#alvida has the strength to not be scared of him and just slap him if needed that's their friendship
beanghostprincess · 10 months
Buggy can scare the shit out of Shanks if he is actually pissed in a not comical way. Probably if someone/he touch his stuff for his bombs or his personal things like books or treasure. The Rogers don’t do anything bc they had to feel the rage too once . Cross guild will feel the wrath too, but once buggy has the pissed look shanks is scared shitless
(sorry for my English)
I actually think this too tbh. I think Shanks was sometimes scared of arguing too much with Buggy because he could get really mad. And, from Shanks POV, I think the reason he got scared when Buggy was genuinely pissed it's not out of fear of getting harmed or whatever, it's just that he really feels like shit when Buggy is genuinely angry at him. And also, you know Nami's rage? I imagine lil Buggy to be exactly like that aboard the Oro Jackson and Shanks is scared af to confront him once and asks Roger for advice and Roger's like: That's your problem, boy, not mine.
Rayleigh: You're scared, aren't you?
Roger: He's looking at me with dead eyes like a shark
And Cross Guild feeling that rage has to be the funniest thing ever because they normally see Buggy as a tiny chihuahua, but once he gets genuinely mad I think they need to take a step back, frown, think "Mmmmm, not that bad" and finally do whatever Buggy says. I think that more than scared they'd be confused at first and then they'd KIND OF respect Buggy's behavior. Kind of.
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