#am I supposed to take a shower cause I'm sweaty or something?
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damascus-crowned-king · 4 months ago
Vampire!Darlin x Freelancer!Sam fic
It's short, nothing angsty, simple, bad.
Maybe I'll make another but it's a very strong maybe because I'm terribly inconsistent.
“Damnit… where the hell- god fucking, I got too many keys…”
He had flipped Through three key holders trying to find his apartment Keys, fiddling and putting them into the keyhole before finding the one that actually Unlocked his apartment. He walked in with an aggravated sigh of relief before collapsing on his couch.
He should get up and take a shower… or make some dinner and actually eat something of sustenance… or sleep on his actual bed… but he didn't… he just laid there… sweaty…exhausted… tired… overworked… and the next thing he knew he was asleep…
Poke poke.
He groggily woke up with a tired, irritated groan, eyes fluttering open to see who the hell was poking him. Repeatedly.
“Fuckin’ finally, you were boring me to death with how unconscious you were.”
He opened his eyes to see a face that meant trouble. A pretty face, but still a face that meant trouble.
“Darlin, I was doing this thing called ‘Taking a nap’ y'know … a thing… humans do… to not fuckin’ die?”
“Yeah, well, you've slept long enough, keep me company.”
Oh lord if he wasn't head over heels for this bastard vampire he'd kick them out and sleep forever.
“Can I just get like… a one hour nap, or somethin’? Just like a resting period before I become your own personal jester?”
They thought for a good moment before speaking up in a curt tone. “Thirty minutes.”
“Are you- y'know what I'll take what I can get… even if this is my own damn house and I can do whatever the hell I want-”
It only took a few seconds for Darlin to get sick of his grumpy old man rant and pick him up like a damn bride, causing him to cling to them like a stunned cat.
“First of all it's an apartment not a house, Secondly, you act like you have the physical strength to Kick me out.”
“If you don't put me down right now!”
They didn't.
They carried him all the way to his (their) bedroom, practically threw him onto the bed as he let out an ‘Oof!’ and crawled on top of him and laid down. Letting him be squished under the weight of them, nuzzling their face into the crook of his neck. And all Sam could do was sigh.
“You're squishing me.”
“I know.”
“You're heavy.”
“Am I supposed to care?”
He expected that response.
His darlin was stubborn as they were gorgeous.
“Can I atleast get a kiss?”
“Now you're speaking my language.”
They pulled away after a few seconds, (not long enough in Sam's eyes) looked at him with a smug look, still holding his face with such love and care before speaking in the most teasing, asshole tone. “Once your thirty minutes of peace is up, your ass is mine.”
They pulled away, cupped his face as gently as possible which always somewhat surprised him, their hands were still calloused from when they were human, hands so strong they could destroy boulders, and yet they were cradling his face like he was the most precious collection of atoms on earth. They leaned in and he could taste the shirley temple-flavored chapstick on their lips. They kissed gently too…
And once again. Sam could only sigh.
He appreciated their small amount of mercy but he also knew whatever they were going to rope him in was going to be tiresome and horrifying. He could only hope and pray. But they were his darlin… so he'll endure it.
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pocketsizedq · 1 year ago
Becareful Mamas
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requested: could you do something about a pregnant reader going to jamie’s games, and maybe he is like super protective or something over reader cause she’s like 7 or 8 months and he just loves to fuss over her being i’m comfortable and everything?
Word Count:704
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Typically, Jamie was a calm and easy going guy when it comes to you coming to his games as he knew you were a strong independent woman who could take care of herself, but now that you were pregnant it made him worry about you scared something bad would happened at the game while hes on the ice.
You also being nearly eight months pregnant made him anxious when you told him you would be coming to his last game before playoffs as you didnt want to put that stress on him.
"Jamie you can't hold me hostage at home I'm pregnant not a sick victorian child." you spoke looking at the canadian standing in the doorway as you got dressed.
"Princess" He looks down at your very pregnant figure. "you know i want you to be there. it's just not safe for you honey."
Jamie and you have been together since he first got drafted to the ducks so you were able to get to know his teammates while he did and had seen nearly all of his home games.
You still went to support them even when Jamie got injured as they were like family to you too. The organization and fans knew you and respected you as they knew you weren't some chick just with him to get with trevor.
"Im safe there just as much as i am at home" you say looking at him who has moved to sit on the bed as you put on one of the duck crewnecks that jamie had with plain pair of leggings as none of your jeans fit.
"I just don't want her or you getting hurt while i'm there" Jamie said knowing that he will be the one to take you there so you would have to sit through the warms ups and everything.
You stayed as lowkey as possible so you wouldn't bring attention to yourself. Jamie had made sure you were comfortable as He had made you sit near where the players stayed so he could keep a close eye on you.
As He help you go down the bleachers stairs before he had to go on the ice to make sure you didn’t fall he spoke softly saying a “be careful mamas.” Before planting a kiss on your head going to where he was suppose to be.
Every moment He wasn't on the ice He was making sure you were comfortable and being very protective if someone got to close to you or said something that he didn't like.
Jamie removes his helmet when he steps down from the funnel all sweaty ready to get home and see you to make sure everything is alright going into the locker room to start untying his skates.
He saw you standing near the locker room so he knew you were alright as he started to remove the rest of the gear off of his sweaty body.
Jamie knew the smell of odor cause you to get sick so he makes sure to shower and put on a pair of clothes he brought with him.
Since He never had to do media or anything like that. He gave trevor a hug before saying bye to the rest before making his way out to you.
You were leaned up against the wall looking at your phone holding your back as it started to hurt.
Jamie made his way over to you wrapping his arms around you to which you put your phone in your pocket turning in his arms giving him a big kiss.
"ready to go home jam?" you said looking up at him you could tell by his eyes that he was tired you gently moved your hand up and down his back.
Jamie nods moving his arms from around you taking your hand into his larger one pulling his keys out of his pocket right after doing so he picks you up bridal style knowing your feet is probably swollen before you could protest he said.
"no matter how tired i am you and our little girl will always come first" Jamie spoke in a calm voice which made your heart melt and you kissed his cheek.
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mythyplaysoverwatch · 6 years ago
Dear player who messaged me salty after a Total Mayhem match
I just needed to rant about this somewhere
Some context:
Total Mayhem is our favorite mode, right after Mystery Heroes.  In our three stack we have a few running records/challenges.  Just something fun to do or work towards while playing the mode.  
For instance, I’m the only one so far who has gotten a D.Va ult four-man kill in the mode.  Which is impressive considering the increased health pools/short to no ability cooldowns of the mode.  
The one I need to mention is our Sombra hack record.  I held it for a while in the 70s, then @assassin-yuki and I pushed it into the 90s.  @assassin-yuki has the record although not sure exact number (she thinks in the 120s, I think she got 132 one game).  So I’m usually trying to beat that.  
We have a fun Total Mayhem match and goes as usual.  Lasts forever, as usual with the game mode.  Just managed to pull a win right at the very end.  At no point did I feel our team or their team was bullying each other (trust me, happens in some modes).  I get an end card stating I got 114 hacks that game, which I think is a personal best.  Really excited.  
Then all of a sudden I get a message from a player on the enemy team, and looking it up in Overwatch recent players says it was the enemy Sombra (who like... maybe played Sombra a few minutes?)  Telling me to “get a life”.  The three of us are part amused and part stunned.  Like, buddy.... its Total Mayhem, the mode is literally designed for craziness, absurd cards at the end of the match are the norm.  
I then reply: -?  It’s total mayhem? -Also, its a challenge in the group to see who can get most hacks, nothing personal -Let me know if want sombra mayhem tips
Now, granted, the last message was both genuine AND passive aggressive.  Maybe they were frustrated and wanted to know how I was doing it, well ok could have asked better but I’m willing to offer suggestions.  But on the other hand you’re wasting your time and mine messaging me like that.
To which they reply: I don’t need tips from your rank player thanks Go take a shower
…. What does that even mean??  (Also confused, since I have my career profile set to friends only, how do they know what rank I am?).  So then I’m guessing it must be a super high level and/or very high ranked player salty I was out-Sombra-ing them--
I’m silver border, five star, level 8.  I think that translates to player level 1108?  And I’m only that high because I play a couple hours somewhat every day for roughly since release. And my two groupmates are gold border.  Of COURSE I’m going to outplay you.  
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 4 years ago
The money thing (part 2/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings: SMUT! angst, confrontation... and more SMUT!
This is it, guys! Buuut... I think I'm gonna keep this story going, what do you say? Shall we find out about how shopping with Charlotte goes, and the party, and just how (y/n) handles this new dynamic overall? As always, let me know what you think! Read part 1 here!
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When you got back at home, you were barely inside the apartment and Daniel was already pushing you against the door, kissing you passionately. You go down the corridor half kissing, half walking, Daniel chasing you all the way. You run to his room and then inside the shower, taking off your sweaty clothes on the process. You guys get under the shower and the feeling of the chill water along with Daniel’s kisses on your skin is just too good.
“You’re unbelievable” he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each other’s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
“You’re unbelievable” he says, letting your feet touch the ground again. You wash each other clean after that, running your hands through each other’s body and memorizing every curve, every detail.
After a while, you get out of the shower, dry your hair quickly then wrap yourself in a towel. You go to your toiletry bag on the sink and take your toothbrush out, brushing your teeth while Daniel finished showering. Then you take your hair cream and put some on, your hair is really starting to feel the damage with all this boy’s shampoo, you think. Then you take some skin serum and apply some drops on your face, spreading lightly. Man, you missed skincare and it missed you. Last step: body lotion. Daniel gets out of the shower and you know he's watching you.
“Why you’re pampering yourself all up?” He asked coming behind you and kissing your neck.
“I’m doing what I was supposed to do the last two nights…but got distracted” you smirk at him. He lifts his hands in mock defense. Then you open the towel and start spreading the cream on your stomach, then your legs, then your butt. He’s watching you still, so you smile. “You say you like my skin, well it takes a lot of creaming to maintain it”
“I thought that was my job, love” He says in a low voice from behind me, putting his hands on my hips.
“Not like-” you start but decide it’s not even worthy, he knows what you meant. You just swat him on the shoulder and he laughs, going back to the room.
“By the way” he says putting his head back through the door. “You smell amazing, so finish up and get your ass back in the bed so I can properly cream you up”
“Daniel!” Little shit. He laughs even louder.
When you go back inside the room Daniel is sitting on the bed, looking through his phone. You pass him towards the closet and decide to take a look at the clothes you brought with you, to see if there's anything you could wear to this party tomorrow. What do you even wear to a yacht?
You take a few outfits and place them in front of your body, testing them on the mirror, but nothing seemed appropriate.
"You want a shirt baby?" Daniel asks you out of nowhere.
"Hum? Yeah, sure" you answer him, hanging the clothes back in the closet.
"Are you looking for something for tomorrow? Just buy something with Charlotte" he said simply while putting sweat pants on.
"Yeah... I..." you took a deep breath, "It's just..." you tried to say, but nothing seemed to come out. You were scared he was gonna think you're being ridiculous.
"What?" he looked at you.
"Nothing, never mind" you gave up, putting on his shirt with your underwear and going back to his room. He followed you, wearing nothing but his sweat pants.
"I'm just guessing here, but I have a feeling it's a good one" he started, "It's the money thing, isn't it? You don't want to spend money buying an outfit for this party?"
"It's not that I don't want to, Dan. I just can't afford it!" you said raising your voice tone a bit. He just stared at you for a while. "I don't know if you've noticed, I'm not on a million dollars contract but I'm still living like I was!" you sat down on the bed, eyes filling with water. "I just can't do this anymore, sorry. It's killing me and it's so stupid, so petty, but again, it's not! Cause what would the solution be? You paying for everything? Me just becoming a leech? A gold-digger?" he was watching you quietly, but let out a laugh at that last part.
"Don't laugh! I'm serious!" you continued.
"Baby, listen to yourself. What do you want me to do besides laughing?" he smiled sympathetically at you.
"Well, I'm glad you're finding it amusing because I feel sick everytime the subject comes up. The clothes, restaurants, plane tickets... I can't be living like that, and it's not just that. It's also because I know there's only one way this is going"
"You finally understanding this is ridiculous and accepting the credit card I made on your name months ago?" he said sitting by your side.
"Us not being together anymore. We're just from too different worlds, it's not gonna work. You need someone that can keep up with this lifestyle" you said getting up and walking towards the bathroom.
"No, you're not!" he said pulling you back down to his lap by your waist. "Enough with this bullshit" he said kissing your face and wipping your tears away. "Tell me what the real problem is. This is not about money, money is only a tool, a means to something, we can't let it have this much power over us. There's always more where that came from" you just looked at him. He had a much more healthy relationship with money than you, maybe because he had so much to spare. "This is not about money. You're not greedy, I know you. You're just the polar opposite of it. The most generous person I know. Is that it? You're feeling guilty?"
"I think... kind of. It's not fair, how can I have so much, knowing that most people have never even seen that much money. We’ve spent the average person's paycheck on a meal, Dan!" you said.
"(y/n), baby... it's not your responsibility. You can't carry this weight on you. You already do so much for people, you volunteer and donate all the time... you can't deprive yourself because other people don't have the same opportunity, that wouldn't be fair either" he tried to reason with you.
"But what about you?" you asked.
"What about me?"
"I just... listen, I know, rationally I mean... that I don't handle the idea of money very well. If you must know, I couldn't even take money from my parents as a kid. I just can't help but think it wasn't fair to them and it's not fair to you, to spend it with me. It's yours! You worked hard for it! I’m literally leeching on you!"
"So, you agree? The money is mine, so I can do with it what I please?" he said.
"Yes, but-"
"Why can't I spend it with the person I love most in the world? Huh? What is so wrong with it? Even if I was choosing to spend it on you instead of on myself, which I'm not, why couldn't I?"
"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you"
"Baby, we're taking advantage of this life. I was given this unholy amount of money for doing my dream job. Can you see how rare and fucking blessed this is? I mean, I thought so, until I met you. I thought I knew what a good life was until you were in it. This is a good life, with you enjoying this fucking lottery ticket with me" he said pecking your lips and rubbing your back, while you leaned on him. "Is this why you wouldn't come to London with me?" you looked at him and nodded.
"Sorry about that..."
"No, I'm sorry I didn't push more on the subject earlier. This has been going on for long enough now. It's just money, (y/n). Just it. Just a tool for the wonderful life we lead together. You understand?"
"Look at me" he said turning your chin to look at him. "Do you really? Will you let me pay for stuff now? Tell me whenever you have an expense or even better, will you accept the credit card I made for you?"
"I don't think that's necessary"
"Please baby. Let's try it my way? Will you use it from now on?" he asked again pecking your lips. "Say yes. Say yes, or I'll give you a minimal monthly spending goal as well" he smiled and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"I'm not comfortable with it"
"Just try, please? You can start by buying something tomorrow for the party" the look on his face changed and you knew he was about to tease you. "If you'd prefer, we can say you're buying something for me... you wanna be my sugar baby?" he laughed.
"Too soon to joke about it" you said but laughed anyway. "Okay" you said after a while, "I'll use it. But you have to promise me you'll tell me if you change your mind"
"You're scared I'll go in debt?"
"I know you would"
"Good. Because I would. For you. But I know you don't need me to, so if we run out of money we'll just be poor together. Good thing you have experience, huh?" he laughed.
"Asshole!" you swatted him on the chest.
"You know I'm joking. But you get it now, don't you? We're lucky enough we don't have to worry about it, so let's not worry about it. It shouldn't even take a second of our day, it doesn't matter. Us, being together and our happiness is what matters. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you, for being so understanding. Sorry for being... you know"
"I love you. And I don't expect you to simply go on a shopping spree, although I do expect you to buy those plane tickets soon. But the thing is, I'm here for it, I'm here to solve every little obstacle that gets in our way, no matter what, no matter how silly you're being"
"You're being so mature about this" you smirked at him.
"Well, what can I say? Being the perfect human I am, I understand that other humans are not, I'm just humbled that I can guide you on your path of enlightenment" he laughed and you rolled your eyes. "In all seriousness now, you know why is that, don't you?"
"Why? Because you're just better than everyone else?"
"Well, yes. But also because I have it really clear in my mind what really matters. And that's you. Us. It's all that matters to me. Being good for you" he said looking into your eyes.
"I love you, so much. I don't deser-" he cut you out by kissing you deeply and pulling you closer to him.
You moved so you were straddling him now, your arms around his neck and your hands on his hair. His hands that were on your waist, keeping you closer, started to slip down your body, so he was holding your bum.
"I want you" he said against your lips. You smiled and started to grind down against him. You were only wearing his shirt, which was bunched up around your waist, and your underwear, which wasn't the sexiest piece you owned but you didn't think Dan would care. In fact, he didn't seem to care at all for your underwear, cause he was already slipping his hand under you, pushing the thin layer to the side, and sliding his fingers through your lips.
You moaned at the sensation, still sensitive from your adventures early in the shower. "I... Dan..." you begin to say, but couldn't form a full sentence.
"What is it, baby girl? You want to say something?" he whispered against your ear, sucking your earlobe lightly. Then he pressed his pointer and middle finger against your clit, circling them firmly against you and making you moan louder for him.
"I'm still sensitive from early" you said against his lips, laughing a bit.
"You want me to stop?" he asked looking at you deeply.
"No!" you answered almost too fast, making him chuckle. "Don't stop, please"
"Hum... since you asked so nicely" he said sucking on your jaw, then your neck. You took that opportunity to slip your hand down his torso, feeling his chest and abs, and then reaching for him through his sweat pants. He was rock hard already. This man is insatiable. You smiled at the sound he made when you grabbed him lightly.
"I just want to feel you inside me" you said pulling his pants down and out of the way. He lifted you both from the bed slightly to help you take them off, then you grabbed and lined him with your center, sitting down slowly, letting only the head in first.
“Babe, please,” it’s Daniel’s turn to beg now “I need you" and then you sink down on him, feeling all of his length while he bottoms out inside you. He sucks on your sweet spot, muffling the groan that comes out of his mouth.
"Oh my god Dan" you moan, dropping your head back and giving him even more access to your neck. You pull his hair a bit more, fingers clamped down so tightly you're scared you might pull his hair out. You stay like this, feeling him deep inside you, for a while. He pulls away to look you in the eyes and kiss your lips, massaging your tongue with his. It's so intimate, so truthful, like he said, the only thing that matters in the world.
"I love you" he says looking you deep in the eyes. You nod before replying because you want to make sure he knows you know. That you believe and trust him.
"I love you, so much" you say back.
Then you roll your hips, testing out the angle, and it's almost too much to handle. It feels like hours and seconds at the same time, but you find a rhythm together, a pace you can keep sitting on him, while he only worries about kissing you and keeping you both from falling from the bed.
You're sure you'll be feeling sore tomorrow. Actually, you already are. Your legs, tired from the running and all the sex you've been having lately, start to give out and you lose your strength. Luckily, Daniel seems to catch that before you have to say anything, so he brings his hands to your hips and starts to help you move up and down on him.
You sit up slightly, moaning at the different angle he hitting now and he groans, feeling you clench around him. "(y/n)" he moans your name, "baby, I'm go-" he moans, feeling you clench again.
"Me too" you reply.
"Where do want me to? Huh? I'm gonna cum for you baby" you kiss him, feeling your pussy spasm around him, making it even harder for him to keep a steady rhythm.
"Inside me. I need you to come inside me, please, please baby" and there's no time to think, to ask if you're sure. You feel his whole body tensing and his thrusts get sloppier. Then, when you feel the hot liquid spur inside you, he grabs a handful of your ass with one hand and slips his other in between the two of you, flicking your clit rapidly and precisely.
That's all it takes for you to lose it completely, your walls fluttering around him as your body trembles at the intensity of the pleasure.
You both ride your orgasms together, you rolling your hips slower and slower, and him holding you tighter and closer until you stop completely. The only sound being your heavy breathings.
After a while, you pull away to find him already staring at you.
"You are the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on" he says to you and you feel the warmth of his words.
"I'm yours. Forever" you say simply and kiss him lightly on the lips.
"I feel like I have so much to lose. It honestly scares the living shit out of me"
"I know what you mean. I feel the exact same, I promise. I don't know how I got so lucky to find you" you say.
"And I, you. But we're just being dumb, right? I guess it's good we know that, but also... that we're not going anywhere, right?" he asks and you can sense there's some insecurity behind his line.
"Right. We're only getting stronger" you say and kiss him again. "I love you, Daniel"
"I love you, so much" he says touching your foreheads. "Let me get something to clean you up, then we can cuddle the rest of the night"
"You're the only guy I know that likes cuddling this much" you smile getting up from him. He hisses a bit at the sensation but gets up right after you.
"You don't have to worry about other guys' preferences" he says rolling his eyes. Yep. If your thing is low self-esteem and money-related issues, his is definitely jealousy and overall insecurity.
"I don't, silly" you peck him in the lips. He seems to relax a bit and when he comes back from the bathroom his phone lights up, he goes to check on it after passing you the towel.
"Charles just texted Charlottes contact. I'll forward it to you, okay?"
"Yep" you answered and it was your phone's turn to light up. "Can I confess something?" you asked him, adjusting your clothes.
"I'm really excited to hang out with her tomorrow. I kind of miss girl company during the GPs and even when I'm here in Monaco and you're busy" he smiled and put a shirt on.
"Look at you, making friends! How cute"
"Shut up" you playfully pushed him, while you guys climbed into bed. You texted her 'hello' and Daniel's address before locking your phone and adjusting in his arms. There's still a lot to figure out and you weren't sure you'd be able to handle the money thing any better. You hoped so, after all, you didn't know how much more Daniel can be understanding. But you could think about all that another time. Right now life was good in the arms of the man you loved and loved you back. You felt safe.
Tag list (this is so fancy! I've never done a tag list before haha): @scotlynaurora @your-favourite-blonde @unicornfairytail @c-d-9
@isntmadrid @lharrietg @sassybatflowerpaper
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writteninkat · 4 years ago
Greed | Ushijima x reader
summary: "I didn't like how my teammates watched you a while ago." He admits, his hands clenching on the counter.
"I don't think they understand how you're mine and only mine." He whispers against the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling shivers down your spine.
word count: 3.5k
warning: 18+, name calling if u squint (???)
a/n: this is a reminder that you are amazing, you are loved and you matter. | masterlist for 100 followers event
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The boy's volleyball team never paid any attention to the girls as they were always busy with their own training and the two teams played and trained in their own separate indoor volleyball courts. But today is a little different. The floor of your team's court needs changing so the girls and boys have to train under the same roof for a week, and it'll be the first time seeing each other play.
Toshi knew you play volleyball, he knows you were the ace, as a matter of fact, his whole team knows as well. But they didn't know you were this good.
You throw the ball up high in the air, jumping as high as you can and throwing your hand forward, slamming it at the ball. The impact of your hand at the ball always felt so good, the heat and sting of it always gave you some kind of adrenaline and you loved the feeling.
The ball is hit so hard your teammates at the other side of the net barely had any time to react before it hit the wooden floors, giving your side a point.
You smile widely, catching the ball the coach throws at you for a second chance at serving. "Y/n calm the fuck down!" Your teammate yells, "We're not playing for real right now have some mercy!"
"If you can't receive my serves, how are you going to receive the serves from other school who'll surely be better than me?" You yell back, doing another jump float, your form tricking the other team as if you're doing another hard serve, causing them to step away from the net. Your palm then simply pushes on the ball, resulting it to barely go over the net. The players at the other side dives in to try and save the ball, but it hits the ground a second before they do.
The whistle is blown and your side of the court wins. "Y/n! You're a menace to society!" Your teammate jokingly yells, fake-crying on the floor making you giggle. You walk over to your duffel bag on the bleachers and take out your towel, oblivious to the many pairs of eyes on you.
Your short shorts always rode up your thighs and sometimes even ass whenever you played, so you hated wearing the uniform but your long shorts were jn the washer right now, you didn't really have much of a choice. Your uniform hugged your body perfectly, every curve and every hill accentuated by the two pieces of cloth around you.
Your boyfriend's team are bewildered by your skills. They never expected you, so sweet, so gentle and so kind towards them being able to produce such monstrous serves and spikes.
"Y/n!" You hear Tendou call, creating an immediate smile across your face. You loved Tendou, after dating his best friend, the two of you became so close and it's as if you two are best friends too. You watch him run towards you, volleyball in hand. "I never knew you played so good."
"You guys are too busy to watch me play. Why? Wanna join me sometime?" Tendou smiles at your offer, immediately nodding his head. "Yes! Please! Let's olay at my hou-"
"There's no way Y/n's playing with you." Wakatoshi says involuntarily, his eyes widening at his words as his teammates give him questioning stares. He never raised his voice before, nor has he spoken without being spoken to. "Unless! Unless I play with her first." He covers it up, looking away with the faintest blush across his face.
You tilt your head to the side, putting two on two together before smirking. Ah, my adorable, jealous boyfriend. Whatever am I supposed to do with you?
When practice finishes, you go your separate ways from the team. Unlike them who had homes to return to, your home is three hours away from the school and no way in hell were you traveling a total of six hours a day just to get feom and to your house. Getting a dorm in the campus seemed a much better idea, plus, it helped you spend more time with your boyfriend.
A hand snakes its way around your waist and despite sweating for three hours tonight, you can still smell a combination of the scent of your boyfriend's perfume and his shampoo. He smells minty and fresh from his shampoo and at the same time he also smells of lavender and sandalwood.
He continues to wrap both his arms around you as he stands from behind you, his forehead on your shoulder. "Want me to give you a massage once we get back?" You ask, placing a hand on his forearm.
Wakatoshi doesn't speak for a moment and you were beginning to think he fell asleep, but moments later he lifts his head up and takes another step forward, your eyes widening as you feel him poke at your ass.
"I just realised I've never seen you in your uniform before," He breathes out, "You look so sexy baby."
Heat rises up your face, your boyfriend's never said anything like that before. Sure, he once complimented how good yer legs look in shorts or how he likes seeing you so 'comfortable' without a bra on, butbhe's never been straightforward like this.
You can feel yourself creating a pool of slick in your underwear. God, this can not be fucking happening...
"Let's go to my dorm." His voice is an octave lower and he sounds out of breath. "Girls aren't allowed in your dorm building."
"I know most of the people in that building and they know me, they won't tell. So come on," he pulls at you, leading you to his building. He looks back at you, neediness and lust filling his eyes. "I need you right now."
Toshi didn't need to sound like he was begging, you were still going to follow him, but now that he sounds like he wants you so bad he can't control himself anymore, it's making you wanna run to his dorm and rip his clothes off.
You bite on your lower lip, letting him lead you to where his room is.
As you pass through a hall, you smile and wave shyly at some of the familiar faces you see, they look as if they've just seen a ghost. But can you blame them? Ushijima Wakatoshi is currently leading a girl to his room. This is the first time, it should be recorded in the hall of fame or something.
Once the both of you reach his door, which is at the bery end of the hall, Toshi takes his ID card, about to swipe it to unlock the door until he stops midway. He turns around and looks at you straight in the eye, "You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I don't want to be force you."
You blink at him once, twice, thrice- you take the card from his fingers, quickly swiping it on the lock. You push your boyfriend inside the dorm before looking to your right where the boys in the hall still have their undivided attention at you. "It'll probably get loud, you guys play some music or something." You yell before entering the room and slamming the door behind you.
Immediately, you push your boyfriend onto the wall, leaning in to press your lips on his. Finally, being able to touch your boyfriend after a long day of tiring practice feels to freeing and good. A shiver runs up your spine when he licks your bottom lip, asking for entrance. When you grant it to him, he pushes his tongue inside your wet cavern, immediately exploring it like he's a curious speleologist.
His one hand grabs your waist, immediately being able to grab almost half of it given your size differences and his other hand cups your jaw, tilting your head to the side to gain better access.
Your hand travels down to the waistline of his sweatpants, pushing your hand inside, feeling strained cock from inside his underwear as your fingers skillfully stroke it.
"Mmmm-" You hum, pushing Toshi off lightly. "We need to take a shower first, we've been sweaty for hours." You tell him, your hand still going up and down his shaft.
He sighs, pulling your hand out of his pants before pulling you inside his bathroom. Inside, he pins you against the wall, his lips on yours as he begins to lift your shirt, only breaking the kiss when a piece of clothing has to come off from around your heads. He pushes your shorts down along with your underwear, letting them pool around your ankles. He pulls your body closer to him, the tip of his clothed cock pressing against your wet folds making you moan into his mouth.
With one hand, he clasps the lock of your bra behind you, letting it fall on the floor along with your other clothes as his other hand begins toying with your pussy.
"You feel so wet down there. Was it when my teammates were staring at you?" He growls, making you lift a questioning brow. "What... What are you talking about?" You breathe out, sucking in your bottom lip in between your teeth as you grind your hips against his hand, greedy for more friction.
"You like it when my teammates are watching you? Watching as those small fuckin shorts get caught in between your ass? Hmm?" Toshi pushes a fingers inside making you mewl, your walls clenching around it, wanting more. "You like it when people watch you?"
You shake your head, moaning out profanities as you dig your nails on the skin of his shoulders, still rolling your hips and still wanting more of him.
"N-no, no! I only want you to watch me, Toshi!" You whine, moaning loudly once again when he pushes yet again another finger. He scissors his fingers inside you as your walls clench around them hungrily, greedy for more. "You're fucking mine, you got that?" He grits, thrusting his fingers inside you, hitting the particular bundle of nerves again and again leaving you screaming in pleasure with just two of his fingers.
"Yes! Yes, oh yes! I'm yours, Toshi! Fuck!" Your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling yourself shake as you cum around his fingers, your cunt squelching around them. You breathe heavily, rolling your hips as you ride out your orgasm.
Toshi takes his fingers out, causing you to whine unconsciously when your hole begins tightening around nothing. He places his hands on either of your lower thighs, pulling you up and hugging your legs around his waist as he leads you to his shower.
He puts you down, making sure you can stand by yourself before hooking his thumbs on either side of his sweats, pulling them down, letting them pool around his ankles. Your gaze is immediately on his member, it's looks so hard and red, the size much bigger than usual and precum is currently seeping out of it.
"Like what you see?" Toshi smirks, this whole side of him completely taking you off guard. You love it. You twist the shower knob on before getting on your knees before him. He steps forward towards you, watching you as you take his dick into your small hands.
You look up at him from below, opening your mouth as widely as you can, rolling your tongue out. You begin by giving his precum-covered head some kitten licks, cleaning it up beforetaking half of his length in your mouth. You hollow your mouth, pushing your head lower as you feel his tip already hit the back of your throat.
"Yeah, take that dick like you want it for dinner. My cockslut..." He hisses, taking you by the hair. He tugs on a fistful of your hair, causing you to roll your eyes back in pleasure and moan loudly, the vibration stirring your boyfriend up even more. He begins thrusting his hips slowly, throwing his head back as you play with his balls and the rest of him that you couldn't take in your mouth.
"That's right, lap up my cock so fucking good, angel. That's right- ah! oh god..." His breathing becomes irregular and his thrusts slowly become more frantic. The tip of his dick continues abusing the back of your throat and tears begin to pool on the corners of your eyes, your cunt dripping wet at the thought of your boyfriend face fucking you at this moment.
Your hand plays with your pussy, drawing circles around and on the clit, chasing after Toshi so the two of you can cum together. "That's right, you're mine. This mouth is mine, and I'm not fucking sharing you with anyone." He seethes, his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier by the second until he thrusts particularly deep inside your mouth, the tip of his dick going down your throat as he cums inside you, hot liquid going down your throat has your pussy clenching around your own fingers.
He pulls out, watching as you swallow his load until your mouth is empty of his white seed. The corner of Toshi's hand twitches into a smirk as he wipes a thumb over your bottom lip, immediately you suck on it as you look up at him teasingly.
"Let's wash up, darling." He pulls you up, taking his shampoo bottle and squirting a small amount on his palm, wiping it on your hair continuously until it begins to bubble up. He then proceeds to pour his body wash all over your body, hands roaming around you.
He presses kisses on the shell of your ear as he massages and squeezes your breasts, pinching and pulling at your nipples before going down and washing your slippiery folds. He copies what he did to your breast down to your ass, kneading them like fine bread before guiding you when the water is hitting. As you wash off the soap suds, he pours the same kind of shampoo on his head, combing his fingers through his soap-sud covered hair before following it by lathering his soap all over his body. His hands go up and down his well defined abs and pecks, teasing you as he slowly trails it down to his shaft.
He watches you watch him clean himself, letting you pull him closer to you, letting himself be hit by the running water. Once all the soap is rinsed off, you step away from him and take a towel, drying off your hair infront of the mirror.
You watch in the reflection as Toshi walks out of the shower and towards you, his usual indifferent expression across his face. He runs his haze down your figure before pulling on your towel, setting it down on the counter.
He leans forward, trapping you between him and the counter as he places both of his hands on either sides of your body. "I didn't like how my teammates watched you a while ago." He admits, his hands clenching on the counter. "I don't think they understand how you're mine and only mine." He whispers against the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling shivers down your spine.
"Why won't you make me yours?" You challenge him, looking at him dead in the eye. He looks at you for a second, two seconds, three- he spins you around, pressing his lips against yours.
"You're playing a really dangerous game, darling, and I'm not in the best mood tonight." He growls through the kiss, his tongue more aggressive and lips harsher than usual. "Show me how to play it, maybe I'll get to know the rules and it won't be as dangerous as you say it is." You shoot back, running your hands all over his naked torso, feeling ever elevation and dip of his sculpted chest and abs underneath the pads of your fingertips.
Toshi growls into the kiss, turning you around once again and pushing you down on the counter. He presses his tip against your dripping folds, slowly entering you as to not hurt you in any way. He lets you adjust to his size for a few moments and the moment you begin rolling your hips, he combs his fingers through your damp hair, pulling on it and forcing you to see yourself being fucked in front of the mirror.
He thrusts relentlessly into you, the tip of his cock hitting places your fingers never hit before. Your jaw hangs open as you moan loudly, taken in a trance at the feeling of your boyfriend abusing the certain bundle of nerves inside you.
Toshi lifts a leg up on your side, the feeling becoming more and more overwhelming as his thrusts become deeper, much faster and harder. Your walls clamp around him tightly, making him click his tongue. "Yeah that's it, this pussy is all fucking mine, isn't it."
He pulls at your hair, letting go of it before cupping your face, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. "Look at you. Look at how lewd you are right now. You feeling good clamping down on my cock like that?" He asks, his thrusts never once slowing down. The feeling becomes overwhelming to the point where you couldn't form words, and instead you nod your head as to not make a fool out of yourself.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel the knot tighten in your belly, your jaw hangs open as drool begins to drip out the corner of your mouth. Your boyfriend breathes heavily into your ear, "Wanna cum? You wanna cum right now?"
"Ye-yeah... yeah fuck...wanna...wanna cum... let... let me...cum...." You lose your capability to form coherent sentences and capability to talk. "I'm fucking you so dumb right now, aren't I?" Toshi smirks, shoving two of his fingers inside your mouth, pressing them on your tongue as he watches you make a mess out of yourself.
Your moans fill the bathroom completely and you feel yourself hanging by a thread, simoly waiting for a word, that one ward that'll have you releasing so hard your legs are for sure going to give out. Just one word-
"Alright my darling, you deserve this." Toshi growls into your ear, letting go of your face in the process. "Cum."
You cum all over his cock, your clenching walls trying to milk him of his own release. Your back arches and toes curl as your boyfriend continues thrusting inside you, thrusts becoming sloppy and uneven as well as his breath.
Once you finish, he pulls out, cumming all over your ass, hot white ropes of his release reaching all over your ass, back and some even on your hair. He moans loudly, throwing his head back as he presses his length on your ass. The two of you stay there panting for a good minute, soaking in what you just did before Toshi begins pulling away. He looks at his artwork on you, mentally patting himself and telling himself 'good job' before he snakes an arm around your limp body.
"Come on, I'll wash you up." He carries you back to the shower, once again going through the process of soaping your body to make sure you're clean before setting you down on his counter. You flinch and hiss at the contact of your pussy on his counter, it hurt.
Toshi kisses you all over you face, muttering apologies about being too harsh in return you tell him it wasn't his fault at all. He dries up your body and hair, letting you brush your teeth before carrying you to his bed. He dresses you up in his clothes and takes out your special kit- basically a box full of skin care products in case you slept over.
"I'll do your skin care for you, just lay down and relax yourself. He says, sitting cross legged on the floor as he rummages through the products inside the box. You look at him, smiling to yourself and asking yourself how the hell you got so lucky to score someone like him. "Do you want charcoal or a strawberry mask tonight?" He asks, holding up two of your favorite mask packs.
You place your hand on his cheek, caressing it softly. "I love you." You whisper out, his eyes widening as it catches him off guard. Toshi feels his heart sink to his tummy as butterflies flutter and dance all over it. He smiles, a faint blush across his cheek. "I love you more." He kisses the tip of your nose.
Toshi then proceeds to just stare at you for a few moments before looking like he snaps out of his trance. A deep blush takes over his face as he buries his face on your chest in embarrassment. You laugh loudly, asking him what was going on.
"You're too cute, I'm never sharing you or this side of you to anyone." He mumbles against your chest, making you smile widely. He turns his head to the side, eyelids halfway down, "I'm greedy for you and only you. Never sharing you with anyone, ever."
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kiridarling · 4 years ago
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thank you so much to @daisy-bakugo for letting me participate in her vice city collab! i had a blast writing this piece, and i’m terribly sorry this is so long that was a mistake (and congrats on 2k!!) also, the phattest of thank you’s to @eijishimas for brainstorming/beta-ing :) you saved me ☺🤲🏼
katsuki bakugou and eijirou kirishima | f!reader, time travel sex, guns, prostitute/stripper idrk!reader, tw!blood (non-descriptive), dacryphilia, squirting, spit roasting, d-penn, shower sex, multiple rounds. minors dni!
— 5k words (yikes)
"Say, Sweetheart. You wanna get outta here?"
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Las Vegas, Nevada. April 15th, Year 3036.
"You ready?"
Mina shoots you a look through the golden-lit mirror, wiggling her eyebrows. You roll your eyes and finish dusting the powder off your cheeks before rising to your feet and tugging at the belt of your silk robe. "My answer's the same every night."
Vice City. A strip club and casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, where opposites collide—the poor and the rich, the beautiful and the ugly, the smart and the stupid. There's no judgment because here, they're all degenerates looking for a good time, and you're just a pretty face with a good body.
As your silk robe hits the floor, it's kicked to the side with a heel, and you saunter through the beaded entrance to your private room and into the vibrating club. Giving your bodyguard a solid pat on the shoulder as you watch the sea of bodies shake, you complete the ritual.
"No creeps?" You demand more than request. He nods curtly.
"No creeps."
You give him a cute little smile and let your hand linger for a little longer than necessary before stepping into the neon red chaos of the strip club. Because what do the rich and the poor have in common?
They're all addicts.
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Surprisingly, humanity doesn’t kill the planet.
Mother Nature's still standing strong—though the sun is a bit swollen—and space exploration solved that overpopulation issue. Bill Gates taught us all how to avoid a climate disaster and Tesla put Ford out of business. Humanity is much bigger than earth now; we're no longer people of the planet, but an intergalactic species that still eat Costco pizza rolls for dinner but killed Cable along with cars with wheels. Costco still exists—Starbucks doesn't.
Still no aliens, though.
"See something you like, Cutie?"
In your defense, he's been standing over here with his friends for ages—almost like they're casing the damn place—but those ruby red eyes kept floating your way regardless, and you'd rather bag it with someone your age before you're requested by another seventy-year-old. The redhead blinks like he's shocked you came over here in the first place—like he didn't watch you sashay yourself to the other side of the club just for him. You suppose the name fits. Cutie.
He looks at you with a strangely giddy look on his face before he's licking his lips and swallowing, eyes flickering to the blondie to his right.
"I'll be back in like, twenty minutes, man."
The blond gives him an exasperated look and groans—his other two friends don't notice. "Eiji—"
"Twenty minutes!" The redhead yells over the music as you not-so-subtly pull him away. Your regular GILF looks your way, and you suppress the queasy feeling in knowing that at least you'll be able to fuck someone from your decade.
"You got a wallet, Cutie?" You purr as you two approach the back room. The redhead winks, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out the fattest black leather wallet you've seen in a long time.
"Don't go anywhere without it," he says, but falters when your bodyguard holds his hand out with a request for fifty bucks. "I—whoa dude, why am I paying you?"
"Because that's how it goes. The young lady gets her share," your bodyguard clarifies. The redhead looks at you for what seems to be for confirmation. You nod.
"Alright," he resigns with a shrug, stuffing a fifty into your bodyguard's sweaty hand. The man grunts but clears some of the beads guarding the entrance to your private room anyways, giving you two enough space to go inside.
"No door? That seems a little...exposing," the redhead snorts to himself before he's holding his hand out, despite the fact that you’re already nestling comfortably in his lap. "Eijirou, by the way."
You take his hand apprehensively, and he snorts at your confused frown. Eijirou's big—painfully so, and you feel small sat upon his thick thighs because you are in comparison—and he has to curve his back a bit so you're at eye-level. "What? No one's introduced themselves to you before?"
You shake your head, "Usually they just throw me onto the bed and get right to it."
Eijirou rolls his eyes at that, and you don't realize he's guiding your hips into a smooth roll until the harsh fabric of his jeans brushes against you in the best way. He moves you in time with the music vibrating the walls, "I guess that makes me more of a gentleman, then."
His lips hover over yours and yet he never advances, doesn't move to kiss you on the lips, nothing—it nearly has you buzzing. So does the hand he pins you to his lap with. "Are you going to kiss me or what?"
"What's your name, Sweetheart," he asks lowly. You give it to him, and he grins.
"Y/N,” Eijirou tries on his lips before he confirms it with a nod. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."
"Aren't you the flatterer," you purr, coiling your arms around your neck. His hand finds your ass and you're almost positive he's going to close the gap between you two until he says:
"Who were you runnin' from, Y/N?”
Years in the business help build a mask and you wear yours well, with that cute little smile as you cock your head to the side and ask, "I'm afraid I'm not following."
"Oh, I think you are," he says, looking you dead in the eyes. The gravity in his face doesn't falter. "Who was it."
As he stares into your soul, your own eyes avert to the sheets. "What's it to you?"
"It's nothing to me, really," he shrugs off his jacket and places it on the bed next to him before returning to his initial position—or perhaps, closer. "But I happen to find you real cute, and cute things deserve to feel safe, no?"
"In case you haven't checked, this isn't a very safe place," you scoff, removing your arms from his neck to cross them over your chest. "And I don't appreciate idiots like you trying to save someone like me just 'cause you wanna get your dick wet more than once."
Eijirou raises an eyebrow but he never stalls, "Oh? This happens often then?"
"I—" you falter, "...No."
"C'mon, Sweetheart," Eijirou tugs you by the waist and you have to press your hands to his chest to keep him from falling forwards. "You don't wanna stay in this place, do you?"
"It's my job," you defend with a huff. The redhead shrugs.
"Sure, but don't you want a little adventure? A little excitement in your life?"
"Like there isn't enough excitement right here?" You snort. Eijirou teeters his head back and forth, though the daring look never fades.
"But something tells me you're bored," he says with a near sarcastic face, clicking his tongue. "Something tells me you find the idea of something new exciting."
You open your mouth to respond but he keeps you from doing so, finally pressing his lips to yours. You nearly squeal in surprise but somehow, you find yourself kissing back with a passion you've never kissed another client with before—and maybe, just maybe, the idea of something new doesn't sound too bad.
Eijirou pulls away with a cocky grin like he knew you'd like it. Like he knew that'd be the catalyst for your response to what he says next, and maybe, he's not as much of an idiot as you thought.
And maybe you’re more of an idiot than you thought.
"Say, Sweetheart. You wanna get outta here?"
"Yes," you breathe, like an idiot, because you were wholly and utterly unprepared for what happens next.
Eijirou gives you the cutest smile, before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a gun.
He sees your expression change and lifts both hands, pointing the black pistol towards the ceiling, "I—hey wait, you're gonna be fine, okay? I won't shoot you."
You cower and he pouts. Apparently, this wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.
"I swear! I'm mentally stable, see?" He flips it sideways with a grin, "the safety's on."
You hate it that his comment makes you trust him. Slightly.
"C'mon," Eijirou smiles, reaching his gunless hand out for you to take. You do, albeit reluctantly. "I won't do anything too stupid. Just...shake things up a bit."
Shake things up a bit, Eijirou says, and yet the first thing he does is when you two exit the room is press the pistol to your bodyguard’s head.
"Eijirou," you hiss. Luckily no one in the club has noticed, yet, but you doubt their ignorance will last for long.
"I'm gonna need my fifty back, buddy," Eijirou pats the man on the back, and it's strange—you've always thought your bodyguard to be a big guy, but he looks rather petite next to the redhead. Your bodyguard reaches for his walkie-talkie, but Eijirou tuts, tapping his hand away with the tip of his gun.
"Hey dude, I'm not gonna shoot you. See? The safety's on," He repeats, flashing the barrel. Your bodyguard's eyes widen, and so do yours.
The safety isn't on.
"So, that fifty," Eijirou purrs, and your bodyguard stuffs the bill into his chest with a grumble. Eijirou hums, satisfied, and gives the crumpled bill to you without a second glance, too busy nodding to his friend on the other side of the strip club. A noirette from across the way nods back.
It's fucking chaos, as anyone would expect when blindly firing into a crowded club. Eijirou keeps a tight hold on your hand as he and his other three boys storm towards the pit bosses working the casinos with guns a-blazing, demanding they fill their pillowcases like a bunch of C-class thugs.
What the fuck did you get yourself into.
"This is not what I meant by excitement," you hiss through grit teeth as a terrified pit boss fills Eijirou's bag like he's a greedy kid with an attitude on Halloween, while your co-workers cower under the bar and pool tables. Eijirou sticks his tongue your way.
"This isn't the exciting part, Little Miss Excitement."
It's the steady sound of sirens that has your eyes widening, and the fact that you're positive they're getting louder. You catch sight of your bodyguard on his walkie-talkie, big body cowering behind the smallest trashcan, and turn back just in time to see Eijirou squint as he aims and shoots bullseye.
"That is."
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The police have lost sight of two vehicles carrying the four armed men who robbed Vice City Casino and Club tonight at roughly 2:53 am. Witnesses say they came in a group of four but left with an exotic dancer named—
The moment the blondie from the club sees you walk through the door, he’s tossing the stack of bills in his hand with a sigh.
"Katsuki, Y/N. Y/N, Katsuki."
Katsuki looks nothing but happy, and refuses to acknowledge your presence as he crosses his arms.
"Ei. What the hell did we say about witnesses."
"Um," the redhead rubs his lips together before wearily looking at you, and you hike his jacket further up your shoulder. At least he was decent enough to give you that. She's an exception?"
"Not a fuckin' thing," the blond grunts, turning to you to flash a tight smile. "Goodbye."
"I—wait," Eijirou skates until he's stood over the ash-blond, with a hand on his shoulder and the other braced against the table. Speaking in a quieter voice, he says, "C'mon man. The poor thing was practically begging to get outta there."
The ash-blond does nothing but sigh before shoving a palm into a pile of money to push himself into the kitchen—and subsequently further away from you.
"She's gonna call the cops," Katsuki grunts wearily from the island, eyes narrowed. Eijirou follows.
"She's not gonna call the cops, dude," the redhead scoffs at the outlandish idea. "You heard the radio! At this point, she's as deep in it as we are."
As they continue to go back and forth over the island, you let your eyes wander. It’s a penthouse, and rather homely, with near egg yolk lighting, high walls, and big windows. You can't help but think about how you're in a strangely expensive part of the city before remembering this evening's events. No wonder they can afford such a nice place.
You find yourself smiling at a particular corner with a frustrating amount of photos stuffed on a little glass table, one that contains a selfie of the two housemates in high school uniforms. There's a ring sat in front of it, one that glints gold when you hold it up to your face, and if you squint you can see little flecks of green in the red of the ruby. It looks scarily close to an engagement ring.
"Hey, what's this?"
Both of their eyes rocket from the conversation to see you slip the delicate thing onto your ring finger.
"Don't touch it!" Eijirou tenses before realizing it's much too late for that. "Er—at least don't twist the top."
"The...top?" You ask, lifting your hand until it's at eye level.
"Yeah like, the jewel thingy," the redhead gestures to the ruby—and you can't stop thinking about how it's almost the same color as his hair. Waddling into the kitchen with your eye still trained on the thing, you ask:
"What is it?"
"A time-travel device," the ash-blond grunts. Eyes still full of suspicion, he watches you and the redhead interact over the island with arms crossed over his chest and reclining against the sink. You frown.
"Aren't those usually...bigger?" Because even though it's 3036, time-travel is still fairly new (space exploration took a long time, okay) and all the machines you've seen are at least the size of a shower. And yet, this one can sit on your pinky.
"Kats has been working on some stuff," Eijirou beams and it edges on proud; you notice the ash-blond near blushes with a huff as you hop to sit on the marble counter.
"'S nothin'."
You stare at the thing in faint amazement, and Katsuki kicks off the sink to near the island. Lifting an eyebrow, you say, "You know you could get rich off something like this? Instead of robbing strip clubs for a living.”
The ash-blond scoffs, and you wonder if someone else has told him that before. "If I gave that to the public, I have no fuckin' clue what they'd do with that shit."
And you shrug, supposing he's right—time-travel devices are hard to get your hands on, and that's for a reason. If everyone starts jumping around in the time-space continuum, fucking with shit, the world will promptly and utterly collapse. Sounds fun, doesn't it?
"It doesn't work with a big time range," Katsuki defends with a shrug, sliding his forearms on the counter. "The most it can do is a few hours"
"Not that it makes this any less cool," Eijirou says with a slight bounce. "I personally think it's really fun to play with."
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "That's 'cause you use it to fuck."
You nearly choke.
"W-Well, okay," Eijirou chuckles sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "But also other stuff! Like when I'm really hungry, I might go to the future and take some of my fries. Future me's fries, that is."
"Or you'll try to take future-me’s goddamn burger," Katsuki growls. You flip the ring over like there's anything left to see.
"How often do you use it?"
"Nightly," Katsuki answers for him. Your eyebrows lift. Oh wow.
"It—it's not nightly," Eijirou defends weakly, huffing and puffing. "Weekly maybe, but—"
"Almost every night," Katsuki sums for him, giving you a little grin. You snort back before your eyes drop to the ring again.
"Uh oh," the redhead almost gasps, fingers thrumming on the island on either side of your being, "She's thinkin' about it."
"I'm not thinking about it," you huff, though your eyes never leave the ring. It's an...interesting prospect.
"Oh, you're totally thinking about it," Katsuki grunts, and you struggle to find where his enthusiasm came from. What happened to goodbye?
"C'mon," Eijirou tempts with a casual toss of the head. He touches your shoulder—Katsuki touches the other. "See what happens."
"What if—" you stare at the ring with pursed lips, fingers grabbing the ruby. "What if it's random? Or if we're not where we expect to be in a few hours or something."
Eijirou shrugs. "It's always a gamble, but that's where the fun is, no?"
You look down at the thing with a sigh. You suppose.
In one quick move, you twist the gem and screw your eyes shut. At first, you feel nothing, but then there's a sudden head rush, and you can easily see how someone can get addicted to this.
You hear a faint sound, one that could be excused as a rush of wind past your ears, before you feel your knees against a hard surface and your body in a different position.
"Oh, I like this much better."
You open to your eyes to a much different sight than you closed them to.
Katsuki and Eijirou look gargantuan when you’re on your knees, your back flush against the refrigerator and eyes watering due to the cock nestled halfway down your throat. You choke in surprise from the sensation, hands rushing to keep Katsuki from cutting your oxygen supply off for good as Eijirou stands impatient, cock hard in his hand and drooling for attention.
"F-Fuck," the ash-blond wheezes, seemingly just as taken aback from the position as you are. "Your mouth is fuckin' heaven."
"C'mon Sweetheart, don't ignore me now," EIjirou purrs, chuckling as the head of his cock hits your cheek with a wet slap. "At least give me a little something."
You grab his cock harder than you would've out of slight indignance, grinning around the other when it makes him hiss; Eijirou joins Katsuki in resting a hand on the fridge door for purchase.
You weren't the best at Vice City for nothing, after all.
"Shit, loosen that grip a little, will ya?" Eijirou wheezes—you don't listen, and his chest shudders when you seem to only move faster.
"'M too fuckin' close, where's that ring," Katsuki blabbers more than he grunts, and you lift your hand just in time for him to twist the jewel again, sending you three rocketing into the past.
You cough and splutter atop the kitchen island, chest heaving as you finally get the air Katsuki's cock allows. The head rush definitely doesn't help, and you find yourself getting dizzy enough to grab for someone's hand.
"Breathe, Princess," Katsuki says, and Eijirou lifts your hand to his chest so yours can rise and fall with his.
"So that's," you wheeze once you're able to get some semblance of a breath back. "That's time travel sex, huh?"
"Yeah," Eijirou says, a little breathless himself. "Addictive, right?"
"A little," you giggle, and find yourself looking for the ring again. Katsuki snorts.
"What, you wanna go back or somethin'?"
You flush red, eyes darting to the walls guilty, "A little bi—wah!"
There's a rush and the room morphs again. You would’ve fallen headfirst into a set of white sheets if it weren’t for the fact that you’re sat on Eijirou’s face.
"Hello beautiful~" the redhead singsongs from below, and you can't help but notice your bra is MIA as Katsuki takes a seat behind
you to run his hands up your sides to put the underside of your breasts.
"Pervert," you snort, though you figure you’re just as bad as he is with two of Eijirou's fingers deep in your pussy and Katsuki's hand on your clit. The redhead's leaving hickey after hickey on your inner thighs and you just try your damnest to not fall.
"Only for you," Eijirou winks cheekily, scissoring his fingers, and your hips stutter against his face when he slides his tongue in between.
"Fuckin' love the sounds you make," Katsuki grunts, before his other hand finds your neck and tightens. "And fuck you're so goddamn wet—you love this, don't you?"
You keen with a nod (and suppress the urge to say no shit, Sherlock), and Katsuki's pinching your clit between his two fingers, licking a fat stripe up your neck and chuckling when you shiver.
"What, your clients don't make you feel this good, Sweetheart?" Eijirou practically moans into your cunt, eyebrows folding when you thread your fingers through his hair and yank. "Bet that fifty was worth it, wasn't it?"
"Y-Yeah I—" you whimper, unable to get a sentence past your shuddering chest. "Guys, I'm gonna—"
The bedroom melts back into the kitchen, you're back in Eijirou’s jacket and not sat on his face. Your thighs and neck are hickey-less and yet, you're still so fucking horny.
"I hate you," you seethe, almost immediately, and Eijirou's grin is so wide it bends his eyes.
"Awe, you love me," he giggles and your frown only deepens as you reach for the ring—Katsuki snatches it out of arms way with a tut.
"Ah ah Princess, don't be greedy now," he purrs, but you couldn't give a shit about being greedy, and it shows in the way you quickly grab for it again. Katsuki passes the ring to Eijirou and it easily becomes a game of monkey in the middle.
"Give it—"
"I don't think so, Sweetheart," Eijirou says, pressing a big hand to your face to keep you from going any further. With a smirk, the redhead twists the ring, and suddenly you're full of him on the kitchen counter.
"Fuck baby, you're so tight," he curses behind grit teeth, sweat practically dripping off his shoulders in rivulets as he pushes your face into the kitchen island so hard it's numb. So are your knees. "You're so pretty like this—shit—"
You barely have the room to whimper, let alone answer, and you find Katsuki perched on the opposite counter, weeping cock in hand. The redhead chuckles as you struggle to take all of him, hips squirming as he aims for places you've never been able to hit on your own. "I'd stick your tongue back in your mouth if I were you, Sweetheart. The money’s a little dirty, don't you think?"
And that's when you realize your knees are elevated upon two stacks of green, possibly some of what Katsuki had been counting earlier, and a twenty swims in a pool of drool under your cheek.
"Oh, but I don't think you care," Eijirou grunts, shoving your face deeper into the marble countertop as his hips speed up. "Dirty fuckin' girl. Bet you'd do anything for a fifty."
"I wanna fuck her," Katsuki rushes as if his mouth moves before he can speak. Eijirou wheezes a laugh.
"What, I can't enjoy this?"
"No,” the ash-blond grunts.
"Hmm..." Eijirou debates, though his hips never stop as he gives Katsuki a look and goes, "How about no?"
Katsuki growls at that, and you find your fingers clumsily twisting the ruby on the ring that sits on Eijirou's finger, sending the three of you flinging further into the future.
"This isn't the future I was referring to, but I'm not complainin'," Katsuki grunts with a feral grin. You nearly slip due to all the water in the shower and you're positive that you see the sunrise through the window paint Eijirou's skin gold.
"I gotcha, Sweetheart," Eijirou soothes, rubbing a hand up and down your arms while your nails dig into his shoulders, the red lines jagged from how roughly Katsuki fucks you from behind. "Fuck—you're doing so good for us, taking him so well."
You whimper and Katsuki lands a heavy slap on your ass—heavy to the point where you nearly knocks both you and the redhead into the tile behind him. Eijirou's calloused hands find your clit fairly easily, and that's enough to almost send you over the edge, pussy fluttering around Katsuki's cock.
"She's gonna cum," Katsuki grunts. "Can fuckin' feel it."
"Uh oh," the redhead singsongs, turning to you with a grin. "Were you trying to be slick, Sweetheart?”
Though it's difficult, you lift your head, eyes swimming in unshed tears as you choke, "I—n-no, it's jus—"
You're in the bedroom again—this time your back comes in contact with a dresser, metal rattling from the weight Eijirou slams you into it with. The redhead supports you both with two feet planted into the floor and a hand around your waist, grunting into your ear with an exhaustion that implies you've got to be at this for hours.
"I know, Sweetheart," the redhead coos breathlessly, licking up the sweat that runs down your neck. "Just a few more times, okay? Hold on for just a little longer."
You sob, head thunking against the wall as you realize you have no idea where Katsuki is. Though it's only a fleeting thought because before you know it, Eijirou's dropping you to your feet, bending you in half, and railing you into the wall.
"Goddamn," he grunts, sharp teeth digging into his bottom lip, "this is—this is the best lay I've had in a fat second."
You pant a laugh, hands pressing into the wall to steady yourself, "Good—good to know the fifty bucks was worth it."
"Oh baby, it was more than worth it," Eijirou hikes your leg up as high as it'll go for a deeper angle and he gets it, his growl melting into a semi-chuckle as you squeal, thighs jumping.
"Fuck Ei!" You scream, and he's tugging your hair to straighten your back out.
"You like it rough, Sweetheart?" He pants into your ear, grabbing your neck for a better grip. You nod as much as you can.
"Y-Yeah—I—" Eijirou drops you until you're stood at a perfect 90-degree angle, "I need—need'ta cum, p-please—"
"Twist the ring, Sweetheart," He pants, resting his hand on the wall next to yours. It still glints gold on his fourth finger in the moonlight, "Get us there together, yeah?"
You don't have to be told twice.
Your knees dig into a mattress again as Katsuki fills your mouth. With his cock down your throat and Eijirou's buried deep in your cunt, there isn't much you can do but take both of them at the same time—though you're positive that's what they intended.
"Shit, me too." Eijirou wheezes a chuckle as his hips piston into you, his sweaty chest sticking to your back while he reaches between your thighs to rub your clit. That’s enough to send you flailing over the edge, moan muffled by Katsuki’s slowly softening cock. Then, with a devilish grin (and before the redhead can cum) Katsuki reaches for the ring on Eijirou’s finger and twists it.
“You asshole,” Eijirou groans, and suddenly you three are back in the shower, with Katsuki’s hips battering into yours as the redhead supports your weight from below. Katsuki chuckles before his grip tightens and he’s filling you with another load.
“C’mon Princess,” Katsuki grunts, reaching for your clit. “Come for us again.”
You choke again before you’re digging your head into Eijirou’s muscled chest with a moan, shaking from the aftershocks Katsuki continues to fuck you through them.
Until the room morphs, and you’re face down on the kitchen counter.
“Fucking finally,” Eijirou wheezes with a bitter chuckle, casually flipping Katsuki the middle finger as he's sat on the opposing counter. “Fuck, you're shaking baby, you gonna cum with me? Yeah?“
Eijirou batters into your cervix and that's the catalyst for your third orgasm. You squeeze so tight you think you may have knocked the wind out of the redhead when his chest crashes into your back, and you open your eyes just in time to see the kitchen melt into the bedroom again—in a time you all have yet to visit.
Your legs are thrown over Katsuki’s shoulders as he pushes your back deeper into Eijirou’s chest, both of their cocks filling you so much and so well it brings tears to your eyes. As your thighs quiver with an impending orgasm, Katsuki’s the first to fall off the edge, eyebrows furrowing as his nails dig into the meat of your thighs.
“Oh fuck,” he groans, voice fucked hoarse and lips bit pink. Eijirou nibbles into your shoulder with a gasp as his sweaty hand finds your clit again, neither of their hips ever stopping.
“Cum for us one more time, Sweetheart,” he pants into your neck before adding another hickey to the collection. Your chest shudders.
“I—I can’t—“
“Oh yes you fuckin’ can,” Katsuki growls, and you squeal as he tweaks a nipple. “I know you got one more in there. Give it.”
Your legs kick against his chest with a curse as you orgasm for the final time—this one much wetter than the last.
“Holy shit,” Eijirou nearly laughs, looking at where the three of you are connected. “Did you just squirt?”
“I—“ your face blends red when you see the absolute and utter mess that sits in Katsuki’s lap, before looking away with a determination to never see it again. “...Maybe.”
“Clean up?” Eijirou asks, eyes flickering to the ash-blond. Katsuki shrugs.
A rush of wind and you’re sat on the kitchen counter. Eijirou’s jacket protects you from getting goosebumps due to a drop in temperature and though you do shiver, you find your body much more unscathed than it was.
“Hi,” Eijirou chuckles a little breathlessly.
“Hi,” you giggle back, a little nervous but in the best way. “So um...we do all of that tonight?”
“I guess so,” the redhead says a bit cheekily, raising an eyebrow. And then, with a wink, “Probably more.”
You stare at the ring on his hand in awe. Whoa.
"I fuck—fine, we can keep her, Shitty Hair," Katsuki grumbles from his spot near the kitchen sink, and despite the sour look on his face, you can't find a hint of it in his voice. Figures.
"Told you he'd say yes," Eijirou beams with a thumbs up.
"Can we...go do that stuff now?" You ask, albeit a bit hesitantly because...well, usually people are asking to have sex with you. Is this how they feel?
"Of course we can, Sweetheart," the redhead beams, before taking the ring off to place it onto the counter. "It was all a part of the future, after all."
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zebbycorn · 3 years ago
How HSD and its friends affect my daily life - Abridged
Something I've been mulling over the last few days is how there are so many ways that this condition has affected me that I either dismissed as "just a thing," or instinctively found ways around. I'm still realising more all the time, but these are some of the ways that I've found it affecting me:
Wait… should we start with sleep or end with sleep? Doesn’t matter. Sleep is great. I love it. I do it all the time. Except that’s also kind of a problem, I suppose. I’m really just so exhausted all the time. Often I can’t sleep because of pain, which leads to even further exhaustion.
There are times when I’m lying down and it feels like my ribs are folding over each other, or like my leg is pulling away, or like my shoulders are slipping out.
Well FIRST there’s the MCAS and all the foods that I need to be careful about consuming. Some things I can only have a little of, some I can’t have at all, for fear of causing a reaction that can range on any given day from “is it hayfever?” to “my entire body is itchy,” to “my intestines will evacuate with extreme judgement,” to “anaphylactoid.” It’s unpredictable, often painful, and honestly demoralising in a way that makes food dull.
Then there’s the actual prep itself. Cutting and washing food can make me a danger to myself. My lack of proprioception and my incredibly fragile skin have led to many a nipped hand. Not to mention the repeated actions leading to some painful experiences such as aching hands and even elbows. When my wrists flare up, it’s a struggle to open a bottle or jar or packet, let alone grip a knife safely.
As for cooking - standing for too long in general is bad enough. Joint pain creeps in until by the time I realise I need to do something about it, it’s too late to stop the longer term effects of it. Standing for too long aggravates my POTS, too.
And standing over a warm oven? Even worse. Much, much worse. I get shaky and sweaty and dizzy. The world gets tipsy and my breathing goes wonky. I used to think it was low blood sugar, and would be confused when I’d get a normal reading on testing.
Personal care
In a sentence - I haven’t actually had a HOT shower since 2011.
I mean, I shower, obviously. But I can’t have the water more than warm, usually no more than lukewarm. If I have it any warmer, I feel faint and weak to the point that I cannot lift my arms over my head, or stand.
Or there are the times that I’ve reached to wash my hair or shave a leg, only to feel a joint slip somewhat out of place.
To go out for me takes a lot of planning, knowing I’ll be able to get around and get home, being able to prepare adequately.
And even then I’ve had to cancel on things far more often than I would like, because suddenly my body has decided that it does not want to cooperate. Because I’m in pain or so fatigued that I can barely think.
I hate that I can’t participate as well as I’d like to.
Moving around
Now here’s where I really get hit. I used to think that it was all my own fault, a personal failing, laziness or some other such thing.
Moving is such a huge part of every section of our lives. It’s at home and work and just out and about. We cannot avoid it.
For me, there is always a risk of injury whenever I am moving. Be it a rolled ankle (even on even ground), my hips or shoulders slipping out of place, my wrists getting inflamed and painful, my hands getting aching and stiff from typing or writing…
I can barely complete a quick supermarket shop without being an aching, slow, dragging ball of pain. It has been this way for many years, and I have always forced myself to simply suffer the consequences, to suck it up and deal with it. I finally have to admit that I am not coping. And I have not truly been coping for a long time.
 I mean, there’s so much more than just this, but to cover everything would probably end up being an actual novel.
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saintlevrant · 4 years ago
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐢𝐟 𝐈 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞-𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐩?
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𝑞'𝑠 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑘 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 — Use of first person. Crack! My wifi is down, and I can't do my school work. So, let's dilly dally! ♡
tw: mature language
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𝐎𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐫𝐚𝐧
♤ personal manager
♤ 10/10 employer
♤ gives random raises and bonuses like it's nothing
♤ also buys a gratuity gift for being his personal manager
♤ "I know it's not much, but it's a little something."
♤ and he just eagerly stands there while I open it
♤ if it's something stupid, on everything, Imma act like that shit is the coolest thing ever given to me just to make him happy
♤ "Gahlee, my guy! This shit cleaner than a bitch! Where'd you get it from?"
♤ his grin is so goofy afterwards
♤ such a sweet man, but ong he stinks after a game
♤ please, y'all know how those jocks in the hallway smell on a daily basis? it's that + make it ✨ sweaty ✨
♤ I'd have to wash his uniform and force him to shower 3 times to get that stench off
♤ hahaha he had me in the first half
𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞
♤ rice processor
♤ 17/10 employer!!!
♤ he'd probably want some help harvesting the rice, but me and outdoors don't get along
♤ mans does not ask questions after I tell him that
♤ the king of approving whack ass vacation days
♤ he'd let me stay home for a month because I asked and still pay me while I'm gone
♤ he also buys his workers breakfast and lunch without taking it out of our paychecks
♤ the best employer on the block
♤ worse part of the job is when he calls meetings
♤ only calls them when sales go down
♤ he has 5 people that work for him (the two harvesters, me, the dude that picks up the rice to deliver it, and homegirl that takes record of the amount of rice harvested)
♤ we sit at a round table and he, deadass, stares into everyone's soul
♤ "Sales... are down."
♤ scariest statement I'd ever hear ✋🏾
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐮
♤ idk, man. his receptionist?
♤ 6/10 employer
♤ don't get me wrong, probably the coolest employer out of all of them
♤ would probably try to drag me everywhere with the team
♤ bitch, I'm supposed to be at home managing your business calls, not out here babysitting a whole volleyball team
♤ swear, this dude forgets to pay me every other month
♤ that means I get paid once every 2-3 months
♤ how am I supposed to LIVE???
♤ really gotta learn how to ration that shit, ig. wealthy girlies could never.
♤ the pay day might be sporadic but he pays a shit ton when he remembers to
♤ I don't get to take vacation days with him, not because he won't let me, but because, I'm scared to leave him to fend for himself
♤ worst part is that he makes me clean up his house
♤ "Got anything goin after the game?"
♤ "Swear. I gotta go do some chores."
♤ "Does that mean yer cleanin my house today?"
♤ no, Atsumu. I'm not ya fookin nanny
𝐌𝐢𝐲𝐚 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮
♤ dish washer
♤ 13/10 employer!
♤ tried to make me a waitress at first
♤ told him that I'm not a people person, but he kept asking so politely
♤ I mean, homie is super hard to say no to
♤ so, I did it anyway. I'd pay attention to the orders, but I wouldn't talk to them
♤ other than me LOOMING over the customers silently when they needed a refill, I'd be a pretty decent waitress
♤ yeah, he automatically knew that I was right about wanting to be a dish washer
♤ I become the dishwasher (yessssir!)
♤ I literally scrub the dishes so clean that they started squeaking
♤ all the workers are thinking that the utensils and plates are going to break
♤ girl, no. them thangs have to be sterilized. there's a mf pandemic out there
♤ probably the most laid back employer
♤ he's the second most organized after Kita
♤ he pays good money too, and he does not forget to pay on time
♤ vacation days are up to a week per pay period, but he's nice about it
♤ paid leave is only when I get sick + bonuses are only for holidays and birthdays
♤ pick anything off the menu and that's lunch
♤ Imma be milking the shit out of that opportunity cause I want that free lunch to keep coming
♤ "Mr. Osamu, put it on god you made this."
♤ "Ha ha, yeah, I made it."
♤ "On my mama, this hoe bussin! Keep doing what you doing."
♤ the worst thing is having to touch other people's messes. ong that's gross.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐨̄
♤ personal assistant
♤ 4.5/10 employer
♤ the absolute worst one to work for
♤ does not care about anything except what he wants done
♤ you think that he can't be that bad, but I'm telling the truth
♤ calls in the middle of the night for stupid ass errand runs with no reason at all
♤ he has shawties
♤ and he has a bunch of them, like he's trying to be gen z's flavor flav
♤ he orders me to go pick one of them up and take them back to his house OUTSIDE OF WORKING HOURS
♤ uh, I don't know if he forgot, but I ain't his fucking chauffeuse. I'm the assistant
♤ but I let it slide because his shawties are really nice and deserve to be driven instead of walking alone at night
♤ he just ruins it though cause he proceeds to tell me to go pick up some condoms and lube
♤ chile, I knew that they were gonna have a lil seggs, but I ain't wanna hear it from homie himself
♤ deadass, I just bought some of that shit about a couple of weeks ago
♤ I'd go anyway though, ya know? for the coin
♤ cause he pays decently, not as much as Atsumu, but then again, he pays weekly (that's where 2.5 of his rating comes from)
♤ don't expect any vacation days, raises, or bonuses. you're setting yourself up for failure if you do
♤ all I get is a day off each week and a 10 minute lunch break during working hours
♤ the shawty fiasco isn't even the worse part
♤ when he has his old team over his place or just any company, he shits on everything I'd do
♤ most of Inarizaki are foodies, so if he tells me to go pick up some din dins for them and HE doesn't like it, he's gonna throw it all away and tell me to go get something else
♤ "Try again. This time you better not fuck up."
♤ and he be saying that shit in front of everyone
♤ whatever, g. I should've gone to Shiratorizawa.
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© gyecm 2021. do not repost or modify.
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years ago
Warnings: Too much cuteness , cute bickering , fluff , non descriptive mention of sex
(Coffee Stains Masterlink )
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How on earth were you supposed to know that the mission Natasha and Bucky had gone for would be lasting for over a month? Had you known that, you would have asked them to send someone else instead. Ever since Bucky had made that tiny confession the day he left for the mission, you hadn't been able to stop thinking of him. Especially at nights, when you went to bed at night, cuddling against the pillow that Bucky had gotten for you, you missed him. Your mornings were mostly spent with Wanda or Sam at the gym, where you practiced your yoga and a few mild exercises, while Wanda and Sam worked out their usual. It was almost five times in a week that you lazily strolled up to Steve; and tried to subtly ask Steve by making small talks with him on the updates of his mission, and when was Bucky and Natasha coming back.
It was almost 35 days later, and you stepped out of your bath, your towel wrapped around your now oversized body; droplets of water dripping off you onto the rugged floor of your warm room. You went into your closet, squinting slightly when you turned on the lights and sat down on the floor, crossing your legs underneath you, as your eyes started looking for anything you could wear for the night that was remotely comfortable. You wouldn't lie, the past month had been a horror in terms of you wreaking havoc at the Avengers towers, screaming and blasting at others because there was nothing that you would actually fit into. Worst part of all that you felt was, Tony had decided to take a vacation with Pepper now, when he would have helped by magically filling up your closet with a wide array of loose fitting outfits by just a twirl of his magic wand.
You were, however, beyond thankful to Sam Wilson. The two of you snuck into Bucky's apartment; to steal his t-shirts at times. And tonight was one of those days.
You stepped into Bucky's closet, your fingers skimming over the range of his t-shirts, until they landed on a soft cotton black t-shirt with a Captain America shield printed on it. You couldn't help but giggle as you pulled it off the hanger, running your palm over the print. You locked the closet from the inside, ignoring the rummaging sounds that you could hear outside, knowing well aware that Sam was going through Bucky's stuff again.
Sliding the t-shirt on, you looked at yourself in the mirror; a faint hint of a smile breaking out on your lips as your eyes fell on your own reflection in the live size mirror in his closet. Your hands mechanically moved to trace over the outlines of your seven month old bump, but that smile was short-lived when the baby inside squirmed and kicked your bladder hard, causing you to almost double over, gripping the counter in front of you. "Please stop my love, please stop squirming, I know you have your father's energies running inside you, and you want to come on out already but that's not happening for another two months buddy. You gotta hang in there."
You grabbed one of his loose fitting sweatpants next, and hurriedly shoved your feet into them, struggling to pull it as much as you could so the elastic remained at the base of your belly's curve.
You unlocked his closet, scratching the back of your head as you stepped out of the closet; waiting to come face to face with your friend, who had probably dumped the entire contents of Bucky's bedside table drawers onto the bed. You had least expected a dozen condoms strewn over the bed, and you were ready to blast Sam out for doing that but a sudden look of startle graced your face when you saw that instead of Sam, Bucky was sitting on his bed, his eyes exhausted and droopy, yet, a look of excitement to be back home evident on his face. He has his hands on his elbows, and he was leaning forward, and the instant you stepped out, he couldn't help but feel blown away, even more so because you were dressed in his clothes, making it a lot more intimate than he had imagined your first meet with him post the mission to be.
"Holy shit! James Buchanan Barnes!" Your hand flew to your heart, and your eyes widened in surprise, but soon, a soft smile broke out against your lips, and you could feel tears poking into your eyes.
"Hi?" He let out a soft chuckle, and stood up slowly, taking two reluctant steps towards you.
"Hi, Barnes. You're late." You smirked, taking two steps towards him, and then pausing to eye him, for any injuries that you could see. "Are you– "
"I'm fine, doll," he smiled, and then crinkled his nose in the most cutest manner, before mumbling in a low voice, "Come 'ere." He threw open his arms, wide enough for you and your massive bump to fit in entirely, and you just let out a sob, loud enough for him to hear it, as you waddled into his embrace, burying your nose into the side of his neck.
"Jesus, Buck. I missed you." You mumbled against the side of his neck, when his flesh arm came to rest against your back. "How'd it go?"
He slowly pulled back from your embrace, and took your wrist in his, walking with you to the side of his bed. He made you sit down against the edge of the bed, slowly lowering himself down in front on his heels and toes, looking up at you. "It was alright, we kicked some asses. Punk told me though, the not so subtle ways in which you kept trying to get information out of him."
"Hey! I tried my best. How can you blame me? I wanted to know when you were coming back." You giggled, toying with one of his sweaty strands of hair, twirling it around your fingers. "You're a mess, Barnes. And you stink of sweat." You smirked down at him, only to have him smirk back as he stood up, hooking two of his fingers against the round neck collar of the t-shirt that you were wearing, belonging to him, and tugged at it playfully, until you were slightly pulled to the front, a low gasp escaping your lips, "Barnes, you pervert!"
"Might as well let me take a shower, and then I'll talk to ya," he smirked before he turned away, his footsteps subsiding until the door to his bathroom slammed shut and the sound of the shower turning on reached your ears. You randomly grabbed your phone, finally deciding to text back on the messages that were pending to be replied since over a week. It was now or never, right?
By the time you were done with replying to all the texts, you heard the shower go off. Seconds later, Bucky stepped out, wearing his sweatpants, and a worn out t-shirt that looked comfy as fuck, the towel still around his neck, his hair sticking to his face . He pulled the towel off his neck, mumbling something under his breath as he started drying his hair, and at the same time, his eyes started darting all across the room, looking for something.
"Buck, what you looking for when I'm right here?" You looked at him, smugly.
"My hair tonic," he deadpanned, "must've been your partner in crime, Wilson."
You crossed your legs and sat back, your head now resting against the headboard of his bed, while your fingers stroked over the fabric over your bump, trying to calm down your baby, who was beginning to wake up from their slumber again.
"That's the reason for your beautiful, silky locks?"
"If you weren't the mother of my child, you'd be thrown out of my room. No one shames me for my hair treatment." He fake scowled at you, but you could see the smirk hidden behind that scowl.
Finally, giving up, he tossed the towel away, and made his way into bed, climbing into the blanket that you had now draped over your feet. He turned to his side, his arm stretched and resting on the headboard behind you, he kept staring at you. It was the first time; you realized that the two of you were going to talk to each other, ever since you were back.
Suddenly, the silence and the anticipation was killing you. You averted your gaze, looking down at your fingers when he cleared his throat.
"This isn't how I wanted this to go."
"Well, I'm sorry I put a responsibility on you then– " Bucky hadn't even begun speaking completely, you had already started hyperventilating.
"Yeah, can we have a conversation like mature adults? Without you trying to pick a verbal fight with me?"
You just lifted your middle finger, scratching your nose with it, and gave him a scowl. He rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore it, and began speaking again, "I just – I am kind of not very opposed to this idea. Of us, having a kid together."
"Am I dreaming or Sergeant Barnes is actually happy he knocked me up?" You unknowingly pushed yourself closer towards him, so now your side was brushing against his. However, before you could say something else, Bucky 's lips pressed against yours and a small squeal left your lips, as a reflex for you had least anticipated this, at least not at that time. His lips were soft against yours , his kiss gentle and carefree. When he finally pulled back, he swiped his thumb over your lower lip, "You don't shut up, do you?"
"If that is how you're gonna shut me up, then you're gonna have to deal with my sharp tongue for a lot longer."
He parted his lips, almost ready to speak, but his face fell slightly, and it looked like he was contemplating how to say whatever it was that was stuck to the back of his mind. Your smug smile washed off and a look of concern filled you up, your fingers tightening against his in reflex, "Buck, you know you can say it to me. I know, the last time, we spoke to each other and bared out our life in front of each other, it didn't go so well but I promise I am going to try my best to understand."
"There are a lot of what ifs in the back of my mind, I just can't seem to get past those," his voice sounded low, and weak. It was so sad, it broke your heart.
"Buck, it's okay. Look at me. You think I'm handling this well? Hell, I'm scared of waking up, and finding my baby taken away from me, and being experimented upon in any of HYDRA's bases, and I won't be able to find them."
His eyebrow twitched, and a sudden surge of anger surged through him, and reflexively his metal arm slid through your waist and he pulled you close so you were now sitting with your bump pressed against his side, "But Buck, I also know that this kid's got bad ass parents, who are never going to let that happen."
He looked up at you, his eyes failing to hide his insecurities, his fears that were slowly eating at him from the inside; making him look like a vulnerable child. Hesitantly, you reached for his flesh arm, coiling your fingers against his, bringing his palm to your swollen stomach as you let it rest there. You could sense his hesitancy, but after a few seconds, you felt him relax into you, his hand now firmly placed on your bump, warmth radiating from him, "What if I suck at this? At being a dad? What if my super serum causes problems that our child has to deal with– "
"Bucky?" You brought your lips to his temple, kissing him softly, "I know you're freaked out. So am I. And I know, this baby might be different, given your super serum, that I'm sure they are, no normal baby kicks like that Buck," you chuckled, and at the same time, a loose tear escaped your eye as you hiccupped and wiped it away, "the point is. We both are and we both will have to deal with it. We bring them up like any normal baby in this world should grow up. It doesn't matter that their parents are a freaking spy and a super soldier."
"And they will keep coming after them, just because it's my fucking serum running through their veins." He said, with a look of seriousness in his eyes. You knew he was right.
"Let them. I'm ready for them, they can try all they want, but I won't let them touch a hair on their head," you replied back, immediately stiffening as Bucky's metal arm came to rest against the low of your back in order to calm you down.
"I won't let that happen, love. Trust me, if they try to take what's mine, I will pull each of them out from whichever corner of the world they're hiding and send them to hell."
"Buck," you finally smirked, in a sudden movement as you waddled on top of him, pinning him to the headboard as he just looked at you in a daze, his jaw lightly hung at the suddenness of it all, as you sat on his abdomen, "I think my water just broke?"
He looked at you in horror, ready to jump out of bed, "What?!! Already? Friday– "
"Jeez, I'm kidding Barnes, I was just trying a pick up line."
"You what?!!" He sat up, holding you by your shoulders, looking at you in an annoyed way, "and what kind of a pick up line was that, Y/N?"
"Well, I think my water just broke, or was that just the effect of your words?"
"That was the most pathetic pick up line ever."
"Was it, really?" You smirked, as you teasingly rolled your hip, your core brushing over the bulge in his sweatpants, his eyes momentarily closing as he pressed his head against the headboard and grunted in a hungry way, "I really do think it had an effect on you."
"Come on, you're seven months pregnant. What if something happens?"
"Barnes, we're not going to fight a wrestling match. I'll be on top." You winked, and before the father of your baby could protest, you were already snaking your palm through the waistband of his sweatpants, "besides, you keep forgetting , this kid is not just a baby, it's a freaking super soldier baby."
The sex was amazing, and you were screaming out Bucky's name so loud, Sam had to knock on his door screaming his ass off that the two of you needed to keep it down, for he was trying to read. You chuckled, sliding underneath the warm covers that he usually slept in. They were soft and they smelt nice, just like him.
You saw from the corner of your eye, as Bucky sat up, moving his legs out of the blanket so he could slide his slippers on. You grabbed a mound of his t-shirt , rolling the fabric into your fist, "Where are you going?"
"To get your pillow, I thought you can't sleep without it?"
You gave him a smile and reached for his arm, trying to get him back into bed, "I have you to cuddle against, my live size pillow."
"I don't want to crush our baby, doll."
You nodded, giving him a sweetest little smile as he stood up and disappeared out of his room, and within a few minutes, he was back, the yellow maternity pillow draped over his waist like a snake coiling around him. You threw out your hands like a two year old waiting to be given candy and he grinned, walking up to your side of the bed so he could place it there.
Immediately, you coiled around the pillow, curling into a ball around it, and you almost dozed off, feeling Bucky get into bed behind you, and flicking off the lamp.
You weren't used to this, sleeping in bed, with James Buchanan Barnes, and having him snuggle into you, forming a big spoon around you, while you clung on to your pillow, and he clung on to your bump, his hand protectively holding you against him.
It was all fine and good, until your eyes jerked open in the middle of the night, and the loss of physical contact made you stir slightly in bed, as you rolled over to Bucky's side. A smile paved its way to your lips, when you saw him almost rolled over on his front, his arm hanging the side of the bed, all the blankets having been hogged by you. Slowly, you inches closer to the Winter Soldier, slowly placing your palm on his arm, nuzzling against him slightly, "Bucky, are you awake? Mhm, wake up, Barnes, your baby wants to have a hot chocolate fudge sundae."
"Go to sleep, woman," he grumbled, trying to pull the pillows over his head but you just nudged him harder.
"Wake up, I'm pregnant because you didn't use a fucking condom. And now, it's your job to make sure your little family is fed."
He slowly stirred , letting out a loud yawn as he slowly turned on his back, and rubbed his eyes, and then opened just one eye, grabbing your wrist so he could yank you closer, "Oh yeah? You could have asked to pull out. But you wanted to take it all. Said you could handle it."
"Fuck you, Barnes. Now can we? I know a place that's open 24x7 where we're gonna get what this bugger wants."
"Cant you have pretzels? I thought they liked pretzels."
"Yeah, that's old news, babe. You were gone for a month." You smirked and pushed yourself out of bed, and groaning to himself, Bucky finally sat up and grabbed the clock from his bedside table glancing at the time, before mumbling, "Good thing I love you doll because it's fucking 3 am in the morning."
You almost slipped forward, your foot barely into your slippers. Your knees felt wobbly suddenly and you had to grab the wall for support to keep yourself upright. Bucky's head snapped towards you and he looked at you, alarm filling him up. Within a second, he was by your side, looking down at you.
"you okay? What's happening?"
"Did you just say you love me?"
"You just slipped Y/N."
"Nah, that was my little display that I was shocked."
"Holy shit, you're so dramatic," he lifted you off your foot; bridal style, as he made his way towards the door, but you didn't let him step out of the door, as you lodged your foot against it.
"Put me down, Barnes."
He smirked, "No!"
"I hate you."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No, you idiot. I love you too! Now put me down."
(Okay, this chapter is somehow really close to my heart. I loved writing it. 😭❤️)
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