#and I found 12-year-old me saying that Elly would be difficult for guys to ''win''
circusballoon · 4 years
2, 4, 20 & 23 for the OC Asks!
Hoo boy this is a wordy one and I am so sorry
2. who was your first oc?
Answered here! :D
4. have you kept all of your ocs since the beginning?
Not all of them (although I haven't sold them or anything, the ones I didn't keep just no longer exist), but there are some I've kept since the beginning. "Super Cat"--now just named Kat--has been around since I first made her, and I've got some other characters who were made a little after that who are still around.
20. which oc do you think has changed the most since you made them?
It's hard to say! None of my characters end up quite what I plan for them to be, and they all change a lot as time goes by.
One that comes to mind off the top of my head who isn't currently sitting in revision limbo is Elly.
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Originally, Elly was an Invader Zim fancharacter. She was a type of alien from the series called Irkens, and formerly a soldier. Elly was banished by the Irken Empire for some reason (I forget what, I think she blew up something important while trying to demonstrate her skill with explosives and other weapons) and had ended up on Earth with her bratty robot, GiRu, who she had a very strained relationship with. Elly determined she was going win the favor of the Irken Empire by taking over Earth, or blowing it up--just depending on what ended up more doable.
Elly was loud, hot-headed, feisty, melodramatic, conceited, and loved puns. Her passions included weapons and technology, and she was very curious about other planets' technology. And she spent her days unsuccessfully trying to figure out how to take over the world. Due to my own extreme loneliness, her character also functioned as something like an imaginary not-quite-friend, and somehow ended up the reluctant caretaker of my Irken persona.
As I started to move out of fancharacters, as a replacement for Invader Zim's Irkens, I made a race of small alien cat-rodent-things called caigens who were trying to take over the universe. Elly was changed to be a caigen spy, working (still reluctantly) with my new persona on Earth to relay information about how to take over the world. She stopped being recklessly destructive and wasn't as over-the-top a personality or role, but she was still a feisty hothead.
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Nowadays, Elly's still a caigen and has retained some of her irritability and loudness, but she's a bit more chill and now works as a researcher for an organization studying the technologies of foreign worlds. She also now has a hobby in robotics and no longer works as anyone's caretaker. Elly’s robot is now named Garu, also.
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I suppose she's not actually too different in basic personality, but going from "I'm going to blow up the planet I live on to prove myself a good soldier" to "I'm going to study foreign planets because they're fascinating" is a pretty drastic jump.
23. which oc do you think has affected you the most as youve grown with them?
That's a tough one, but one of the main ones who comes to mind is my character Elcycinu.
Originally, Elcycinu was the result of seeing a picture that made me want to draw an ~evil version~ of my character Uni, combined with the fact several people had drawn Uni with red eyes and I wanted to replicate that.
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I didn't initially intend for Elcycinu to be an actual character, just a drawing, but then she became one. Elcycinu was something of a non-traditional vampire who fed on the misery of others--but not through any choice of their own. It was a necessity for them. They in-story were basically the physical manifestation of Uni's insecurities and anger: feeling like an outcast, feeling worthless and like she only caused problems, feeling underappreciated, and so forth. And Elcycinu was majorly a projection of my own depression and had my own negative traits given to them and amplified.
Slowly, though, Elcycinu became their own character. Elcycinu was depressed, uncomfortable, out of place, and lashed out at those he loved and also was a general ass, but they started to find people to care about, to find hobbies to care about, ways to deal with their depression and anger, and to find ways to use their vampirism to protect people from truly terrible people. And they also started to figure out their gender, or lack of one, and to figure out what sorts of presentation made them feel comfortable.
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So much of me was put into Elcycinu, so as they came to discover themself and accept themself, I started to do the same. I figured out my own gender, and I started to truly believe I could feel more comfortable with ... me. And I did start to feel more comfortable.
While Elcycinu is certainly not the only thing that's helped me to discover and accept myself, they played a very large role in that and I'm grateful to them.
Previous editions of Elcycinu were put through a lot, so I wanted to give the latest reworking less awfulness--partly to tone down the unnecessarily dark strangeness of my stories a little, and partly because I want to give Elcycinu something nice after everythng. They still have plenty of troubles with things like feeling like an outcast and a history of anger and social trouble, but now they're Uni's twin sister and they were adopted by the Monowheel God. They have an adoptive family, they have a job as a circus performer, and they're now a more traditional vampire and only require blood.
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While depression is still something they struggle with--and they still can be an ass--they're a happier, healthier, and more confident individual. And I am, too.
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