#and I'm incredibly PROUD of my Camilla and I will never stop saying it
mrandmrskarev · 5 years
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"I am a grown woman. With a job that I love and friends I love and a husband who loves me...♡"
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meeraria · 5 years
Hii, I'm so shy asking this but I read somewhere you have a list of upstead moments, would you share it with me? If it's not too much 🙈
I am very sorry I just saw this!! I hope you haven’t sent this a long time ago. I’ve finished the last season recently but I haven’t done this one yet. and pls don’t be shy!! I am so happy you asked. not many people like them.
I don’t have time stamps just some shorthand notes to remind me of the scene. and every instance they call each other by their names (I had this idea to gif them or make a video etc.) but all the moments are in chronological order so if you see the third moment before the first one when you’re watching an episode that means you skipped the first two. the list is under the cut.
ps. there might be some other moments that I liked that are not necessarily upstead.
4x21 first time at the back of a van
4x22 jay on haileys desk
        erin is the one who calls her hailey for the first time
4x23 hailey meets will
        hailey looks after jay when he leaves
5x01 jay touches hailey on the shoulder for bust
        hailey calls him jay for the first time, to Kev and Ruz
        look at each other at the hospital
        if you need anything
deleted scene: jay I got your back. he is quick to escape her. pats her back. she respects. he’s with his brother
5x02 looks at jay when he starts lying to suspect
        sits on her desk
        jay checks out hailey in the interrogation room
        jay calls him upton. for the first time
5x03 they open doors to cupboard at the same time
        butchers blade-look to each other
5x04 sb assumes hailey is ruzek’s gf
        stops a witness from prosecuting ruzek
        ruzek calls her hailey cause he thinks she’s gonna snitch, jay tries to stop him
5x05 hailey puts her hand on jay’s shoulder jay looks and she recants
        they save the kids look at each other
5x06 Le Snob (he’s not in love yet-doesnt look at her)
        jay brings her jacket
        mcgrady you run the log hailey they look at each other
        their hands touch when jay gives her the camera
        j: is this really about the case? h:see u 2morrow
        jay(grabs her shoulder): u sure u ok? let me know if you need anything
        how’supton? jay: idunno  
5x07 look at each other to open door
        voight: you got a take hailey? neutral
        microphone up (first time saying jay 2hisface)
        looks at hailey so she’d start the fight
        iknowwhathesaw, was what u said true. jay is pissed
        first fight: voight says hailey. she denies jay’s request
        jayx4 points the gun at her
        hailey calls him, he rolls eyes
5x08 first time calls her hailey (don’t need no babysitter)
5x09 hailey texts him, rolls eyes
        I’ll stay with the suspect hailey
        big potato talk (she’s driving)
        flirty let’s check out his alibi
        he looked at her and then they look at each other but it’s fast (questioning junkie)
        they take a selfie, he puts arm around her she wants to but stops herself
5x10* camila episode
        introduces her as hailey - but she’s gay
        we’re gonna talk about her, now (calls her jay) I’m fine lie.
        you can’t talk to her - jay you’re not thinking straight
        thinks she betrayed her
        “back off jay”
         looks at him over camila’s shoulder
         they look at each other - after camilla’s dismissal
         hailey is worried about him
         she threatens camilla, saying I - his real name is jay x2
5x11 if you’re not serious I need a new partner (shoulder tap)
        he wants back to therapy cause of ultimatum
5x12 “jay come back.” platt’s birthday (shoulder punch)- lookateachother
         he uses her desk like he doesn’t have one
         she pushes jays back to get to voight
         they’re hiding together
5x13  look at each other at restaurant
         how’s therapy going?
         “jay!” - spots the suspects
5x14  flag dispute
        look each other when they get shots fired
        sits on hailey’s desk
        I used to be a soldier-looks at hailey x2
        she admires that he respects the kneeler
5x15 she puts arm on his shoulder
        sits on hailey’s desk about q
        italian guy flirting, women are more loyal then men
        jay, you got her?
5x16 bomb-she falls down he grabs her
       he sitting on her desk
       cF(6x13) calls her to ask about voight
5x17 he’s sitting on her desk
        uh-oh i just saw a rat arm tap
5x18* titus episode: jay also calls adam ruz?
        how do u know this guy?
        looks after she explains
        i pitch jay as a potential buyer
        you look like a real couple
        hailey, thought he bit but
        you were hailey’s case officer, she’s my partner
        hailey, we gotta talk about this, did he rape you
        i can handle this jay- I said the same thing u called me out (shoulder tap)
        touches her arm, booth notices
        he asked me if i slept with her,
        hailey you’re way too emotional
        jay: me too. hailey’s solid,hailey’s gonna callme
        he reaches for his gun when booth gets handsy with her
        5 time hailey, please (grabs her shoulder)
        looks after her when arresting
        comes to her house, hailey u got him
        two deletes scenes: therapy is over
        you’re incredibly aloof about your private life
5x19 sitting on hailey’s desk, gives her jacket
        looks at homeless jay
        saves her life, you good? good.
5x20 look at each other during shootout
        talk about erin
5x21 he and kevin fight and she calms them
        h:I just talked to halstead
        sarge if you need sth - she’s same to everyone
        he’s sitting on her desk
5x22 hank x trudy hug (personal ship)
        jay comes back from crying grabs her shoulder, she grabs his hand
        jay sits on her desk
deleted scene: pushes her out of line of fire
6x01 trudy comes to see hank (personal ship)
        “jay” go be undercover junkie
         gets his jacket to him
6x02 look at each other in morgue
        she uses his computer
        she looks at him worried before they go busting
        damn it jay. jay, I almost shot you
        need me to talk to u. I don’t need anything jay.
        innocent man, jay. second fight? keeps looking at him
        jay, back off. she pushes him hard, grabs his chest
        she grabs his arm to pull him back
        “you’re too close jay” I’m done being your punching bag -his eyes never leave her
         he’s shot, she’s distressed jay x 4 (she checks his body)
         Hailey, I’m sorry. touches his knee as she gets up then cries
deleted scene jay I thought you were with will, pats arm working this case?
6x03 halstead calls her. she slept with adam
        I gotta meet jay
        you’re like never late. he looks at her after she dismisses him
        checks to see if she follows
        gonna grab halstead and dig in
        look at each other
6x04 greets her when nobody notices
        she gets  the suspect by jumping on him (gay moment for me)
        ready? eye contact
6x05 she knows how to handle idiots
        makes way for her like the first time they met
        I don’t care if we’re sleeping 2gether talk to voight (to adam) LOVE HER
6x06* voight learns about upzek
        i dont do violence
        adam undermines her, she gets angry
        look at each other when talking to voight
       keeps looking at jay when he talks
       hailey we gotta talk. I confirmed his alibi
       hailey you did what you have to, she cries to him about her guilt adam interrupts.
       nothing good comes from workplace romance (he has some feelings?)
       even when he’s debriefing; he looks at hailey. adam doesn’t
       I know u don’t wanna talk about it flirting. she’s sad
       tries to explain to adam: this halstead thing
6x07* looks at him when they’re listening to wire
        he wants to help kev, she grabs his arm to stop
        legally blind witness flirting
        bomb goes off - are u ok? grabs her
        va is dead, she checks on him, he look at her. all with eyes
        pushes her in the room, through her shoulder
        u got me? yeah.
        burqa woman incident. jay x2 , hold on. hailey x7, stop
        we’re not mind readers hailey. *whispering softly you’re not in war anymore*
        look at each other, in the interview
        she doesn’t believe the guy he does.
        sits on her desk
        introduces her as upton to racist woman
        save the commentary and scroll look
        this thing between us. I screwed up hailey. I have bias (her hand on his shoulder)
        looks at her when they walk (feelings maybe?)
6x08 u know she’s with me right?
        adam compliments, jay looks at her
        steals a pen from him in the background when antonio is on the phone
        kev’s suspect calls her out look each other.
        kev asks to talk to snitch, she taps jay to leave
6x09 when adam talks about commitment she gets scared
        jay calls everyone by surnames except “hailey”
        flying blind is fun flirting
        “jay” spotted a camera
        sweeps the house, touches her arm
        suspect pushes her, he catches her and adam punches
        she dresses kim’s vest (gay shriek)
6x10* hailey, come on x2
        she’s angry. looks at him. he look to voight
        voight: trudy. ride with me to the scene (personal)
        asks his opinion on ruzek and iad.
        he catches upzek. she’s upset he saw.
        “a guy I’m dating upzek talk with voight”
         we’re always gonna be good talk
6x11 kelton comes. look at each other.
6x12* he gets agitated, she supports him with her looks, he checks for support
        “jay you allright” kelton denied funds. hailey, we got him rn.
         looks at the bus stop. supporting love. looks.
        she catches him over the body “jay, you ok?” hailey arrived after me.
        she’s angry and he looks at her.she leaves he stays. head salute.
        hailey, what’s up. jay you went dark. is that what you think? jay…
        voight warns him. she’s worried behind.
        she looks you ok? he looks yes go. first nonverbal.
        voight compliments him.
        long week. u can’t right every wrong “jay”. flirting then adam calls. go..
6x13 surveillance flirting about kev
       what the hell look at her
6x14 kim catches upzek
        she gets kidnapped he’s worried
        he’s ok with voight’s tactics cause she’s missing
        he fights with ruzek.
        she’s proud of kim. (personal)
        ruzek goes to kim first.
        he stands up when he sees her. he’s so sad and angry
        she checks jay. he’s upset
6x15* he’s talking to her on the phone
        check if he’s coming behind her
        pushes back her chair to sit on her desk
        “Hailey he’s headed to you” “squad advise my partner ” x 2
         upton are you copying? copy jay are you ok? hailey he’s armed.
         jay! we’re coming in!
         you good? yeah you? yeah
         she’s driving
         jay we’re good. “do what your ladyfriend tell you to do”
         looks at her before he gets out
         they look at each other, he says no she listens
         she keeps checking on him, he assures her after
         he has a hunch, she supports him. he thanks with eyes, she says np with eyes
         he defends his hunch, she silently supports him. then look at each other for thx
         eyes talk: come with me? right now? ok?
         suspect says he’ll snitch, they look at each other we got it
         I’ll follow you blind talk. (she half-confessed her feelings to him)
6x16  “sarge what you don’t let me and hailey go?” “hailey?” and gets her jacket
         I’m halstead and she’s upton.
         I’ll catch up with you, forearm grip
         he waited at the entrance
         serial killer talks to her, he gets nervous
         runs to the car/him, “I got Hailey”
6x17 sitting on her desk
        looks at her, checking out buildings
        “oh yeah good one” arm pat
        looks at her when she’s not looking and looks away when she turns
        throws usb to him, he catches
        they judge the juvie guy together
        voight offers himself to suspect he checks her face to see what she thinks
        they look at each other this time when they been judgey
6x18  sitting on her desk
         hands on her desk when she’s not there like it’s his :)
6x19 towering over her while she looks at the footage
        jay! blue buick
        she tries to help the victim and looks at jay to see if she can he looks no
        she supports kim no qs ask when kim barges in, normally follows the rules
        ruzek keeps checking on kim-believes her immediately  like jay and hailey
        he was sitting on her desk since before hank came in
6x20 she doesn’t wanna meet ruzek’s family?? i dunno
        pats her arm after she’s shot at
        they shadow ruzek but she calls it off. jay doesn’t interfere & looks the whole time
        ruzek wants answers he tries to cover and supports her and tell ruz to let it go
        ruz thinks it’s cause of burzek but it’s not.
        “jay talked to”
         she holds off the op he’s worried a little in the car.
         upstead communicate silently and without questioning
         she checks on jay while he fights the suspect
         she questions her relationship with adam, platt says if he’s not the one end it
         she breaks up with ruzek, and admits they’re not the one for each other
6x21 she’s a bit cocky to the suspect and he smiles a little whilst he turns???
        TRUDY AND HANK what could have been
         they sit at their desk together
         “hailey tell the port supervisor…”
6x22* voight explains the plan, they look at each other worried
        he breaks into the car so fast she flirting
        “jay you close”
         she crashes to save him
         “I’m going where you go” they’re both surprised he said it
         he protects her first when they’re shot at in the van, ‘we’re good“
         she looks at her happily when there’s a lead
         they arrest their shooter together, “me and my partner”
         he’s pressured, she notices. “you’ll forget about me” “hailey” never.
         he want to confess sth but she stops him?
         adam kisses platt :)
         he’s sitting on her desk
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