#anakin rings his fbi agent like 'how does dating work'
jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Summary: Anakin Skywalker was the former enforcer of the Sidious, a ruthless crime lord. Now in witness protection, he maneuvers garage sales, kindergarten, and the local amateur gangs. And sometimes, when Luke and Leia are busy baking mud cakes in the garden, he even has time to flirt with his rather attractive neighbor Obi-Wan. AN: Wrote this for @anakinskywalkher. Fluff and crack treated seriously.
Four years ago, Anakin Lars hadn’t thought he’d ever end up living in some white-picket-fence suburban neighborhood. Hell, two months ago he hadn’t even entertained the thought that he might actually get to experience what the average Coruscant citizen might view as normal. But he also hadn’t been Anakin Lars then, only Anakin Skywalker at best and Darth Vader at worst. He wasn’t on the run anymore or praying that the government decided his information wasn’t good enough to let him keep his children.
He was just a single father with two adorable children, driving them home from kindergarten in a freaking SUV. Granted, it was an already tuned SUV because he wouldn’t be caught dead in such a car – the windows weren’t even bulletproof – but it was still such a weirdly middle-class car. Anakin had never been stuck in something like that, only ever the fastest cars Palpatine’s money had been able to buy.
But that was years ago.
Now Anakin would make noodles for lunch and then he’d think of ways to entertain two four-year-olds until their bedtime. He parked the car in their garage and waited for Luke and Leia to get out as well while he took the groceries out of the trunk. When he had bought the child seats, the seller had assured him that the twins wouldn’t be able to get out of it on their own. It had taken Leia three days to prove him wrong and Luke another two.
“And we played catch with Ezra,” Leia said as they walked over to the front door. “Ezra is fun.”
“So you like kindergarten now?” Anakin asked.
Leia’s face scrunched up and she immediately grabbed his hand. “No, I want to stay with Daddy.”
Surprisingly, Luke had thrown less of a fuss about going to kindergarten then Leia. He was the clingier child usually, always needed Anakin or Leia in his sights and hated sleeping alone. Every night he’d move into Leia’s bed or drag his sister with him into Anakin’s. He’d read in some parenting forums that he should discourage such behavior, but Anakin only had half as many nightmares when he wasn’t alone, so he really didn’t feel like stopping the two of them. Leia was more independent, curious, tested her limits every day and asked “Why?” until he had to start googling for answers, yet getting her ready in the morning was still an ordeal every other day. Where Luke had quickly integrated with the other kids, Leia had not. It was nothing unusual apparently, Anakin had not yet failed entirely as a parent, but hearing that she liked at least one kid that was not Luke still calmed him.
“Daddy, daddy, look!” Luke pulled excitedly at Anakin’s other arm and pointed towards his left. “Mr. Obi-Wan is back! Hello, Mr. Obi-Wan!”
True to his son’s words, their neighbor was apparently also returning home right now, parking his bike right next to his meticulously cared for hydrangea bushes. Anakin wasn’t exactly sure what Obi-Wan’s job was, but the man kept some odd hours and was home quite often during lunch time when Anakin was cooking for the twins.
Obi-Wan looked up and smiled one of his stupidly handsome smiles Anakin kind of wished he could just forget about.
“Hello, Luke,” Obi-Wan greeted. “How are you going today?”
Luke glanced up at Anakin and when he nodded, the four-year-old rushed over to the fence separating the two properties, trampling through the not yet planted vegetable plots.
“I’m good! Daddy’s gonna make his special chocolate cookies today. Do you want one?”
Anakin had not in fact planned on making cookies today and was just about to remind Luke that they had been planning on eating healthy for the remainder of the week, when Obi-Wan already agreed that he’d been honored to try one.
“But we don’t have any chocolate!” Leia shouted and then promptly decided to involve herself and Anakin the conversation by pulling her father over to Luke.
She would know, given that she had raided their entire stash yesterday, earning herself a stomach ache.
“Oh, no!” Obi-Wan said, faking shock. “No chocolate at all?”
“No chocolate,” Leia replied seriously while Luke nodded.
Obi-Wan crossed his arms in front of his chest and pretended to consider the situation very deeply. It made Anakin smile to see someone go along so easily with the twins’ antics. To be fair, most of the people he’d met in the neighborhood so far seemed kind and helpful. Plo Koon, who lived across the street together with his daughter Ahsoka, had shown up multiple times with home-cooked meals already, offering to help Anakin out with the twins should he ever need a break. But still, Obi-Wan was not someone who knew how difficult dealing with kids on your own was, he was just that nice.
“I believe I still have some chocolate in my kitchen,” Obi-Wan finally said. “If you want to, you can have it.”
“Really?” The twins exclaimed in unison. “Daddy, please, can we?”
“So now you ask me, huh?” Anakin grinned. “Well, I don’t know. What are you going to give Obi-Wan in turn.”
“Two cookies,” Leia said immediately.
“Only two?”
“Maybe three?” Luke offered. “And Mr. Obi-Wan can decorate the cookies.”
“I take it that decorating is a very important part of the baking process?”
The twins both shook their head. “The importantest.”
“Most important,” Anakin corrected lightly. “We’ll eat lunch now and then get started in an hour, if that’s alright with you?”
“Sure, I don’t have another shift today, unless there’s an emergency,” Obi-Wan replied. “I’ll bring the chocolate over then.”
“Until later then.”
The twins waved Obi-Wan goodbye and proceeded to tell Anakin how many cookies they were going to make today, claiming impossibly high numbers. It wasn’t until he was putting the groceries in the fridge that Anakin realized he’d just invited Obi-Wan over to his house to bake together with his children.
Was that strange? Anakin had no idea, the closest he’d come to have another adult in his space spending time with him and his children in the past years was showing Agent Vos that he could, in fact, cook for the twins and had been taught how to do more than kill another human person.
He had no idea what to do.
He needed to call Quinlan.
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