#an argument can be made: wizarding britain was 3000 people… in harry's time. if you think 1990s = any other century from the past ->
superconductivebean · 2 months
#1142: ranty ranty
i've the weirdest reason to like hl: late 19 century means beаuxbatons had plenty of people from the russiаn empire and if you're aiming to create the tournament you'll basically have a rundown on the differences between the english, the--
uh huh huh
The Greatest Storyteller Of The MillenniaTM made it harder to write about other schools for magic because you just explain to me what should a person think of the entire CONTINENT to give europe only 2 schools for magic? just imagine beаuxbatons in the beginning of the 19th century or in the middle of the century. throw in koldоtvoretz and have your hair falling off your head because this lump of land has always been roughly 7000 kms in length from west to east; yet it has 1 (ONE) school for magic. durmstrаng is a private school and should had been The North (or Germany?) except Bulgaria is Greece's next door neighbour. honestly I WANT TO SCREAM and so here is my hot take opinion on it all: hp is such a western gaze if u ask me
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