#amerikkkan flag
gsohb · 6 months
Hip-Hop Royalty: Capital Steez
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"Dear diary, what a day it's been." - from Free The Robots
Prior to 2023, if you had asked me who Capital Steez was, I honestly would've drawn a blank.
This isn't a note on the ferocious talent of this young man, but more so an admission of how much of an old ass, I actually am.
But sure enough, in 2023, I became familiar with the music of Steez, and needless to say, I haven't stopped listening, since.
STEEZ was born Courtney Everald Dewar Jr. on July 7th, 1993 in Brooklyn, New York (city). He attended the well known Edward R. Murrow High School.
According to his wiki, STEEZ was a happy kid. Always with a smile on his face, he would don a short afro and skinny jeans.
During the late 2000's, STEEZ co-founded the PRO ERA rap collective with childhood friend and fellow rapper Joey Badass.
Have you ever heard of the Beast Coast Movement? Well, it was (and is) a thing.
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Beast Coast Movement
Apparently it was a term that STEEZ used to describe the musical conglomerate that was PRO ERA, Flatbush Zombies, and The Underachievers.
Unfortunately, on December 23rd, 2012, Courtney ended his life.
But, I don't want this entire to piece to be about his passing. I would like to discuss his talent and legacy left on hip hop.
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Lol! Apparently, he had a sense of humor, too.
His Music
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I always know when a song, particularly a rap song is good, because I'll be listening to it, and say, "This is what I'm talking about!"
It's like when you've been looking for a particular brand of butter for months. Yeah, the others are good and get the job done, but THIS kind of butter makes food fun and nutritious.
That's the feeling I got when I first listened to Apex.
First what I love about this video is how fun it is. I appreciate the jovial, fun energy that's only complimented by half serious, half jokey lyrics.
Maybe I'm biased, because this is one of my favorite types of rap styles.
Also, do you hear that beat?
Another one I really enjoy listening to is Free The Robots.
Okay, first of all. THIS VIDEO.
This video definitely is giving me liminal space vibes. Anyone else? No?
I really appreciate how there's different clips, and videos from different sources. Feels like STEEZ was trying to convey a message with all the clips arranged like so.
Now, with the music: I feel hypnotized. Just listening to this makes me feel dreamy, but also really really dreary. You ever seen Requiem For A Dream? | Yeah, that kind of dreamy/dreary.
Which is coincidental, because throughout the song, STEEZ mentions how destructive drugs have been to him personally and the world at large.
Free The Robots
STEEZ also touches on politics, very heavily here, such as 9/11 and certain ways he'd like past presidents to be dealt with. :)
AmeriKKKan Korruption | King Capital
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STEEZ posing with left hand over left eye, while draped in a large American flag.
So, there is an album.
Or rather, a mixtape.
Capital STEEZ had released a solo mixtape titled AmeriKKKan Korruption, on April 7th, 2012.
The mixtape contained a total of 14 tracks, although a number of other rappers, producers and PRO ERA members have graciously contributed to its track count.
After his passing, in 2013 there had been an announcement by friend and fellow rapper Joey Badass that a posthumous album, titled King Capital would be released. While a song did come of it (King Steelo), the album King Capital would never actually be released.
On January 2nd, 2018, Joey Badass stated to fans that due to legalities, the album's release would be delayed to later that year.
As of 2024, the project King Capital is still unreleased.
His Legacy
I'm not sure what things would have looked like for STEEZ had he survived throughout the years.
What I will say, is that a talent and voice like he had is desperately needed now. In fact, maybe STEEZ's energy is still alive and well in some other rapper who just may have the talent, but hasn't been tweeted about by XXL.
Maybe we need to begin searching out talented artists, and boosting them up ourselves.
Also, it goes without mentioning, that it was said that STEEZ had been dealing with some emotional battles. I want to say that if you find yourself dealing with emotional, mental issues, getting help doesn't make you weak.
But taking your life doesn't make you weak either. It just means the help you needed didn't arrive on time.
God bless everyone, and long live STEEZ.
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sleepycicada · 2 months
i am actually gagging at how i forgot to crop the amerikkkan flag out of that picture im so sorry
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derblacksheep · 7 years
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pian-ran · 5 years
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All day today at Fuck Yeah Marxism-Leninism, like every July 4th, we celebrate the best thing you can do with an ameriKKKan flag (as demonstrated by these #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd protesters at CNN Center in Atlanta on May 29, 2020).
Burn baby burn!
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why the fuck would a phillipino hero wear the amerikkkan flag anyway, like honestly it's 2021 captain america as a visual concept is just goddamn ridiculous can they stop extending it to heroes of color????? it works for certain characters cause there's a history but to push past this century and to heroes that have history with other countries cultures that best explain their relationship to colonialism is just trash at this point
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nateaz · 3 years
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Could the United States really ever accept the real truth instead of remaining in perpetual denial of the fact that no matter who you vote for - #SettlerColonialism always remains the winner? Native peoples have been flying this flag in distress for well over a century now YET Trump supporters now feel compelled to only turn it upside down since the Biden Era began!? See the disconnect between the two groups? One, Trump Supporters are vastly more privileged while #Native #Indigenous peoples have been marginalized and subjugated from the very start! It’s not like there’s a Bureau of Caucasian Affairs? Yet, in the dominant culture the Anglo colonizers continue to deny the real truth while propping up the same old system that benefits them and the expense of others. That American system DOES NOT benefit everyone! That’s a fact! In the end, this entire system will eventually turn on everyone, including those that continue to prop it up thinking it benefits them. Word on the street is that regular Americans are the New Natives and Colonialism will eventually turn against its most ardent supporters because it’s unsustainable in the long run of endless greed and capitalism that spells endless wars and Amerikkkan Imperialism. And the end of the day, I want to know the real truth buried in the historical mythical lies of this colonial empire! #NativeLivesMatter! https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNaUBuFVA7/?igshid=6obnq5i0wrar
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tiffany-mitchell · 5 years
Carol has a CONFEDERATE FLAG and she's not even Amerikkkan so that adds an extra layer of disgusting. She went Out of her way to be completely racist and hateful. Girl BYE.
(Also for people saying they got bad vibes about her, I did too.)
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timetot · 4 years
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happy 4th. here’s some tunes to drown out the fireworks.
my rules for this playlist:
mostly artists of color
only songs from the last decade, mostly 2016-2020. (only exception was American Idiot, no ‘fuck america’ playlist is complete w/o it)
genres: rap, punk, hip hop
content warnings: profanity; f-slur + n-slur (only sung by a bi man and black artists respectively); disease as a metaphor; themes of genocide, racism, and police brutality
tracklist, selected lyrics, and image description under cut
1. american dreams - flobots
the merits of the heretic is where the patriot lives
2. bumbling shithead fascists - guante & big cats
i pledge allegiance to red flags that teach us / when allegiance is mandatory it doesn’t mean much
3. americans - janelle monáe
die in church, live in jail / say her name, twice in hell / uncle sam kissed a man / jim crow jesus rose again
4. american attraction - anti-flag
there's no escaping the american attraction / a bait and switch that's gonna fill you with distraction
5. american idiot - green day
now everybody do the propaganda / and sing along to the age of paranoia
6. AMERIKKKAN IDOL - joey bada$$
sorry white Amerikkka but I'm about to black out / got a message for the world and I won't back out
7. the disease - anti-flag
misery loves the company / apathy is feeding the machine / carried in the heart of kings and queens / and we are the disease
8. quarantine - flobots
women children frontline, platinum melt it down / eyes dripping milk as they try to smoke us out
9. this is america - childish gambino
this is america / don't catch you slippin' now
10. burn one down - ursus minor, boots riley, m1, umi, d' de kabal, & spike
fuck it, damn it, light it / i ain’t trippin’ if a cop’s excited / even if we hear the siren sound / you and me finna burn one down / burn the flag
11. dancing in the light while the city still burns (phoenixes) - flobots
i am a sleeping giant / deep inside i want peace and quiet / when unheard I may speak in riots / when unhinged the country’s on fire / when unquenched the thirst brings empires / to their knees and unspins the spires
12. a pragmatist’s guide to revolution - guante & big cats
so this is for the ballot, the bullet, the bulletin and the boycott / for the hand to hand, and the door to door / more and more, it’s growin’ in popularity / we don’t say peace, we say solidarity
13. crazy, classic life - janelle monáe
we don't need another ruler / all of my friends are kings / i am not america's nightmare / i am the american dream
14. LAND OF THE FREE - joey bada$$
in the land of the free, is for the free loaders / leave us dead in the street then be your organ donors / they disorganized my people, made us all loners / still got the last names of our slave owners
15. freedom - beyoncé feat. kendrick lamar
open correctional gates in higher desert / open our mind as we cast away oppression / open the streets and watch our beliefs / and when they carve my name inside the concrete / i pray it forever reads / freedom!
[image id: Screenshot of a Spotify playlist. The playlist art is a collage of album covers. The cover for “Noenemies” by Flobots is in brown tones and features a giant decaying steampunk robot looming over a crowd of protestors. The cover for “War Balloons” by Guante & Big Cats is a watercolor piece of giant purple jellyfish in a starry sky. The cover of “Dirty Computer” by Janelle Monáe is a picture of the artist from the shoulders up. She is wearing a beaded veil over her face and a sun forms a halo behind her. The cover of “American Fall” by Anti-Flag is a picture of the oval office with a stack of cash in the shape of skull in front of the desk.
the playlist text reads
Title: 7/4/2020
Description: happy independence day. burn a flag. wear a mask. black lives matter.
Created by timetot. 15 songs, 1 hr. /end id]
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migleefulmoments · 4 years
Hey. Just checking how you are.. I miss your blog and your words
Hi...yeah, I sorta disappeared.  I’m sorry  I have been feeling better (yay!) so I’ve been busier. Also, I’m working hard to get Democrats elected in Nov.(double yay because this country won’t survive another 4 years under Trump or republican control).  I have an Indivisible group that I founded in 2017. I hadn’t done much organizing but I merged with another group and we are hosting events and getting people involved. I have had to learn how to organize and thankfully everything is on Zoom. Zooming might seem awful to healthy people but people like me are grateful when things come to us. I’m so much more likely to get to a meeting if all I have to do is turn on my computer. I’ve had a few meetings while lying down in bed and there is always the option of turning off the camera if I really feel terrible. One must be careful to be sure the camera is actually off. Willam’s Beatdown (On William’s self-titled YouTube channel) last week included a Zoom meeting gone wrong. It was clearly a work meeting with 5 or 6 people. The host starts the meeting and then turns off his camera, or he thinks he turned off the camera. He proceeds to look at the screen intently, get up and get his lotion and Kleenex (by now some of the guys have figured it out), stares intently at his screen-picking a video- and proceeds to open his pants. They all start yelling trying to get his attention to tell him to stop but he can’t hear them and he’s clearly covered his Zoom screen with the porn site. They can’t even remove him because he’s the host! I can’t even imagine what you say after that.  
I’ve been baking sourdough bread almost every day and learned to make sourdough pizza, sourdough bagels, cultured butter, and all sorts of Indian food (man I love Indian food). I discovered water kefir which is my newest obsession.  It’s fermented with a scoby like Kombucha but not as sour or vinegary. It’s light and delicate, full of probiotics, fizzy and delicious. I’ve been worrying about the COVID numbers A LOT.  They are horrible in US  because republicans are so full of shit they have convinced themselves that Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh are smarter than Anthony Fauci and of all the medical experts who are screaming that this isn’t going to just “disappear”.  When you have spent the last 20+ years bullying your way through everything, it’s a natural instinct to believe you can bully your way out of COVID. It isn’t a surprise to anyone who respects science that America is a cesspool of COVID and it is going to take a long time to get this under control. Trump thinks a vaccine will make it disappear- it won’t even if everyone gets a shot and I don’t think that will happen. I’m not even sure I will get one. Trump has named it ‘operation warp speed”. I’ve been in medicine long enough to know that you don’t want your medications at “warp speed”. That’s how you end up with medical disasters. Trump doesn’t get or respect that. It’s going to take time to produce a viable vaccine with a strong response (I think they aiming for “more than 50%” which isn’t that impressive), get it manufactured, and then get it administrated.  In the US there is no plan in place on how they will do that. I’m sure Trump just imagines that it will happen like magic but it will take a lot of coordination to get the people in place to give the injection and coordinate how to give the shot to millions of Americas during a pandemic- COVID will still be a risk so it isn’t like you can have people globbed up in lines. The Lt Gov of Texas thinks the elderly should sacrifice themselves for the economy.  Amerikkkans think their freedum’s are being oppressed and they should get to refuse to wear a  mask if they want to because “it’s my body, my life”. Newsflash: masks aren’t to protect the wearer but to project the rest of the community s from the wearer’s germs. Hence ‘My body, my life” doesn’t make a damn bit of sense.  They should be chanting “I’m a fucking asshole and I don’t care about anyone but ME”. 
What nobody is talking about is why the death rate has gone down.  I’ve heard laypeople claim “we’ve learned a lot about treating the disease”. I don't’ think that is true at all. They learned to not put people on vents because they don’t come off them, they learned to put people prone (on their stomachs), and they are giving Dexathemethasone. None of those can be attributed to the drastic reduction in the death rate. I believe it is because at-risk people are staying home and the people getting COVID are younger, healthier, and much more likely to recover. But the elderly and high-risk can’t stay home forever. 
Trump’s gone full racist which is somewhat comforting to me because 1.Black America screamed enough and white America finally listened. It’s not a winning platform to dig down and give the speech that Trump/Bannon/Miller gave on Saturday, call Black Lives Matter in front of Trump Tower “a hate symbol”. Mary Hart flashed the white power sign while introducing him before the South Dakota speech where he stopped pretending and let his racist flag fly.  (As an aside because it also happened this weekend, Don Jrs’ girlfriend Kimberly found out she’s positive for COVID after attending a maskless republican event Friday night where spoke and then handed the mic directly to Jr sooooooo it’s getting closer and closer to Trump. Trump needs independents and some Democrats to win. He’s always needed them because there aren’t enough republicans in America to win. He’s done nothing to win voters outside his base and over the last 3 years, a pretty significant number of lifelong republicans have left the party. Doubling down on racism isn’t going to help votes in 2020   2. The rest of the gop is finally realizing that he’s a sinking ship. Their excitement and arrogance after shutting down the Mueller report and the Impeachment is now being tempered with the realization that they have created a monster that is going to eat all of them alive and there won’t be anything left of the gop when this is over.  3. The media is finally figuring out how to talk about Trump. Instead of quoting his lies and the horrible things he says without commentary on it being a lie or racism, they are finally calling him out.  4. Teflon Don is falling apart and that feels good.  Watching him get away with so much awful behavior has been demoralizing, defeating, and depressing.  It’s good to see he has finally hit a wall. Pretending COVID is going to magically go away, asking the Supreme Court to invalided the ACA DURING a pandemic and now his overt racism is going to be the end of Donny and the gop.  The Lincoln Project has an EXCELLENT PodCast Republicans Defeating Trump George Conway has done a lot of research into Trump’s behavior and mental illness and he has a good handle on Trump’s behavior.  Of course, his wife is Trump’s righthand woman- I can’t until this is over so we can all learn what the hell is going on in that marriage.  
I really didn't intend to write any words but then I word vomited all over Tumblr.  .  
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xphrostbytex-blog · 4 years
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Attention, all who suffer from mild to moderate pain, yet have found the Amerikkkan healthcare circus to be arcane, irrationally priced, and full of sadistic scammers disguised as healers..... RAW OPIUM HAS BEEN AND STILL IS BEING SOLD IN GROCERY STORES NATIONWIDE!!! All you have to do is buy 3 to 10 jars of this brand of poppy seeds and put them in a large plastic container using a funnel cover the seeds with water and screw on the lid before shaking violently for 5 minutes. Using the partially unscrewed cap of the blessing container turn upside down and strain the yellowish Brown liquid into a pint glass and drink. The onset happens within 10 to 30 minutes but the peak it does not occur for about 4 hours. You will experience at least an 8 hour plateau of painless warm tingly relaxing opium pleasure. Don't believe me? Try it. Doctors do not want you to know this the police and your own government Tell you is illegal to do this! To activate the opiate receptors built into your body by God using a plant put on this Earth by God, how are you going to listen to? Oppressive tyrants with bolshy at agendas that only involve money and longevity and they novel of comfort most of the world will never comprehend as you mark or the creator of the entire universe. I've been oppressed for my millages practices that for about 20 years but As soon as I can Gather enough legal support plan with calendaring the laws themselves never legislation prevents me from growing flowers that my Body was created with an opiate receptor specifically to react to. The only idea my "religeous" standpoint stresses is our natural born right to live pain free, or as close as possible. The pursuit of happiness, life, liberty, these concepts form an amazing image in our minds, of limitless opportunity for growth and learning, the way the constitution was written to sound official and serious, must have really been funny to the people that swore to honor and defend its nation and the peoples represented therein, while the very act of defining "Rights" allows them to be targeted by the oppressive entities that take them from us with impunity. Spend a day in a prison camp and watch your rights disappear along with the humanity of all participants. To treat yourself with this natural remedy is called MANUFACTURING OPIUM and probably carries sentencing that maxes out in the double digit years. I have taught lots of people who suffer from brain tumors, scoliosis, herniated disc's in their thoracic, lumbar, and cervical spine, all have reported drastic relief, some claimed to have experienced life completely painlesslyfor 36 hours. Which i had not myself experienced since childhood, until I stumped upon this recipe. Food Lion, Publix, Whole Foods, Target and lots more grocery stores carry poppy seeds that are still dark, fragrant, and UNWASHED. the color should be a waxy purple and deep blue, with red peppering the mixture, but most importantly, the seeds should be sticky and have a pleasant floral aroma with a mild nutty essence. The flavor should be bitter at first then after the opium latex is chewed off the nutty and crunchy taste is unmistakably great. Please help sharing this with anybody you know that suffers needlessly because they refuse to be abused and mistreated by sadistic Healthcare professionals when they are told they're flagged as drug seeking, and are forced to risk the street level aspect of self medication.
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p-lestinian · 5 years
About the H*ng Kong Riots
So I’ve been seeing a lot of people going on and on about how we should support the hong kong rioters because freedom and democracy. Now... I don’t really expect much from a majority western and white hell site such as this, but allow me to put these riots that you guys feverishly throw your hats in for into perspective. Let’s start with the history. Hong Kong fell under British rule in 1842 after the first opium war and British territory continued to expand after the second opium war. Now if you people cared about imperialism or aren’t disgustingly racist against Asians, then you would know that the opium wars were an abhorrent attempt at genocide by the British Empire which almost led to the Chinese almost getting completely wiped out.  “But @assignedcrackeratinternet!!” You cry out as your settler colonial conditioning kicks in “What does that have to do with the Hong Kong protests?!?!?” Well dear Reichmerican and/or Britishite, putting this history into perspective (including American history in Asia which I shouldn’t have to explain unless AmeriKKKans really are that ignorant), you should find it absolutely disgusting and suspicious that these rioters are waving the flags of their former colonizers.  “But @assignedcrackeratinternet!!” You cry out wildly “Hong Kong under Br*tish rule can’t have been that bad!” Well my sweet fascist child, you’re wrong. I’m not gonna go ahead and list out what exactly the British did to China but it’s a lot. You can read all about it if you actually care about Asians here. “But @assignedcrackeratinternet!!” You howl as your inner white savior comes to the forefront  “Hong Kong deserves independence!!” Independence from what? Hong Kong is Chinese historically and will always be Chinese, petite bourgeois student protesters who hate mainlanders for being too Asian and hate black people and hate themselves because of their pro-cracker westernized colonial mindsets doesn’t prove that Hong Kong should become an American proxy in Asia. Which, if you fools actually knew the history of western backed revolutions like in Allende’s Chile, that’s exactly what’s gonna happen if Hong Kong becomes “independent”. “But @assignedcrackeratinternet!” You yelp indignantly “Are you saying Hong Kong protesters are being funded by the United $tates?” Yes I am exactly saying that. It’s also a known fact that westernite white savior wannabe supermen join in on the protests. Do you guys even know how the protests started? Because it all started after a man who murdered his girlfriend in Taiwan escaped to Hong Kong and an extradition bill was proposed in order to bring criminals like him to justice. The Hong Kong protests so far have had ZERO police caused deaths. Can you imagine if there was a massive riot in New York City that was so bad the entire economy shut down? People would be slaughtered by police in the streets. The protesters cry about Police Brutality while begging AmeriKKKa for help, the biggest police brutality state in the world. These wannabe whites begging trump for help, posing with idiots like Ted Cruz, singing god save the queen, and brandishing Pepe symbolism, how obvious can it be?  Get off your armchairs and stop supporting every single color revolution you come across online just because the aesthetics of revolution are cool to look at and you feel like you’re doing something. Before engaging in Social justice discussions, DO YOUR FUCKING RESEARCH. And be more skeptical of foreign “pro democracy” riots where people are LITERALLY WAVING AMERICAN FLAGS as if America hasn’t destroyed and pillaged countless secular and democratic countries in the past. 
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hoabossman · 7 years
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Joey Badass “ABBA” Release Party.
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bredtoliveglowe93 · 6 years
Dr Frances Welsing speaks on the symbolicness of the amerikkkan flag being red white & blue #blackonly #staywoke #blackpower #blacklivesmatter #blackqueen #blackman #blacklove #blackpeople #blackunity #blackpride #woke #blackwomen #blackmen #blackbusiness #blackhistory #blackqueens #melanin #blackgirlmagic #blackkings #blackexcellence #blackgirls. #blackowned #melaninqueen #problack #blackgirlsrock #afrocentric #unapologeticallyblack #revolutionary #blackempowerment #blackconsciousness https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo8acxslrCv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mficy6ffpni6
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All day today at Fuck Yeah Marxism-Leninism, like every July 4th, we celebrate the best thing you can do with an ameriKKKan flag (as demonstrated by these Iranian students at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1979). 
Burn baby burn!
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oldschoolhip-hop · 3 years
WRATH posted an amazing rendition of Joey Bada$$’s second studio album “All-Amerikkkan Bada$$” on February 7th, 2022. WRATH’s signature stroke style is on display as the paint looks smeared at times while there are some fully defined spots like the flag thanks to the sketching/lines. The colors are darker then the original cover art which adds to WRATH’s work; showing darker or wicked sides of…
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