#and I'm still a little bitter about Andy wiping Eric's mind for no reason in the Newcrest Adventures save
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victorluvsalice · 5 months ago
Multifandom Tiny Town: Occult Thoughts
Hello all, it's time for another post where I babble on about my ideas for a potential multifandom Tiny Town Challenge that I may or may not actually get off the ground. :p Today's topic -- the potential occult statuses of my tiny town residents! Because you know me -- I love my occult Sims. :D I've pondered this topic on and off for a little while regarding all the various members of the town, and here's what I've come up with --
Smiler Alton: Those glowing yellow eyes of theirs might be from Vampires, but in this world, I think I'd actually like Smiler to be a Spellcaster! Specifically, a spellcaster with a focus on the Alchemy branch of magic, because my Smilers are always supposed to be great chemists/alchemists (and this Smiler would be one based on my Valicer In The Dark Smiler, so that would be doubly true for them). I'm thinking that, once they've learned a few recipes and gotten sufficiently good at magic to have them come out good quality every time (and have finished the "can only earn money from their chosen skill to build their house" portion of the challenge), they could start selling the potions along with their nectar bottles! Feels right for them. :)
Victor Van Dort: Much like in my current Chill Valicer Save file, this Victor would end up becoming another Spellcaster -- but unlike the CVS Victor, who focuses on Practical magic, this Victor would specialize in Untamed magic. Like, of course I'd let him get some Practical spells ("Repairio" and "Scruberoo" are like must-haves for any spellcaster, and I think everyone in the tiny town would benefit from him having "Copypasto"), but I'd really lean in on him learning the Untamed stuff. Reason? Untamed magic has the "Necrocall" and "Dedeathify" spells, and given my plan for this Victor is for him to build up the Medium skill and eventually become a Paranormal Investigator (once he's done painting his way to a house), it feels thematically appropriate for him to get those spells. (Hell, it just feels thematically appropriate for him given he comes from a movie called Corpse Bride -- and you could argue that he, however accidentally, called Emily out of her grave there, soooo...)
Alice Liddell: Alice was a bit of a tricky one to figure out -- mostly because I've already done two occult life states with her over two different save files (she became a vampire in the original Newcrest Adventures stuff, and she's currently a werewolf in the the Chill Valicer Save), meaning I was like "I kinda want to do something else with her" for this potential save file. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a third spellcaster either, and I didn't like the idea of leaving her an ordinary human...
And then I remembered an old post of mine where I made fun of myself for turning Emily into a mermaid and Alice into a vampire whenever I was doing some sort of supernatural/fantasy AU when, based on their canons, they should be the other way around, and went "oh hey!" XD So yes, in this file, Alice would eventually become a Mermaid! I've never actually played a mermaid before, so this would be a fun new challenge (well, sort of, I don't think mermaids are all that hard to play) -- and, as indicated in the linked post, I already have an idea of what Alice should look like as a mermaid thanks to that concept art of her as one for the original Deluded Depths stuff. Plus, I know one of the powers you get as a mermaid is changing the weather, and given how many times I've had to slap a weather machine down on a lot to stop it raining when I travel, that should come in very handy. :D Only trouble would be getting the mermadic kelp, as I'd prefer to find it in Sulani rather than just buy it with aspiration points, but -- I don't think the tiny town would mind a group vacation to the islands, right? XD
Emmett Brown: By contrast, deciding for Emmett was easy -- he's going to be a Regular Sim. No occult powers at all. Reason?
Well, once he builds up his house with his prowess in robotics, I intend for him to enter the Scientist active career. I figure the minute he has a SimRay and a few serums under his belt, he'll be able to keep up with all the supernatural nonsense happening around him. XD And hey, "Mad Scientist" counts as a technical occult, right?
Mal Kavian: Another easy one -- Mal is explicitly supposed to be the female Malkavian fledgling from Vampire: the Masquerade -- Bloodlines, so she has to start as a Vampire! Though I'm planning on running her differently from how I usually do vampires in this game, by limiting her powers and planning her weaknesses around what would be true of a VTMB-style vampire. I actually did a whole series of posts on how you could convert VTMB vampires to Sims 4 back in 2018, so I already have an idea of what I'd do, though I probably wouldn't EXCLUSIVELY limit myself to "just Malkavian disciplines-themed powers" -- I'd like for Mal to get super-speed or a teleport power at some point! But yeah, she'd be my first vampire who stays permanently weak to the sun, which should make gameplay -- interesting. Smiler, I think I'm gonna have to have you get some Vampire Lore skill just so you can mix that drink that turns vampires solar-powered for her whenever she needs to go out in the daylight!
Preston Garvey: Preston was another tricky one, since I wasn't sure what occult status would actually fit him. I was tempted to just leave him a normal sim for a while...but after thinking about it a bit more, I think it might be interesting to make him a Werewolf! A friendly one, of course, since Preston's a friendly guy. :) Just think it might make for some neat gameplay/story opportunities to have him struggling with his inner Beast, especially near the beginning of his infection -- and Preston would be a lot more inclined to do pack-related stuff, unlike Alice in the Chill Valicer Save, so I'd be able to do something with that as well! Plus I could experiment with getting some different powers at different times -- Preston might be more suited for getting that "eat random objects" power, since he comes from a post-apocalyptic setting where the ability to eat whatever when you were hungry would be VERY useful. XD
Wheatley Notamoron: While I do have a human Wheatley in my Library (I created him for the Newcrest Adventures save file, along with a Chell), I really want to make the Wheatley in this save file a Servo -- after all, the original Wheatley was a robot, so why not make the Sims version one as well? Plus Servos are another life state I haven't played with a lot (Marm L. Iser is a very recent addition to the Chill Valicer Save), so figuring out how to navigate robot-hood with him would be an interesting challenge. (Though, given how fast charge and durability seems to go down on newly-activated Servos, I'm glad he's going to be living on a lot with six other people to help with his needs!) Of course, the trick here is, you can't make a Servo in CAS, so how do I get Servo!Wheatley into my Library so he's ready to move into the Tiny Town later... Guess my best option would be to find a room with a prebuilt-but-not-activated Servo in it on the Gallery, have a random Sim in a random save activate him, then give said Servo the right name, paint job, and traits before saving him to the Gallery. (Or I suppose I could have Emmett build him, as his whole thing is Robotics, but that DOES feel a bit weird...we'll see how things go, I guess!)
And there we have it -- two spellcasters, a mermaid, a scientist, a vampire, a werewolf, and a Servo all in one tiny town. Shit will be chaotic. XD But then again, were we expecting it not to be?
#sims 4#sims challenge#tiny town challenge#multifandom tiny town#yeah most of these assignments were pretty easy#I like having Victor as a spellcaster and it synced up well with me wanting him to eventually become a medium#and Smiler being an alchemist of course suits their whole deal#Mal as stated HAD to be a vampire#it only made sense to make Wheatley be robotic now that we have the option#and Emmett as the 'technically normal but have you seen his inventions' Sim amuses me XD#maybe he can finally max out that career - I never did get past I believe level 6 with the Newcrest Adventures version#Alice and Preston were the only tricky ones#and once I realized that mermaid would suit Alice based on the original gameplay ideas for the Deluded Depths#that came together nicely#And I like Preston as a werewolf#he'd probably be totally down to join the Moonwood Collective#be a good werewolf who helps and protects people#...admittedly it occurred to me while I was writing this that 'secret alien Preston' might be more thematically appropriate#since we KNOW aliens are a thing in Fallout#but I've downloaded someone else's Preston from the Gallery rather than making my own sooo#then again MC Command Center could fairly easily swap his status couldn't it?#eh let me think about it#werewolves are a much more fleshed out occult#and I'm still a little bitter about Andy wiping Eric's mind for no reason in the Newcrest Adventures save#seriously why can that power be used autonomously it's STUPID#queued
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