#and I definitely agree that they obscured Elizabeth's agency and complexity
wonder-worker · 29 days
"Those who commented on [Elizabeth of York's] beauty often praised her ability and virtue, too. Bernard André was especially effusive about her “praiseworthy and commendable acts … while she was still a girl.” At her coronation banquet, the Garter King of Arms beseeched God to “send your Grace to live in honor and virtue,” and apparently the Almighty was listening. The Chronicles of London referred to her as “the noble and vertuous Quene Elizabeth.” Polydore Vergil praised her as a “most choice woman” and “a woman intelligent above all others, and equally beautiful.” In 1498, the Sub-Prior of Santa Cruz, Fray Johannes de Matienzo, wrote to Ferdinand and Isabella that she was a “very noble woman,” and much beloved. Shortly after her death in 1503, the Venetian ambassador, Alvise Mocenigo, described her as “a very handsome woman of great ability” and “in conduct very able.”
-William B. Robison, "The Sexualization of a “Noble and Vertuous Quene”: Elizabeth of York, 1466-1503"
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