#an oc friend of reg's who's gonna be on my mumu seemed like a good idea 2 have something about them here
icarianfate-blog · 6 years
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                                        ALCOTT ROWLE
                             D.O.B.: 12.3. 69       NATIONALITY: English                              BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood    HOUSE: Slytherin                              ORIENTATION: ?????    GENDER: ??????                              OCCUPATION: Unspeakable    AFFLIATION: None                              WAND: Pear, Dragon heartstring 12", Quite Bendy Alcott is one of the few people Regulus can safely call his friend and quite possibly the only one he can call his close friend.  They met through the pureblood circles their parents frequented and gravitated towards each other as two of the more quiet children. They continued on to become friends from their shared interests and well matched personalities. Both were clever, secretive and curious and started many a secret project to learn more about magic or make something silly a child would think up.  As time went on Regulus became more of a social figure while Alcott remained more introverted which left them in two separate circles usually. This did not hinder their friendship despite what one would think and the two continued to be close confidants though not always in each other’s company like before. They had several means of staying in touch from the secretive to the obvious and used all religiously. After Regulus became a Death Eater Alcott considered joining out of loyalty and curiosity about Voldemort’s claims of immortality but never did. In their 7th year Alcott’s mother became deathly ill and she spent basically the rest of the First Wizarding War helping to care for her and then grappling with the aftermath.  Regulus did not make Alcott aware of the Horcrux per say, but did leave his private journal with her, knowing that if things didn’t go to plan she could in theory crack it and figure it out. After the war Alcott became an Unspeakable and began to slowly transform the family’s massive greenhouse into a private workspace for all her grim experimentation she did as a hobby. Regulus visited frequently as a break from the Malfoys and later as a break from his work renovating Grimmauld Place, tinkering on projects with her and drinking the Rowle’s wine.  Alcott is a decently pleasant person, intelligent, kind, curious and even-tempered. She is however a bit of a mad scientist and her ethics can be dubious at best because of it. While her work for the ministry is top secret, her side research is not and she’s well known for working on the bizarre, unknown and rare--- as well as her methods. The more lawful good types would be horrified by her vivisections and dissection of everything from creatures to beings, human experimentation and werewolves kept in captivity for observation and testing. All nightmarish to others, but the werewolves did volunteer and if we don’t test on humans how can we know the effects? Gruesome things have to be done if we want progress after all. 
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