#and I just randomly remembered this pretty girl I was staring at because I wasn't sure how to say “YO I'M A FAG TOO” at work without outing
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modernsapphicism · 1 year ago
Randomly thought of a "what if Regina is actually good at math but wasn't showy" and then I remembered Leighton. like, what if Regina took the same AP math class but just a year earlier for god knows why. Regina and Mrs. Norbury actually got along pretty well, not close, but is civil with each other especially that Regina actually pays attention in her class and gets decent to high marks. The mathletes have wanted to invite her to join, but they're all scared shitless of her. and so when Cady was purposefully failing the class to get Aaron's attention, what if she accepted Mrs. Norbury's tutor offer, the teacher telling the red head "I know someone who'd be right to be your tutor." and Cady begrudgingly accepts.
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After school, Cady was asked to meet her tutor in the library and the girl complied, thinking she had nothing to lose since the plastics didn't have anything planned that day. to her surprise, no one was at the library yet. Cady settled in one of the tables, her bag and books sat on the chair beside her. She waited for five minutes, cutting this "tutor" some slack, while she browsed her phone. Cady was about to get up when she heard the door open, and to her surprise, she sees Regina striding in while looking around the library, trying to find who's the unlucky student she'll have to terrorize to not fail this damn math class.
When the two of them finally locked eyes, Regina stopped in her tracks, eyes wide in shock as she processed the information that Cady was the one she would be tutoring. Cady on the other hand, suddenly felt like a cat caught in the act. the young red-head felt like she was sweating rivers of cold sweats as she stared at the blonde. Regina knew she wasn't bad at the subject. In fact, she had been Regina's personal calculator for quite a number of occasions since joining the plastics. 
"Cady?" the blonde questioned, eyebrow raised. Slowly, she walked towards the younger girl, setting down her bag on the table then asked, "what the fuck are you doing here?"
"I.. uh," the shorter girl started, her hand settled at the back of her neck while looking anywhere but the person in front of her. "Mrs. Norbury told me I needed tutoring because I was failing math."
Regina didn't even bother to comment on Cady's reasoning. "Huh." was all that she replied, not wanting to push for more and moved to sit down. Cady wanted this session to be over as soon as possible and she guessed that the blonde also felt the same. Regina took a seat on the vacant chair and Cady took that signal to take a seat as well. The two of them took their books out and dived into their work. 
An hour into their session, Cady couldn’t shake off the feeling that there was something off about Regina. She couldn't help but stare at the blonde from time to time, trying to figure out how she got put in this situation with Regina teaching her about calculus. The blonde had noticed, of course, especially when Cady took too long to answer a simple question. The blonde in front of her sighed, and then dropped the pen she was holding, the act snapped Cady out of her trance. Cady feared Regina was going to yell at her or storm out of the library when she suddenly spoke.
"Okay,” Regina spoke before she turned to Cady, eyes boring into the red-head’s own. Cady suddenly felt the need to gulp and prepared herself for whatever Regina's about to do. "Since it seems like you can't focus on this stupid question, tell me, what's wrong now?" 
Her question caught Cady off guard. Instead of spewing shit, Regina actually, genuinely, seemed like she wanted to know what's gotten the red-head distracted when she was doing fine a few questions ago. 
"Uh.." Cady didn't know what to answer. Her mind was going through hundreds of different scenarios how this conversation would lead to and none of them was good. 
Regina sighed. 
"Use your words, Heron. Spit it out." the blonde said sternly and her head tilted, waiting for an answer from the girl in front of her.
“I- I didn’t know you were good at math.” 
Regina’s perfectly manicured eyebrow raised. Her signature ‘are you fucking kidding me?’ look present the moment Cady finished speaking.
Shit, Cady thought.
A beat of silence fell between them and Cady couldn’t focus on the task at hand. The red-head was about to mutter her apologies when the blonde spoke.
Without looking up at the book in front of her, Regina says with a nonchalant voice, “Just because I don’t tell people, doesn’t mean I’m not good at something.” 
She turned to face Cady and continued, “I can’t let people know everything about me. I need to maintain an air of mystery afterall.” and winked. 
Regina winked. Honest to God winked and smirked. 
If Cady’s brain was already mush five minutes ago, after witnessing that her brain is puréed. She felt her cheeks heat up and as if on cue, Regina tried and failed to hold back a laugh. 
Regina looked back at the red-head. “If you’re done overanalyzing my whole being, sweetheart, let’s go back and focus on this part here so we can pack up early.” 
And with that said, Cady had to take a mental note to ask questions later before she turned her attention back to their lesson. She tried her best to steady her beating heart, making sure that the blonde beside her didn’t hear how her heart was practically drumming through her chest at the sight of the blonde flirting with her.
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anticomedygarden · 9 days ago
memory of you
Four students at Midtown School of Science and Technology start a car chase with Spider-Man. Only problem? Spider-Man doesn't know that he is part of a car chase.
read on ao3
Do you remember when we used to study together? I sat behind you in English and calculus. You explained As I Lay Dying to me, and I taught you differentials.
Betty Brant was no idiot. By her junior year of high school, she had made it into a prestigious STEM school despite her liberal arts future, she had gotten an internship with an up and coming newspaper that put a focus on accountability, she had won half a dozen awards for her work in her school's journalism club, she had been accepted into all the top schools of journalism and earned the scholarships to pay for it, and she had helped Spider-Man defeat Mysterio.
But no matter how hard she thought about that trip from hell, she could not figure out why she was around Spider-Man in the first place.
And she could not for the life of her remember the name of the kid in this photo.
It was a stupid picture, just her and the academic decathlon team goofing around after she interviewed them for her article on their win (and the attack on the Lincoln Memorial, but the school hadn't let her publish that one). They were sitting around a table in the library, Liz Allan next to her and the rest of them scattered around, and Betty knew each and every one of them, even the ones not in her class. In fact, Betty would bet she could name every person in their school if asked. Her memory was excellent.
But this kid.
She had no fucking clue.
And despite not knowing who he was, Betty got the strong impression that he was someone important - maybe not important to her, but important.
Brown curls sat wildly over a face still round from childhood (probably freshman or a younger sophomore - that put him way too close to her own age for her not to know him), brown eyes crinkled from his deep smile cutting through pale skin, and speaking of cuts - there were several dusting his whole body, butterfly bandages doing a poor job of hiding the little red scrapes. The rest of the team had little injuries like that, too, but not as many as him. Honestly, she felt the need to find him if only to ensure he wasn't being abused.
Scouring the school website and social media pages did nothing. Flipping through her yearbooks, even staring at the Academic Decathlon club picture like a damn Where's Waldo puzzle yielded no results. It was like the kid in the picture was a ghost.
She hadn't even been looking for this photo. It just happened to randomly pop up in her Snapchat memories. Look what you were doing seven years ago! Because apparently Meta didn't factor the Blip into their little nostalgia reels. And now it was fucking torturing her.
The next day at school, Betty cornered MJ in their first period, biology. The other girl was sitting at her desk in the back of the room reading, hiding from the too loud morning masses behind her long wavy hair. Betty almost felt bad disturbing her, but if anyone knew him, it would be MJ. Her memory was even better than Betty's, and she was AcaDec captain, although not the year of Mystery Boy's picture.
"Good morning," she said brightly. Always a good place to start. "Do you know this kid?" She shoved her phone in MJ's face over the book. Her mother would be horrified at her total disregard for manners. Whatever. Nice people didn't make headlines.
Not expecting Betty's early morning interrogation, MJ flinched backward, then scrunched her face in focus. Betty didn't blame her. It was pretty zoomed in.
Even so, the blonde knew the exact moment MJ recognized the guy because her eyes got super wide. Score. A good journalist always knows who to ask.
"What's it to you?" MJ asked - no, ordered.
Betty could have slapped herself. Of course MJ wouldn't give her a straight answer. (She made a mental note to figure out how MJ asked questions so commandingly. It would be helpful for her future.) "I can't remember who he is, and I remember everyone."
Some unknown emotion flashed across MJ's face (frustration, annoyance, longing? it was so hard to tell with her), and she said, "Well, I don't either."
That was a bald faced lie, Betty was sure of it.
She brought her phone back to herself and zoomed out, thinking maybe adding the memory to the face would help. "How about now?"
Betty didn't have to look at the picture anymore to know exactly what the other girl's eyes were scanning. She had it memorized.
First, her eyes would be drawn to Liz Allan. Because of the memories. And the trauma.
Next to Liz was MJ herself, book open in front of her and a small smile on her face. Mystery Boy was next to MJ, but the interesting part was how close he was to Ned Leeds. He was sideways in his chair and leaning back against Ned's. You could just see Ned's face around Mystery Boy's shoulder. Cindy Moon sat at the end of the table, then in order, Sally Avril, Charles Murphy, Abe Brown, Flash Thompson, and Mr. Harrington, then Betty standing up to take the selfie at the head of the table.
"That's still a no, but it looks like Leeds might." Smooth lie, then misdirection. She was good, Betty had to admit, but not good enough because this guy's memory had settled into the back of her brain like an itch, and she'd be damned if she didn't scratch 'til she bled.
"Right, but I'm asking you," she insisted. "And I don't have a class with Ned until eighth hour."
MJ narrowed her eyes, and, wow, Betty really needed to perfect that look. That was a look that demanded truth. "Do you not have his phone number or socials?"
"Why are you avoiding the question?" Fuck. Too confrontational, she was starting to get loud. MJ's face snapped shut like a Venus fly trap.
The other girl sat back in her chair cooly. Great. Betty definitely wasn't getting answers out of her now. "I think it's time for you to sit down."
Betty took the cue, but vowed to keep on.
Betty did not have Ned's phone number, and his socials were all private. This was particularly unfortunate because the next class she had with AcaDec members was English, third period. The good news was that she did still have Liz's number, so she fired off a text with the picture attached during second period.
It was a writing day in English, a bit more good luck since Betty was already done with her essay (she wrote a stunning exposé on cafeteria food as a seventh grader - a character essay on Jay Gatsby was a walk in the park). She did get a couple odd looks when she sat with Charles, Abe, and Cindy instead of her normal spot at the front table, but that wasn't her problem. She got the picture set up on her phone and placed it against her laptop screen so that the teacher couldn't see it, then she tapped Cindy on the shoulder and quietly repeated her question for what she was sure would be only the second time of many. "Do you know this kid?"
That was all it took to draw Cindy's attention away from her essay - oh, no, that was minesweeper. Well. "I-" she paused. "I don't think so? I don't know, he looks really familiar."
Betty nodded, then zoomed the picture back out. "What about now?"
If anything, Cindy looked even more confused. Eventually, she shook her head. "It's so weird. I feel like his name is on the tip of my tongue."
"Right?" Betty agreed. "I feel like I know him, but any time I try to think about it, it's like a mental block."
Cindy nodded, brows furrowed. "His name starts with an S maybe?" She jumped a little in her seat. "Hey, I don't know why, but I think Flash might know something? Try him."
Betty nodded and added both points to her list, then got similar answers from Charles and Abe. It wasn't much, but it was a start.
When Betty Brant was 11, Loki and the chitauri attacked New York City. She was fine and so were all her people, but there was a city full people that weren't right outside her door. She saw it in the eyes of her friends that lost family members, the missing seats in class, the destruction of her city - everywhere, there was evidence of pain. It lit a fire under her ass that she - and her parents - still couldn't explain.
She read article after article about the invasion, got all the different perspectives, taught herself the difference between credible and bullshit, and then she interviewed her classmates that were hit the hardest and used that testimony to get a week off school for mental health days. Her classmates hailed her as a hero.
A few years later, the Black Widow dumped all of SHIELD's secrets online, and she read every last piece. Then, she wrote an essay on corruption and government overreach to submit to a national journal. The essay became much more robust after the Sokovia Accords.
She'd written pieces on Wanda Maximoff. She had debated the ethics of Daredevil and Iron Man and the Hulk. She wrote in favor of Bucky Barnes when his truth came out.
But there was a file on her computer labeled 'Spider-Man' with nothing in it, and it was less than a year old. She didn't remember making it. Worse, she didn't remember why she felt the need to write an article on Spider-Man, hero of Queens. The only person who didn't like him was J. Jonah Jameson, and he was a bad journalist if Betty ever saw one. It didn't make sense.
But she currently had two distinct memory lapses, and she knew they were connected.
And so the fire burned brighter.
Do you remember when I outscored you by one point on a physics test when I started Midtown, and you decided right then and there to hate me, the prodigal kid on scholarship? That's okay. I know now that you had your own problems. I almost miss it sometimes. The only bullying I get now is from my boss.
Flash wasn't stupid, but he had enough gaps in his memory from alcohol and generally poor self care that not knowing the kid Betty basically interrogated him on could almost be explained.
But alcohol couldn't explain the bone deep envy he felt when he saw the kid, or that the word that floated to the front of his mind was 'penis' of all things.
Like. Why? Did he have a crush on the kid before he apparently disappeared from their lives forever? Did they actually fuck? Did they have an unfortunate encounter in the locker room? Was he one of the people he sent a dick pic to on that sad, lonely, high night last year? He didn't know because he couldn't freaking remember, and he definitely wasn't telling Betty that his first thought when looking at the guy was (his maybe impressive? Seriously, where was the jealousy coming from?) genitals.
And why did that make him feel guilty? Ugh.
And to think, two minutes ago, he was about to step into the cafeteria to eat shitty pizza with the assholes on the football team. Now, he was stuck in the hallway outside it thinking about the dick size of a stranger.
"No, I have no idea who that is," he said, and felt uncharacteristically bad when Betty's face fell.
"What about now?" she responded, and then it got so much weirder.
The whole AcaDec team, including Flash, were in the picture in a moment he actually did remember, but he definitely didn't remember that kid being there.
Or did he?
The next thing he knew, images were flashing through his mind of this lame ass kid, visions of AcaDec practices, classes, moments from the Europe field trip, even a party at Liz Allan's house, seemingly random except that all of them were accompanied by that same jealousy he'd felt before, so intense it kinda made him uncomfortable.
And then he was thinking 'penis' again, although this time it was clear that it wasn't in a horny way or, like, anatomical. It felt like a name, like it was in the same brain space as 'mother' or 'asshat'.
"Uh..." he said intelligently. "Maybe?"
"Maybe?" Betty repeated, frowning in annoyance. "How do you maybe know someone?"
After a second, he shrugged, not knowing how to explain without it getting very awkward very quickly. And if he was gonna think about a flood of altered memories, it was gonna be in the safety of his bedroom where he could have a breakdown.
There was also the fact that he was starting to get the feeling that he wasn't very nice to this guy when they knew each other, which, honestly, kinda tracked. He knew he wasn't the nicest person before senior year, but ever since that one day in October when he'd been making fun of Leeds for - something - and couldn't even figure out why, he'd been making an effort to not be a dick. If he was gonna be a dick, he at least wanted to have a reason, even if it was just a vibe, and this kid was giving him all sorts of vibes. Not necessarily bad in a worldly sense, but bad to Flash. He did not like this guy, and it wasn't just because he reminded him of a time he was really not proud of.
Betty's sharp voice shook him from his thoughts. "Is there anything you can tell me?"
No. Nope. Absolutely not. Thankfully, he was saved by a text flashing across the top of Betty's screen.
Liz Allan
I don't think I know him, but I'm getting a real bad feeling from him. Sorry
Wasn't that just dandy? Both Flash and possibly the nicest person in the world didn't like someone they didn't even know.
Oh god, what if he was involved with alien weapon smuggling with Liz's dad and used the tech he'd stolen to erase their memories?
Now he had to know.
"Hey," he said, officially accepting that he wasn't getting lunch today, "why don't you search for his face?"
Betty's brows furrowed. "What, like a reverse image search? I don't think that would work on my own photo."
Flash snapped his mouth shut before he said something rude. "Send it to me."
She cocked her head but did it anyway, and a second later, both their jaws had dropped.
"Holy shit," Betty breathed. "That's Tony Stark."
Flash didn't know why, but his first thought was, No, it's not. His second thought was, Must be Photoshop. His third thought was, Goddamn that Penis Parker.
His fourth thought was, Where the hell did that come from?
Not wanting to betray his internal turmoil, he said tentatively, "Are we sure that's real?"
Betty glared at him, but he thought the question was reasonable. This photo was the only result his search had come up with. "Of course it's real. That's way too good to be fake. Besides, who would make the certificate upside down like that on purpose?"
Flash looked closer and, sure enough, the certificate was upside down. That paired with the fancy cursive script made it impossible to read the name, yet that didn't stop Flash's suddenly strong urge to call the internship certificate fake.
This problem was quickly veering from weird communal mental lapse to 'I need to make a quick call to my therapist so that they can assure me I'm not losing my mind.' Besides finding the guy to get the truth out of him, that seemed the most logical course of action.
"Is there a source for the image?" Betty asked.
That would have been a good idea, except when Flash clicked the external link, it took him to the '404 URL not found' page.
Betty made a strange noise, somewhere between a frustrated groan and a confused 'huh.' Sounded like she needed to call her therapist, too. "How does a kid who is apparently our age, if not younger, meet Tony Stark, go to our school and make an impression on all of us, then disappear off the face of the Earth and take his name with him?"
Flash shook his head, stumped. "Maybe he's a criminal, and he took himself off the grid?"
He always forgot how expressive Betty was until she was glaring at him. "And took himself out of our minds? No, something weird is going on here." She gasped. "Maybe it's magic."
"What? No, that's insane." Then he thought about it. Really, the only other option was they were all hit with some mad Winter Soldier type mind wipe. Somehow, that was weirder. "Holy shit, maybe it's magic."
Betty nodded, glad to finally be getting somewhere. "We need to talk to Ned and MJ."
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midnighmoonligh · 1 year ago
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Honaki Star Rail
Y/N ;; 17 ;; AFAB ;; She/Her ;; Little
Svarog ;; He/It/They ;; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Falling and scraping knee.
Plot Summary
Svarog discovers a little, Y/N. He spends the day playing with and caring for you.
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The underground always had this odd smell to it. Even though you were pretty used to it, growing up there wasn't entirely easy. You didn't have much of a childhood. Only because you needed to help your parents more than anything. Though today was more of an average calm day. It was nice. You found yourself regressing in this empty space. Most people weren't really around in this space so it worked out. Though, you quickly became bored. So you got up from the ground to explore. While exploring you came across a huge robot! You found robots so extremely cool. You hugged the plush you had in your arms close to your chest while the large robot stared down at you. Even though you were pretty tall for your age, the robot made you feel so small.
" Who are you? Do you pose a threat? Analyzing.. no potential threat, no individual from the Wildfire. Who exactly are you? " the robot spoke, startling you.
" 'm.. um.. um, " you struggled with your words for a few minutes.
You looked down to the stuffie in your arms while you tried your best to pronounce the words. You took your time while the robot watched patiently. It made you feel better about struggling with speaking in the moment. Eventually, you looked back at it when you got the hang of speaking.
" 'm.. Y.. Y/N! " you finally declared with a bright smile, being very proud of yourself for finally being able to say your own name.
" Y/N? I am Svarog. I'm going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer them, is that understood? "
You gave the strange robot, Svarog, a confused look. Though confused you figured it might be best to indulge the robot. Your s/o had always warned you, while little, to be careful around robots. They were unpredictable and could hurt you. Even so, you didn't really feel as if this one would. You fidgeted with the plush in your arms.
" 'm tries, " you decided on tell him.
" Is your species indigenous to this planet? Are you part of any organization? Military? Have you ever interacted with non-humanoid species? Are you familiar with the "Prospectors"? " Svarog began spitting out question after question. All the questions made you very dizzy very fast. Especially given you did not understand a single word that came out of him.
" 'm dunno wha dat means, " you mumbled hesitantly while gripping the plush in your arms, suddenly feeling scared that Svarog would do something to you.
" Then let's start from the basics. What do you know? What's the last thing you remember? What is your current objective? " Svarog quickly decided to ask instead.
He truly did not leave much time between responses. You rubbed your head, taking a deep breath like your s/o always instructed to help calm you. It made you feel much better. His footing shifted, metal clashing against the concrete under their feet. Your eyes still remained on him in a curious manor, even if Svarog was making you nervous. His whole vibe was so intense.
" Ummm... 'm hads Mac n Cheese! " you decided to tell him fairly randomly, unconscious wiggling as you remember how good it had tasted. You really liked Mac n Cheese.
" Hmm.. it would seem this girl's mind has been wiped... " Svarog spoke to himself, though obviously you could hear it. You titled his head, but mostly allowed him to decide this.
" Do you remember how old you are? What your favorite color is or what your favorite toy is other than your stuffy? " he soon added after you had given your bodily reactions. He seemed to react to nonverbal reactions just as much as verbal. The questions quickly made you smile, feeling excitedly to respond.
" 'm ums, 3! an 'm like rainbow. an 'm dunno toy ones 'cause dis 'm favorites bu no tell da rest! " you ended your words with a soft giggle. You then hugged the plush in your arms tightly, swinging your arms back and forth as you had.
" Hmm, it seems that you can't remember anything of your past. Are you capable of learning? Like, could I teach you how to play a board game or a new language? "
You paused to look up at him again. Your grip loosened on the plush in your arms. Your legs were starting to hurt so you sat down on the ground. A quiet pout made it's way on your lips from all the questions. You found it was mean that he didn't think that you could learn anything, or had even considered it. It wasn't like you were an alien, you were from the very town he protected.
" 'm sounds hards, " you decided as you thought about what he wanted to teach you. You let out a soft whine. All these questions were making you bored and stressed. You looked around, seemingly looking for something else to do while you swung your feet so they went back and forth, then ran into each other.
" Hmm, what would be an easy game that we could try? " Svarog asked himself while shifting his arms to cross over his chest. The various metal of his body creeked and clicked as he did so.
" You seem to love your toy, perhaps you like throwing things? How about we try a game of fetch? Does that sound like it could be fun to you? "
The very notion out of the robot made you feel offened. The first thing you could think of was that he wanted to throw your special stuffie. You gasped and pressed the plush against your chest, turning slightly to protect the plush from Svarog.
" 'm no gonna throw him! " you yelled at Svarog, feeling flabbergasted he would even suggest such a thing.
" No no, he would be too precious to throw! " he counted quickly while waving his hands in front of himself in a panicked manor. He seemed so oddly expressive, more so than you've ever really seen before from a robot. An audible sigh came from him.
" Let's try something else. I know a song, "Twinkle twinkle little star", could you follow along if I sang it to you and copied my actions? " he suggested, feeling proud of himself for the ideas he's been able to come up with. The idea made you tilt your head, but it sounded very fun. You smiled and nodded, getting up from the ground quickly. You set your favorite plush on the ground out of the way to watch them play before coming back to him.
" 'm tries! " you declared excitedly, wiggling to express such excitement.
Svarog starts singing the song and does a little dance while singing and looks to see if you are copying him. Every time he moved his joints creeked and clicked. The noise was oddly satisfying to you, you liked it. You tried your best to mirror him, singing loudly, but sloppily. Though you were having fun, you were messing up a lot. You didn't quite understand that he was testing you. Even if you did know, you would probably be okay with it honestly. He seemed so cool and nice!
Svarog keeps singing and doing the dance, but watches closely, and starts to sing slower and slower whenever you mess up a bit to give you more time to follow along. You giggle loudly from how much fun you were having. Now that Svarog was moving slower you were having less of a hard time keeping up. Your motor skills weren't the best when you regressed. Once you seemed to have gotten the hang of it, Svarog speeds up the pace a little bit to try and keep the song going and make it a bit more of a game.
You tried your best to keep up, however, it did quickly became too fast for you to keep up with. Your shoe from your dominant foot got caught on some of the cemete, making you truly and fall. You tried to catch yourself from instinct, but it didn't really work. Your hands throbbed in pain and so did your knees, but your knees hurt the most. Slowly you moved to sit on the cemete you had fallen onto. Your knees were bleeding quite bad, but thankfully your hands were okay. You began to cry in pain. Svarog stops very quickly and comes over to you, kneeling down next to you.
" Oh no, are you alright? Do you need any medicine or a band-aid? What part of you hurts? Point to it, " he spoke in as soft of a tone as his programming allowed him to.
" 'm knee, " you hiccuped out as you showed Svarog the boo boo on your knee. Svarog looks at the ouchie and carefully wipes away the tears with his hand.
" Oh, that looks really sore. How about I go and grab some band-aid and some medicine. Would you want that? "
You nod in response while you softly cried. Unconsciously, you relaxed unto the robots touch while he tried to wipe away the tears on your face. Svarog picks you up so that you are resting comfortably in his arms, being sure to avoid putting pressure on your knees.
" I'll go and grab the band-aids and medicine, I'll be back as soon as possible little one. Is that okay? "
You reached your arms up as Svarog leaned in to pick you up, quickly clinging onto him once he did pick you up from the ground. You hiccuped softly while crying from the pain. It was hard to form words, so all you did was nodding once more to the question that had been asked. Due to your distress, you end up forgetting about the stuffie friend waiting on the ground for you. Svarog holds you gently and carries you to his medical kit. He carefully bandages and applies some anti-infection cream to the injury. You carefully swung his legs back and forth when Svarog was all done making your boo boos better. He found this very cute. Then he carefully set you back down onto your feet. He grabs a bottle of orange juice and some cookies.
" There we go. How does that look? Better? Do you think some orange juice and cookies would make you feel better? "
" Yes pease, " you asked softly with a sniffle.
" What can I get you first? " He looks at the juice bottle and the box of cookies in his hands. " Hmm... Juice is healthy, but cookies are yummy. Which do you want little guy? "
" Umm... Cookies! " you giggled out happily, seeming cheer up now that your knees didn't hurt anymore. Well, they did a little, but you were quickly forgotting about the pain.
" A good choice, " Svarog says cheerfully. " What kind of cookies would you like? " He holds out his hand over the open box, letting you pick what you want from the box.
" 'm like sugar cookies, " you quietly told him as you gently took the sugar cookies out of the box. You quietly munched on them once you had them in your small hands.
" Oh, you picked my favorite type too! " Svarog says with a smile, picking a sugar cookie out of the box and pretending to eat it. " They're so yummy, aren't they? "
The action made you squeal and break into giggles. You knew he couldn't actually eat food, but it made you happy to see that he liked the same food as you... even if it is pretend. Svarog then picks up the juice box and shows it to you.
" Do you want some of this too? " he offered. You nodded excitedly, reaching out for the juice box.
" Pease, " you asked politely.
" A great choice! " Svarog says, while opening the juice box.
You waited patiently for it to be opened before drinking from it. You rocked yourself back and forth to stim, soothing yourself unconsciously. When Svarog finished, he held it up so that you can start drinking. However, he doesn't let you take the box. Rather, he feeds it to you in an adorable manor.
" Have you ever tried this juice before? It will give you lots of vitamins and energy. " Svarog asked cheerfully to you he watches you drink the juice.
" 'm dunno, " you answered honestly, really not sure. Your memory always became very bad when you became little. Svarong gently pets your hair while thinking about how cute you are.
" Oh, it's okay if you don't know! What else would you like to talk or play? Do you know any other songs with simple moves I could dance along to? Or perhaps a game like 'I Spy' where I could hide something for you and then you would try to find it? "
You felt better at his reassurance that having bad memory is okay. You didn't feel as gross about it anymore. However the game description confused you. You were pretty sure that wasn't how 'I spy' worked. You looked just as confused as your thoughts sounded in your head. Soon, you giggled at his silliness.
" Dats no I spy! " you told him, giggling your words out with a smile.
" Oh! Can you hide something for me to find then? And then I'll hide something for you to find? That will make it extra fun! " Svarog says excitedly, his body language showing a kind and happy vibe. He didn't seem to understand what you meant. You giggled louder as he talked about the game. The loud giggle was very rare for you, given you were generally a quiet little girl.
" Yous plays I spy like dis sillys! I spy wif my wittle eye somefings... " You trailed off, looking around for something. " .. pink! " you decided proudly with a happy smile. Svarog lights on his body grew brighter from happiness seeing how happy you are, it's always a joy to see the little girl happy. Soon, he picked you up and held you close.
" Oh! Does that mean I have to find something pink? Is it hidden in this room? " he asked. You giggled excitedly while bouncing in his arms to express the happiness.
" Oh, how adorable, " Svarog says, unable to contain a little happy laugh. It made you pout, but quickly you became distracted again.
" Alright, I'm ready to play. I'll close my eyes real quick and you hide the object before I open them, " Svarog does so, keeping his eyes shut tight.
Though you couldn't really tell if his eyes were actually closed. He wasn't playing the game right, but you decide to make him happy you would play along with his rules. Besides, maybe it'll be fun! You carefully got down from his arms, searching your pockets for something pink. You were happy to find one of the many odd flowers you often yoinked while exploring when little. You giggled quietly to yourself before carefully hiding it behind some scraps of metal. When you finished you ran back to him and grabbed onto his arm, tugging it so that he knew he was there.
" 'm done, " you verbally told him, only to let go so you could suck your thumb.
Svarog carefully opens his eyes and looks around the room, wondering where you hid the flower.
" Where could it be... " Svarog says, thinking to himself as he looks around the room for the object, carefully avoiding any sharp objects or places where the little girl could get hurt, seeing as you were following him around excitedly. He was right, this version of the game is fun!
" Hmm... " he hums quietly to himself, deep in thought and concentration as he scans the room for the object. You waited patiently, unable to contain your giggles every time that Svarog cane close to where the flower was hidden. Svarog's lights flicker excitedly as he spots the flower.
" Ah-hah! I found it! " He chuckles and picks the flowers up, standing up and holding the flowers towards you to show you. You squealed happily, jumping up and down as Svarog found it. " Now it is my turn. Are you ready? "
You calmed down, nodding excitedly when told it is your turn. You closed your eyes tightly and patiently. You couldn't wait to see what he had hidden for you to find. Though, you were starting to feel a bit tired from all the excitement.
" 'm ready Mr! "
" Very well then, " Svarog says cheerfuly, as he gently sets the flowers on a nearby table and waited for you to close your eyes. " I'm going to hide something very special now, it is my best hidden place, very secret. If you find it I will give you 3 wishes, okay? " Svarog says, making sure he said it right.
" Kay! " you squealed excitedly.
" Alright I'm all hidden now! " Svarog says happily. You opened your eyes and curiously looked around. You were already struggling to find it, making you pout. Soon you looked at him with said pout.
" I will give you just a little hint to give you a head start, alright? Just a tiny little bit. "
" Kay, " you responded softly.
" Okay? Okay! My hint is: It's up high! " Svarog says, clearly holding back the urge to just tell you where it is.
With this hint, you tried your best to look up in high places while being careful of the stuff around them. Even with the hint it was obvious you were struggling heavily. You couldn't seem to find it anywhere. You took a deep breath as your s/o had always told you when you were getting frustrated. It always became hard for you to breathe when you became too frustrated.
" 'm dunno where's, " you whined at Svarog, hoping that the robot would help a little more. Even so, you had a look of determination.
Svarog can't help but feel very happy as he watched your determined face. It made his lights flicker softly from happiness of spending time with you.
" Take your time little one, don't worry. Take as much time as you need! There is no time limit, just don't give up, and I know you will find it, I know you can. "
With these words, you carefully waddle yourself over to Svarog. You hugged his leg while looking up at him. He's tall... so maybe it was him? Then again, everything looked so big to you when you felt this little. It was hard to tell what actually was big and what wasn't.
" Is it yous? "
Svarog starts trying not to laugh at the silliness of it as he holds you close to him once you hugged his leg. He gaves you a soft hug and a few small cheek rubs to help sooth your frustrated feelings. You pouted at Svarog, but relaxed as he hugged you. The affection comforted you and helped you calm down.
" No little one, it's not me. It's something I hid because I know I'll forget where I put it! " he chuckled lightly. " But I put it in a very clever hiding spot, so I'm sure you will find it soon. "
You gave a small nod, hesugsntlr letting go of Svarog and returning to trying to find the object. You weren't really sure you would be able to find the object. You didn't even have any hints as to what it looked like. You kept looking around the room, but didn't seem to have much luck. After awhile you yawned and rubbed at your eyes, but still tried to find it. You wanted to make Svarog proud of you and keep him happy. Svarog chuckled, grabbing your attention but only for a split second.
" You can take a break if you need to little one, do you need a nap? " Svarog says, with another soft chuckle to go with it, clearly not being in any rush for you to complete the search, and being more than happy to let your try however long you needed to or wanted to.
" Or are you determined to finish finding that hidden object before you rest? It is okay if you're tired, I won't be disappointed or anything, " he reassured, which did ease you to give into how tired you felt.
" Is oki? " you asked hesitantly, even though he had very clearly said it was in fact okay. Svarog nods and gives you an understanding smile.
" That's alright little one; we could try again in a little while. Are you sleepy? Would you like to lay down somewhere? " Svarog says while kneeling down to your height. It made you feel so little. " Or do you just want to sleep in my arms? " He adds with a kind chuckle and opening his arms to invite you in.
You quietly, and sleepily, waddled yourself over to him. You collapse into his arms to which he welcomed you with a big bear hug. You couldn't help but relax into him and cling to him. He picked you up in one swift motion. It was fairly easy for him to carry and hold you. You leaned against him carefully, pressing your cheek against his shoulder while more yawns escaped you.
" 'm dunno, " you whispered, being too sleepy to decide anything anymore. Svarog gives you a soft hug and stroked your hair.
" You're really tired little one aren't you? Would you like me to take you to your room so you could lay down? Or would you like me to let you sleep in my arms? " Svarog asks, his face lighting up once again with a soft, happy, and kind bodily language to match.
" 'm wanna bes wif yous, " you mumbled, rubbing at your eyes after.
Svarog admored how adorable you are, being overcome with happiness at your choice. He has gotten rather attached to you in such a small time. Your young mental space reminded him much of how Clara was at this age. The memories comforted him.
" Alright, let's go lay in bed then, we can snuggle together, " he suggested, starting to walk slowly towards a side door, which leads into a room.
" Are you comfortable? Is the way I'm holding you okay? " he asked just in case. You just nodded very slowly. You were comfortable, clearly. While Svarog walked, you began to doze off in his arms.
" Are you falling asleep on me? " Svarog hums quietly, looking down at you then he starts to laugh a little bit. " Hmm, I guess you must be very tired huh? " he adds with a happy chuckle.
" Alright, let's go lay down, " he continues toward the bedroom, still holding you closely to him. You tried to fight your sleep, but ended up falling asleep before they even got to the room.
Svarog chuckles happily as he notices that you are sleeping, before carrying you into the room, laying you down carefully onto the bed. You curl up on the bed once placed onto it. He looks down at the sleeping girl, lights still glowing brightly from happiness.
" My little angel is so cute, so soft and adorable... " He adds with a whisper. He stands back up and moves a stuffed bear next to you to comfort you. You sucked your thumb while you slept peacefully and cuddled the stuffie. Then, Svarog goes up to sit in a rocking chair nearby.
Svarog smiles and watches over you as you sleep for a while, while sitting on the rocking chair. He gently rocks himself to and fro while he looks down at you. You are so peaceful, so full of pure innocence. Seeing you sleep brings happiness to Svarog, he feels so full of emotion. He wants to protect you from the dangers of this world, he wants his little friend to be loved and protected. Just as he had done for Clara.
He stays there for a while, simply watching and keeping watch over the sleeping girl.
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bucky-h0e · 1 year ago
Warnings: Bucky and Alpine being cute, a lot of song lyrics written out, Bucky being forced to deal with Alpine's dramatics, Alpine gets in her feels, Alpine can sing, Bucky having headaches, mentions of Bucky dancing
Serendipity Masterlist
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Alpine 'introducing' Bucky to music (AKA. Alpine Aggressively Breaking Out Into Song)
Alpine is little ball of sunshine and the type of person who uses music to reflect her mood
she has a little collection of speakers that she uses, each with their different strength
bucky normally hears it before he gets out the lift to their floor
its nice
it gives him a clue as to how Alpine's day was
and it's a regular thing to expect
if bucky had one complaint
just one
it would be that Alpine HAS to sing the songs
she wasn't a bad singer
no she was pretty good to be honest
it was that it was always so aggressive
it could be a love song and she's staring him down aggressively singing her feelings towards him
she's emotionally constipated in that department so it's the only time she actually has the guts to do it
the first instance of her aggressive love was a few days after they'd officially met
bucky was still going to therapy at this stage and to be honest he fucking needed it after this incident
he had just been watching tv in his bare ass apartment, sat on the floor when he heard the undeniable thump thump of one of Alpine's speakers coming through the door
Alpine ever the respectful young adult came barging in, a small portable speaker in her hand, oversized clothing and messy ass hair
she's obviously having a grand time, singing her songs and Bucky had stood up so quickly by now
she had warned him that now they were 'friends', she'd be barging in on him
to which he replied
"I will kill you."
and she simply said
now he hadn't actually done anything, only been ready to defend himself
every time it happened, he was worried he's on day actually hurt her
this girl fucking laughs whenever he gets in a defensive stance and claimed its 'exposure therapy' - bullshit he'd checked with his therapist but she was no help because she just teased him about having a soft spot for the youth
Alpine had been cleaning her place, when 'Unwritten' by Natasha Bedingfield came blaring through her speakers
she listened to the full song first, happily singing and cleaning when she wondered how Bucky would react to the happy tune
this man is so grumpy and hates life and people - he needs to feel the rain on his skin (pun definitely intended)
so rather than politely recommend the song
Alpine will force this poor man to listen to her song recommendations
"Alpine what the fuck?!"
ya'll remember the video of the kid in the car?
yeah, that Alpine in this moment
Bucky's bare ass apartment means that she can have a little dance around whilst she (very beautifully in her opinion) serenades this 106 year old grouch
she's started his tap, put her hand under the water and started flicking it at him
(if it had been raining she would have forced his head out the window lets be honest)
dramatic head turns and aggressive pointing at the very confused man
honestly, he's watching this little show thinking that if HYDRA had forced him to watch this he probably would have just behaved himself so that he didn't have to see it ever again
"are you done?"
replays the song until bucky has a noise complaint from their downstairs neighbours
Alpine has to buy dinner as an apology
Bucky defo tells Raynor in their next session
"She sounds like a nice kid, James."
"She's a psycho, Doc."
Alpine loves all songs, especially upbeat songs or songs that have a certain
something that she can never forget or get out of her head if it randomly shuffles onto her playlist
case and point
Gwen Stefani's "The Sweet Escape".
Akon's 'woo-hoo, yee-hoo's?
yeah, she's screaming those
Bucky is terrified
one Halloween, Alpine and her friends decided to dress up as Bucky, Sam and Steve for their party
she's painted her left arm intricately to look like Bucky's using pictures she had of him
since it was hosted at Alpine's place, Sam and Bucky decided to pop over
Sam wanted to show Bucky what a party of a twenty year old looked like in the 21st century
man was traumatised
not by the loud music and LED flashing lights
the mess or the mass of bodies in barely there clothing
it was Alpine, dressed as him, singing this song
she is definitely drunk - so so so drunk
her friend (dressed as Sam) was cheering her on as she stood on her coffee table, singing and swinging her hips to the song
Sam was laughing so fucking hard, he thought his lungs would actually collapse
Bucky could die
he would love to die right now
especially with Sam asking him if he'd been a bad girl
if the ground swallowed him up right now
he would be happy
Sam decides that he too could die after Alpine's friend joins her on the table, hand on her hip as they start shouting those god damn woo hoo's
it was on this day that Bucky decided that he wasn't particularly fond of this song
But Sam has already made it his ringtone and has a picture of a drunk, smiling Alpine dressed in this Halloween costume hugging a less than impressed but soft Bucky set as his profile picture.
the song came on again later in the night after the party had ended, leaving the trio and Alpine had convinced Sam to sing it with her
they gave Bucky a concert which he loved (despised)
he is still heavily traumatised from seeing a female version of himself screaming these lyrics
used it as blackmail against Sam
"One wrong move and I show the world that Captain America has been a real bad girl."
now Alpine adores upbeat, songs that she can sing and dance to
she will dance in the street quite happily (she's got the scary guard dog privilege that is Bucky Barnes)
but if theres one thing that would drive her
f e r a l
it's the opportunity to be dramatic
she could be having a great day
her relationships are going great
she got a promotion
she's making bank
it doesn't matter how good the day is going
when certain songs come on
suddenly she's just come home from a war that she's barely made it out alive from
her boyfriend of 5 years has cheated on her and she's been kicked out of her apartment
this girl sings the heartbreak like it's actually happening
These are the times that Bucky is actually worried that he's befriended a psychopath
it'll be a normal day, Bucky would be coming back from morning run
he'd introduced it just to get some sort of routine in his day
catching his breath, he'd do a little knock on Alpine's door before turning to unlock his own door
they'd started knocking to let the other know if they were leaving or if they were back from a place
they can't really place when they started it - but it made them both relax knowing that the other got home safely
Alpine, ever the nosey neighbour, opens the door
headphones on, shouting right at the poor man
"Alpine seriously, one of these days my instincts are going to kick in before I can stop them and you will get smacked"
"you're not even listening to me"
she's kneeling on the ground as if bucky had just betrayed her in battle
Bucky deadass leaves her there and closes the door on her, sick of her shit or the day
but he's laughing to himself when he hears her still singing her little heart out form her apartment
the neighbours are looking out their door wondering who let the young girl move in
she was normal before Barnes moved in
that's a lie, she was just anti-social
and she stole most of their coupons so no wonder her neighbours didn't talk to her
and god forbid she go through an actual break up
she's this annoying with imagined scenarios, imagine if someone actually cheated on her or broke up with her just out of the blue
she's lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling singing her feels until her friends have to call Bucky in because none of their tactics are working
this is the ONLY time Bucky will actually play any of her music
she is definitely a swiftie, i feel like she has a specific playlist just for her taylor moments
she tries to get Bucky into it but he likes 40s music
also tries to get Sam into it and it works
he's a secret swiftie and no one can tell me otherwise
most of the songs she pushes onto Bucky are Taylor Swift songs, they're the ones that get stuck in her head the most often
she also requests them when she's drunk so you can imagine Sam driving her and Bucky back to their hotel after a Wilson cookout
she definitely had a few too many, requesting Taylor Swift the whole way back
Bucky is shaking his head because he imagines this is what looking after an actual child is like
Sam relents, starts playing her playlist
Alpine is loving life, drunk in the back of the car, in her feels and little imaginary scenarios that surface whenever she listens to music
Bucky has to physically take a breath, watching her in shock and amusement as she belts they lyrics out, drunk out of her mind
is definitely shocked when Sam also joins in
he is definitely impressed in times like this
but it's also times like this where he gets headaches and songs stuck in his head because Alpine doesn't shut up when she's drunk
honestly, she's awful (more on that later)
but he like's this version more than any other version of drunk Alpine
her other songs of choice include a lot of suggestive songs
surprisingly, they've have had long drunken discussions about these songs
shes drunk
he's unfortunately sober, wishing he had some of that good asgardian alcohol
"So he's saying he could fuck 24/7, seven days a week, which is why I think he's actually a super soldier."
"There are only two super soldier's in the world kid, you're looking at one of them." And i'm not sharing any aspect of my sex life with you."
"yeah but if there were going to be another one he would definitely be an option."
"Yeah whatever kid, just go to sleep"
"besides, you don't have a sex life. you got no game with the ladies. fuckin nerd."
"Sorry, you're right, even the nerdiest nerd has more game than you."
"I will suffocate you in your sleep"
what did he do to deserve this type of abuse
and god forbid if she goes through a break up
the next time she's being dramatic, her and Bucky are chilling in his place
she's doing some shopping on her laptop, headphones in humming to the songs
Bucky is watching TV, wondering what he should order for their dinner because he didn't want to cook and Alpine had cooked for them their other night
(domesticated little cuties)
it's a nice sense of peace for Bucky
it feels like home
especially when Alpine starts singing softly
he prefers these moments
as said before, Alpine isn't a bad singer, she's good
and Bucky finds her voice soothing
especially when she's singing the slower, heart warming songs that don't stress too much on her vocals
so when she started singing to the song playing through her head phones softly, he closed his eyes and just listened
she'd noticed, disconnected her headphones so he could hear the notes
"And I thank God everyday, for the girl he sent my way..."
Oddly, Bucky connects ot it
its a song about romance, but he things of his relationship with Alpine
what they had was a family bond and he'd do anything to protect it
most nights he found himself thanking his lucky starts for his little neighbour
"But i know the things he gives me.... he can take away..."
that was definitely something Bucky was worried about, something he dreaded would happen.
it was why he was so protective of her
"And I hold you everynight.... that's a feeling i wanna get used to... but there's no man as terrified as the man who stands to lose you..."
oh wow Bucky definitely relates to this song
it's nice
for once he understands the songs she's singing
and its a nice, calm, serene song
he's looking forward to the rest of it
Alpine has a little grin on her face, not that he can see it
"mmm... Please.... stay..."
her voice changes
"I want you, I need you, oh God"
it's slightly deeper and she sounds more troubled than before
"Don't take"
Bucky opens his eyes and glances at her
she stands and starts mimicking the guitar aggressively, pointing to Bucky
Bucky is grinning and laughing
it's the only time he's truly, truly enjoyed her dramatics, despite the screaming at him
Alpine is grinning at him, jumping up on his new couch next to him singing those high notes before falling to her knees next to him and grabbing his arm as she finished the song
he applauds her and she bows
yeah, he enjoys those moments
until she charges him for the private show
"$50!? it was one song!"
"i did choreography and everything"
he doesn't pay, obviously but she's takes payment in the form of the dinner she was already getting so-
at the end of the day, Alpine is a child at heart
she get's excited and loves to express her self
unlike a certain super soldier
so her introducing him to modern music normally turns into him getting it stuck in his head because she's been replaying the same song for around 2 hours doing a task
or because she's singing at the top of her lungs
as much as he isn't a fan of 21st century music, he loves watching the little performances of Alpine and occasionally Sam
and yes, whilst he may be tempted to join them, he would rather die
he handles the instrumental versions of things extremely well
Lyrics can be lost on him sometimes.
but he does get his chance to join in though because she adds some 40s style music to her playlists for him, and when he hears that he often brings her in for a dance when it's been a particularly good day
sometimes, very oftenly so, if a modern song carries the same tune and tempo, he'll carry on the dance
"Oh ho! Wait until Sam hears about this. Bucky Barnes dancing to modern music!"
"Go ahead, he'll never believe you."
denies it every happened when she tells Sam at their next family dinner
"I swear he danced!"
"Bucky? Dancing? You think I'd fall for that?"
"But he did!"
Bucky simply offers an evil grin when she asks him to tell Sam the truth
"you're delusional kid"
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sanaexus · 9 months ago
accidental confessions- part two!
how the bluelock men would confess to you
includes: isagi, reo chigri
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isagi yoichi
he knew he liked you, he just didn't know how to tell you. he wasn't to blame either, up until now the only the thing that occupied his mind was football, loving someone was a foreign feeling.
so how did he confess? he got too excited after winning the bluelock vs japan u20 match and might have confessed to you in the heat of the moment
they did it. he did it. he won against the japan u-20, scoring the final goal; essentially becoming the star on the entire match. adrenaline of winning the match was running though his veins as he looked around the crowd for a special someone. not his family. not his friends. but you. his bestfriend oh that's right. you're still only his "bestfriend". you locked eyes. you gave him that oh so sweet smile that he remembers so vividly.
he had to do it. if not now then when? as he finished his interview, ignoring his teammates, ignoring the swarm of reporters, fan and just everyone in general until he made his way to you.
before he could even utter a word, your arms wrapped around his frame, you didn't mind that he was sweaty, you were pretty much used to it. taking a moment to process what happens he hugs you back before pulling away.
"you came?" it was surprising to him. he didn't expect you to come to the match, even though he knew his parents must have informed you. he didn't really think you would come- wearing his jersey, his number, his last name on your back. the mere thought of that made him weak to his knees.
"of course i did, wouldn't miss this for the world. you did so good yoichi- that last goal was so amazing like it was almost like luck but it wasn't like luck-"
he knew you were saying something. he just didn't know what. he couldn't really pay attention. not when you were looking so happy and excited- all for him. all about him. his eyes were locked onto your lips. he knew it was rude, you met after so long and he couldn't even bother listening to you?
"yoi! are you even listening?" you ask, looking up at him with those pretty eyes.
"date me." fuck. he wasn't supposed to say it like that. he wanted it to be romantic, meaningful- something you would remember. but no of course not this was isagi yoichi we were talking about.
"what?" you were confused. your bestfriend randomly just asks no commands you to date him out of no where?
"i-i mean i like you y/n. i really do i mean but if you don't feel the same that's fine i mean you're like so perfect, an angel sent from heaven. but fuck i just needed to tell you i like you so much i mean i think i love you wait no what forget i said that" he was a stuttering, anxious mess. the complete opposite of what he was on the field.
"you still want me to forget your confession if i feel the same?"
was he going crazy? did bachira's monster take over him? was he hearing you right? you felt the same about him? god how long did he wait to hear that exactly? he couldn't even remember at this point.
his instincts took over as he pulled you into a hug, not exactly sure of what he should be doing but it felt right.
"well i didn't think this far to be honest" he sheepishly admitted as he pulled away. staring down at you.
"that's a first, usually you're doing so much thinking on the field no? but you love me huh?"
"shut up"
"i love you too"
yeah, he doesn't know how he did it. whatever had gotten him into this situation. he was grateful for it because being with you? it felt right. it was right.
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reo mikage
life was boring for the rich heir. he got everything he wanted with a snap of his fingers. so for once when he fell for a girl, but it seemed like she didn't feel the same. the future heir took it as a challenge. of course he did.
finally. one lunch break without a certain purple hair brat showing up out of no where and annoying you. as you were coming out of the class, you got a worse jumpscare than any horror movie did.
"holy fuck, what's wrong with you?" that little flinch when you noticed him in front of you made him frown.
"is it a crime to say hi to my friend?"
"first off we're not friends, and cut the crap reo. what do you want this time?"
"ouch your hurt me and reo this time huh? not mikage? that's progress- wait what do you mean what do i want?"
"i don't know you tell me why are you talking to me?" with that you went walking off to ground with a confused reo following you.
"what do you mean why i'm talking to you? i like your that's why of course!"
you halt in your tracks. turning around to face him. "fuck you reo."
"wait what? what did i do- did i overstep a boundary? i'm sorry-" he went on rambling apologies and tried explaining how genuinely liked you and what not.
"you think it's funny?" you chuckled dryly, almost as if to stop yourself from crying.
"huh? what's funny?"
"to play with people's feelings? just because you got everyone and everything you wanted since you were a child, that gave you the right to go and fuck with people's feeling?"
"no, no what of course not. i'm not sure where or how you got that impression but god no."
"there isn't any explanation. just because you're some pretty rich boy means you get to fuck with my feelings? and cut the crap about denying it. you and me both know this probably just some stupid joke or bet."
"shut up wait no nevermind no don't shut up. it isn't anything like that y/n. i like you i genuinely like you so much. i don't know why you would think this was a joke or a bet or that i didn't mean what i was saying but i swear on nagi i mean it."
he doesn't know what took over him, but the moment he saw those tears falling from your eyes slipping down your cheeks he instinctively came closer to wipe them off your face.
"you weren't joking...? you actually like me?"
"why are you saying it as if it's a bad thing to like you? god i should be thankful you even dealt with me up until now"
"so this isn't a bet? you actually want to be with me? because i swear mikage if you're fucking with me right now"
"what will make you think otherwise? anything. if you want me to beg in front of the whole school for you. i'll fucking do it."
a small oof left him as you tightly hugged him. "don't do that, it's stupid"
a small chuckle left him as he kissed the top of your head. "nothing's stupid when it comes to you, if it makes you happy i'll do it 10 times if needed"
And he meant every single word from the bottom of his heart, all for you. always for you.
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chigiri hyoma
that one moment where he lost balance on his foot, felt like he lost balance in his entire life. football (and you) were the only things he really cared about. but that injury crushed him to bits and pieces
he gave up hope on everything, including his friendships. but he never expected you to stand by him and be his rock through everything.
10 seconds. 10 seconds is all it took for everything to come crashing down, his career along with all of his past effort. coming back from the doctor's office all chigiri wanted to do was cry. he was on the verge of having a mental breakdown in his room until barged in slamming his door open.
"good night hyoma! what did the doctor say?"
he let out a small giggle to your sudden intrusion "night...? it's broad daylight right now."
"shut up i'm just trying to make my bestfriend happy, now what did that grandpa say?"
"i can't play football for a while, and even when i can there's always a chance of injuring myself, and this time it'll be worse"
"oh..well you won't let that stop you right?" you ask him, filled with hope because if chigiri gave up on his dreams, you're sure you're gonna cry more than he is.
"i don't know..." he genuinely didn't know what he was supposed to do without playing football. your question made him think. it was between playing football albeit not the way he wanted to as it would risk getting an injury again or not playing at all. he train of thoughts got interrupted by you abruptly grabbing his face making him look at you.
"you're trying to tell me you're gonna give up your dream, your passion your everything just because of an injury? what happened to becoming the world's best hyoma?"
"i can't do it! what if this time my career ends for real?"
"so? would you rather play football your way even if it means risking it all, or playing it like a fucking coward?"
you were right. he never really ever wanted to play football like it's nothing, he doesn't want to not give his 100% every time he's playing. but then the other voice in his head told him how if he stopped playing, you would leave him and he couldn't let that happen. he was so sure that anything he had right now was because of football, be it his friends or his own happiness.
"but if i fail, you'd leave me" his voice was barely above a whisper dripping with insecurity and self-doubt.
"why would i leave you? i love you hyo. every version of you, the one that plays football, the one that steals my food, the one that comforts about the stupidest shit at 1 am, i fucking love you, so cut that i'll leave you crap"
he didn't even notice he started to cry until you panicked "wait no no i'm sorry please don't cry? wait why are you crying?"
"because you're so nice"
"aww see you love me too!" a small giggle that escaped your lips was cut off by chigiri kissing you. it was sweet and soft, full of love and you swear at that moment you could have fallen to your knees because of how weak you were for this man.
"so you love me huh?" his teasing voice overwhelmed your senses.
"you talk to much shut up"
"if it helps i love you too"
according to you, he talked to much yet he still hadn't found enough words to describe just how he felt for you.
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chigiri and reo part is mid asf but i like the isagi one 🥰
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randomdancingwhore · 4 years ago
The Female of the Species - JJ Maybank x Bimbo! Reader
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Summary: Peterkin and Shoupe have to deal with a couple of frequent fliers, namely JJ and Y/N.
Request: “Can you please do JJ Maybank x bimbo reader” (Anonymous)
Warnings: Kissing. Reader is an airhead. No beta read.
JJ's plan was simple, in and out. All he had to do was distract the store clerk, pocket the goods, and walk away.
But nothing was ever that simple.
A customer had seen what was going on and didn't hesitate to tell someone. That's how he ended up here, across from Sheriff Peterkin in one of the small questioning rooms of the Kildare County police station.
"Now, why don't you explain to me what happened here, Maybank?" The Sheriff said as she leaned on the table.
"I was in the store, and it just so happened to fall in my pocket" JJ shrugged coolly.
"Really? You were just randomly in a women's jewellery store, and those earrings magically fell inside your pocket?"
"I wouldn't say 'magically,' but the rest sounds about right," he says. "We done here, sheriff?"
"You're telling me this has nothing to do with that little girlfriend of yours? the L/N girl?"
"You think she put me up to this?"
"No, I don't think 'Thing 2' would even know how. What I think happened is that you wanted to give your little lady something special, a pretty pair of earrings maybe."
"Nah, that's not what happened" That's precisely what happened.
"Is that so?" Peterkin quirked a brow.
The young couple had a fight two days ago and hadn't spoken since.
Feeling bad about it and wanting to do something to show how sorry he was, JJ remembered a pair of earrings that Y/N had wanted ever since she saw some kook wearing them.
The problem was that those earrings would take months to save up for, and he couldn't wait that long to get her back.
In another questioning room sat Shoupe, staring at a teenaged girl wearing a grandma wig and round glasses.
"What am I looking at here, Y/N?" He asked her.
"Me, duh," she said matter-of-factly.
Shoupe let out a sigh. Every time Y/N or her boyfriend stepped into the station, which was often, the cops drew straws on who had to deal with them, and this time, Shoupe and Peterkin came up short.
"Okay, let's take a look at this report" He opened a file. "It says here that 'a female, minor dressed like an elderly woman walked into a surf shop and attempted to hide an entire surfboard under her large granny dress'. Is that what happened?"
The girls' plan had been simple; walk into the shop dressed like Madea so she would have enough room under her dress to hide the board.
But of course, some nosy workers had to run their mouths.
"I'm like not admitting to anything," she said, checking her nails.
"That Maybank kid put you up to it?"
"Of course not, JJ is totes innocent."
"I wouldn't go that far. You wanna go to jail, Y/N?"
"Ew, no"
"Then just tell me why your boyfriend wanted you to steal the board, 'cus I know damn well you didn't come up with this on your own"
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"That JJ Maybank is trouble and you're not exactly the brains of the operation."
Y/N wasn't really offended with that last part the officer's statement. After all, she didn't actually come up with the plan. She got the idea from a cartoon she had been watching.
JJ was always the smart one between them, and according to her, he always had the best plans.
And yes, you read that right; JJ was the smart one in the relationship.
"You know what? I like want my lawyer, rn."Y/N huffed
The police had to let the teens go since they both never actually left the stores with anything.
JJ was just about to step out of the station when Y/N called out to him.
"Baby!" She yelled, walking over.
He turned around; a look of confusion crossed his face when he noticed her get-up. Y/N saw this and concluded he didn't recognize her because of the disguise
She took off the wig "Omg, don't worry, it's just me."
JJ was positively beaming to see her. As always, she was her authentically silly self. "What are you doing here, babe?" He pulled her into a bear hug.
"The cops like tried to arrest me for stealing a surfboard or whatever. You know that one you said you like really wanted," she stated
His heart warmed. He wanted to articulate exactly how Y/N made him feel, how he loved being around her, how she made him feel like he mattered and how much he hated being at odds with her, but instead, all he could say was,
"You're so fucking hot," obviously not caring that she was dressed like their English teacher.
He didn't stop himself from bringing his lips down on hers and beginning a very intense make-out session in front of everyone.
This went on for a whole two minutes before Peterkin got rid of them.
"If those two aren't the same species of idiot…" she told Shoupe as they watched the teenagers leave.
"L/N's about ten times worse," he challenged
"You know what they say about us girls; we always do it better."
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wondernimbus · 5 years ago
a day in hogsmeade — ron weasley
pairing: ron weasley x female!reader
summary: ron weasley may be one awkward lad who can’t hold reader’s gaze for any more than ten seconds, but he is also terribly endearing. 
a/n: @glisseoo​ asked for some ron fluff so i shall deliver
requests are closed for now. please refrain from plagiarizing my work! 
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"You do realize you've been staring at me for the past minute, right?"
The redhead next to her flushes the same hue as his hair and puffs his cheeks out, gaze skittering away. "I wasn't," he says indignantly, sounding far too defensive, snorting out a laugh as though the mere idea of it is outrageous. “Why would I be.. ha.. staring at you.. ridiculous.."
[Y/N] shakes her head, grinning.
Ron Weasley is one awkward lad; it has only taken her an hour into their date at Hogsmeade to realize this. Part of her had been expecting it ever since he'd come up to her in the Great Hall three days ago, a furiously blushing mess as he blubbered something about asking her out. Looking back on it, despite him having rambled on in front of her for about half a minute, all she can really remember—all she'd vaguely made out at that moment through his constant stammering—were the words "Hogsmeade" and "this Saturday" and "want to—um—go with me". 
She’d said yes, of course. Ron Weasley may be awkward, but she can't deny herself the pleasure of going on a date with a very cute—and apparently very funny, according to the rumors—redheaded boy. 
And to be honest, his awkwardness is quite endearing. [Y/N] finds herself laughing every five minutes or so whenever she spots him downright staring at her—and whenever she catches him, he always tears his gaze away and pretends to be preoccupied with something else.
Ron does it again now, as [Y/N] surveys the Honeydukes shelves and glances at him out of the corner of her eye. The effect is almost immediate; the moment her eyes land on his, he looks away, hand flying up to randomly pluck a box of—ah, Cockroach Clusters—off of the shelves.
"Interesting choice," muses [Y/N], turning around to properly face him, twiddling with a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans in her hands. "Can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone pick up a box of Cockroach Clusters for their own enjoyment—it almost always has something to do with some sort of practical joke.”
Ron coughs and puts the box back on the shelf. "Was just looking."
[Y/N] purses her lips together to contain the giggles threatening to burst out from behind them. She smiles down at her feet for a moment, lips pinched in a poorly-concealed smile, and then gestures to the row of Cockroach Clusters. "Well," she shifts on her feet, "Have you ever tried them?"
Ron's eyes widen. He practically blanches and says, "Never. My brothers—Fred and George—tricked Percy into eating it once.. don't think he was the same ever since."
[Y/N] laughs at this. Ron looks up, seemingly pleasantly surprised at her reaction, and then laughs quietly under his breath, hand reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "That does sound like Fred and George," [Y/N] giggles. "Do you take after them?"
"Gah, no." They’ve started walking now, Ron keeping pace next to her in the narrow aisle, their shoulders brushing slightly. "Mum would have a heart attack. She’s got enough on her platter with two troublemakers in the family already."
[Y/N] raises her eyebrows and glances up at him. "You sure you aren't one? I’m in your Potions class, you know. I’ve heard you talk back to Snape plenty of times."
Ron flushes red not for the first time that day. "Can't really help it. He’s a bit of a git." And then he adds, "Sorry."
"Oh, don't be." [Y/N] waves a hand in the air as though to brush it off. "You’re not wrong. Can’t keep his nose out of other people's business—you know he gave my friend detention once for disrupting his class when all he did was sneeze?"
"I remember that. Wasn’t that Ernie?"
"Exactly—Ernie Macmillan. Snape made him clean the trophy room."
Ron makes a sound in the back of his throat like a snort. "Ah. The trophy room. Probably didn't have much to clean, then. I scrubbed the bloody hell out of those trophies four years ago when I got detention."
[Y/N] laughs, nudging him lightly by the elbow. "And you say you're not a troublemaker."
This time, Ron doesn't blush beet red; he actually laughs, and [Y/N] is pleased at how he's managed to ease up a little. Shrugging, he admits, "Suppose I am. Not as bad as the twins, though, as I’m sure you know."
"I and the rest of the castle," [Y/N] affirms, giggling. They’ve reached the cashier by now—and speak of the devil; the Weasley twins are standing in line, though their backs are turned. "Isn’t that them?" asks [Y/N] curiously, looking to Ron for confirmation.
But the sight she's met with is rather comical. All the color seems to have drained from Ron's face; he looks like he's seen a ghost. Gaping a little, eyes wide in what looks like panic, he clears his throat and says, "I think we should go."
But luck is not on Ron's side, because either Fred or George—[Y/N] can't really tell which one—turns around, and at the sight of their younger brother, beams widely and exclaims, "Ron! Fancy seeing you here, dear brother!"
"Fred," says Ron through gritted teeth, and then, once the other twin has turned around, "George."
"Shopping for sweets, aren't we?" grins George. 
And then, seemingly at the same time, their gazes land on [Y/N], who stands at Ron's side, amused. An identical flicker of surprise crosses the both of their faces before Fred manages to say, with his eyes darting between the two of them, "Is this what I think it is?" 
"Oh, my." George’s mouth has fallen open in an incredulous laugh. "Is ickle-Ronniekins on a date? with [Y/F/N], no less?"
[Y/N] side-eyes Ron to see that he has tensed and is glancing around as though in search for the nearest exit. She scoffs a little at the twins, and, sending them an exasperated look, scolds them by saying, "Oh, leave 'Ronniekins’ alone. He’s been nothing but sweet the entire day."
Their grins grow even wider. "Isn’t that right?" says Fred, tone still teasing. "Well, I must say: We're proud of you, Ronniekins. See you've finally found it in you to ask out the girl you've been obsessing over for two whole years now."
[Y/N]'s eyebrows rise up in intrigue. Ron's cheeks, meanwhile, flush an even darker shade of red. "I'm not—" he begins.
"And since you two are together—"
"We’re not—" Ron tries again. 
"—you ought to start teaching him how to play Quidditch, [Y/N], you being a Hufflepuff chaser and all," Fred continues smoothly. Up ahead by the cashier, someone has successfully made their purchase; the twins take a step back, moving up the line without even looking behind them. "Ron’s planning on trying out for the Gryffindor team next year, you see."
"What the—how do you know that?” Ron gapes. 
"We’d teach him ourselves," says George, sighing, "But Ron's temper is a little—ah—"
"Fiery?" Fred suggests.
"Let’s just say one time he grabbed my Beater bat in mid-air and whacked me upside the head with it."
An amused laugh leaves [Y/N]'s lips before she can even think about suppressing it. "Is that true, Ron?" she says, tone playfully scolding.
Ron rolls his eyes, grumbling, "That was after they jinxed my broom to let out farting noises every five seconds."
Another laugh. "Interesting," she hums. "Well, thanks for the tip, you two." And then, narrowing her eyes at them good-naturedly, "I’ll be sure to teach your brother Quidditch—with a method that doesn’t involve farting jinxes, of course."
Fred and George beam. They’re up next in line. "I bagsy best man at your wedding," Fred announces, swiveling around to face the cashier.
"No, I do—" argues George, turning around to pile up the sweets in his arms on the counter. 
Moments later, the twins are waving their goodbyes, all the while dramatically sobbing into their hands and saying something about their little brother growing up too fast. Fred pats [Y/N] on the shoulder as he passes by, saying in a hushed voice that he'd totally meant for Ron to hear, "Take care of ickle-Ronniekins for us."
And then [Y/N] and Ron are left in the Honeydukes shop, Ron with a flushed face and [Y/N] heavily amused. "That was.." she exhales, laughing as she slides her box of Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans across the counter. "Quite something. Are they always like that?"
"Every bloody waking moment," complains Ron, shoulders sagging as he practically deflates against the counter, leaning his hip on it. "Sorry about them, they're.."
"A bit much?”
"That’s an understatement," Ron comments, obviously still spiteful.
"Did you really hit your brother with his own bat?" she glances at him, eyes alight with genuine curiosity as she takes the paper Honeydukes bag from the shopkeeper with a polite "thank you". 
Making their way to the exit, Ron nods, his own eyes shining with a kind of fieriness that [Y/N] can't help but laugh at. Passionately, he says, "And I’d do it again."
She starts chortling at this, walking through the door as Ron holds it open for her. “Interesting group of brothers, you all are," she enthuses, smiling at him somewhat sympathetically once her giggles have faded. It’s still snowing outside; she pulls the ends of her scarf tighter around her neck.
[Y/N] purses her lips, falling quiet for a moment as though pondering over something, and then, her lips tugging up at the edges, she looks up at him and asks, "And have you really been obsessing over me for two years?"
Ron's eyes grow wide and they skirt away almost immediately, hand flying up to scratch the back of his neck like some sort of defense mechanism. "I—I don't—" he sputters out," I mean—not obsessed—" and then he pauses, as though to start over. Shoulders deflating, he mutters, eyes still downcast, "I've.. always found you really pretty, is all."
[Y/N] scuffles her feet against the ground. The smile tugging on her lips is far too insistent, so she just lets herself succumb to it and grin down at her shoes before she looks up at him, eyes alight with mirth, and says, "It's fine, Ron. That's really sweet of you." And because she has a feeling he doesn't want to talk about his—erm—feelings anymore, she asks, "Do you want to go into the Three Broomsticks next? Grab some butterbeer, maybe?"
Ron nods. But his eyes don’t fail to catch onto the way she’s rubbing her naked hands together—she’d forgotten her gloves. He doesn’t pause to ask and instead takes off his own immediately, handing them to her without quite meeting her eyes.
Despite the rush of gratitude this tiny act gives her (and the butterflies it lets loose in her stomach), she holds her palms out at Ron in a stopping gesture, hurriedly saying, “Oh, no—keep them, Ron, your hands will get cold—“
“Just take them,” Ron says, still abashed. “Can’t have you freezing to death.”
She pauses, another fond smile tugging on the corners of her lips, and then exhales defeatedly and takes the gloves from him, putting them on. “Well, I doubt I’d freeze to death,” she mutters, “but thank you.” Once the gloves have fitted snugly around her hands, she looks up at Ron, smiling softly, and says, “Ready to go, then?”
“Yeah, let’s—oh, blimey. I forgot. Wait here!”
Before [Y/N] even begins to register his words, Ron has disappeared and is dashing back into Honeydukes, leaving her standing outside, bewildered.
Isn’t he something else—leaving his date behind, alone in the snow. [Y/N] can’t help but laugh, giggling to herself as she clamps her hand over her mouth, earning strange looks from Hogwarts students passing by. 
Ron Weasley is awkward and a bit of a mess around her, but [Y/N] finds that it’s quite adorable. And it’s certainly an assurance to know that she’s not the only one venturing into unknown territory—this is her first date, after all. And to be completely honest, she’s enjoying it. Initially she thought she’d be having too hard of a time dealing with Ron’s overbearing awkwardness, but it’s quite the opposite, as she’s grown fond both of it and of him in general.
And that fondness only multiplies when Ron bumbles out of the Honeydukes shop a few minutes later, holding an entire block of wrapped chocolate in his hands, which he hands to her.
“Thought you might like it,” he says, abashed, only managing to hold her gaze for a few moments before his eyes are darting away again. “Would’ve bought it earlier.. got distracted..”
[Y/N] tells herself that the pink blush that is no doubt spreading across her cheeks is most definitely because of the cold and not because of a certain Ron Weasley.
Feeling a thousand things all at once—all of which (so be it) have something to do with Ron—she smiles, all crinkled eyes and dimpled cheeks, and stands on her tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
Flushing, she pulls away. This time she’s not quite meeting his gaze, either, as she says, “Let’s get going, shall we?”
Without waiting for a response, she scurries away, cheeks a blazing shade of red as Ron stands there, hand coming up to brush against the spot on his cheek where she’d kissed him.
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 04 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (03)
Next part (05)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Walls Start Falling
“(Y/N), that was insane,” Monica says as you have your lunch break. “Billy never did that. He never cared enough.”
You're still a mess, a confusing, flustered mess. But you made up your mind. Yesterday's events were madness. But it was just Billy being nice, you concluded. Another reason for you to be thankful and to give friendship a chance. Nothing else. “Yeah, it was nice of him to do that.” You try to keep it cool, your voice steady.
“Weren't you even a little bit... Excited about that?” She lowers her voice, even though there's nobody else around.
“Well...” Lying is not your thing, so you just have to tune it down a bit. “I was surprised. Perplexed and... I don't know. It felt good to have someone stand up for me.” You remember how cute it was when Christopher defended Monica, and see it happening to you a while after did send chills down your spine. But there's no reason for you to believe it was anything else. Billy might think he likes you, but he doesn't know you enough yet. That reminds you of another thing you have to tell Mon. “He... Billy told me something weird yesterday.” Mumbling, you drum your fingers on the table.
“That he... That he likes me.” It only takes four words to make Monica stand up abruptly as if bit by a snake.
“Why in the hell didn't you tell me that the moment you set foot in this pool?”
You can't help but giggle. “Because it's not a big deal. You can't just decide you like someone you don't even know.” Shrugging your shoulders, you play with your food.
“Look. Something happened to Billy in senior year.” She starts. “He was in this awful car accident and if it wasn't for his sister and her friends, he'd be dead. After that he... Changed. Not completely, but he stopped treating his sister like shit.” It makes you curious. You haven't seen any scars on Billy, and nobody told you about any kind of accident. Maybe you could ask him about it sometime.
“And what does it has to do with anything?”
“It means that he changed then so he can change now.” It has some physiological background she's not explaining. “Just... You can be a normal girl around me, ok? We're friends, we're supposed to tell each other this kind of things.”
It's not that you don't want to open up, you just don't want to think about Billy all the time. But you guess it's ok. You feel like you can trust Monica, even about things you're a little scared about. “I know. But tell you what exactly?” You ask, taking a sip from your lemonade.
Her lips break into a smile. “Like the fact that you find Billy hot.” You almost choke, clearing your throat as you put the glass down. “You said that yourself. Yesterday when you shoved into David's face that he's envious of Billy because he's way hotter.”
“Billy is... Cute.” That's a good word, you decide. It's kind, it's not a lie, and it sounds casual.
“Have you ever seen him shirtless?”
“Yes. We're both lifeguards on Hawkins Community Pool and it's Summer, so yes.” Mon rolls her eyes at you sarcastic tone, but you just smile at her.
“Ok. But have you stopped to actually look?”
“Monica, I won't stare at the guy.”
“Why not? He stares at you.”
“It's different.” You snap.
“How so?”
You don't know how to answer. You don't even know exactly what's going on with you, or with Billy, or with this whole town. It doesn't matter how hard you think, you can't come up with a satisfactory answer, one that will be enough for your brain to stop forming questions. Monica is restless, and sometimes you catch yourself wishing she won't call. And she doesn't even know that Billy kissed you in the cheek. If you tell her that, you'll never hear the end of it. “I don't–” The door is open suddenly and it makes you shut up immediately. And the person who comes in makes you nervously move in your chair, sitting up straight.
“Were you talking about me?” Billy asks with a smirk.
“No.” You burst out, ready to stand up and head back to your chair. But Monica moves first, giving you such a hard stare that it makes you sit back down.
“Gotta go.” She says, storming out of the cafeteria.
Billy sits where Monica was, looking at you, as usual. “You were talking about me, weren't you?”
“No,” you repeat, cursing yourself for lying. “My lunch break will be over in-” you take a quick look at the clock above the fridge. “-three minutes. So I gotta go too.”
“Tomorrow is our day off. What are you up to?” He says when you reach the door.
You do have somewhere to be, thank God. “Mon invited me for a trail in the woods. With her crew...” You lock eyes with him again, and somehow, even though the distance, you feel the weight. It's not a bad kind of weight... It's different. It's gentle. “Wanna come?” It comes out faster than you can process it, so you look down, not sure if you want him to say yes or no.
You know he's smiling, and it has an effect on you. “We'll meet up at Benny's at nine. Don't be late or we'll leave without you.”
“I'll be there.” You listen as you walk away, thankful for the forty-five minutes you'll have on your chair without Billy being around.
The sun is casting a beautiful golden light. It will be another hot day, and the fact that you'll be walking all morning isn't going to help. So you picked a light blue shirt with thin straps, short jeans, and comfortable white sneakers. You're leaning against Monica's car, parked in front of Benny's Burgers, doing a side french braid on your hair as you wait for the guys to get here. There's a fresh, morning wind blowing, and you breathe in the soft smell of coffee coming from Benny's. You didn't tell anyone about inviting Billy, so, if he doesn't show up, you won't have anyone talking about it.
Minutes later, the rest of Monica's crew gets here, five minutes before nine. You feel a little relieved that Billy won't come, actually. You've been trying to understand why the guy is making you so nervous when you're set to pursue nothing but a good friendship. Being confused is tiring. “Well, let's go,” Jason exclaims, and immediately, everyone starts getting in the cars. You're moving to sit on the passenger seat of Monica's car when Christopher calls shotgun. Great.
You're about to get into the back seat when you hear a car approaching, dangerously fast judging by the loud noise, and then it stops. You stand up straight, feeling your stomach burning when you see it's Billy's Camaro. “What the hell,” Mon mutters, giving you a glance.
Ignore her, you tell yourself. “Did you invite him?” Jason asks. “Or is he just crashing the party again?”
“I invited him. Hope it's not a problem.” Jason shakes his head no before getting into the car. But not before giving you a smirk. Well, you invited him, so you have to go and say hi. With your stupid heart beating faster, you walk over his car, offering a small smile when he steps out, standing by the door. “Hey. You're almost late.”
“Almost. Get in.”
“I'm going in Mon's car.” You gesture at where the two cars are parked. You get the feeling that you'll just end up in the same talk as last time, so you give up. “Just because I'm literally your only friend here.” Rolling your eyes, you gesture for the guys to go as you walk around the car to get to the passenger seat.
Billy follows the party until they stop randomly by the road. Everyone starts moving, getting their backpacks to get into the woods. You get yours from Monica's car, putting in on your back.
“Hey,” Billy calls, gesturing for you to get over his car with his index finger.
He doesn't say anything as he takes the water bottle and snacks from your bag, putting in on his backpack. You watch, arms crossed, wondering why in the hell he's doing it without even asking if he could. Once your stuff is packed with his, he throws your empty bag on the passenger seat.
“Give me that,” you demand, reaching out your hand. “I'll carry through half of the way and you carry on the other half.” You raise an eyebrow at his smug smile as he hands you the pack. The moment he releases it, the weight pulls your arm down, and you have to push it back up before it hits the ground. “Damn, what do you have in here?” Suddenly you don't wanna carry this thing anymore. You should've just played along.
“Don't worry, princess, I can carry it.”
Shit. That name again.
“Fine.” You give him the bag, moving closer to the others.
“For the sake of our health, we're not going too far today,” Christopher announces, leading the way.
He keeps saying things, but you're not listening. You have never been in the woods, and you're too busy looking around, taking it in. Diane was lucky to have grown up in such a place, so beautifully calm, close to nature, being able to just run a few miles and be among the trees. You easily fall back, walking slightly slower than the party, mesmerized.
“It looks like you're enjoying it,” Billy says, and you notice he's purposely keeping your pace. But what else would he do? You're the only one he talks to in this group.
“It's beautiful. Living so close to the woods... It's just amazing. I can't believe I actually live here.” You're smiling like an idiot now, your eyes moving from the trees up to the blue sky. “What about you? Do you like living here?”
“Not in the beginning, but I got used to it, I guess.”
“I'm from New York, so you get the difference.” Shrugging your shoulders, you see something through the corner of your eye. It's small, and it jumps from a tree to the ground, running away. “A squirrel!” You exclaim, gesturing at a tree on our left. “I saw a squirrel.” Giving one last look at the group, you start moving to where you saw it going to.
“Wait up,” Billy calls since you're trying to walk as fast as you can without tripping on any branches.
You scan the woods, looking for any sign of the small animal, but you don't find anything. There's a slight slope on the way, so you use a fallen tree as a support as you move through it. But a rock moves under your foot, making you slip and fall on your butt. A low whine escapes your mouth when you feel a sting on your calf as you slide down the rest of the slope.
“Hey.” Billy is suddenly before you, you don't even know how he got here so fast. He pulls you up, holding your arms. You're laughing though, and the confused expression on his face doesn't help much. “You ok?”
“Yeah, I'm alright.” You look up, noticing how close Billy is. His blue eyes are like the ocean, beautiful, calming, and peaceful. Not the kind of eyes you'd expect from someone with the reputation he has. Clearing your throat, you step back, dusting off your clothes. “The squirrel won this round, I guess.” You can feel his stare as you look down.
“There's a cut on your calf.” He gets on one knee, taking your left leg by the ankle.
“What are you doing?” You mutter when you almost fall for the sudden loss of balance. You use Billy's shoulder to keep yourself steady. You feel his thumb on your skin, watching as he carefully removes the blood from the wound to take a better look.
“It's just a small cut. You'll survive.” He says as he stands up, those blue, piercing eyes on you again.
That was... Weird. To say the least. You just don't get why it made you so nervous. You really need some time away from Billy to think and think very carefully, to get things figured out. “We should get going or we'll get left behind.”
“As you wish.” He gestures for you to move, and that's what you do. But when you're about to climb up the slope, Billy comes to stay near you, a hand on your side when you use the fallen tree to pull yourself up. You just decided you don't like him touching you. If that's what makes you nervous, you have to avoid it.
But how are you supposed to be friends with someone you can't touch? Friends hug all the time... Damn it, why does it have to be so confusing? You blame Billy for this, even though this is not really his fault. Or is it?
“Hey. Monica told me something about a car accident. In senior year.” You decide to ask, and hopefully get a nice conversation that will keep you from getting nervous.
“Yeah. I was going on a date when... I hit a deer and crashed the car.” By how dark his voice gets, you can tell those aren't pleasant memories.
“Was it bad?” You move to walk closer to him as if it would offer any kind of comfort.
“Very.” He confirms. “If it wasn't for my dipshit sister and her stupid friends I'd be dead.” Despite the mean names, he flashes a small, quick smile. “Things changed from that day on. I couldn't hate her anymore.”
“And why did you hate her before?”
“Everyone says I'm an asshole but I was an even worse asshole before. But that day, it just... Clicked. After years of having me treating her like trash, she still went through a lot of trouble to save my life.” He lowers his voice, barely a whisper now. “And I'm not sure I was worth saving back then.”
It breaks your heart a little, to see how some of his walls just fell to the ground. You wonder if he told this to all the girls he has been with. “And when are you going to introduce me to your sister?” You try lighting up the mood a little, elbowing him.
“Are you inviting yourself to my place?” His smirk is back, but it doesn't bother you. You're actually happy the heaviness in his voice faded away.
“You already have a place to be on your next day off.” He's clearly not asking.
“I'm not going to your place, Billy.” Despite being glad the atmosphere changed, you still have to set up some boundaries.
“I'll make Max stay home. I'll even let her invite the kiddos.”
Running a hand through your hair, you start playing with the tip of the braid. “Only if you order pizza.” You give him a quick look, admiring his smile. “But I'm paying this time.”
“No way.”
“Then I'm not going.”
“You're very stubborn.”
“That I am.” Smirking at him, you move to walk backwards, right before him. “I'll stop by your place to meet your savior sister and her savior friends and I'll pay for the pizza. Deal?”
“You should really watch where you're going.” The moment he's done speaking, your back hits a tree. Billy comes closer, standing there, way too close for your taste, looking down at you. It reminds you of when he kissed your cheek, the sudden proximity that made your stomach burn before the feeling his lips on your skin. “Deal.” He whispers, moving away.
Closing your eyes for a couple of seconds, you take the deepest breath you can, thankful that he moved away. He's doing that on purpose, you're so damn sure. Rolling your eyes, you set in motion, now listening to the low chattering of the group.
“Billy. Let me get some water.” You quicken your pace until you reach him, searching through his backpack until you find your bottle. It's still cold, thankfully. “Want some?” You watch as he shakes his head no before you drink. You take a few sips, closing your eyes at the good sensation of the fresh water in such a heat. Suddenly you feel the bottle being pushed up, and the water spills all over your mouth and nose, rolling down your chest. Opening your eyes abruptly, the first thing you see it's Billy's amused smile.
“You're such a-” You move forward, holding the bottle tightly as you throw some water on him. “-idiot!”
He bursts into a laugh as the fight begins. You're struggling to throw what's left of the water on his face as he tries to hold your arms. “You gave me no choice.” He mumbles under his heavy breath.
“Shut up,” you yell, your voice altered by the laughs. You're trying to set free from his grip, but he's stronger. You use your body weight to try and make him move backward, anything that could give you a chance. “Jerk!” As you speak he somehow manages to take the bottle from your hand, throwing the water on you. But you think fast, moving your body closer to his as you push his arm, so the water ends up falling on both of you.
“Hey, kids!” Jason shouts, and your head immediately turns at the source of his voice. You're both frozen now, as you notice the whole group stopped, looking at you. “Let's go!”
Clearing your throat, you struggle not to let your mind process the closeness. How you pushed yourself onto Billy, collapsing on his chest. “Let's go,” you tell him, stepping away. “Jerk,” you repeat, failing to hold back the smile.
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years ago
Ghost story incoming 👻👻
- my bff in elementary school, her backyard was within walking distance of a cemetery ( like if the tree line wasn't there her back yard would legit be a cemetery) and would often hear babies crying in her basement. Her neighborhood was very Boujee and brand new like no other fam lived there before her. And she was the youngest on her street. We were 7-8
- every house my aunt and uncle has lived in was haunted in one way or another. One house, toys without batteries would start working, tv channels would change on their own, a random water like substance would leak from the doors. Another house, they thought this ghost boy running around late at night was my cousin, he was asleep in his room. Another, you could hear people walking and furniture moveing around on the second floor when noone was up there. Another, I remember not liking the basement (my cousin's room) and I always refused to go down there cause I didn't like the vibe, they moved out when my cousin seen a demonic old lady. I'm pretty sure a ghost follows them tho because what are the odds of every hose you've ever lived in being haunted, they also have the worst luck They could be cursed for all I know.
- my house ( not scary and the vibes are very chill compare to my aunt and uncle's and we're pretty sure it's someone in the fam looking out for us but it still freaks us out) , I use to see shadow figures all the time growing up. And felt like being watched all the time in my room. My mom and me came home from shopping to see a candle lit in the kitchen when she didn't light one that day and knows for a fact she didn't light it. My dad and me were in the crawl space once looking for a box and turned around because we felt someone behind us but there was no one there. Before my grandma died I heard some one whisper my name when I was home alone. Before my grandpa died an icy cold hand touched my cheek. My brother threw a water bottle on the floor and walked away and heard a whack on his dresser, he turned around to find the water bottle standing upright on his dresser. Any animal that I've ever had would stare and eyes would follow something that isn't there. Technology would act wonky sometimes, like one time my laptop started playing a random YouTube video but I hadnt turned the computer on yet like it was just the sound to some video the internet wasn't on either. Lights will randomly turn on sometimes.
- In college I use to live within walking distance from the Congress hotel (one of the most haunted and oldest hotels in Chicago.) And one time during an architectural tour thing I went in and right away the vibes were off. And during the tour I broke off of the group I was with and went down some random hallway on some random floor and felt like I was being watched the entire time, like I remember turning around to see if anyone was behind me but found I was completely alone and it was eeriely scilent. And while walking down this hall I would notice doors were blocked off like they wallpapered over.
- one time me and my friend went driving down this road with this hella haunted cemetery near my house and we're chased by some ghost car that legit disappeared out of nowhere. Like we don't know wtf it went cause once your on this road there aren't any side streets for a while.
-one time I was staying at this random hotel in the middle of nowhere in Minnesota and I could have swore that a little girl whispered "where am I?" In my ear. I was 20 at the time and the youngest in the room.
I know I'm forgetting so many but so much has happened soo here are a few
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amjcpvr · 4 years ago
“Where are you going?” My brother, Woogie, asks as he comes home from work. His colleagues and him had gone out to have a drink after a long day and he had just gotten home. I was pretty dressed up for a night in, especially since it was getting late into the evening.
“Umm…” I follow him to the kitchen where he thanks me for making dinner for him and begins to dig in.
I grab my phone and keys and put them in my bag before glancing up at him.
“So I have to tell you something and you have to promise me you will NOT freak out.” I speak slowly as if that will make this better.
“Just spit it out.” He snorts. He probably thought it was something stupid like I got period blood on the sofa again.
“There's this guy and-” before I could say anything else Jay, one of my brother’s coworkers, interrupts me. My eyes widen as I suddenly jump and back away from the kitchen entrance.
“The fuc-” Another coworker, Harry, who had tagged along, quickly covers Jay’s mouth and smiles nervously.
I should’ve known. These guys always come over with Woogie. I had known them for the longest time, and if this was any other day, I wouldn’t have a problem with their visit. Today just wasn’t good timing.
“We’ve been talking for a long time and I really like him bro. He’s so sweet, and I know you’d like him too!” I quickly say before anyone else could interrupt me. I look at him with my Puss In Boots eyes as I await a response.
“The fuck-” Jay curses again but Harry once again covers his mouth.
I hear an engine coming from the distance and immediately recognize it. My heart skips a beat and I glance up at my brother.
“He's here.” I reveal as I look at the street from the kitchen window. His car pulls up a few seconds later.
I look over at Woogie with questioning eyes waiting for him to say something, anything. He stands from his seat, this whole time he had remained silent and I could feel sweat building on my forehead. He silently exits the house and I quickly follow behind him. Jay and Harry follow closely as well.
He looks over at the car and puts up two fingers before rolling them towards him In a “come here” manner.
The guy who was here to pick me up immediately steps out of his car and runs up our driveway.
“H-hello,” He bows down to show respect.
He walks over to my side when Jay puts out a foot to trip him.
Harry helps him stay steady and smacks Jay uptop his head.
Jay shrugs his shoulders and childishly sticks his tongue out directed to the back of my date's head.
I smile at the interaction. Jay was so silly.
“Woogie, meet my date, Woojae.”
Before he could respond, Haon comes walking over from Minsiks house.
Haon and Minsik were my next door neighbors. We were all pretty close since we had no one else to hang out with growing up. They knew Woojae and were waiting for us to reveal the news to my brother.
He was just passing to his house when he noticed Woojae’s car. He looks from the car to us back to the car over and over again.
He randomly runs back to Minsiks house and yells.
“They finally did it!” Out of nowhere, Minsik comes running out and also notices the car.
He looks over at us and gives us a thumbs up.
They walk over to us and immediately back us up.
“Dude! Woodie here is a good guy. He's been staying single as a Pringle just for ya daughter, you know?” Minsik starts as he hooks his arm around my brother.
I groan and pull him off.
“Not helping.” I growl at him and he immediately cowers away like a sad puppy.
They stand at the sidelines next to Jay and Harry. I see and hear all four of them asking questions to get caught up on the situation. I ignore it and continue looking at my brother.
“Why do you like my sister?” My brother finally speaks after what feels like years.
“The fuck that's the only thing you gonna ask. Let me at him bruh.” Jay threatens as he throws air punches while Harry holds him back.
“I've been training with Zombie. You better catch these hands mother-” This time it was haon who cut him off and mumbled something about 'if you're angry just take a moment and look at yourself, the person you see is not you…”
I roll my eyes and focus back on My date and brother’s interaction.
“Why do you like drinking?” Woojae asks my brother. I look at him bewildered.
This better be good.
I could tell my brother was thinking the same thing.
“It tastes good.” My brother comments with a smirk. He knew where Woojae was going with his answer so he was probably expecting Woojae to say.
“Well your daughter tastes good.”
Or something like that.
“Exactly. Everybody has different taste buds. For example, my mother hates beer but my father loves it. Taste buds are different in everybody's mouth. Your sister likes spinach and I hate it. Taste buds are like feelings. Everyone has different feelings for different people. You might see Minsik as a nice next door neighbor but I see him as guy who loves to party. I like her because she tastes good to my taste buds.” Woojae finishes.
I stared at him with tears in my eyes before I hug him. I could see Jay tearing up as he curls up next to Harry.
Woogie was still emotionless as always.
“Okay. No later than 9pm.” He quickly replies before he sits back down, this time on a chair we had outside on the porch, and takes a deep breath.
I look at Woojae and hold my hand out to him. I already know I had an embarrassingly bright grin on my face. He gladly takes it and leads me down to his car.
“After you, milady.” He coos sweetly as he opens the door for me.
“Why thank you, mister.” I reply as I get in and make myself comfortable.
“Where did you learn that?” I ask him as I stare at him with hearts in my eyes. We were on our way to the movies already.
“What?” He questions with a giggle. He was getting shy.
How cute.
“That amazing way with words.” I flirt exaggeratedly as I continue to stare at him dreamily.
“From you. You're my muse.” He responds but then shys away and cringes.
“Ahh” he screams like a little girl.
I burst out laughing but my heart skips a beat nevertheless.
“Ah! My heart is beating too fast!” I tease as I hold my heart.
He screams again and makes the final turn to enter the parking lot.
“I like that.” I continue with a smile.
“What? The movie theater?” He asks as he focuses on parking perfectly.
“No. I like that corny mouth of yours.” I purr as I send him a wink.
“Oh baby. This mouth can be more than just corny.” He winks back, but he can’t hold his face for more than three seconds before screaming and cowering away.
“You know what my mouth could be?” I challenge him as I lean closer to him.
“What?” He glanced at me suspiciously.
“Yours.” I whisper in his ear. I back away to catch his reaction and witness a horrified look cross his face.
“Baby, I wasn't ready.” He quickly says while shaking his head.
I giggle and another beat skips in my chest.
He quickly gets out and opens the door for me.
I exit and immediately intertwine our hands and swing them back and forth as we walk into the theater.
“I can't believe we didn't go on a single date these past few weeks.” I make conversation as we wait in line.
“Me neither. You know how long I've been wanting to hold your hand?” He cheeses as he holds our hands up.
“Mmm… a few weeks?” I tease him. I laugh at his eye roll that follows and lean into him.
“Finally.” I snuggle into his arm and freely breath in his cologne.
We pay for our tickets and snacks and sit in our spots.
Before the movie starts we talk about what had happened earlier.
“For a second I thought your brother was going to throw me into a trash can.” He explains his worries as he digs his hand into the popcorn bowl.
“What? My brother isn't that mean.” I laugh quietly as I recall the events from earlier that day.
“If anything you should be grateful Harry was there to stop Jay from jumping you.” I retaliate as I laugh out loud.
I visibly see woodie shiver as he remembers Jay's words and actions.
“Does he really train with Zombie?” He quizzes with fear in his eyes.
“Yes.” I reply teasingly. His eyes grow before he looks away in fright.
“Don't worry! I won't let him.” I quickly reassure him as I squeeze his cheeks.
He groans and gets another fistful of popcorn.
“Stop it or else you'll finish all of it before the movie even starts and I am not sharing my nachos boi.” I nag him as I smack some popcorn out of his hand and back into the bin.
He squeals and reaches for it again before fitting it all in his mouth.
I burst out laughing, earning a few daggers and a “shhhh” from somewhere.
We giggle quietly and wait for the movie to begin.
Throughout the movie, we held hands, and leaned on each other. The date was even better than I imagined.
“You want to go eat? It's 8:30… oh wait, gotta be back by 9.” He finished with a sigh.
“We can get McDonald's and then eat at my house.” I suggest.
“What if everyone's still there?” He worriedly questions as he looks at me doubtfully.
“Well everyone already knows how much we're seriously about each other, so I don't think It's a big deal.” I respond with a shrug.
He thinks about it for a while before nodding.
We pass through the l McDonald's drive thru and get our food before heading home.
When we get there, haon and minsik, are gone. Jay, Woogie, and Harry are the only ones still outside just sitting around and talking. Thankfully they aren’t consuming alcohol, that would’ve been both hilarious and disastrous.
“Here goes nothing.” Woodie whispers as he opens his car door. He runs over to my side and opens my door as well.
“Thank you, sir.” I playfully curtsy after stepping out.
“You hired your own valet boy?” Haon jokingly asks as he comes walking down the road with a basketball in his hand.
There is a group of guys behind him. They call themselves Kiff clan or something like that.
“Haha very funny.” Woojae replies with a stoic expression.
I pinch his cheek to break his angry expression and sling my arm around his neck.
“No, even better, I got a date.” I counter as I squeeze him to me. He giggles and pushes me away only to give up and squeeze me just as tightly.
“Eww. Let's go Kiff We GOt a SWaG.” Haon exclaims as all his buddies follow him into his house.
“Okay now let's go eat. I'm starving.” Woojae Says as he rubs his tummy . I could feel his cheek moving because we were right next to each other, cheek to cheek.
We separate and grab the bags out of the backseat as well as the drinks.
“Hi brother.” I greet as I lead the way up the stairs with Woodie behind me.
Before he could ask what Woodie was doing back here, I hold up a bag of food.
“Who's hungry?” His eyes immediately light up and he snatches the bag away.
“I brought some for everybody, even you Jay.” I tempt evilly.
“B-b-but my diet.” He cries. He literally looks like he is about to die.
I shrug my shoulders and wink at him.
I place four drinks down and realize I have an extra one.
“Minsik was gonna come back for a shirt he left over here or something like that. Not sure what he said, just give it to him.” Woogie comments as he pulls the drink down and places it on the table.
I nod and walk inside with Woodie.
We walk to the kitchen and dig in.
“Yo if this big Mac was a person, I'd leave your ass.” I joke as I take another bite.
I feel a balled up napkin hit my forehead but ignore it.
“Oh yeah? If pizza was a girl I'd leave your ass too.” He turns away with his arms crossed.
I choke from laughter. Once I recover, I get up and give him a back hug, because his back was still to me.
“I'm sorry.” I apologize as I pry his arms away from each other.
“No, you're not.” He childishly replies.
I sigh.
“You're right.”
He looks at me with a bewildered look on his face and pushes me away.
I laugh and sit back down.
We finish our food with me trying to get him to talk to me and him continuously ignoring me.
“Wanna play Mario Kart?” I question as we throw our trash away.
His face immediately brightens.
“Is that even a question?” He asks as he runs to the living room.
I follow him with a chuckle and set the game console up.
We begin with small bets of 5 dollars but it soon increases to dares like “I dare you to go on the roof and throw something on Jay.” Which we end up not doing because we are too scared.
“This is the last game okay? You have work early tomorrow.” I state as I hit the play again button.
After an intense race I win.
“Okay whats the last dare?” He asks as he looks over at me with pleading eyes.
“I dare you… to…” I meet his eyes and wiggle my eyebrows before continuing. I crawl closer to him and sit down.
“Make my lips yours.” I finish as I look up at him.
He sends a small grin.
“Now that, I can do.” He whispers as he leans closer.
Our lips meet and I swear I hear fireworks go off in the distance.
We kiss until we can’t breathe anymore.
When we finally pull away we look into each other's eyes and smile.
I give him another peck and he does the same. We keep doing that until he engages me into another long kiss.
Finally we pull away, for real this time, from each other and he gathers his things.
“Thank you for today.” I tell him as I smile. He looks down at me with a smile too.
“I'll see you later babe.” He tells me sweetly.
We open the door and see Jay passed out on Minsiks lap. Minsik is just surfing through social media completely unbothered.
My brother and Harry were busy talking about work.
They look up when they hear the door open.
“Thank you for letting me take your sister out tonight. I promise I will protect her.” He smiles politely as he bows his head.
“Yeah. Thanks for the food I guess.” My brother gives in awkwardly as he gives Woodie's shoulder a pat.
Jay wakes up as if he senses my date’s departure.
“You!” He points at woodie.
Woodies eyes widen and he freezes in place.
“M-me?” He asks as he points at himself.
“Yes, you! How did you know I liked chicken nuggets? Come here bro!” He grins, to everybody's surprise. He pulls woodie to him and shakes his hand.
Woojae gives a nervous smile and reciprocates the handshake.
“See you man.” Minsik says as he also shakes Woojae hand.
It seems like Jay just barely notices him.
“What the- Minsik? Da fuq? Why am I sitting on your lap? You pervert!” Jay yells. He tilts the chair they are sitting on and Minsik falls with it.
I sigh and a few chuckles escape.
“Sorry.” I apologize to him. He shrugs.
“I'm used to it.” He replies as he rubs his arm.
I walk woojae down to his car and we sadly say our goodbyes.
“Text me when you get home.” I demand as I begin walking away. Our hands are intertwined but our fingers begin to separate the farther I go.
“Okayyy. Come here.” He whines as he pulls me back. He hugs me and gives me one last peck before we finally let go.
He drives away and I wave to him until I no longer see his car.
I walk back up to the porch and hear minsik comment something.
“What is this? Your first date or your first anniversary?” He asks as he rolls his eyes.
“Youre just jealous because your single.” I retort as I stick my tongue out at him.
“Jay is still single and he's 31.” He points out carelessly.
We laugh at the mentioned man’s hurt face and then run when he gets up from his seat looking like he was going to murder us.
I walk inside after seeing Minsik get spanked by Jay and get ready for bed.
When I get out of the shower I realize I have a message from woojae.
Just got to this house.
He then sends a picture of his house and I laugh.
Whyd you call it this house?
Because my only home is you.
I could already see him squirming around in his bed and screaming into a pillow.
Go to sleep you teenage girl. I can hear your screams all the way over here.
Why you gotta be so rude~ don't you know I'm human too~
Good night woodie.
Okay okay. Good night babe.
Wrote this when I was on something or sleep deprived idk. I had this in my drafts for like 3 years and I’m just cleaning out my drafts and deciding whether things should be posted or deleted. DID NOT PRROFREAD! I’m sorry! I will proofread soon, probably after finals!
Let me know if this type of writing is something you’d like to see again in the future!
Woodiegochild x oc
Woogie as your brother
Jay as your brother’s overprotective friend
Haon and sikk as your neighbors
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rock-n-roll-refugee · 6 years ago
Ultraviolence~Chapter 1
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I had to rewrite this because I forgot to save it... shoot me
PART 2 OUT NOW ON MY PAGE (I’m too lazy and dumb to link)
Peter Parker x Villain!Reader
A/N: This is something I wanna try, and I know I suck at writing and sticking to one project so let’s see how well this goes. And if y’all like this please let me know I feed off your complements :( also idk what The Hand is, i know its from Daredevil, but I'm just using it randomly. sorry
warnings: a lot of swearing lol, violence, blood
If you watched A Clockwork Orange you would know that the storyline follows a madman’s twisted descent into normality. Substitute Def Leppard for the old Ludwig Van and you have the tragic story of (Y/N) (Y/L/N). 
She had many similarities to the infamous Alex Delarge in which they both are mentally deranged and crave that sweet taste of violence. (Y/N) also took part in somewhat of a gang, but it wasn’t like Alex’s droogs. It was more of an ancient organization of assassins than a gang, but nonetheless, she was on the wrong side of the law. The organization was called The Hand and she was taken in by Bakuto, the leader, when she was only four after her father killed her mother and abandoned a very young (Y/N) on the streets. Her father was a rouge member and destroyed his family so he could escape for himself. Or at least that was the story she was told. Bakuto took her in because he saw potential, or maybe it was just her superhuman powers, for she had the ability to manipulate the elements into any weapon of choice making her an excellent weapon for The Hand. 
It was a typical mission, take out a corrupt entrepreneur who had got caught in a bad situation with some bad people. It was a task that she had preformed many times over many years, but today was different. It was her first solo mission. 
“Its in and out. Simple as that.” she whispered to herself.
She scaled the building, it was a large villa on the edge Lake George in New York. It was magnificent and it all came from dirty money. The atmosphere gave her a boost of confidence and she decided, why not have a little fun? Unlike the rest of The Hand, she always liked to spice up her assassinations with a little flare. Just like her idol Mr. Delarge, she was always one for the dramatics. A lot of her inspiration came from her favorite movie, as you know, is A Clockwork Orange. However, this was the only film (Y/N) (Y/L/N) has ever sense there wasn't anything to compare to. She smuggled the film into base, knowing she was forbidden to view films from the outside, and that it would disrupt her training, but it was her only memory with her previous family. Her father would watch this movie and to her mother’s dismay, she watched it along with him even though it was a movie very unsuitable for young eyes. What should be considered an awful memory according to Bakuto was something of comfort for (Y/N). Unlike most, she sympathized for Alex Delarge, and even though he was meant to be an evil “anti-hero”, she was able to relate to his strife.
She was lost in her thoughts when she heard the front doors open and close. She snuck to a new hiding spot and watch guests flow into the mansion. There was a corporate celebration being held tonight, and what better way of sending a message than in front of maybe hundreds. The hours passed and it became gradually hard to stay hidden due to the vast amount of party goers. She was ahead of the game however and was prepared for this situation. She changed into appropriate attire for the event, which was a black camisole dress layered with a mesh long sleeve dress with gold embroidery, which was provided to her. She slipped on the obligatory heels and joined the party, waiting for the right moment to strike. 
“I don’t understand Mr. Stark, why did you have to bring me here again?” Peter whined at Tony as the exited the car. 
“Kid, if you want to be involved with Stark Industries you need to know how to go to things like this.” Tony said waving off Happy. 
“Who is this guy anyways?” Peter said trying to keep up with Tony
“This guy is a pretty big investor in my company, and it would be rude of us not to go. He’s kind of a jackass though.”
They maneuvered their way through the crowd, shaking hands and greeting unfamiliar people. They finally found a place to stand, to be greeted by yet more money sniffing mongrels wanting to stuff their greedy hands into Tony’s pockets. Peter slouched over getting bored after only 15 minutes and waiting for this event to be over. He groaned and Tony rolled his eyes and sighed. Peter’s eyes began to scan the room for something slightly interesting, when he caught a good look at her. His posture suddenly improved grabbing Tony’s attention. He watched Peter drool over the (Y/H/C) haired girl in the black and gold dress, watching every move she made.
“Quit drooling kid and go talk to her.” Tony demanded. Peter’s eyes went large.
“Wha-what do you mean Mr. Stark?” Peter stuttered looking back from her and Tony.
“You really aren’t subtle.” Tony said face palming, “quit groaning and go over there. Gives you something to do rather than bugging me all night.”
Tony nudged Peter in her direction and he slowly and awkwardly waddled over to her. She stood in a pretty empty part of the party with her arms crossed, just staring blankly into the crowd.
“he-hey” he said softly
She looked at the nervous boy with her eyebrow raised, 
“hi” she said easily dismissing him
“um... so... cool party right?”
“right.” she said giving only a sliver of attention the the boy. Her attitude gave him a weird boost in confidence.
“So, what’s your name?” He asked throwing her off guard.
“Uhhh...” she was preparing to go unnoticed and not talk to anyone, so she didn’t even bother coming up with a fake name. She frantically scanned the room for ideas. She looked over to the bar and saw the bartender pouring a drink for a partygoer,
“Scotch...” she muttered, “Scotch uhhhh...” 
She then saw a man walk by wearing a brown leather jacket,
“Leather?” She said unsure.
“Scotch Leather?” Peter asked
“Yeah...” she said mentally face palming.
He began to burst out laughing as she joined him laughing nervously.
“I’m so sorry, I know that’s your name and its very rude of me to laugh, but no offense, that sounds like a stripper’s name.” He said as she scoffed. She realized the humor in it and began to laugh hysterically with him. 
Hours went by, and the two just talked and laughed about everything. As night fell, they heard a glass being chimed, attracting everyone’s attention. The host, and (Y/N)’s target stood up in the front of the room. 
“That’s my cue” she said to herself.
“Sorry what?” Peter said no catching what she was saying.
“Oh, I said I need to use the restroom.” she said putting down her glass of water, “It was nice meeting you Parker.” 
Peter smiled victoriously and marched back to Tony.
“You were over there for a while. How’d it go?” Tony whispered as the host began his speech.
“Amazing! She's smart, and pretty, and my age too!” Peter told him ecstatically.
“Did you get her number?”
She had changed back into her previous attire and snuck onto the roof where she had a good view of her target. She tied her hair up into a tight bun and slipped on her mask. She had to use her full face mask due to the fact that she walked around the party for a while and enough people saw her face to be able to show it. She groaned at the suffocation and begrudgingly stuffed her head in. It was musty and smelled like sweat, and the connected goggles were scratched up and foggy. The one advantage was that her identity was completely hidden and she looked pretty freaky. She adjusted her suit, which was an all black bulletproof suit that went up to her neck, and cargo pants and boots over the suit. 
She reached out her hand and a chunk of metal melted from a bare pipe and flew into her hand, shaping into a katana once it touched her palm. she peaked through the skylight at the target, still rambling on.
“...and to all those who have been a part of my project, I’d like to thank and for the profits, we are making more than we anticipated, so I am making a proposal for the next...” 
He droned on for a long time, but she had to wait for the perfect moment. She wanted to make her first solo mission something to remember. 
She cut a hole through the skylight and swiftly hopped down right behind him, barely making a noise when her feet touched the floor. She went unnoticed until she stood up behind him. She was merely a shadow, and barely visible, but what caught everyone’s eye was the gleam of her sword. The crowd audibly gasps at the intruder and a frightened murmur is heard throughout the room.
“I know, I know. These new plans are ambitious, but trust me I have a plan to initiate a...” he says, as a reply to the gasps and murmurs.
The assassin smirks under her mask as the host turns around confused as to why the crowd looked frightened, and the moment he is face to face with her she sheaths her katana deep into his heart. The people in the crown scream and run frantically out of the building. She chuckles knowing the scene looks almost like renaissance painting, her and the target dead center, his eyes rolled back into his head, and the frenzy of the guests scattering the ironically serene and exquisite room. It was almost poetic and how she wished she could get a snapshot of the moment. She twisted the sword making the man scream out in pain and retracted her sword, taking one last look at the magnificent scene and scurrying off.
“Hey Peter?” Tony asked, not looking directly at him
“Do you have your suit on you?”
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pure-clown-shit · 5 years ago
Okay how tf did I get into Led Zeppelin?
Here's how
I first heard the name in Supernatural but I just ignored it cause I wasn't really into rock at the time....
Then I became obsessed with Bowie which led me to get into other rock bands like Queen
One day... I decided to get crafty. Even though I such at it...
I made a Dean related craft and looked up wot his interests were and Led Zeppelin was one of them and one of their songs (which the one I wrote was incorrect)
I decided to ignore it again
Then came Junior year.... I had to repeat English II which was fine to me.... My English teacher was pretty cool. She was also into David Bowie and other classic rock people. On her wall, she had vinyls and one of them was Led Zeppelin. I was just stare at it and later found out it was Led Zeppelin.
My art teacher is hella into Led Zeppelin. She would always mention them and play their songs during class.
I was searching for other rock bands to listen to which I guess I did find some... I can't remember... But Led Zeppelin wasn't one of them.
Then one day, I saw this girl wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt. Me being a hoe that I am, looked at her shirt.
Then it just came to me.... I should give them a listen.
I believe the first song I listened was South Bound Baurez... Idk that's the first song I have on my Led Zeppelin section in my playlist. And I just absolutely loved it. Also I uh... Didn't know they were.... A band.... Until I saw the symbols... And drew Jonesy's symbol on my school's sketchbook.... Which I also didn't know who he was....
I knew NOTHING about Led Zeppelin.... (I'm still kinda new to them)
Then I went out and bought 3 shirts of them
At the time, I was HELLA obsessed with Bowie and wouldn't shut up about him so I didn't pay that much attention to Led Zeppelin or Queen.
My sister told me something among these lines
You don't even talk about Led Zeppelin nor anything or give them some appreciation....
I said fuck you to her and went off to be A DUMB BOWIE HOE
Later I.... I don't remember how exactly I got to know the members.... I think I just looked them up for something related to art?...
Well anyways....
I knew the name Robert Plant but I uh... Didn't really know wot he looked like....
Then I added more songs by Led Zeppelin (I recently added more)
I later learned the other member's names
One time my sister said Jessie Paege and I just randomly said Jimmy Page but I didn't really know who he was... I just knew he was in Led Zeppelin.
Then I found out who John Bonham was cause there's a city nearby called Bonham so hehehe... You bet your ass I said John Bonham when I see the city name Bonham.... But yet again I didn't really know who he was...
Then there was John Paul Jones... Or Jonesy... However y'all know him by.....
I drew him one time for an art challenge which was wayyy in the early stages of quarantine.
Then I figured out wot the member's roles were in Led Zeppelin.
Then I started to collect photos of them because that's wot we classic rock stans do...
I realized I had a collection of photos of Bowie and Queen and other shit?.... Like Mad Men?...
So I literally just looked up "Cursed Robert Plant images" which I stole these
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Then I just gathered a whole collection of Robert eating ice cream and Jimmy holding a bottle
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Yeahhh I uh... But I still didn't talk about them much
Up until I made a cursed account on Instagram and realized that I didn't have any Led Zeppelin content so I made a highlight for them
Then not too long ago.... I became obsessed with Robert cause I'm a dumb hoe...
Oh yeah you bet your ass I went and gathered more photos of him and the other hoes
Yeah so now me and my sister are obsessed with Robert
And to this day.... Wait... I'm not over Led Zeppelin yet....
That's how my dumbass bitch hoe got into Led Zeppelin
Pretty interesting story ehhehehe
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