!
How about we all take turns being president and get rid of one rule at a time until all we have left I'd freedom of choice and to live life without the demons that shouldn't even be able to affect us anymore?
They are crying, kicking and screaming because they see they are losing control and are very afraid of losing their tethers to this dimension.
The time of shadow is done
Theres enough people in the nation that are capable and are never given a chance. Pass the torch to someone who thinks in all of the colors in the rainbow instead of choosing one color and denying that there are others.
How do you become a speaker of the world with a mentality of a 3 year old?
Get hired by people with the same mindset who want others to think in a low vibration just like them or even worse!
Let's talk about it and step into our power so we don't need anyone else or government to tell is what we can and can't do because only they supposedly have power because we gave away for convenience.
To not be bothered to learn or grow is the biggest sin against yourself and the people you care about.
Create and then you have so much fun and enjoyit.
You'll have no more room in your life for the things that aren't even real because you are to busy creating your life and manifesting your dreams to even bother with the bullshit.
You have the power to do that right now but will you?
Do you have the proverbial balls to start now?
To live your dream despite all the systems and programs designed to hold you back?
We can only adapt and unite if we adopt an open mindset that is geared toward creation rather than destruction.
Love of life.
Not of fear of death.
Create your masterpiece and watch the fear of death fade for you have left something worthwhile behind and know that it is good.
No more obsession with knowledge.
Fake news and terror is killing our peace in a way that no gun, bomb or weapon of any sort could accomplish at all.
You can take a life but you can't take someone's soul who has lived and gave their life in the name of creation, love and peace
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