#amazon discounts 2020
Amazon’s financial shell game let it create an “impossible” monopoly
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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For the pro-monopoly crowd that absolutely dominated antitrust law from the Carter administration until 2020, Amazon presents a genuinely puzzling paradox: the company's monopoly power was never supposed to emerge, and if it did, it should have crumbled immediately.
Pro-monopoly economists embody Ely Devons's famous aphorism that "If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, ‘What would I do if I were a horse?’":
Rather than using the way the world actually works as their starting point for how to think about it, they build elaborate models out of abstract principles like "rational actors." The resulting mathematical models are so abstractly elegant that it's easy to forget that they're just imaginative exercises, disconnected from reality:
These models predicted that it would be impossible for Amazon to attain monopoly power. Even if they became a monopoly – in the sense of dominating sales of various kinds of goods – the company still wouldn't get monopoly power.
For example, if Amazon tried to take over a category by selling goods below cost ("predatory pricing"), then rivals could just wait until the company got tired of losing money and put prices back up, and then those rivals could go back to competing. And if Amazon tried to keep the loss-leader going indefinitely by "cross-subsidizing" the losses with high-margin profits from some other part of its business, rivals could sell those high margin goods at a lower margin, which would lure away Amazon customers and cut the supply lines for the price war it was fighting with its discounted products.
That's what the model predicted, but it's not what happened in the real world. In the real world, Amazon was able use its access to the capital markets to embark on scorched-earth predatory pricing campaigns. When diapers.com refused to sell out to Amazon, the company casually committed $100m to selling diapers below cost. Diapers.com went bust, Amazon bought it for pennies on the dollar and shut it down:
Investors got the message: don't compete with Amazon. They can remain predatory longer than you can remain solvent.
Now, not everyone shared the antitrust establishment's confidence that Amazon couldn't create a durable monopoly with market power. In 2017, Lina Khan – then a third year law student – published "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox," a landmark paper arguing that Amazon had all the tools it needed to amass monopoly power:
Today, Khan is chair of the FTC, and has brought a case against Amazon that builds on some of the theories from that paper. One outcome of that suit is an unprecedented look at Amazon's internal operations. But, as the Institute for Local Self-Reliance's Stacy Mitchell describes in a piece for The Atlantic, key pieces of information have been totally redacted in the court exhibits:
The most important missing datum: how much money Amazon makes from each of its lines of business. Amazon's own story is that it basically breaks even on its retail operation, and keeps the whole business afloat with profits from its AWS cloud computing division. This is an important narrative, because if it's true, then Amazon can't be forcing up retail prices, which is the crux of the FTC's case against the company.
Here's what we know for sure about Amazon's retail business. First: merchants can't live without Amazon. The majority of US households have Prime, and 90% of Prime households start their ecommerce searches on Amazon; if they find what they're looking for, they buy it and stop. Thus, merchants who don't sell on Amazon just don't sell. This is called "monopsony power" and it's a lot easier to maintain than monopoly power. For most manufacturers, a 10% overnight drop in sales is a catastrophe, so a retailer that commands even a 10% market-share can extract huge concessions from its suppliers. Amazon's share of most categories of goods is a lot higher than 10%!
What kind of monopsony power does Amazon wield? Well, for one thing, it is able to levy a huge tax on its sellers. Add up all the junk-fees Amazon charges its platform sellers and it comes out to 45-51%:
Competitive businesses just don't have 45% margins! No one can afford to kick that much back to Amazon. What is a merchant to do? Sell on Amazon and you lose money on every sale. Don't sell on Amazon and you don't get any business.
The only answer: raise prices on Amazon. After all, Prime customers – the majority of Amazon's retail business – don't shop for competitive prices. If Amazon wants a 45% vig, you can raise your Amazon prices by a third and just about break even.
But Amazon is wise to that: they have a "most favored nation" rule that punishes suppliers who sell goods more cheaply in rival stores, or even on their own site. The punishments vary, from banishing your products to page ten million of search-results to simply kicking you off the platform. With publishers, Amazon reserves the right to lower the prices they set when listing their books, to match the lowest price on the web, and paying publishers less for each sale.
That means that suppliers who sell on Amazon (which is anyone who wants to stay in business) have to dramatically hike their prices on Amazon, and when they do, they also have to hike their prices everywhere else (no wonder Prime customers don't bother to search elsewhere for a better deal!).
Now, Amazon says this is all wrong. That 45-51% vig they claim from business customers is barely enough to break even. The company's profits – they insist – come from selling AWS cloud service. The retail operation is just a public service they provide to us with cross-subsidy from those fat AWS margins.
This is a hell of a claim. Last year, Amazon raked in $130 billion in seller fees. In other words: they booked more revenue from junk fees than Bank of America made through its whole operation. Amazon's junk fees add up to more than all of Meta's revenues:
Amazon claims that none of this is profit – it's just covering their operating expenses. According to Amazon, its non-AWS units combined have a one percent profit margin.
Now, this is an eye-popping claim indeed. Amazon is a public company, which means that it has to make thorough quarterly and annual financial disclosures breaking down its profit and loss. You'd think that somewhere in those disclosures, we'd find some details.
You'd think so, but you'd be wrong. Amazon's disclosures do not break out profits and losses by segment. SEC rules actually require the company to make these per-segment disclosures:
That rule was enacted in 1966, out of concern that companies could use cross-subsidies to fund predatory pricing and other anticompetitive practices. But over the years, the SEC just…stopped enforcing the rule. Companies have "near total managerial discretion" to lump business units together and group their profits and losses in bloated, undifferentiated balance-sheet items:
As Mitchell points you, it's not just Amazon that flouts this rule. We don't know how much money Google makes on Youtube, or how much Apple makes from the App Store (Apple told a federal judge that this number doesn't exist). Warren Buffett – with significant interest in hundreds of companies across dozens of markets – only breaks out seven segments of profit-and-loss for Berkshire Hathaway.
Recall that there is one category of data from the FTC's antitrust case against Amazon that has been completely redacted. One guess which category that is! Yup, the profit-and-loss for its retail operation and other lines of business.
These redactions are the judge's fault, but the real fault lies with the SEC. Amazon is a public company. In exchange for access to the capital markets, it owes the public certain disclosures, which are set out in the SEC's rulebook. The SEC lets Amazon – and other gigantic companies – get away with a degree of secrecy that should disqualify it from offering stock to the public. As Mitchell says, SEC chairman Gary Gensler should adopt "new rules that more concretely define what qualifies as a segment and remove the discretion given to executives."
Amazon is the poster-child for monopoly run amok. As Yanis Varoufakis writes in Technofeudalism, Amazon has actually become a post-capitalist enterprise. Amazon doesn't make profits (money derived from selling goods); it makes rents (money charged to people who are seeking to make a profit):
Profits are the defining characteristic of a capitalist economy; rents are the defining characteristic of feudalism. Amazon looks like a bazaar where thousands of merchants offer goods for sale to the public, but look harder and you discover that all those stallholders are totally controlled by Amazon. Amazon decides what goods they can sell, how much they cost, and whether a customer ever sees them. And then Amazon takes $0.45-51 out of every dollar. Amazon's "marketplace" isn't like a flea market, it's more like the interconnected shops on Disneyland's Main Street, USA: the sign over the door might say "20th Century Music Company" or "Emporium," but they're all just one store, run by one company.
And because Amazon has so much control over its sellers, it is able to exercise power over its buyers. Amazon's search results push down the best deals on the platform and promote results from more expensive, lower-quality items whose sellers have paid a fortune for an "ad" (not really an ad, but rather the top spot in search listings):
This is "Amazon's pricing paradox." Amazon can claim that it offers low-priced, high-quality goods on the platform, but it makes $38b/year pushing those good deals way, way down in its search results. The top result for your Amazon search averages 29% more expensive than the best deal Amazon offers. Buy something from those first four spots and you'll pay a 25% premium. On average, you need to pick the seventeenth item on the search results page to get the best deal:
For 40 years, pro-monopoly economists claimed that it would be impossible for Amazon to attain monopoly power over buyers and sellers. Today, Amazon exercises that power so thoroughly that its junk-fee revenues alone exceed the total revenues of Bank of America. Amazon's story – that these fees barely stretch to covering its costs – assumes a nearly inconceivable level of credulity in its audience. Regrettably – for the human race – there is a cohort of senior, highly respected economists who possess this degree of credulity and more.
Of course, there's an easy way to settle the argument: Amazon could just comply with SEC regs and break out its P&L for its e-commerce operation. I assure you, they're not hiding this data because they think you'll be pleasantly surprised when they do and they don't want to spoil the moment.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Doc Searls (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/docsearls/4863121221/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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Because I don't have any good videos (and I'm lazy), I'll leave this here without context:
☆infamous doctor who trash bin attack☆
I... I'm truly inspired. These words bring tears to my eyes. I haven't felt this much emotion since 3 July 2020 when Hamilton was released on Disney+ and I kept refreshing the site. I haven't felt this much glee since my last set of discounted Draco Malfoy stickers arrived from Amazon last week.
Thank you. This much nostalgia is second only to the time in April 2019 that I ate a boiled apple again like I did as a wee little babe, watching Cbeebies. A life-changing ask. I will never be the same.
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puuung1 · 11 months
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My book series Love is in Small Thing Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 in new English editions, are currently available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/s?me=A2FK9CAAEGNND9
I've always wanted my books to be more accessible for fans all over the world, and the long journey to make that happen is finally over. I'm really happy. It's a very tearful moment for me. You won't know how many challenges I've had.
Since the publication of my first book in South Korea in 2016, it has also been published in various countries, including Indonesia, Taiwan, Vietnam, Turkey, Japan, Brazil, China, Philippines, and Russia in their respective languages. 🇰🇷 🇮🇩 🇹🇼 🇻🇳 🇹🇷 🇯🇵 🇧🇷 🇨🇳 🇵🇭 🇷🇺 Although unofficial, I made a small number of books by myself and sold them to small fans in 2014. I also opened crowdfunding on Kickstarter in 2015, and thankfully, 1,800 fans participated, so I was able to make limited edition books and send them to fans around the world.
However, I had one concern – continuous inquiries from overseas fans looking for English versions of the books. At the time, I felt helpless, but I decided to approach the Korean publishing company that had published my books and asked if they could add English translations to the captions in the book's illustrations. Fortunately, they agreed, and this resolved my initial concern. Eventually, in April 2020, revised editions with English translations were released.
However, at the end of 2019, when the decision to release revised editions was made, my second concern began. It was to find a way to sell my books to fans all around the world. Creating an online store was not an easy task, but I managed to resolve it using an e-commerce platform called Shopify. The real challenge was international shipping. Shipping costs from Korea to many countries abroad were prohibitively expensive, and I had no prior experience with international shipping. I worried about whether fans would be willing to pay such high shipping costs. Despite my concerns, I had no alternative. I diligently searched for a trustworthy shipping company, opened an official website in February 2020, and began preparing to sell my books.
Although I had hoped that this would resolve my concerns, a much larger problem arose, affecting not only me but the entire world: the COVID-19 pandemic. I couldn't have imagined that the pandemic's impact would be so severe. In April 2020, I started selling my books with great aspirations, but the pandemic brought global logistics to a standstill. Immediately after opening the website, I received orders from a lot of people around the world. I had packed all the orders and was ready to ship them, but I received notifications from the shipping company stating that they couldn't deliver to most countries. It was a moment of utter frustration after all the hard work. Orders continued to come in, but there was no way to send them. All I could do was apologize to the customers via email. Fortunately, everyone was understanding, but it took nearly a year to finally ship my books to all the customers. I had no idea that selling something to people living in other countries would be so challenging. Over the course of a year, I faced many trials and tribulations and finally overcame the obstacles.
The concerns, however, did not end there. Over time, I continued to receive comments and emails saying, "I want to buy your books, but the shipping costs are too high." I searched for ways to reduce shipping costs but couldn't find a solution. Since I wasn't a large-scale retailer sending out many international shipments, I couldn't negotiate significant discounts. So, I started looking for other alternatives.
There were two potential solutions. The first was to sell my book on Amazon using Amazon KDP – a print-on-demand model. The second was to sell my books on Amazon by producing my books in bulk and stocking them in Amazon FBA. However, I couldn't bring myself to produce the books in bulk and stock them in Amazon FBA, so I chose Amazon KDP and began selling my books in August 2020.
Has my journey reached its conclusion? Selling my books on Amazon and reading customer reviews, I found a new issue – the quality of the books. Print-on-demand is a method where books are produced and sent out as soon as an order comes in, primarily focusing on text-based books, which led to less-than-ideal paper and print quality for illustration-heavy books in terms of cost. Now, the final solution I'm going to attempt is to produce my books, stock them in Amazon FBA, and sell them. And it took a whopping three years. The long journey to make my books accessible to fans worldwide at reasonable prices and shipping fees has finally come to an end.
My books are now available on Amazon, and you can purchase the new English editions. I am extremely pleased to offer you high-quality English editions at an affordable price with reasonable shipping fees than before. Especially in these new editions, 25 additional unreleased illustrations are divided into two books. I hope this is good news for those who wanted my books but couldn't purchase them until now. I am deeply thankful for your ongoing love and support for my work.
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bunnygirl678 · 6 months
was gonna respond on the post but i got wordy lmao, so below is the weird HOA/POA i grew up in
sooooo the town i grew up in was more of a resort community than a city (i think it was considered a village?? idk the post office still hates the name when i try to mail stuff) and when i was a kid the HOA (although i believe we called it a POA property owners assoc, cause at the time it was mostly vacant lots we didn't have neighbors for like the first 14 years lmao)
it was mostly vacation homes/retirees, the first 5 years we were there there were no kids besides my younger sister and i and a few people down the way, but now with the austin sprawl this place has grown, my father has one of the few vacant lots left, but it is next door to his house and keeps the view of the lake so he won't ever sell.
this is a lake community, it had a guard, and for a while you couldn't get in without having the sticker or being approved, it is no longer like that, but the POA paid for a ton of amenities, which at the beginning thats all it was there for, we were close enough to austin that things were still kinda artsy and stuff so no one worried too much about lawn lengths or cars in the yard.
But despite having the worst house in the whole community (and now it's even worse as my father has let it fall apart) i grew up getting to do really cool stuff because of the POA
we had a massive pool, it went to 11 feet, kids from the town over would try to jump the fence cause it was so awesome, a nice park, several boat ramps, a golf course that residents could golf for free, but had to rent the cart or pay a fee if you used your own, so we roughed it lmao, 3 tennis courts, a library (tiny and unmanned i used to do homework there so i didn't have to be at home lmao), a gym that was actually extremely high tech, a rentable conference room, and we got a discount at the floating restaurant and a discount on a boat slip (we had a sailboat which is why i know), but it was a 20 minute drive to get to the next town over, and it was small, 45 minutes to get to the closest HEB, the school was the 3 towns combined and even with that many my graduating class was like 64?
Back then it was the ideal POA/HOA like totally worth it, and if all hoas were like that i'd encourage the hell out of them. i think they got more picky but i havent lived there since 2012 and i don't really talk to my father
Here's the thing, that is not the norm...
Once i was an adult i've lived in multiple hoas, some silly rules (and these are the type where you have no amenities they exist to police you and thats it)
no cars in the driveway it was a $300 dollar fine!!
no holiday decorations with color, so no colored christmas lights, only the white ones
there was one that had a rule about windows being open
my ex husband's current neighborhood is trying to pass a no pick up truck rule, he is fighting that one
no more than 2 pets, so if you had 2 dogs and a cat you'd get fined if they found out
brown grass was fined (this was california too which is in constant drought and you are only supposed to water certain days)
no parties
you had to have the outside of your house powerwashed yearly and submit the receipt
one tried to ban children, we moved around that time so i don't know what happened, i'm assuming it did not pass
my absolute favorite was the one who had a no delivery rule, so you couldn't have amazon packages or take out delivered, i'm sure that went away in 2020 but we'd already moved
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Expecting a Baby 2 Years after a Full-term Stillbirth - Please Help
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Husband and I are expecting a baby in April. We lost our first child, our son, at 40 weeks in November of 2020, and preparing for this baby has been emotionally fraught. If you are able to help us, it would be very much appreciated to help us welcome our new child.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Peter May the multi award-winning author and screenwriter was born on December 20th 1951 in Glasgow.
From an early age he was intent on becoming a novelist, but took up a career as a journalist as a way to start earning a living by writing. He made his first serious attempt at writing a novel at the age of 19, which he sent to Collins where it was read by Philip Ziegler, who wrote him a very encouraging rejection letter. He went on to work with The Scotsman and the Glasgow Evening Times.
At 26 he published his first novel, The Reporter, which he was asked to adapt for TV, it became a 13 part series, The Standard, dealing with an ailing Scottish newspaper in 1978.
After The Standard he penned another series called Squadron about an RAF Rapid Deployment Squadron.
May worked on STV’s flagship soap (Take the) High Road, personally writing 200+ episodes and was story & script editor for over 12 years. He continued working for STV on Machair a Scottish Gaelic television soap opera which ran for over 6 years.
It’s astonishing to think that  ‘The Lewis Trilogy’ was turned down by all the major British publishers, The Blackhouse, the first book in , was published first in May’s adopted home of France in French translation at the end of 2009. It was immediately nominated for several literary awards in France.  The Lewis Trilogy has sold more than a million copies in the UK alone.
May’s books have sold more than two million copies in the UK and several million internationally.
April 2020 saw May publish  Lockdown, although it was written 15 years earlier. The story takes place in the city of London during a lockdown resulting from a global pandemic. May stated that the book was not published at the time because British editors thought the idea of London under siege from a virus “was unrealistic and could never happen”.
I’ve read five or six of May’s books now, and just about to start another, Runaway, which is set in Glasgow and London over a 50 year period. While I enjoy his books I really think he overuses long obscure words. Now I like to think of myself as quite learned, but for example words like  lugubrious have me scrambling to google to find out what it means, it’s looking or sounding sad and dismal, who knew, aye probably some of you, but me thinks he is just showing off.
Anyway he has been in the news a couple of times in the past month or so,  in November he said he was   left “horrified” by proposals to cut library services in East Renfrewshire. The council warned that funding could be withdrawn from school libraries, with public libraries also under threat. 
“Libraries – particularly school libraries – are the foundation of learning,” said the former Eastwood High pupil. “If you take away the school library, then the chances are children will not get into books.“Unless they are exposed to the joys of reading at school, it is a failure of the education system.” he also fears a lack of access to libraries would lead to a dumbing down of educational standards.
On a brighter note Stornoway’s new  Gaelic community centre  An Taigh Cèilidh opened it’s doors on Saturday, May donated £5,000 towards the project. The centre will have a book and gift shop, and it will serve refreshments. Most items will be sourced from Lewis and Harris, including a selection of local books not available elsewhere. The centre will also offer incentives to use Gaelic, such as 10% off your drinks if you order in Gaelic. So if you are ever on the Outer Hebrides and drop in just say “Cupan cofaidh mas e do thoil e” andd you’ll get your discount! 
As I said I do enjoy the books, if you fancy reading them keep an eye out on Amazon as they sometimes go down to as little as 99p. His latest novel,  A Winter Grave, set around  Kinlochleven is due out on January 19th.
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Revisiting unlocking the future of electric vehicles with wireless EV charging. Get Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/undecided and enter promo code UNDECIDED for 83% off and 3 extra months for free! Most of us take for granted being able to toss our phones onto a charging pad to top them up, but what if we could wirelessly charge our electric cars too? No more remembering to plug in your EV when you arrive at work or get home. Without having to even think about it, your car would always be charged up and ready to go. At the beginning of 2020 I spoke to a company that’s leading the charge in wireless electric vehicle charging and I thought it was time to revisit the topic to see where things stand … and even get a chance to wirelessly charge a Tesla Model 3. There’s been a lot of progress in the past two years. Is wireless EV charging almost here? Let’s take a look.
Watch The Future of Solid State Wind Energy - No More Blades https://youtu.be/nNp21zTeCDc?list=PLn...
Also Watch EV wireless charging - powering the future of autonomous vehicles https://youtu.be/6qoHCMy-laA?list=PLn...
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industrynewsupdates · 1 month
Corporate Cards Procurement Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide
The corporate cards category is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.3% from 2023 to 2030. There is a high degree of acceptance of corporate cards by merchants in developing countries. The rise in merchant acceptance is driven by the convenience of accepting payments through widely used network providers like Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc. Additional factors driving industry growth include the switch to non-cash payments for better payment visibility, management, and working capital optimization as well as the development of flexible laws to reduce interchange costs. The European region accounts for the largest category share due to rising business trip costs and a growing preference for digital payment methods among businesses in this region.
This category has undergone some significant technological innovation phases that have facilitated the quick adoption of cutting-edge technologies like blockchain, AI, and fully automated systems. These technologies are transforming the payment space's structure and typical platform architectures.
• For instance, BitPesa, a Kenya-based startup utilized distributed ledger settlement in 2021, which enabled users to send and receive low-cost, nearly instantaneous payments even without a bank account or registered wallet. The company leveraged Blockchain, which allowed high transaction-per-second throughput and faster settlement than their current card-based systems. The technology is distributed; consensus-based, real-time transaction verification makes it very difficult to fraudulently utilize systems.
• In order to generate a distinctive biometric signature, Amazon Go launched a contactless identity service linking consumers' credit cards with palm prints in 2020. When paying in a store, customers could do so by simply placing their palm over an Amazon One device.
When IoT technologies and blockchain are combined, they will serve as decentralized credit card processing platforms. This combination has reduced the value of plastic cards, which encouraged the use of customer's digital IDs being a crucial part of payment execution.
Charges associated with this category are payment-processing fees, assessment fees, and interchange fees. Payment processing fees are the costs imposed on merchants for handling client credit cards and online payments. The preferred pricing model of the payment processor as well as the transaction’s level of risk determine the amount of payment processing fees. Assessment fees are frequently calculated as a percentage of the overall volume of transactions in a specified period. Interchange fees depend on the type of credit or debit card used, the card brand, the areas or jurisdictions, and the transaction type (online, in-person, etc.). The interchange fee assists in reducing the risk of fraud and handling expenses for the card issuer. For instance, a consumer makes a USD 100 purchase with a credit card. For that USD 100 item, the merchant would get approximately USD 97.81. The remaining USD 2.19 is divided up in the following way: USD 1.75 goes to the issuing bank (defined as an interchange fee), USD 0.14 goes to the card network processor (defined as an assessments fee), and USD 0.30 goes to a payment processor (defined as payment processing fee).
Order your copy of the Corporate Cards Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030, published by Grand View Research, to get more details regarding day one, quick wins, portfolio analysis, key negotiation strategies of key suppliers, and low-cost/best-cost sourcing analysis
Other charges involved are acquirer processing fee (APF), fixed acquirer network fee (FANF), kilobyte access (KB) fee, network access and brand usage (NABU) fee, and negotiable fees (which consist of account fees, address verification system (AVS) fee, batch fee, chargeback fee, contract cancellation fee, hosting fee, IRS (internal revenue service) reporting fee, marked-up discount rate, minimum monthly processing fee, monthly fee, payment gateway fee, PCI (payment card industry) compliance fee, service fee, terminal lease fee, and wireless access fee). The threat of substitutes is expected to be medium in this category. There is less scope for new entrants to bring down the industry's dominant player and compete with the incumbents due to high capital and regulatory requirements, historic market dominance by huge enterprises, and major players who have a large customer base in the market. The major regions of North America and Europe such as the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Switzerland are the preferred business destinations to attract customers in this category. The use of card and card program maturity are high in these regions. 
A well-planned and effective negotiation strategy will be beneficial to provide businesses with better credit card fees and rates. One of the important negotiation strategies is to negotiate card-processing fees. It is crucial to understand the key players involved in finalizing processing fee rates. The banks, the credit card network, and the payment processor negotiate with each other to offset risks and split costs. The business and the customer have little say in credit card processing fees. Customers and businesses have limited control over credit card processing costs. However, before signing a contract and implementing a processing system, firms might try to negotiate and reduce the processing prices. Firms should request rates and fees that are less expensive than the ones businesses already pay. In fact, businesses need to make continuous requests for cheaper rates from the processing firm, bank, and any cloud software that is being used for online sales.
Browse through Grand View Research’s collection of procurement intelligence studies:
• Order Fulfillment Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
• Credit Bureau Services Procurement Intelligence Report, 2023 - 2030 (Revenue Forecast, Supplier Ranking & Matrix, Emerging Technologies, Pricing Models, Cost Structure, Engagement & Operating Model, Competitive Landscape)
Corporate Cards Procurement Intelligence Report Scope 
• Corporate Cards Category Growth Rate: CAGR of 7.3% from 2023 to 2030
• Pricing growth Outlook: 4% - 7% (Annually)
• Pricing Models: Tiered and flat rate pricing models
• Supplier Selection Scope: Cost and pricing, Past engagements, Productivity, Geographical presence
• Supplier Selection Criteria: By corporate card type (Standard corporate card, Virtual card, Purchasing card), Loyalty and reward (cashback, reward points, lounge access), Credit limits, Credit score requirements, technical specifications, Operational capabilities, Regulatory standards, and mandates, Category innovations, and others
• Report Coverage: Revenue forecast, supplier ranking, supplier matrix, emerging technology, pricing models, cost structure, competitive landscape, growth factors, trends, engagement, and operating model
Key companies 
• American Express
• Citi
• AirPlus
• Bank of America
• Chase Commercial Banking
• J.P. Morgan
• Barclays
• Mastercard
• Wells Fargo
Brief about Pipeline by Grand View Research:
A smart and effective supply chain is essential for growth in any organization. Pipeline division at Grand View Research provides detailed insights on every aspect of supply chain, which helps in efficient procurement decisions.
Our services include (not limited to):
• Market Intelligence involving – market size and forecast, growth factors, and driving trends
• Price and Cost Intelligence – pricing models adopted for the category, total cost of ownerships
• Supplier Intelligence – rich insight on supplier landscape, and identifies suppliers who are dominating, emerging, lounging, and specializing
• Sourcing / Procurement Intelligence – best practices followed in the industry, identifying standard KPIs and SLAs, peer analysis, negotiation strategies to be utilized with the suppliers, and best suited countries for sourcing to minimize supply chain disruptions
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dankusner · 3 months
Neiman Marcus is being purchased by Saks for $2.65 billion, according to reports
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Dallas-based luxury retailer Neiman Marcus is being purchased by the owner of rival Saks Fifth Avenue in a $2.65 billion deal, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal.
The deal would also bring in Amazon and Salesforce Inc. to become minority owners in the new company, which will allegedly be called Saks Global.
Canadian department store Hudson’s Bay is also helping to finance the deal by raising $2 billion from investors.
It would also end more than a century of local leadership for the storied Neiman Marcus department store chain, a brand that helped bring luxury retail to Dallas and cement North Texas as a hub for high-end shopping.
Neiman Marcus did not immediately respond to phone calls and emails requesting comment.
The new company, if approved by shareholders, would be a juggernaut in the luxury retail space as it would have a combined $10 billion in annual sales.
It’s a deal that would help both companies as shoppers have begun to spend less on upscale products amid its competitors opening their own stores.
Neiman Marcus has 36 brick-and-mortar stores, two Bergdorf Goodman stores in Manhattan and five discount Neiman Marcus Last Call stores.
That includes five Neiman Marcus stores in the Dallas-Fort Worth market.
The company has about 10,000 employees nationwide.
Luxury retail rival Saks Fifth Avenue, which was started in New York City, has 41 stores nationwide for its flagship department store brand and 100 of its Saks Off 5th discount brand.
Neiman Marcus was founded in 1907 by Herbert Marcus Sr., his sister Carrie Marcus Neiman and her husband A.L. Neiman at the corner of Elm Street and Murphy Drive in downtown Dallas, just blocks from the current flagship store at Commerce and Ervay streets.
The luxury retail department store has become known for introducing luxury designers to American shoppers, as well as its lavish and aspirational Christmas Book.
Neiman filed for bankruptcy protection in 2020 and emerged with a new set of owners including Pacific Investment Management Co., Davidson Kempner Capital Management and Sixth Street Partners.
Amazon is said to provide Saks Global with ��technology and logistical expertise,” according to the WSJ. Meanwhile, Salesforce would help with adopting artificial intelligence. Saks Fifth Avenue, Hudson’s Bay and Salesforce also did not return requests for comment. Amazon declined to comment.
The deal, which has been in the works for months, will reportedly promote Saks’ chief executive of its e-commerce business, Marc Metrick, to the head of the combined company, Saks Global.
It’s unclear if either company’s operations will be affected by the deal through brand changes, but the long-rumored merger may help both companies consolidate real estate and staffing by trimming both, said Steve Dennis, president and founder of SageBerry Consulting and former senior vice president of strategy and multichannel marketing for Neiman Marcus Group.
“Some of their stores are just down the street from each other. So, essentially, you could ask the question of ‘Do you need both stores?’” he said. “There will be a lot to decipher from this, but I think it’s almost inevitable that they will prune their real estate and headcount.”
Dennis has predicted since 2020 that a deal between Neiman Marcus and Saks was nearly inevitable as both companies fight for the same crowd and combining into one would help in a fight against other industry giants like Gucci and Prada.
Neiman Marcus most recently posted an annual revenue of $4.5 billion in 2023, a much smaller amount compared to Gucci’s $10 billion annual revenue in 2023.
Though the deal could help Neiman Marcus and Saks, it could mean bad news for North Texans, Dennis said.
“I don’t think this is a happy outcome for Dallas-based folks,” he said. “While I doubt the Neiman Marcus name is going away, Saks would be crazy to rebrand Neiman stores, it’s still crazy to see an iconic Dallas company that’s been in business for over 100 years be subsumed by its bitter rival.”
How pair of fashion icons stand apart
Both brands are widely known in the world of luxury retail — and are set to share an owner
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New York-based Saks Fifth Avenue and Dallas-based Neiman Marcus are two of the most quintessential names in luxury fashion and retail — and a deal that will combine the two under umbrella company “Saks Global” is poised to disrupt the market.
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Both companies have “different strengths that can play off one another,” Saks CEO Marc Metrick told The Dallas Morning News .
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He added that he doesn’t think there’s much need for brand or “banner-level” differentiation since the combined stores will have access to customer data that will allow for tailored individual experiences.
Still, what does differentiate both iconic brand names?
Brand origins
Neiman Marcus began as a family business based out of downtown Dallas in 1907.
It sold upscale fashion items that were hard to find in Texas at the time, which made the store popular with a class of Texans who’d grown wealthy off an oil and gas boom.
Today, the brand has turned North Texas into an important fashion hub.
Meanwhile, Saks Fifth Avenue was founded a few years later in 1924.
Based out of New York City, the retailer was born of the friendship between businessmen Horace Saks and Bernard Gimbel.
The store “turned Fifth Avenue in Manhattan into the city’s and the country’s premier shopping street,” per a 1984 New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission document.
Company performance
During the pandemic, luxury retailers thrived as consumers shifted their spending away from categories like travel.
Still, in 2023 luxury retailers struggled to reproduce pandemic-era highs.
Neiman Marcus recovered from bankruptcy after filing for it in May 2020 while facing high levels of debt.
Department stores have faced headwinds during the last few years, and even Saks’ ownership sold real estate to pay vendors.
The Dallas-based retailer most recently posted an annual revenue of $4.5 billion in 2023.
Saks is a private company, and financials aren’t immediately available.
Fashion and products
The Neiman Marcus Group is the parent company of brands including fashion store Bergdorf Goodman; off-price fashion retailer Last Call; and Horchow, which focuses on selling luxury home goods.
Meanwhile, Saks Fifth Avenue has a sister company, Saks Off 5th, which sells off-price fashion goods.
A sleeveless black Victoria Beckham dress on the Saks Fifth Avenue site retails at $237 while a similar dress on the Neiman Marcus site retails at $1,090.
Texas footprint
Saks Fifth Avenue has no full-line North Texas locations, though there are Saks Off 5th shops located in Dallas — at The Shops at Park Lane — as well as Grapevine and Grand Prairie.
Saks closed a Fifth Avenue location in Plano’s Shops at Willow Bend in 2010.
Neiman Marcus, on the other hand, has two Dallas storefronts (the flagship downtown location and one at NorthPark Center) as well as one each in Plano and Fort Worth. It also has two other Texas locations in San Antonio and Houston.
There is both a Saks and Neiman location in Houston’s Galleria mall — “this whole combination is about growth,” Metrick said.
“If you’ve got two stores that are in the same mall and they’re both successful, then they’re both successful,” he said.
New York and Toronto-based HBC, a private holding company with a portfolio of businesses that include some of the biggest names in retail, has owned Saks Fifth Avenue since 2013.
Multiple big investors have handed off ownership of Neiman Marcus over the years. Most recently, Neiman Marcus Group was owned by three firms: New York-based hedge fund Davidson Kempner Capital Management; California-based investment management firm PIMCO; and Sixth Street, also an investment firm.
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govindhtech · 6 months
Nvidia RTX 3080 Review: Still Worth It?
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Best Nvidia RTX 3080
A decent gaming experience can be had with the Nvidia RTX 3080 despite its age. Once rare, it became readily accessible and somewhat more expensive in 2024, making it an excellent value. As the RTX 40 series arrived, it was no longer one of the best graphics cards, but if one was available at a reasonable price, it was still worth a look.
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 Price
In 2020, the Nvidia RTX 3080 cost $699, but the pandemic made it hard to find until Ada architecture graphics cards were debuted two years later. 2024 Amazon and Newegg RTX 3080s cost $500 new or used. At that pricing, this GPU with 10GB or 12GB VRAM is worth consideration.
The pricing of the 3080 seems affordable in comparison to the RTX 4080, whose MSRP has climbed to $1,199. This makes 80-class hardware more difficult to defeat. Better deals on the RTX 4070 Super and 4070 Ti Super, which retail for $599 and $799 respectively, are comparable. This could enable the generation of DLSS 3 frames.
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 Specs
The GA102 chip’s Nvidia RTX 3080 features 8,704 CUDA cores and 10GB or 12GB of 320-bit GDDR6X VRAM. AI-powered Nvidia DLSS 2 upscaling uses 272 Tensor cores and 68 second-generation ray tracing cores. This GPU promised 4K performance with 760.3 GB/s bandwidth and 19 Gbps effective memory.
At 1,440 MHz for base clock and 1,710 MHz for boost, the top-tier Ampere GPU in the Nvidia Founders model model may run at speeds up to those of select partner cards. The ASUS ROG Strix RTX 3080 allows for an overclock to 1935 MHz, including the review unit. When making your selection, be mindful that certain companion cards are more expensive than others.
ASUS Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 ROG Strix
Nvidia’s RTX 3080 Design
Measuring 11.2 x 4.4 x 1.6 inches (LxWxH) and sporting a 320W TDP, the dual-slot Nvidia RTX 3080 Founders Edition GPU necessitates a minimum of 700W PSU. A partner card will determine this, since the ASUS ROG Strix is a triple-slot GPU designed for overclocking that has a larger heatsink and triple fan arrangement.
Originally, Nvidia used a special converter in their Ampere graphics card family. Instead of using standard PCIe power connectors in this specific case, a 12-pin power adaptor was used. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to remember that certain partner cards could need two or three conventional power connections. There are many of options available to you whether buying new or refurbished, with brands like Gigabyte, MSI, EVGA, and others offering 10GB and 12GB variants.
Nvidia RTX 3080 gaming performance
In tests conducted over four years after its introduction, the Nvidia RTX 3080 has not slowed down. Ray tracing enabled at 2160p, it achieves much more than 60 frames per second in 4K in popular games like CS:GO, Dirt 5, Doom Eternal, and Fortnite. In other words, it’s impressive and suggests that you won’t need DLSS 3 Frame Generation to play smoothly.
Synthetic RTX 3080 performance
In demanding virtual benchmarks like as 3DMark and Blender, the Nvidia RTX 3080 exhibits exceptional performance, proving its potency in these domains. Though it can’t quite match the performance of its predecessors from the Ada architecture family, there’s no denying the level of knowledge this graphics processing unit (GPU) can boast. It seems that both artists and filmmakers will surely be able to get some use out of this GPU, which is to be expected given the cheap pricing it is now giving for this year.
To sum up
The Nvidia RTX 3080 from Nvidia is a great improvement over GTX models thanks to its second-generation RT cores, which enhance real-time ray tracing over the RTX 2080 Ti. Native and DLSS frame rates are far higher even on the best game screens with DisplayPort and HDMI. It may be almost impossible to get a Founders Edition card these days, but there are still certain partner cards that can be purchased at a discounted price.
Ampere architecture’s memory bandwidth is still beneficial for personal computer games even when Frame Generation is absent. Particularly when considering Deep Learning Super Sampling, even the most well-known games are still being designed with the older models in mind. Apart from that, you should not have to worry about upgrading for a few years at least. Just remember that you should pair it with a high-end Intel Core or AMD Ryzen central processor unit to avoid any potential bottlenecking. When apps like Nvidia Reflex and others made specifically for broadcasters and video producers are included, this is compounded by two.
Nvidia RTX 3080 substitutes
As previously said, the best substitutes for the RTX 3080 are the RTX 4070 Super and 4070 Ti Super, which bridge the mid-range price difference between Ada and the product while maintaining/improving performance. Performance is provided by an AMD RX 7700 XT, which costs $450. Costing $999, the RTX 4080 Super offers additional power and playability comparable to that of an 80-class GPU.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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GOOD MORNING, LIKERS!!! #also...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! I hope now that #spring is here, the weather has started to get warmer for you.
And #speaking of warm...in case you missed the headsup yesterday...Amazon #uk was set to have my DARKENED series on sale next week. Darkened Soul, Darkchilde, and Darkened Tabula...#all at a discounted price. So...happy #Easter?
Now...how was the week shaping up? Well...let's see. Otherwise known as...EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING.
EDITING. Well...here we are.
It was the #final formatting sweep before the upload to Amazon for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. After that, I double...okay triple check how the formatting looks on Amazon.
It had been a minute for me. 2020 to be exact. I suspect already that the ebook would be a problem versus the book. But...we'll see...
TYPING. In case you missed it as well, my blog was #live!!!
YES!!! The elusive blog was no longer elusive. And it could be viewed with my other blogs at: https://www.tumblr.com/someplace-that-is-else/745798287550021632/traces-of-you-part-the-second.
Meanwhile, my mind was already onto the next blog. On one hand, yay!!! On the other hand, that meant that I had a few ideas in my head. How to #decide...hmmm.
I would like to get my blogging back up to its own routine. At the least, once a month again. It made me wonder...how creative could my mind be? One way to find out for sure. lol.
I #always wanted to rotate. I usually rotated. A writer-based blog one week. A tv show related blog the next. And then back again. So I felt that I would be doing that again.
I even had a tv show in mind. It's been on my mind for a while. And with a surprisingly amount of time on my hands as of late, I definitely had the viewing #research time. But that was going to be a chore for the tv show blog.
#Or...a good challenge.
We would see.
PS. I also have another writer based blog on my mind. Perhaps a #continuation of my 'Traces of You' series that I've been posting.
Hmmm...gotta love the brain and how it works when it's on fire.
WRITING. I was #adamant last week that I would find writing time. I was going to write. But...alas.
I only have myself to blame. So many balls in the air. What could I expect? Well...for one...#better time management. And that I was seeing going on a lot this week. Thank you, Universe, for my manifestation. ;)
So today should also be the return of writing sessions in my life. I felt a bit nervous about that. To be honest. lol.
But I think that was because I have not sat down with myself and outline where I wanted the story to go. And I was scared of my muse. Just like I was with HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. Of course...same #muse. Also it has been a minute since I've touched on #horror...a genre I have been wanting to get back to.
So as I work today, I'll be mentally #plotting where I want the first few chapters to go. I'll be thinking about characters' motivation. I'll decide which prologue I like better cuz I have two. #suchawriter I would think about Ben (my main character)'s inner life.
In other words, letting the #wip breathe.
That's how this week was looking. :)
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real-news-20 · 7 months
Oppo F25 Pro 5G Launches in India: Powerful Performance, Sleek Design
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Oppo has expanded its F-series lineup in India with the launch of the Oppo F25 Pro 5G. This feature-packed smartphone arrives with the powerful MediaTek Dimensity 7050 processor, a sleek design, and a host of exciting features. Let’s take a closer look at the specifications, pricing, and introductory offers.
Key Specifications
Display: 6.7-inch AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate and punch-hole design
Processor: MediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoC
Storage: 128GB (expandable via microSD)
Rear Cameras: 64MP primary sensor + 8MP ultrawide + 2MP macro
Front Camera: 32MP
Battery: 5000mAh with 67W SuperVOOC fast charging
Operating System: Android 14 with ColorOS
Colors: Lava Red, Black
Design and Features
The Oppo F25 Pro 5G boasts a slim and lightweight design with a premium finish, adding to its aesthetic appeal. The 6.7-inch Full HD+ AMOLED display features vibrant colors and a smooth 120Hz refresh rate, ideal for gaming and multimedia. OPPO has included advanced camera features, and the battery supports super-fast charging for power users.
Pricing and Launch Offers
The Oppo F25 Pro 5G is available in India at a starting price of ₹24,990 for the 8GB + 128GB variant. Introductory offers include:
Instant discount for ICICI Bank, SBI Cards, Kotak Bank, Bank of Baroda, and IDFC First Bank cardholders
Exchange offers
Other additional discounts and benefits
Where to Buy
The Oppo F25 Pro 5G is now available for purchase via the Oppo India online store, Flipkart, Amazon, and major offline retailers across the country.
Should You Consider the Oppo F25 Pro 5G?
The Oppo F25 Pro 5G strikes a good balance between performance, features, and design, making it a compelling option in its price segment. If you’re looking for a stylish smartphone with a fast processor, versatile cameras, and a long-lasting battery, the Oppo F25 Pro 5G is certainly worth considering.
Read More News-
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pearlsmith25 · 9 months
Online Home Decor Market Wonders: Transform Your Space with Trendsetting Treasures
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Market Overview: The online home decor market involves selling of home décor products such as furniture, home textiles, kitchenware, lighting and other accessories through e-commerce platforms. Products in this market include sofas, beds, cushions, curtains, table lamps, couch covers and many more items that enhance interior aesthetics of home. Ease of shopping from home and attractive offers have boosted growth of online home decor sales in recent years.
The online home decor market is estimated to be valued at US$ 97.39 Bn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 11% over the forecast period 2023-2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Dynamics: Growing e-commerce industry and preference for online shopping among consumers are major drivers expected to support growth of the online home decor market over the forecast period. According to statistics, global retail e-commerce sales grew by over 27% year-on-year to reach $4.9 trillion in 2020. Further, young population is increasingly opting for online shopping which offers convenience and compares product in one place. This in turn is boosting sales of home decor products via e-platforms. Additionally, attractive deals, discounts, offers and cashbacks provided by online retailers also entice consumers to purchase home décor products online. However, inability to physically check product quality and delays in delivery can restrain market growth. SWOT Analysis Strength: The online home decor market provides buyers with a wide range of products from various brands in one convenient place. Customers can easily compare prices and make purchases from the comfort of their home. Online retailers also offer competitive pricing and frequent sales that attract cost-conscious buyers. Weakness: Customers cannot physically see or touch products before purchasing them online. This can lead to issues with sizing, colors, or materials not meeting expectations. Returning large or bulky items also presents logistic challenges. Additionally, e-commerce sites lack the experiential element of browsing products in physical stores. Opportunity: The growing popularity of interior design blogs and home makeover shows on social media and streaming platforms has fueled interest in home decor trends. This expanding audience presents an opportunity for online retailers to engage customers through visually appealing websites and recommend similar products. Threats: Traditional brick-and-mortar retailers like department stores and furniture chains pose strong competition with their expanded e-commerce presence and BOPIS/BOHO options. Furthermore, the entry of large marketplace platforms like Amazon threatens to capture additional market share through their broad product selection and aggressive pricing strategies. Key Takeaways The global online home decor market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting CAGR of 11% over the forecast period, due to increasing online shopping driven by rising internet and smartphone penetration along with the growth of social commerce. North America currently dominates the market, accounting for over 35% share in 2023 due to high penetration of e-commerce and growing preference for one-stop online shopping among consumers in the US and Canada. The Asia Pacific region is projected to be the fastest growing market, expanding at a CAGR of 13.5% during the forecast period, with China and India emerging as major revenue generators. Key players operating in the online home decor market are Amazon, Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart, Wayfair, IKEA, Overstock.com, Target, Home Depot, Williams-Sonoma, Lowe’s, Etsy, eBay, HomeGoods, JCPenney, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Pier 1 Imports, Crate and Barrel, At Home Stores, and Restoration Hardware. These players are focusing on enhancing their product catalogs, improving user experience through advanced technologies, and expanding fulfillment networks to capture greater market share.
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thoughtscapejunction · 10 months
Top 7 E-commerce Companies' Annual Revenue and Customer Reviews
In the bustling realm of e-commerce, success is measured not only by annual revenue but also by the voices of satisfied customers. Today, we delve into the world of the top 6 e-commerce giants in India, assessing their financial prowess and exploring the sentiments shared by their loyal patrons.
Amazon India: The Revenue Behemoth
Annual Revenue: Amazon India, the global retail powerhouse, has consistently reported impressive annual revenues. In 2022, it was estimated to be around 514 billion U.S. dollars, a reflection of its commanding presence in the market.
Customer Reviews: The e-commerce giant garners widespread admiration for its diverse product range and steadfast delivery network. With an average rating of 4.5 stars, Amazon customer reviews often highlight Amazon India's efficiency, competitive pricing, and seamless return process.
Flipkart: The Domestic Champion
Annual Revenue: Flipkart, the homegrown hero, consistently showcases its prowess in the Indian e-commerce arena. While specific revenue figures are closely guarded, it reported revenues of around 511 billion Indian rupees for the fiscal year 2021-2022.
Customer Reviews: Earning an average rating of 4.3 stars, Flipkart's customer reviews celebrate its intuitive app and user-friendly interface. The platform's exclusive deals, competitive pricing, and top-tier customer service consistently win the hearts of its patrons.
Myntra: The Fashion Phenom
Annual Revenue: As a subsidiary of Flipkart, Myntra's revenue is encapsulated within Flipkart's financial reports. The fashion-centric platform thrives in the e-commerce landscape due to its exclusive fashion offerings.
Myntra Customer Reviews: Myntra earns an impressive 4.4-star average rating, largely due to its stylish collections, innovative collaborations, and personalized shopping experiences. Its customer base often commends the platform for its forward-thinking approach and extensive selection of trendy products.
Snapdeal: The Discount Maven
Annual Revenue: In 2022, Snapdeal reported revenues of around  ₹563 crore, a testament to its presence in the competitive Indian e-commerce market.
Customer Reviews: With a 4.2-star average rating, Snapdeal is a favorite among budget-conscious shoppers. Customer reviews of Snapdeal consistently highlight the platform's diverse product range and its enticing pricing strategies.
Paytm Mall: The Cashback Connoisseur
Annual Revenue: Specific figures for Paytm Mall's revenue have not been publicly disclosed. However, its integration with the Paytm digital wallet has solidified its position within the Paytm ecosystem, which encompasses various financial services.
Customer Reviews: With a commendable 4.3-star average rating, Paytm Mall's innovative approach to cashback and digital wallet integration is well-received by shoppers. Customer Feedback of Paytm Mall often expresses excitement about earning cashback and the platform's user-friendly approach to payments.
AddMeCart: The Growing Star
Annual Revenue: Specific figures for Addmecart’s revenue have not been publicly disclosed. However, the company is new and growing very fast.
Customer Reviews: The customer-centric approach is evident in Addmecart's commitment to providing excellent service. The platform's responsive customer support team is readily available to address queries and concerns. Addmecart product reviews also indicate that services provided by the company are great. Additionally, they offer hassle-free return and refund policies, which instill confidence in the overall shopping experience.
Grofers: Grocery Guru
Annual Revenue: In 2019-2020, Grofers reported revenues of around $400 million, an indicator of its prowess in the online grocery sector.
Customer Reviews: Grofers maintains a solid 4.0-star average rating due to its focus on convenience and the delivery of quality fresh produce and groceries. Users often laud the platform's efficient delivery services. Always check Grofers user reviews before planing on to buy anything.
In conclusion, the e-commerce industry in India is a dynamic and highly competitive landscape. These top 6 e-commerce companies are not only financial powerhouses but also customer-centric platforms. Their annual revenues are a testament to their market dominance, and their stellar customer reviews showcase their commitment to delivering quality products and services. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, these giants are well-poised to maintain their strong positions and serve the diverse needs of Indian consumers.
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mahamid110 · 10 months
👉 Kasa Outdoor Smart Dimmer Plug ✅ Plug- in Dimmer for Outdoor String Lights
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Kasa Outdoor Smart Dimmer Plug, IP64 Plug- in Dimmer for Outdoor String Lights, Compatible with Alexa, Google Assistant & SmartThings, Long Wi-Fi Range 2.4Ghz, No Hub Required, ETL Certified(KP405)
47% Discount
Sale Price: $15.99
List Price: $29.99
👉 Operation Mode: Off
👉 Current Rating: 4 Amps
👉 Connector Type: Clamp
👉 Brand: Kasa Smart
👉 Item Dimensions LxWxH: 3.13 x 1.53 x 2.76 inches
👉 Circuit Type: 1-way
👉 International Protection Rating: IP64
👉 Controller Type: Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, SmartThings
👉 Control Method: Touch
👉 Connectivity Protocol: Wi-Fi
Click Now Get Instant 47% Discount >>
About this item
✅【Designed Exclusively for Dimmable Lights】
Enjoy your smart home outside with this weather-resistant smart dimmer. Remotely adjust the brightness of your outdoor dimmable lights with the Kasa app or use voice commands via Alexa or Google Assistant for hands-free control. [Lights must be dimmable in order to use dimmer function. 4 Amp maximum]
IP64 rating helps protect your plug against dust intrusion and splashes of water. The TP-Link based Kasa Smart plug will bring you more stable Wi-Fi connectivity with a longer coverage range of up to 300ft. 2.4GHz Wi-Fi only.
You can group multiple dimmers and string lights to control them together at the same time via the Kasa app. Use schedules to switch your outdoor lighting on and off on a schedule to save energy and have total automation.
Plug in, open the Kasa app, follow the simple instructions and you will be up and running in no time. Ideal dimmable control for outdoor string lights, landscape lighting, swimming pool pumps, holiday lights2.4GHz Wi-Fi connection required.
IP64 water resistant, ETL certified, fire/heat resistant with UL94-V0 PC shell. Max Power: 300W Incandescent, 150W LED/CFL. 2-year warranty. Kasa is trusted by over 7 Million users and the 2020 Reader’s Choice Award Winner for Smart Plugs. Schedule your Plug-in Dimmers to turn on/off automatically at specified times or according to Sunrise/Sunset.
Voice Control : Use simple voice commands with Alexa or Google Assistant to control your connected devices.
Click Now Get Instant 47% Discount >>
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alafdel · 11 months
أمازون السعودية؛ موقع أمازون العالمي قام بشراء سوق كوم السعودية والإمارات ومصر، وقام سابقا بتحويل سوق كوم الإمارات إلى أمازون الإمارات، وقبل أيام قام بتحويل موقع سوق كوم السعودية إلى أمازون السعودي، ولم يتبقى من موقع سوق كوم إلا سوق مصر والذي لن يطيل به المقام كثيرًا لكون شركة أمازون تريد المزيد من السيطرة على التجارة العالمية، وأمازون السعودي يوفر الكثير من الكوبونات وأكواد التخفيض مثل من أمازون الأمريكي والألماني والإماراتي وباقي الأسواق التي استولى عليها للمساعدة في ارتفاع المبيعات وزيادة العائدات. كيف تستفيد من الكوبون؟ للاستفادة من الكوبون، ادخل للموقع من هنا واستعمل هذا الكوبون SAVE20 أو BSS10 أو هذا HOME10، إن لم تدخل للموقع من هنا لن تحصل على أي تخفيض. كود خصم امازون السعودية 15% على جميع المنتجات عند تسوقك لأول مرة عبر الموقع Amazon Saudi Arabia، عزيزي مستخدم موقع أمازون السعودي نقدم لكم كل العروض المتاحة في الموقع للاستفادة من عروض اليوم. يكفي فقط الدخول من هنا، وستحصل على عروض كبيرة ورائعة، ويمكنك اختيار الكوبون الذي تريد والاستفادة منه، وبعد الدخول من الرابط يمكنك استخدام هذا الكوبون BSS10 أو هذا HOME10 أيضًا. للاستفادة من الكوبونات المتاحة من هنا. "قد يهمك: أفضل مطعم سمك في القاهرة" كود خصم أمازون السعودية 15% على جميع المشتريات عند الطلب أونلاين كود خصم أمازون السعودية 15% على جميع المُشتريات عند الطلب أونلاين، هناك آلاف العروض والتي تتغير كل لحظة، وبالتالي عليك الشراء في أقرب وقت ممكن للاستفادة من العرض من هنا. كما أن هناك ملايين المنتجات وبجميع اصنافها، كما تتوفر أحسن الماركات العالمية على المتجر ويتوفر لك المنتج الأصلي. كوبون خصم أمازون السعودية 10% على جميع المنتجات للعملاء الجدد Amazon Saudi Arabi: كوبون خصم امازون السعودية 10% على جميع المُنتجات للعملاء الجدد Amazon Saudi Arabi. لا تتعب نفسك في البحث عن عروض وتخفيضات موقع أمازون السعودي، كل ما عليك هو الدخول من هنا وستجد كل العروض الممكنة والكوبونات الفعالة، وستجد أيضًا وقت انتهاء تلك العروض. عزيزي الزائر إن كان لديك أي سؤال تفضل اتركه في تعليق وسيتم إجابتك في أقرب فرصة ممكنة. استعمل كود خصم اي باركفيل. نقدم إليك جميع أكواد الخصم أو التخفيضات المتواجدة على موقع أمازون السعودي للاستفادة واختيار الكود الذي تريد. يكفي الدخول إلى الموقع من هنا، يوجهك مباشرة إلى أكواد خصم سوق أمازون السعودية، ويوفر لك كل مميزات موقع سوق كوم السعودية والعديد من المزايا التي لم تكن متوفرة في متجر سوق. "قد يهمك: "كشف تسربات المياه في الرياض" مواضيع تهمك حول موقع أمازون السعودية فيما يخص مواضيع تهمك حول موقع أمازون السعودية، بما أنك مهتم بموقع أمازون السعودية نوفر لك هذه المواضيع والتي تهم المتجر، ويمكنك قراءة كود خصم أمازون السعودية، وكذلك ننصحك بالدخول إلى هذا الموضوع لمعرفة كيفية فتح حساب في أمازون السعودية وطريقة الشراء، كوبون خصم أمازون السعودية amazon com، كوبونات تخفيض coupon promo code، وكود أمازون السعودية، وفي الأخير نطلب منك ترك تعليق تحفيزي لنا وأي تساؤل لديك اتركه. كيفية الحصول على الكوبون والاستفادة من قيمته حدد مربع الاختيار للحصول على قيمة الكوبون. إذا كنت في الصفحة الرئيسية للكوبونات، فاضغط على عرض السلعة للانتقال إلى صفحة الكوبون (إذا كانت هناك سلع متعددة مقترنة بالكوبون) أو صفحة تفاصيل المنتج (إذا كانت هناك سلعة واحد مقترنة بالكوبون). يمكنك بعد ذلك اختيار إضافة إلى عربة التسوق من أي من الصفحتين. البنود والشروط: الكوبونات صالحة لفترة محدودة فقط. تحتفظ أمازون بالحق في تعديل أو إلغاء الكوبونات في أي وقت. يجب عليك شراء السلع المؤهلة التي تمت إضافتها إلى عربة التسوق عندما يكون الكوبون ساري المفعول كي يتم تطبيق الخصم. ينطبق الكوبون فقط على السلع المؤهلة التي تعرض عرض الكوبون. يقتصر العرض الترويجي على كوبون واحد لكل مستخدم. إذا قمت بإرجاع أي من السلع التي تم شراؤها باستخدام الكوبون، فقد يتم اقتطاع خصم الكوبون أو قيمته من رصيد الإرجاع. تنطبق رسوم الشحن والتسليم المطبقة على جميع المنتجات. يسري العرض حتى نفاد الكمية. هذه العروض لاغية في حال كانت محظورة. كوبون خصم أمازون كوم 2020 السعودية راية شوب أكبر مول أونلاين في مصر للموبايل واللاب توب - اشتري بأفضل الأسعار أجهزة منزلية أونلاين - توصيل سريع - تقسيط - منتجات أصلية - راية شوب مصر كوبون خصم راية شوب discount raya shop. كوبون خصم أمازون كوم 2020 السعودية، واحد من أقوى الأسواق في العالم والتي تحصد إيرادات أكبر من العديد من الدول، وتوفر فرص شغل كثيرة للعديد من الموظفين، وكذلك مئات
آلاف البائعين على الموقع، وكذلك ملايين المنتجات التي يتم عرضها وبيعها على أكبر متجر في العالم، وكذلك مئات آلاف الوسطاء مَن يستخدمون البيع بالعمولة في أمازون، وكل هذا العدد الكبير من الناس يفتحون بيوتهم من التجارة على المتجر، وهم من يجني آلاف الدولارات ويُقال أن هناك من يجني ملايين الدولارات من البيع على الموقع. مميزات موقع أمازون كوم السعودية فيما يخص مميزات موقع أمازون كوم السُعودية: أهم مميزات هذا السوق الإلكتروني هو توفير جميع المنتجات التي يمكن أن تبحث عنها مهما كان هوسك ورغبتك، حيث تتوفر ألعاب الفيديو بلاي ستيشن وكل لوازم المطبخ والتجهيزات المنزلية والهواتف وجميع احتياجاتنا اليومية موجودة وبأفضل جودة أي الصنف الأصلي. ضمان حق المشتري للسلعة إن كانت غير أصلية أو بها عيوب، حيث يمكنك إعادة البضاعة واستعادة أموالك، ويمكن عمك شكوى بالبائع لدى أمازون السعودي وسيتم طرده. إن كان بائع يزيد في أسعار السلع، فيمكنك عمل مقارنة مع الأسواق الأخرى، وإن وجدت أي زيادة غير طبيعة، اعمل شكاية بالبائع أو تواصل معه أو لا تشتري منه حتى يعرف أنه يرفع السعر أكثر من السعر الحقيقي. "اطلع على: أالمدن السياحية في المانيا" ابغي كوبون خصم أمازون السعودي والمنتج ماركة أبغي كوبون خصم أمازون السعودي والمنتج ماركة. العديد منا يبحث عن تخفيض ثمن البضاعة على المتجر السعودي، ويقول لما أستعمل كود خصم أكيد البائع يُرسل لي بضاعة جودة ثانية، أي جودة رديئة، والجواب هو لا، حيث أن الموقع يحمي المشتري أي أنت؛ لأنك من يجني منه المتجر الأموال وليس البائع، والمشتري له قيمة كبيرة، ويسعى دومًا المتجر إلى كسب العديد من العملاء وبالتالي هو يوفر أفضل خدمة للمشترين. أمازون السعودية يعد موقع أمازون من أهم مواقع التسوق الإلكتروني في العالم بأكمله، حيث يُتيح للمستخدم تسوق كل ما يحتاجه من منتجات عبر الإنترنت دون الحاجة إلى الخروج من منزله، ومن ثم يتم شحن المنتجات المطلوبة إلى موقع سكنه، ويتم ذلك عن طريق إدخال بياناته في الاستمارة التى يوفرها له الموقع بعد إتمام الطلب، وفي البداية كان يعمل موقع أمازون في بيع الكتب المشهورة في العالم أجمع، ولكنه قام بتوسيع نشاطاته سريعًا، وقد حدث هذا عندما قام بعمل خطوط إنتاج VHS، وذلك لإنتاج أقراص Mp3 الموسيقية، وألعاب الفيديو الشهيرة حول العالم، الإلكترونيات بمختلف أنواعها، المنتجات الغذائية، البرامج المتعلقة بالحاسوب، الملابس، الأجهزة المنزلية، قطع غيار السيارات، وجميع أنواع المنتجات التى من الممكن أن يحتاج إليها الإنسان يومًا. متطلباتك لإتمام عملية الشراء من الموقع لا بد من التأكد من توافر تلك الإمكانيات قبل البدء في عملية التسوق من موقع أمازون: عنوانك الشخصي (من الأفضل أن يكون عنوان الشحن عنوان دولي، وذلك لإتمام عملية الشحن بسهولة). ماستر كارد أو بطاقة ائتمانية معتمدة (فيزا). تعرفنا في هذه المقالة على مميزات موقع أمازون كوم السعودية، حيث تعرفنا على أهم 3 مميزات لهذا المتجر، مع بيان كيفية الحصول على الكوبون والاستفادة من قيمته، وذكرنا لك كود خصم أمازون السعودية، أو متجر سوق كوم السعودية سابقا، حيث يوجد خصومات كبيرة على هذا المتجر الكبير التي تنتظرك.
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