hellfire--cult · 3 months
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im just putting this here
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azivandum · 3 months
Just a practice piece I did at 4am, still unsure of how I want to draw them. Have too much work to go back and edit this more, so here's how I assume Val would be like in a bath scene 😦
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notaboutmeeee · 2 years
My favourite of the many sterek references aka Eli scenes of the movie
(maybe because it's an obscure one? No idea)
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charlotte-queen-owl · 5 months
You're so good at drawing :OO!! how do you do it???
I throw up on the paper.
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marzipanthots · 1 month
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I just want to preserve my ancient art from 2020ish
I love the first one so much i think I reference from yoshida art book so long ago
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector's Edition: The Pilot, AUs (and References)
Pilot AUs and references in other episode time!
Loose chronological order below~
""Still, a Navy brat at heart, she can roll with the punches and adjust. So she holds up a finger to Mulder and closes the door in his face so she can quickly put on a sports bra and shove her feet into the running shoes she’s glad that she’d decided to bring. He’s still waiting outside when she pushes the door open with her foot while wrangling the rest of her hair into a ponytail.
He looks strangely boyish like this, baseball cap on backwards and doing a little jog in place. Wired indeed, she supposes. Without much preamble, they take off into the night.""
Scully takes up Mulder on his offer to go running.
lost time
""Scully flushes the toilet, rises, and crosses the small bathroom so she can rinse her mouth out at the sink while she ponders his question. “Until about two minutes ago, I was sleeping. In your bed.”
“Do you want to uh…connect the dots for me? I’m a little slow on the uptake right now, but if I think what happened is what actually happened, I think I’d remember it.”
Scully shakes her head, not even trying to parse the jumble of words that fall out of his mouth. Her attention is on her own reflection in the mirror, a stranger under whom she instantly recognizes herself.
Her hair is redder, vividly so against the chalky pallor of her face, the angles of which are sharper than they had been just yesterday. There are lines where there hadn’t been. Not many, but enough to draw her attention. She looks older.""
Requiem-- Mulder and Scully lose all of their memories post the brief Pilot abduction. They begin to piece their lives back together, with dead family members and a kid on the way.
""They’re both silent for a few moments, until: “So, uh, why’d you join the FBI?” Mulder tilts his head at an awkward angle to look up at her for a moment before his confidence falters. “You don’t have to answer, I was just—”
“No, no, it’s okay.” Scully sneaks a hand out of the blanket to tuck her slowly drying hair behind her ear. “I joined because, part of the way through med school, I realized that the life I had—and the one I was going to have—really didn’t interest me. I ended up getting into thanatology, the study of dead bodies, because I didn’t want to deal with real people....""
Mulder plays 20 Questions with Scully to soothe her embarrassment post Mosquito-Bite-Incident.
Nine Minutes?
""She fell to her knees, shaken to her very core. Nine minutes, she thought. Did I hallucinate all that in nine minutes?
“Scully?” He knelt down next to her, reaching out to her but pulling back at the last second. “Are you okay? Did you see something? Did you see them?""
Clyde Bruckman told Scully the truth-- her S11 death reset her timeline back to the nine minutes lost in the pilot. Mulder is shocked but resigned with her information.
FranTheWonderHorse/fran58's Late Night at the Hoover 01
""I read your report," Mulder said shortly. He reached for a nearby chair and drew it in front of her desk and straddled it.
Scully raised an eyebrow. "And?"
"And I guess I should congratulate you. Somehow, you managed to put the salient details on paper without sounding like a nut." He picked up a pen from her desk and twirled it in his fingers. "Without making me sound like a nut.""
Ethan is a part of Scully's life, but Scully is currently more focused on figuring out her new partner.  
mad_martha/HelenWills's (Annex)
Pilot Flipped
""Mulder did as he was told, and settled himself comfortably in the chair in front of the wide desk to wait.  Inured to this situation by countless other meetings like it, he was made not uncomfortable by the interview-like atmosphere: he was an agent of several years' standing and knew, without vanity, his own value to the Bureau.
"So, Agent Mulder …."  Blevins rustled a few sheets of paper in a file briefly, then folded his hands on the desk in front of him and studied the younger man.  "Thank you for coming on such short notice.  You've been with the Bureau, what – five years now?"
"Near enough, Sir," Mulder agreed.  He was a little surprised by this approach, but did not betray it.""
Mulder is assigned to Scully. The dialogue is kept the same yet twisted in new, interesting ways.
9 Minutes
""Scully recoiled, horrified, for a second then steeled herself to take a closer look.  It was hard to tell through the thick glass, but it was a man and there seemed to be something wrong with him, as though his flesh was becoming as translucent as the glass he was encased in.  There was a tube feeding into his throat, but it was impossible to tell whether he was alive or dead.  Revolted, she walked a few steps down the walkway and scraped the ice off another bottle.  This time it looked like a woman, but she was in the same condition as the man.  Scully brushed more ice off the bottle to see if there was any other evidence of a life-support system inside.  There wasn't – but there did appear to be some other, unidentified organism sharing the container.  With a start, she realised that this organism was actually inside the woman's body, and its flesh was pulsing faintly. 
Stepping back, she had to fight nausea.  This entire corridor was like some grotesque giant's larder, stocked with huge pickle jars.  The unexpected comparison was enough to make her gag and look for an avenue out.""
Scully is flashed to the Fight the Future spaceship during those lost 9 minutes, keeping her discovery a secret.
Prelude to an X Part 1/ Part 2/
""He didn't tell me exactly why you were thrown out of the Bureau," Scully replied curtly. "He said there was an internal investigation, though."
"He didn't tell you because I wasn't thrown out: I resigned," Mulder replied. There was a tense pause while the waitress took their orders. When she was gone again, he looked at Scully, but she was avoiding his eyes. "Danny couldn't tell you much anyway," he continued quietly. "Most of the investigation was hushed up, and the details about my resignation are probably buried in my personnel file. I wasn't forced to leave, though - I went voluntarily."
"What difference does it make?" Scully demanded.
"Actually, it makes a lot of difference. But are you willing to listen?""
AU S1 Scully is a doctor-agent; and Mulder is a freelance journalist with a little son (from a terrible move on his ex-wife's part) in tow.
@katy-kt-katie's (Ao3)  A Rose Petal and a Fish Tank - Chapter 1
""She knew part of him was confused and hurt by what happened in Philadelphia and the fight over her desk.  He could have just as easily fled, pushing her away or ditching her for some new case, but here he was. That did make a difference to her.""  
Post Never Again-- Mulder invites Scully out to neutral ground where they discuss loneliness and not being alone since the Pilot. They work their way back.
dlynn’s Reflections of a Rainy Night
""How long have you been standing there?" he sighed, rising and facing the window again. He could hear her soft breaths coming from the doorway between their adjoining rooms.
He had, on a subconscious level, been aware of her presence for some time. Whether it had been a "feeling" or his brain's awareness of her delicate perfume, he had known she was there, standing just inside the threshold. He just hadn't been ready to recognize it yet.
"Awhile," she replied, moving farther into the room, far enough for her to be seen in the diffused light of the window but still distanced from him. It was as if she were afraid of getting too close.
"What do you see out there, Mulder?" Scully queried. "What holds you tonight and keeps you from sleep?""
Post the Red and the Black-- Mulder observes a family putzing about in the rain, waiting for Scully's arrival. He reveals how devastated he is in the face of the loss of their probable child.  
Maidenjedi’s Crushed to Ashes
""Scully had called to get the latest, and gently told him. "She's stabilized. It took some effort, and her blood pressure is still lower than they'd really like. But she can live through this, Mulder."
But will she recover, he thought. All the times he'd asked her to sacrifice her work, her passions, always demanding that whatever she believed take a backseat to his own wild ideas and theories and work. Diana had now taken a bullet for him.
Scully made a small noise, a sigh perhaps.... ...and walked to the window, setting her glass down on the desk and picking up the masking tape he kept there. She toyed with the torn edge. Light shone in from the street, casting her in a halo, and Mulder watched her, realizing.
Diana had sacrificed a lot for the work. For him. And she'd left....
Five years in, here stood Dana Scully.""
Post The End Mulder wants to return Scully's comfort... but can't. She finds their casefile from the Pilot.  
zulu’s Fight The Past
""Come with me, Mr. Mulder. You can make a life better than this. You can escape your past."
Mulder followed him out of the office. He allowed himself to be guided to a dark sedan parked on the street. The old man drove down the dark streets, then pulled into a parking lot.""
Post Requiem-- CSM offers Mulder the opportunity to stop the motel fire in the Pilot (which had been caused by Scully's candle.)
Would That I Could Travel Both
""What if aliens were real?
No, seriously. What if all the stories about abductions, missing time, even probing, were true? What if UFOs were alien spacecraft and not experimental military aircraft?
What if Fox Mulder was not crazy at all, not even a little bit, and you walked into his office knowing that? What if you agreed with him, because there was evidence, there was scientific proof?""
Different AUs for Requiem-- Mulder didn't get answers, but got Will; Scully saved Mulder in FTF; Scully leaves to be Emily's mother; they begin dating after Pusher; and a successful move in the Pilot.  
MoJo and Jori’s Ravaged by Years
""...Samantha kicks him in the shin so hard that he goes down into the dirt. Then she follows through with a well placed kick to his nuts.
Donny is on the ground, grabbing himself and trying not to cry when I hear 'the voice' behind me. Samantha's wide eyes are stuck open, unblinking, like the broken eyes of the old plastic doll in her small hands.
"Fox William Mulder! What do you think you are doing?" my mom asks, her high pitched voice enough to make my heart pound harder.""
Scully is shaken during her autopsy on Tena Mulder, pondering on this woman. Meanwhile Mulder morbidly reflects on the Samantha favoritism and his inability to right his self-imposed wrongs.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside‘s (Ao3)
When They Were Young
""Mulder had ordered pancakes and eggs over-easy. He was engrossed in the local paper, his hair boyishly messy, his glasses riding low on his nose like an old man, and Scully let her mind drift. She did not want to think of the events that had lead to this—the motel fire, all the evidence gone, her brand-new laptop destroyed, and the two of them getting nearly no sleep whatsoever.
Two hours ago, she was at a cemetery. A cemetery. It was crazy how her heart was beating, pounding, yet she didn’t feel afraid because there was Mulder...
Mulder. There was Mulder, who hadn’t really been meeting her eyes this morning; he looked shy and bashful, and it was odd.""
Post The S11 Robot Episode-- Scully recalls eating in the diner after the events of the Pilot and feeling that she, finally, belonged.
@atths–twice​’s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN) Faith for the Future - Chapter 4
""Can I read it?” He smiled at her and stroked her face, another flash of lightning shining through the windows.
“Tomorrow,” he said with a smile. She nodded and put her head back on his chest. She did not speak for so long, he thought she had gone to sleep.
“What have you included in it so far?” she asked him, as the thunder rumbled closer. He smiled knowing the thought of it and needing to wait to read it would pique her interest.
“So many different cases,” he said teasingly, and she pinched his side, causing him to jump as she laughed and he swore. “Tomorrow you can read it, Scully, just be patient.”
“Mulder …” she whined.
“Okay,” he said, pulling her close."" 
Post Revival Mulder decides to write down the events of his and Scully's life for their daughter. He ends up extensively comparing notes on the Pilot with Scully. 
Binary Star - Chapter 1 (Ao3)
""Young men in the prime of their lives with the lives they planned to lead stolen from them see a young, pretty woman with a crippled leg using a cane coming to treat their injuries and they have one of two reactions: they either look sidelong at her with scorn, or they start crying. All the doctors are healthy, said one boy, her younger brother’s age, and no one can understand each other. That’s the moment Dana knows she chose the right profession.""
WWII Scully may have been partially crippled by polio, but that doesn't stop her from becoming a brilliant doctor and teaming up with a precocious Mulder to explore the strange light in the woods.
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starsstuddedsky · 9 months
randomly starting a buffy the vampire slayer rewatch…. stayed tuned for rants
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melodicbreeze · 2 years
which tragic greek figure are you?
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sing, o muse, of the failed lover who thwarted perils and charmed death but could not save that who he cherished most. you have impressed the god of music with your skill, have sailed with argonauts, and penned literature that lived millennia past your death, but you are most remembered for only just failing to save eurydice from the depths of hades. take your grief-filled hands and wander, now, museless creature, until death comes for you too.
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midwinterhunt · 6 months
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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necronatural · 2 months
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Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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astronnova · 7 days
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blueboxbeagle · 6 months
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By LabradoriteKing on Pinterest
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pppuri · 10 days
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say his name three times!
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amartworks · 6 days
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had a fun experience on the subway the other day
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wizardpotions · 10 months
Christmas as a cultural icon is starting to get really dystopian in a climate sense, december has historically been a time of year in which there would be snow in a significant portion of europe and north america, and the fact that its not even icy this time of year and all the christmas songs and decorations reference a time of year that will likely never exist in the same way again in my life time is so strange.
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I was inspired
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