#am i tired of seeing rampant atrocity denialism on every damn socmed i'm on? YES!!!
intern-seraph · 11 months
the most fascinating thing to me abt the ongoing leftist atrocity denial re: what happened on oct 7 is the implication that the ppl continuing the atrocity denial seem to believe that acknowledging the reality of what was done would somehow make them less of a pro-palestine activist. there is footage and there are photos and there are survivor testimonies but ppl are plugging their ears and going "LALALALALA" and calling it propaganda and i think that is in part bc, while they say that hamas does not represent all palestinians (true! in fact palestinians should be free of hamas! it's a far right religious extremist org (like the current party in power in israel) whose leader is a rich asshole living a life of luxury in qatar while gaza is fucking carpet bombed and entire families are being wiped out. they haven't allowed an election in over a decade, they violently suppress dissent, and supporting their rise to power is explicitly one of bibi's strategies to keep palestinians from gaining freedom. like you are supporting bibi's favorite anti-liberation faction when you cheer on hamas' actions. personally i do not believe for even a second that they give a rat's ass about the lives of palestinians and they are in fact not the good guys just bc they hate israel but maybe i'm just a (((filthy zionist pig))) amirite?), they cannot separate the actions of hamas from the liberation movement as a whole, and they see condemning the org as a betrayal of palestinians... somehow. as if being unable to separate the actions of an extremist faction from the entire rest of the population of palestinians as a whole isn't... bad and kinda really racist and weird?????? and so so so many of them were the ppl celebrating the pogrom on oct 7 as a radical act of liberation (nobody was liberated. it made things worse.) that i think acknowledging that THIS is what they were celebrating creates such a powerful sense of cognitive dissonance for them that they have to deny it ever even happened. surely this wasn't real (but if it was, the victims DESERVED IT!), because that would mean there are people who are in fact bad and do bad things on the "side" they're rooting for, and we all know that your enemies are the only ones capable of doing wrong! it's sports team mentality.
acknowledging that atrocities happened does not make you less pro-palestine. it means you are recognizing reality. acknowledging that reality does not mean that suddenly you think the atrocities that were and are BEING committed by the IDF are excusable or didn't happen or whatever (and that's a fucking bizarre conclusion to make, but a conclusion i have seen many make nonetheless). both bad. bad thing real. even if it happened to the citizens of the country you hate. pretending it didn't happen is not an anticolonial win, it's just playing pretend about real human beings' real human lives and deaths. it helps nobody, except perhaps your wounded conscience.
also obligatory jew disclaimer bc i know you wanna call me a (((zionist))) soooooo bad: i'm not a fucking zionist, assholes. kiss my ass if that's all you gathered from this. i'm saying that denying reality is not a radical example of anticolonialism, it just makes you a dick.
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