#am i playing this most specifically to the verse with winter's hux? yes sue me
cardinal-carvings · 3 years
Character  Interview
What is your full name? “Archex Cal’lien. Supposedly Cal’lien isn’t actually originally a surname, heard a few stories about my grandmother. In theory it was my grandfather’s name.” A shrug, “But I never met either of them, so...”
Who are/were your parents? “I had my mother, Saaliz. She was pretty young, and fought very hard to keep us both alive on such a harsh planet. Sometimes, I wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t fallen ill... would I have stayed on Jakku...? Or when the First Order showed up, would I have still ended up with them? She was smart... I don’t think she’d have let them just take me.”
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? “Not by blood. For the better, I know, but I kind of think it’d be nice... But all those Stormtroopers that trained alongside me? Especially my squad? We were a family. Brothers and sisters...”
Where do you live now, and with whom? “Batuu. With Zade, on his insistence. Small apartment. It’s... not bad, actually. But I do miss space.”
What is your occupation? “I work as a manager for a shipping facility,” Ohnaka Transport Solutions, but the idea of voicing that flat out felt... well, between his connections and Hondo, it could be a fun thing to tumble through. Especially if someone nefarious learned of it.
How would you personally describe your appearance? “... fit? I... I mean I guess, nowhere near what I used to be. Less for lack of trying, more for.” Gestures at his leg, sighs, “It’s getting better. I can do more. But I know I’ll never be what I was before. I’ve... somewhat, accepted that.”
To which social class do you belong? Snorts, “I’ve hardly any credits to my name after three decades wrapped up in some illegal military. I do have a job, but it may well be out of pity. Or... desperation. Not sure which is worse? Anyway, I’m not anything fancy. Not... anymore. At least it’s a step up from Jakku, eh?”
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? “This sounds like a very damming question to answer???”
Are you right- or left-handed? “Left hand dominate. But I’m perfectly capable of using my right hand if and when need be. It was annoying, having to learn to be able to use it effectively for better uniformity back before I was promoted to Captain and given more freedom but. I suppose it has it’s perks in hindsight.”
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently? “I... don’t think there’s anything I use enough to be of note? Unless you count the curse from Jakku, but-- anyway.”
What do you have in your pockets? “A knife.” 
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? “I’m notoriously stubborn?”
Growing  Up
How would you describe your childhood in general? What is your earliest memory? “Shit. It was shit. Earliest memory was my mother telling me my father died before I was born and gifting me a carving she claimed he made for me before it happened. It was a lie, all of it, but I understand the attempt now... my father was a piece of shit.”
How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy school? “School...? I’m pretty sure not even what the First Order taught me can count towards that word. So. Uh... none.”
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities? “Jakku, for actually a good chunk... the First Order, for the others. Shocking, I’m sure.”
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them. “The only one that won’t make me gag to voice, or get thrown back into heavy lockdown is my mother,” a laugh followed the claim, but it was completely serious, “She was brave. Strong... determined. I think she’s a big part of why I am who I am, even if I’d only had her for about seven years... she certainly made her impact.”
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? “Alive.”
As a child, what were your favorite activities? “I... didn’t get much of a childhood, and I’m certain this is guaranteed to get me side-eye glances but. I actually really enjoyed the simulations. Figuring things out, creating strategies, playing to my squad’s strengths and weaknesses-- you could, I guess, consider it was the closest to playing with other kids I ever got.”
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display? “I was stubborn. Not much has changed. Supposedly smart, but at this rate I think ‘smart’ translated more closely to ‘smart enough, but capable of being manipulated’ and not genuinely intelligent...”
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like? “Back in the mines on Jakku, I’d earned myself a sort of following... even at only ten years old. After the tunnel collapsed and I dug myself and the three stuck with me out to safety and a semblance of freedom, they stayed with me.... followed me right into the First Order.
“And I guess you could say I was popular there, too. But that’s. Different. Though still well liked by my peers. My family.”
When and with whom was your first kiss? “That’s-- ah, very damming and classified information, actually.” There’s a laugh, a sound of embarrassment-- though not over who it had been. He held no regrets, despite everything, “First Order. Not necessary information even for the Resistance to know, mm??”
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? Clearing his throat, Archex finally sat forward and sought to hide his face in his hands, “Classified. Suffice to say I wasn’t exactly the remodel Stormtrooper everyone may have anticipated.” Another snort, and despite himself a grin formed, “Bet you lot thought I was chaste or some shit... that’d be fair. Untrue, however.”
Past And Influences
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? “I mean, being dragged out of the First Order kinda seems big and important. Let’s go with that one, hm?”
Who has had the most influence on you? “... Mh. You wouldn’t like that answer...”
What do you consider your greatest achievement? “Er... odd question to ask someone who’s only real effect on the universe thus far has been training up billions of children into soldiers...”
What is your greatest regret? “I’ll tell you one thing straight up. It is not joining the First Order. I was meant to become Cardinal, for better or for worse. This way I have the chance to help... I wouldn’t be able to do much had I’d been stranded on Jakku all my life. And I know that.
“... I guess it’s not asking questions... back in the Order. Not aloud, that’d be suicide but... internally. I should have realized sooner just how wrong the First Order was...”
What is the most evil thing you have ever done? “Evil,” the word is flat as it leaves his mouth, “That’s a subjective term, is it not? Evil... everyone has their own sets of believes and morality. You can claim taking kids into the First Order was evil, and I’d reply back that to me leaving them orphans to struggle through life would have been more cruel. You can say that killing someone who’s a traitor is evil, and I could argue it’s an act of mercy because the other option is torture and perhaps even reprograming. You could tell me torturing someone is evil, and I could argue that it may be a brash act but I’m doing it for the better good.
“But, fine. I suppose there’s one thing that may well have been unjustly cruel of me. I don’t regret it, don’t get me wrong. But I can acknowledge it was in... perhaps, poor taste. Shortly after being promoted to Captain and being gifted the name Cardinal, my father had come to the First Order with information in hopes of a sort of salvation. I took the information and instructed everyone not to pay him, with the explanation that he may well turn around and sell the information of the First Order’s knowledge on said thing right back out to double his profit.
“I quite possibly led to his death. Though I never bothered to look into it. I don’t think I’d like either possible outcome.”
Do you have a criminal record of any kind? “Let’s see... I used to be a high ranking officer in a military that is technically illegal, all things considered. I’ve killed people on their orders. And now, even if it had been legal, I defected informally. After trying to kill someone of the same rank of myself. Add that to the years of thievery on Jakku, and I’m sure somewhere you can pull up something on me. If not, I’d be genuinely surprised.”
When was the time you were the most frightened? “Most frightened...” Archex hesitates, then shakes his head, “Probably when my mother dropped me off at the orphanage and told me not to go looking for her. I get why she did it. She was sick, dying. She didn’t want to let my father get his hands on me. But it left me alone... and I couldn’t accept that. When I slipped out days later to track her down, I was completely alone for the first time in my life. I never found her. I know she died. I’m not ashamed to admit I was terrified... the idea of being on Jakku without anyone with me? It’s a cruel planet, I was seven...”
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? “Phasma.”
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why? “I... I would have left with Vi instead of going after Phasma and being forced to leave, anyways. Stars, I could say I wish I had actually managed to kill her but I’m... well aware, that wouldn’t have changed anything at this point. At least had I left, I could be more useful than I am now.”
What is your best memory? “Mm... I’m going to be completely honest here, alright? I miss raising the kids back on the Absolution.... there’s no one solid memory I hold more fond over any other. It’s... just them...”
What is your worst memory? “I mean, honestly speaking? Considering the massive amount of truths I was forced to learn about someone I thought cared about me? There’s... a huge handful of memories in a bad light now. Memories that make my skin crawl, that make me question everything... everyone. Make me never want to trust again. You probably thought it’d be something simple and concrete, like my confrontation with Phasma? Those scars are mostly just physical... while the injuries won’t heal completely, they’ll be easier to live with than the factor that my entire life had been a lie.”
Beliefs  And  Opinions
What is your greatest fear? “Failing, I suppose...”
What are your religious views? “What was that word I’d heard again,” a pause, as Archex shook his head, “I’m... agnostic? There’s a lot of different religions and ideas and cultures out there, too. The idea that maybe they’re all right, or maybe none of them are right--... I dunno. It seems. Mmm... It’s not something I sit down and turn over in my head. Even, like, the Force-- I know something of it exists, but the whole.... all those stories... it seems like so much of it fits better to a myth. Cautionary tales... something fun to tell around a plate of food, or for fun.
“There’s just. More to it than I’d had time to pounder, and right now I have more important things to spend my energy on.”
What are your political views? “I... still believe that some of what the First Order claimed is true. Now, before you go and have me hauled off to Cerea again hear me out-- the New Republic seemed more focused on the richer worlds. Those that could afford to have a voice. The little people, those who suffered-- like so many on planets like Jakku... we could have died out, and it feels they wouldn’t even have bat an eye. The First Order... hn... I still like the ideas they pushed around. I know now, yes yes yes, bad... they wanted to bring equality through oppression and control...
“There... has to be some way to help those less fortunate not have to struggle and starve every day of their life without oppressing them or others... right?”
What are your views on sex? “... weird question, but okay. It. I..? Personally I only ever have sex with someone who I’m emotionally close to. But I’m not about to drag anyone who goes off and has fun.”
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable? “Don’t like killing. Never did. Never will... but I can. I... I think, I still can. I... I dunno.” Brushing his hair from his face, Archex huffed in annoyance, “I think... that if you can avoid it, then you... you should, but there’s cases where it would only lead to multiple deaths of innocents-- yourself dying, or otherwise bad things happening. There are times where it’s best to just end someone’s life. It’s not pretty, and I don’t enjoy it. But I’m not about to pretend like I view the option a horrible mistake.”
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? “Force others to suffer for their own gain... or amusement.”
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? “Weighted question, don’t you think? I’m going to be honest and say I... have no kriffing idea. I’ve not really gotten much a chance out there to have experience first hand to answer this. I... have a weird relationship with fate, as is. Look at it this way; if you had someone you’re destined for, why would you end up with anyone else? But then you can argue the others were lessons-- and everything gets all muddled...”
What do you believe makes a successful life? “Having a positive impact on those around you, and their future... I mean, that’s. That’s what I want... I want to make things better for those to come...”
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? Do you have any biases or prejudices? “I’m a sentient being... of course I have biases... anyone who claims otherwise is a liar. I’m not an open book, but I’m also not impossible to get open if you know what I mean? Then again, if you were to ask Vi she’d probably tell you all my feelings are on the cover in large font.” A snort, as he shook his head, “Okay, seriously though. I’m a terrible liar, and the idea of hiding things isn’t much for me anyway. Unless it’s something better left unsaid, usually those who need to know will know.”
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it? “I won’t harm a kid. Ever. That should be obvious as to why... the idea that the First Order destroyed a whole system... I could never, ever support that sort of thing. Even smaller scale.”
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? “I’d die to keep my family safe. Though at this point... that word is ripped in pieces, blanketed over... so many, and people that the Resistance admittedly would likely disapprove. This-- being here, is difficult. After everything, there’s... there’s people I love who are in the Order, still. I’ll admit that freely, kriff I raised those Stormtroopers... things aren’t ever going to be easy again.”
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