#and Casey jr's badge says 'lawyer jr'
tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Giving that Angie canonically loves anything that’s family related. I think he would love to do fun activities with both families together.
I can personally see him talking both his 2003(+ Plus April and Casey) and Rise (+April,Casey and Draxum) families to some sort of family outing on the hidden city.
Only to later get arrested by the hidden city police
It is late, and i should be going to bed. but this was too good to pass up! b/c yes! Angie would totally drag both families out for a bonding day, and they'd all someone get arrested again (except for Casey Jr. b/c he's an angel. And Angie was probably keeping him out of trouble lol) so basically-
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Raph got his identity mistaken again and thus arrested. Raphie did not like Raph getting arrested and fought the cops over it. Thus arrested. Casey and Cassandra were disturbing the peace somewhere. Then also fought the cops when told to stop. Splinter and Teddy bear Draxum tried to fight in a parking lot. Arrested. Aprils went to the Witch town but Rise April was recognized and cops called. After giving the cops a two hour chase sequence they were also arrested for resisting arrest. Leon and Mikey Leo all got arrested together but i'm not entirely sure what they did. The same for Don and Donnie.
Thank you! This was fun! : )
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