#and Gavi's like “yeah I'll do it”
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wildelydawn · 7 months ago
i love your unai and pedri fics! i usually don't read that pairing but your writing is so good 🫣 would you ever write something about pedri and gavi? gavi is another midfielder like pedri and theyre very good friends 🫶
Oh, thank you! I'm glad you're giving my UnaiPedri agenda a chance! :)
Hmm, I haven't thought about writing Pedri and Gavi fics. So I tend to write a lot of emotional, angst driven stories. And Pedri and Gavi look like very close friends already, so it's sort of hard for me to think of a creative idea that would mix my style of writing and their dynamic. (I'm also just dipping my toes into Football RPF... I would hate to portray them/their dynamic incorrectly!)
However, I did think about writing a threesome with Pedri, Ferran, and Gavi, in which Pedri and Ferran totally destroy Gavi bahaha. That's because I'm currently on a threesome kick. But in terms of anything with a real plot? Nothing planned, unless something inspires me. Thanks for the request/question though!
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gadriezmannsgirl · 4 months ago
Hello!✨ I'm kind of back to writing, truth is I've been wanting to write some things these past weeks however it's been impossible for me to be able to come up with something, I'm having serious writers block😭it's a bit frustrating because I love writing😭😭😭 but I'll try my best to end all the requests and hopefully fully come back!🫶🏻
This is a kind of small reaction with Barça Boys (Pedri, Gavi, Fermín and Ferran) , let me know what you guys think!✨
Slam Car Door
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He jumped in his seat, his eyes wide as he saw you slam the door of his car
"Madre mía" (Dear god) He whispered, you opened the door to his car
"I'm so sorry" You say with your hand covering your mouth "I didn't meant to, I couldn't grab the door properly and the wind knocked it out of my hands"
"No te preocupes, amor. Ten cuidado, ¿Sí?" (Don't worry, love. Be careful, yeah?) You nod smiling
"¿Compro un kilo o dos de plátano?" (Should I buy one or two kilos of bananas?) You ask
"Dos. Uno pa' ti y el otro pa'mi" (Two. One for you and the other for me) You laugh nodding
"Got it" You went to close the door and Pedri once again jumped when you slammed the door. His mouth opened and one of his hands moved in question
"Amor" You could read his lips from the window
"It's the wind! It's the wind!" You hurriedly say opening the door once again
"Be careful, bonita. The door can break and-"
"I know, I know. I'm sorry, I'll be careful" You say blowing him a kiss, closing the door.
"Y/N!" He yells when he sees you slamming the door "¡Preciosa!"
"What?" You ask giggling
"Stop doing that!"
"What am I doing?!"
"When we get home I swear I'll slam the door of our bathroom!"
"Don't you dare, Pedro González!"
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"Any other thing you want me to buy?" You ask lifting your head up from the notes on your phone to look at your two years boyfriend
"I think that would be it"
"You sure? I don't want to forget anything"
"You can add the things we might need to do burguers"
"You want to eat burguers?" He nods smiling softly, you smile before writing down the items you'll need for the dinner "And that's it?" You look down at his hand in your thigh and played with his fingers.
"Yes I think that would be it, unless you'd like to add something at last minute"
"Probably I will" He laughs "I'll be going then" You undo the seatbelt "Hopefully in fifteen minutes, I'm back" You lean over to kiss his cheek.
"Take your time, preciosa"
He grabs his bottle of water from the cupholder and drinks from it. Only to get choked up by it when he hears the slam, his pouty face turns into his famous frown, eyes full of confusion.
"Are your parents coming tomorrow, right? Or is it next week? I'll be cooking your mom's favorite, so should I buy the ingredients now or wait until we're on a closer date?"
"They're coming next week" He confirms what you already know
"So, should I buy them later?" He nods
"Yes, tomatoes can get bad really quick so it's better that way" He nods his eyebrows furrowed. He looked so cute, you wanted to laugh.
"Perfecto, gracias" (Perfect, thanks) You close the door once again, before almost leaving you saw his eyes wide open, trying to figure out how to call you out on this. "Also, do you want me to buy the big jar of nuts?" You ask "or maybe the medium"
"Any of them it's fine" He nods "Something's wrong?"
"No, why?"
"It seems like you're mad"
"I'm not, baby. Why do you say that?" He gets quiet for a minute before shaking his head "Nothing" He whispers "Try not close the door so hard, bebé"
You look at the door before letting a small -oh- acting as if you didn't knew what was bothering him "Did I close it too hard?" He nods instantly
"Joder, si" (Fuck yeah)
"Ay, lo siento" (Sush, I'm sorry) You nod "I'll be careful" You say blowing him a kiss, he winks back at you, you smile and stopped for a few seconds before slamming the door shut.
You could only see his eyes wide open and the "Me cago en la-" he let out before you ran away while laughing, soon you heard the sound of the honk of your boyfriend's car and his yell of your name. You made sure to buy his favorite chocolate cake that day.
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"Want me to go with you, amor?"
"Don't worry, Fer. You can stay here, I'll be back in a few minutes" You lean over to kiss his cheek twice before he moved his head and crashed his lips into yours
"Be careful" He said before giving you another kiss, you giggle
"I'll re-stock my girly things and be back in a few minutes"
"I know but still" You smile
"Te quiero mucho más" You say "Want me to bring something for you?"
"I'm so in love with you, you're too cute"
"Te quiero"
"A muffin would do"
"Got it" You got out of the car and without looking back you slammed the door, you started walking but the honk of your boyfriend's car interrupted you "What's up?"
"I think the door wasn't closed"
"Oh! Let me do it again" You slammed the door once again, a bit stronger than before "Better?" You asked and he shook his head
"Not yet" You opened it and closed it again "More" You did it once again putting all of your strenght, you winced a bit in this last one
"You were the one starting it, mi amor!"
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"¡Ostras!" (Fuck!) "Cuidado, un poco mas y se te devuelve la puerta, preciosa" (Careful, a little more and the door will be returned to you, precious)
"I'm so sorry, Fer! I didn't meant to!"
"That you pay for my door insurance, nena"
"Ferran, stop. It wasn't that bad!"
"Que no fue tan mal? Casi me tiras la puerta en la cara!" (It wasn't that bad? You almost threw the door in my face)
"Exagerado" (Exaggerated)
"Not exaggerated, I'm just taking precautions" You roll your eyes
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Torres. I'll go" He nods
"I'll be waiting for you, beautiful" You smile and close the door once again. You looked at Ferran who simply looked at you, you tried your best to hold your laughter
"I know what you're doing and you won't get any reaction from me!"
"What do you think I'm doing?!"
"You dislike this car and want me to buy another one, right?"
"That's not-"
"Save it. I'll do it"
"No! If you want a new car you don't have to say I influenced you"
"But you did" He said "My mind's already setting everything up"
"But I didn't! All I was doing was slamming your car door to see your reac-" You cut yourself off and Ferran's eyebrows went up lightly. You fell in his trap.
"¿Estabas tirando la puerta de mi coche?" (Were you slamming my cars door?)
"In my defense... I was trying to see your reaction and I didn't do it that hard!"
"No, ¡Un poco más y la puerta llega a mi cara!" (No, a bit more and the door gets to my face!)
"¡Mentira!" (Liar!)
"Venga, vamos" (C'mon, let's go) "I'll go with you"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year ago
Jealousy, Jealousy (Gavi)
Summary: You realize that Gavi never gets jealous when other guys are around you and it makes you question if he still likes you. 
Warning(s): None
A/N: Hey! I had some inspiration to write so here I am! I’m trying to release shorter fics while I work on my longer ones. Requests are open!
Word Count: 2.5k+
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The first time it happened, you felt relieved that Gavi had decided not to make a scene and instead chose to calmly defuse the situation.
The two of you had been at a club late one night, the high from Barcelona winning hours before pumping through your veins. He had his arms wrapped around you as you both danced to whatever Spanish song the DJ was mixing.
You laughed as he spun you around before pulling you closer, leaning down to whisper in your ear as he moved a strand of hair out of your face. 
"I'm going to grab another drink. Want to come?"
His breath was hot against your ear, and even though it felt like a million degrees in the club, and you were sweating through your dress, you still shivered, his voice sending shockwaves through your system no matter how many times you heard it.
You looked up, locking eyes, "I'm good, I'll save our spot."
He kissed the top of your head before letting go, "Ok I'll be back in a second. Try and find the others if you can."
You gave him an awkward thumbs up as he walked away and he chuckled before disappearing into the crowd.
The two of you had been dating for just shy of three weeks.
You had been friends for months before dating, with you initially being introduced to him through his hometown friends. Then there was a three-month period where you both liked each other but were too scared to admit it and ruin the friendship. Finally, Gavi caved after spending two weeks away from you without contact while he playing in the U.S.
Since he admitted his feelings for you that night on the steps of your shitty college house, he had jumped straight into the relationship, inviting you to his games, to hang out with his friends, and private dinners. You on the other hand still felt like an awkward pre-teen girl every time you were with him, he just made you feel giddy inside, and you reacted to things he said so intensely that the only way to cover it up was with strange humor and stupid jokes.
That led you to now. Sometimes being around him was so overwhelming because you were always scared you would say something to embarrass yourself, and although he never made you feel any less worthy you couldn't help but feel like he could be with someone much better than you.
As you stood there contemplating, you felt a body collide with yours, effectively pulling you out of your thoughts.
You stumbled, feeling hands come up to grip your elbows, stabilizing you.
"Shit- my bad."
You looked up seeing the guy holding you sporting a white button-down and an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, those guys just pushed me. Some friends." He said referring to the group of five or so extremely drunk boys behind you.
You shook your head, "No worries, I wasn't paying attention either."
He smiled, leaning a bit closer, hands still on your elbows, "Hey do I know you? You look really familiar.”
You squinted your eyes as you gazed at him, trying to figure out if you knew him.
"Eh I go to Universitat de Barcelona if that helps."
His eyes lit up at your words, and he nodded, "Yeah, that's totally how I know you. I think you're in my biology class."
You groaned, "No way the one at 8 a.m.?", he nodded, "I'm barely awake for that lecture." you muttered.
"Mean either but it's hard not to notice you."
You only heard half his sentence and looked at him confused, "Sorry what?"
His lips tugged up in a smile as he bent down, shifting closer to you, "I said it's hard not to notice you."
You felt your breath stop as you realized what you had gotten yourself into. You made a move to shy away when you heard Gavi call your name.
You lifted your head seeing him approaching as he carried your drink, "Hey who's this?"
You went to interject and tell him it was no one but the guy next to you interrupted, "Hey man, I got to school with her.”
Gavi nodded, accepting his answer as he handed you your drink, "Oh class friend?"
You went to speak but were again cut off by the guy next to you, who had still to let go of your elbow.
"Something like that."
You saw Gavi's posture slightly straighten at his words but he relaxed a second later, "Alright."
The guy turned to you saying something about seeing you in class and then proceeded to give you a hug, his arms wrapping around your lower back.
You noticed Gavi watching the exchange but he made no comment.
You approached him timidly, unsure of if he was going to say anything about the situation, but he paid it no mind, going back to casual conversation with you.
At the time you let out a breath, thankful that he seemed intent on letting you handle your own situation.
That thankfulness soon turned to annoyance and then confusion when similar situations happened time and time again and he made no effort to speak up.
You supposed it was good he never got jealous because you knew it could get very overbearing very fast, and yet, you couldn't help the twinge of defeat you felt every time someone tried to make a move on you and he did nothing to stop them or even show a ounce of emotion.
Slowly it was making you start to question your relationship with Gavi.
Why did he not get jealous? Was it because he didn't see others as a threat? Or didn't feel the need to because you weren't as pretty as the other girls he was seen with? Maybe he simply didn't care? Or perhaps he wasn't the type?
You knew the last one couldn't possibly be true because he was absolutely the type. His entire career was based on his passion, determination, and aggression to get where he wanted. His aggression is what made him so competitive and a loyal player. So if he was so driven and passionate on the field, why was that not carrying over into your relationship?
It wasn't until almost two months later that things came to a boiling point.
It was the last game of the pre-season for Barcelona and spirits were high, everyone hoping they could seal off a great season, and enter a new one, with a win.
The stadium was filled to the brim with fans and reporters. The family section was also full with player's partners and families coming to support them in the final game of the summer.
You were sitting next to Anna, the two of you talking about school, work, and life.
Eventually, the game started and you went into full-on fan mode - cheering along when Barca made impressive plays and booing when they were tackled.
The stadium was abuzz with energy, and you basked in everyone's excitement.
You gripped Anna's hand as you saw Gavi running up the sidelines towards the other team's defense, Joao running parallel to him.
You saw him sidestep, dodging the defender, and suddenly the ball was soaring, perfectly landing at Joao's feet as he placed it into the back of the net.
The two of you jumped up, cheering along with the rest of the crowd. It seemed like Barcelona would have its victory after all.
After the game, you stayed in the family section for a while chatting with Pedri's parents as you waited for the players to make a re-emerge.
You bid goodbye to them when you got a text from Gavi telling you to come down.
You made your way down to the field, waiting behind the barricades for him to appear.
The other team's players appeared first, signing fans t-shirts and taking photos.
"Need something signed?"
You saw a player from the other team approach you, waving a sharpie in his hand.
You pointed at your jersey playfully, "No thanks. I'm a Barca girl if you couldn't tell."
He grinned, "Ahh c'mon what will it take for me to convince you?"
You shrugged your shoulders, "Ride or die sorry."
He clutched his hand to his heart in mock offense, "Ouch. I'm hurt, but I'm not giving up."
You gave him a smile, remaining polite, as you looked over his shoulder for Gavi.
"Oh I know!" he exclaimed, directing your attention back to him.
He wiggled his eyebrows before taking off his shirt, "Here, new jersey for you."
He held it out to you, and you gave him an unimpressed look.
He rolled his eyes playfully, "Alright fine. I'll sign it, but only cause you asked so nicely."
You watched amused as he signed the jersey before offering it to you.
You squinted your eyes at him.
He dangled the jersey in his hands, "C'mon take it. You know a lot of people would pay good money for this."
You reached out to grab it, "Fine, but only because I'm going to sell it later."
He held up his hands in surrender, "It's yours now. Do whatever."
You thought the conversation would end there but he made no effort to leave, "Who are you here with anyway? Someone in Barca?"
You opened your mouth to respond but were cut off.
You whipped your head to see that Gavi had silently approached the two of you.
Besides yourself, you felt a tiny part of you waiting with bated breath for him to do something, to finally dig his boots in the ground and say something, but he remained impassive.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Gavi asked.
You nodded your head, unsure of how to leave the situation.
"I can lift you over the barricade if you need." The other player spoke up, and your eyes immediately flitted over to Gavi's to gauge his reaction.
His eyebrows furrowed but he didn't say anything.
You debated for a second, just to get Gavi to react, but quickly decided against it, opting to just walk around the barricade.
You approached the two of them quickly and with a hasty goodbye followed Gavi as he left the pitch. You heard the other player shout a 'see you around', and you waved in response.
You broke the silence first as you walked the empty tunnel, "Great game baby. You did amazing."
His reply was clipped.
He went to hold your hand and you shifted the jersey last second to your other hand, catching his attention.
"What's that?"
"Oh, that guy gave me his jersey. I'm going to sell it." You explained, telling him how you were expecting to make hundreds.
He listened along till you finished.
"Can I see the jersey?"
You nodded handing it to him.
You swung your joint hands as you walked, talking to him about the game as he examined the jersey.
Abruptly he dropped your hand, mouth set in a firm line.
Your eyebrows stitched together, "What's wrong?"
He cleared his throat before handing you the jersey.
"I think there's something for you on it."
"I forgot something in the locker room, I'll be right back." He continued.
You looked down confused, eyes scanning the text before it clicked.
The jersey had the player's phone number on it.
You lifted your head seeing him already walking away, "Gavi wait. Can you stop for a minute?"
He turned around but continued moving, "Yeah what?"
"Stop moving!” You exclaimed, your frustration building as he continued to not express any interest in the situation.
He finally halted and you closed the distance between the two of you.
"Is there something wrong with me? Do you not like me anymore or something?"
He seemed taken aback by your words and several emotions flitted across his face, "What are you talking about?"
You took a breath, it was now or never.
"I'm not trying to sound conceited, but I'm pretty sure that guy was hitting on me-"
"He was." Gavi confirmed.
You continued, "So then why don't you care? I'm your girlfriend, so why aren't you getting jealous when other guys hit on me?"
"You want me to get jealous?" He asked incredulously.
"I mean I don't want you to become super overprotective or anything, but it would be nice if you at least acknowledged when someone is trying to get with me right in front of you. I know I would get jealous if someone was saying that to you."
"You don't think I get jealous?" His voice had a hard edge to it, and suddenly you felt like you might have read between the lines wrong.
You shrugged your shoulders, unsure, "I mean you don't show it."
"Of course I'm going to notice when some guy is eye fucking my girl one foot away from me, I'm not fucking blind."
"Then why don't you say anything?" You pressed.
“Shit y/n that's cause I don't want to scare you away!"
His admission only confused you further, and you lowered your voice acutely aware that your shouts were probably carrying far in the quiet tunnel,
"Scare me away? Why would that scare me?"
He shook his head, "The press is always making me out to be this bad guy. This kid that doesn't know how to get his temper in check and - mierda y/n - I don't want to get into this right now."
You relented, unwilling to give in, biting the bullet, "Alright so next time someone asks to lift me up, their just being friendly right? Trying to be helpful?"
His eyes blazed, "That's not what I meant and you know it."
You lifted your hands in frustration, "No Gavi actually I don't know that. You act like you don't even care."
"I care! Trust me y/n I care!" He argued.
"Then show me."
His lips were on yours before you had even finished processing what you were saying. His skin felt hot against yours as his fingers sank into your hipbone, crowding you against the wall.
You lost your train of thought as you got lost in the sensation he provided you. One hand went to tangle in his hair, as the other draped around his neck bringing him impossibly closer.
One of his hands slipped under your shirt, as he kissed you senseless. You finally pulled away for a breath but he didn't stop, moving to lay a trail of kisses from the sweet spot behind your ear, down your neck, and onto your collarbone.
You left out a soft moan underneath him, the feeling causing tingles in your spine, and a fluttery feeling in your stomach.
"We should really sto- fuck gavi - so-someone could walk in any moment." You reminded him.
"Just gotta leave a mark." He replied.
You nodded before his words caught up to you and you pushed him off, "What? No marks! I have to meet your parents tonight." You whined.
He grinned, not looking the least bit apologetic, "At least people will know you're mine now."
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purinfelix · 4 months ago
Gavi bf headcannons 👉👈
pablo gavi bf headcanons ˚⟡˖ ࣪
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a/n: aaaa haven't written for my baby in agesss thank u for this req anon !! (ik it's preeeetty old so i hope u don't mind sjdnfdksjnf)
★ was actually quite shy before the two of you started dating, and even at the beginning of your relationship - just because he seemed intimidated by the idea of you and didn't want to put a foot wrong when talking with you
★ but as soon as he got comfortable with you he's talking your ear off about everything
★ like i just know he has the craziest gossip from the lockerroom and has opinions on absolutely EVERYTHING
★ just so so so clingy like you're literally amazed at how he used to function before the two of you started dating bc now he can't go more than like a day without seeing you
★ it isn't like a possessive clinginess (in reality it's actually a lot simpler) - he just knows he feels happy around you, and he loves you, so why wouldn't he want to spend every waking minute with you?
★ like, if there is a situation in which you have to spend time apart he's not going to stop you, but just know he's not going to enjoy it at all and the minute you reunite he'll have to make up for lost time
★ that and maybe a thousand texts about how much he misses you or tiktoks because everything he sees reminds him of you
★ love language is 100% physical touch like is there even a question ...
★ and it's more than just hugs and kisses it's interlocked pinkies, goodnight kisses on the back of your nape - if the two of you are lying on the couch or bed doing your own thing he'll throw a leg over yours just to feel your touch
★ thinking about that time kuonde said he's really fun to tease bc he's so easy to rile up ... yeah
★ like of course it's all loving but you just love the look on your boyfriend's face when you tease him - his pout and pleading eyes ...
★ definitely not a morning person at all, you've spent way too many mornings struggling to wriggle out of his grip in fear of being late for work/class
"Baby, I need to go," you say sternly, though given the fact that you're boyfriend's eyes are still closed you don't feel confident you're going to get your way. "Mmf," is all you get in response, as well as him strengthening his grip on you and burying his face into the side of your stomach.
★ (just remembered that clip of him snoring LOL) - which you actually didn't notice for like a year into your relationship because he always made sure you fell asleep first, it just makes it easier for him to rest knowing you're comfortable
★ but one night when u woke up to get some water you were absolutely shocked by how loud he could be (you opted to sleep on the couch that night because you wouldn't have been able to rest otherwise - but he came and found u in less than an hour because the empty space next to him woke him up)
★ as much as he hates to admit it, he lovesss being babied like he'll try to hold out as long as he can and put on a big manly front but the minute you're cooing and calling him pet names he's melting immediately
★ doesn't fully understand things like makeup/hair/clothes but what he does know is when his girlfriend looks extra beautiful
"I like that thing you did with your hair today, it's really pretty," he hums as the two of you are getting ready to leave on a date. "Oh? My blowout?" "Yeah, sure, it looks good on you - same as when you get those little white lines on your nails done." "French tips?" "Yeah, you tell your nail lady that and I'll pay for it."
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gavisfanta · 11 months ago
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summary: you and Gavi do a tiktok trend together
warnings: noneeee
"Okay, so we're gonna ask questions about ourselves and if the other person gets it wrong, were allowed to dip their head into water. Are you ready" You looked away from your phone and then at Gavi.
"Yeah, but you know that I can't remember things very well." Gavi joked and then sat down infront of the bowl filled with water.
"Yeah, you tell yourself that." You put your hand on the back of Gavis head and played with his hair a bit.
"What's my favourite city in the whole world?" You asked and Gavi began to smile while he looked at the camera.
"Barcelona?" He questioned while he looked at you.
You began to smile and let go of his head. "I'll let that count." Gavi looked at you confused and held his hands up into the air.
"What do you mean? Is it not Barcelona?" He asked and you smiled.
"Rome and Barcelona." Gavi's mouth opened slightly as he remembered.
"Righttt we went there for your birthday!" He put his right hand to his head while you two swapped places.
You were now facing the bowl filled with water and Gavi had his hand on the back of your head.
"When did I debut for the first team?" Gavi asked, he thought that you would never get this right. However the smile that spread across your lips made him a bit nervous.
"29th of August 2021."
"how did you know that?" His jaw dropped while you two swapped again.
"I was literally there to experience it, you think I forgot when my boyfriend debuted?" You grinned and slowly a smile made it's way to his face too.
"Yeah okay, fair." 
"So" You began as you two swapped seats again. "What would I name my daughter if I had one?"  You asked and Gavi immediately began to smile.
"Gavi junior." He laughed. "Okay I'm kidding, I'm kidding" He held his hands up to defend himself as he felt your hand push his head a bit closer to the water. "Estrella" He smiled as soon as he heard you sigh.
"Estrella sounds like a good name no?" You asked him as you swapped seats again.
"Yeah, Estrella sounds like a good name for our daughter." Gavi smiled at you and you looked at the camera. Your cheeks colored in a light pinkish tone.
Then as your head was above the water, you smiled while listening to Gavi. "If I had been a girl, what would have been my name?" Gavi asked with a sly smile.
"Your parents hoped you'd be a boy so they never thought about a girl name." You hekd your breath, ready to be dunked but nothing happened.
"Joder you really do listen to me when I talk." Gavi laughed and you nodded your head.
"Yeah, you should maybe listen to me too sometime." You shot back as Gavi's eyes widened and he sat down infront of the bowl.
"I do listen to you?" He said in his defence. You crossed your arms as your eyes widened even more than before.
"Yeah, what's my favourite color?" You asked and immediately dunked his head into the water.
"Hey I know it's red!?" Gavi asked as he pushed his dripping hair out of his face.
"It's purple!" You answered loudly and sat down on the chair as soon as he stood up.
"Okay, sorry." He smiled a bit. You shook your head and turned to look at your phone.
"Okay guys thank you for tuning in and see you next time." You waved at the camera and saw that Gavi was waving too.
After you ended the video you turned on the chair to look at him.
"Y/n, Estrella and Gavi. Hm?" He hummed as he leaned down and pecked your lips.
"Not yet, we're too young." You told him and he just smiled.
"Not yet, I know, but someday, we'll have our own little family." He put his hand on the back of your head as he said that. "You're gonna stay at home and care for the kids while I am at practice and every weekend you'd take them to Camp Nou, and whenever I score a goal, I'll run up to you and kiss you." Gavi smiled as he imagined how his perfect future was supposed to look like.
"Sounds like I'll be fine then." You smiled and he leaned down to peck your lips again.
"You'll be more than just fine Amor."
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strawberryblue-blog · 30 days ago
PABLO GAVI fluff were he comfort the reader after their big argument please love your works 💫
Our home —Pablo Gavi.
summary: request.
warnings: none. a little of angst, fight, discomfort, cute, soft, clingy.
words count: +2k.
#SEXYNOTE: Happy Valentine's Day 💌 Enjoy it, love you 🎀
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The sound of your snort clashing with the overwhelming silence in the living room, interrupting the tranquility of the night. You're standing by the kitchen, hands on your hips and frowning as you stare at the pile of dirty utensils you haven't stopped noticing since you got home. Gavi, he doesn't even look at you. He's sitting on the couch, remote in hand and TV on, seemingly oblivious to your frustration.
"Really?" you ask aloud, turning to him with your arms crossed. "How many times have we talked about this?"
He looks up turning to look at you, surprised, but quickly his expression changes to a mixture of tired and defensive.
"I will do it later" he says nonchalantly as he resumes playing again.
"Yeah, like always" you mutter starting to pick things up. You shake your head as you turn on the water.
"I'll always end up doing it myself anyway" you whisper angrily.
"What are you talking about now?" he replies, setting the controller down on the table and turning to you again.
You ignore him, starting to wash the dishes in the sink. You don't answer because you know it will be in anger, you'd rather shut up again.
"Are you saying I never do?" his voice sounds closer and you can feel his presence.
Making him get up from the couch when he's playing video games is a reward for you.
"That then you don't do shit" you spit loud and clear. "You always say the same thing about the dishes, the laundry, everything you always leave lying around" you reply, pointing to the sink with an exaggerated gesture.
"That's not true" he shriek angrily. "I said I would do it later..."
"When were you going to do it, huh?" you ask interrupting him. "After I do it? Tomorrow when you finish training? When?" you shout.
Gavi frowns but you can see his features look angry. But angrier are you. You're not overreacting. These last months living together has become difficult, you fight constantly, Gavi doesn't help you enough and you understand that he's tired after training or whatever, but you also have your job and that's not why you leave everything like that.
This morning you had left with all the mess, dishes from last night, clothes on the floor next to the washing machine, garbage cans full and when you came back, everything was still the same. And Gavi had the day off today. You expected at least the simple, basic housekeeping. You didn't expect him to deep clean, just tidy up. But he'd clearly spent the day playing videogames.
"I can't handle this, you know? I work all day, I come in exhausted, and the last thing I want is to see the house a mess because you can't do your part."
"My part?" he retorts, stepping closer and facing you with open arms. "And what do you think I do all day? I'm not just sitting around doing nothing. I'm also exhausted when I get home."
"But I'm always the one who has to take care of everything," you say, feeling frustration rise from your chest to your throat. "The dishes, the laundry, the cleaning? When was the last time you even tried to pick anything up?"
He rolls his eyes and that gesture fires you up even more.
"Don't exaggerate the situation. It's not like I never do anything. I may not be as obsessive as you, but that doesn't mean I don't help," he says pointing at you.
Oh no. He didn't just call you that. He didn't just make everything worse.
"Obsessive?" you repeat, in disbelief. The word hits you like a slap in the face. "It's not obsessive, it's wanting our home to be a place where we can be comfortable, where I don't feel like I'm living on a battlefield." It comes out as an angry scream.
You can't believe it. Now you are the obsessive and exaggerated one who wants some basic order in your own home.
"It's not like that!" he replies, raising his voice. His tone is defensive, but also weary. "Just because I don't do things exactly the way you want me to, doesn't mean I'm doing everything wrong."
"It's not about doing it 'my way'!" you shout, feeling on the verge of tears. "It's about the fact that I can't handle everything by myself. I'm exhausted, and you don't seem to care."
That shushes him. Gavi turns his head in denial but you turn to continue washing through your eyes fill with tears. All that screaming, the desperation, the anger, it makes you feel bad. You've had a rough patch for a while now and you're afraid this could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. But you are so tired. You just want to finish and go to sleep. Arguments won't get you anywhere but you're exhausted from the same situation.
The atmosphere in the room is tense, charged with unspoken words and pent-up emotions. You don't want to cry because you don't want to look weak but you feel so fragile that if he says anything else, you will cry.
Finally, he sighs and takes a step towards you. You feel him coming closer but you won't move, you just want to finish.
"I'm sorry, okay?" he says, his voice softer this time. "I care a lot, more than you think."
Just then you finish rinsing and deposit everything in the dryer. You take off your gloves and dry the counter, leaving everything clean and ready.
"Then prove it" you reply, with a lump in your throat, as you turn around. "Because when I come home and see all this, I feel like you don't care about our home or the effort I make or even us."
You try to walk towards the room but he stops you, processing your words. He's still angry about the argument, you can see it in the way his brow furrows but you can't go on like this.
"If you cared, you would. I get it once or twice, Pablo. But not for months now, it's pure cohabitation, I'm not trying to force you into anything or ask you to be my maid" you spit out harshly, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes. "And I won't be your fucking maid either"
You release yourself from his grip and move for your room, looking for some quiet. Your bed seems to be waiting for you the moment you open the door and you quickly strip off your clothes, dressing in your pajamas. You just want to sleep. You crawl into bed and turn your back to Gavi's side, covering yourself with your warm blanket. Tears slide down your cheeks as you think about the argument, how vulnerable you are right now. You're scared, maybe moving in with Gavi was a hasty move and you've been thinking about it for weeks.
You love him. You love everything about him but you can't stand that your relationship is turning into what you hate the most. Maybe you are pushing him a little bit but he lives here too, each of you have your obligations and responsibilities and the only way to survive is to work together.
You're not so angry about the argument, you're helpless. Lonely and scared, what if he doesn't want to be with you anymore, what if Gavi is only acting this way because you are broken? The sobs come out of your mouth and you try to cover them but it's unavoidable.
A faint noise makes you swallow a sob and when you feel the mattress sink behind you, you cover your face with the whole sheet. Gavi comes up from behind and embraces you slowly, carefully, waiting for your rejection or acceptance. You say nothing, just melt into the warmth of his arms embracing you, as you sigh calming your little fit.
"You're right" he admits, with a deep sigh. His voice sounds weak, slowly. "I've been relaxing too much, trusting you to do it because you always do. That's not right and I'm really sorry" his words make your heart shrink.
You didn't want to make him feel that way, you didn't want him to be angry, maybe things got out of place all because of your bad reaction.
"It's not true what I said, you're not exaggerating, you're not obsessive" he murmurs hurt as his hand runs down your body, caressing you. "I care about you, about our home and I care about our relationship" he whispers close to your ear, resting his face in the crook of your neck.
Your heart softens a little at his words, but you still feel the weight of everything built up in your chest. You barely nod. You know he didn't have a bad intention and maybe it was you who took it to another dimension but you really wanted Paul to understand.
"I haven't been around much these days and I understand your approach, Y/n" he whispers again.
Your nose rubs the drops of tears and you sigh searching for air. Su cálido cuerpo comienza a calentar te y solo quieres saltar a sus brazos, como siempre lo deseas.
"Forgive me, okay? Please?" he asks in his hoarse, weak voice.
You turn barely, pulling your body out of the fabrics until you see him clearly.
"It's not just about the dishes or the clothes, Pablo" you confess as tears begin to escape your eyes. "It's because I want this to be a home, our home. A place where we can both be at peace"
"I understand" he says, looking you straight in the eye. "And you're absolutely right. I don't want you to feel like you're carrying everything by yourself. I promise I'm going to get better, I really am"
His hands take your face as you turn to him fully. He takes it upon himself to wipe away your tears, one by one, as he pulls you into his warm chest. Your heart aches for everything but you feel more relieved now.
"I'm sorry for exploding like this too" you admit hurt. "I just want everything to work out, that we don't have to argue about these things. And I thought that..."
Pablo looks at you seriously, confused.
"I thought things between us were breaking up, that maybe your pulling away was my fault and I exploded" you confess as the tears come again.
His eyes hold back the tears as his fingers tighten on your face.
"I would never do anything like that, nothing changed between us, I promise. It's just me, being kind of lazy" he says trying to blame homself but you deny.
"I'm sorry, Gavi" you cry exhausted. "I didn't mean to fight with you like this, just.... I'm tired..."
Your body hurts, your mind does too. Maybe you need more sleep than a day is enough and all this anxiety, nervousness, is driving you crazy.
"You are my home, you are my whole life, I just want to be here, for the rest of my life, with you" he says in front of your eyes.
"You are mine, Pablo" you assure with a laugh.
He smiles slightly and pulls you into a warm embrace.
"Let's promise something" he says, whispering against your hair. "Let's talk before things get to this point. If something bothers you, tell me, and I'll do the same"
You nod against his chest, feeling relieved to hear those words.
"I promise" you reply, clinging to him tightly.
His arms come around you again and you feel yourself melt under his touch. Gavi is soft, gentle and sweet. And you love that.
"And I promise I'll always wash the dishes from now on" he adds, with a touch of humor in his voice that manages to get a small chuckle out of you in spite of everything.
You both stay like that, hugging, letting the tensions dissipate. You know you still have room for improvement but you also know that, as long as you are willing to work together, nothing can affect what you have.
The silence in the room lingers as you are cuddled together. He watches you from above, his fingers stroking your back, your arms, your chest. He leaves little patterns on your skin, running over every nook and cranny of your body. You smile. He smiles back. The two of you look at each other and touch again. It is inevitable.
Your body is on top of his, one of his legs is wrapped around you and your hands rest on his firm chest, caressing his pecs. You talk for a while, then kiss, then just lie there. Pablo keeps running his warm hands up and down your arms, resting occasionally on your hip as he kisses your forehead or hair, then back up your back slowly. If touch burns on your skin, but it's the kind of fire that feeds the flame in your heart.
Then you apologize again, talk, joke and kiss again, in a loop. It's warm, perfect and beautiful. You two love and understand each other, yes, you argue but it keeps you stronger than ever, just like right now.
One of his hands goes into your hair, the other resists on your lower back, massages your scalp while your fingers move on his chest. That starts to make you sleepy, you close your eyes but you don't want to stop seeing Gavi, so you open them again.
He spots you and laughs. You lift your head and his eyes are waiting for you, loving, watching you.
"You can rest, baby" he whispers, leaving a kiss on the top of your head.
"See you tomorrow, Pablo" you whisper barely.
"Good night, baby" he kisses your forehead again affectionately.
You settle into his chest again, letting the sound of his heart soothe you. His other hand continues to stroke your hair, and you can feel how his caresses are slow and full of affection, as if he wants to make up for everything he has made you feel. His fingers press your skin to your waist and you feel filled with his love.
And in that moment, even though you know you still have things to work out, you feel that everything will be okay. Because you are together.
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the-offside-rule · 1 year ago
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Love Lies
Requested: yes
Prompts: 32) "Keep the jersey on."
                   43) "I'm in the better position to be giving a tantrum right now."
Warnings: smut, 18+, cheating (???), angst, kinda sad at the end
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The final whistle blew and up stood Ana, clapping meloncholically along with the other fans in the Parc Montjuiic. Y/n stood up too to clap along. "What a game." Ana said, disappointed. "But Pablo is going to be so happy because of his assist." Y/n rolled her eyes as Ana mentioned her boyfriend again. Pablo Gavi was known to most as the young and upcoming talent in Barcelona, but Y/n knew him as her ex-roommates annoying boyfriend that would stop at nothing to annoy her. "Yeah, he will be so happy." Y/n said sarcastically. "Oh come on. Don't be like that. We still need to get you a date with Pedri or one of the other guys." Ana smiled, slinging her arms around her friend. "If they're anything like your golden boy, I don't want them."
Ana and Y/n stood awaiting Pablo and in the meantime rated different players for Y/n to date. Unfortunately for Ana none of the players peaked Y/n's interest, and thankfully for Y/n, Ana's boyfriend had finally showed up. "Hi babe!" Y/n looked at Pablo, more like a glare. "I'm so sorry about the game." Ana offered a soft smile to her boyfriend. "Yeah. It happens." He replied. "Y/n." She arched a brow. "Gavira." He chuckled. "I thought you said we weren't allowed to be like this anymore?" Pablo asked Ana. "I- You're not. Y/n what the hell?" Y/n rolled her eye set again. "Yeah, roll your eyes further. You might find a brain in that skull of yours." Y/n gasped. "Okay! Stop! This is no way to treat your guest, babe!" Both Pablo and Y/n looked at Ana confused. Guest? "Come back to ours!" Y/n looked back to Pablo, rolling his eyes at the sheer idea of her coming back for a few drinks. "I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Oh come on! Please?" Y/n looked into her friends eyes. She couldn't say no. "Only for a little while." Y/n replied quietly. Ana squealed and hugged her friend tightly. "My two favourite people having drinks with me. My lucky day." Ana chuckled. The trio got into the car and headed home. It was how their hangouts usually went; Pablo and Ana talking the whole time whilst Y/n sat in the back on her phone, practically forgotten about. Y/n was walking around the house aimlessly as Pablo and Ana did....couple things. She felt uncomfortable and the sooner she could get home, the better. Her phone buzzed, pulling her from her thoughts.
When you're coming up, could you bring me some perfume from the en suite plz???
Y/n looked at the text a bit confused, but wanting to be a good friend, she agreed. Y/n walked upstairs to meet the couple but make a quick stop at their bedroom. She stopped as she spotted Pablo rummaging around for something in the bathroom. "What are you looking for?" Y/n asked. Pablo looked back to her. "Just Ana's perfume. Do you know where it is?" Y/n looked confused. "But she sent me to-" The pair jumped as a loud thud was heard by the bedroom door closing. "I just say we tell her we can't find it. I've been looking for a good 5 minutes now and I don't think-" Pablo cut himself off as he tried to open the door. He pulled again, then started pounding at it. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked, clearly annoyed. "It's locked." He replied. "And how is it locked?" Y/n tried it for herself. "Ana! Ana, let us out!" Pablo shouted through the door.
"Let us out!" Y/n almost screamed. "Not until you two stop hating eachother!" Ana shouted back. "I'll go out to get dinner and when I get back, you guys better be on good terms!" Y/n and Pablo stood trying to convince Ana to let them out, but it didn't work. Ana still left and shut the front behind her. "That's at least a half an hour I have to be stuck with you." Pablo groaned and sat on the bed. "Believe me, I'm just as mad at this as you are."
"Why do you not like me? The sooner you tell me, the sooner we would be able to leave." Y/n said calmly, walking towards him. "Because Ana wasn't the friend I was meant to end up with that night." Y/n pulled a confused face, looking at the spaniard. "What do you mean?" She asked. "When we met? I didn't intend for me to bring Ana back to my place, I wanted you instead. But I saw you with some other guy so I didn't bother and I went home and slept with Ana." She was dumbfounded. "You liked me?" She asked, almost breathlessly. "I did, until you started arguing all the time. You got annoying and I couldn't get rid of you. You are Ana's best friend." They didn't know how but they had managed to get close, a little too close. Her eyes looked between both of Pablo's and do to his delicious looking lips, before trailing back up to his eyes. "Don't look at me like that." He whispered, sounding more like he was pleading. "Im not looking at you any differently than I always do." She whispered in turn. He had somehow gotten closer.
Pablo's hands rested on her hips, his lips closely shadowing hers. She felt his hot breath on her skin. "We shouldn't be doing this." Y/n whispered. "Then stop." He replied as if it was a simple solution for her. "I- Pablo. We-" She looked between his eyes. "I can't." His hands moved from her hips up her torso. "If you can't then stop me." He whispered. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat. "Don't ask me to do that." She begged. "Why? Because you don't want me to?" She nodded shamefully. "Then we can keep this quiet and brief." Without much more warning, his lips began kissing the nape of her neck, her head falling back to give him more access. "Pablo." His name fell from her mouth like a sin. "Please." Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling and gripping the curled locks.
A wild grin fell onto his face. "For someone who can't do this, you're very eager." He said before kissing her hungrily, both lips fighting for dominance. "Listen, I am in the better position to be giving a tantrum right now. I just lost the game." Pablo walked backwards, with each step he hoped he would be landing on his bed and eventually he did. Y/n squealed at the sudden drop, making Pablo laugh. "That was funny." He chuckled. "Shut up." She said before delving right back in for another long kiss. Pablo turned them so he was on top. As each of his kisses deepened, he got harder and harder and it was difficult to ignore it. His hips began moving forward, trying his best to relieve the burning desire he held for her desperately. Y/n's hand made it's way down to his umissable bulge, a grin plastered on her lips.
"Dry humping? What are you a teenager?" Y/n challenged. Pablo sat up quickly and undid his zipper. "Alright then. If you want to be like that." He mumbled, before pulling at her trousers. Y/n reached down to the hem of her Barça shirt beginning to lift it when Pablo grabbed her hands. "No, keep the jersey on." Y/n let go of her shirt and smiled. "Whatever you want." She winked, before Pablo hooked her panties with his fingers and tugged. In one swift movement, the fabric was removed. He looked at her hungrily. "Fuck." He mumbled. "Well? Are you just going to stare or actually do something?" She asked.
Pablo's hands traced up her legs slowly, teasing her mercilessly. She whined as he pressed gentle kisses on her thigh, looking up at her almost coming undone from this alone. "Doesn't this have to be quick?" She asked, her hands falling to his head and tangling in his hair. "You're right for once." He rasped, taking his length out and lining up with her. The chain he wore dangled from his neck, prompting Y/n to reach up and bite it, grinning. In turn, this generally innocent act drove Pablo crazy and prompted him to delve into her. She gasped as Pablo took the first few thrusts gently.
She gripped onto his biceps as the noises slipped from their mouths like a sin. "It's okay?" He asked. Y/n nodded. "Quicker." With her permission, he sped up the pace. Her fingernails dug into his back, leaving light scrapes that would easily be gone by the morning. In turn, his teeth nicked and nibbled her neck, leaving marks behind. His name tumbled from her lips over and over again, whilst a chain of curses came from his. "You feel so good." He whispered, his thrusts becoming irregular and sloppy. She hummed in response. "Just for you." His hand traced a line down her middle, ultimately ending on her clit. He massaged it in a circular motion. He would be dammed if he finished before she did. Her mouth fell open as a soft gasp came with it. "You like that?" She nodded, not able to string together a sentence. "Good girl." He growled, turning back to kissing her neck. Her skin was ruined with dark lilac marks that looked like watercolour.
His hand travelled under the barca shirt, lifting it slightly. "You said-" His lips met hers. "Just be quiet and watch." He growled. She nodded in compliance as she focused on how his lips carefully drew bruises right down her core in an almost perfect straight line, his eyes looking up to make sure she was watching how he ruined her. "Can we make this any quicker?" He grinned. "Of course." His hips moved at a rapid pace as Y/n crumbled beneath him, each curse growing louder and louder until she finally came undone, her fingers pulling at his hair as she did. Pablo finished only a few thrusts after as the pair lay in eachother's arms for a moment, both just enjoying their highs, their foreheads resting off one another's. Their eyes opened to stare back at eachother and it settled in. They fucked up and they fucked up badly. Pablo swallowed the spit in his mouth and pulled out, heading to the en suite to grab a towel, chucking it to Y/n.
Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, lifting her shirt to see how her skin looked almost painted in red and purple. Pablo pulled up his trousers, stealing glances of Y/n as she stared at her reflection. "You should get ready. She'll be back soon." Pablo said quietly, his actions finally just settling in. "What do we tell her?" She asked. Pablo shrugged, heading to make the bed. "I don't know. I was thinking of ending it with her." Y/n turned, looking at him almost in disgust. "Over this?" Pablo scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself. I've been thinking of doing it for a while. This-" He wagged his finger between them. "Just confirmed I don't love her. So, I am going to break up with her next week and thankfully-" He paused and looked over to her. "We will never see eachother again." She nodded along. "Good. I don't think you deserve a girl like her." Y/n said. "I don't think you do either." He replied and he was right. What kind of a friend does what she just did?
A knock startled the deathly glances between them. "Are you finally friends now?" Ana's sweet voice asked through the door. Y/n didn't answer. She couldn't. "Yes, yes we are." Pablo answered. Ana unlocked the door and smiled. "Oh thank God. Now we can be civil." She pecked Pablo's cheek as he looked right back at Y/n. "Of course. Anything for you." He smiled lightheartedly. "Are you gonna staythe night?" Y/n looked between them both. "I might actually head home. I have class tomorrow." Ana looked at her confused. "But tomorrow is Sunday?"
"Yoga. I do yoga classes."
"Since when?"
"It's a six week thing? First one is tomorrow." Ana nodded. "Okay, well have fun. Message me when you get home." Y/n hugged her friend. She felt like she was lying right to her face, she betrayed her. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ana." She smiled, anticipating the moment she could leave. "Okay, I'll see you later." Ana smiled, unaware of the sins that had happened just moments ago in her own bedroom.
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not-magdi · 10 months ago
-one too many / Pablo Gavi
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Warnings: None, maybe Alkohol
Words: 835
Reading Time: 3min 20sec
Hey guys, long time no see huh. Well today was the first day I had really a free minute as I'm currently organizing prom so I'm stressed haha. Well I still hope you enjoy my story,
Love y'all Magdi <3
It was around midnight, and you were sitting on your couch, wrapped up in a fluffy blanket, watching some movie you found on Netflix. Pablo was going out with some friends tonight, and even though he asked you to tag along, you preferred to stay in today, wanting to get some things done for work. 
Pablo wasn't that happy with your decision, but he accepted it with a pout. He and his friends left around 9 o'clock, so you expected him to be home around one or two in the morning. You didn't mind him coming home late. Pablo is mostly really strict with himself, so you let him have his fun, and even though Pablo told you to not wait for him every time, you still stayed awake (or tried to) so you could fall asleep together. 
You were on your way to the kitchen, needing some caffeine to stay awake until Pablo came home. Your head is stuck in your pantry as you hear your phone ring. Confused about who would call you this late, you rush back to the living room, thinking it is an emergency. 
Your worry only grew as you saw the name of one of Pablo's best friends on your phone screen. You pick up the phone as quickly as you can. 
"Hey Ale, is everything ok?!" 
"Hey Y/N. Yeah everything is fine, your boyfriend just had one ... maybe three drinks to much." You heard him laugh over the loud music of the club. 
"Me and Fermín will bring him home now, he has been asking where you are for the past half hour." 
"Yeah, that's a good plan, I'll see you then. Has he fallen down somewhere already?" You ask, laughing to yourself. You see, Pablo had a bit of a habit when he had too much to drink. And that was totally ignoring where he was going. One time, the two of you were going out with some friends at a club near the beach, and at some point on your way home, Pablo just slid down the little bank that led to the beach. You didn't even realise he was gone until you heard his giggles from the beach.  
"No he hasn't fallen down anywhere yet, but we keep an eye on him." You heard him laughing over the phone.
Laughing to yourself, you say bye to Ale and hang up, starting to prepare a few things for when Pablo comes home, like aspirin and lots and lots of water. 
Half an hour later, you heard the doorbell ring and before said door stood Ale and Fermín, who held up a very drunk Pablo, who was smiling from one ear to the other. 
"Oh god, what did he do?" You ask his friends, who also have a smile on their faces. But as soon as Pablo heard your voice, his head whipped up. "Y/N!" 
He wriggled himself free from the grip of his friends and stumbled into your arms. 
"Oh, I missed you sooooo much!" He mumbled into your neck, his warm breath tickling your neck. 
"But you just saw me 3 hours ago, Pablito." You exclaim, laughing.
"I know, that's way too long." 
With the help of Fermín and Ale, you got Pablo inside, with a few little accidents on the way as Pablo kept running into every shelf you owned in this house. 
But now you finally have him where you want him to be, and after saying goodnight to Pablo's friends, you start the mission: getting Pablo ready for bed. 
"Come on Amor, you have to brush your teeth."
"But I don't want tooooo."
Sighing, you try to think of a way to convince your toddler of a boyfriend to brush his damm teeth. 
"OK Pablo, if you brush your teeth now, I will give you a kiss."
At that, his eyes went wide, and you never saw anyone grab his toothbrush faster than Pablo did at that moment. Giggling at his antics, you walk out of the bathroom into your shared bedroom to lay some pyjamas out for him. 
Surprisingly, convincing him to change into his pyjamas went more effortless than you thought. So now you were laying in bed, Pablos head on your chest, your hand stroking through his soft hair. Pablo's soft whisper broke the comfortable silence you were in. 
"I believed I was promised a kiss Querida." 
"Oh, were you now?"
"Mhm, yes." 
"Well, I can't break my promise now, can I?"
You grab Pablo's chin with your hand to make him look at you and place your lips against his soft ones in a quick kiss. 
"Happy now?" 
"Yup, as happy a ever." 
"Well then, goodnight Pablo, sleep well."  
You waited for an answer, but all you heard were Pablo's soft snores as he already fell asleep on your chest. With a smile on his face, you look at the aspirin lying on his bedside table, knowing he is gonna have the headache of his life tomorrow. 
Don't forget to leave a note if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome !!!!! ❤️
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pablitogavii · 1 year ago
can you write about gavi being super depressed and is not taking care of himself and yn realizes it?
Hard times
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Ever since the injurty, Gavi completely changed... he was no longer the smily happy boy running around the field and making jokes with everyone.
His face was more grim every day, and he spoke less. As his girlfriend, you've noticed these changes recently and tried talking to him but one thing that always stays the same is how stubborn he is.
"I tried talking to him, but he just brushes it off" you explained to Aurora who came by with Belen to visit the two of you. Pablo didn't want to bother them and make them stay in Barcelona for long knowing they have their own jobs to go back to, and he had you by his side always.
"It's hard for him to go through this in the peak of his career, querida. Just be patient and he'll open up to you" Belen explained and you listened to the wiser older woman carefully. After all, she knew her son best.
"Maybe we can get him to see someone, if that might help?" Aurora suggested but we all knew how Pablo sees doctors. It will be like trying to convince a scared child to get a vaccine.
Pablo entered the room and we suddenly stopped talking greeting him with a smile.
"They brought your favorite fruits, cariño ..." you say and he shrugs his shoulders plopping down on the couch while you walked to the kitchen knowing it was the time for his medications.
"Does it still hurt you, hermano?" Aurora asked noticing the way he was massaging his leg when he raised it onto the bed.
"Yeah ... especially at night. But I didn't tell her anything, she worries too much you know" he explains looking towards you with a first smile he created in days.
"Maybe you should, she's scared that you're shutting out ..." Belen said and he sighed knowing that he really did become distant and cold recently ... everything just seemed to agitate him but he didn't want to take it out on you.
"Here, cariño your medicine" you came back and he groaned sick and tired of all the pills, physicals and scans ... he just wanted this nightmare to end.
"I'm gonna go to the bedroom, they make me sleepy" he said leaving quickly and you nodded sitting down quite sad.
"You sure you don't want to eat something?" you ask but he shakes his head.
"Not hungry ..." he said quickly and you nodded continuing to spend time with him family.
At night, you felt him shifting and turning constantly woken up and you turned to check what's wrong with him. His face said the whole story ... he was in pain.
"Amor, why didn't you wake me earlier? I can massage it for you if you'd like" you offer but he tossed the blankets off himself reaching for his crutches and standing up on his own.
"Just go to sleep. I'll be in the living room cause I'm more comfortable there" he said not giving you a chance to reply before leaving.
The bed was cold and foreign ... you were really missing him.
Next morning when it was time to take him to physical, you couldn't find him in the living room but then you heard him from the guest bathroom. You walked in and there he was sitting on the floor throwing up into the toilet.
"It's okay, amor ... let it out" you sat besides him grabbing a wet cold cloth and placing it on his forehead while he cried closing the toiled at falling into your arms.
"I'm useless ... I can't even walk let alone play on that level again" he was wheezing from tears and you played his his hair letting him talk to you.
"Listen to me, cariño ... these are extremely hard times, but we're in it together. You need to start taking care of yourself if you want to recover fully, and you need to start talking to me about it. " you spoke and he listened like a scared child.
"I need you to start eating again, the pills are strong and that makes you sick. When it hurts, I need you to tell me so I can help. And when you need to cry, you do in on my shoulder okay?" you say and he nods sniffling while you kiss his forehead.
You helped him up towards the living room, preparing some warm soup to help his stomach pains before bringing the warming compress for his knee.
"I feel like a baby ..." he admits when you start feeding him soup and you smile nodding your head and kissing his lips a few times lovingly.
"You are my baby ... my stubborn baby. Now eat" you say and he finished the soup before you gave him medicine and checked on his physical appointment.
"It's not until four, so rest up ..." you tell him and he nods playing some random Barça Youth game on the screen before opening his arms towards you.
"Cuddles please?" he said adorably and your heart melted ... your boy was back!!!
"I thought you'd never ask again" you smile laying in his arms careful to keep his leg comfortable and he kissed the top of your head taking in your familiar scent.
"Did you sleep at all last night amor?" he said and you shook your head.
"I know you can't sleep without me besides you ...rest preciosa, I'll be right here" he whispered into your ear and you blushed nodding your head and slowly closing your eyes feeling secure in his strong embraces.
I really hope he's taking care of himself 🥺🥺🥺
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cher-rei · 1 year ago
gavi long distance + secret relationship smau??? if you do end up writing this can you please tag me
in between— pablo gavi smau [ P.G ]
pairing: pablo gavi x fem!reader
notes: this one actually broke me a little, like it wasn't even that deep so why am I sad for them😭😭💔 @weekendlusting (translated spanish!!)
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liked by pablogavi and 678 876 others
isa.bella cerca de allí... ✈️💌 (nearly there...)
see all comments below
user you're so pretttyyy I'm going insane
user travel vlog time!! it's been a hot minute
bsf.name ¿adónde esta vez? 😉 (where to this time?) [liked by isa.bella]
→ isa.bella ¿¿dónde más?? (where else?)
user are we collectively going to ignore gavi in her likes...? [liked by isa.bella]
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liked by pedri and 762 123 others
isa.bella hogar📍 (home)
see all comments below
user ahhh she's back in barcelona !!
pedri mucho tiempo sin verte😊 (long time no see) [liked by isa.bella]
→ isa.bella estoy muy feliz de estar de vuelta hermano (I'm so happy to be back bro)
pablogavi me encantan las flores🌷 (I love the flowers) [liked by isa.bella]
→ isa.bella gracias, mi novio me lo consiguió. (thanks, my boyfriend got them for me)
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liked by ferminlopez and 987 182 122 others
pablogavi mi lugar favorito 💕 (my favourite place)
see all comments below
ferminlopez ¿te perdiste la noche de juegos por esto? (you missed game night for this?)
→ pablogavi cualquier día (anyday)
user bro has the whole of twitter trying to figure out who this is??
user shut up gavi said it's his cousin😭😭
user we're about to pull up like the fbi. I need anything at this rate
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liked by bsf.name and 563 122 others
isa.bella noche de cita 🍿🌙 (date night)
see all comments below
user you have a boyfriend??
user guys she's wifed up, what do we do😭
user I wanted to say that he looks kinda familiar but I'm probably tripping due to the shock
user if you need me I'll be getting my P.I on this
→ user I'll be waiting for the twitter thread
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liked by ferrantorres and 986 299 224 others
see all comments below
pablogavi 🤍
ferrantorres disfrútalo mientras dure hermano 😂 (enjoy it while it lasts bro)
→ pablogavi por favor no me lo recuerdes 😭 (please don't remind me)
pedri ahora vas a estar deprimido por los próximos 5 meses. de nuevo. (now you're going to be depressed for the next 5 months. again.) [liked by pablogavi]
user oh yeah this is so his cousin
user I bet my right kidney that it's @isa.bella
→ user wait... that actually makes sense
→ user guys it's just his cousin pleaaseeee. this boy does not have the time for relationships
user where's the twitter thread girl??
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liked by bsf.name and 568 297 988 others
isa.bella me acaban de recordar que me iré pronto. voy a vomitar (just got reminded that i'm leaving soon. i'm going to throw up)
user hold up 😃
user didn't ferran say something about gavi having to enjoy his last few days???
→ user bro I'm gonna fjdjdjdj
user ain't no way. I don't believe it
user the twitter thread is being made!! my P.I is working overtime
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liked by bsf.name and 766 976 976 others
isa.bella vale, se acabó la broma, quiero recuperar a mi novio. 😃💔 (okay the joke's over, I want my boyfriend back.)
bsf.name solo 5 meses más nena 😫 (just 5 more months babe)
→ isa.bella déjame en paz estoy de duelo 🥲 (leave me alone, im grieving)
user nooooo my favourite couple
user I've been so invested in this relationship the past few weeks. my heart is actually breaking rn 😭💔
user not the long distance relationship 😭
user someone check gavi's insta!!!
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liked by pedri and 873 828 282 others
pablogavi hora de reiniciar la cuenta regresiva 🥲 (time to restart the countdown)
user shut up the screenshot of their text!! I'm crying I can't do this
user me and who...?
pedri al menos esto te motiva a jugar bien 😭 (at least this gives you motivation to play well) [liked by pablogavi]
user the twitter thread is up!!
user bro beat the cousin allegations
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spidybaby · 2 years ago
use this as a part 2 for golden child 🙋🏽‍♀️
Golden Child | part 2
Summary: Your brother finds out about your relationship with his best friend, while everyone learns the truth about your family.
Warnings: cursing, physical altercation.
A/N: I hope you like this. It took me more time than expected (and I'm sorry about it). I love you 🥺💛
Part one | Part Three
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"Aurora." You say seating next to her. "I promise this is not what you think."
Aurora lift her hand, stopping you from talking. "We can talk at home." She turns to the other side and starts talking with Anna Lewandowska.
The second half of the game began. Both Pedro and your brother were on the pitch. You turn your face to your sister, mad expression on her face.
You sat next to Mikky. She was super nice to you from the beginning, introducing you to the wags seated next to her and making a conversation with you.
Thanks to an assist from Pablo, Pedro scores, the stadium full with barca fans erupts in happiness.
Pedro does his glasses celebration, but this time, he waited until his eyes found yours. Making it in your direction, smiling after.
Goosebumps run down your spine. He kept his promise.
"Why the glasses?" You ask, curious. You were lying down in bed with him. "Not judging, just curious."
"I do it to honor my dad." He confess. "And now it's like my signature, but it's because of him."
"That's so cute, I love how your family is so close." You kiss his cheek, he wrap his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"If I score tomorrow, it's yours. I promise It'll be for you."
The game continues, and the team scored another two more. The vibe in the stadium is amazing. But you can't stop thinking about what your sister saw.
Once the game is over, the wags and family normally wait for the players on the vip section, but you grab Aurora and pull her to the side. "Can we go home, I want to talk."
She nods, going back to her seat, collecting her stuff. "Adiós Mikky, Adiós Anna." She waves them goodbye. "Pediré un uber. Así no esperamos a Pablo." (I'll call an Uber, so we don't have to wait for Pablo)
While the two of you waited for the Uber, the boys were in the changing room celebrating the victory.
"Visca al Barca," Xavi yells. Making the whole team sing the anthem of the club. "Venga, go to shower, get your shit together, don't forget anything, and we'll see each other in training."
After taking turns in the showers and changing back into normal clothes. Pedro and Fermin laugh at Ferran getting angry about someone wetting his shirt.
"You did amazing, man. That goal was another level." Fermin says, even tho he's new, he was very friendly and was beginning to make friends with the guys.
"Thanks to Gavi's assist."
"Yeah, he's always been so good with that." Fermin and Pablo have history. They go way back. "I saw that his family was here today."
"Yeah, I feel he's more in the game when his family is here. So cool they could come."
"Yeah, he has two very supportive sisters." Fermin says, closing his bag, ready to go. "Well, I'm leaving."
Before he steps outside, Pedro stops him. "Wait, sisters? Aurora is his only sister."
"Well, no." Fermin laughs, "Aurora and y/n are his sisters. But Pablo and Y/n don't have the best relationship. That's why it might seem like that." He shrugs. "Anyway, have a nice one, Pedri."
Pedro nodded to his goodbye. He is still processing the fact that Pablo lied to him and Frenkie about his own sister.
"Oye, platanito, let's go home." Ferran says, picking his bag from the floor.
"I can't tiburón, I have to talk with Gavi about something." He looks over at Gavi. "But I'll call you so we can connect and play."
He waited for him on the hallway, saying goodbye to the other players and team members.
"I thought you were gone by now." Pablo says, hitting him in the head. "You okay?"
"I was talking with Fermin about the goal, saying that thanks to you, I did it." He began, not sure how to approach the topic. "And then he said something about your sisters." The emphasis on the last s makes Pablo look away quickly.
"Look, it was just a bad day." Pablo tries to explain, being cut off by Pedro.
"So, just because you had a bad day, you decided to lie about your sister?" He sarcastically laughs, "why?"
"Why do you care?" The tone is matching now. "Like I said, it was a bad day." Pablo walks to the exit, the happiness from the win already gone.
"I thought friends didn't lie to each other." Pedro says, repeating something Gavi once said. He walks past him. "But I guess we're not friends then."
Pablo stops, his eyes on Pedro's back, watching how the story repeats again, feeling like that thirteen year old kid who just lost a friend thanks to his sister. He walks fast to his car, angry at the whole situation, angry at you.
But at home, the angry one was Aurora, who was scolding you about the whole bathroom situation.
"Imagine if it wasn't me. Imagine if it was Pablo, the one that walked into the bathroom." She says, stern tone. "Why on earth from all the guys out there you choose him?"
"First of all, it was a woman's bathrooms." You say, sassy tone. "Second of all, I didn't plan for it to happen. We were at a party and it just happened."
"You could have stopped it. Once is a mistake, two is a coincidence, three is more than that." She sighed, hands on her hair. "I don't want to say this, but if Pablo finds out and he yells, that would be on you."
"Oh, please." You laugh. "Like when he was mad because his team didn't win, or when he was mad because I was watching a Barbie movie and he didn't like that." You say, fingers counting. "Oh, yeah. Like when he chose to lie about only having three people when he got to the first team. Everything is always on me."
"I didn't mean that." The tone of voice was a calmed one. "But this is different from when we were kids."
"It's easy for you to say that." You get up from bed. "You're not the one he's denying." You whisper to yourself, leaving the room slamming the door.
You couldn't believe that even after everything she witnessed, she chose his side. You tried to control yourself, not wanting to leave like that.
You open the refrigerator, finding a bottle of water. You wanted to text Pedro and talk to him about the incident.
You hear Aurora calls your name, "Please don't go." She tries to get closer, but you imitate her by putting your hand in the air. "Don't go, please."
The front door slamming shut alert you, and you both walk to the living room, finding Pablo angry.
"I'm done with you." He says, getting closer. You back down a few steps, feeling scared. "I'm fucking done."
He grabs you by the wrists, making you walk, stamping you against the wall. His eyes are black from anger. Thing you never seen on him before.
"Pablo, what are you doing?" Aurora grabs him by the arm, trying to get him away from you. "Pablo, stop!"
"Let go off me, Aurora." He says, the tone is a low and scary one. "First, my friend from home and know Pedro?"
"Pablo, you're hurting me." You try to release yourself from him, thing that makes him apply more pressure. "Pablo, stop it. Please."
"I fucking hate you."
The way you feel like you're being stabbed by the weight of his words. The tears that pool into your eyes, threatening to spill.
"You don't mean that." You whisper, eyes glued to his.
He laughs, not a sarcastically one, but a sinister deep one. "Oh, I do. I hate you."
"Let me go." You feel the tears wetting your cheeks. Feeling like a part of you is bleeding. "You don't mean that." You shake your head, denying his words.
"Stop! Pablo, are you crazy?" Aurora pulled him off of you again. "Pablo, let her go." She shove him.
He let you go. Backing off, eyes never leaving yours. It's like your pain is giving him some satisfaction.
"You don't mean that."
Aurora gently grabbed your hands, checking your red wrists. You're crying at this point. Breathing uncontrollably.
"Estas loco, estas jodidamente loco." Aurora yells, turning to Pablo. "Estas llevando esto a otro nivel, Pablo. Ella es tu hermana." (You're crazy, you're fucking crazy. You're taking this to a whole new level. She's your sister)
"I was fine, but no, she has to walk again and try to be the center of attention as always." He yells back. "I was fine without you."
"I was helping you." You say, trying to gain composure. "I was taking care of you."
"Am I supposed to thank you? You always do this, joder, and now I'm losing a friend over you."
"Pedro and I didn't plan on this to happen. We were drunk. And he was the one who asked me to see each other again." You say, explaining the situation.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He's confused now. "Por la puta, te estas follando a mi amigo?" (For fuck sake, you're fucking my friend?)
"Weren't you talking about that?" Aurora asks. She's trying to put the pieces together, not finding a way to do it.
"He knows." You understood. This wasn't about you and Pedro. This was about him finding the lies your brother told him. "He knows you lie to him."
The face of your brother changed, you knew. "This is your fault."
"No, it's not. You lie to him and to Frenkie. I didn't."
"Can someone explain? I'm fucking lost here."
"Tell her." You say. Even when your voice is shaky, your tone is strong. "Tell her, Pablo." He shakes his head no, he can't admit to Aurora what he did. "If you don't tell her, I will."
"You're not saying shit. Shut up."
"Pablo told his friends." You tried to talk, interrupted by him yelling.
"Shut the fuck up."
"He told them I was his cousin." You yell too. "He told Pedro I was his cousin, he told me that."
"You're such a fucking bitch."
Aurora is speechless. She couldn't believe that her brother did that. She knew that, yes, they didn't have the best relationship. Yes, they were always fighting, but not to the point where he would lie like that.
"I'm your sister, Pablo." You walk closer to him. "I'm your family, I was here for you when you needed me the most. I took care of you. And all you can do is treat me this way?"
"To me, you're not my sister." He spatt.
You push him to the side, wanting to get out of there. You notice his car keys are on the floor at the front door. Picking them up, you run to his car, wanting to get away as quickly as possible.
You drive fast, feeling your phone vibrating in your back pocket. Not taking care of the stops or crosswalks, wanting to get home. The tears running down like crazy, air barely there.
You run a red light, making a car impact on the side of Pablo's car. Your head hit the window, making you feel dizzy, the airbag making you feel suffocated.
The urge to fall asleep is beating you by the second. You know by those medical programs you shouldn't sleep, but you can't keep your eyes open.
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"I'm not sure what to do." Pedro says, dropping the fork. "I'm mad at him for lying, and at the same time, I'm mad at her."
"You said Fermin told you they don't have a good relationship. Maybe that's why it happened. And maybe she didn't want you guys to fight." Fer says. He is the only one who knows about your fling.
"Do you think I should call her?"
"Do it, at the end of the day, you already know the truth. And you like her too much, don't let her go over this, let her explain her side."
"Yeah, I'll go call her. Thanks for the food."
He steps outside to have more privacy. He tries one, two, three, or even more times, but straight to voice-mail. He leaves two messages, telling you that when you feel like talking, he is there.
"Nothing?" Fer asks. He shakes his head no. "Venga, let's go play some fifa. Maybe her phone is dead or something."
"Yeah, I need to distract myself."
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"Eres un imbecil." Aurora hit Pablo in the head as hard as she can. "How dare you?" She hit him several times, in the head, in the arm, in the chest.
"Aurora, stop!" He says, grabbing her hands. "Fuck, stop!"
"You're such a fucking asshole. You hurt her." She feels like crying. "Pablo, how could you?"
She starts sobbing, feeling like some of the blame is on her. Never caring enough about their fights, always telling you he was going to change.
"Rora, stop, don't cry." When Pablo tried to hug her, she pushed him away. She didn't want him to touch her. "Rora, don't do this."
"You did this to yourself. I'm packing my stuff and leaving. You can be alone with your misery." She pushed him away from her, not forgetting to give him the last hit on the head.
Pablo walks over to the couch, sitting on it. He knows he went too far, but he was mad. He knows he has to fix things with Pedro for the team and because he's his friend.
He tries to call him, ending in voice-mail. He doesn't know what he did so wrong that all his friends always ended somehow finding their way to his sister.
To pass the time, he logs into tik tok, finding the videos entertaining. But deep down on his mind, he's asking himself if he needs to apologize.
"Pablo!" Aurora yells, seconds later she's downstairs, teary-eyed. "We have to go to the hospital, get your keys."
"What? Why? Are you okay?" He stands up quickly.
"Go get your fucking keys." She push him to the side. "I'll wait for you in your car."
The whole trip to Plato, the hospital. Aurora kept shutting down Pablo. Asking him to be quiet.
When they got to the parking of the hospital, Aurora took her seat belt off, rushing towards the inside of the building.
"Rora, wait." Pablo yells. He parked the car, hurrying to find his sister. He finds her next to another girl. She's crying on this girl shoulder. "Aurora, what's going on?"
"This is your fault, Pablo." She cries, hitting him on the chest. "This is all your fault." He wraps his arms around her, stopping her from keep hitting him.
After a good five minutes of Aurora crying onto his chest, she pushed him away. "Y/n was in a car accident. She hit her head really hard."
"Wait." He began to get angry. "Did she fucked up my car?"
Aurora looks at him, the anger reflected in her eyes. The next thing he can feel is Aurora hitting him on the face with her bag. "Rora, what the fuck?."
"Get out of here." She shouts. "Go!"
He's rubbing his cheek, feeling the pain from the hit. "You didn't have to hit me like that." He says, walking out of the building.
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Pablo sighs. It's the third time he tries to get close to Pedro, but nothing works. If he gets closer, he finds a way to move. They are not ones to fight, mostly because Pedro is the calm one in the friendship.
Xavi noticed this, pulling Pedro to the side. "Look, I'm not trying to get involved, not my style and you know it. But for the love of God. Take Gavi to a room and fix whatever you have to fix."
He nodded, walking toward Gavi. "Come here." Taking him to the inside of the stadium. Not a word exchanged. They're both sitting face to face on the gym floor. "Why did you lie?" He asks.
"It's complicated. It's not something I want to elaborate on." He's being honest. He doesn't feel like telling his life story to him.
"You really thought that was a good idea? Imagine if we said something that moment when we met her."
"But you didn't, and I wasn't planning on her being there. Mom didn't let me hire someone to do the job."
"Gavi, hermano, you can't blame others for your stupidity." Pedro feels like he's talking to a wall. "Look, I get it. You guys don't have a good relationship. But she's your sister, and that was wrong. If I did that to Fernando, he would have punched me in the face."
"It's not the same. Plus, you're not one to talk to on doing wrong shit." He buffs, getting up from the floor ready to leave.
"What the fuck does that mean?" Pedro asks, imitating him on getting up.
"You're the one who's been fucking my sister this entire time." He yells.
Pedro shut his mouth, not knowing how to react. "It's not like that."
"Is not? I was injured, and you were flirting with her while "helping me." He does quote marks with his fingers.
"She's not a kid, and I'm not one either, plus you don't even have the right to recriminate me about it."
"I don't, but don't come at me acting as if you're a fucking saint." Pablo says, pointing at him.
"But I never said I was a saint. " Pedro asks, eyebrow lifted. "Listen, I'm not going to apologize for seeing her, I like her. I wasn't aware she was your sister because you lie to me about it."
"Can we move past this?" Gavi asked, exasperated. "Yeah, I'm sorry too. I really am. But please stop with this morality speech that's about to happen. You also fucked up. Let's go."
"Pablo, this isn't about me. This is about your lies."
"No, it's not. This is about to be a life lesson of why I don't have to lie or treat my sister like that." He passes his hands to his hair, trying to relieve stress. "If I wanted to hear that, I'll be on the hospital hearing Aurora telling me how is my fault she got into a car accident."
"She what?" He whispers.
He's zone out after that. That's why you weren't answering, that's why you didn't open your door when he went looking for you at midnight.
"Is she okay?" He asks, still whispering. "Please, tell me she's okay."
"Not sure." Pablo says, indifferent to the situation. "All I know is that she hit her head on the window."
"Joder, Pablo." Pedro says, impressed by the news. "Fuck, what hospital is she in?"
"I think she's still on Plató."
"How can you be so calm?" Pedro asks, confused about his demeanor. "Does Xavi know? You have to go to Plató, be with Aurora."
Pablo shrugs. He's not interested in another fight, so he keeps his opinion on the situation to himself. "I haven't talked to Xavi about it."
"Mierda, Pablo. I'm sorry about yelling at you, I didn't mean to." Pedro says. "Let's go talk to Xavi so you can go home." Pablo nodded, walking with Pedro out of the gym.
After Pedro called Xavi for a talk, he told the news. Pablo knows it's not okay to act as if he's was going to go to the hospital, but he at least can rest a little bit.
Xavi sent him home, asking him to report himself and telling him that the team was there for him.
He drove home, stressed about the whole situation. Aurora doesn't pick up his calls. She won't answer his texts, nothing.
He parked outside his house, in case Aurora needed him to pick her up. All he can think right now is a cold shower.
While he's changing, he hears the noise of the front door closing. Thinking is Aurora. He puts his shirt and goes looking for his sister.
"Rora, are you back?" He yells, walking downstairs. "Mom, dad, hi."
Belen and Pablo only stared at his son, not able to believe all the damage he's done. "We need to talk, Pablo." Belen says. "Come sit."
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"The doctor says there would be no marks on your face." Aurora says, helping you with your hair.
As she says, being in the hospital is no motive for you to have bad hair. So she's brushing it and pulling it up.
"Well, that's good news." You laugh, stopping because of the pain. The doctor told you that you had a broken rib. "Okay, no laughing, that hurts."
"I'm sorry, hermanita."
"Don't." You stopped her. Knowing she's about to extra apologize again. "I told you this is on me, I was the one believing I'm part of the fast and furious cast."
"Im sorry I took his side. I'm sorry I was not aware of everything. I promise I'm not leaving your side again."
You squeeze her hand, sending her a smile. You know she's feeling extra bad. No matter how many times you reassure her, there's nothing she should feel sorry for. She apologized again.
"Are you sorry enough to help me pay for the wreck?" You say, lighting the air. "Becuase I don't think Pablo is taking care of it."
"Don't name him. He's voldemort from now on." She rolls her eyes. "But don't worry about it, his insurance is taking care, and dad says he's paying."
"I'm getting a part-time job, I can't let dad do that."
"No, you're not."
"Yes, I am." You say, serious. "It was my fault, as much as you say is not. Aurora, I took his car and wreck it."
She just nods, not wanting to go back and forth with the topic. "Okay."
"Do you really think he hates me?" Your mind plays the fight time after time. "I don't want him to hate me."
The way your voice cracks as you speak bout the topic is heartbreaking for your sister. She doesn't think Pablo hates you.
"He was being mean." She says, honest answer.
"And what if he does?"
"You don't need him." She says, slowly talking. "Someone who stoles your mental peace is not worth the time."
"I love him." You cry, no matter the pain the sobs are giving you. "I just want him to love me."
She hugs you, calming you down. Like always, she's the one drying your tears. The one telling you silly things to stop your cries.
"Pedro called me." She confesses after a while. "He found about the wreck, and he asked me how you were."
"He did?" You ask, smiling. "I can't text him. My phone got lost."
"He wants to visit." She confesses, finishing with your hair. "Actually, he might come at any minute now."
"Is that why you did my hair?" You ask, wanting to laugh. She only shrugs, laughing.
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"Mom, I can explain."
"No, Pablo, how dare you?" Belen yells. "You're not the kid I raised. You were taught to love and protect your sisters, not hurting them."
"We thought that your problems were some dumb child phase. That you were going to grow out of it." Pablo father says. "But mijo, you cross the line. Your sister is in the hospital because of you."
"Joder." Pablo sighs. "She stole my car and wreck it. But it's my fault for yelling at her."
His mom throws a pillow at him. "Listen to me, niño. Aurora already told us everything. So don't act innocent because you're not."
"I don't know what she said, but probably she exaggerated."
"Pablo, don't try us." His father says, angry at his attitude. "We're so disappointed in you. Hijo, I taught you to love and respect women. And you left bruises on your sister. You put your hands on her. And I don't know what we did wrong."
"You didn't do anything wrong." He says, not liking his parents to feel like that because of him.
"Then what is it, Pablo?" Belen asks him. "Are we that bad as parents for you to do this? Did we lack to provide you with enough love? Did we miss something for you to treat your sister like this?" She can't stop the tears.
Pablo can't stand his mother tears, especially when it's because of him. "Mami, stop crying."
"I just can't. You don't care."
"I do, I'm sorry." He hugs her. "I'm sorry, you were the best parents in the world. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize to us, hijo." Pablo says, patting his sons back. "You have to do it to your sister."
"Please, Pablo." His mother says, breaking the hug. "Let us help you. I don't want to sweep this under the rug, not anymore." He nods, feeling like crying.
"Want to know something?" His father asks.
"Even when Aurora told us what happened. When we saw her after she woke up, she begged us not to yell at you. Even after you hurt her, she was protecting you."
"I'm sorry." He cries, hugging his parents.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @percysley @jajajhaahaha @cinderellawithashoe @alwaysclassyeagle
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year ago
I suddenly got a wave of inspiration and several fics are going to be done today (Hopefully at least two) , so first fic out!
Also I just realized that this past February 24th (Or 26th, Idk) was my first ever post in this place, so happy anniversary to this blog and to this piece!
Night Out Problems -P.G6
Summary: A night out in which you had a little too much to drink
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You giggled once again at your friend's mistakes, you two were singing at the top of your lungs in the backseat of a car
"Así no va, tonta" (That's not how it goes, silly) You giggled "It's got me looking so crazy right now, your love's got me looking so crazy right now" You corrected while laughing
"She repeats it?"
"Then how else is it?"
"Isn't there something page me?" You look at her
"What?" You said after a minute of silence before you two broke in laughter
"Y/N, we're here" Your best friend's, Melissa's boyfriend, Frank says "Are you good to go or should I call-?"
"I'm good, I'm good"
"Sure?" You opened the car door and went to get out but almost met the floor "Ok, no, I need help"
"I'm calling your boy" He said getting out of the car and estabilizing you
"Pabs?" You asked excited and he hums, you heard the singing of your friend "¡Loca, bajale a la voz!" (You crazy woman, lower your voice!)
"Hermano" You soon heard another male voice greeting you by the car "Gracias por traerla" (Thanks for bringing her back)
"No worries, bro. Everything's good"
"Have a good night, text when you both get home please" Frank nods
"Have a good night guys and Y/N" He called you as you look at Frank "I'm glad you're getting your degree"
"Oh shush as if you sing any better" Both guys laughed as you watched how Frank got in the car and drove off
"Venga, c'mon Amor. Let's go inside"
"I'm not your amor, muchacho. I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come here"
"Oh yeah?" You hum nodding "Where's he?"
"Inside that" You point out your house "house"
"Bueno but let's go closer so we are not standing in the middle of the road"
"Only because I don't want to get run over by a car, my boyfriend wouldn't like that"
"I bet he wouldn't" He said shaking his head "Don't you perhaps have a key to enter?"
"You might be so good looking but I'm not entering with you here, I'll wait for my boy" The guy smiled
"Venga bebé, let's go inside, it's 3am" He tried touching you but you pushed his hands away
"No" You say "I'm going to call my boyfriend if you keep that up"
"Call him then"
"I will" You pulled your phone out only to see the call didn't go through "I don't have signal?" You look at the guy who has a smirk on his face and one of his eyebrows up "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Nothing. Don't mind me" He crossed his arms around his chest letting you see his muscles.
But you didn't let that fool you, you had a boyfriend and you wanted your boyfriend now.
So, you narrowed your eyes looking at him
"Why are you looking at me now?"
"You know, for very weird reasons you look exactly like my boyfriend"
"Do I?" You nod
"But he doesn't have a brother. Or that's what I know. So, you are not him"
"Why I'm not him?"
"Because he has beard and you are clean shaved"
"That's because I shaved in the afternoon"
"Yeah, he knows that's my thing to do"
"Alright, amor. I'm truly tired and I have recovery session at 10am today. What do you need for me to prove I'm your boyfriend?"
"Nothing because you're not! My boyfriend is Pablo Páez, a football player mostly known by Gavi, you're not him and once he finds out you're hitting on me, he'll be so pissed at you" The guy's smirk keep growing each time "And stop making fun of me"
"You said you wanted to call your boyfriend?" You nod "Try again this time without the airplane mode on" You look at your phone to see the airplane on top of your settings
"Oh!" You looked up at him "I'll call him now" You took a few steps off the stairs and almost fell making the guy come to you "No! I'm good, I'm good. Don't need to touch what's not yours" You said and dialed your boyfriend
A few rings went by only to hear his phone ring behind you, you turn around seeing the guy with the phone in his ear
"Go ahead" He smiled widely "¿Qué querías decirme, preciosa?" (What did you wanted to tell me, pretty girl?)
"You are my boyfriend!" You smiled widely "My lord, I have such a good taste in men. You're the prettiest boy I've ever seen" You giggled coming up the stairs once again to wrap your arms around him
"You said not to touch what's not mine?"
"But you're my boyfriend, I'm yours and you're minee" You dragged the 'e' out "That's why you looked exactly like my boyfriend, because you are!" You laughed squishing his cheeks
"Yes, I am" He said in between your hands
"So prettyyyy" You said "Why don't you open the door? I wanna lay on top of you, cuddle and kiss you so bad. God, you look so comfy, how is that even possible?" Pablo laughs at you buried depp into his chest, your voice coming out muffled
"Thank god, I'm recording this, you wouldn't believe it"
"Are you recording?" He hums as you grab his hand pulling it up to your mouth "Whatup girl?-
"You need to marry this man like as soon as possible, he's the love of your life and he's so perfect, you wouldn't believe it"
You groan hearing your voice as you grab a bite of the sandwich your boyfriend made for you "Please, stop that, even thought I mean it, I was drunk as hell"
"There's no need to be embarrassed about it, amor" Pablo laughed wrapping his strong arms around you and kissing your neck, the recording still playing "You are the love of my life as well, you're the perfect girl for me and I do plan on getting down on my knee and propose, just waiting for the right time"
"I would say yes anytime"
"That's good to know" He smiled "Can I pull this audio in our wedding?"
"Definitely not"
"Oh, c'mon! Why not?"
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Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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taasgirl · 1 year ago
say something pt 2.
summary: although playing for the same club, pedri and y/n cannot stand the thought of being around each other. enemies to lovers for all my slow burn girlies out there - i got u
a/n: not proofread and all in english + more installments coming soon!!
read part one here!
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We were sat just above the bench, watching over one of the men's games. We had to do this regularly, to show our club spirit or something. The men, however, barely ever came to our games. I swear they only came for our Champions League Final and were out of the stadium when the ninety minutes were up.
“You’d think that such an expensive team would be good.” Ingrid was not impressed with the team playing. Her face had disgust written all over it and was really not afraid to show it.
“Don’t be mean. Not everyone can be as good as us.” Salma bolstered a smile, rubbing my leg aggressively. Rolling my eyes, I kept my focus on the game in front of me. It was a tight game. Real Betis were really putting up a fight, and I couldn't help but ogle at Hector Bellerin. He was genuinely so beautiful.
"Enjoying the game Y/N?" Salma asked, making the girls around us laugh. "Yeah funny Sal."
By the time the game had ended it was a 2-1 win for Betis, a real shock to almost everyone. The boys were fuming.
We walked down to the field, players from both of teams were still there. Making my way through with the girls, I heard my name called out. "Y/N! Wait up!" I turned around, running over with a cheesy smile was Hector. Hector Bellerin.
We followed each other on Instagram, and occasionally left friendly comments, but we had never spoken before. "How you doing?" I could hear his awkward English accent. "I'm doing pretty well. Congrats on the win you guys deserved it." He smiled.
"Ah, thank you. None of us were really expecting it." We spoke for another few minutes until he was called over by his coach.
"I'll see you around, I hope that next time you watch me play, you're in a Betis jersey." Smirking, he ran back to his team while I followed the girls into the tunnel.
When I caught up with Salma she couldn't look at me. "Already cheating on class boy with a footballer." She sarcastically sighed. "I always knew you were destined to be a wag." I lightly shoved her until I felt a push on my back.
"Get the fuck out of the way." Pedri spat at me. "Talking to the fucking opposition. If you want to fuck him so badly do it after the game." He pushed the changeroom door open, following closely behind him was Gavi and Ferran who looked at me sympathetically.
"Come on don't listen to him. Let's get home." Salma's hand found my shoulder pulling me close into her. "I'm happy to sleep over at Mapi's if you want to bring a certain someone over." God I hope she never changes.
"Girl there's no way I'm inviting him over. Let him celebrate the win." I smiled at her and she looked confused. "I wasn't talking about Hector." She stuck her tongue at as we walked to the parking lot.
I couldn't stop thinking about what Pedri had said to me that night. It almost shocked me how I didn't slap him. And although I wanted to hate him for it, a part of me hoped he didn't mean it. A part of me wanted it to just be a spur-of-the-moment comment which he would regret.
"Y/N are you okay?" Alex lightly tapped me. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just um tired." I focused back at my teacher. School was kicking my ass, I received my assessment schedule and these last few weeks were my last moments of peace before I locked in.
Once class was over I hurried myself as usual to the door. I had to get to training asap and I couldn't afford to be late. Again.
"Need a ride?" Alex caught up to me. There was no way I would decline, I was gonna be late. "Yes please, I need to get to work." We hoped in his car and he drove me to the grounds.
"I really enjoyed hanging out with you the other day. If it's alright with you, I'd like to come to one of your games?" I laughed but quickly refrained myself. "Oh um yeah. I can try and hook you up with some tickets if you wanna bring people."
We drove through the back streets of Barcelona until we got to where I needed to be. "Do you need me to pick you up? I'm happy to hang around for a while." He pulled up kerbside. "Yeah you'd be waiting for a very long time. It's all good, Salma drives me home." He'd met Salma a few times after we'd hookup as he tried to escape my room.
"But seriously, thank you so much. You don't understand how much easier you just made my life." I leaned over and pecked him on the cheek before I left the car.
"The fuck is that?" I recognised the voice immediately, B-lining for the buildings' entrance. "Oh ok yeah very mature, just ignore me." I waved to reception as I walked down to the changerooms.
"Was that your boyfriend? Or just another guy you hook up with." I snapped at him "He's a classmate." I continued walking down the hall. "So, tell me, did you sleep with Hector." That was it.
I turned to face him and slapped him across the face. Hard. A red mark coloured his cheeks. Realising what I had down, I regretted it immediately. "Oh my god Pedri I'm so sorry." I placed my hand on his cheek. "Holy fuck I don't know what came over me." Firstly, he looked at me disappointed, then he smirked. "So I'll take it that you didn't sleep with him." I walked right past him.
"Is something up with you Y/N?" Lucy said in my ear while marking me during training. I looked at her puzzled. "You're a lot more, I don't know. You're very tense." I scoffed. No wonder I was tense, I was literally studying for my degree while playing professional football.
"Well a few of us are going to go out tonight if you wanted to join? Girls only type of thing." Actually, I liked that idea. I needed time to just chill. Preferably away from home.
"Yeah actually I'd like that. You'll send me the address?" She agreed and soon enough we were back to tackling each other.
Once training had finished, Ona and I walked to the gym. She was still recovering from an ankle injury and wanted someone to give her motivation during the workout. As we entered the gym, sets of eyes laid straight onto us.
The men's team.
I looked at her, displeased to be trapped in a room filled with sweaty men, however, she didn't seem to care too much. "I think I'm gonna get deodorant poisoning if I'm in here any longer." She dragged me over to a machine.
I took a walk around the gym, trying to find the spot with the best reception. "Fancy seeing you around." Pedri called out to me.
I didn't look at him. No bother in giving him the time of day. "Okay then." He turned back to his group, they were making fun of his failed attempt at grabbing my attention.
"Y/N can you come over here for a sec?" Gavi called out to me. I was less than willing to walk over to a slightly intimidating group of boys, but I didn't want to give Pablo the same response that I gave Pedri.
Walking over, I could feel the eyes of the boys on me. "How you been baby?" I smiled at him. He's always been affectionate towards me, but this was artificial in a way. He was trying to make someone jealous. "You going out tonight?" I nodded. "Clubbing downtown." He looked impressed. "Going with Salma? I can try and ask around for that girl to be there."
"I'm so happy that you're finally going out with me. It's been what, four months?" Salma put on one of her sexiest outfits. I told her that the girl from before would be there, to that she immediately went looking for the hottest thing she owned.
"Yeah well you're obviously not planning on hanging out with me." Since she had gone out the other night, she couldn't stop talking about this girl she met.
We got picked up in a cab and made our way downtown. Upon entering the club we realised it wasn't exactly how we had pictured it. It wasn't so much a 'casual' club as it was a 'celebrity' club.
I recognised majority of the people as other footballers and internally rolled my eyes at the idea of spending time with some stuck up male footballer. Like Pedri for example.
When we found Lucy and a few of the other girls, we took a seat at the bar and ordered a round of shots. It had been a while since I had drunk alcohol, but I promised myself that I wouldn't drink too much. And I was usually good at keeping to my word, so I limited myself to three drinks.
"Y/N, Salma's been telling me about this guy you've been seeing." Ona said, taking a shot in full. "I hope he's hot at least." I looked at Salma unimpressed, she loved telling people about my life, to the point where even the physios knew who Alex was. "He's just a classmate, I mean like we've hooked up a few times but I'm not really into him."
The girls and I chatted for at least twenty minuets before suggesting we move to the dance floor. The DJ was playing mostly Bad Bunny with a few western songs, and soon enough the alcohol hit me, and I was in my groove. I was dancing with so many different people, and I could've sworn I had accidentally grinded up on Jude Bellingham before Ingrid came over to me, telling that someone was looking for me.
I followed in the direction of where she had pointed and found myself on the outside of the floor, but next to a tall man. "Hola Y/N." Hector bent down to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Hola."
"I really think we should hang out some day." I blushed at his words. "I'd like that. Maybe you could come to one of my games? Hang up your pride and wear the jersey of your old club." I nudged him playfully as he sarcastically shook his head. "Let's dance." He pulled me by the hand into the centre of the floor.
He held my hips as we swayed together, feeling the music and each other. "I though you'd be a better dancer Y/N." I looked up at him confused. "I'm only joking Carino. You look beautiful." I dug my head into his chest as we danced.
Now did I want to hook up with him? No, not really. But you can't hate a girl for giving into some attention. "Hector." He looked at me, almost freezing. "Does Pedri hate me?" He laughed. A guttural laugh.
"I'm not sure. Why?" I sighed. "He's just been a real dickhead lately. Always up in my personal businesses and constantly trying to piss me off." Hector smiled at me. "Yeah I don't think he hates you." He continued, "If it makes you feel any better, I think he actually likes you. I mean at least when I was at Barca he wouldn't shut up about this new prodigy." Ok now I was intrigued. "Go on."
"Well I mean he would always hang around at training to watch you play. To me at least I found it a little creepy, but I think it all stemmed from a crush." Yeah what the fuck.
"There's no way. Like he actually despises me." Hector shrugged as we came to a full stop of dancing. "Well maybe something's changed, but trust me, he likes you. Or used to I don't know."
I literally did not know what to think. So Pedri has been a fan all along??? Interesting…
After leaving Hector for the bathroom I felt a presence behind me as I walked down the corridor. Turning around nonchalantly, I came face to face with Pedri. Of fucking course he’d be here.
"Having fun?" He was holding a glass of what looked like water. Of course he didn't drink. "Yeah it's chill." I went to turn around when he grabbed my shoulder. "Sorry if I've been a dick, I've just, I don't know. Sorry." He was smiling at me. Smiling.
"Oh, um yeah okay you're all good." Before I could make my way back to the bathroom, his hands clasped my face, pulling me in for a kiss.
My brain wanted to push him away, but my body wanted more of him. I kissed him back passionately before he pulled away, hands still on my cheek. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry." He looked at me for no more than a second before walking back out.
He just kissed me. I kissed him. Pedri. Fucking Pedri.
"Y/N you're on, get up." Jonatan called for me, I was cozy on the bench watching my team struggle against Wolfsburg in a tight Champions League group stage match.
I hopped out of my seat and walked over to him. "I need you to turn this around. It's looking sloppy out there." He pointed to the field, everyone was tired, and Wolfsburg would break the deadlock soon enough if no stepped up. "I need a goal. I need you to be the captain out there, ok?" I nodded.
It was going to be tough. A thousand things were running through my head. Pedri was one of them, and I knew he was in the crowd. Alex too. God why do I do this to myself.
As I walked over to the fourth official, I could hear the crowd begin to get louder. I knew I was popular amongst the Barca fans, but hearing how excited they were to see me come on, gave me a new type of confidence.
I ran onto the pitch after I was subbed on, and genuinely put my heart into it. I had a few shots, although none were good enough to get past the keeper.
I built up with Keira, and finally had a chance to bury the game. I struck the ball with my laces from a few meters outside the box. I watched it curl into the top right of the goal and the crowd erupted.
I ran to the corner post where I did a knee slide, and was followed closely behind my teammates. Everyone was cheering.
The whistle blew after an agonizingly long fifteen minutes and the stadium erupted once more. We had slid past into a comfortable 1-0 win and I was absolutely buzzing. Jonatan pulled me in for a hug, and soon enough I was being thrown in the air by my teammates.
We did a lap of the field, taking photos and thanking the fans for supporting us. I had given my jersey to a young fan, in exchange for a bag of Haribos which were delicious.
When we had reached the bench and tunnel, I made direct eye contact with Pedri. It wasn't short either. He was still in the stands, in a full Barca tracksuit, looking down at me. And then he smiled.
I smiled back at him before I almost got practically tackled. Alex lifted me off the ground, and spun my around. "You did so well." He placed me back on the ground and leaned in for a kiss, I pulled back. "Oh, thanks Alex." I looked back into the crowd to where Pedri was standing, but I couldn't see him anymore.
"Please let me take you out tonight. I have us booked in for a beautiful Italian restaurant." I physically cringed. I don't know why I have such conflicting feeling towards Alex.
"Sorry Alex, but I've got recovery and stuff. I'd love to go another day." Lieeeeee. He looked down to the ground. "Yeah uh you're all good. Well done today." He smiled cowardly and grazed my arm before walking away.
"Rejected lover boy once again?" Salma came up to me, linking her arm through mine. I hadn't yet told her about Pedri. At first I didn't even see why I should, but I really needed to tell somebody.
"I feel like I'm leading him on, but I seriously do not wanna be his girlfriend or whatever he thinks we are." We walked into the tunnel and I was pulled into an interview.
"Y/N, that was a spectacular performance. However, many fans are confused as to why you weren't in the starting line up. Can you give us some insight into that?"
"Yeah well I wasn't training to me best standards in all honesty." The journalist nodded, signalling for me to continue. "Here at Barca everyone's replaceable. If you're not performing, someone else takes your place. It's the nature of this club. It's one of the reasons why I love it so much."
"How'd it feel to get a goal? It was a real tight game there, and you seemed to loosen it all up.
"I never take scoring for granted. It's a feeling I chase. As much as I love dribbling or assisting, or even tackling, nothing brings me as much joy as scoring does."
The interview continued for another couple of minutes before I made my way to a presumably empty changeroom.
Walking in, it was exactly what I guessed. I had a shower and changed into comfy clothes. Salma was driving us home, so she was probably waiting for me somewhere. I opened the door to leave the changeroom when I was met with a group. The group being Gavi, Pedri, and Salma.
Immediately, I made eye contact with Pedri who looked away. "Come on sissy, let's get home." We began walking in twos, Salma and I, Pedri and Gavi.
"You two were on fire today. There's surely a Ballon D'or coming your way Y/N." Gavi patted my back from behind, to which I turned around and smiled. "Thanks Pablo." Salma directed most of the conversation, Pedri barely spoke. Something was up with him.
"Pepi and I were so pissed when we couldn't see you on the starting lineup." Gavi said, making Pedri blush. "He started freaking out, thought you were injured and everything." I smiled to myself. It was cute I couldn't even lie.
"That's not true." His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. He was embarrassed and it was adorable.
"Salma I need to tell you something." She jumped over the couch and sat next to me. "Spill." She then handed me a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries.
"Ok. So I may have kissed Pedri. No he kissed me. But I kissed him back." Her jaw dropped, and jumped straight up, dancing around me. "I called it! I fucking knew it!" I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah well you can calm it down because I think he hates me again." She sat down immediately. "Well you know how Alex came down?" She nodded. "Well I guess Pedri must've seen because he's been giving me the cold shoulder. He didn't even speak to me while we were all walking."
"So do you want me to set you two up?" I smacked her. "Don't you fucking dare."
omg guys sorry this took so long. lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part and send me reqs!!
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judebelle · 2 years ago
pedri being possessive over reader smut? 🤍
possessive - p.g. x reader
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a/n : yes yes and YES. also sorry for not posting for long i was super duper busy! also i made this a drabble too!
cw : smutty as hell, hint of pablo gavi x fem!reader, jealousy, possessiveness, slight breeding kink, cursing
pairing : pedri gonzález x fem!reader
word count : 920
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as soon as you closed pedri's door to his large house you had found yourself pressed against it, your expensive bag descending to the floor. "pedri what are you doing-" pedri suddenly started kissing sloppily down your neck, leaving marks all over it which was exposed from your dress' low neckline.
you were faking your cluelessness, and you knew exactly what pedri was doing and why he was doing it. you were upset with pedri before going out to the dinner he had dragged you along to because he was not spending any time with you prior to it.
so of course, you decided to put on a show by flirting subtly with his close friend and teammate pablo. sure, maybe you overreacted, but something about the way that pedri stared at you from across the table while you asked pablo questions about himself and grazed his bicep with your hand got you excited. even pablo was getting flustered with the constant touching and laughing coming from your end.
you were brought out of your thoughts as pedri spun you around swiftly and pushed you onto the front door, your cheek flush against the cold entryway. you let out a yelp at the sudden movement as pedri hiked your short dress up your hips.
"you think you can just go flirt with my friend in front of my face, huh?" pedri leaned back to slap your ass before ripping your underwear off of you. "pedri what the fuck?! what are you-" "you just go running to pablo as soon as you want my attention," pedri started undoing his belt with one hand as the other held you against the door.
"well that's not how it works baby. oh just wait. i'm gonna fuck you so hard that i'll be the only man on your fucking mind." "oh god pedri-" you couldn't even finish your breathless sentence before you felt his cock against the skin of your ass. he pulled your hips back to bend you over some before you heard him spit on his hand. after that your mind just went blank.
you could feel his hard and hot cock stretch you out as you let out a guttural moan. "yeah, you like getting fucked like this huh? you think pablo could fuck you like i do? could he make you feel this good?" pedri's pelvis was fully pressed against your ass when he pushed deep inside you. he didn't give you any time to adjust like he usually did - thrusting hard and fast immediately.
you were on fire. the initial pain and eventual pleasure being ripped through you was very different than what you were accustomed to. pedri wasn't usually rough like this, so you knew you pissed him off.
he dipped down to your neck and sucked on your skin hard while he pounded into you from behind. he moved his lips from spot to spot all over your neck while he pulled your hair making you lean back into him. your mouth was agape, and your hands were trying to grasp onto anything to hold onto on the flat door, but to no avail.
pedri removed his lips from your neck before leaning into your ear and biting the lobe. "gonna leave hickeys all over you so everybody knows that you're mine." he was panting and breathless behind you, his hand prodding into your side while his hips rutted into you.
"tell me- ah!" pedri was clearly trying to teach you a lesson, but the way you moaned and your nails scratched the door in front of you while you clenched around him made it hard for him to focus. "tell me that only i can make you feel like this." you didn't fully register was pedri was telling you to do since your eyes were rolling back into your skull and your throat dry and without air.
"tell me." you didn't think it was possible for pedri to be able to fuck you harder than he already was, but clearly it was since you could basically feel him in your stomach. his words finally reached your brain when he gave pulled back on your hair harder.
"you- oh god- only you can fuck me like this- oh fuck. fuck- only you pedri - no one else!" you weren't sure if your sentence was comprehensible or not, but the way that pedri smiled against your ear in satisfaction and kissed it before standing upright again told you that it was. he let go of your hair to hold into both sides of your hips before pulling you back onto his cock in addition to his hard thrusting.
the sound of skin slapping mixed with pedri's loud groans and your breathless moans was somehow pushing you even closer to the edge. the thin layer of sweat around both of you was only making you hornier before you finally couldn't hold it anymore.
"pedri i'm gonna cum- fuck!". "cum," pedri was back down at your ear again. "cum all over me." that was the last straw for you before you felt your legs go numb and vision go back. you moaned out in a loud cry as you came all over pedri's cock, a tear or two slipping from your eyes. pedri was quick to follow suit, cumming raw into you without pulling out. he let out a soft moan when he felt himself fill you up.
"i wonder how pablo would feel if i put a baby in you."
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sports-on-sundays · 1 year ago
omgg i'm so relievedd,😭😭 anyway here's the request
can you please do an enemies to lovers with pedri wherein the reader is frenkie's sister and pedri and her have beef with eachother and fight like cats and dogs all the time but pedri is lowkey in love with her and sneakily keeps dropping hints but the reader is too oblivious to notice them, then gavi, sick of their banter tries to get them together by pretending to be interested in the reader and pedri get's furious with gavi cuz he's in love with the reader?
anyway i hope you're doing well, sending you lot's and lot's of lovee 💗💗
she's mine / Pedri González
Summary: Pedri x de Jong!female!reader - Enemies to lovers - Pedri can't help but feel more than hate towards his enemy. And he won't stand for it when it seems her attention is being given to anyone else but himself.
Warnings: censored swearing, reader is SO oblivious haha, I'M SO SORRY FOR THE CHEESY ENDING BUT IT FELT SO RIGHT OKAY, her being Frenkie's sister didn't end up becoming a part of the plot so sorry if you wanted it to be anon
Author's Note: Thanks so much for the request, and I hope you're doing well also. :)
Requested?: yup!
A gust of warm wind blows your hair in your face as you enter the Barcelona training pitch. You tuck it behind your ear as your eyes scan the green field, searching for someone.
You tell yourself you're looking for your brother, Frenkie, but your eyes only stop searching when they fall on Pedri. He's sitting on one of the coolers, talking with Robert Lewandowski and Sergi Roberto. You smirk and saunter over, slipping down to sit on the cooler next to him. "Hey. Why aren't you out there playing, Pedri?" you say with a condescending smile.
His head snaps over to look at you, and his jaw visibly clenches as he demands, "Where did you come from? You weren't there a second a-"
"Maybe you just weren't paying attention, idiot. I didn't know you were that unaware of your surroundings..."
"Would you stop?" he snarls, gently shoving you. "Why are you always here, anyway? Do you think you have rights to walk right on in just because you're Frenkie's sister?"
You shrug cockily. "Pretty much. Everyone loves me, including Xavi. You're the only idiot that doesn't."
At this, Sergi (mysteriously) gets up and says, "I'll leave you two to fight this one out."
Robert nods and follows close behind, calling over his shoulder, "Don't be too aggressive with each other now!" You hear a snicker in the more experienced player's voice, which only fuels you more to bug Pedri.
"You aren't being too aggressive," you turn back to Pedri. "What kind of weak shove was that, anyway?"
"I just didn't shove you any harder because you're delicate and weak." He glanced up, meeting your eyes as he added, "Shame you've got no boyfriend to take care of your damsel self."
"Oh, for f***'s sake! Shut up- you know you're pulling crap out of thin air now!"
"That's what you do every single argument we have," Pedri comments with an eye roll. He bends down to tie his shoe, but then looks up, meeting your eyes again in that annoying way, and says, "Wait, you have a boyfriend?!"
"Don't say it like that!" you snap. "I don't, but I don't need one. I'm just fine without a stupid man to boss me around!"
He snorts and comments softly as he stands up, "I wouldn't say I'm stupid, and I certainly wouldn't boss you around..."
"Huph! Yeah, right!" you snap, the intention of his statements blowing straight over your head. "I bet you'd be the worst of them all! My God, no woman deserves an ass like you! Sure hope you never get a girlfriend- any would be too good for you."
"So sharp with your comebacks!" Pedri looks back. "But you use the same ones every time. You're so predictab-"
"Hey, Pedri."
Both of you look up to see Gavi sauntering over to the two of you. He pulls a water bottle from the cooler Pedri just stood up from and tells him, "Quit all the chit-chatting, for God's sake. Break time is done for you, Pedri."
"Yeah!" you grin, calling after him as he sulks away, "Lazy!"
Some days later, you walk down the hallway of the training centre. You're waiting for Frenkie, since you're going with him to visit with him and Mikky and some friends after training, when suddenly your nerves are hit simply by a familiar voice calling behind you, "Hey, Y/n..."
You swivel around to meet the obnoxious brown eyes of none other than Pedri. Your jaw clenches, but you're always ready to pick a fight with him- especially if he's up for it.
There's a flash of emotion in his eyes, and all the sudden he goes from walking toward you to being right in front of you. Your back hits the wall it's facing, and you gasp as the scent of his cologne fills your nose. You open your eyes slowly to see only Pedri's eyes. You exhale slowly. He's got you here, with his hands leaning on the wall behind you. You can't read him- you can't tell if he's about to slap you in the face or playfully tease you. All you know is that your nose is about six centimeters from the face of your rival, whom you've hated on a countless number of times.
"What the hell?" you snap. "What's your problem?"
"You know what you did!" he snaps right back, his eyes flashing again.
"What did I do?" you ask innocently as you replay all the rude comments about him and obnoxious tricks played on him.
"You know!" he says, jabbing his elbow into your shoulder- not enough to hurt, so you don't bother with him. He's a coward. He never really hurts you.
You smirk, eyebrows raised, and say, "Was it the chewing gum in your football boot or the 'Kick Me' sign on you last away game?"
"It was the gum-! Wait, 'Kick Me' sign?!"
At this, you break into hysterical laughing at his frightened face. You laugh and laugh, until you finally get out, "You take yourself so seriously, and that's why I know stupid pranks like this really will work in getting under your skin!"
"Tell about the 'Kick Me' sign!" He actually looks quite nervous.
"I managed to give you a 'friendly' pat on the back before you walked the red carpet to the hotel. All the away fans saw. I guess after getting a high-five from their hero, Pedri, they saw he would've rather been kicked in the ass!"
"Wait, it was on my ass?" His eyes widen, and you laugh more, practically wheezing now as Mr. Tough Man is getting dethroned- again. By you, as always.
"No! Lower back, idiot. I guess someone must have taken if off of you before you noticed, and didn't tell you because your pride is so delicate..."
"...Is not!" Pedri snapped, shoving you softly again. "Anyway, the f***ing gum on my expens-"
But you interrupt, showing you really couldn't care less. "Why don't you shove me harder, huh? Weak."
His face twists. "If I did, you might fall over. Clumsy."
"Oh, yeah? Am I? Am I clumsy, or are you just too scared to hurt a woman? Well, I'm not too scared to hurt a man, and I'm also not slamming men into walls to assert my dominance!"
Pedri gapes a little, which feeds your mean-spirited ways.
You grin, and suddenly shove him away. He stumbles back, and reaches back to steady himself on the opposite wall of the hallway.
"Alright, I've f***ing had it with you!" he barks, reaching for you. But you grab his wrist, twisting it. He, with his other hand, clutches the collar of your shirt, and you raise your fist, about to hurl it at his-
Suddenly, another hand grips your wrist, mid air.
Both your's and Pedri's heads flip to the new presence and rest your eyes on the younger Gavi.
Pedri's hand slips off your collar in unison with your hand slipping off his wrist.
Gavi sighs and walks past, in the middle of the two of you, calling behind, "You two, always fighting like cats and dogs! Won't you ever leave each other be? It's starting to get out of hand, with you two wrestling in the halls, and all."
You watch awkwardly as Gavi walks away, both feeling called out at how foolish you were acting.
You sit next to Gavi, swiveling back and forth on a bar stool, in a club. You sip your drink, looking down, because of the slight headache you're starting to obtain from the flashing lights around you, when suddenly someone sits on the other side of you. You look up, seeing that it's none other than Pedri. Again. Now you sit between Gavi and Pedri, and ask obnoxiously to Pedri, "Why are you here?"
He smirks, his eyes glimmering in the flashing lights. "I was here all along. But I could be asking you the same thing, baby."
You snort as Gavi looks over with unimpressed raised eyebrows at Pedri.. "Baby? Your insults are getting worse and worse every day," you remark back snidely, taking the name in a completely different way than most people- including Gavi- probably would.
Who knows how Pedri meant it?
Pedri falters for just a moment, and a strange look of slight confusion and maybe... disappointment?... flashes across his face, before he blinks away the dazed look and replaces it with that stupid smirk again. "You're a stupid baby because I don't think you can handle..." He gently takes your glass from your hand, and it's so sudden, you just watch him do it. "...that."
You glare. "What the hell, Pedri?" you snap. "I'm not anywhere near drunk! Give that back!"
He lifts the quarter full glass above his head, but leans his face close to yours and mutters, just loud enough for you to hear over the blasting party music, "Make me."
You glare more fiercely and snarl, "You know full well I'm capable of beating your ass! Now give me the glass!"
His grin just grows wider, and it annoys you that, for whatever twisted reasons, he's genuinely having fun. Enjoying himself. When you tease him or play pranks on him, you guess you have some fun, but it's mostly just about going out of your way to make his life harder because he's annoying. But he's genuinely having fun right now. Anyone could see that much.
The nerve!
You grab at Pedri, trying to wrestle the drink down, but fail, and just end up stumbling into him. He laughs and very gently elbows you, saying, "Be careful, baby. You've got no prince to catch you if you fall..."
"I don't even get your jokes anymore!" You say in frustrated annoyance. You grit your teeth and double back, ready to ram yourself to his stomach, but suddenly stop yourself when two hands grip your shoulders, and a body slips in between your's and Pedri's. "Gavi!" you say in exasperation. "Stop doing that!"
"You guys stop doing this! These arguments are getting out of hand, for God's sake!"
Pedri sighs, setting your glass down, but says, "It's really none of your business, Gav-"
"It is when you constantly do this with me and every-f***ing-one else around! It becomes our business!" He sighs witha little grunt, sitting back down. You swipe your drink off the table and sit back down next to Gavi, saying, "I'm sorry, Gavi... You see, Pedri's just so stupid..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know," Gavi rolls his eyes.
And little to either Pedri or you know, but the gears in Gavi's brain start spinning.
You sit on the bleachers, typing something up, enjoying the sunshine, when you hear footsteps. You sigh, knowing it will be Pedri approaching, but refuse to look up.
So you're surprised when Gavi says, "Hey, Y/n."
You look up and watch as Gavi sits close next to you, putting his arm around your shoulders. You don't think much of this, and don't mind that Gavi sits with you for a while, just chatting about whatever. He speaks softly, making the conversation personal. You respond in your regular tones, because why would you do anything different?
For weeks after this incident, Gavi keeps doing things like this, and, strangely, you've realized Pedri's been bothering you less. And you've been bothering him less.
But he keeps sending you the most venomous glances, it's almost worse than his occasional antagonizing.
Gavi's been getting kind of touchy with you, and you're not sure why, but you assume it's just because... you don't know. But you figure there must be a good, normal reason for it.
So you don't mind it. You enjoy your talks.
Today, you sit on the grass next to Gavi. You can't tell if it's just in your head, but you keep catching Pedri's eyes. And he doesn't look happy.
Well, Gavi's sitting quite close to you, so your shoulders are bumping, and has an arm around you, gently touching your lower back. You watch as Pedri starts walking towards you, and automatically a soft sigh escapes your lips.
Right then, Gavi gently slips his hand onto your thigh.
Automatically, your muscles clench, but you don't even look at Gavi.
Because you're watching Pedri.
He looks livid.
You swallow, and glance to Gavi, but as soon as you do, Pedri reaches him, knocks his hand off your thigh, doesn't even glance to you, and says directly to Gavi, "Come with me."
His tone is hard and cold.
Gavi stands up a little too casually (which seems to just feed Pedri's anger even more) and follows Pedri without a fight.
You stare, watching them go, in kind of a shock.
Once they're gone, you give it a minute or so, before standing up and immediately following. Snooping and eavesdropping are not below you. Can't hurt a girl for being curious, right? Besides, you've become pretty good at not getting caught.
You slowly walk down the stairs into the building, light on your feet, and peek behind every corner, listen through every door.
Finally you freeze when you hear voices, coming from behind a closed door. You lean against the wall slowly, intently listening, and grin softly when you can make out the sentences, before your face becomes serious again.
Gavi is saying, "...you've been the nicest person to her anyway!"
Pedri growls (which makes you swallow nervously), "But it's like you're taking her... She doesn't even like you... I saw the look on her face... Get your hands off of her, anyway... She's mine."
Your eyes furrow in confusion. Clearly he's talking about you, but what does this all mean...? Whatever it does, it certainly makes you feel a little angry, along with the utter uncertainty.
"Yeah? Why haven't you gone for it, then? Shoot your shot? You've just been being rude to her to get her attention without even showing how you really feel- I went about it in the-"
"She doesn't like you!"
"Yeah? Prove it?" Gavi says, just as fiery as Pedri himself, but it sounds a little different. You can't place your finger on what's different about Gavi's tone, though, from Pedri's...
There's a few seconds of silence, before a huff and a smaller comment from Pedri: "But I bet I like her more than you."
"Then prove it. I don't believe you."
"How the hell-"
"Whoever pulls her first."
You stare ahead, eyebrows knitted together.
And suddenly it clicks in your brain that was so opposed to believing anything even close to that, and it all makes sense.
All the stupid comments from him.
This conversation itself.
His dumb nicknames.
Has Pedri really... felt that way... all along?
Then why has he been acting like that?
There's silence between the boys, too, as you consider these things.
And, suddenly, you hear the doorknob turn, and your stomach drops to your knees. You try to swallow down a lump in your throat, looking for anywhere you can go to hide so that they don't see y-
"Y/n-!" Pedri stares at you, frozen.
Oh God. What... What is he going to do? Pick a fight, walk away? Lash out on me or Gavi? Pretend nothing happened?
He whispers, "You heard all that..."
You don't respond. And you're not sure if you could, even if you tried to, anyway.
But he does the most unlikely thing. The thing you weren't ever expecting.
Maybe someone else would. Maybe your brain just doesn't work that way.
But suddenly he pulls you to him, in a half-hug kind of thing, his muscles soft, and whispers, "I'm sorry, but... Maybe this will convince you to give me a shot..."
Suddenly, before you can react, he pulls you into a steamy kiss. You gasp, shocked, and although you don't want it to be happening, you don't want it to stop. You stare ahead, but slowly find the strength to close your eyes.
He pulls away and mutters, "Anyway, let me explain now..."
But suddenly Gavi walks by, casually, a smug look on his face, and he says, "I would have done it differently, but with someone like Y/n, you never know, Pedri... I mean it's funny you two are so immature about the way you're going about this, when I'm younger than both of you."
Gavi glances back and interrupts, "Oh, and by the way, it was all a show. I'm not really into Y/n, and I know she's not really into me. It was just to make you jealous. You know, so maybe you'd finally admit your damn feelings and quit bothering her so much. Looks like you still haven't done it though. I've leave you two to that."
Pedri starts gaping as Gavi saunters away, and you stand just as shocked, but for more things than what Pedri's shocked about.
"For God's sake, Gavi," Pedri mutters under his breath, turning back to you. "Well, anyway," he breathes. "I've got a lot to explain... And say sorry for."
"Why were you..." you trail off.
He snorts. "I thought you'd be into that. I thought you'd like that sort of attention."
"I might've..." you chuckle nervously. "If I understood what you were doing in the moment..."
All the sudden, those glimmering brown eyes look deeper than they did before. More complex. Interesting. Beautiful.
Perhaps even... enchanting?
You swallow, and find yourself gripping to his shoulders tighter- which you didn't even know you were holding onto until now.
Now he mutters, but it doesn't seem mean.
You would say it was sexy, if that didn't mean you'd be calling him sexy.
"I've got a lot of work before I can call you mine..." he swallows. Usually a comment like this would disgust you.
But the way he just kissed you makes you not dread, but anticipate (just very, very, very slightly) eagerly all that work he needs to do in order to call you his.
Well, in other words, that set off butterflies in your stomach you didn't even know existed.
And now he whispers, "Sorry if it's too soon, but... Can I kiss you again?"
You grin stupidly and remark, "Only if you're not a coward."
He leans in, and his lips meet yours once again.
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gavisfanta · 8 months ago
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summary: when fermin and gavi fight because fermin caught feelings for you and won't accept that you're not available.
warnings: none
You were dating Gavi, but Fermin, Pedri, and Ferran had an eye on you.
"I'm giving up. That girl is tied to Gavi." Ferran said to Pedri and Fermim as they watched Gavi wrap a hand around you as he talked to Yamal and Cubarsi. "I'm not." Fermin said, Pedri and Ferran smirking. "Good luck then." Pedri teased.
Later that night, Fermín saw you all alone, walking over to you, towering over you. "I'd touch you, but Gavi'd kill me." He said, a hand gently lifting your chin, moving gaze to him.
"And I'll kill you too" You mumbled and gave him an angry look.
Fermin wasn't intimidated. A smirk tugged at his lips. He chuckled, his thumb rubbing the skin of your chin softly.
"Feisty." He said lowly. "I like it."
His hand dropped from your chin, his other hand going to your hip, pulling you flush against him. "You and Gavi official?” He asked, gaze still on your face.
"Siince 2 months, yeah" You mumbled, still holding that angry look.
He hummed at the answer, his smirk remaining. The hand on your hip slid behind you, tugging you even closer, his other hand going to your hip.
"Lucky guy." He muttered lowly, his gaze scanning your figure, drinking in how your body felt pressed up against his. "Too good." He added, his hands squeezing lightly on your hips as he looked back up at your face.He tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing slightly as he gazed down at you. "Do you talk back to him too?” He asked, knowing damn well you were one feisty girl.
His eyes dropped to your mouth, licking his lips as he did so. “Or does he boss you around?” He questioned, one hand moving up to your chin again, tilting your head up slightly, thumb coming to brush over your bottom lip.
"Do you mean in bed or general?" You asked with an attitude, not very pleased by fermins actions.
He chuckled, his thumb tracing your bottom lip. His gaze hardened in response, his grip on your hip tightening slightly. "Attitude." He muttered lowly, tone bordering on warning.
"Both." He answered, his thumb moving from your lip to the tip of your chin. He tilted your head back again, eyes scanning your face. "I’m guessing Gavi’s too much of a nice guy to keep you in line, huh?"
"Hes dominant in bed, the best." You told him before trying to walk away.
Fermin was caught off guard by the answer, letting out a low, surprised chuckle. He kept a firm grip on your hip, preventing you from moving.
“Oh, is he?” He replied, tone hinting at amusement. He leaned down, his head dropping next to your ear. “I bet.” He mutters lowly, his fingers digging into your hip, pulling you back against him. “You know… I’m better.” He whispered into your ear."i dont think so, you couldnt make me cum three times in a row could you? i bet the girl who you were with had to fake her orgasm too" You told him with an attitude and gave him an angry look.
He was caught off guard again, eyes widening as his smirk faltered. He’s not used to being given that much attitude, especially not about his sex life.
“Oh, you do like pushing buttons, don’t you?” He questioned lowly, his eyes narrowing as he pulled you flushed against him. "I don’t hear my partners complaining.” He shot back, his gaze fixed on your face. "And they know better than to fake it." He added, giving you a smile.
"If I was with you id fake it just so it could finally be over. Now excuse me, my boyfriend is calling." You mumbled and walk back to Gavi who wore a bright smile on his face
"I hate Fermin" You whispered into gavis ear.
Gavi’s smile widened as you whispered in his ear, his hand coming to rest on your waist as he continued his conversation with Yamal.
"Why?" Gavi questioned, gaze flickering to where Fermín stood across the room. "What’d he do?"
"He talked about how he wanted to have sex with me, he knows we're official" You said in an annoyed tone while giving fermin who was standing in the distance an angry look.
Gavi’s eyes widened slightly at your words, looking towards where Fermín stood before his gaze returned to you. He saw the expression on your faces, knowing that the conversation between you and Fermín was anything but calm.
“He did?” Gavi asked, his grip on your waist tightening slightly. “Did you tell him to stop?” His tone slightly hinted at worry.
"No i tried to give him hints to stop but he didn't, so i walked back to you" You told him. Gavi sighed under his breath, his gaze flickering to Fermin before refocusing on you. He knew how much of an idiot Fermín could be, especially when it came to girls.
“Did he touch you?” He questioned, his eyes scanning over your body.
"Yeah he did" You nodded your head and kept your eyes on his.
Gavi’s eyes darkened at your reply, his hold on your waist tightening yet again. His gaze hardened as he continued to look over you. “Where?” He asked, tone hinting at slight possessiveness.
"My waist, the very top of my ass too, he pressed me against himself." You told him. Gavi’s jaw clenched, annoyance visible in his gaze. He knew damn well that Fermin was making a move on you and it pissed him off.
“Did he now?” He asked, his grip on you waist moving to your hip, pulling you close to his side. “He knows we’re together, he shouldn’t have done that."
"That's also what i told him, didn't he break the bro code?" You asked him.
"He knows that.” Gavi replied, his eyes flicking to Fermín. "He’s just an idiot." He muttered, gaze returning to you. He sighed, his hand on your hip gently rubbing the spot where Fermin had touched you.
"I’m going to talk to him." Gavi stated, gently tugging you with him towards where Fermin was still standing.
"I'll come with you" You interlocked you fingers with his.
Gavi gave a soft smile as you interlocked your fingers with his, grip tightening slightly. He started walking towards Fermín, you by his side.
Fermín had been watching the two of you in the distance, seeing as Gavi was heading over to him. He smirked as he saw you following Gavi, eyes flickering to your entwined fingers.Gavi finally reached Fermín, coming to a halt before him. Gavi’s gaze lingered on Fermín, an annoyed expression on his face.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Gavi questioned, hand gently tugging you closer to him.
Fermin chuckled, gaze flickering to Gavi before scanning over your body briefly. He raised his eyebrows at the possessiveness Gavi displayed by moving you closer to him.
“What do you mean?” He asked, acting innocently. He knew why Gavi was pissed.
Gavi narrowed his eyes at Fermin’s response, his expression still annoyed. He knew Fermín was playing innocent.
“You know what I mean.” Gavi said, his gaze now hard as he fixed Fermin with a glare. “What were you doing, talking to her? Touching her?”
Fermin’s smirk widened, a gleam in his eyes. He was getting a kick out of how defensive Gavi was being. He shrugged casually.
"Just having a conversation." He replied innocently. “Can’t blame a guy for trying with a girl like her.” He added, gaze flicking over your figure.
Gavi’s jaw clenched, annoyance growing by the second. He could feel the anger rising as Fermin openly spoke about his intentions towards you.
"She’s not single, you jackass.” Gavi said between gritted teeth, grip on your hip tightening.
Fermin chuckled, a devious smirk playing on his lips. He noticed how Gavi’s grip was getting tighter, your body getting pulled closer to his. He loved knowing that he was getting under Gavi’s skin.
“Oh, is that so?” He replied, tone dripping with faux innocence. “She didn’t mention that part.”
Gavi’s eyes widened, his expression changing from annoyed to livid. He felt a surge of anger as Fermin continued to act ignorant.
“Bullshit.” He spat out, his grip on your hip tight enough to leave a bruise. “She’s my girlfriend and you know that.”
Fermin chuckled at Gavi’s response, his smirk remaining. He could feel the tension in the air and he was enjoying every second of it.
“Oh, I forgot.” Fermín replied sarcastically, his gaze flicking between you and Gavi. “You have quite the grip on her, don’t you?” He commented, eyes lingering on the tight grip Gavi had on your hip.
Gavi’s glare hardened at Fermin’s comment, his grip on you hip tightening even more. He could feel your body pressed against his side.
"Damn right I do." He retorted fiercely, his tone possessive. "She’s mine. You need to back off."
Fermin smirked again, amused by how possessive Gavi was being. He loved how his mere presence was causing Gavi to act this way. "Is that a warning?" He asked, tone daring. "Afraid I might take her away from you?"
Gavi’s jaw clenched, anger and annoyance evident in his gaze. He didn’t like where this conversation was heading.
“Damn right it’s a warning.” He replied, voice low and firm. “You need to keep your hands to yourself. She’s mine.”Fermín chuckled once again, clearly enjoying this. He took a step closer, his smirk unwavering.
“Possessive, aren’t you?” He commented, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Afraid I might give her something better?” He taunted.Gavi’s eyes darkened, a new wave of anger rushing through him. He felt a strong urge to punch Fermin right there.
“Keep dreaming, you jackass.” Gavi spat out, grip on your hip almost bordering pain now. “She doesn’t want you.”Fermín chuckled, his smirk widening into a smug smile. He could tell he was getting exactly the reaction he wanted out of Gavi.
“Oh, are you sure about that?” He asked, tone mocking. He took another step closer, eyes flicking to your face. “Maybe she’d prefer someone who knows how to treat a girl right.”Gavi’s eyes narrowed, his gaze filled with anger. He felt like he was about to explode, his anger levels through the roof.
“Like you?” He spat out, tone dripping with sarcasm. “You wouldn’t know how to treat her right if it smacked you in the face.”Fermín’s smirk turned into a cocky grin. He loved how riled up Gavi was getting.
“Oh, I know how to treat a girl, alright.” He replied, tone dripping with confidence. “And I guarantee you, I know how to make her feel things you’ve never even dreamt of.” His gaze lingered on your face, studying your expression.Gavi’s jaw clenched again, his expression filled with jealousy and irritation. He knew damn well what Fermin was implying and it pissed him off.
“You’re delusional if you think she’d ever even consider you.” Gavi replied, his grip on your hip now almost painfully tight. “She’s mine. Only mine."
Fermin chuckled once more, clearly enjoying every second of this. He loved seeing Gavi get so defensive and possessive over you.
“We’ll see about that.” He retorted, tone cocky. “But I guarantee you, I’ll be the one on her mind when she’s alone.”
Gavi felt his anger reach its peak, the urge to punch Fermín growing stronger by the second. He was getting close to losing his temper.
“In your dreams.” He spat out, tone harsh. “She wouldn’t touch you with a ten-foot pole.”
Fermin chuckled again, clearly relishing in the tension and hostility between them. He knew he was treading in dangerous territory, but he couldn't help himself.
“You sure about that?” He taunted, taking another step closer. “I’ve seen the way she looks at me. She wants me, it’s obvious.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at the confidence Fermin was having, nothing he said was true.
Gavi’s eyes hardened, his grip on your hip tightening even more. He didn’t like where this conversation was going.
"She doesn’t want you, you idiot." He repeated, tone firm. "She loves me, not you."
Fermin smiles again, enjoying how provoked Gavi was. He wasn’t giving up yet.
"How can you be so sure?" He retorted, tone cocky. "Maybe she just hasn’t realized what she’s missing out on." He glanced at you, eyes lingering on your figure.
"Leave it alone Gavi, it doesn't matter." You nudged Gavi's shoulder. Gavi felt your nudge on his shoulder, his gaze flickering to you for a moment before returning to Fermin.
He took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He knew you were trying to calm him down, but he couldn’t ignore the way Fermin was looking at you.
"He’s pissing me off." Gavi muttered, grip on your hip still tight. Gavi hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between you and Fermín. He knew you were right, but the anger was still coursing through him.
Then, finally, he nodded and let out a deep breath. "Fine." He agreed, reluctantly pulling you away from Fermin. "Let’s go."
Fermin watched as Gavi finally relented and began walking away, with you by his side. His cocky smirk faded slightly, realizing that he had lost this round.
He let out a frustrated sigh, before calling out to Gavi. "Hey, Gavi!" He shouted, tone smug still. "One day, she’ll realize what she’s missing out on, and it won’t be you."
Gavi froze in his tracks, hearing Fermin’s shout. Anger flared up within him once again.
He turned his head slightly to look back at Fermin, his expression still livid.
"Not a chance in hell." He retorted, tone confident. "She’s mine, and she’ll always be mine."
Fermin chuckled, unfazed by Gavi’s fierce response. He loved getting under his skin.
“We’ll see about that.” He replied, tone casual. “I have confidence, and I know I have more to offer her than you ever will.”
Gavi gritted his teeth, his anger flaring up again. He knew that Fermin was just trying to provoke him, but it was working.
"You have nothing to offer her." He retorted, tone cold. "She doesn’t need someone like you."
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