#and I still haven't figured out very much of it uuugghhh
Quoye - religion
Detail (religion): When Quoye leaves Ozhar at the end of his big final battle, she tries to go back to the night world now that the Zve problem has been resolved. She finds that her presence is now tolerated, but that kingship has been usurped by a council of religious leaders, who point out that living in the daylit world has physically changed her. They argue that she’s been tainted, blinded, and isn’t fit to lead, so they’ll be running the empire until they choose a new king. Realizing that the empire ran okay without her, and that she feels tainted on the inside because of all the reprehensible things she did while in exile. So she goes right back to the daylit world. Her rightful kingship hasn’t left her though, and that has physically changed her as well. When she returns to the night world later with Ozhar and stands before her people, she takes on an eerie godlike appearance that awes Ozhar and frightens everyone else.
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