#and Smiler's selfies with Marm are pretty amusing XD
victorluvsalice · 20 days
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-->And then I went and bought a bunch of photography “stand here” markers from Build/Buy for the front walk in the hopes that I could line up at least Smiler, Victor, and Marm for a good picture in front of the front steps! Because I really wanted that shot, damn it. Unfortunately, getting them to stand on the marks proved harder than anticipated, as Victor got distracted cheering Rory's existence as a werewolf (I enjoy having my "Occult Likes/Dislikes" mod, yes, but that bit tends to get old fast) – and when Smiler DID stand on one, I found that I’d placed them the wrong way around. *facepalm* Figures. I then tried to have Alice just set up a photoshoot the old-fashioned way, but while Victor, Smiler, and Marm all came to stand in front of the camera – the action of taking a picture never actually completed. They just all stood there until I got frustrated and canceled it out. *heavy sigh* Between this and Rory kicking over the gang’s trash bin for no good reason, Family Reunions are starting to feel a little bit like Weenie Roasts.
-->Fortunately for my sanity, at this point the party was nearly over, and the NAP inspector, Jaclyn, and Thomas had all fucked off. So I just said “fuck it,” sent Marm to watch the cooking channel on the TV as he desperately needed fun (and given his starting aspiration, I figured he'd enjoy it), had Alice clean up the trash outside after scavenging it for parts (though she had to catch some stinkbugs first as they weren’t letting me click on the trash), had Victor relieve himself, and let everyone else basically do their own thing (mainly more dancing to Smiler’s radio) until the timer finally completed a few Sim-minutes later. At least Smiler got another Gold on the party! Even if it didn’t count toward completing their “Party Animal” aspiration. *grumbles* That damn thing needs to be updated soooo bad…
-->Anyway – with the party FINALLY over, and everyone FINALLY leaving, I allowed Victor to go to bed, then (with a LOT of coaxing, because for some reason the damn interaction wouldn’t complete – not to mention Alice tried to shower in the rain AGAIN in the middle of it) got Alice to wash poor filthy Shadow. Smiler, meanwhile, went and sat with Marm (who was finally happy again now that they were away from all those strangers). They had a good chat, fortunately, and Smiler even got Marm to take a selfie or five with them. Which, I wish I could have pulled that off DURING the family reunion, but… At least I got SOME pictures of the robot happy! I finally left things with a tired Alice joining Victor in bed and Marm and Smiler watching the Romance channel together and getting flirty. No, I do not know what that means for the polycule. XD
Whew – that was SOMETHING, wasn’t it? I love my Sims but they are truly exhausting sometimes. XD But at least the party went well, despite, everything, and Marm is starting to settle in as a new member of the family! Next time, we'll be heading off to the store to see how Marm does helping the trio run THAT whole thing! Hope to see you then!
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