#and I'm thinking about the family as a whole again. might finally rewatch disenchanted just for a crumb of content.
roberrtphilip · 6 months
I feel like Robert is the kind of dad who doesn't do baby talk very well, so when he talks to his babies, he just. talks to them the way he does with everyone else. like, when Morgan was a baby, he'd pick her up from daycare and, while he was making her dinner, he'd just go on and on about the cases he's working on. and maybe he'd talk about how frustrating the clients are, or how annoying his coworkers can be. and any time Morgan would babble in response, Robert would nod, and be like, "right? isn't it just ridiculous?? I'm glad someone else agrees with me, cause the idiots I work with certainly never do 🙄"
and with Sofia, I headcanon she's a very loud, vocal baby as opposed to Morgan, who was always quiet, so when he's rambling to her, she'll ramble just as much back, and maybe slam her hands down, and he's just like, " !!!!!!!!! she gets it !!!!!!!!!!!!"
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