#and - you guessed it - tumblr didn't save my changes. 2 hours of work and 40+ asks down the drain.
thewertsearch 2 years
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loganhowlctt 3 years
i just hit 3k followers and i just want to say thank you all so much for following my silly little blog!!! im so happy i joined this community and made some amazing friends because of it 馃挅馃グ i cant thank ya'll enough, you all really helped my get through the past year <333 i've also noticed it's just good for me to have this creative outlet by gifmaking and it's so nice to see all the appreciation i get in return for it!!
I'm thinking about maybe doing a follower milestone event, if anyone is interested? please let me know!!
also, if anyone is interested, here's a little life update :)
luckily all my other colleagues were absolutely great people and fun to be with, and the work itself was alright too, eventhough i had different expectations from it. another fun thing about it is that i still get to go on a worktrip to SPAIN this weekend!! fortunately its just me and another colleague i like lol
I've basically just finished up my internship! honestly, i was kinda disappointed by it bc my boss (who was also my internship supervisor) turned out to be a dick and didn't have any of his shit together. no structure, very unclear tasks, EXTREMELY cheap, no overview of anything, doesn't deliver on promises, etc. he just doesn't know how to treat his employees and doesn't know how to run a company. if you can even call it a company, with him, two interns, a partimer, a freelancer and a permanent employee he hired way too late (A MONTH after his predecessor found another job and left. how can you put off finding a replacement for a month????). who also quit after 2 months, along with my fellow intern bc they found out just how bad it was lmao
i've kept my teacher up to date about all of this and fortunately she is aware of the circumstances and i'll still pass my internship, eventhough my boss gave me invalid negative feedback. so im glad at least schoolwise it all worked out, i just wish the work environment would've been better :/
so yeah im currently writing this from a hotel room (first hotel ive ever stayed at!! the bed is HUGE). i have an extremely early flight tomorrow, and get back very late sunday night. and then i have to be back at school at 10am the next day lmao rip me. but its worth it for a free trip to spain :)
i also moved out of the place i rented for my internship today, so this weekend has already been very stressfull lol. the place was alright to stay at for a few months, but very tiny and smelled like sewage every now and then so i'm happy to get out of there haha.
so yeah, busy weekend, lots of change again. i start my new semester on monday, i'm very excited to finally physically go to school again and see all my friends again! i'm also very excited to see what the minor i chose will be. basically i'm ready to start a new chapter and leave this one far behind (aside from my colleagues, I'd like to keep in contact with them!)
OH YEAH WAIT my tumblr account got suspended for a little while today too lol, because i was hoarding too many urls 馃槄 i had to delete them all to get it unsuspended, luckily i could save some of my favourites to my backup account. this really added on extra stress i really didn't need today, luckily i got it all sorted out lmao (i didn't realise i was hoarding about 40 urls 馃槵馃槵馃槵 so i guess it was bound to happen eventually 馃槄)
i have to wake up in like 6 hours so i'm going to sleep lol, i hope you found this little life update interesting haha <3
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