#and I'm kinda losing my motivation to upload art on this website at all
carrioncrowned-blog · 8 years
I don’t get tumblr’s image compression and it’s driving me to the brink of insanity
So, I’ve been having this problem for quite a while now. I have no idea why, but tumblr seems to apply this incredibly weird blur to all my photo posts, which is obviously very frustrating because I spend a lot of time positioning my camera and editing my files so everything is in clear focus. I’d post comparison images, but the same thing would happen again and you wouldn’t be able to see anything.
I previously thought this was because the website is not equipped to handle high quality art files and is compressing them, but at this point I’m not even sure anymore, so... if anyone can help, I NEED HELP. 
So here is what I have been doing so far, and what I’ve tried:
I upload my art as .png files, because it’s a lossless compression format. 
I HAVE tried to upload them as .jpgs, because I assumed tumblr was reformatting them to that anyway and I wanted to have control over HOW it was formatted. No difference to the .pngs. 
I’ve found different information on the internet concerning the canvas sizes, but the most common seems to be 1280 x 1920 pixel for the biggest scale possible, which is what I’ve been sticking to. 
Whenever I get really desperate with how horrible a certain piece of art looks, I’ve also tried to resize to 540 x 810 pixels, which is apparently the standard dashboard size. Still, no usable results. 
I’ve tried to mess with the file size, since my smaller close up shots are usually not as blurry. No matter how low I go, there’s usually little to no improvement. 
NOW THIS IS SOMETHING I JUST FOUND OUT: Whenever I upload close ups for details under the complete artwork, I tend to put several of them in the same row, next to each other. Little to no blur with those. So just for fun, I tried cutting my large art file in half, uploading the seperate halves and putting them next to each other to form a complete picture. 
So at this point, I don’t even know what tumblr’s problem is anymore. The two halves are not a small scale (640 x 1280 pixel), they’re not a small file size (1,7 MB per piece), they’re both .pngs. There’s no reason they should be better quality than a 640 x 640 full artwork that I also tried to upload.
So, what is tumblr doing, what am I doing wrong, what do I do to fix this? Please help
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