#amulu i didn't know how to NOT ramble. ;;
soldierwatch · 6 years
ツ : An OC you created that you are proud of?
ஃ  ➡ mun questions. // @lordamulu
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oh no here we go !!amulu you asked the WORST ( best ) question.
this is a long post.
SO it’s not so much as a single MUSE, as a cyberpunk dystopian CITY filled w/ OCs i shamelessly adore—but of course, there is one trash boy i love above all others.
lemme tell you about dox & his home—
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                                 i’ve worldbuilt this place called the UNDERCITY.
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it’s, as the name suggests, the SHIT-END of a city—a futuristic city ( in the middle of a desert ) that’s built INTO the ground - one-hundred levels, split into three parts : the UPPER-LEVELS : 
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it’s where the RICH & FAMOUS live—levels 100 through 87, each level receiving SUNLIGHT & FRESH AIR ; 
the MIDDLE-LEVELS ( med-lev for short ) :
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86 through 53 ; the level you live on dictates your SOCIAL-STATUS. 
& then finally, the Lower-levels ; the Undercity :
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levels 52-21 ( the remaining levels down to zero uninhabitable, UNCOMPLETED in construction, as it’s too close to the radioactive isotopes of the earth ). citizens can travel between the Upper & Middle levels freely, but the Undercity is completely BLOCKED OFF—there’s a massive barrier in place locking the people in there ; it USED to be an open area, but the Administrators of the city soon found the denizens of the UC - referred to as Slumrats ( originally an insult, but the people adopted it as their official epithet ) - were too DANGEROUS to be allowed freedom.
             SEE, there’s this man down there named 5liip.
he’s the leader of the #1 gang down in the Undercity, {Black Bracket}. though the UC is chaotic as all-hell, deemed UNCONTROLLABLE, this man is essentially the KING.
( there are HUNDREDS of gangs running amok down there, with the top four being {BB}, followed by 7R0U8L3, then poisyn, & finally Carnival, all specializing in different consumer content to get ahead & earn their status. )
5liip is a MANIPULATIVE sonuvabitch, & DAMN he does it WELL—he corralled the UNCONTROLLABLE slumrats of the UC and kick-started an UPRISING that cost him his wife. the undercity had originally been levels 40-21, but with 5liip’s lead they STOLE twelve whole levels.
( his second-in-command is named Lobster, & I love him. he originally went by ‘Mobster’ until he dyed his hair red & everyone in the gang started calling him ‘Lobster.’ he speaks entirely in Leet, & I will explain everything in these parentheses : )
i’ve Of Course created gang leaders & their SiCs, but I’ve gone further and developed dialects for a language spoken - LEET. there’s three forms of it in the city : SPEAKING it, SIGNING it, & WRITING it. to SPEAK it is to essentially list your numbers to their corresponding numbers, ‘H-three-Y four-M-U-L-U’ ; signing it is just applying sign language instead of SPEAKING ; & writing, is, 0F C0UR53, JU57 7H3 7YP3D F0RM.
i’ve developed SLANG for Leet & it’s three forms ( 17 is both an INSULT & a CURSE, synonymous to both shit or bitch depending on context ), there are even MORE curses & insults peppered in common language ( grimesucker, gutterhead—i’ve created DRINKS & DRUGS, & most importantly the TECH known as ONLINE DRIVES.
At birth everyone receives an incision in their left arm into which is planted their own unique Online Drive. It’s a thin plate accompanied with a USB, a card, and a code.  The USB can be entered into most home systems for accessing the Online Store - which is just the hub of things you can purchase with your drive ( movies, clothes, music ), you can play games, enter chat-rooms ( you can even purchase cell-like devices, enter your OD code, and it basically works as a cellphone )—it’s basically the internet.  The card is how you pay for things OUTSIDE the Online Store - just physical shopping n’ such, like a debit card - all your Counts ( the city’s currency ) are stored on your Online Drive account. —the code is just your unique number - sort of like your SSN, but used frequently and all over the place if you’re unable to use your USB / card.
                    bUT SO— when the chip is implanted it sends out a surge of nano-bots that travel throughout the body to reach specific destinations and make homes.
The ‘infection’ of nanobots and the signals they send out affect the entire body - it’s how, when you purchase Hue Alterations on the Online Store, the changes IMMEDIATELY install. For example, dying your hair. With just a SWIPE across a holo-screen you could change your hair color from red to blue.  Those nanobots get into every aspect of your genetic make-up and affect it how you want. …But body modifications are EXPENSIVE, especially inflated if you take the Online Drive route instead of making these changes yourself - hair dye, tattoos, certain physical procedures.
There are THOUSANDS of people in the city that have powers, which is not a lot compared to how many people live there OVERALL— people aren’t BORN with the magic, just the POTENTIAL to GAIN it— it all depends on their genetic make-up, and how the Online Drives merge with them.
It’s RARE, but the signals the nanobots send out have reported cases of TRIGGERING certain genes, applying unique magical abilities that the Resident can take advantage of, assuming the activated power is something that can be CONTROLLED.
Every ability is UNIQUE, no repeated case having yet been recorded.
—as can be read in an excerpt stolen from my blog,you can see there are people with POWERS in the city - that brings us to DOX.
dawson cox, though ( you may have picked up on this ) NO ONE in the Undercity goes by their REAL name ; when you live in a TRASH-HEAP where ANYTHING can be stolen from you, your TRUE IDENTITY is the ONE THING you get to keep for yourself ( & sharing it with someone is a MONUMENTAL show of TRUST ). 
SO DAWSON COX goes by the alias ‘Dox,’ & he was granted HEALING powers through his Online Drive—something for which he HATED in the beginning, viewing such ability as something ‘effeminate’ ( as a child, he’d wished he’d gotten something cooler like FIRE MANIPULATION, as Lobster has )—BECAUSE of his healing abilities he was picked off the street as a slumbrat ( obviously, what they call the children of the Undercity ) & taken in to live with a Mechmender known as Kejja ( a GOOD THING, really, since it’s extremely RARE for parents to keep their children, & most slumbrats don’t have homes—not that there are harsh weather conditions to worry about, considering the Undercity is basically a massive PRISON ).
Kejja had abused Dox’s abilities, abused Dox, until finally one day Dox just killed the dud & took over his engineering shop, turning it into a small little CLINIC where he traded MIRACLES for FAVORS ( or Counts, being the city’s currency ).
Dox mostly shelters the slumbrats, letting them cycle in & out of his home when they need it, knowing the streets can be DANGEROUS & kids can be STUPID.
in return, the slumbrats bring him back INFORMATION, given the kids of the city make REALLY GOOD spies—& down there, INFORMATION is valuable above ALL ELSE.
dox is SASSY & MEAN but goddamn he’s a FIGHTER ; stubborn & rude,but loyal as HELL to people who prove themselves WORTHY.i love my trash son.
i just blanked.
i don’t know what else to say from here—
LOOK, just—
this is the tip of the iceberg. all the information about this character & the city & all the OTHER characters can be read on the blog, GRIMESUCKER —
i have a lot of love for this place. thank you for asking this question. ♥
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