#and ''being weak and traumatized shows how feminine and unmanly you are so you'll never be a real man''
genderkoolaid · 2 years
i feel like there's a specific kind of fucked up you experience when you are a trans man/masc who's been traumatized by men, where you deeply want to be socially recognized as a man and interact with men but you also have this wariness around cis men (which, unless you live in an area just bursting with tguys, are probably the men who you interact with a lot) that makes you feel intrinsically divided. not to mention how that trauma almost feminizes you- like what devon price talked about in his article, about cis women taking transmasc trauma and trying to use it to push a narrative about Womanhood and Being Female, AND how trauma and being emotionally "weak" are things men are socially punished for. all very fucked up
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