#although I trust louis' beautiful brain to have better takes on this tbh I would be surprised to see otherwise
statementlou · 11 months
I think many celebrities are weary of showing vocal support for palestine because when saying ‘free palestine’ it’s taken as one being pro-palestine and anti-israel. For black lives matter there was no ‘other side’, you were just rallying against racism.
It breaks my heart that the oppressing side hold so much power over people even here in the west that many people choose to stay silent in worry of how they might be perceived or how it might affect their career.
That and it’s clear many artists want to keep their page free of political stance. Which I understand but also fuck that.
Yes, definitely, and I agree that BLM was a safe choice to speak up about, which was definitely what I was thinking when I said Louis won't tell you this.... And while I wish more celebs would speak up for Palestine regardless, honestly I do also get it; if Louis actually posted anything even remotely critical of Israel there would be a firestorm of articles internationally in every tabloid music press and probably big papers as well, OpEds about how celebrities should shut up, talk shows discussing how fucked up he was, conservatives calling for him to be boycotted on twitter, quite possibly even people threatening him on the street, etc etc etc. It would be a bad business decision (which I don't really give a shit about) but also very stressful and miserable for him to deal with which I have a little more sympathy for opting out of, especially having lived the life he's lived with so much attention on everything all the time. I wish things were different and I mean I would love it if Louis was an outspoken activist, but he's very very clever and media savvy about managing his public image, and while he doesn't totally opt out of speaking his mind and that's something I love very much about him, I don't realistically expect to see this from him; you don't get to play 50k capacity venues, as today's rumors place him in for upcoming latam dates, by making waves politically, and Louis is loving packing bigger and bigger shows, so much as I would love to be wrong unfortunately I expect we will not getting him ruffling international feathers any time soon. also I'm so sorry and no shade to you personally god knows you're in very good company making this error but this an absolute pet peeve of mine I have to say it
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