#and I'm her Tom Paris willing to take anything she dishes out and more and when it is over I will hold her close
harmcityherald · 3 months
Hey! completely peaceful morning. I have been waiting 5 days for this moment. Am I going to chastise her? nope. Part of being the bigger person is actually being the bigger person.
Finally whatever had a grip on her mind has released itself a little bit. I will forgive this woman always and I will always support her.
From what I can glean, her sister and brother are being assholes to her and you know she just lost one of her brothers. He was the one brother that had sense. I talked to her this morning and trying to convince her to let those people go out of her life. Of course it's wrong to take it out on someone close to you. But if you really love somebody, you weather the storm. I have weathered it and I have found that what I thought was true from the beginning I did zero things to precipitate this. This has to do with her sister and her brother. She needs to let those assholes go.
Our daughter is having the same kind of issue at home right now. If anybody remembers the Meathead Saga well it still continues quite unabated. So yesterday I guess they were arguing and she put her phone on recording live stream that shit to Facebook. You get to hear Meathead screaming and her acting very calm and a loose behind the camera. I love my daughter, I fucking hate Meathead and I fucking hate everything he stands for and everything he fucking does but it is wrong to record somebody when they don't know it and throw that shit on Facebook. I turned it off about halfway through and I told her I did. I am well aware of the abusive situation she is in. It wasn't that long ago but those two attempted to Shanghai The Manor from me. I woke up and realized one day that the minute that that house went into his name he would throw me into the street. And we all know what happened when I told him I was not going to sell him the house. Attempted murder. I had a room of doctors and police standing around me telling me why I should press charges but I told them that if I press charges I can't get them out of my house and I want them out of my house so there's that. And then he had the nerve to call the FBI on me but that backfired on him as well. He was not aware that I have no fear they weren't even off the telephone yet and I had already had my cell phone and was calling my newest FBI office. Please send a guy here I want to show you these three printing presses he has where he turned this place into a ghost gun Factory. The guy on the other end of the phone said hold on for a minute. When he came back onto the phone he was kind of laughing and he told me you have nothing to worry about we are very aware of him. So the asshole called the FBI on himself. I didn't do anything wrong, it would not make me nervous to sit down and have coffee with the highest ranking Secret Service individual you can find. And I probably repaired their Furniture in the past so I had many clearances to go many places that many other people don't get to see.
I'm so relieved this morning. We actually had coffee together and that's when she whipped out the texts that she's been receiving from her sister and brother. She asked my advice. I told her drop them bastards. I've had to do it a couple times in my life. Hopefully I can convince her of that and maybe try to convince her to get some help but she is very obstinate about that. So it's been 5 days of a living hell for me and not knowing what the hell is going on or what the hell I did was driving me crazy. As if I'm not crazy enough they all like to put that label on me. That's right I'm the crazy one, keep your fucking distance. And keep your manipulating ass out of my life and are unwelcome at the Manor. You've got a really big a super shitty person for me to ban you from the Manor. But once you've crossed that line it's going to take a lot to get back.
There's 10 years of difference between me and Artemisia. I met her when I was 22 and she was 32. We have now been together for over 35 years. So we have a weird dynamic here at the Manor. Artemesia is the Boomer. I am gen X. our kids are millennials and our grandchildren are gen Z. It makes for an interesting family dynamic in a good way. And we have all been getting along very good on the political front because we've all learned that in this new hostile political environment we would do Best by serving ourselves and our family. If they come with a civil war the minute they step on my property that will be the day I become involved. I spent my life working for Freedom Peace Love you name it, the hippie spirit. I still retain that to myself to this day. My youngers have learned that we get so much more accomplished if we talk about it and communicate with each other like human beings. I've spent a lot of time trying to teach that to them. And a few of them may not want to admit it but I have reached them on occasion when no one else could. I'm the guy in the house who shoots down all the conspiracy theories when I hear them. But we don't come to the table with physical violence. In fact we don't fight each other for our politics. Yes, I guess you could say I'm the Lord of The Manor. And as long as I am we live in a house that respects everybody's right to live be free to read what you want and to believe what you want so long as it does not bring calamity to The Manor. I do all this work all these years with all these kids to try and teach them a better way of thinking and then there goes Artemisia popping off like a crazy balloon but like I said before my best bet is to sit back in the corner and be quiet until it's over because it too will pass just like everything else. And I believe this morning is that morning. There was no attack in her voice. There were no names that she has called me for the last 5 days. She came to me with those text messages from her family and asked me what I thought she should do. Of course I told her the First Choice put the phone down stop reading into them and just ghost them. Or I told her to tell them how she feels and then ghost them. I also told her that the day she cuts those people out of her life will be the best thing that she's ever done for herself.
It is a very beautiful day out today. The garden looks beautiful everything is growing and reaching for the Sun. I told her to come outside and enjoy some of it with me, but she still has herself isolated in one room but maybe today we can coax her out a little bit.
I think that one of the important lessons of Love itself is how you can forgive someone their flaws and forgive someone their behaviors. So as I can say Artemisia has been wrong wrong for about 5 days. I know it, the youngers know it, and I do believe Artemisia knows it. She just can't navigate to a good place, she has a hard wired adversion to apologizing for anything. And I am just the perfect man for her because I can see that I can hear that and I can set it aside now knowing that I was not the cause of it. Sure I could stamp my feet and act entitled that she owes me an explanation she owes me an apology but you know what? I'm not going to do that to her I love her so much and she is the most important person in the world to me, don't tell her I said that.
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