#and I've seen all of Hannibal I'd be very creative with it
into-the-clintoris · 2 years
Hi can you tell me about your DVD collection?
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Anyways here it is, my pride and joy.
First up all my regular dvds. By the way, I am using the words DVD and Blu Ray interchangeably. I say dvds, I mean discs with movies on them, including Blu Rays.
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These are all the movies I just wanted to have a physical copy of for one reason for another. 90% of these are thrifted, some I've seen, some I want to see because ive heard of them and know theyre good (see: The Normal Heart, O Brother Where Art Thou), and some I want to see because it looked interesting on thr shelf at the store (see: Much Ado, starring Keanu Reeves and Denzel Washington???? How have I never heard of this????).
Many of these I collect because they're important to me in one way or another (see: The Iron Giant, HTTYD).
Now here's all my pretty DVDs. Again, 90% thrifted.
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Here's the highlights:
Scrubs season 1 has a plastic sheet that looks like an x ray and is removable. The inside is made to look like a doctor's clipboard and has a rubber chicken.
Walk the Line was thrifted and still had all of the inserts, including in character photos of Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon.
That Reservoir Dogs dvd is one of a set - each character had their own release. Still has the pamphlet, and inside is a quote from QT about the character.
Yes, 2 copies of The Matrix. The original DVD and the ugliest steel book I've ever seen, next to all the Marvel movies, but it was a gift.
Angels in America is just a damn high quality case. It has a magnetic closure.
Planet Earth box set has a gorgeous inside. Each DVD is about a different place, and so pays tribute to that subject.
That Band of Brothers set is METAL. Like a steel book.
Saving Private Ryan is the 60th anniversary of D Day special edition, its pretty cool.
The Silence of the Lambs criterion collection, not thrifted per se, got it from Amoeba Records. The booklet inside had BTS stuff and high quality stills. It's gorgeous. The whole thing is very Hannibal (TV) - esque.
Narnia is my favorite DVD. Hands down. The inside looks like the wardrobe, and when you remove the plastic dvd case from the cardboard sleeve, it reveals a picture of the lamppost and Lucy. It encompasses so concisely why I collect these things. Someone loved this movie a lot, and designed the case with their entire soul. You don't see that much any more. See: Disney """"""platinum editions"""""" that are just the same damn dvds but the sleeve is shiny.
This brings me to another section I'm super proud of:
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I thrifted all of these. They all came from different stores. Fellowship is a little banged up, but I dont mind. Yall the insides of these are INSANE. I'm talking art, maps, the whole nine. And they do have a leathery texture. This set is in my top 3, probably tying SOTL for 2nd place after Narnia.
I love these things with my whole heart. They're so creative and beautiful and unique, and hunting for them at the thrift makes me feel like I've uncovered treasure.
I didn't try to get inside of these because it would be so complicated to try and get pictures of all of them and everything in them, but if there's something specific you want to crack into, let me know! Send an ask! I'd love to show these bitches off, they're literally the coolest things I own and I have barely anyone to talk to about them ✌
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thebetterluthor · 3 years
Listen. Re-watching Merlin has been... An experience.
Like, I know he’s a character loved by many. But for the first time in my life, I honestly don’t see it. I can’t understand what people find likable about him, and I always feel bad tagging the show because I’m dragging him in every post. And I wouldn’t normally drag a character this much, but it isn’t just that I don’t like him, it’s that I absolutely hate his guts.
He’s judgmental to the highest degree. There are tons of people around him with more brains, and more knowledge, and more insight than him, and yet he is the one making all the decisions based on what he thinks is right, even though 99% of the time he’s absolutely wrong and fucks up everyone's lives. The show makes a point of him saving Arthur’s life in the stand alone episodes so Merlin can at least appear to be helpful, but those saves are so staged, and in the greater scheme of things of such little consequence, it doesn’t even register with me. 
Like, he always meddles, his meddling always sends things spiraling in the wrong direction, and he’s willing to do despicable things without probable cause. He was willing to straight up murder Morgana on various occasions because he thought she was up to something bad regarding Uther. Even when he didn’t have any proof, only a feeling that was based on his own bigotry, he was willing to murder her for the sake of his fucking destiny. 
Because why the fuck is Uther’s life more important than anyone else’s Merlin????? If he was against murdering people altogether I’d roll with it. But no, he doesn’t mind murder as long as it aligns with what he considers to be the right path. What the fuck????
And Gaius is always acting as his enabler every single time he fucks up and that’s even more annoying. Stop coddling this self-righteous little bastard Gaius. For fucks sake.
The show wants me to want Merlin to succeed not because he’s a good man, or because he’s got a great storyline to fulfill. Like I said before, BBC Merlin isn’t even about Merlin, it’s about the Pendragons. The only reason I’m supposed to care about Merlin is because “he’s the most powerful sorcerer and this dragon told him he has a destiny to fullfil”... AND? He’s a piece of shit -personality wise-, his destiny is to go down the toilet, why should I care about him show, TELL ME.
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hi :) how are you?
you know what fascinates me? what different fic writers latch onto when writing hannibal fanfics. i've seen people use the religious themes, i've seen people latch onto bugs/rotting. it's just neat to see what themes from the show stuck with people.
I am doing okay! I had a busy day and I am very tired. I also feel I am in a constant state of "I have an exam soon" and "what are my exam scores". But after this week, I'll be officially halfway through the semester. So, that's good I guess haha. How about you?
I do like seeing the different focuses in different fics. There are infinite angles to approach stories with. There is a lot of creative freedom in what can happen in a story. I feel my story is all over the fucking place, so I don't know what theme there is besides the obvious one of "addiction". But that is a character design not from the show technically. I'd be curious to see someone analyze my shit but also terrified because it probably means it sucks haha. It will be so bittersweet when it finally ends. I've been writing, editing, and posting it for like, five months. It feels unreal.
That was a tangent, my bad.
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chiyohsrifle · 4 years
Got tagged by the marvelous @hvnnigram and I can't wait to bare my soul to you guys. this is a long one, so let's go!!
Rules: Tag people you want to get to know better 🖤
Your name and then what you would've named yourself: My full name is Montserrat (I'm Mexican, in case you couldn't tell. Well Mexican-American but anywho) but I typically go by Montse. Mainly cuz people struggle to pronounce my full name hehe but I also just think it's less of a mouthful. Idk, I honestly really love my name and don't think I'd change it given the chance. Maybe something shorter just cuz paperwork can be a bitch. I like Rene but otherwise, I'm pretty attached to my name lol.
Astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): I'm a sun Pisces, a moon Aries, and a rising Virgo, I believe :)) All in all, I'm an emotional, empathetic bitch
When did you join Tumblr and why?: Was going through my emails yesterday and I've been here for a year?? apparently. So yea, I joined Aug./Nov. of 2019 and I'm almost certain it was cuz I wanted to see more Good Omens fanart lol. But I got more active this year cuz quarantine do be forcing me to have some wack coping mechanisms. Also BBC Merlin had me reeling and I needed somewhere to scream.
Top 5 fandoms: Hannibal (obviously), BBC Merlin, Killing Eve, Good Omens, and The Umbrella Academy 😊
Top 5 favorite films: (oh Lord, the cinema buff in me is Panicking rn) God, there's so many I love but I'll try to give varietyTM. But I'm a Cheerleader (1999), Parasite (2019), The Wind Rises (2013), Little Shop of Horrors (1986), and Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014).
Go to song when you wanna Feel something: if we're talking like emotionally charged, TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan always sends me reeling. Endorphins wise, Ahora Te Puedes Marchar by Luis Miguel always makes me wanna jump and move around. And La Vie Boheme from RENT, just pure serotonin
What's your religion or faith, if you have one?: I was raised with a heavy Catholic background but I'm agnostic, I believe is the term. Basically, I don't think there's not a God or higher power(s). I just don't align with anything specifically. But I do believe there's something running things, whether that be spirits, the stars, gods, etc. I can't say.
A song that makes you feel seen: Not to be a theatre kid on main but, Breathe from In The Heights. That song and whole musical hold such a special place in my heart, esp with Nina's character cuz I'm Nina. Every part of that song just Gets Me and i ugh, can't articulate it but yea, that song be me.
If you could pick a career: A writer or painter. Anything creative/artsy really cuz crafting is just so calming to me.
Do you have a type?: ngl, I'm kinda the 'falls in love with their best friend' stereotype but beyond that, not really. I kinda just see attractive people and mentally short circuit
What does your soul/heart yearn for?: Not to sound like a character from Hannibal, but to be understood. To be cared for and feel supported. To allow myself to rest and be comforted/loved. Just to feel safe ig. Whoop, that got personal, anywho
If you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: intelligent, caring, awkward, Very Queer, and chaotic
Favorite subject in school: English and History!! I think they're absolutely fascinating and I'm gay so obviously I connect way too much with literature
Where does your soul feel most at home at?: Close to someone that I love, in comfortable silence. Or any situation where I have wind blowing in my face, it's super comforting and idk why
Top 5 fictional characters: Rowena from SPN, Bella Crawford, Beverly Katz, Eve Polastri, and Jack Crawford
Top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry:
1. The ending of Your Lie In April. Idk if any of yall have experienced that, but let me know if you have cuz shared trauma. I was crying so hard, I couldn't breathe. Dry heaving and everything, it was Not Pretty
2. Like literally all of One Day At Time. I know, it's cheesy but that show means a lot to me and I get so emotional watching it cuz I connect to the characters so much. Anything with Elena makes me sob cuz like she's me but also my baby, ya know
3. Um Queer Eye in general but specifically the episode with the gay pastor. That hit close to home on so many levels and boy, was I sobbing the entire time.
(Before y'all ask, honorable mention to Mizumono, TWOTL, and the ending of BBC Merlin cuz I may have been too tired to cry, but trust me, I was emotionally wrecked after all three)
The earth, the sun, the moon, or the stars: Ooh, I'm gonna have to go with the stars but I love that lesbian space rock too
Favorite kind of weather: Thunderstorms, rain, cloudy, grey weather. Fall, I love the fall, give me autumn pleASE
Top 3 characters to kin you with: Guinevere Pendragon from BBC Merlin, Vanya Hargreeves from TUA, and Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal
Favorite medium of art: I love all art very much but I guess drawing and film especially
Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Gonna say ambivert cuz I can be shy but buckle up, cuz the second I'm comfortable around you, it's absolute chaos. You will learn too much about me and that's okay 😌
Favorite literary quote: If poetry counts, it's something like "And if the devil was to ever see you, he'd kiss your eyes and repent". Idk who wrote it but it's an Arabic love poem. Actual book quote tho, "But I'm tired of coming out. All I ever do is come out. I try not to change, but I keep changing, in all these little ways." from Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda cuz damn me too.
Some of your favorite books: Simon vs. The Homosapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, the Carry On series by Rainbow Rowell, When I Was Puerto Rican by Esmeralda Santiago, Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, All The Bright Places by Jennifer Lee, Autoboygraphy, and Copper Sun
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Europe or New York. No real specifics for Europe, defiently leaning more towards Western Europe and the Mediterranean cuz they just seem so pretty. And NY cuz I want a studio apartment hehe and also I adore NY. I went a couple years back and just fell in love. Although live is a loose term cuz I've always thought of moving around a lot. I like traveling and settling down isn't really convenient for that so these are kinda just ideals lol
If you could live in any time in history, when would it be?: Oh, defiently 60s/70s. Also, anytime matriarch societies were common cuz I wanna see what that looked like
If you could play any instrument masterfully, it would be: the acoustic guitar and piano. Maybe violin, but those two for sure
If you have one, which god or goddess do you feel more connected to?: I've always really vibed with Athena so her. But also Diyonuses cuz man's is the ideal.
And finally, your favorite recent selfie in your camera role:
(Excuse the eye bags and look in general, I was sleepy when I took it)
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Whoo, that's all folks. I'm just gonna say that any of my followers/mutuals who want to do this, feel free to say I tagged you. Thanks for tag, once again, babe!!
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